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Daniel L. Thornton

Daniel L. Thornton is an assistant vice president at the FederalReserve Bank of St. Louis. David Kelly provided researchassistance.

Tests of Covered Interest RateParity

ECEN’FLY there has been considerable in-terest in and investigations of whether the cov-ered interest parity (CIP) holds. At the inicroeco-nomic level, CIP is important because is it adirect consequence of covered interest arbi-trage. Its failure to hold would suggest 1) thatmarkets are inefficient in the sense that tradersdo not take advantage of known profit oppor-tunities, 2) that legal restrictions and regula-tions, such as capital controls, exist or 3) thatcosts have been unaccounted for, such as in-dividual borrowing constraints or differences inpolitical risks across countries.’

At the aggregate level, CIP is important be-cause it implies that interest rates and spot andforward exchange rates are related in a par-

ticular way. Indeed, this relationship is fre-quently imposed in open-economy macroeco-nomic models. Finding that the relationshipamong these variables implied by CIP does nothold would leave their relationship uncertain.~

Generally, there have been two types of em-pirical investigations of CIP. The first are de-signed to determine whether markets are effi-cient in the sense that all known profit oppor-tunities are arbitraged.~These tests investigatewhether the actual forward premium deviatesfrom that implied by CIP by more than thetransaction costs using the most efficient ar-bitrage. The issues are whether the forwardpremia ever exceed estimates of the transactioncosts and, if they do, whether they persist. The

‘In a sense, there are no tests of covered interest ar-bitrage. It is axiomatict If tests revealed that CIP wasviolated so that known riskiess profit opportunities werebeing ignored for long periods of time, such results wouldundoubtedly be explained in various ways, such as alleg-ing that relevant costs were ignored.

~lfCIP does not hold, it does not necessarily mean thatthere is no other exact linear relationship among thesevariables or their subsets. It only means that the nature ofthe relationship would be uncertain.The policy implications of CIP may be especially importantfor small open economies where the U.S. interest rate caneffectively be taken as exogenous. If CIP holds, attemptsby such countries’ policymakers to move their domestic in-

terest rates will immediately get translated into their ex-change rates and vice versa. This is particularly true if theforward rate is an efficient predictor of the future spot rate.Even if this is not the case [for example, see Chrystal andThornton (1988)], both forward and spot rates would likelybe affected since they tend to move together. Further-more, if CIP holds, such economies may be influencedmore by external events, such as changes in U.S.monetary policy, than if CIP does not hold. See Dufey andGiddy (1978) and Kubarych (1983) for a discussion ofsome of the policy implications.

3For example, see Deardorff (1979), Callier (1981),Bahmani-Oskooee and Das (1985) and Clinton (1988).



evidence is that frequent violations of CIP oc-cur, hut do not persist.4

The second tests are designed to examinewhether CIP holds on average.5 Specifically,they test whether domestic and foreign inEerestrates and spot and forward exchange rates res-pond in a way consistent with CII’ to economicnews that affects each market individually.

This article provides a generic representationof the latter tests and shows that, under ap-propriate conditions, similar tests can he per-formed that do not require testing the markets’response to particular sets of information. In sodoing, this article extends empirical investiga-tions to a larger set of countries and over alonger time period.a


(IF is a direct consequence of covered in-terest arbitrage! In the absence of transactioncosts, the CIP condition requires that

(I) mU +iJ’-lnU +i,’)—lnF’,+lnS, = 0,

where i~and i are the foreign and U.S. interestrates, respectively, and F, and 5, are the for-ward and spot foreign exchange rates (dollarsper unit of foreign currency), respectively.~Thematurity of the U.S. and foreign assets and theforward contract are identical. Moreover,foreign and U.S. securities are assumed to beidentical except for the currency in whichfuture payments are denominated.

The Markets’ Reactions toEconomic JVCMTS

Equation I asserts that a particular linearcombination of these variables is zero in the

absence of transaction costs. Other linear com-binations of the variables need not equal zero.Tests of CIP that rely on the markets’ reactionsto economic news or events make use of thefact that the particular linear combination ofasset prices implied by CIP is zero. To see this,assume that U.S. and foreign interest rates andthe spot and forward exchange rates can herepresented by the following equations:

(2) Aln(1+i,) = a, +

(3) al~U+~) = a, +

(4) AlnF, a, + b,n,, and

(5) AInS, = a4 + h4n,,

where n, denotes the new information thatbecomes available in the interval over which thet’i’ observation is made. Each asset may responddifferently to the same news.

Investigations of CIP rely on testing themarkets’ responses to specific information byidentifying a par’ticular component of n, and bymaking an assumption about the stochastic pro-perties of the rest. One approach is to estimatethe equations

(6) Aln(1+i,) = a + d,L, + e,,,

(7) Aln( 1 + i,*) = a, + d,I, + e,,,

(8) ah~F, a, + d,l, + e,,, and

(9) AInS, = a4 + d41, +

where I, denotes specific information thatbecomes available during the period in whichthe t’’ observation is made, and e,,= (be,)denotes an individual market’s response to allother inforniation made available during the in-

4Much of this literature shows that the difference betweenthe actual forward premium and that implied by CIP oftenfalls outside of the neutral band given by transactioncosts, e.g., see Bahmani-Oskooee and Das (1985) andClinton (1988). For example, Clinton finds “that while thelongest sequence of profitable trading opportunities is fiveobservations [days], the most common run does not ex-tend beyond a single observation. Thus, in general, profitopportunities appear to be both small and short-lived, eventhough they are not rare.” See Clinton (1988), p. 367, Hesuggests, however, that it is unlikely that the quality of thedata will ever be sufficient to provide a rigorous test ofmarket efficiency. i.e., that there are no unexploited profitopportunities.

5To date, this work has relied exclusively on investigatingmarkets’ responses to money announcements. See Roley(1987), Husted and Kitchen (1985) and Tandon and Urich(1987).

6Roley (1987) considers Japan and only the Gensaki rate,while Husted and Kitchen (1985) use data for Canada and

Germany. Roley’s data covers the period from October 6,1977, through May 30, 1985, while Husted and Kitchen’sdata covers the period from February 8, 1980, throughAugust 27, 1982.

‘Deardorff (1979) shows that covered interest arbitrage re-quires that the forward rate deviate from that implied byCIP by no more than t+t ÷t,+tJ,where t, t , t, and t,are the transaction costs (proportional to the size of thetransaction) in the United States and foreign securitiesmarkets and the spot and forward foreign exchangemarkets, respectively. He also shows that the “neutralband” is narrower than this if “one-way” arbitrage is con-sidered. This band has been further narrowed by Callier(1981), Bahmani-Oskooee and Das (1985) and Clinton(1988).

8AlnF, and AlnS, are weighted by an annualizing factorequal to 12 divided by the number of months in the for-ward contract.



terval, c,.9 Estimnating this equation system in-volves the additional assumption that E(e,) = 0.Equations 6-9 are estimated and the restrictionsd — d, — d, + d4 = a, — a, — a, + a4 = 0are tested. If CIP holds, the intercept and slopecoefficients of equations 6-9 will satisfy the par-ticular homogenous linear restriction implied byCIP.

An asymptotically equivalent test can be per-formed by estimating the equation

(10) Aln(1 +i,) — AlnU+it)—AlnF, + AInS, = a +dl, + f,,

and testing the hypothesis that a = d = 0. lnthis form, the error term, f, = e,, — e,, — c, +e4,, vanishes under the null hypothesis that themarkets respond to the new information in away consistent with CIP, that is, b—b,— b, + h4 = 0. A more satisfactory interpretationof f,, therefore, comes from recalling that equa-tion I holds identically only in the absence oftransaction costs, so that I’, represents thechange in the log of these costs.’°

Another interpretation of f, stems from thefact that the observations used to examine C1Pgenerally are not taken at the same time. To il-lustrate the effect of this, assume that observa-tions on U.S. and foreign interest rates aretaken at 3 a.m. EST, while the observations onthe spot and forward exchange rates are takenat 11 am. EST. The change in interest rates ismeasured from 3 a.m. before the release of the

specific information to 3 am. after the informa-tion is released. ~I’hechange in the exchangerates is defined similarly. Undem- these assump-tions, changes in the interest and exchangerates reflect informnation that is common toboth, as well as the information unique to each.For example, changes in the interest rates willreflect the markets’ reaction to information be-tween 3 am. and 11 a.m., but this informationwill not necessarily be reflected in the changein the exchange rates. Likewise, changes in theexchange rates reflect the markets’ reaction toinformation from 3 am. to Ii a.m. the next day,but this information will not he reflected in thechanges in the interest rates. Consequently, theerror term of equation 10 comes potentiallyfrom differences in the information in the assetprices due to non-synchronous data, as well asfrom changes in the log of tmansaction costs.” itcould not come from the common informationbecause, as vve have already noted, this compo-nent of the error term vanishes under the nullhypothesis.

Tests of the Linear RestrictionsImplied by LiP

A comparison of equations 6-9 and equation10 reveals another interesting aspect of thesetests. The hypothesis that a = 0 is a test thatthe linear combination implied by CIP, but notaccounted for by I,, is zero. If CIP holds, thiswill he true at all times, not simply when the

~Thisspecification assumes that there is no idiosyncratic in-formation that affects one market but not the others. It isdifficult to see how such idiosyncratic information couldexist in the reduced-form equations 6-9, or how such anassumption could hold under the null hypothesis. For amodel that looks at the implications of non-synchronoustrading using the assumption of idiosyncratic information,see Lo and MacKinlay (1989).

loIf transaction costs vary symmetrically around a non-zeromean, the change in the log of transactions costs will notvary symmetrically around zero. This stems directly fromthe concavity of the log function. This means that if thedistribution of transactions cost is symmetric, the distribu-tion of the log of the change in the transaction costs willbe asymmetric.

“Since the markets may eventually respond to all informa-tion, the non-synchronous data implies that changes inasset prices taken at different periods of time will beserially correlated. In terms of equations 6-9, this meansthat the error terms will be cross-sectionally autocor-related. In terms of equation 10, this implies that f will beserially correlated. Indeed, when equation 10 wasestimated using all of the daily data, this was the case,The results reported in this paper are for estimates ofequation 10 only on days when the specific informationwas available. Not surprisingly, in nearly all cases, theseerror terms were serially independent.

“For simplicity, let Ai = Aln(1 + i~’)— Aln(l + C) and AR, =

AlnF, — AInS., so that CIP implies that Al — AR = 0,under the simplifying assumption of zero transaction costs.Now let Ai, = o, + a,SI, + d,c + d,rj. and AR = +

+ dc, + d,co~Here, c, denotes the information not con-tained in I, that is reflected in both interest rates and ex-change rates, ~ denotes the information reflected in Ai,that is not reflected in AR and w, denotes the informationreflected in AR that cannot be reflected in Ai,. Since thereis little lustification to do otherwise, it is assumed that Ai,responds the same to and ~ likewise, the response ofAR is the same for c and w~ Note that if the response ofthese markets to information is consistent with CIP, i.e.,(a, — i30) = (a, — f~)= (d, — d) = 0, Ai — AR, differsfrom zero by 6, q, — d,w,, the response to the non-synchronous information. [Estimation requires a normaliza-tion; however, this does not affect the conclusion].Roley (1987), p. 65, asserts that, “when testing whetherthe responses of these variables to a specific piece of newinformation are inconsistent with covered interest parity,the exact alignment of the data is not necessary.” Theabove illustration demonstrates that this is not necessarilythe case. The error term of equation 10 and, hence, theprecision with which the parameters can be estimated isclearly dependent on the degree to which the data aresynchronous.



markets react to specific information. Tests ofUP using the markets’ response to specific in-formation generally are performed using dataonly for days when the information is released;however, evidence on CIP can be obtained dir-ectly from the changes in these four assetprices even if information that the markets res-pond to is not identified or is not available.

Rejecting the hypothesis that this linear com-bination of changes in asset prices is zero isstrong evidence against CIP. A failure to rejectthe null hypothesis is not strong evidence infavor of it, however, because the same could betrue for other linear combinations of these assetprices. If asset prices follow a random walkwithout drift, the same could be true for anylinear combination of the change in these assetprices, not simply for the linear combination im-plied by CIP. Consequently, stronger evidenceconsistent with UP would be obtained if thenull hypothesis is not rejected for the linearcombination implied by CIP, but is rejected forother linear combinations.


Tests of CIP using the markets’ response tospecific information have relied exclusively ontheir response to money announcements. In thissection, the broader test outlined above is ap-

plied to daily data for the period from October5, 1979, to September 14, 1988. Tests of CIP us-ing the markets’ response to information in theform of money announcements also are under-taken. The reported tests using money an-nouncements are only fot days on which therewas an announcement.

The data used in this study are one-, three-,six- and twelve-month Eurocurrency rates forthe United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.),Canada (CA), Germany (GB), Switzerland (SW),France (FR) and Japan (JA), the correspondingforward exchange rates and the spot exchange

“The interest rates are from the BlS data tape at the Boardof Governors of the Federal Reserve System. These arebid rates taken from several markets. The Money MarketService survey data through 1986 were provided by GraigHakkio.

‘~Forexample, this is true of Tandon and Urich (1987),Husted and Kitchen (1985) and Belongia and Sheehan(1987). Deaves, Melino and Pesando (1987), however,show that the significance of expected money on U.S. in-terest rates is due to a few outliers, while Belongia, Haferand Sheehan (1986) have shown that the response of U.S.interest rates to anticipated money is very sensitive to thesample period. In any event, the presence or absence of

rates. Anticipated changes in Ml are the medianforecasts from the Money Market Services sur-vey, and the forecast error is the difference be-tween the forecasted change and the change infirst-announced Ml. The interest rates arereported as of 3 am. EST and the exchangerates are reported as of 11 am. ES’I’. The in-terest rates are bid rates from the Bank of In-ternational Settlements.’~The exchange ratesare the average of bid and ask rates from theLondon foreign exchange market.

The test of CIP using money announcementsinvolves estimating the equation

(11) Aln(1+i,) — Aln(1+i~) — AInF,+AlnS, = a +

d,UM + d,ME, + e,.

Both anticipated money, ME, and unanticipatedmoney, UM, are included because, as a numberof researchers found, these asset prices re-sponded in a statistically significant way to bothanticipated and unanticipated changes in themoney stock.’~The finding that the individualmarkets respond significantly to ME is, itself,frequently taken as evidence that the marketsare informationally inefficient.’~For the purposeof testing for CIP, however, the only relevantissues are whether the markets respond to MEand whether the responses net out in a wayconsistent with CIP.

It has been common to estimate equations like6-9 or equation 11 over different subsamples tosee if the markets’ response to money announce-ments changes in response to changes in theFederal Reserve’s operating procedure.” Sincethe interest here is only in testing for CIP,however, there is no need to split this samplefor this purpose: the difference in magnitude ofthe market’s response is unimportant.

It is important to split the sample for anotherreason, however: the null hypothesis that d, =

d, = 0 will not be rejected either if the marketsdo not mespond to money announcements or if

ME from equation 10 is likely to have little bearing on thetest because ME and UM are nearly orthogonal. Further-more, while the evidence on the importance of ME may beweak, the cost in terms of lost efficiency for including it issmall.

“While this type of test is generally valid, there are someimportant limitations, For a discussion of these, seePesaran (1987), especially chapter 8.

“In October 1982, the Fed switched from a nonborrowed-reserves to a borrowed-reserves operating procedure. SeeThornton (1988a) for a discussion of the borrowed-reservesoperating procedure.



<‘~ ~

~fi%,,.r i~~~fl,-t,’ ~flt

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/ ~‘

/~+~ ///


~ / ~~$~o/ ~ $~/

their response is consistent with CIP onaverage.

It is well-documented that the markets,especially U.S. interest rates, responded in astatistically significant way to unanticipatedchanges in the money stock through the earlypart of 1984. Their response after early 1984 ismore problematic, however. Consequently, theperiod was divided into two subperiods: Oc-tober 5, 1979, to January 29, 1984, and January30, 1984, to September 14, 1988.’~Equations inthe form of 6-9 were estimated for both per-iods, and both anticipated and unanticipatedchanges in the money stock had a statisticallysignificant effect only during the first subperi-od.” Consequently, estimates of equation ii arepresented only for the period ending in 1984.Results for the more general test are presentedfor the entire period.


Table 1 reports t-statistics for tests of variouslinear combinations of changes in U.S. andforeign interest rates and spot and forward ex-change rates, including the linear combinationimplied by CIP. The t-statistic for the linearcombination implied by CIP is denoted T,; t-statistics for two other linear combinations ofthe changes in these asset prices are denoted ‘I’,and T,. The alternative linear combinations areinteresting because T, is the t-statistic for a testof a linear combination of changes in theseasset prices that is correlated with that impliedby CIP, while T, is the t-statistic for a test of alinear combination that is orthogonal to that im-plied by CII’.” Consequently, if the nullhypothesis that CIP holds cannot be rejected, itwould not be surprising to find that ‘I’, >T,>T,.

‘7For example, Dwyer and Hafer (1989) found that essential-ly there was no statistically significant response of U.S. in-terest rates to money announcements after July 1984.More importantly, estimates of equations of the form of 6-9found no statistically significant response to either an-ticipated or unanticipated changes in the money stock dur-ing the second subperiod.

“Estimates of equations like 6-9 for the first subperiod in-dicate that the markets frequently responded significantlyto anticipated changes in the money stock, This was the

case for U.S. and Canadian interest rates at all maturities,except the 12-month maturity for Canada, and is generallytrue for both the forward and spot exchange rates. It is nottrue for other foreign interest rates, with the exception ofthe one-month Euroyen rate.

“Let R , R and R denote the three restrictions on the vec-tor of’chainges in’ asset prices that correspond with T,, Tand T,, respectively, e.g., R, =(1, — I, — I, 1). Then thecorrelation between R, and R is — .50, while R and R,are uncorrelated.



In every instance, the t-statistics for the testof CIP are extremely small, suggesting that CIPholds on average over the sample period. Whilesupportive of CII’, the fact that the null hypoth-esis cannot be rejected is not compelling evi-dence because the same could be true of otherlinear combinations of these variables. Tests ofother linear combinations produce t-statisticsthat are considerably larger than those for thatimplied by CII’, although in no case was the nullhypothesis rejected. In the majority of cases,however, T,>T,,

Tests of the Response to SpecjfieInformation

Estimates of equation 11 along with the t-sta-tistics for tests of linear combinations of thechanges in these variables for the period fromOctober 5, 1979, through January 29, 1984, arepresented in table 2.20 Two F-statistics arereported. F, is a test that all of the coefficientsare zero. F, is a test that the two slope coeffi-cients are zero.

‘l’here were four instances in which the coef-ficient on unanticipated changes in money wasstatistically significant at the 5 pet-cent level andthree instances in which the null hypothesisthat both slope coefficients are zero is rejected.In no instance was the coefficient of anticipatedmoney alone significant at the 5 percent level.

The occasional statistically significant responseto unanticipated changes in the money supply isodd given the general lack of such responses.Even more surprising, one of these occurs at amaturity of six months while the other threeoccur at a maturity of 12 months, despite thefact there was no statistically significant re-sponse at shorter maturities.” This fact alongwith the extremely low adjusted R-squares leavesopen the possibility that the statistically signifi-cant responses are due to the influence of aielatively few observations.”

Scatter plots of the dependent variable andunanticipated changes in the money stock forthe four instances in which the coefficient ontiM was statistically significant are presented infigures 1-4. In the case of the six-month maturi-ty for Japan shown in figure 1, it appears thattwo extreme observations (see arrows) could ac-count for the significant positive coefficient onUM. The same two observations appear as ex-treme observations for the 12-month maturityfor Japan in figure 2. To see if the results forJapan are sensitive to these observations, theywere deleted and the equation was re-estimated.In both instances the coefficient on UM was nolonger statistically significant at the 5 percentlevel.”

The remaining scatter plots reveal no similarlydramatic outliers. They do indicate what thelow adjusted B-squares suggest: a relativelyweak relationship between the dependent vari-able and unanticipated changes in the moneystock.’~Given the spherical nature of the scatterplots and the extremely low adjusted R-squares,these results do not represent a seriouschallenge to the null hypothesis that CIP holdson average.

Tests of linear combinations of changes inthese variables reported in table 2 are similar tothose for the entire period reported in table 1.

The major difference is the T, statistic is signifi-cant at the 5 percent level for Germany, Franceand the United Kingdom for all maturities.”This provides strong evidence that CIP holds onaverage during the period. This finding is con-sistent with that of Clinton (1988) who foundthat, even though thei’e were numerous in-stances when deviations from interest rate pari-ty were larger than those implied solely bytransactions costs, no profitable arbitrage oppor-tunities exist on average.

Unlike Roley (1987) who rejected CIP forJapan, these results suggest that it holds for the

‘°Francedevalued its currency three times during thisperiod, causing excessively large movements in theEurofranc rate. These observations were deleted fromtests involving money announcements for France. Theywere October 5, 1981, June 14, 1982, and March 21,1983.

“Most of the empirical evidence suggests that the responseof U.S. interest rates to money announcements is thestrongest at the short-term maturities, For example, seeDwyer and Hafer (1989) and Hafer and Sheehan (1989).

“Thornton (1988b, 1989) has shown that some of thereported statistically significant responses of U.S. interestrates, exchange rates and stock prices to unanticipated

changes in the money stock are due to relatively fewobservations.

“The observations are March 7, 1980, and June 10, 1983.The t-statistics for the coefficient on UM are 0.97 and 1.69for the six- and twelve-month maturities, respectively.

‘4Given the results reported here, there is little reason toperform formal statistical tests for the stability of the coeff i-cients, In any event, such tests likely will be of low powergiven the low adjusted R-squares for these equations.

“Separate tests indicate that many of these asset prices donot follow a random walk,



~ ~ >/,,N\,.,,/H/ N ~ ,,~, N


TabI~* / / ; ~ N N

theMatkett ReaotIbáCtSMgI*A oncements~October 5% 1S7G -

Jnua~flt4$4 ~ :~2 N

N / te~ttt4MarN N N ~N ts$mEt*tflqtcn~z tombfttans

N N ~ ~‘~N/ \/~\/\ N N

MaturIt~t NN N

T~ N/I


N N N N NNNSA/N Nm N~ aes4~ 0t8\9 287~ ~ N~ ~

N N ~ N11*N IS7~

SW ‘I0~ N~°~ S 54 OOS 185 013 04 MN 13?\/ :/Nk~/ ~N\/~ /

OR N ~t34 ~ozs ‘~1~N ~ 002 015 06 20 -~g1%N ~*1 NbttN / N

>///N~ // N N N N

45r SI, ~-~Ø7~ 165 -S ía” ~ a -~ -loG~ ~ N

‘N, 1kN~~”N’N/ N’ / / N /NN N

~tJKN” 0t26 Q’N,, S’’ 4rnt~ 002 ØØ4N oso N

A”, \N /~ ~ 007 $27 N/Ga 0&’ iS ‘-23~t*~ NPSNNfl~


CA ‘ t-Ofl NN.04a,~//’mw fl3f~ 012 2.06 235 ‘ 9N N , /, N

mg’ ~ãtN~ 00’ /N0- ‘ 009~ “~‘ 001 /&1N..,,3~ =142

,ftftt / N’(4$N// / / T / / N / / N

OR N, =0~ N=OG,’~07 / ~G~It bD7 052 027 01 —a / =220(1 )~ wiit: flNN /,/ / /

N / / N’ / / / / /

Uss’ ~ JOG 0543 /N0Q9~D41~ 003 02 ,‘=iG SWN / / (fl/% NkN,N / /

(1K’ =002 012’GSt’N’ øZ~SN ,006 125 t$2 / / 29 —244

(0$~’ ~178~ NP/N // / / / / N/ esí,~ ‘ileN\_aoNns4N —oos 07~ 047 /01 20NN=20

~NN ~a, (~\ N / N N / /

$)XMONTK N ‘ / ‘N’ / /“/, / N / ‘‘ /

oa* ~ ‘~7 0. $ -~,0O7 ‘154 0.25 ‘~-0S --34 -99N / / / 4 / flfl’ /S)\ N N / / N /

N 006 1004N 0105 —007 0’68 020 04 -34 —1,48


~jst —ao a oss Os —36 =zsNN ~?3) • ~i N N


NN N SN ~ “4$~ 5$4 .~-1Jo3 093 072 01 —2 =326NN ~ N,02, //(1~ N N

~-tJaI~ 11 /S ~ r9 Ms N

N//N / N / / / / / ‘N’ /

/ N / / N N N ‘N’ / / /



N N, N N


/ N, N”’~

thIs 2 ( ontntued)The Markets’ Reaction to Money Anno ments 0 tóber 5, 19 9January27, 1984

es,t of LInear____ Estimates of Eq~wtion7 Combtotts


Constant’ , If N’ Tt ______-

a 050 021 024 0337 09> 88 312 00 32 2

(1) 208) (158)1’WE VS MONTHCA 043 004 004 0220 006 o~o .oi a

67) 055) (045)

W 014 006 007 0288 008 039 0 00 2 148(069) 068 (064)

02 01 ‘005 07 010 2 04 St as

(175 (202}

FR 003 026 019 0364 019 18 22 02 S2~(010) ( 38) ItS)

UK -03 000 OtS 0230 008 166 003 04 25 4(203) (005) ( 4)

JA 072 029 =021 0377 023 535* 358 0 27 3(283) (49) (120)

Actual cbs rctehl 10 2 mae ma epe?tea ceettleten

fndicates stat i i~ntticana at the 5 percent teve

T,M(1 ) AIrtI rJ IF 415 0

T~ 1 ( t And i) 4n MnS

tn( - Aif -i-AlIt =0

I uroven rate. Roles used the Gensaki rate and -attributed his failut e to support CII to capitalcontrols. Since the Eurocut enc~rates usedhere are not affected h~capital controls theresults are not inconsistent with Roley s To- 1 he T stati tics repot ted in table are muchgether hov~c\ er they suggest that there should smallei than the t-statistics fot the intei ceptbe relati~~ls u eak substitutability bet%\ een the terms, ome of u hich n crc ignificant at the 5Furoven and Gensaki rates. percent level.’6 One explination for thi \\.hn h

2 Equation 11 was also estimated using all of the daily data, terms were not much different from the t-statistics for thenot simply for days when there was a money announce linear combination of the e asset price implied by dRment Not surprisingly the t-statistics for the intercept reported in table 2.




Figure 1Scatter Plot For Japan: Six-Month MaturityAinii ~‘ iii — Ainil + i~i— Mn Ft + Aiitst.012





— .006






— .032


Figure 2Scatter Plot For Japan: 12-Month Maturity











• 036


—5 —4 —3 —2 —l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(UM)

Mnit + i~i— Mnii + ifl — Ainrt + Airts,.008

—5 —4 —3 —2 —1











— .004





— .014




Figure 3Scatter Plot For Germany: 12-Month Maturity

Figure 4Scatter Plot For France: 12-Month MaturityAm it tti — Alit it ,i — Alt, m~ Am

5 4 —3 2 —1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


— _~JIJ,—5 —4 —3 —2 —1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9









— .002


— .006

— .006


— .012






is consistent with the frequent—though notpersistent—violations of CIP using transactioncost data, is that shocks to the market in theform of money announcements are destabiliz-ing, causing large deviations from CIP on thesedays2’ If this is the case, deviations from CIPshould be larger on money-announcement days.Consequently, not only will the means be larger,but the variance of the dependent variablein equation 11 should be larger on money-announcement days as well.28

Table 3 reports test of the equality of thevariances of the dependent variable of equation11 against the alternative that the variance islarger on money-announcement days. Thesetests are performed only for the period endingin 1984 because, as has been noted, the in-dividual markets do not respond significantly tounanticipated changes in the money stockthereafter.

In general, the results are not consistent withthe hypothesis that the variance is larger onmoney-announcement days. There are six in-stances in which the null hypothesis of theequality of the variances is rejected in favor ofthe alternative at the 5 percent significancelevel, but there are seven instances in whichthe variance of the dependent variable is signif-icantly lower on money-announcement days.29Moreover, two of the former cases are for thesix- and 12-month maturities for Japan. Sincethe previous results for these maturities werestrongly influenced by these observations, theywere deleted and the tests repeated. When thiswas done, the null hypothesis was no longer re-jected in favor of the alternative in eithercase3°Consequently, the occasional significantintercept term and the occasional significantlylarger variance on money-announcement daysare not strong evidence against CIP holding onaverage.


Despite a few occasions in which there was astatistically significant response to unanticipatedchanges in the money stock, the results of testsof the markets’ response to economic news areconsistent generally with the hypothesis thatCIP holds on average. In two of the four in-

nature of the data and the sensitivity of least-squares to extreme observations. Also, the fewinstances in which the means of the dependentvariable implied by CIP were significantly dif-ferent from zero on money-announcement daysdo not constitute strong evidence against C1P.

stances insponse tostock, the

which there was a significant re-unanticipated changes in the moneyresults appeared to be due to the

27Another is that the difference in these results are due tothe distributions of the dependent variable. Though notreported here, the distributions of the dependent variablehave their probability mass more highly concentratedabout the mean and have thicker tails than normallydistributed random variables. Consequently, sample meansvary considerably, even in what conventionally would belarge samples. The evidence of this is obtained from testsderived from histograms constructed by dividing the inter-val from ±2.33 standard deviations around the mean into11 equal-length groups centered on the mean, The firstand last group were open-ended, theoretically containing 1percent of the sample in each. These histograms werecreated for all observations and for days when there wereand were not money announcements for the firstsubperiod. In nearly all instances, the actual frequency inthe first and last group exceeded—in many cases, greatlyexceeded—the expected frequency. But even in those in-

stances where this was not the case, the actual frequencyin the first and last group exceeded the actual frequenciesin the second and third and 11th and 12th groups. Thenull hypothesis of normality was rejected in every case atvery low significance levels by formal chi-squaregoodness-of-fit tests.

280ne way to conceptualize this is simply to note that thereis an extra source of variation on money-announcementdays. For an example, see Thornton (1988b).

29This may not be too surprising given the transaction-costinterpretation of the error term because Bahmani-Oskooeeand Das (1985) report that their estimates of transactioncosts were highly unstable.

30The F-statistics for the six- and 12-month maturities are0,72 and 114, respectively. Indeed, for the six-monthmaturity, the variance is significantly smaller on money-announcement days.



‘rhis is so because the hypothesis that the meanof the dependent variable implied by CIP is zerowas never rejected for larger samples using allof the daily observations.

‘l’here is no evidence that the data are con-sistently more variable on money-announcementdays. Furthermore, the t-statistics for tests thatlinear combinations other than that implied byCIP were zero were much larger than those forthat implied by CIP and, in several instances,the null hypothesis was rejected during part ofthe sample period. Hence, CIP appears to holdon average for these data.

There are several policy implications of thefinding that, on average, an exact linear rela-tionship exists between the U.S. and foreign in-terest rates and the spot and forward exchangerates. For example, if the U~S.interest rate istaken as exogenous, foreign central banks can-not independently and simultaneously controlboth their interest rates and their exchangerates, This means that small open economies aresusceptible to exogenous changes in US, mone-tary policy. Finally, the results indicate the CIPassumption used in many theoretical models isappropriate, so long as it is not required to holdat every point in time, These results, however,do not ptovide evidence for the question ofmarket efficiency which characterizes manydiscussions of CIP and covered interestarbitrage.


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