test-driven in groovy

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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Test-Driven in Groovy. Joseph Muraski Christopher Bartling. Joseph Muraski. Independent Consultant in the Twin Cities Develop enterprise applications using Java, .Net , Groovy, Grails… Email: joe.muraski@mantacs.com Twitter: jmuraski Blog: joemuraski.blogspot.com. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Test-Driven in Groovy

Joseph Muraski

Christopher Bartling

Joseph Muraski

Independent Consultant in the Twin Cities Develop enterprise applications using Java, .Net,

Groovy, Grails… Email: joe.muraski@mantacs.com Twitter: jmuraski Blog: joemuraski.blogspot.com

Christopher Bartling

Independent consultant, based in the Twin Cities Teach, mentor and coach for DevJam Experiences include building enterprise applications

with Java, Groovy, Grails, .NET, and Adobe Flex Email: chris.bartling@gmail.com Twitter: cbartling Blog: bartling.blogspot.com

Goals of the workshop

Introduce features in Groovy that will help your Java testing efforts

Introduce Cucumber and cuke4duke as new tools in your testing arsenal

Demonstrate unit, integration, and acceptance testing with Groovy and Cucumber (via cuke4duke) via an example Java web application

Get hands on with these technologies


Design principles Testing facilities built into Groovy Acceptance/BDD testing with Groovy

Cucumber and cuke4duke

Presentation and code available http://bitbucket.org/joe.muraski/grails_tdd_workshop/ Instructions on how to use Mercurial to clone the

repository or retrieve everything in an archive file

Prerequisites for hands on labs

Java 1.6 JDK installation Maven 2 That’s it…Maven will take care of resolving all the

other dependencies

Maven 2

Maven2 installation required We’re using version 2.2.1

This is not a Maven presentation We use it because it’s quite handy and does a great job of

resolving dependencies Maven commands will be presented when needed

Maven plugins used

org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-plugin:1.2 org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin cuke4duke:cuke4duke-maven-plugin:0.2.4 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin

Sample web application

Starting the web app mvn jetty:run-exploded

Running tests mvn tests

Running cuke4duke mvn cuke4duke:cucumber

Design principles

Single responsibility per class (high cohesion) Loose coupling of collaborators (low coupling) Injection of dependencies

Why Groovy?

Groovy works seamlessly with Java It’s all just bytecode in the end

Groovy offers a relaxed Java syntax Interesting tools included in Groovy

GSQL XmlSlurper, XmlParser, Builders GPath Convenient collections Private method testing


Included in Groovy distribution Extends junit.framework.TestCase Provides a number of helper methods for assertions Does not require test* methods to be void return type No need to declared throws checked exceptions in

tests Groovy converts checked exceptions to unchecked


Convenience assert methods

assertArrayEquals(Object[] expected, Object[] actual) assertContains(char expected, char[] actualArray) assertContains(int expected, int[] actualArray) assertInspect(Object value, String expected) assertLength(int length, Object[] array) assertScript(String script) assertToString(Object value, String expected)

shouldFail() closures

shouldFail(Closure closure) Asserts supplied closure fails when evaluated

shouldFail(Class desiredThrownType, Closure closure) Asserts supplied closure fails when evaluated and

particular exception type is thrown

shouldFailWithCause(Class desiredCauseType, Closure closure) Will check for a checked exception as the root cause

(checked exceptions are wrapped in Groovy)

Mocking Java classes with Groovy

Map coercion Groovy’s mock library GMock library Java mocking frameworks

Map coercion

Add named closures to the map Only one closure can be mapped to a “method name” Cannot overload methods

Coerce to desire type using the as operator

Map coercion example

Private Method Calling

Groovy can call private methods Broken encapsulation? Better reflection abstractions? Java can invoke private methods, it’s just more painful

Is testing private methods Good or a Smell?

Private method testing example

Groovy mocking library

Groovy's built-in mock support does not allow us to test Java classes Relies on hooking into Groovy's object lifecycle

mechanisms Java can not make call to Groovy Mock or Stub

Use Java mocking frameworks instead Can cheat by putting Groovy Mock in a coerced map

but why??


Groovy-based mock objects framework Easy syntax and usage Works when called by Java classes


Create Mock AddressService service = mock(AddressService)

Create Expectation service.fetch(“id”).returns(new Address()).once()

Easy Mathcing service.save(match{it.personId ==


GMock example

Java Mocking Frameworks

Java Mocking frameworks can be used with Groovy Some have minor syntax issues or needed work

arounds (JMock) Great to use if you already have one you are using and

don’t want to switch


Easy to create connections con = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/",

"sa", "", "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver")

Simple to work with row sets con.rows(“select * from address”).each {println “id: $


No try catch blocks

GSQL example

Acceptance Test-Driven

Story tests manifest themselves as executable tests Drives the development of complete features

Frameworks are available Fit, FitLibrary, FitNesse

http://fit.c2.com/ Robot Framework

http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/ Cucumber

http://cukes.info/ Others


Tool for executing plain-text functional descriptions as automated tests

Supports BDD Cucumber tests are typically written before anything

else verified by business analysts, domain experts, non-

technical stakeholders The production code is then written to make the

Cucumber tests pass

Outside-in development

Cucumber (via cuke4duke)

Cucumber for the JVM Outside-in testing

Facilitates automation of acceptance/story tests

Features and scenarios use normal language Step definitions can be written in Groovy, as we’ll see Uses JRuby to run the core Cucumber framework http://wiki.github.com/aslakhellesoy/cuke4duke/

Cucumber features

Purposes Documentation of the system Automated, executable acceptance tests What code should I write next?

Written in Gherkin Business readable DSL Describe software behavior without detailing implementation Grammar exists in different spoken languages (37 currently)

Feature source files have .feature extension


Scenarios consist of steps Given: Put the system in a known state before the user

starts interacting with the system; pre-conditions When: Describe the key action a user performs in this

scenario Then: Observe outcomes; observations should relate to

business value of the feature

Use And and But to keep features fluent

Cucumber step definitions

Written in Groovy for our examples Can be written in many different programming languages

Analogous to method or function definition Start with adjective/adverb Regular expression which will match some text from a


Take 0 or more arguments Arguments bound to regular expression groups

Multi-line step arguments


Before Executes before the first step of each scenario

After Executes after the last step of each scenario Execute regardless if there are failing, undefined, pending

or skipped steps

AfterStep Executes after each step in a scenario


Found in Groovy files in the support directory Our example uses one: env.groovy

Hooks allow us to run blocks of code at various points in the Cucumber test cycle

No association between where the hook is defined and which scenario/step it is run for All defined hooks (one or more) are run whenever the

relevant event occurs

Tagged hooks

Need to execute a certain hook for only certain scenarios

Achieved by associating a Before, After or AfterStep hook with one or more tags See the env.groovy file It uses a Before hook with a @database tag to load the

database via DBUnit

Tagging scenarios

Allows you to group scenarios for inclusion or exclusion in a Cucumber run

@wip is provided out of the box Using tags in cuke4duke and Maven…

mvn cuke4duke:cucumber –DcukeArgs=“--tags @wip” mvn cuke4duke:cucumber -DcukeArgs=“--tags ~@wip” Inside of the Maven POM:


Running cuke4duke

The cuke4duke Maven plugin mvn cuke4duke:cucumber

First time: use –Dcucumber.installGems=true Add –o option to work offline

Features and step definitions are discovered by the plugin Features belong in features directory Step definitions found in the step_definitions directory

cuke4duke acceptance tests

Step definitions will be written in Groovy Other JVM languages are allowed

Use cuke4duke.GroovyDsl Use WebDriver: http://code.google.com/p/selenium

Test web UI

Use DbUnit: http://www.dbunit.org/ Bulk load the database with known fixture data

Acceptance testing configuration

Cucumber examples

Workshop activities

Now it’s your turn! Try your hand at unit testing with Groovy Refactor the existing web app

Introduce DAO for database functionality Add services to orchestrate business logic

Write some Cucumber features and build out or reuse the Groovy step definitions

Try to add new features and practice outside-in development

Is ATDD beneficial? Why or why not?

Interesting resources

http://cukes.info/ http://blog.dannorth.net/whats-in-a-story/ http://blog.dannorth.net/introducing-bdd/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-pg1

1094/ http://wiki.github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/


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