textpad reference

Post on 13-Oct-2015






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  • 5/23/2018 Textpad Reference


    TextPad Quick Reference Cardversion 0.03 editor: John Bokma freelance programmer

    Cursor Movement

    Cursor left one character Cursor left one word c-Cursor right one character Cursor right one word c-Cursor down one line Cursor down to the start of the next paragraph a-

    Cursor up one line Cursor up to the start of the previous paragraph a-Move cursor forward to start of word c-WMove the cursor back to start of word c-BMove cursor back to end of word c-Cursor to start of line! press twice to go to the left "argin #o"eCursor to end of line $nd

    Cursor to start of docu"ent c-#o"eCursor to end of docu"ent c-$nd

    Cursor to the first visible line! in the current colu"n!if possible a-#o"eCursor to the last visible line! in the current colu"n!if possible a-$nd

    Move cursor to the next tab stop! or indent selected lines %abMove cursor to the previous tab stop! or reduceindentation of selected lines s-%ab&o to line c-&'ind "atching ( ) * + or , . / c-M


    elete selection! or character before the cursor!

    *replace it with a space in overt0pe "ode Backspaceelete back to the last start of word c-Backspaceelete selection! or character after the cursor eleteelete forward to the next start of word c-eleteelete to the end of the line c-s-eleteelete all lines in the docu"ent a-elete

    Undo and Redo

    1ndo last edit c-21ndo all edits c-s-2

    3edo last undo c-43edo all undos c-s-4

    Selection and Clipboard

    5elect all c-6Cancel an0 existing selection $scape5elect left one character s-5elect left one word c-s-5elect right one character

    5elect right one word c-s-5elect down one line s-5elect to the start of the next paragraph a-s-

    5elect up one line

    5elect to the start of the previous paragraph a-5elect forward to start of word c-W5elect back to start of word c-s-B

    5elect back to end of word c-s-5elect to start of line! press twice to select to the

    left "argin s-#o"e5elect to end of line s-$nd5elect to start of docu"ent c-s-#o"e5elect to end of docu"ent c-s-$nd5elect to "atching ( ) * + or , . / c-s-M5witch in and out of selection "ode c-7-5

    Cop0 selection to clipboard c-C6ppend selection to clipboard c-s-CCut the selection to the clipboard c-8Cut and append the selection to the clipboard c-s-89aste text fro" the clipboard c-:;ndent selected lines %ab3educe indentation of selected lines s-%abelete selection Backspace

    elete selection! or character after the cursor elete;nvert case of selection c-<

    Convert first character of selection to upper case andthe rest to lower case c-s-1Check the spelling of the selection '=


    5tart a new line $nter;nsert new line after current line c-$nter ;nsert new line before current line c-s-$nter ;ncrease indentation c-;3educe indentation c-s-;

    >oin selected lines c->3efor"at selected lines c-s->

    5plit word-wrapped lines c-a->Center text c-$3ight align text c-s-$;nsert a page break c-s-?ispla0@hide visible spaces! t abs and paragraphs c-7-;

    ispla0@hide line nu"bers c-7-?5et the right "argin at the cursor position c-7-3 5witch in and out of word-wrap "ode c-7-W

    Case Cange and Transposing

    Convert selection to lower case c-?Convert selection to upper case c-1Convert first character of selection to upper case andthe rest to lower case c-s-1;nvert case of selection c-< %ranspose the lines or characters either side of the cursor c-%%ranspose the words either side of the cursor c-s-%

    Searc and Replace

    ;nvoke the 3eplace dialog box 'A3eplace next instance of search pattern c-'A;nvoke the 'ind dialog box '

    ;nvoke the 'ind in 'iles dialog box c-''ind next instance of search pattern c-''ind previous instance of search pattern c-s-'

    #0pertext u"p in 5earch 3esults window $nter #0pertext u"p to next ite" in 5earch 3esults window 'D

    #0pertext u"p to previous ite" in 5earch 3esults window s-'D6ctivate the 5earch 3esults window s-'EE


    5et or clear a book"ark on the current line c-'F&o to next book"ark 'F

    &o to previous book"ark s-'F

    "dit Modes

    5witch between insert and overt0pe "ode ;nsert5witch in and out of block select "ode c-7-B5witch between read-onl0 and edit "odes c-7-$5witch in and out of word-wrap "ode c-7-W


    3ecord a new "acro c-s-3 9la0back the scratch "acro c-3 ;nvoke the 9la0back Macro dialog box c-'=


    Create a new docu"ent c-G5ave the active docu"ent c-55ave all docu"ents c-s-55ave as 'EFHpen a docu"ent using the Hpen 'ile dialog box c-HHpen a docu"ent b0 t0ping its na"e c-s-H;nsert the contents of a fil e at the cursor position c-s-:elete all lines in the docu"ent a-elete

    Gext window c-%ab or c-'I9revious window c-s-%ab or c-s-'I

    Close the active window c-'Displa0 in-context properties dialog box a-$nter ispla0 docu"ent statistics on status bar c-'E

    ;nvoke the Manage 'iles dialog box 'J;nvoke Windows 'ile Manager or $xplorer a-'J9rint active docu"ent c-99review the active docu"ent as it will print c-s-9Check the spelling of the active docu"ent '=5ort 'KCo"pare c-'K;nvoke the docu"ent selector 'EE

    Scrolling and Scroll !ars

    5croll the view up one line! without "oving the cursor c-5croll the view down one line! without "oving the cursor c-?ocks cursor position when scrolling with

    page up@down ke0s 5croll ?ockispla0@hide the horiLontal scroll bar c-7-#ispla0@hide the vertical scroll bar c-7-:5witch in and out of s0nchroniLed scrolling "ode c-7-4

  • 5/23/2018 Textpad Reference


    Command Results

    5top the tool running in the co""and window c-Break #0pertext u"p in Co""and 3esults window $nter #0pertext u"p to next ite" in Co""and 3esults window 'D#0pertext u"p to previous ite" in Co""and 3esults window s-'D6ctivate the Co""and 3esults window c-'EE


    6ctivate next view 'I6ctivate previous view s-'I

    %elp;n-context help 'E;nvoke in-context help cursor s-'E


    6ctivate the Clip ?ibrar0 a-5how or hide the Clip ?ibrar0 c-'Jispla0 in-context properties dialog box a-$nter 6ctivate the "ain "enu 'E9opup the in-context docu"ent "enu s-'E or right "ouse9opup the insert date@ti"e "enu c-'E or c-right "ouseispla0 the 9references dialog box c-7-9

    Regular "xpressions &P'S()*

    N 6n0 single characterN) . 6n0 one of the characters in the brackets! or an0 of a

    range of characters separated b0 a h0phen *-! or acharacter class operator *see belowN

    )O. 6n0 characters except for those after the caret POPNO %he start of a line *colu"n ENQ %he end of a l ine *not the line break charactersNR+ %he start of a wordNR, %he end of a wordNRt %he tab characterNRf %he page break *for" feed characterNRn 6 new line character! for "atching expressions that span

    line boundariesN %his cannot be followed b0 operators

    STS! SUS or (/N o not use this for constraining "atches tothe end of a lineN ;tSs "uch "ore efficient to use PQPN

    Rxdd PddP is the two-digit hexadeci"al code for an0

    characterNR* R &roups a tagged expression to use in replace"ent

    expressionsN 6n 3$ can have up to K such expressionsNRV Matches either the expression to its left or its rightNT Matches Lero or "ore preceding characters@expressionsN Matches Lero or one preceding characters@expressionsNU Matches one or "ore preceding characters@ expressionsN(count/ Matches the specified nu"ber of the preceding

    characters or expressionsN("in!/ Matches at least the specified nu"ber of the preceding

    characters or expressionsN("in!"ax/ Matches between "in and "ax of the preceding

    characters or expressionsN

    R P$scapesP the special "eaning of the above expressions!so that the0 can be "atched as literal charactersN

    )XalphaX. 6n0 letterN)XlowerX. 6n0 lower case letterN)XupperX. 6n0 upper case letterN)Xalnu"X. 6n0 digit or letterN) Xd igitX. 6n0 digitN)XxdigitX. 6n0 hexadeci"al digit *-K! a-f or 6-'N)XblankX. 5pace or tabN)XspaceX. 5pace! tab! vertical tab! return! line feed! for" feedN)XcntrlX. Control characters *elete and 65C;; codes less than

    spaceN)XprintX. 9rintable characters! including spaceN

    )XgraphX. 9rintable characters! excluding spaceN)XpunctX. 6n0thing that is not a control or alphanu"eric characterN)XwordX. ?etters! h0pens and apostrophesN)XtokenX. 6n0 of the characters defined on the 50ntax page for the

    docu"ent class! or in the s0ntax definition file if s0ntaxhighlighting is enabled for the docu"ent classN

    Replacement "xpressions

    Y 5ubstitute the text "atching the entire search patternNR to RK 5ubstitute the text "atching tagged expression through

    KN R is eZuivalent to YNRf 5ubst itute a page break *for" feedN

    Ri+no, 5ubstitute a seZuence nu"berNRn 5ubstitute a newlineNRp 5ubstitute the contents of the clipboardNRt 5ubstitute a tabNRxdd 5ubstitute the character with hex code dd*"ust be F hex

    digits! excluding NRu 'orce the next substituted character to be in upper caseNRl 'orce the next substituted character to be in lower caseNR1 'orce all subseZuent substituted characters to be in

    upper caseNR? 'orce all subseZuent substituted characters to be in

    lower caseNR$ or Re %urns off previous R1 or R?N

    Tool Parameter Macros

    Q'ile %he full0 Zualified filena"e of the currentdocu"entN

    QH5'ile 5a"e as Q'ile! except that H5 aliases aresubstituted for an0 long na"es in the path! andcharacters are converted to the H5 *H$M codesetN

    Q1G;8'ile 5a"e as Q'ile! except an0 SRS characters arechanged to S@SN

    Q'ileGa"e %he si"ple filena"e of the current docu"entNQBaseGa"e Q'ileGa"e stripped of an0 extensionNQH5BaseGa"e 5a"e as QBaseGa"e! except that the H5 alias

    is substituted for a long file na"e! and characters

    are converted to the H5 *H$M code setNQWspBaseGa"e %he workspace filena"e! stripped of an0 path

    and extensionN

    Q'ileir %he drive and director0 of the current docu"entNQWspir %he drive and director0 of the current workspace

    fileNQ'ile9ath %he director0 of the current docu"ent! stripped

    of the driveNQ1nix9ath 5a"e as Q'ile9ath! except an0 SRS characters are

    changed to S@SNQir %he current working drive and director0NQ1G;8ir 5a"e as Qir! except an0 SRS characters are

    changed to S@SNQ?ine %he cursor line within the current docu"entN

    QCol %he cursor colu"n within the current docu"entNQ9ro"pt 9ro"pt for a value to substitute for Q9ro"ptN ;f it

    is followed b0 a string in brackets! that stringwill be displa0ed in the pro"pt dialog boxN

    Q9assword 9ro"pt for a value to substitute for Q9asswordN%he value will not be echoed as it is t0pedN ;f it isfollowed b0 a string in brackets! that string will

    be displa0ed in the pro"pt dialog boxNQ5el 5elected text in the active docu"entN %his is

    li"ited to the first line in a "ulti-line selectionNQ5el?ine %he text on the line containing the cursorN %his

    has the side effect of selecting that lineNQ5elWord %he word containing the cursorN %his has the side

    effect of selecting that wordNQClip 5elected text in the active docu"ent! or the

    whole docu"ent if nothing is selected! is copied

    to the clipboard before running the toolNQ6ppWnd %he handle of the "ain application windowN %his

    is a deci"al nu"berNQocWnd %he handle of the active docu"entSs windowN

    %his is a deci"al nu"berNQ$ncoding %he characters encoding of the active docu"entN

    %his is of the for"sX windows-ddd *or cpdddforH5! 1%'-A! 1%'EI-?$ or 1%'-EIB$! wheredddis a code page nu"berN

    Page %eader+Footer Macros

    %he nor"al font for subseZuent text Yn6 bold font for subseZuent text Yb6n italic font for subseZuent text Yi

    6 bold italic font for subseZuent text Y;5ubseZuent text to be left ustified Yl5ubseZuent text to be centered *this is the default Yc5ubseZuent text to be right ustified Yr %he current date in Windows short for" Yd%he current date in Windows long for" Y%he current ti"e in Windows for"at Yt%he filena"e! excluding its path Yf %he full filena"e! including its path Y'%he page nu"ber Yp%he total nu"ber of pages Y9

    Based on the %ext9ad help fileN $dited b0 >ohn Bok"a *freelanceprogra""erN 'or the latest versionX httpX@@ohnbok"aNco"@textpad@

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