teves 5772

Post on 21-Mar-2016






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Chayolei newsletter


Newsletter Teves 5772 - Vol. 5 Issue 2

שנה ה גליון ב -ב “טבת תשע








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Inside this issue:



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The Chayolei Monthly

The Chayolei Hamelech

Monthly Newsle'er

A project of the CCH

Keep-in-Touch ini�a�ve,

powered by the Chayolei

Hamelech main office.

This newsle!er is published to help

campers and staff of Chayolei Hamelech

to relive their best summer ever and to

assist them in soothing their pain of

being away from camp during the year.

The content included inside is for the

eyes of Chayolei staff and campers

exclusively. No responsibility is taken

for those who were not present there

and dare to read this publica�on.

The CCH Newsle'er

Editorial Commi'ee




Shmoozel Leemanov

Contribu�ng editors:

BomBom and Co.

The Rat

The Tzfa�




Lishnarino and others


Father of CCH

Dear campers,

We all know that Hey Teves

is a very special day, because

“Didan Notzach”! We won

the court case of the Seforim

which were stolen from

Aguch! As some of you may

know, this story was full of

action. (There are so many

details to the story that when

the story was printed they

even called it Megilas Hey

Teves!) The Rebbe would

often Farbreng about it.

In order to know what to

learn a lesson from this

victory of the Seforim, we

need to ask the Seforim

themselves: by learning them

and then acting according to

what they say.

Now although the first and

main Sefer, is the Sefer

Torah, and there is a Chiuv

for everyone to write

themselves a Sefer Torah,

nevertheless, now we can

fulfill this Chiuv through

printing it and learning from


We also see a big stress on

the Seforim which were

printed afterwards which

explain the Torah, because

they help us complete and

understand the Torah.

How does this apply to

Didan Notzach? Generally

when a person wins

something precious he makes

it even more precious and

puts it away even safer than

before. However Torah

teaches us that the way to

make the Torah more

precious is through using it

even more than before. Even

if it means that the Sefer gets

worn and ripped. Because

learning these things helps us

complete the Torah.

Now that the last thing the

Rebbe encouraged learning

the most in Seforim was

Inyonei Geulah Umoshiach,

we should make sure this

Hey Teves to use those

Seforim out so much, that it

will for sure bring the

Geulah as the Rebbe


I can’t wait to go to

camp, because it is the

only place where I take

a shower.

Even though at home I

take a bath, I come out


Anyway, so can a bath

be cleaner than a

shower? Of course not!

In other news, I can’t

wai t fo r Asarah

B’Teves, because it is a

fast day, and that makes

camp start faster!

Now I have something

very important to tell


We must always… hold

on one second... I just

forgot to remember not

to forget what I wanted

to tell you…

Oh! Now I remember! I

was thinking that if I

would stop thinking so

much then I think the

following will happen:

One: Nobody will be

able to remind you that

camp is almost starting

(registration) and you

should get going!

Two: I should really

stop thinking

because if

not… Forget

about it…

again I forgot

to remember

not to forget!


Teves Edition

The Chayolei Monthly


Dearist diery.

So eparently

its bean 1

munth sints I

last rote to u

and not mutch

has chaynged

there where



yomim tovim

that jist past lyke yud tes kislayve and now we are geting reddy for

chanuka witch by the tyme yu get this it wud hav startid elready! I

lyke splashing in the bathtub. Elso what I lyke about chanuka is

that we are alowed to play with fire even tho awer parints doo not

let us tuch it. Last tyme wen I burnded the how's to the growned

my tatee waz reeliy upset and he duzint want to bye more howzez

but enyway chanuka is the bestest. I just reliyzed that I shud

probeblee put my shert bak on also yesterday I waz waking and I

waz singing a funee song but eye doo not remember it becuz I have

a good forgetory. I also tryed out for yeshivish boyz quier (they

shud be caled yeshiva boys quiet - dju get it?) Enyway bak to

chanuka and eye hope they letid me go on mivtoyim last year I got a

hole bunch of peepool to lite menoyrah and we sangded songz also

eyem lerning how to spinded the dreydel witch az evrywon noze iz


sumtymes maid out of cley

and also my rebbi's nyme is

rabbi mendelson witch

actchewlee dosint ryme with

cley so enyway my brother

got engageded afew dayz ago

and we had a lechayim and

we played baskitball and

before we playdid there waz

a small lechayim in the hows

and dey caldid it deh pree

gayme and then we playde baskitball and my mummee says in

lyke five years dey wil let me in the game and I can't wayte do

yu no that my favarit resterant sels hot dogs and masht

potatoes witch actchewly dosin have toes inside of it its just a

joke! Okay? And did yu heer im soooo ecsiyted that der iz a

new marvelis meedose masheen also I lyke fish fingers and fish

and fingers Yu hav no eyedeea how hapee I am! I lisend too deh

ferst 3 volyumez (witch I remember lisening two wen I waz a

litel liteller) so dat I cud get into deh spirit and I also

remembereded how mutch eye luv choclit coverd pickools wait

a second midos alurt no mine

mumee iz caling mee for super and

itz my favirit super its choclit

coverd shnitzool! Yumee

Love me

Pe es cant wate to speek to yu


Pe pe es I showerded yestirday

Teves Edition

This spot in the newsletter is reserved for Shmoozel.

The Chayolei Monthly


While driving back from New

Jersey the other day (I was there

putting up Menorahs on 75 cars

for the Grand Car Menorah

Parade that my

fourth cousin twice

removed is making

by his Chabad

House) I got a call

from someone who

currently resides in

our holy land.

We spent 17

minutes catching

up, I missed my exit three times in

that time, and it was then he told

me he called me to get

interviewed. What?! Someone

called me? Usually I have to chase

people around for months and

months! Without having to be

asked twice, I pulled out my fancy

shmantcy, solar operated, battery

powered cordless recorder and

got straight to the interview.

For clarification purposes I should

point out that this person was

none other than one of the most

amazing counselors. The talented

and funny foreigner -

Yossi Rodal.

CN: Hey Yossi, tell our

readers how you are


CCTLYRS: Wait, we're

doing this in English?

CN: What language

would you prefer?

CCTLYRS: Italian or

Hebrew or Yiddish or anything

besides English!

CN: Ummmm Okay, Gracias?

CCTLYRS: Okay. I think we

should stick to English.

CN: Thank you

CCTLYRS: Anyway, Boruch

Hashem, I'm doing great.

CN: So where in Eretz Yisroel are

you learning?

CCTLYRS: I'm learning in Tzfas -


Yeshiva Gedolah, and Boruch

Hashem its going great and I'm

here with a few Chayolei staff

members from years gone by.

CN: And you guys making a

Chayolei Shturem?

CCTLYRS: Oh yeah and

everyone (even the Israelis who

can't read English) get really

excited when the newsletter

comes every month. Also every

once in a while we make a


CN: Really? About what?

CCTLYRS: About the play we

made here.

CN: Okay, now it sounds like

you're getting a bit carried


CCTLYRS: Yeah, maybe a little

bit, but I'm so excited to be

speaking about camp.

CN: Do you ever speak to your


CCTLYRS: Because of Seder and

the time difference not too

much, but everyone knows

they can call whenever they


CN: What else is doing?

CCTLYRS: Nothing much.

Learning as hard as I could.

CN: Anyway, I guess the phone

call is costing a lot. So we

should wrap this up.

CCTLYRS: Okay. Thanks, and

I'm counting the days down to

camp already, I can't wait for

all the fun, and just to come to

camp so we could runaway.

Happy Chanukah.

CN: You too

Teves Edition

The Chayolei Monthly



4. The camp video is being made by

_____ Lipszyc

6. Chayolei has a new _____ fountain

7. A little big ___ nose

8. A sheep goes ____

9. "I'll send you flying! flying means


11. More flags, more ___!


1. _____ Sandhaus is engaged!

2. Ain't gonna work on _________

3. Team _____ here, Veyala Balagan

4. A _________ from Kiev

5. "Team now will be playing ____

later today"

10. This is the Teves ________

of the Chayolei newsletter















Fill in the white boxes with

English le!ers.

Below are the hints that tell you

which word to put in.

What’s the Pshat?What’s the Pshat?What’s the Pshat?What’s the Pshat? Figure out the following sentenceFigure out the following sentenceFigure out the following sentenceFigure out the following sentence

Instead of inside this issue inside this

issue what’s the issue with what’s the

issue inside this issue.

Explana�on in next issue.


Q: What is the funniest piano?

A: A Yamahahahahaha!

Q: What did the two strings do in the race? A: They 2ed!

Q: Why can’t you say a joke while ice-ska2ng? A: The ice might crack up!

Teves Edition

Q: What animal is best at hi6ng a baseball?

A: A bat!

Find the differences

The Chayolei Monthly



Teves Edition

Mazal Tov!

To our dear head counselor, devoted

Chayolei family member, Zalman Sandhaus

On the occasion of his engagement

The editors of the Chayolei monthly newsletter,

on behalf of the entire extended Chayolei

Hamelech family, would like to wish you and

your soon-to-be wife, and your families

worldwide, an everlasting home built on the

foundations of Torah, Mitzvos, and Chassidus.

With hope that your new home will light up the

world, preparing the world for the Geula


Hatzlocho Rabbah, B'gashmiyus


ãòå íìåòì çéùîä êìî åðéáøå åðøåî åððåãà éçé

The Chayolei Monthly


Once, a Lubavitcher Chasid, Rabbi

Michoel Vishetzky, went to visit Rabbi

Rabinowitz in the Rabbi's Shul in the

Bronx, New York. Rabbi Vishetzky was

surprised when he noticed that Rabbi

Rabinowitz sat at a corner of the table

rather than the head of the table. "No

one sits in that place," the elderly Rabbi

told Reb Michoel. When the Rabbi

noticed Reb Michoel's surprise, he

began to tell him the following story.

"When I came to America, I was

privileged to meet with the Frierdiker

Rebbe. I told him everything that had

happened to me in Europe and asked

him what I should do with my life. The

Frierdiker Rebbe said, 'Since you are a

Torah scholar, you should look for a

position as a community Rabbi.

"Soon after that, I was offered a position

in this Shul, here in the Bronx. I asked

the Frierdiker Rebbe if I should take the

job. The Frierdiker Rebbe said, 'A Shul is

a Shul, and so it's very suitable. But I

don't like the Shammash.'

"Why did the Rebbe mention the

Shammash? I wondered. The Frierdiker

Rebbe saw that I was confused and

repeated, 'A Shul is a Shul, but I don't

like the Shammash.'

"Time passed. Everything seemed to

be going smoothly until I found out that

the Shammash was not pleased with

me. After the passing of the Shul's

previous Rabbi the Shammash had

assumed many responsibilities and had

become the unofficial Rabbi. He felt that

I had pushed him aside and he began to

cause trouble for me. Eventually the

situation became unbearable.

"When it became too much for me, I

went to see the Rebbe, who had

assumed the leadership after the

passing of the Frierdiker Rebbe on the

tenth of Shevat, 1950. Before I even had

a chance to open my mouth, the Rebbe

said, 'My father-in-law said that a Shul is

a Shul and he did not like the

Shammash. Continue to serve as Rabbi

in the Bronx. As for the tricks of this

Shammash, he will soon need to worry

about how long he will keep his job.'

"I was amazed by the Rebbe's words.

When I had spoken with the Frierdiker

Rebbe, no one else had been in the

room, and I had never discussed the

matter with the present Rebbe.

"A few nights later I couldn't sleep. At

daybreak I decided to go to Shul a little

earlier than usual. On my way, I was

surprised to meet the president and

manager also walking toward the Shul.


The manager pointed to a light in the

windows of the Shul. It looked suspicious.

We quietly opened the door and walked

in. The Shammash was holding the

Tzedaka boxes and emptying the money

into his pockets. Needless to say, we fired


"The next few years passed peacefully.

Then something even more incredible

happened. The Shul shared an adjoining

wall with a butcher's shop. Business went

very well for the butcher, and the shop

soon became too small. He found a much

larger shop, and sold the old shop to the

Shul as the congregation needed more

space. After some friendly negotiations, a

deal was struck. The whole transaction

was conducted without a written


"A few years later the butcher began to

look for a storeroom. When he couldn't

find one, he remembered that there was

no official contract with the Shul. Without

any honesty, the butcher went to the

Shul management and asked them to

give him his shop back. He hired a lawyer

and was positive that the court would

decide in his favor as there had been no

written contract of sale.

"After a short court case, the Shul board

received a court order telling them to

leave the Shul by a certain date. If they

did not listen, the police would be called

in. The date was drawing near. I went to

the Rebbe for a Brachah.

"When I described the situation, the

Rebbe said, 'My father-in-law told you

clearly that a Shul is a Shul. Everything

will turn out the way it should.'

"The night before the critical date, I had a

dream which I will never forget. In the

dream I went to the Shul and I saw the

Frierdiker Rebbe sitting in the chair at the

head of the table - the very same chair

which I never let anyone sit in. Standing

next to him was the Rebbe. He said,

'Don't worry. Hashem will let everything

turn out for the best.' He then looked

toward the Frierdiker Rebbe. 'The Rebbe

told you that a Shul is a Shul. What do

you have to worry about?'

"I stood there in astonishment. The

Frierdiker Rebbe was right there, even

though he had passed away ten years

ago. I was still marveling at this

extraordinary sight when I woke up. I ran

to Shul as fast as I could. A crowd had

gathered outside the Shul and people

were arguing with the policemen who

had blocked the entrance. They had

started to remove the furniture. Then

something very dramatic happened.

"On a nearby street, in the butcher's large

shop, a light fixture fell suddenly from

the ceiling. The butcher was knocked

unconscious. When he regained

consciousness, his first words were,

'Please, stop emptying the Shul.' When

the police arrived, the butcher admitted

that he had made false complaints

against the Shul. He had, indeed,

received payment for the old shop.

"Now you understand why I don't let

anyone sit in that chair. The image of the

Frierdiker Rebbe sitting there will be in

front of my eyes forever," Rabbi

Rabinowitz said as he finished telling his


Teves Edition

The Chayolei Monthly


When is the camp video coming out?

99% There is a camp video?

5.7% Coming out of where?

1% How do you spell Lipszyc?

40% Stop asking ques2ons!

טבתטבתטבתטבת‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ הההה

5700: The Friediker miraculously

arrives in Riga during the second

world war.

5747: "Didan Notzach" - The

Federal Court rules that the Seforim

belong to Agudas Chasidei Chabad.

טבתטבתטבתטבת‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ חחחח

5621: The passing of Rebbetzin

Chaya Mushka (wife of the

Tzemach Tzedek).

טבתטבתטבתטבת‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ יייי

5731: The passing of Nechama Dina

(wife of the Friediker Rebbe).

ו טבתו טבתו טבתו טבת““““טטטט

5620: The Birth of Rebbetzin Shterna

Sarah (wife of the Rebbe Rashab).

ט טבתט טבתט טבתט טבת““““יייי

5750: The court rules again that the

Rebbe Mh”m does not have to come

to court, after an appeal from the

other side.

ד טבתד טבתד טבתד טבת““““ככככ

5573: The passing of the Alter Rebbe.

ח טבתח טבתח טבתח טבת““““ככככ

5640: The birth of Rebbetzin Chana

(mother of the Rebbe Mh"m).

חודש טבת

It is well known among Jews that very strange weather and other phenomenon are one of the signs of Moshiach. Well, if we've ever had strange weather and natural phenomena it's been in recent times. Here are some instances: two powerful earthquakes rocked Iran in the past years. In Peru, rainfall ten times the normal amount washed the town of Culloyatchi right into the Pacific ocean. Normally storm-free sections of Hawaii have been hit by vicious typhoons, while in those sections of India which are dependent on rain the crops dried out due to lack of water. A dust storm pounded Melbourne,

Australia causing raging fires to break out. California has been hit by tremendous rainstorms, while Florida is busy with hurricanes and tornados. Last but not least, Yerushalayim has been having snow storms, (something very unusual for that part of the world). In one week during the spring of 1998, in fact, there was a sand storm and only two days later there was a big snowstorm! So don't be surprised if the Bais Hamikdash is rebuilt on a snowy day in Av. May it happen now! 11115555

Teves Edition

The Chayolei Monthly


Summary of Part 1 A wealthy man named Avigdor

visited the Baal Shem Tov and

gave him a large sum of money

for Tzedakah. The Baal Shem Tov

explained to him that we must say

Baruch Hashem for everything we

have. At the end of the visit the

Baal Shem Tov asked Avigdor to

deliver a letter to the Rabbi of his

city - Brod. Gladly Avigdor took

the letter and left the Baal Shem


Why do I need to thank Hashem for

what I have?! I work and support

myself! And so Avigdor went back

to his business and forgot

about his meeting with the

Baal Shem Tov...

Time past and Avigdor's

business started to go


People who owed him money didn't pay! His boats sunk in the sea! His forests burned!...

...Slowly but surely, he had to sell all of his belongings... ...The wealthy Avigdor became a really poor man!

There is just one old coat left to sell!...

...Hey! What’s in the coat?

Oh no... This is the letter that

the Baal Shem Tov asked me

to deliver 16 years ago!

Why didn’t I realize!... The

advice that the Baal Shem

Tov gave me was a


(The pictures are for illustration purposes only)

The Baal Shem Tov passed away a long time

ago, however it's better late then never

For Harav Tza


The Rav of

the con


in Brod

To be continued

It was a typical packed Farbrengen by the Miteler Rebbe, there

was an immense amount of pushing. All of a sudden it was quiet and the Rebbe started the Maamar. After a few minutes

due to the pushing, the Farbrengen table in front of the Rebbe smashed to smithereens! In order not to disturb the Rebbe

during the Maamar they took out the table piece by piece quietly without making too much noise and the Maamar

continued… When the Rebbe finished, he turned to the

Chassidim and asked what happened to the table? The Chassidim told the Rebbe what happened.

The Rebbe said let me tell you a story: Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev once studied how to Shecht. Finally he was ready to

Shecht the chicken. They gave him the chicken and he started to say the Bracha with closed eyes and intense Kavanah. As

he was saying the Bracha the chicken flew away! When he

finished he opened his eyes and the chicken was gone! He asked with surprise “where's the chicken”!!??

The Chassidim understood that the Rebbe’s point was: Don’t get carried away with Kavanos, also focus on Poel Mamash!!!

Answer to last months scavenger hunt: 1/2

Scavenger huntScavenger hunt

Can you find on page 3 five words whose last le'ers

spell out the word YONAH? Answer in next issue.


Teves Edition

The Chayolei Monthly


1) Campers waiting in line for

their turn

2) Weight limit should not


3) The first car in “The Great


4) “Maybe if I eat some of this

super-snack I will be as big

as them”

5) Don’t bump into a Paul

Hey Teves! We won the Seforim! Now use them.

Mission: Buy a Sefer (on Hey Teves) and learn from it on the

same day.

(Which will of course make you continue learning it!)

If you did the mission, call 347-913-5772

and leave your full name, and say that you did the mission!

The following missions are not only for Chayolei Hamelech campers, but for

anyone who wishes to join! Pass the word around amongst your friends!


As usual, we bring you the list of the birthdays of your fellow campers. Don’t forget

to call them before or on (or a=er) their birthdays to wish them a happy birthday

and to see how they’re doing. If we missed your name, please contact us.


Avraham Lavian - 2 Teves - 718-263-1861

Devir Hasis - 2 Teves - 917-609-0811

Moshe Tzvi Cohen - 2 Teves - 718-773-1793

Shmuel Dickel - 6 Teves - 563-343-3514

Avrohom Turen - 10 Teves - 773-338-0080

Mendel Rutman - 10 Teves - 718-467-3524

Israel Arye Leib Cohen - 14 Teves - 917-474-0030

Menachem Steinmitz - 16 Teves - 718-773-5320

Hillel Kampin - 28 Teves - 718-998-7038


Amir Cohen - 14 Teves - 347-446-9488

Levi Gurkov - 22 Teves - 845-659-4331

For Chayolei news, call 347-913-5772

Teves Edition

Chayolei Hamelech Newsle'er Inc.

319 Kingston Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11213




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