ten tips on how to shop for a healthier diet

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Ten Tips On How to Grocery Shop for a Healthier Diet

If you want to experience faster fat-loss results or simply boost your overall health, one of the best decisions you can make is to only keep healthy foods in the house. Keeping unhealthy snacks and convenience meals out of arms reach will obviously decrease your temptation to consume them.


Smarter Grocery Shopping

Use smart grocery shopping strategies to help you resist temptation. The first step in this strategy is learn how to shop for your health in your grocery store. If you’re like most people, you may feel lost making the switch in your grocery routine causing you to fall back into those old well-worn patterns of grabbing comfort foods like chips, cookies, cakes and pre-prepared meals.


Ten Tips

Follow these ten tips as you navigate your grocery store to shop with health eating in mind:


Tip #1:

Shop the edges of the store. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store as much as possible. This is where you’ll find all the fresh produce, low-fat dairy and lean meats. Most healthy eating foods are stored around store perimeters.


Tip #2:

Avoid the bakery section. The only area you want to dodge on the outskirts is the bakery section. Bakery foods are full of empty calories from white flour, butter, hydrogenated oils and sugar and can add wasted calories to your daily food intake.


Tip #3: Don’t go near the processed foods. Aisles with unhealthy snacks, sodas and packaged convenience meals like ramen and high-sodium canned goods are kept in the middle. These are the main foods you do not want to bring into your home if you're eating healthy.


Tip #4:

Always read food labels. If you venture into the inner section of the grocery store, make sure you read the nutrition labels of all foods before placing them in your cart. Check out ingredients to know what you’re buying.


Tip #5:

Check the labels. Make sure the food you take home doesn’t contain high amounts of sugar, trans fats or a number of chemical-based ingredients and artificial sweeteners that you can’t even pronounce.


Tip #6:

Be cautious of the frozen food section. The frozen cases hold many items you want to avoid such as ice cream, frozen pizza, pastries and high-sodium frozen meals.


Tip #7:

Stock up on frozen whole foods. Pick up vegetables, fruits, fish and chicken in the frozen section for fast meal preparation. Check ingredients to ensure what your buying isn’t packed with preservatives. Sugar is one of the worst culprits to pay attention to.


Tip #8:

Consider purchasing in bulk. Bulk bins can be the most affordable place to pick up foods such as oats, nuts, dry beans, rice, seeds and spices. Grains and beans are some of the most nutritious foods that are easy to cook and keep you satiated throughout the day.


Tip #9:

Never shop with an empty stomach. You’re far more likely to put guilty-pleasure foods into your cart when your stomach is growling.


Tip #10: Stock up when sales are on. Consider purchasing in bulk when healthy pantry goods are discounted. You can also freeze fresh produce that you buy on sale. This way you can reduce your grocery bill while ensuring you always have healthy food on hand.


Final Thoughts It’s imperative that you are navigating the grocery store

properly and thinking about every single food item you place in your cart.

If it doesn’t belong in your healthy eating plan, don’t even let it enter that cart, or the chances that you do eat it will be 99.9%. Even if you think you’re buying a box of cookies for another member of your household, will you be able to resist having one or two as well? Be honest with yourself, and remove all temptations.

Stick to the most natural food products when shopping in the grocery store by visiting the produce, meat and dairy sections, and you’ll be setting yourself up for success.


Bonus Tip: One quick way to greatly increase nutrient food intake is to eat your fruits and vegetables by juicing them with a juicer that separates the food liquid from the pulp or fiber. Look for fresh or frozen vegetables that you can combine to make great tasting and healthy meals and snacks without all the fiber. Juicing is one of the healthiest foods you can eat.



Gradually, all your efforts to buy right and keep unwanted fatty foods away from your temptation to consume them will pay off in increasing your energy, improve weight loss, and lower your risk of future health issues. Creating healthy meal plans starts with better grocery shopping food choices.


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