textiles & apparel e-learning project _8_blaga_.pdf · textile. pielĂrie textiles &...

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Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 3, 2010





Abstract. This paper is presenting a brief overview of the e-Learning in Textiles &

Apparel Project, eLiTA, consisting of e-Learning modules in textiles and apparel for use in education and training in Europe. The paper provides a summary of e-Learning modules previously developed which form the basis for the project. It will present some of the features of the modules and explain how the modules may be integrated into a “blended learning” provision of for textile and apparel education. The eLiTA project will update the content and produce the e-Learning materials in English, Greek, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian and Slovenian. The project will provide a new Internet-Based European wide learning tool to provide a user friendly way of learning at a place, pace and time to suit the needs of the individual and extend the opportunity to study in this way to more companies and organisations throughout Europe.

Key words: Textiles & Apparel, e-Learning, Long Life Learning European programme.

1. Aims and Objectives of the Project

The European Economic Community has established a Lifelong

Learning Programme (LLP) to “enable individuals at all stages of their lives to pursue stimulating learning opportunities across Europe” [1].

The LLP comprises several sub-programmes, of which the Leonardo da Vinci programme addresses vocational education and training. The eLiTA project aims to address the following objectives within the Leonardo da Vinci programme:

− General Objective − “To support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices”.

− Operational Objective − “To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning.”

− In addition, the project addresses the Call Priority 4 “Skills development of adults in the labour market”.

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− The project will primarily address the National Priority 4 “Applications which demonstrate close links and relevance to national VET systems.”

− In addition the project will address one secondary National Priority (Priority 1)

− “Applications which promote the transfer and recognition of qualifications and competences in the UK and across Europe.”

2. Anticipated Outcome for the Project

The anticipated outcomes for the project are [3]: − A research report into ICT tools currently available to support textile

qualifications in partner countries; − A new learning module in Dyeing & Finishing – English, Greek,

Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian & Slovenian; − A new learning module in Garment Technologies – languages as above; − A new learning module in Hosiery Production – languages as above; − A new learning module in Carpet Manufacture – languages as above.

3. Format of the Learning Tools

Throughout the development of the learning tools, the objective has

always been to provide both a structured learning environment and a browseable resource. Consequently the content had to be presented in a pedagogically logical sequence to lead the learner along a knowledge path. However, once the learner became familiar with the content, it should also be easy to locate and access information needed to refresh the user’s knowledge. Furthermore the learner should be able to evaluate their learning through challenging and stimulating questions which would also serve to focus on important points. In addition, the content should not only provide information it should describe and explain concepts and encourage the learner to think and apply the knowledge gained. Where possible, the objective has also been to present and structure the information in sufficient breadth and depth to cover both basic and more advanced concepts. With the opportunity for internet delivery, the aim has now become for each module to be an online learning portal with direct links to other sources of information, notably companies who provide the technology. This enables the earner to familiarise themselves with applications of the technology and also to get information about the latest developments which also helps to keep the content up to date.

The modules will be delivered through the learning portal www.elearning-textiles.co.uk [2]. Each module has an opening page with links to credits which presents an overview of the module. Each subject is divided into topics that are ordered into as logical and sensible pedagogical order as possible. Each topic starts with an overview of the content and a clearly stated

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 3, 2010 69

learning outcome shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 − Learning outcome.

The layout of each page has been standardised to show text on the left hand side of the page and graphics, photographs, videos and animations on the right hand side as shown in Fig. 2. Videos and animations will be displayed. Each of the asset containers may be repositioned on the screen to enhance the display. Selected graphics may be enlarged to display the content more clearly. The resolution of the screen may also be easily changed using the zoom features provided within commercial internet browsers.

The text has been authored to present information in digestible “chunks” comprising main points that the learner needs to know. Where necessary the learner may use the mouse to click on the “main points” to bring onto the screen “expansion points” which provide supplementary information or descriptions or explanations as shown in Fig. 3. Some pages also contain a narrative text.

The system is fully interactive with the learner able to navigate forwards or backwards through the content.

The real benefit of the system is the ability to be able to provide the learner with not only graphics and photographs but videos and animations (Fig. 4) that illustrate and demonstrate principles, concepts and applications of the principles explained. Unlike in a formal teaching situation where the presentation is controlled by the teacher, the videos and animations can conveniently be played repeatedly by the learner within their own exclusive

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learning environment.

Fig. 2 − Page layout.

Fig. 3 − Expansion point.

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Fig. 4 − Video presentation.

Where appropriate, hypertext links (Fig. 5) on specific text are included to take the learner to related pages in the same or other topics to provide them with further information.

Fig. 5 – Hyperlink.

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A history function maintains a list of pages visited which is displayed in a window which can be used to navigate back to the original page (Fig. 6). Links are also included to websites or other resources such as tables of information or printable files (Fig. 7).

Fig. 6 − History window.

Fig. 7 − Resources link.

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A browseable glossary of over 200 terms is also included with direct links from the text where appropriate. A bibliography of text books, research publications and websites enables the learner to consult other sources of information. At the end of each topic is a set of multiple choice questions that the learner can attempt (Fig. 8). These serve to help the learner assess their knowledge and focus on important content.

Fig. 8 – Exercises – examples.

4. Conclusions

The project requires each of the modules to be tested by 15 technicians

to evaluate their suitability as an education and training resource. The developments of the e-Learning modules in textiles and apparel have been encouraged by the support obtained from evaluations performed by the target user groups as the following samples confirm.

There is no doubt that e-Learning offers many benefits in terms of providing cost-effective education and training that suits both the time conscious needs of the learner and the employer when used to support training in the workplace.

It is essential therefore, that e-Learning tools, such as those in the eLiTA suite of modules, are developed if the workforce is to be recruited, educated and trained to the level required to enable companies within the EU compete globally. Received: July 28, 2010 *“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Department of Knitting and Ready-Made Clothing

e-mail: mblaga@tex.tuiasi.ro

**Media Innovations Ltd, UK

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1. **

* TEXTAG Final Evaluation Report for KLITRA Ltd, February – Glendevon Associates (2009).

2. www.elearning-textiles.co.uk 3. Blaga M., Harlock S., The eLiTA (e-Learning in Textiles & Apparel) Project, In:

International Conference in Virtual Learning, Iaşi, October (2009).



Lucrarea prezintă un rezumat al proiectului European educaŃional, bazat pe sistemul de învăŃare on-line (e-Learning) şi modularizat pe aplicaŃii specifice tehnologiilor textile şi de confecŃii. Proiectul se bazează pe modulele dezvoltate într-un proiect anterior, existente în limbile cehă, franceză, turcă, lituaniană şi engleză. Se prezintă principalele caracteristici ale modulelor şi explicaŃii privind modul în care acestea sunt integrate într-un sistem unitar de educaŃie continuă, on-line. Proiectul eLiTA are ca scop principal actualizarea continutului acestor module de învăŃare şi traducerea lor în limbile Ńărilor partenere, respectiv în greacă, română, slovenă şi portugheză. Rezultatele se concretizează într-un instrument de învăŃare existent pe Internet, cu un conŃinut tehnic cuprinzător, cu posibilitatea autoinstruirii şi autoevaluării de către utilizatorii răspândiŃi pe teritoriul Europei (www.elearning-textiles.co.uk).

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