tgc online monitoring an overview description

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TGC online monitoring An overview description. June 2011. Outline. We have 1 ROD sampler 7 GNAM segments 1 DQMF segment We use Daniel’s TGC DAQ framework to Decode events sent from RODs Get the various TGC representations. GNAM segments. TGCGnamOverView (most of the histos ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


TGC online monitoringAn overview description

June 2011

OutlineWe have

• 1 ROD sampler

• 7 GNAM segments

• 1 DQMF segment

We use Daniel’s TGC DAQ framework to

• Decode events sent from RODs

• Get the various TGC representations

GNAM segments• TGCGnamOverView (most of the histos)

• TGCGnamHitProfile (checked by DQMF)

• TGCGnamTriggerProfile (for real timing test)

• TGCGnamEfficiency (working but deprecated)

• TGCGnamTracklets (not used)

• TGCGnamTimingAdjustment (irrelevant)

• TGCGnamPTthreshold (not used)

TGCGnamOverView [0]• Most of the histograms are at the chamber level, where we

project all the chambers in a sector into the X axis –

see next slide for the logic.• Some of the histograms are divided into 3 BC maps

• There are few more kinds of histograms

• Selection for hit-based timing histograms:Fill the timing histograms only if there is at least one hipT>=2 in the event from the same sector

• Selection for the other hit histograms:Fill the occupancy histograms only if the hit is associated with the central BC.

TGCGnamOverView [1]GlobalChamberHit (s,w,s+w)

For every layer in the profile histogram below, a

peak in the first bins is expected since the first

bins of the layer represent the forward

chambers (closest to the beam-pipe) whereas the

last bins of the layer represent the end-cap


Note that there's no strip layer #2. Therefore, it is expected that this layer will in general be lower than the others

TGCGnamOverView [2]GlobalChamberHit_prev/_curr/_next

TGCGnamOverView [3] Zooming on the histogramsdouble click on the pad.each pad represents a sector

drag the marker around the range of interest on the X-axis (as in ROOT)

In the zoomed histogram, see the exact chamber name in the labels that span the X-axis 

unique chamber names

TGCGnamOverView [4]GlobalChamberHit/HitRate

TGCGnamOverView [5]SectorBC/GlobalChamberBC

A bug in the “Fill” code was fixed

TGCGnamOverView [6]TGC-level

A bug in the “Fill” code was fixed Th

is is



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TGCGnamOverView [7]chamberOccupancy (RAW)

TGCGnamOverView [8]chamberOccupancy (OHP)

Need to gray-out

the bins of the non

existing chambers

TGCGnamHitProfile [0]• 3 kinds of histograms

– HitProfile(s/w)

– HitProfile_Norm(s/w)

– HitProfile_previous/current/next(s/w)

Selection for the other hit profile histograms:Fill only if there is *NO* sectorLogic in the event from the corresponding sector* this doesn’t apply for the hitProfile per BC histograms* this is relevant to ensure that only noise-like hits are filled

TGCGnamHitProfile [1]

• We also have these separated into the 3 BCswithout the normalization and without the selection.

• These were supposed to go into OHP but it was too much

TGCGnamTriggerProfile [0]• 3 kinds of histograms

– ROI number (trigger profile)

– SectorLogicBC

– pTthreshold

• Selection for SL-based timing histograms:Fill the timing histograms only if there is at least one hipT>=2 in the event from the same sector

TGCGnamTriggerProfile [1]

Need to change

the binning

TGCGnamTriggerProfile [2]



TGCGnamTrracklets [0]• 2 kinds of histograms

– TrackletsStrips/Wires

– TrackletsBC

• Selection for tracklets-based timing histograms:Fill the timing histograms only if there is at least one hipT>=2 in the event from the same sector

TGCGnamTrracklets [1]

TGCGnamPTthreshold(bad name) [0]• 3 kinds of histograms

– deltaPhi

– deltaR

– HipTsBC

• Selection for hipT-based timing histograms:Fill the timing histograms only if there is at least one hipT>=2 in the event from the same sector

TGCGnamPTthreshold(bad name) [1]

Need to change

the binningNeed to change

the binning

TGCGnamEfficiency [0]• Only 1 kind of histogram

– GlobalChamberWireEfficiency

TGCGnamEfficiency [1]

TGCGnamDQMF (algorithms) [0]• tgcCompareAllBins: bin-by-bin compare to a reference

• tgcKolmogorov: Kolmogorov test (reference histogram)

• tgcTiming: standalone comparison between the 3 bins of a BC

histogram (entries per BC=prev/cent/next) – require that:

prev<0.1*cent && next<0.1*cent

This runs currently on the *hit-based* timing histograms but it is

disabled (returns gray if doesn’t exist or black if else)

• tgcGlobalChamberTiming: same as above but done on the 2D

global-chamber BC histograms (X=global chamber, Y=BC). Need to

have a number of deviant chambers to color the histogram as


TGCGnamDQMF (algorithms) [1]• tgcGlobalChamberEfficiency : bin-by-bin comparison to a static

threshold and see how much it deviates (how many stdev’s).

Require that few bins will deviate from NsigmaThreshod where:Nsigma=abs(h->GetBinContent(i)-EffThresh)/h->GetBinError(i);

in order to color the histogram as red/yellow

• tgcCompareBinsToYAverage: standalone comparison of every bin

to a dynamically updating weighted-average,


• tgcCompareToStaticThreshold: bin-by-bin comparison to a static

threshold running on the *normalized to the number of events*

Hitprofile histograms (the noise ones). It counts the number of

deviant channels in a subsector to decide if the histo is red/yellow

Summary• Several bugs found and fixed

• Few problems with binning remain

• The hit-based timing histograms are nice but not adequate for a

timing test (in DQMF) – need to take the trigger-based histograms


• Added trigger timing 2D histogram (like in slide 17, can go in OHP)

• Working now on the occupancy vs. lbn histogram and on the RODs

errors histograms

• The TGC graphical layout in DQMF will be added once we stabilize

the DQMF with the new histograms.

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