tfcw^wtagsifc* book which 1 law ju»i...

Post on 25-Oct-2020






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"India -\<


•W HO DIED, APKIZ. If, 1|3B,

»v jons ontwnr.


AMERICA* BU5DAT-8CH00L rs'IOX. 11» C i u n n pnnr.

RMT«kl Urn**,,

K*Tra*1>i!?rnMiflrtn ArlorC' iamti . In Ih* J « I IMI , kf T l W W t f . Hi U * * IW th* AMrrWar *nn<Uf •

«. b™! M M , In ih> i V t C . IMra of t * * DMnkl OMtl oftfci fatUd DhMa«rf I '

Okjerunni, I tfkr tho liberty jf aradine ?°a » P"P>" »( ihii

little book which 1 Law Ju»i publuhrd. I rcjoioa (n DM FofJid of iMtUyi

N ieiy. I tin- little work I *md be thought by you

worthy of republication, ii !• pr rfeetfy al your •«•»-vie*. I thill ho thankful for iu morn extended

mtftdmi. Youra, with alnorra mpe r t .

JOMJT O n W t f i 71i fcU rmmmltlf <f iht America*

.VUniny-tthiv/ f 'm»i.

(Soma omiwiorii, ind n few Tribal altoratlnni ha»o bc^n m-wwary to wilt th«* work to the pa p o m of Uio American Sunday-acho-: l



T i n a little gir l ' s n a p e was K l c a n a , she

was bom U England,] December

17. I82B. S I H »'J» a most lovely liluV girl.

Every o H who know her, loved her. Sho

was kin J and g r n d c io every one . She wai

I nor s t rong ; she could not

play about upon the dtfwy graM. or in the.

rough wind, a* n i n e of ua do, but was

Always very delicate.

Once she had four sisters older than herself,

b'.'-nh-a her brotlier. She was the youngest

child (if :dl the family. T h e y were a l iving

family. Their father and mother were Chr is ­

tian people. T h e y laught their childred the

* a r of God, and tmin- .J iMtn in obedience.

] • 5


re r j moot), and no anxious

mod loo great lo be

bestowed BpOD thi'ir I'lulilr.'ii.

I l would hare mane you glad to i r e tl>i»

family,—ail together "'i happiness. Every

^ lo do. In *' i

work, or healthful phyM the cha I Wore pawed. T w o things made lli

—lov« ind obedience. Low ttught then to • •

a little ktndnuas was exchanged among them

every day. dl lull of • rm

Thua did thai Uula girl u d her

brother, ami IUT elder M i e n , Uvi

together around their mother. Hut w h e n UB

they ell now ! Ob ! Mtine of them are grmc

lo heaven. T h r e e sisters worn there before

Eleanor . N o w , the Messed Jesus has laken

h e r ; and only I U T father and mother, and one

brother and Bitter, are left. 1 hopt

d ingcUieraoon,—a haj ,

of her ill health, Eleanor"icarcely

u motber'a side ; she w i s with hc i

mother all day loi g, and she slept at night hy


Iivr modicr 's bed. She was never strong

enough u> go t<» V-l.

tilings at boi WT mutJier's g r t t i

- n j a bor in kaowledga u d love;

uuil m bar s iptcn it was a t w e e i e m p l o y m a a t

i .

M 1 ibal] toll you . without giving iny O M th*

eh ll»''- She li:id "Hi

El iza , about i. n v i a oldi t •••

whom she was very fond of; Mid I do »"t

very fend of DOT. -Hiueiimcs, oiid

sometimes sin; used ti> leach her darl ing t i i ier .

When Eleanor wa> only two year* old, add

E l i z a w u about i w e l " , — ' «j

•peak fory ' .-1 i_\. BHxi taughl her u» s»y

• m e e t . T h e y s e e d to s i i b y tiM

window logrihcr al ihr clow of day , and say

their liitln v e n a and h y m n s (o each other

very bcftutil'ully.

I should like (0 explain to yog the delightful

way El iza had of icarhiug hef little- u r i c *

But you must, first. remember that she did not

v thing which Eleanor was not

Jl I enough to understand ; nor did she read


A s wi'rdt in a drawling, sing-song way, ii»

moat ehDdr •!•! every word M

[f she fell ii. Tin* made E t a u u •nd then it was easy for her to remember it.

!•! read some little poem in hi I OWU

dJftincI way : Eleanor would look nnd It-ten.

iwo or three times, she felt

• uld remember -•••

Bliza would

road iba r o n e afain< •tomnog •omet ima u

lei her da»* little itatei pul i" Iho words she

I you would b a r e beard F.lira repealing tho

i rv now and then

Eleanor pulling in a word with a sweet and

earnest tone. I should like to make you

understand how this way of teaching would

' • ' • • • • • : —

- I think th« g&tlnriM anil lb* grace Which on mj birth hirtmiftrf.

Ami made me to IIMM Cknitian d i j i A Ire* and Iwppy chi l i"

You notice that some of these words are

printed in different looking letters from tne

I l l UfOft -ANNE*. »

., uiJ some

a • those irhii h Eli uu i •

• El " " ' eame io

them. Then yon mi l find how strange ii 1 I 10 hear lutlc Uleauor

learning her Al t in t , IU you n a y

suppose. B|I>' did not l-irn niuch at a IJincj

ii' learned longer jurer- , and learn-

• 1 ihi in mom ijutrkly. EUxa did nui keep

her long al l lesson, leal she fhould nuke u

wearisome. She did liol li.:/., llOI

•r ibea she would nut have liked i u

-\ 11 -1 when wr do noi lik'.' K> l i^ni , wo o n Tory

dull scholar*.

book which ibe loaned verses out

BGM booghi fa* I " S i m p l e T r u t h s . " Afterwards the learnt

from Dr. W.ULs's • ' DMfM Song*," " PoeiM

" Hymn* for ln£ml

Minds,"—and "Original H y m n ' . " On, l i jmn

which s h e learned when alio was three years

- ;«kc nf M V I I th» ramtflodie H t f

SJOIIHT iau*hi M her. l i beg ins :—

• Thrw i* hrfoni ibe «ky

A h M i n of joy tnd to»»i ABJ holy aUUraa - w I V T di-

Oo U thai world •(«•*•.

- T h w i . * Jn-^lfdlh*". * And fifii»»u»r pain*.

Wb*n. -inncrt mu4t with ilxlli dwell,

Id diukdPM. fir*, ami thaim "

• listened la hct moiiicr reading il.

»]]«• though! dial rflt WM a --iiin-T. and fain-d

m M punish h#r. and mud bar '.»

!Itd in II." Her mother taught

h.'i • faoatJMU Christ , who can ( a

.' gale* of h r a « n . Il m u pi***

n n i to !..-ltoM Iwr looks of wondrf.

Ii'jrncd that J M U I W M once a Hide child I1J.1*

h t i , and heard the rest of the story uiiiold-'«J.

—how he " c a m e down to be a man, «nd

dii--" Thus . silling upon hrr niothrr** km1*:

«h<* first learned lo l o r e the Saviour. .No

douui viiii h ive all learned tlint hymn . 1

wish that you would all think of it at much

•. * N \ E R . I I

imrdW. I bop* Ibai ye* -viii follow ben—'" 'I"' '1 ' "*"'' I1H' " M y rhiUtt.n" m thai " '••

AViicn Bloom ww • little babyi kei 10 «tng lo her very much. and

b a u d her »ister» singing.

Owe, wbt 11 ibfl » M ra J up all

sight to play DMOWC i«* l»-r. Tor nothing «Uo

could keep hat from thinking of [he pain.

From bearing •<> much iriu-ic. Klrnnor, as

you would suppotc, became very fond of it.

-She eonld Inun many tunc" liefore oho could

ipcak plainly, ant! when she was no! ipiim

r old. E H U taught hr.r t.

" Came. children. can't juu nw ana idl TIM wnmlm of Imanniirl 1"

All little children tuny lc.irn lo ijng if thev

plciwe. I know mvrrjil children who onca

could not ain? at a l l ; hut they lock great

pain* to Iciim, and now they can *ing very

WtU. H ( :IIOMCM how (jleaaant

it nuert h a i r been to hear Jaaoa " siniring "

h y m n " with hi* disciple*,—and how •weedy

the. cdiiMrrp/a v o u w tnuat hiTe sounded in

(he nh. Whefl thl ) .ni lo 'lie > • 11 'I . '

wiab d m I hud been inere. W« -iiontd » y

to sing n» J<-MI- did. and likr the childrrn t<f

: bm !-•: u- n manbefi llmi, wnea

.. God H-iili o n rotofc wc nhi>ultl

• ill tin- lime in <>nr heart ,

vrry fond of having other* read to hrr . Nhr

would li-trn nry p tvni tn- ly . ind any link

ntory iKnt she liked, •In- *lway« «t-!ird (o

ighi ihju her notfm in .1 iieo r- iran nol bu*y. ahe «wd i" ininj

• •ok to iheni. and aek tfh I

If iii-y ooald DOI iiii ml i-> !KT. iha ne*ti

teased (hen io do M>. She did nol •

JXHII l ike nome children because ahe could nol

• II i ' - y , Imi who. troaM grntly d i p

•way , and find for h e m l f some amuM-mcni-

waa very fond i

' when Eliza had fmi*hcd rending.

Eleanor Mroold I'll it n n r again in her own

aimplr u \ ,v . It was ahoiil Mr . Cecil iz-acliinn

hi* little child What failri meant. You mai l

all have heard the beautiful explanation,—

how the IJUlfl ijirl diil not like to part with her

•• a etraggte of bean • '

mill howi u li-i- ib> obe/aA end threw them (otfa tbi fin:, IKI-HI-.* ibg liad i'.uih in JUT

father*! tow and |Dodncn. I: wee a IWM

thin-.* t'- b a i" • •-• *tory.

loaf ill. Sin* had

for her lu-ahh uTaahMgp^rtO§, Nowi ihi

•I home nearly tWO »•• I

wa» nigh unto death. Kleanur won h--

- ring iVuin -in illiK-es, when »ho wan

brought down to bc r l i i ter 'a bodiido lo hea r

word-). All the family were there.

What a »i'l' Tin- dying girl

epoke BOIO" wordi of kindr-rn* and warning

a ,—words which t!n-y did not for-

g e t When ihc beheld b

prayed lo Got! for he r aloud. She r e n i n !- d

her of tlio litde Blory about faith, and \u-l ird

he r to repeat it. S o Eleanor told it lo her.

T h e n , whilf BhWIOr looked e.mie»lly upon

her. ahe »nid. •• Do M l cry lor BM I

T ; '• •

bar what I bare tooghi yoo. Attend 10 all that father and mother »iv to you. Lore them



aint obey llinii. Never Bay * thing that i i

not imp. Pray to Ood every day, for he only

can make you a good chi ld ." With many

auefa words nho bade her deaf Eleanor fare*

well ; and prayed thai she aoon might mccl

them nil again—a whole family in heaven.

T h e next day she died.

None can tell what Eleanor fell when l ; ' f

deaiest sister was toni from her hear t ;—and

oh ! the difference lo her '. Many a lime, long

after, s h e aal musing, wi th tear" in he r eye* .

Tlic hymns and tunca which Eliza hod taught

her—it made her weep lo hear diem sung.

Bhe *tal be ihc booh ol potvy it hi •!. B H M bought to teach her from ; and folded up tho

little drcMea for her doll which El iza had

made. She kept them both in a little drawer,

i»i tokens of her sialer's lore . Theae loving

sisters were not long parted. W e trust they

dwell together, now, in Jesus ' bosom.


OflAPTEB 11.

I TUI-O >'>" t l i ' l B t lMW nrv . r went to

school. I will now describe W you how »ho

learned to read at home. She « u taught he*

A B C BrOM Unit* ivory Irllrr-. «urh H you

mnv have used. These she learned very

iiio to bpjrin the

spelling, dmt puzzled her very much. And

it is enough to puzzle any hide child who

thinks about wh . t b* b Iqna ta f i

not understand w h y r a t should be sounded

dioughi it ought to apell ar-a-ie*.

Ami fTbsn tin- li'iiers 1 and o wcr

ihcr, (die thought it very natural that thfy

should be pronounced el-lo. Very natural il

WW, I have known many i-liddf-n, « h « .

| first began, thought, lik.- tin- Imle

jrirl. that spelling was a «•

Still nhe went o» widi it, although it was <"*

uilhYuli, hflrtlsW l b * did whatever she wM

tnld without murmuring. H a p p i l i .


Eleanor (omul out i way of U-afiiiiiff to read

•rithoot apeMing. N o doubt you wonder how ihi- ooqjd be. | t happened in this « 13 ;—

On Sabbath 0TCnJBgm, iho«e of id.- firmly

ObllgOd, ir..iii being UliWiIl, lo

n'liiain al home. li-cd lo<*»mr together 10 read

I jtn .Mr". Vfliincr. KUanor ».n up

to ihr table in bof UghflnqfTi .•ri.I WooJd k m

!il nol read

it i l l . f f a r i i t t t f --"i ;•'iin.l uiii ihe plnce,

U d inni o ' e r ihr l « t « l for her. BTBT] 0 M

round tlif table Kad a ? c w in mm. If you

tiiui been lb. I havf heard one

I iha other readinc tin- i

atid you would hHW

Eng apofl die page, and eagerly |ini< .

dial was read. She w u now, I m.v r.imml

ytm, about four y e u n o n d a half old. Though

•he could not read, alio aoon diacm

die m m w o n .. i u m b o r in

the Bible, In a little time. b y not looking

offai all, d ie learnt <! to keep bo? eye upon

aa it waa read. Win o

triad to follow die reader

from word 'o word J but dial w u vrry ilim"


cult at l i n t . T i m , she nuii--,-d, fir*!, tin:

rone*, and (ben Uir word*, until presently situ

know :tll the litUr word*, auch M ' a , ' • die,"

•to,* • it," 'to;' anil while die great word* were

read, "lie noticed how ihcy looked. O u e

• :<• thought »he would Like her verse

in t u n i . # n d read as IIIIIWI of it an idle could.

• id ail the short Wetdj u h u h i b i

knew, and her kind mother read all the long

ones for her- Thin m V.TV fta the

" i v vhkfa El iza found out to icoch h r r

pOOtry, Souii. Eleanor found dial the cuulil

read all die words which wen? repeated r e r y

.• had noticed diem ao mafly ttflMl

while Uiey were read, that *he knew (be

look of them. -Not long after. she could read

nearly all the word* hy herself, and in about

tfireo months' time «he could read almost any

Torse of scripture yridioul help. E

I very great attention to learn HO

quickly. If fhildren would always pay i»»

:<on( it would be very easy lo

ii almost any thing. N.iy. diey

would learn many things, l ike Eleanor, widi

out any trouble of leaching at all. 2 «


B a n yQ*a i " f read itie " Pilgrim*)* Pro

;::•-- What an inierOMing »ioiy it U !

Botfa e H U f t a vnd grown-up people find it

pleasant to hear. In the winter after dear

U "id a friend who

«:..« u-i iui , ; lir-t, ii—if u> n*ad "

PrognMv" aloud in the evening; •«, that all

the family n i g h l htlX. BtauMC Ml " |HHI her

liltlt: stool, by tin- aide of her moUier, and

• :y eagerly. When • Hide story

w n read, or :iny place de-cribed, she uaed to

try to make a picture of it in her mind. Th i s

i» a very good plan. I t made h a

very much, and helped her in

well. She frit rery modi for Christian when

he w u in Doubting-CasUc, in the puwer of

Uut cruel Giant I>e»pair. and when they came

u> die place when BopeftfJ foaad ihe Uy, •he did nol like to go w bed till th<y wen boiii .tale o u t ; aud when they were gone

quite elear away, and had reached th« Delec­

table Mountains, she rejoiced greatly. Do you

remember that part where Christiana and he r

children go to ihe Inter prcter ' i h o u s e ! H e

look l imn, yon know. b)u hii ' Significant


rooaW." »"d »hi>wed litem many iilUc iVitilt**.

) had to find the MINUliBg Of. ' ' i'

»•«• iboui •

nboni "UM bttfla ehickem" which * n i w the trough to drink, " a n d Vt^r)

drank "he lift'1*! up l»-r hr jd am) ajTM toward*

h r .n f i i . " These and the other nv» I

was r c r y fund of Ik

had (tut her into btfd, t i n would •omi-inins

h i b o u ;,iid 1J10 liitlc ehQd

would **k KIT IKttf I\.rni>. irbo » w three

y e a n older than herself, what •]»

wa* nKMiit b y lliPffl. You « e , «hc tried

very much to understand wl

I t » I I aboui Un» liuie tliat all were talking

MM ereuing. T h e y thought ihm

I A ... playing about the room. IV.-

•PiiUy her molhi-r said. " Wlirre i- I

They alf looked around. Then b)

Charlotte eaw w b m lh» w-v- Kleanor w u

under the table, where, »hc thoughti no eye

could «e .—knee l ing down to p i . .

Hrreou*in did nut till. i N g p o s i

girl had thought of •ometluntf. whilst she » » •

playing, dial "he wjfhed to pray to Jesus

Sf. KIKAXO* r a x t m

• the km-lt doWB i" pray. I do nol

icnow what the prayed • b o u t IV

that Goil wooM take b « io baarco, 10 1*

widi bei ' ' w u gone them.

O r perhap* "he had done •onMUfUj wriinu,

and prayed m bara lief i-in forgiven through

Jesus ' blood. Her mother minks dial ii was

for lirr dear sister Anne t h e prayed.—li t r

I win* wai i!i 'u ill. Some doya

after. she asked a lady. " I" it ax much prayer

when we nre standing or niiimir. s j when we

kneel down ? Will it do 10 linn

It waa plain, from

AM MUM of bar n i c e , that the thoughtful child

fell deep interval in d icw que»t:

• n to any prayer ,

Bvao from iho m a U e H I'hdd. if i i come from

a m i r . loving heart. Often m a in

:.. God when art are in ihc company of oihcra.

It would ho wrong lo make a i boa

do no, for tha i woiiM In- l ike d ie Pharisee*,

whom Jesus rebuked. lii such a case wa

•hould lift up our heart* to him, u d ha will

" h e a r in lieavm, lii« dwelling-place-" But*

whenever i ' ui possible. wc should come, in

KLI.-N"!. VAN.SEL 31

Uiv liumtilt-Ji way of J l . mi*, ii,v presence of

the great •• nferoi w h a J W

id you. my

dear children, alw.iy.-i la pray aloud. If no one

can bear you.

I should like, if I could, L> t bow yon J

picture of ilu* dvaw lnUe girl. I should [ike

to make you see her. She w ; u aow aboui

*ix y e a n old. Sometimes she would p l a j

cheerfully about ibe room, for "lie had her

i: H you. J|<r battledore

and shutilecock, her little dolls, and h e r d s *

fM "lie played wi th ; and if sonie-

j.>iiird with ullit'M i t a gui le of

1*1 bin]*, or Hunt the Slipper, •he

f njuved u v.<ry much. Hut she always looked

. sad [ fab i ilioJi:

mother would no t like it, i h e made n o ooint,

but amused herself quietly. Sometime* you

might K e he r in one comer of il»> room dili­

gently learning her lesson, and M

talking or piny could call oil* her eye* from

the oook. .Sometimes she would sit talking1

to Iter doll in the twilighi, or with her sister

Fanny Sometimes she stood looking up into

32 CLEA.Von VAWKtl,

fi lace, asking tome simple que*-

linn, or speaking word* of endaaring love.

V.\.< l ine* Etixa'a dr3th, sorrow bad a u d i

her mother vrry ill. Now she v u recover­

ing : and they iwo were able 10 go out and

Walk in iiie garden. Upon some sweet sonny

nutfimur EB May BOtt)—thia

Utdfl iinl.l JIH! bar DMSU r, Hai mother WM

generally readfag ihr Bible. T h e n would

Eleanor come lovingly, and put her hand into

her mother's arm ; and show, by her earncat

look*, how much she wished her to read aloud,

thai "he abo micht hear the Ueaaad word of God, So tin \ read together. and talked about

loved the Bible. One day , about

this lime, t h e asked hai were

her fjvourik- c lupt ' n II. : -:u wished to

know which she liked best. Eleanor showed

he r these two, John vi. and U.oih hf« T h e

first is that one in which Jt-su* f a y s , — " I

n:» tin Bread of I.itV. He tlint rouieth to

me shall never hunger, and he thai

on me shall never thirst ." T h o oilier begin*,

— " Ho ' . every one thai thirsted), x»me ye **>[

II ) UtOM UUUBfc '£11

m i e n I mid hr l!.'I halli DO iii«ni<y.

rotfie ye. buy and - buy " l i l n i i i l

Mic Mkod ln f imithrr t" I I n i meant by " hungering ami i l i inii iug

far ri<.'htcon»no.««." 1' - nttub

I to hate God's ble*»i"s» as i | . of tin-

vbo Hanoi invhini yon. A#k ..:, holy ,-,! Usu i .1. l i e wil l

pve you lo IMte of the wait r of life. Itui il WonU bftir - m| lot

well lo go out, »he wan taught, from p tumf Scr ipto* •

or one of her oisteni r*nd to her from ibfl Bible. 1 wil l tell you wnw of the Scripttr*

i to i iM -In- waa mot) plotted lo hi ir. Thi re r-t thai beautiful bbioty (rf .'•

which you an* alt fond of. You will (intl

ii in Oaaeati xxsr i i . to tiru. Chen came toriw, of Moses in ihtj

and ilte burning bush,—and the l'lai;ut.t oi

is du - I.—and Itrac! eneampetl in the wilder

11 n.nN- ' i : r j u r i r a .

new,—njid die manna fmUi E*<J. B- to s»i. Nexi , (be tfonderfU nr-

• •inni of Elijah thr Prophet, b m

-ho» b rribly hi rebuked thr priests of Baal OB Minim ( V m r l ; and (lie story of ihe poor widow with her " hand-ful of meal in A barrel* and n little oil In » eruisc"—-wiili ihni other of the Huh- rxpiivo

ally delighted her. They arc all in die chapters from I Kings xvi i . to 2 King* v. T i m t would in] ;o cell Iww many question* •lie asked'-' I ' - . and how often

•he wonld have ihrm read to htr. '' '•••n on the sabbath day, lounging

aboiii in Idleness or looking out of the window. When she- was not told what to dOi

10 do for l ierwlf. l i e f bag o f l i t d * f ivotir i le books, her Hymn- , and Traets, mid

* wera t l f r l y l at band,—a nevcf failing •onree of plensore. Thi hours of the snbhath day,—ihey were not dull

-ume to her-When fhe was well enough to go to lh»

house of CJod, i t cannot be told how glad


•lift «-!•• Could you have Walcbl A

would have wondered to ace hmr awWlIy she

IN hymn.—how null and Uiou^hl-

lul ibe * ! • >l linn- of rending and prayer,—

ii\ed her itHBlioO wheffl

began. She did not look abouL S h e did no t

sleep in the house of God. Bui yon n i f U

have aeen her countenance changing* Some­

time* it « M bright with joy . S o m e t i m e Ihfl

l ean filled her eye*. Soinelimca ahe looked

down, M though there w i Aomething lha did

not understand, Or else KMH eboj

which the wan ireaaarinc m It. i iii.iin.rv.

When she come home, she t ivi! lo help b t r

door motlwr lo reracmt*r die nermnfl, ond to

write down the "heudV* of it. Hew inuc.'i

happier "be rmi*i haw baan at ohnren than

--luiiircn « bo bebava badly there, 11 morning* die minuter used to " e x p o u n d " or

explain parte of Scripiun

dta of lilde Samuel, who was awalened b y

(iod, who called to him. a t b

night, in the Temple . And at another lime

ho kdd of Uiat litde Hebrew m.ii.i *.i> area


M IUANUR r u n

HO it-( Mil to Naaman, ilic Syrian,—ttie Hm«

Hory which she w u so fond of • ' b&fch

These greatly pleased hor, Mil

• lo her mollier, when ihcy were

In iiio week after. H> tell what

she heard I n I •abhath, and 10 show h o * well.

•ho n*ni>iubercil ii.

In Marcli, l»:t.'p. when she wan in her

| >r. alio w u taken very HI. and for

•bottl t » o weeks she lay almost !•

S h e was scarcely able to think, ami m i d not

v thing but p i i n . W b e o ahe V H re-

HH - ibbalfa Sffodnr, MM wished to

ibe dressed; as a Hide change from die weary •

hcd. Hut she could not sit j i p , so she w u

-laid outside npon the bed. In :)

she asked her mother to take her upon her

knee, and to let die servants com? up. and

all who were J l home, lo read in her room.

hub ul of down s l a in . So they all came into

the siclf chamber, and sat around to read lb*

Bible. as I told you they used to do. She \

ehosc a hymn for her mother lo read- It be*

.p ins :—


• AtmtjttJ t M ( ' " " ' rv ill. Qui euro mo. if i< I* ihjr will. F « Ihou OMM i«l«- «w»J mi. p»in, AaJ make n>r MiVOf »nil «»ll •f»in."

, in Klll i lH Bui

she * » >" wrat :' I treadniMiy

vcrac*. When »be became a little stronger

I to keep & book I.

pillow, that Hlit? mijrht read HI AH

an coon iu KIIB awoke. Anil one oj

' OH oiiMi.ili »inyn. w u to wfitr

i!"\vn. mil of tin- liili]'-. llii- u-*t- |

piiipra hail heard preached from ihm day.

About six months afar . IMT - I - I - - l o M

i u> l>r. Waller, and went lo live

Amu-wan hut «MMI ihjin Shi

hid been w bat Kba • ipotfw< and since InJo jfirl had e]i .

: bar many Sorij spoke to her about her soul ; »o that -In- M i

the Iota of her sister r*ry much. But alia

used to « rile little letters to her. out of h «

'. and Blip them into somP pared

thai wan going to l/ondon. How pleasant i '

28 ' I > V\On VANNT.R

•rm -1 h*r« been for her ruter to receive

i l i .- in! lvirh" in the next y n r . when Mr*. Waller

•iy ill. Eleanor r*ni her • letter lull of

texts of Scripture, &ml She

»nii i|io-c which she ili.iui.-Iii would fumfoit

: if *j-lrr in b«r lllnc**. A ft'W dnyi

ago her mother discovered amonf^ ton

I ir'o. which i n

written lo the same t i l ler . I will ibow

• n of it. because it is a very rhild-liko

-implc h'tter, ami may tempt wmB of you 10 |

b y letter writing. It i t written in large let* ,

ier~, »ii!i .i pencil, sh*. had ruled lii

write iijMiit. T i n - ll ill*' l e t te r :—

••April M, 1830.

"Mr mua A im, " I ihinfc you will he mrpr i -ed lo h r a r that

I thinV more of relipon than I used in do. I

ihould like to know whether you eror noticed

the 5 chap. Matthew, ami 10 ehap. J..*,- . nd

65 chap, of , and the 40 chap. 1) .

i nd the 1- psalm, and ll^e I I chap . J o h n .

( f.i;A\OR VANMCX. X I

M t u Children catne to lei friday afternoon.

I nerer thought ao much of ivUgioq (ill the 3

April. I hope I "hall go to cliurch oti 6tu>

J a y .

•' 1 remain your affectionate -


You ace thai the h.u left a word out in one

place. I have no cloubi that aba m a u l 10

write ihc « [tWM one of

the worda which »he could not write o r spell

very d a i l y . She uaed (o loare » apace for

• . nm), w h m h«r mother w u not

b u y , she would get her to write them on •

o f M M t i b t h e h T h e n ahc would

take1 the lnuV piee* of paper, f id lay it abovr

imiMd **> write, :itnl copy it m y

carefully. But I auppoM ahc WM

•end the letter off in a hurr)*t and bad not

lime to Writ! tin- word. Eleanor had a little lead pencil in her bog.

61m u-ctt in mark with it in her own hooka

those irordj and •"Qlcncea which made her

3 '


lliink IDMU I have «eeri a great unn y of her

nnrk». I

won!" which wore undrrlined. T h e y were

iheMf—" liufDTial too l . " Your eoul, yoU

. it within y,iu which think.* and

Aula, lmmon. i l . meant that ii will nevarbjfl

—that* when your hands anil feci, and a l l '

your body a n mouldering in tiwgi •Ool Mill l i re f o r c r e r . O h ' iry :<> tliink, gj

Eleanor did, you havf an I H M " ,

Witii n e a iboafhti :u* ihebe w w thi« dear

ebJM employed. w h r n llirrr BUM, one d a y , «

nieiaenger in ha-*te. l i e "aid tint Mrs. Wal -

, -r WBJ put into !%

earriagp with her raotTicr, ami all of thr family

who were at homo. It tvas niphi , and they

travelled very fast, because they wished W

- • • i l t ' r Anne once more before "he died-

O h ! whal a moiirnftil journey aRU lha l l

1 • ]»il London juet in time for the

mother to look Upon he r dyinr; daughter{ hul

William. n.nrf Fanny, and Eleanor " w their

•Irnr yi-i'r no more alive. T h e y saw her

when »he w a i dead There lay her pale,

I.I.I.I.MIR t A N N H ,

m i l l in ly . but her spirit was in heiron.

Whan KImuor »UKHI that , I dan

1 tint Anne » M eon* very for away.

—"ao I'n-ai M*m.« the diBlanco between life

mi J uc J i l i ."



Now. n ' ) 'dear little frietids. I wiiOivou could

all come found DM I" H i" Kf Mudv. How

m a n y quciUon* you would a*k about dear Eleanor ! ami how pleased I should be to an

s'vet iiinii I Tin* o u n o t ba] hut mill ii ia

ml fat m i to fancy thai \ . m on]

pet*, and to think what QW

a*k. I con iinagvie\*oiiit' liiu> »irl faying .—

h EM, ?ir. Irll U how -'

10 Write4 had she to show a<

" A n d what made he r so forward as to write le t ter*!" says another dipuchlful chi ld: " lor

I can write in a copy-book. hat I am sure I

could not write a letter withnui

h e l p . " And aomc boy exclaim*.—•• Mow

could she write, without knowing how to

»;>rll ! She must hare learned lo spe l l . "

These , and many other questions. I think 1

hear you ask I shall try to answer ihem all


Wlii-u B J c u o t wa» altoul live years old,

•'ie i n uughl to iv H of mark*. 1 HI thr ) .niiiv, ,nd t l i .n travelling

audit pot -1 "!,,i» '" '"'* ' • nf »hu was eight year* old, and no

• '!':•' ' li-r 10 ffrifc ; but •he liul

learned l>y herself. Her mother or t i t te rs

would write word* fur her on pieces of paper ;

tad .-in, with bet pencil, wodH oopy ihua close undcrncjih. Tin* WW htf -utiusc-nuin. \ \ •

any of her little friends, she told her mother

what she wanted u» my. !!• r DM

write down itt large letter* |u-i what Eleanor

r.iid. T h e n !•!!• .inn: uoiihl n a b

I,if own pieee nf |U|>er, aud RBOd

Ihe little [head. 8o*byoAefl •Jiiu-: III this way , alic came to write with hrr pencil

v.TV will ; uiul, Bl llii' nUH m m .

•!-t> 10*11 die WO)

WIOM, without hat ing taken any trouble. She

nUd write battel with • pi ion difficult. Bui.

before aba died* ibi write wun pen cud mk. Her falter kindly

34 r.Lt<\»x m o u n t

bnghi her. I b a n -i >i» aoraa of bcr writing, which was MT> m i . Hut you could M «

I ; . i l . thin band to tri mill.'.

In writing little laUan "he had great prso-[)--r. [.a .ill iha ohOdyu i round, of mi (ivetini].'. mid write Uula notes, and vend them ueros* the mM. iu dufa mother.

write lo idem kind answers back beam. winch t iny loved to rend. KteatfOC

i l l ' i ;o: \ i r j - i

and aa soon as she had (bought of •"•>' thing, • l u wrote it down JUst aa she would ha*a •aid it.

1 b a n told you thai she could #pcll a greal number of words from fri-tj iuiii ly writing Ihenii M l thtrr remained many tang add li.inl word-, irfafafa WfM always dilhVull

- <uie la a dilli.-ulty. :M give up. A » l o n ^ a s i l

easy you may often we what pleasure ihoy taka in i t ; hut as soon as i t begins lo c.dl for trouble and pains-taking, then vou may afatch how tln-ir foiinuiianri 's fal l . They grow in-iiit'ii-t n r a d listless, Soon iliey an idle. Thef

i i | M M UfUBJB. S3

,:.\ tii \ . I . . M>| |0H Ihr la»k. What | pi t ] il ,*: F n ii i i " y hid MM ffvm up » the tlr*t

hi v iiiii'iU haviJ conquered all tile o f t e n , I have known other children, win). whpn ihey lu i l auim Untie difficult \o do, !•.•• came twice u attentive w hcfore. twice A

•. i j ro a« determined l Smiii .hildreii cjnuol bear lo lake pain*. They would not learn a game of pfaj ,1 u DAM murli t W n l o i H i " there are other* who dflljghl to "L i ke pa'ma." They find ihat i« the pleminieal way. They "take pain*"

They have a habit of, d.-.

• DO (rouble lo litem to ' 'L ike p: i im." | l

w.i» tli i* £0od habit which helped to make

• BboBlfoJ and happy. •

• illt " I Onn reaa lload very "lowly, #%fil the otliera vrrote th« word* which were read. When they h id finished. all their writing w » looked over, to «ee i te l they had applied the word* propwfo Thw i t the heat way of learning 10 apell.

IB* thai fthc could not apell wel l , ao *lie took paitu to '^ *» *Jie tried to imi-

80 BLrANon rtxicia.

toiP her mien. She look a l in

to herself n!«njl a line of" it.—then -Inn tho

book. nnil wrote as corrMtr j u she •

M irdl she would look al the book

to find out what words were wrom:h

8h« ondfrauufci . iint .»U-might h k a notice of them again. I have seen many

of ihOH pt-ucil marks in a book which she .

used for the purpose. T h u s she went «

taking pains to learn. Could not some of

you teach yourselves to -

H e * I B0iag 1" MU \o i ' HUB? T''i

which I should not tell you If I did not |l

thai yon loved Klnnor . W e like, ydfl knnw,

to bo told every little thing about one wc lo

From four year* of age, il had h •

Iter :iiii"-'iin'i)i- lo play litlh' t un ' - . srilh una

hand, upon the piano. Heforc Anne'* death,*"] her kind and gentle sister Mary fa ro her M

few music lessons, and a most loving attentiv*,]' pii|-J was E leanor : but Anne'* death and

M - illness! (for Mary became ill as soon

as Anne was gone} prevented her l eamtOQ much *i time. This , with a few tuont '

bmsoni* a vear after, was all the inftrucliosi $

. I J


• .

* •


38 1 » S M .1

Sola *to4Mfl meeting, aiil .

I 1 • lu-pt,—how

would MOO « u thai order » u

liule copbovd where hrr hooka nil rarrfully amngod on the thrlf ; or might h a " : Bon>' up su in i . to •••

•t hack into itn own prop.

. finlilnm, ihl tord

Vhaviour 1 thai.

; i • i

She did ii •Oonll) I. Sometime* when «hc u


I drank lea

i i

. tiinee, »fie would wke :i•••

I wiili ihr r

. LS a grnoroui girl j

for ulio could g in ; tip her own pli

tT;i» thai a r. T c

would ban

. .-•luntl II*T,

Ift i» tec who .«!.•

npoa her death-bed,

r» again*! untruth.

Sho tceiii» to h a v

Corahs Wai

•ho w u noi quite sure thai it wo.- b

in dial nnjr ih in A

rt ' it » u

You know \


I I : •

•Kii igwhhfl J oliilil.

Led wi'

l I ninrk* 1

• ; . • • I

" i



. tiflgl ihat you l ike ."

Whf do y i

. . . •

• i

temper w gi


II troultl linn: fbown U DDwUU

• pirn, ;iiiil

fur such un

an unhap;.\






• • •

.urcJ lo I t loltl fM

1.1.1 *Ni»ll V.l> - 4J

i make tier

. •

• . - . . :

• • • . •

: uoi Bay vtc M ' I V not to

would r ep ly .—" Y ' » ; lull I know fhc would

• da :ly. A n ! >»'.> 'i. •( lati, the 1

' •

• ' . ' i. •• it. w t o m e

' " • W*, E I I T I .

• • . . : l |

• • I . • •

B will i •

44 ••LUXOR

Oh'. Ova c

: iy dear cliililn . | I


I think \s. . I; 1 b .

ht'T in:-'

Ho bu •nil desperately

o o u of


and I would tell you whai I km » of -t faultd W I thought ii would ' I" |

line her ili-:.r'siiiT Mary w S H There •• "'QfllM

il- u n i n . Eliz i

ol whom I hare not toW .—4 Itrafl brother ami a little i d l e r . They (Hod i a * M j


Wt Mary wi l ;• world. Klouior i n

i - i

Id not tell bo •

•Ma lo nit ap in ilio parlour, and • • • "

• ' .

nti'I in D great Offoov, dun rones of. despair,—"I* my—Amt

U FUher

40 NOR r*N\i:».

Sudden iltnth had taken Mjrvav i r tOnSH if

war. won to folio" to where that Holy Sa. I • •.




NwrniAtKLV after Mary'*

(Son •. y Po •

• . >

OW that #lio look telling. Her Rilfwi bought (ot

Hani lo «rc [Ii

Ed rii!i»£.nl>oiii on U>r- common, or • •

• whfeh Oil on


>|:,__how ehufloVi

;,-nis on •• ilisi il.i)-," and iem

18 • ran.

worr ••••

•• da

. in crerbnting :! . .

i a.


w w en rrlciut

• i ih* '

..r Oofl

I:. hm fl^H

i ould only ait up a alion time in UIP <Iny. T l w i ' s a J disease Nrean of wbfad^H •ho i i .

ti> [lampsUiwi. Hut »ho M M " 4 ^ 1

in Uic fnwth air u p d ^ ^ ^ H

io iho Itla o M | •


• i. * kXMUb 40

m o o ; tflimfl

i J.ii>. When i b i

on there aboiil three weeks ttu

MM) b o f •pruncr Dp in llicir IIIIIMI-. N'OW

Ml ppou '•"•'11. II ' I

is Lorn : iimny other preu

ild ai a »'a» lo be hi'lil I

• •

•ha thrvft m o l d b x o doi and to good nnd to comomaloirie*1 *'n» her

!k o u l i n thcuweei

•i flrowfa and hilfi nud

, tfd of ila- Dobfa N • • Ti..-y v.

Bag all round the " c o w l ew." n i

•>•, and up iho f;recti IliU •• 1 church, juid BO home by ihe n


ihe VM able 10 climb die " pulpit rook." ami

•land 10 enjoy ihc prospect, for it mad.- her

h<rart glad to ace ihe lovely place* which God

h u made in (he world. I have not i

"ii of nil the plra»ant walka and rule* ih*

look,—Komctime* into the grove io spend aa

•• in.—and BometimoB down to the beach,

to pick up little diamond atones, or to throw

»Urk- into the sea, for the dog " S p r i n g I

j ump in after. Sometimes nhc would .«ii aloos

and rend aome little book there. Oner they

all loal their way in the '• Landslip." ;

•bould like to tell you how c h o rl'ully i

bore Ifae fatigue and the danger. Am

day she rode on the little Shetland to |

Flagataff." Her father and bnH

walked b y the aide. T h e y held an umbf

to keep off the rough wind from the delici

girl. I wiah you" could nee tin* view I

" t h e F U g f t t C " There lies the great aea beneath you. There are ihc dark frowninf

cliffi looking down upon it, and the rugged

•hore •trrtching far away. S o m e

wnulil go in die Sandrock Hotel, and Eleanor, |

Would ramble •bout, and greatly enjoy tbt •

in urn i umn. &%

: that mo*! plruumi spot. W h a t t

beautiful world Hod has placed ui in I IIJ.v.

nor w u thankful for the b e n t U U trorid.

M I staying at tha t On

father, Mr. Roberta of Oldham. I |

v all who knew him. He w u then

unwell. He has since gone to his rest above.

l i e lored Eleanor, ai every one did. She

would sing hymn* with him. in 6

and ' i other U m t t imes; nnd for hours he

could take delight in com--:

M. Upon hi- deathbed h e s p o k e

nf IHT with gfeit atJVction. You would hnre

wondered to noiirr him- murh h 'T mind was

enlarged beyond her years. She could talk

about thin;'- which othtf littfc children take

ll in. She was able to think and to

reason very strongly. which her children can

do. She had learned to converse aiid to think

*o well by imitation; for she * m

mother and sister* a lways ; and so. t.\.

to think And to feel, and to apeak as they did.

Hut do not imagine that she spoke and acted

. Little » • -was a simple child in i-very thing


i'onld ofiBQ tak

. . . 10 OH Dl

Fiiirpr.... 1 them. An irgumvai m i he

OI10, " V


•ho than

. tmi h *


inly f

. \-\paam to her, for hi i

her work an

>C* n-ading—^oiii'iiiin-* looking .


—'no niont of die time hold-

. in* hoan put fully.

Il u-.u about this time thai .1 \.M u.,.,

0 I'.Lnlilnh • Bible* class in the village.

bug Willi bar noUwr 0 I <-oultI spare an hour

• lip said, for teaching the- class, but l b * bad

not time to study the l imoni for them. B b t -

nor consented to choose die subjects for her,

and to supply her, e rery week, with ,1 li--i

of texts to explain them. Th i s proved a de­

lightful employment for the dear girl, n* long

• •trength to m m over her Uible and

t o t o l i for. Seriptmi

D11 iii,. l iuc ' iuh of Nemmber , she wa«

1 a violent disease, aud from that

iiecame weaker tuid weaker.

For noveril year* she bad been accustomed

m read the Bible every day. And Vrhflo th«

was dressing in the morning. ' l W M h c r ""h"1

to learn some choice Terse for the day. On

die first of January, 1839, she commeored

reading on 0 new plan. A chapter from the

Old Testament *h< r;iing. Is

&4 ELMM'K r u n

• i

Ng.aehiptaruf Ui )

(iod upon earth, and loin: »h» WJ« exploring ii!» overiaaiiog imih i

joyful MM. i il ihe liappieuij

I . ..1 help lellhig ;

all about it. Since ib i I • [a rilltigo iii i

tod I'.ntiy li.n! taken fitt-al paina I •

nly ben i

D Uii'V bogafl t.. U

Auguat, By ihi* Umc thry had rni»«l 1 number u> ihJrfy-two. Eleanor wa* thai alio cuulil mil f{o, but »Ue wai n l l l l j f l plhufd lo hear of the link children. anil to ' n o her brother atid'awter inking Bo gr

in ilii in. One aftcfiK-" •

|tleh a thing. Their kind (Viol*


ftLJ l1* -N.SLK, 5 b

ho Cltne i n .

proceeding* of die d • -

tinned io add to tho cnjoj

;i o'clock in thi semlflcd a; nth) in their but clothes, villi

y walked la pro Highbnnk Cottage, Mr. H

• •

pony, h -

lag up llio road, and tfaj t'.iu-, and n

•d bonnoto in tli ,

i form* for •

.•:nd* int around.

I - i q • - • •

One liidy play.ft

BH KLI4K0I wfmm<

Upon llir piano, and nil the i'1 i joined. Tbcy repealed pa»nge i of the Bible '-i Warden ! eationed them upon their

n I. MODI. Eleanor could no) light at the simple ans*

which they g a r *

After the examination w u cloned. went into another room, where good H awaited them. T h e y iat down, at (wo long table*, to panakf of roaM l>cef and plum pud* ding. Eleanor and her mother were at t b I of one table. T h e children all enjoyed thp treat. Afterward* Eleanor helped to i)i«tribute

.id liooV" to every elnld. And before • ihey went away, *he gare lo each of them *

• i l rer fourpcimy piece. Tbia made them very glad. At the clo#e of this happy meeting, the

1 children roie and nang,—

Oh thai will ba joyful When w> iM« to p»rt n* mow." ,

Then they tepnrated. 1 wonder wheUier

Eleanor will meet them all again.

i l i t le girl in whom Eleanor

v u greatly interested. She » ai rery tinwetf

n 57

i •

i [iWHTnilv,

n u would D •

ihcy cvvw I

I iji .u I In- fool '•:

Dearly - ll

heart*. Uu<>

mother WM

It was about the lesson u chosen thai week, for the claw. •• 31

OB ru:«*..>ii I . \ M :.

j I have MOB ill.1 liuli book in which

with l.i • •••- n hi in! [lie Serin*

lurt' rcferrncM " "I'lni it an important q u a

tj .M. my dear ," raid her mother,—•• n,-ought

in think of ii (»r cnur-elrcs. Suppo^r ii wem

put in either of us, what would !-• t-ur w

" i i ' '" r» -aul,—

•• Hoar mother. I hjive no hope but in iho

merit" of Jt»ti» Chr ia l . " Bleaacd bi Q

who ga»e her audi a hope!

I A M U I of February wan the Sab­

bath day. EIWBOr though «rrj- weak, made

Soil t" drew quickly, tliat she might

I. down to brrakfatl cmrlicT than uiual.

VI ' n .. | on ";'• fctked,—Who arc going to chapel (church) thi* morning ' III-

i-anor looked i The look Mveetljr

told 1I10 with, i know why »he <!OWD «o ear ly . Her mother answered,

" I' will be too cold, and too fur for you to

walk, dear girl ." " I know father will carry

nil',' ' w w Uio beseeching r ep ly—" I &»**

auch a with to go to-day." She wonil and

jt wM the last time." She was wrapped round

n > UNM wumtu to

vviili •bawlf iinil i . father took

• •• burden in his arm*. She joined

in :!i'' ringing u 1 ... pr«ywi itwl when IIH

p B ihe listened aigerl) wept T h l u-i! |>um M

••. •- On*:-—** N<>: by might. ower, bal b y m y Spiri t , saith the

Lord . " 1! • • r I H T . ]\

•.ril of Uic Lord which upheld her. - carried up to bh

•"ouhl DOl I

l i i in l . ibfl !•> '•:• tin* raft, -•• l i l A il

up stair*- It was DOl till OOUld f i r ry

bar to l"ii. N«xl day, t i l ihuui;hi show-as tying, i l '

"ng, from a little book ea)

In tlie -iftortti'on. he held a de­lightful conversation with nor. 1 am sura you would like U» hear of tUf in own words. So I shall copy part of a loiter. wrnch he w rote to J friend soon iftai -—

" VI : . I not r*




ill of b « »i«lcr Anne.' !

will giw

in of the l ink Hiinii io trhiefa -

refer*. mn! tfhlch ber m-itlir-r ;.

uea>;.i • no « i -« ea«t

o i l . " ia>i CI,rim ' Bat I am ID olt] «inn»-f."

u • cm! 01 t , "

«ya Ch:i '. • : , ; • • i v


tan all my daya," a a y « l ih •

•i ; " 1 » i i ! • I

t I!UHI ; •• |

will in no wbtf c ; •. ru t . "But ,

I have no-.

limit; " I will in no wue tan ot

Ofaribt T f a u 1 mi •• end, and

. that ihii pro:

c i d all thy

feara." li tBWS—

•mil mid,

to ilui lime flie had

I uuiitcnancc tlM

composed and calm. lawk

fell m o n happy 'I ' :" ' yf-t<n!.iy. SI

. lather." I aahl. Why ' i.-c I have no doubt* or fears lu-

day, and I had many yeaurday.' 1



m y creat relief CO our mind", ami 1 tniil, we

are enabled in - n r ha D tl rfw i tu a good hope, and thai, when ' ibsenl (mm Uie body,' eh* «ill in* • praaent widi the Lord.

« Youm truly,


In the same delightful eonveraBlion she naid, that ahe hail been ihe child of alfl

" • • ' •

•AerWfrdj, Upon the jnya of heaven ; and •poke awreily about tlir death of each of her aUu-r*.—boti hapfrirjp dicy dird. and w lu i


I • nl du second ahe did 1 ha win very wakeful in dw

night, and when -I" could not sleep, ihe would repent to herself die lillle liyinni

•he had learned. T h e foDneenih and fifteenth chapter* of John the had commuted

i i . *ben

die night, ihey heard die voice of Uwir Imle


child toftly repeat im- ia a *«.;.•! low U»e*

I in G o J . believe abo In MB. In m;

house ai<- m • • . 1

I would have |oU pare • PaMMl for you. And if I go rod prepar*

j u u , I will cfiroc njpuo, an.:

• i-\l when? 1 »m,

ai*o," Ac . I Bad .in- passage- marked, wilh

tnmv olhert , which I have not lima u> speak

nor B i b b u d En b t i i

I IH' I I : . ' I' . • . > »he Ottered lho«o

IWBOI word*, her hopes u i i c l p •ii J e m liail pfi

In R

Every momfauj, JI i « r reoaeet, du) Bible

and hymn book were put into her trembling

hniidi , ilfltt vht> miclit read. Her mother * * "

e lwayi by bet ride. Day u d I

w:i:c-hr<l Often she read to her, and they

f sweet conversation! tOgt

• AftworihemwrrolhMf;—Ptalil i , 17. Art* i i . IS.

T I M . I . 15. 1 John i*. P. 10



01 • !



: " arn! aUo, •* if <


rmur. Sh«i

Lord b to mo in pwwrv-

• •

• ho rcqncitcd n. , thai

I .

iho laPl i.

-• Jcsm, the aprii 7'


divine . '—'One there is above all olhets, '

hmnbfa BJni»T. in whose breast,*—

•Am I a soldier of die eru»s !'•—' I

closer walk with God,"—*«> [/ml

],"—• My time* of -.irr

j o y , ' — ' T l i e ami flower* which clothe

Iha field-,'—• WhM variout hiadranote wo

meet. '—and ' When blooming youth is snatch­

ed away. ' Rut her favourite hymn was

* Jesus . lorer of my -uul. '

" O n iho Sunday before bet A

c j l c d her brother WTOhua lo ber hedeldf

and said, ' My «T< ir WHHan, do I

for me, hut heg of Uae Lord U> render m)

death ;i blessing 10 you. And il* yog ask j *

said to me, ' I dare «ay, d e n modMr( yoc

think it .orange that I thould not s a y w m f

ilxmg to F a n n y ; hut, mother, it * a Fanny

who first led (ne to my km ( I

bar, ' My dear child, how earnestly I denirv w

possess the same sweet frame of mind, which

yon enjoy in the prospect of death. ' * Ask the

fjord lot ii. dear mother,* was the reply, "and

you know he mill grant it you. ' Once wheB


I MU) * I can but

jutt l>car it. But I trust the I*ord will enable

I T all his will patiently U

'nl.' Tin' no rn ing beCom bar ib»ih 1 noticed

the great difficulty she hail in breathing. She

| lied, ' Yi:«. ninllitr. but I

it. ' She tnhl me that in the night this verse

h id comforted I I .T , ' F n h e r , if it be possible,

let thix cup pass from me . Xrvrrthclcss, not

my will, but thine, be done.* "

She died peaceably early in the morning of

I ' n l v. April ihfl Stlth. Tin- only notice

which I have of her death, is from a letter

I have now

ilic p.mifiil tank to perform of conveying to

you the intelligence of the decease of m y dear

Utile k'irl. which took place this morning,

about half-put 6ve o'clock, after a protracted

illness, which t h e was enabled in bear with

peculiar calmness and resignation. She was

indeed a pa'tern to believers."

A lady, who is now enduring very severe

riihei it to be recorded,—that in

the midst of her own most dreadful sufferings

N o * . I«v il.-nf children,


I ' • with you all.

K V J B K ~ J ^ H

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