ten ideas to help measure the impact of linkedin of sales performance

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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The Question that Keeps Sales Manager’s Awake at Night

LinkedIn has changed the way we sell business to business

The face of Business

to Business sales

prospecting has

changed beyond

recognition in

recent years because

of LinkedIn

In Fact, as of Feb 2015 LinkedIn numbers are

at …

Source: LinkedIn

347,000,000is a significant number! … And it is a trend

that is unlikely to fall away anytime soon!

In recent years, research from both Google and SiriusDecisions

has indicated that buyers will often be 60 - 70% of the way

through a buying process before they engage with sales reps

Using LinkedIn to research and gain education about their pending purchase.

&Using LinkedIn to identify and check out potential suppliers in advance of inviting them into a purchasing process

And we also know that Buyers are

The problem is a sales rep can end up spending a lot of time of LinkedIn

without getting a tangible sales return from it!

So how does a sales manager

measure progress or impact of a

sales rep’s LinkedIn efforts?

More time or less

time on LinkedIn?

Here are ten metrics that

will help indicate whether or

not your sales reps are

making impact via LinkedIn.

1. New connections

(From target verticals)

1. Measure the number of new LinkedIn connections a rep gets over a period of time

Remember you can measure your

– 1st degree contact reach

– 2nd degree contact reach

– 3rd degree contact reach

This can give an indication

of the impact (or not) of a

rep’s social brand.

2. New Invitations Received(From target verticals)

3. Profile Views

… As in the number / percentage of views that a rep’s profile

gets .. Again from target verticals.

4. High & Wide

Measure the number of stakeholders a rep is connected with in a target company or existing client. It follows the more connections a rep has (Wide), and the more senior they are (High) - the more option they have to gather intelligence or get an introduction, etc.

• .

5. Reaction to Thought Leadership

Measure the number of

• Views

• Likes

• Endorsements

• Comments

• Invitations

• Direct engagements

6. Number of times a rep was

viewed via

LinkedIn search

This metric will let you know if SEO and rep’s chosen area of expertise are consistent with the search terms used by buyers from your target verticals.

7. Follow Through on your Call to Action

As in– do people register for tips and

resources on your website by following a hyperlink from a

LinkedIn profile page (assumes you have a call to action!)

8. Conversations taken offline

Measure the movement a rep’s Linked activity

has caused directly. Such as

• Direct telephone calls

• Appointments or meetings

9. Lead Time

• Consider measuring the time / speed taken to

turn a sales target into a new customer.

• This metric can also be broken down into

stages that mirror the milestones in your sales

process / pipeline.

• Compare Results Before and After Significant

LinkedIn Activity or Events: If you plan to

develop and execute a specific LinkedIn

campaign, be sure to take a snapshot of your

progress before and after your campaign so

you can report on its effectiveness.

10. New Sales

– that started from a new

connection or conversation on


• Interrogate all these indicators one at a time

• Then interrogate the indicators collectively

• Then adjust behaviours accordingly

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survivebut those who can best manage change.”

― Charles Darwin




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