terrific composer workshop

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The Terrific Composer is a Frontend Development Framework – based on Symfony2 – that aims to make your life easier. It takes the modularization approach of Terrific and provides you a project structure that enables you to start right away. The slides are part of the Terrific Composer Workshop and includes tips & tricks for working with the Composer.


Makes your life easier…

Terrific Composer

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #



Terrific Composer

‣ Installation

‣ Twig

‣ Pages

‣ Modules & Skins

‣ Layout

‣ Dev -> Prod


GithubTake it. Make it better. Together.

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #



‣ https://github.com/brunschgi/terrificjs

Terrific Composer (Symfony2 Edition)

‣ https://github.com/brunschgi/terrific-composer

Terrific Symfony2 Bundles

‣ https://github.com/brunschgi/TerrificCoreBundle

‣ https://github.com/brunschgi/TerrificComposerBundle


ShowcasesSee Terrific in action

It’s really easy…


#Remo Brunschwiler

Hold on a minute!


Before we dive deeper into the Terrific Composer…

#Remo Brunschwiler

Hold on a minute!


Before we dive deeper into the Terrific Composer…

Lets refresh our Terrific knowledge!http://www.slideshare.net/brunschgi/terrific-frontends

Terrific ComposerMakes your life easier…

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Terrific Composer

Frontend Development Framework

‣ Designed for building frontends / applications based on the Terrific concept

‣ Integrates TerrificJS

‣ Based on Symfony

‣ … still very young


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Terrific Composer

Frontend Development Framework

‣ Designed for building frontends / applications based on the Terrific concept

‣ Integrates TerrificJS

‣ Based on Symfony

‣ … still very young

… melts dozens of best practices!


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


Terrific Composer

‣ Unfortunately, a specific documentation does not exist yet

‣ Any help is gladly appreciated!!

Symfony Documentation

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/quick_tour/the_big_picture.html – quick tour

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/ – really great in-depth documentation!

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/ – solutions and tutorials for common tasks

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/index.html – symfony components documentation


InstallationVery fast setup for your project!

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #



Download it from: http://terrifically.org/composer/

Explore… the sidebar and their possibilities

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Add new Modules & Skins to your project. The Skeleton is generated for you so that you can start right away.



Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

The Open dialog provides you fast access to all of your Modules and Pages.



Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

The inspect mode shows you which modules are in use on the current page.



TwigThe flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


Symfony comes with a powerful templating language called Twig

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html

‣ http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation

…I couldn’t have explained it better, so have a look at the links above :-)


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

IDE Integration

Twig is a quite young project, but there is already support for several IDEs:

‣ PhpStorm (native as of 2.1) – recommended!!

‣ Textmate via the Twig bundle

‣ Vim via the Jinja syntax plugin

‣ Netbeans via the Twig syntax plugin

‣ Eclipse via the Twig plugin

‣ Sublime Text via the Twig bundle

‣ Coda 2 via the other Twig syntax mode


Hands on!Terrific Composer – Step by Step

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Step by Step

Common Tasks

‣ Create a new page

‣ Create a new Module / Skin

‣ Create a new layout

‣ Development -> Productive


PagesPlay Lego!

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

… Let’s see it in action


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Create a new page

Things to do

1. Create a new or extend an existing controller

2. Create an action in the controller

3. Set annotations (@Template, @Route, @Composer)

4. Create a view (twig file) in /Resources/views/


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

1. Create / Extend Controller

<?phpnamespace Terrific\Composition\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;use Terrific\ComposerBundle\Annotation\Composer;use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;

class DefaultController extends Controller{}

Things to consider

‣ PHP 5.3 namespace describes where the class is located

‣ Filename = ClassName, eg. DefaultController.php -> needed for classloading

‣ PHP 5.3 use statements for base controller and annotations


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

2. Create Action

class DefaultController extends Controller{ /** * @Composer("Welcome") * @Route("/", name="home") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { return array(); }}

Things to consider

‣ action name must end in Action

‣ return statement of an action is a Response object-> in our case it is and array: because of @Template()


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

3. Set Annotations

/** * @Composer("Welcome") * @Route("/", name="home") * @Template() */public function indexAction(){ return array();}


‣ The given name will appear in the open dialog

@Route(“<path>”, name=”<name”)

‣ Describes the path under which the page is available

‣ For more options have a look at @Route


‣ Specifies which template should be rendered (@Template documentation)


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

4. Create Twig View


{% extends 'TerrificComposition::base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}Terrific Composer - Welcome{% endblock %}

{% block body %}<div class="page"> … here comes your stuff …</div>{% endblock %}

Things to consider

‣ Extend the layout of your choice

‣ Override / Extend the twig blocks you need


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Twig Blocks

Provided from TerrificCoreBundle::base.html.twig

‣ title – content of the <title> element

‣ meta – for meta tags (<meta charset="UTF-8"/> is always set)

‣ styles – the place for your stylesheets

‣ body_class – allows you to give your body a class

‣ composition – your content goes here

‣ jquery – jquery script element

‣ terrificjs – terrificjs script element

‣ scripts – the place for your javascripts

‣ bootstrap – the default terrificjs bootstrap


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Hands on!

Create a new page that…

‣ is available under /workshop

‣ appears in the open dialog as “Workshop”

‣ has the same content as the homepage


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Hands on!

Create a new page that…

‣ is available under /workshop

‣ appears in the open dialog as “Workshop”

‣ has the same content as the homepage

Enhance the page, so that…

‣ you can type an URL like /workshop/{title}

‣ the {title} is displayed as heading before the Intro module

‣ and if no title is given, “Terrific Composer” should be displayed instead


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Twig Module Macro

{# Renders terrific modules.

@param name {String} name of the module @param view {String} name of the view to render (without html.twig suffix) [optional] @param skins {Array} contains the skins to apply [optional] @param connectors {Array} contains the channel ids to connect to [optional] @param attrs {Object} contains the additional html attributes for the module [optional] @param data {Object} contains the data to pass to embedded controllers [optional]#}{% macro module(name, view, skins, connectors, attrs, data) %}

To consider

‣ Twig 1.x does not support things like:

{{ tc.module('Intro', attrs={'data-name' : 'einstein'}) }}-> this is going to change with Twig 2.0


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Render Modules #1

Simple views without logic

{# this render the template with the same name (intro.html.twig) #}{{ tc.module('Intro') }}

{# this renders the mrterrific template from the Hero Module #}{{ tc.module('Hero', 'mrterrific')}}

{# the 3rd param is the Skins array, ie. Mr. Terrific is getting decorated with the Stealth Skin #}{{ tc.module('Hero', 'mrterrific', [ 'Stealth' ])}}

{# the 4th param is an array with communication channel ids, ie. all modules with the same id can talk with each other #}{{ tc.module('Hero', 'mrterrific', ['Stealth'], ['talk'])}}

{# the 5th param is the attrs object #}{{ tc.module('Hero', 'mrterrific', null, null, { ‘data-name’ : ‘Mr. Terrific‘})}}


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Render Modules #2

Complex views

‣ the concept is – thanks to TWIG – very simplehttp://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html#embedding-controllers

‣ have their own controllers, actions & templates

‣ gives you Multi-MVC out-of-the-box

‣ are used rarely in plain “templating” projects

{{ tc.module('Filter','Filter:overspeed', null, null, null, {'segment':'washing'})}}


embeds the view of the FilterController/overspeedAction in the Filter module

the data passed to the overspeedAction

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Hands on!

Enhance your workshop page, so that…

‣ only two of the heroes can talk with each other

‣ the {title} is rendered inside the speech bubble of Einstein


Modules & SkinsGet more flexibility…

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Create a new «Victim» module, that…

‣ consists of a normal image (drowning man) & a background image (bubble)

‣ uses less for better code

‣ is able to call our heroes for help

What we want to achieve


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


<div class="bubble"> <span class="message">help!</span></div><img src=" {{ asset("bundles/terrificmodulevictim/img/drowning-victim.png") }}"/><a class="base" href="#help">Call for help!</a>

But how is the drowning-victim.png got there?

‣ The composer copies all module images on the fly to /web/bundles/<bundle>/img/ (configurable in config_dev.yml)

How did you come up with that path?

‣ Symfony standard: app/console assets:install


links to image asset in /web/bundles/…

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Import directive (mixins, variables etc.)/* import.less */@import "colors.less";@import "mixins.less";

/* colors.less */@text: #74AE00;

/* mixins.less*/.scale(@ratio) { -webkit-transform: scale(@ratio); -moz-transform: scale(@ratio); -ms-transform: scale(@ratio); -o-transform: scale(@ratio); transform: scale(@ratio);}



mixin function

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

/* @group Module: victim */@import "../../../../../Composition/Resources/public/css/import.less";

@media screen { .mod-victim { position: relative;

.bubble { background: transparent url('../bubble.png') no-repeat 0 0; ... }

.message { color: @text; font-size: 36 / 16em; ... }

... }}


cascaded import – import.less has other imports

nested rules -> .mod-victim .bubble { … }

access variable


relative to less file

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 # 42

There is even more to less! Have a look at the documentation

‣ http://lesscss.org

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


on:function (callback) { var self = this, $ctx = this.$ctx;

$('a', $ctx).on('click', function() { var message = $('.message', $ctx).text();

self.fire('message', { name: 'drowner', message: message });

return false; });


Nothing special here, but mention the new naming of the hooks in TerrificJS v2.0


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Hands on!

Create a skin for your Victim that lets him drown when there is no help from one of the heroes

‣ Create skin “Drown” for your Victim

‣ Write a simple drown functionality (eg. fadeOut)

‣ Trigger this functionality automatically after ~5 seconds

‣ Do not let your Victim drown when he calls for help within the given time frame


LayoutsLet’s say thanks to TWIG & Assetic

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


A layouts job is to do stuff that is common to several pages

‣ javascripts

‣ styles

‣ meta tags

‣ header, footer, sidebar etc.

Thanks to TWIG & Assetic, layouts are no longer a big & inflexible thing…


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Twig Layout Approach

In Twig a layout is nothing more than an inherited template

‣ http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/templating.html#template-inheritance-and-layouts

In your page:

{% extends 'TerrificComposition::base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}Terrific Composer - Welcome{% endblock %}

{% block body %}<div class="page"> … here comes your stuff …</div>{% endblock %}


this is your layout

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Twig Layout Approach

In TerrificComposition::base.html.twig

{% extends 'TerrificCoreBundle::base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}Terrific Composer{% endblock %}…{# content that is the same on every page goes into composition #}{% block composition %}

{# your page content goes into body #}{% block body %}{% endblock %}

{% endblock %}…


Terrific Core Layout

this block is overridden in your page

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Including JavaScripts

Symfony comes bundled with a very nice Assetic integration

Including JavaScripts has never been easier

{% block scripts %} {# here comes your scripts #} {% javascripts '@TerrificComposition/Resources/public/js/*.*' output='js/compiled/statics.js' %} <script src="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/javascript"></script> {% endjavascripts %} {# scripts from parent (terrific core) layout #} {{ parent() }}{% endblock %}


concatenates – and minifies in production mode – all files in this directory

the name of the compiled file

includes the content of the parent block

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #

Including Stylesheets

… and the same for stylesheets

{% block styles %} {% stylesheets '@TerrificComposition/Resources/public/css/reset.less' '@TerrificComposition/Resources/public/css/grid.less' '@TerrificComposition/Resources/public/css/elements.less' output="css/compiled/project.css" %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" /> {% endstylesheets %}

{# styles from parent (terrific core) layout #} {{ parent() }}{% endblock %}


concatenates – and minifies in production mode – all of the given files

the name of the compiled file

includes the content of the parent block

Dev -> ProdPrepare your assets for the real world

Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


The productive version is…

‣ available under / (instead of /app_dev.php)

Dumping assets

‣ php app/console assets:install web

Compile CSS / JS

‣ php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod




Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 #


Lets keep talking

‣ http://terrifically.org

‣ remo@terrifically.org

‣ https://github.com/brunschgi

‣ http://twitter.com/#!/brunschgi


Remo Brunschwiler 10. July 2012 # 56

Thank you!

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