tgs e newsletter · 2019-09-21 · 2 mailing info changed? donna harmon (, 2016-17...

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Tulsa Genealogical Society

TGS E-Newsletter

September, 2016

Join Us!

TGS meetings at the Hardesty Library

Pecan Room

6—8 P.M.

Lighted Parking with Mobility

Accessible entrance.


P.O. Box 35106 Tulsa, OK 74153

Dorothy Becknell, TGS

President 918-814-1258


Dot Becknell

1st VP:

Carol Ellis-Jones

2nd VP:

Donna Harmon

3rd VP:

Karen Gilfillan

Sec: Jae Jaeger


Steve King

Sandi Ford:


Cynthia Barnes:


TGS 2016-2017

Board of Directors

J oin us Monday, September 19th, as TGS’

FGS delegate, Sandi Ford, shares her

experiences while attending the

Federation of Genealogy Societies

Conference in Springfield, Illinois. We

gave her a of events and classes she

should attend, so we are eager to hear all she has

to share. This year we have the privilege of

meeting at Hardesty Library, 93rd & Memorial in the Pecan room. We have a

comfortable meeting space, plenty of parking and ease of access. Our meeting time

is from 6—8 pm w ith Hospitality at 6 pm ; A fun m eet and greet time at

6:15 pm and main program at 6:30 pm.

Special-Called (Brief) Business Meeting, October 17th (following October’s General Meeting)

The Board is recommending a change in our TGS By-Laws regarding the

number of elected Board members which is presently 12 elected members to 9

elected members. Active members will receive a current copy of the TGS By-Laws

and an explanation of the recommended change. Please update your membership

before this meeting. Pay Pal is available on the TGS website or you may snail mail

your payment to our P.O. Box listed on the right. Dues cannot be collected at the

meeting because of TCCL’s building use regulations.

The President Comes Last!

Dorothy Becknell will present the President’s

Annual Report for 2015-2016 as required by the

TGS By-Laws. It has been an exciting year of

changes and growth. And there is more to come!

Meeting will end by 8:00 P.M. sharp!

I’ll be looking for you! BTW, visitors are always

welcome at our meetings. We are open to the public

and there is no charge to attend the event.


Mailing Info Changed?

Donna Harmon (, 2016-17 Membership Chair needs to know. Members receive “blast” email reminders of our meetings and other events in your e-mail box.

We also use e-mail to deliver your E-News newsletter. That is…. if we have your correct information!

From the President...

September General Meeting 1

From the President 2

“A Dream Has Become a Reality” 3

“Let’s Think About This…” 4

TGS Fall Programs 5

“Taking Notes in Genealogy”


September In History 7

TGS “Pay It Forward” Genealogy Mentor Program


TGS Library Collection, NSUBA 9

Society Stuff 10-11

Inside this issue:

It is hard to believe it, isn’t it? We have had a very

busy 3 months with society activities. We

participated in the Family History activities at

Hardesty; we assisted with the Genealogy Friends

duplicate book sale and contributed our fragile book

collection. The sale made over $1000 which will be

used to buy more resources for the Genealogy Center.

We finished our Genealogy Workshops series

August 27th with Fredrea and Carrie Cook from

Gregath Publishing Company. We got so many ideas

on how to share our family history. Our next series

of workshops will begin in January, 2017. Keep an

ear to the ground for the topics and times and


The TGS Board and Chairs have been working

hard this summer to organize and prepare for the

upcoming months of programing and fun activities.

Fall programs are announced on page 5 of this

newsletter. Continued on page 6

Important: membership

The TGS 2016-2017

membership drive began

in June! If you haven’t

renewed your

membership or joined us,

please do so now! If you

are new to our group, fill

in the membership form

on our website, save as

(your name.pdf) and email it to our membership

chair. Please use Pay Pal to submit your payment. If

you download the form and fill in by hand, snail mail

it and your payment to the TGS P.O. Box. By acting

now your name tag will be ready for you at the

September meeting!

Tulsa City-County Libraries do not allow us to collect

money while using their facilities.


TGS Members and Friends:

I am pleased to announce that we have another published author

in our midst. This summer, Jae Jaeger introduced us to her book,

Pathfinders and Way-Makers: A Women’s History of

Early Tulsa. It is a very interesting a nd histor ica l book of

Tulsa and 56 women who help shape Tulsa. The details of these

women, their lives and their contributions to make Tulsa what it is

today are outstanding and amazing.

Jae is a very unique, talented and personable member of TGS. In my

mind, if she had been in Tulsa during the 1920s and 1930s, she

definitely could have been included in this book. (Maybe in the next


You are invited to attend a special book release and book signing on

Saturday, September 10th, 11:00 A.M. sponsored by the Tulsa

Historical Society. (Address is below.) The program is Jae’s

presentation on first women of aviation Tulsa 1920s and 1930s,

which is just one of several interesting presentations which have evolved from her journey in

researching for her book.

Come a little early; grab a front row seat and enjoy. We at TGS can show our pride that Jae is “one of

us” and champion her involvement and support of Tulsa Genealogical Society. And of course,

support her in this literary adventure. Bring a friend! Get a personally signed 1st edition copy of the

book! See you there!

A Dream Has Become A Reality


Let’s Think About This...

For the past year, We have been sending the

monthly TGS E-News to many of you who perhaps

have let their membership laspe or former members,

to keep in touch. It is the Society’s main outreach tool

to many of you. We want to let you know we are

thinking about you.

But as you know, receiving the E-News is a

membership benefit for active members, those who

have paid their annual TGS dues. We realize some of

you are unable to attend the meetings for a variety of

reasons. We understand. But we are here for you.

I know many of you are members of perhaps

“home town” genealogy societies, yet you are not able

to make their meetings. But you join so as to “stay in

touch”. That’s what we want also! Please consider

contributing the $25 or $35 in annual dues so that

you are a member of our Society.

As a “dues paying” member you will realize the

many benefits of membership.

Monthly issues of TGS E—News via email.

Access to “Members Only” section of TGS website.

Invitation to all TGS programs and events.

E-Mail reminders of upcoming events.

Opportunities to participate in special projects

and events.

Opportunities to volunteer for committees of


Opportunities to network and work with others

who can share their experience and research

techniques. (And with whom you can share.)

Participate in the Pay-It-Forward-Mentoring


Entitled to one vote during a special-called

meeting or the Annual Business Meeting (usually

in May) regarding matters before the Society per

TGS By-laws.

Invitation to “members only” events, i.e. Annual

Christmas Party (family and guests welcomed).

Don’t lose these benefits! Many changes

are happening each month at Tulsa Genealogical

Society, all for the betterment of the group. We have a

hard-working Board of Directors who work together

to provide programming, workshops and events

which draw us closer. At each board meeting we

discuss ways to better provide the information for

Family Historians and Genealogists in the Tulsa area

and to support your work.

It’s not the money angle! It’s the service of which

we all can benefit. It’s the pride of supporting the local

beginning family historian as well as the advanced

genealogist. It’s being a part of what we profess we are

all about—Preserving our Ancestors’ History for the

generations to come!

We are the Tulsa Genealogical Society! The only

one! How special is that!

More to the point of this request, is to announce

that we will only be sending the E-News to the

membership after this issue. It w ill return to

be a membership benefit as was designed. (This does

not affect the “Friends of TGS/Professional Groups”

mailing list. )

The TGS website will announce our meetings and

events as always. That will keep “us” in touch. If you

have any questions, please email Dorothy.


September 19th

FGS Conference, Springfield, IL - Sandi Ford

Sandi, TGS’ delegate to FGS, will share information about some of the workshops she attended during the conference, August 31st - September 3rd.

October 17th

America Goes West-Steamboats and Waterways - Steve King Presentation showing the westward movement of our ancestors utilizing the country's waterways from Colonial times to post Civil War. This program will show the inland migration of our ancestors using alternative means other than the conventional wagon and train.

November 21st

“Let’s Talk about the National Archives” - Annette Corbell

Annette will share about her summer visit to the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

December 19th

TGS Annual Holiday Celebration

This year’s Holiday Celebration will be held at the Apple Barrel Restaurant in Broken Arrow. We invite family members to attend this special activity. Our spirits are high; we have tons of fun and it’s a great way to celebrate being a member of Tulsa Genealogical Society.

TGS General Meetings - Hardesty Library, Pecan Room 6 - 8 pm

(including Hospitality activities)

We have had such an exciting time meeting and greeting new

members at TGS. Their enthusiasm as to beginning their journeys in

genealogical research is inspiring! We are enjoying sharing our

knowledge and techniques , “breaking thru” brick walls and we are

being inspired and encouraged to “keep on climbing.” How? By

“Paying It Forward!”, our Mentoring Program in which members

are reaching out to others, Newbies and/or Seasoned. Now the ball

is in your court! If you need assistance in beginning your

genealogical journey, in using resource materials, or “figuring out” the

dos and don’ts of gathering information, etc., then contact our TGS Mentors - determine how best to get

started and where. Send them an email and the magic will begin!

The Mentor list is printed in this newsletter for your convenience (pg. 6).


From the President, cont’d from page 2

Almost anyone can sit down with a pencil and paper and start copying information, but it pays to be extra careful when you're doing genealogical research. Repeating research because you can't read or understand your notes is no fun. Following the tips listed below should help you avoid any note-taking pitfalls.

Write everything down. The am ount of inform ation you collect will grow rapidly. If you try to rely on your memory, you may easily forget or become confused. This also applies to those who insist that they will "write it down later", which often leads to more errors.

Don't use homespun abbreviations. Abbreviations are often confusing w hen you go back to review your notes. They also can lead to inaccurate information. Use standard abbreviations (b for born, d for died, m for married).

Record your sources. If you w rite dow n the nam e, location, and the date that you searched each source, you can easily return to that source later and you'll always know what sources you've already checked. It's helpful to keep a different list of sources for each person (or each last name) in your family tree. Many genealogy programs includes a sources/notes field for most dates and events that you record. You may also want to use a pen and paper or spreadsheet software to create a research log.

Record each person's name in full. It's especially im portant to list a wom an's m aiden nam e. Be sure to avoid abbreviations here; you may have more than one J. Smith within your family. If a person has a nickname, put it between quotation marks (e.g., "Tip").

Be careful with dates. Most genealogists use a day/m onth/year form at. The actual form at you use is not as important as spelling out the month and using the complete year. Dates can be ambiguous, you can interpret the date 4/7/76 as April 7 or 4 July 1976 (or 1876, or 1776, etc.). Writing out the month and year reduces the chance of misinterpreting dates no matter what format you use. Many genealogy software programs convert all dates to the style you choose and will also accept double dates.

Copy information--especially dates, locations, and last names--exactly as you find it. You can interpret your findings later when you have time to review your notes and make comparisons with other information. This is particularly important when copying down last names. Over time they often take on many spellings. In general, never change information to what you think it ought to be.

Take notes in such a way that they'll be understandable to you, or anyone else, when reviewed later. The hastily w ritten note often m akes sense at the time you w rite it, but can be really confusing when you look at it days later.

Write clearly. If you've ever read old records, you know how frustrating it can be trying to decipher someone's handwriting. Write legibly today so that others will be able to read the information tomorrow...or 50 years from now.

Used by permission


Please note that we have a new meeting place. W e a r e

fortunate to have obtained the Pecan Room at Hardesty Library. We

have more space, lighted parking area and we are Mobility Accessible.

Our meeting times are the same, 3rd Monday of each month, 6—8 pm. Door

opens at 6 for registration; 6:15 we have planned an fun activity for you, and

at 6:30, our program will begin. We will end our meeting at 8 pm and after a

short time of rearranging chairs to accommodate the room’s next group, we

are out the door and headed safely home.

Want to know more? See you on the 19th!

Taking Notes in Genealogy

Happy Labor Day!


September 5th


This Month in History—September

1 "Mary Had a Little Lamb" was published. (1830)

1 Emma M. Nutt becomes the first woman telephone operator. (1878)

1 Germany invades Poland, starting World War II (1939)

2 The Great Fire of London is started (1666)

2 V-J Day (1945)

3 The image of "Uncle Sam", a symobl of America, was first used. (1813)

3 TV soap opera Search for Tomorrow premieres on CBS. (1951)

4 Ten year old Barney Flaherty becomes the first Newspaper Carrier. (1833)

4 George Eastman received a patent for roll film and trademarked the name "Kodak".

5 Russian Czar Peter the Great imposes a tax on beards. (1698)

5 The First Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia (1774)

6 Cal Ripken Jr. broke Lou Gehrig's baseball iron man record by playing in his 2,131st game.(1995)

7 The first Miss America beauty Pageant is held in Atlantic City N.J. (1921)

8 Star Trek premiered on television (1966)

8 President Ford gives unconditional pardon to Richard Nixon for any crimes related to Watergate. (1974)

9 California became the 31st state (1850)

9 Elvis Presley first appears on the Ed Sullivan Show. (1956)

10 The Sewing Machine is patented. (1846)

11 The Beatles recorded their 1st single "Love Me Do". (1962)

11 Islamic Al-Qaeda militants flew planes into NYC's twin World Trade Towers and the Pentagon(2001)

12 Future President John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. (1953)

13 New York City becomes the capitol of the United States. I bet you didn't know that! (1788)

13 Chiang Kai-Shek became the president of China (1943)

14 Francis Scott-Key composed the lyrics to "The Star Spangled Banner". (1814)

16 The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, England. It carried pilgrims headed to the New World, to escape religious persecution. (1620)

20 Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Riggs in a battle of the sexes tennis match. (1973)

21 Henry Ford retires from Ford Motor Company. (1945)

22 The record for drinking Ketchup belongs to Dustin Phillips (USA). On this day, he drank a 14 oz. bottle of Ketchup through a 1/4" straw in 33 seconds. (1999)

23 The planet Neptune is first discovered by German astronomer Johann Gottfried Golle. (1846)

25 Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female Supreme Court Justice. (1981)

26 The Federal Trade Commission was established. (1914)

26 The U.S. Postal Service was founded. (1789)

30 Rayon is patented. (1902)


Mentor Areas of Expertise Contact Information

Dorothy Becknell Software, Computer assistance,

Organization, online research

Carol Ellis Jones Beginning, US Census, US

Research, Google, Ancestry, Family

Search, Family Tree Maker

Bill Graham US Research

Johanna Graham US Research, Computer program

help, organization, getting started,

internet research help

Jayne Mitchell All areas of genealogy research

Karen Cornish Getting Started; Adoption Research

Steve King Organization, US Research,

Military Records, Library

assistance, Repository assistance

Rosemary Jones Internet Research, FamilySearch,

Ancestry, some International

Assistance, Family Tree Maker

”Pay It Forward” - Be A Genealogy Mentor

Seeking Help? Contact the person in the above list who best fits your interest. If a topic is not listed which

covers your area of concern, please send Dorothy an email.

Library Research, Brick Walls, Genealogy Software: If you can help out a struggling

genealogist, please let Dorothy know. Remember when you were learning? Who helped you?

“Pay It Forward” Email Dorothy

TGS Members—This is for you! Are you new to Genealogy Research? Are you confused about genealogy software? Are you “lost” when

trying to organize ALL that paper you have collected? Do you have “a brick wall” you just can’t get a handle

on? Do you know where to search for that “specific” record you need?

We have all been where you are standing right now. TGS is now offering the “Pay It Forward - Be A

Genealogy Mentor” program to provide assistance in research. Below you will see a list of volunteers who

are willing to work with you. All it takes is for you to contact them, explain what you need and they will

take it from there—not to do your research but help you get on the right track for successful family tree

building. Email addresses are listed for contacting the Mentor. You’d be surprised how another pair of eyes

can maybe see the path you need.

Utilize this effort for your research. We have excellent libraries and family centers, resources available

locally and state-wide waiting for you to discover!



Carolyn Steele (Renow n author and TGS

member) continues her blog, Preserving

Legends, concerning a ll thing s even

remotely touching on genealogy, whether

stories, research,

or just interesting tidbits of life.

You are invited to visit at:

TGS Genealogy Library

Collection Northeastern State


Broken Arrow Campus.

3100 E. New Orleans

(New Orleans exit off

Creek Turnpike)

TGS September Board Meeting

Thursday, Sept 8th, 2016 6:00 P.M.

Apple Barrel BA 101st & Elm Pl.

Open to TGS membership

A second grader came home from school and said to her

grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to

make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little

surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she

said . . . "How do you make babies?"

"It's simple", replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add


TGS E-News posts current members’ genealogy-related business cards;

not as a promotion nor an endorsement for/of their services,

but as a professional recognition for/of their interests.

Grandkids! - Aren’t They Fun!


(jē' nē' fŭn' äl'ə-jē)

noun. The insanely addictive

study of family histories and



Let’s tell the world! TGS has a Facebook Page! To show others how special TGS is, go to Facebook and like our page. Ask your friends and family

to support us with their likes! And Share the events. Find us at


September - May

3rd Monday each month

General Meeting: 6 - 8 pm

Open to public at no charge


Tu l sa Genea log ica l

Soc ie ty

P O Box 35106 Tulsa, OK 74153

Dorothy Becknell, President cell: 918-814-1258

“Promoting Family History Research...Worth Looking for - Worth Finding!”

Newsletter Editor

Dorothy Becknell

Meet a Genealogy friend

at Tulsa Genealogical Society

It’s Time to BACK UP



TGS Chair Appointments &

Special Assignments: (Ctrl + Left Click for email address)

Communications: Dorothy Becknell

Finance: Jayne Mitchell

Membership: Donna Harmon

Hospitality: Cynthia Barnes

Programs: Carol Ellis-Jones

Publications: Sandi Ford Research: Annette Corbell

Promotion/Publicity: Karen Gilfillan

Website: Dorothy Becknell

TGS Membership 2016-2017 Dues are now being received!

Please use PayPal on our website to send your payment! Or if you would rather snail mail

your membership fees, please use our P.O. Box address;

TGS P.O. Box 35106 74153

Individual: $25.00 Family: $35.00

Invite your friends and family members to join TGS! You can also give a “gift” membership.

(Membership Year is July 1st - June 30th)

We’re on the Web! Check us out at

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