telfed a journal forolim from · telfed a journal for olim from southern africa vol. ix - no. 2 —...

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  • T E L F E DA JOURNAL FOROLIM FROMS O U T H E R NA F R I C AVol. iX - No. 2 — April-May 1983

    H A P P Y

    1 0 t h

    B I R T H D A YS D E N I T Z A N

    See storv on Page 7


  • G R E E N T O U R So i i D i n a

    T R A V E L & T O U R S n i l ' T I I n i U ' Q ]

    fl i g h t s t o s o u t h A F R I C AFARES - ROUND TRIP

    GroupGroupE x c u r s i o nYo u t h / S t u d e n t

    S . A . A .E L A LS . A . A . / E L A LS . A . A , / E L A L

    $ 9 7 7$ 9 9 5$ 1 . 2 7 9$ 1 . 0 7 8

    (closed dates)(closed dates)(open dates)

    1 2 payments in shekelo n a l l S . A . A .t ickets (P.L.P.)



    up to 45 days — $ 1.130 round tripYouth/Student up to 6 months — $ 1,622 round trip

    o n e w a y — $ 8 0 0

    T I M E T A B L E

    A i r l i n e

    S . A . A .E L A L

    D e p a r t sT e l - A v i v

    Tuesday 17:30W e d . 0 7 : 1 0

    A r r i v e sJobu rgW e d . 1 3 : 1 5

    W e d . 1 7 : 3 5

    D e p a r t sJoburgMonday 20 :00Thursday 12:30

    A r r i v e s

    T e l - A v i v

    Tuesday 15:40Thursday 22:30




    E X C E P T T O U R I S T S .

    M E R R I C K S I L B E R M A N M A N A G E R

    « ♦ • » ♦

    Tel. 03-656 248 / 652 565 / 652566GREENTOURS TRAVEL 81, Hayarkon St., Tet-Aviv 63903

    4 * 1 2 0 4 , w n . 0 " » S o i * !


    Ten yesrs ego the SAZF in Tel-Aviv sent out itsfirst Newsletter. Out of that developed the Telfed "ajournal for South Africans in Israel". Every twomonths or so this little booklet with news about thedoings of South Africans in Israel arrived at theirhomes all over the country. The most widely readcolumn, it seems, was the list of New Glim Arrivals.So it still is, but we all feel the time has come to bringTelfed up to date — not only in appearance, newformat, new print — but also with more readable,relevant content. Andthis, dear reader is where youc o m e i n

    We have decided to publish a regular PersonalAnnouncements Column — "hatch, match anddespatch" — at a nominal cost of IS WO.— for a 3-line insert, so let us have the news of your familyevents. Also Sport — let us know what is going tohappen as well as what has taken place — the moreinformation you let us have the better coverage wecan give. If you hear of special achievements,honours or new ventures associated with recent orveteran S.A. Glim, tell us so that we can spread thew o r d .

    Write and tell us what you would like to read;write us articles you think others would like to read.Let us have your letters, opinions and news. Goodnews or bad news — if it's of interest to S. Africansin Israel we think it should be in Telfed. What do yout h i n k ?

    Published by the Israel Office of the South African Zionist Federation, P.O.B. 11556. 61114 Tel Aviv, 5th FloorBeit Cial, 5, Druyanov Street, Phone 03-290131. Jerusalem Office 9, Alkalai St., Talbieh, Phone 02-630801,Haifa Office 6, Nordau St., Hadar, Phone- 04-641058. Beersheva: 11. Hamaccabim St., Phone 057-73811.

    E d i t o r S h ' e i l a M e l t z e r . '

  • r

    You Don't Have To Go to Town For Special Deals,Just Phone us for Weekly Departures to: —

    P A L M A D E M A L L O R C A T E N E R I F F E - L O N D O NC R E T E R H O D E ST E N E R I F F E M O N T E C A R L OF A R E A S T L O N D O N

    E U R O P E — 7 D I F F E R E N T WAY S

    P L U S 2 S P E C I A L P R O G R A M M E S

    F L Y - D R I V E P R O G R A M M E SC O P E N H A G E N M I L A NB R U S S E L S A M S T E R D A MF R A N K F U R T M A D R I DR O M E B A R C E L O N A



    * * *

    SPECIAL CREDIT TERMSD i n e r s C l u b V i s a I s r a c a r d

    A) 50% cash prior to departure and 50% In four equalmonthly payments, unlinked, In Israeli Shekels.

    B) 10 monthly payments (.linked to $U.S.FOR FURTHER DETAILS, PHONE PAM 03-716485.

    S p e c i a l O f f e r* * *


    M e i k a 2 M i s h a i i . R a m a t - l l a n . 5 1 9 0 5 . i S R LTe l e s 3 4 1 6 6 ' ' R M Y M I L . ( AT T 1 - R L Z iPace Tone' 294262 169 (24 Hours Serv ice!

    m m ■ O f f i c v T e l 0 3 - " ' 1 6 4 8 5 . " ' 1 7 8 0 1WmWtk = T R AV E L S E R V I C E S LT D . R e s i d e n c e Te l . 4 4 4 5 4 9



    It was "standing room only" when some 600former S.A. turned up at the opening of the "Jewsin South Africa" exhibition at Bet Hatefutsoth,generating terrific excitement when people whohadn't seen each other in years literally bumpedinto each other in the crush. The exhibition, whichwas both impressive in scope and the depth of theresearch; and at the same time touching in thehuman scenes that brought back many memoriesto the viewers, was videod, as was all of theopening ceremony, and is being sent to SouthAfrica for show there. General Aharon Doron,General Manager of Beth Hatefutsoth, anticipatedthe exhibition wilf have been seen by some 60,000people during the three months it is on show in TelA v i v .

    Interest in the Symposium held as part of theexhibition on the two days following the openingrevealed the concern of the audience who took anactive part in expressing new ideas, values andpossible solutions to the problems that were airedin discussions on Zionism and Aliyah. JewishIdentity and Education in S. Africa, and recentdevelopments in S. African Society and their effecton the Jewish Community. The Symposium wastaped in its entirety and may be published as apamphlet in the near future.

    Among the attentive listeners at the Opening Ceremony arelfrontrow seated from left: Morns Borsuk. Chairman SAZF Executive.SA Ambassador, David de Vilhers du Buisson. Mrs. RoseNorwich co-ordinator of material collection m South Africa, andMr. David Ellman. Chairman S African Friends of BethH a t e f u t s o t h )

    CONGRATULATIONS TO.. .Cardiologist Dr. Avinoam Bakst who has been

    appointed Medical Director of the j-a '̂adoHospital, Kiryat Sanz. Dr. Bakst told Telfed that hehas places in his hospital for young South Africandoctors after intership who are thinking of comingon Aliyah He offers them not only work andaccommodation, while at the same time they cansee the country, and learn the system here, butalso encouragement and his own experience inbecoming successfully absorbed in Israeli life. Anyreaders who may know suitable candidates mSouth Africa are invited to put them in touch withD r . B a k s t .

    Former Germistonian Cyril Susman on hisappointment as General Manager of theHamashbir IZarchan Department Store inNetanya. Obviously well-known and well-liked byboth customers and staff, who call him Eli. it tookSusman six years with the chain to reach the top otthe ladder of the largest store in his hometownwhich he chose when he came on Aliyah ten yearsa g o .

    Dr. Michael Goldberg who was recentlyappointed Deputy Director of Assaf HarofeHospital. A specialist on premature births, Dr.Goldberg also heads the Pediatric Department atAssaf Harofe where he has been in practice sincehe exchanged Cape Town for Rehovot in 1970

    Dr. Ian Froman who was recently awarded aCertificate of Recognition by the Ramat HasharonLocal Council for the "unsurpassed hard workdedication and enthusiasm with which he foundedthe Tennis Centre in Ramat Hasharon, placing thetownship on the international sports map andintroducing the sport of tennis to broad areas of thepopulation through lessons to school children.

    page 1Blooming in the desert —

    Merle Harris amid hothouse chrysanthemumsThree generations at Sde Nitzan - visiting Cranny,founding lathers and native sabras


    Sb jHed Gtu l L i s ^C A L L . . . ^ 1 6 a Z M . . . L l i e a

    « HanderaHed. * GxcLus'iVe

    T i > c j


    32 SOKOLOV STR., RAMAT HASHARON 47235 TEL. (03) 494534/5/6HOME: (052) 96967

    A Letter from Terry Kessei

    Dear F r iend ,

    The winners of our TELFED readers Diesenhaus Rafflea r e :


    They will be off soon for a great week on the beautifulisland of CRETE.YOU TOO CAN GO — GIVE US AC A L L F O R D E T A I L S .

    I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O NMany of us have to make unexpected trips back to S.Africa. I suggest that not to cause unnecessary delaysand aggravation the following should be STRICTLYa d h e r e d t o :

    1) All 8. African passports MUST be kept valid2) Former S. African residents now holding Israeli

    p a s s p o r t s s h o u l d e n s u r e t h a t :

    a) The Israeli passport is always validb) A valid 8. African entry visa is at all times held. The

    visas are given free and are valid for one year.3) Army clearance can under abnormal conditions be

    arranged at the airport.

    8. African passport holders now need visas for manyEuropean countries. When it comes to 8. Africans andtravel to 8. Africa we are experts. Our staff will be pleasedto assist with all the above plus travel arrangementsw o r l d w i d e .

    P.S,: Make a note of my home no. you never know when you willneed i t : (052) 96967


    "1 got my green thumb at Sde Nitzan" is themessage Les Balkind has blazoned across the backof his jacket; but the message he asked Telfed tobroadcast is that Sde Nitzan, now ten years old, isready and eager to accept new members.

    A living example of how the desert can be madeto bloom, this 60-family Moshay Oydim, 55kilometres west of Beer Sheba, is this monthcelebrating its 10th anniversary. Making thebiggest splash, among the various celebrationevents, was no doubt be the opening of the brand-new beautifully blue swimming pool, a birthdaypresent to the settlement by Canadianphilanthropist Bernard Bloomfield, whose originaldonations made the Moshav possible and afterwhom it is named. Among its predominantly-Anglo-Saxon settlers is a closely knit group offormer South Africans who today number 11families and 36 children. On a day when nature tooseemed to be celebrating the end of a bountifulwinter of record rainfalls, and the normally sandywastes were completely covered with a multicoloured carpet of wild flowers and grasses,members of the SAZF Executive went down to seehow they were getting on.

    Les Balkind, who was an accountant inJohannesburg before he came to Israel, is theMoshav Treasurer. Taking us through thehothouses fragrant with ready-for-export flowersand juicy red tomatoes all cultivated by themembers with the help of volunteers during thewinter season. Les explained that it was a moshavdecision not to use any hired Arab labour. ' We'rereally set up to welcome new immigrants now", hesaid. "As we are a Moshav with a large nucleus ofEnglish speaking people we have far fewer Klitahproblems and it's much easier for newcomers tobecome absorbed with the quality of life we nowhave to offer." Social worker Merle Harris, whohas been a member of Sde Nitzan for only threeyears and is in charge of the Klitah Committee isherself a good example.

    Enthusiastic about the way of life, and obviouslyhappy, she and her husband Wolfe, like everyfamily, have an attractive house and 20dunams, ofw h i c h 3 d u n a m s a r e h o t h o u s e s a n d t h e r e s torchards. The winter export crops grown in thehothouses such as chrysanthemums, and thehanging tomatoes are snapped-up in the sun-starved markets of Europe, while the orchards areplanted with such money makers as mango, andthe new in Israel flowers Australian Protea andBanksia which can bring as much as SI.—$1 -50 abloom, Wolfe Harris, who studied music before hecame to Israel to become an expert in agriculture,croons to his crops — while Raoul Abel coachest h e m o s h a v c h i l d r e n i n t e n n i s o n t h e t w o n e wcourts and says they show a lot of promise. RobertRosenberg, the Moshav Accountant, specialises inseedless hothouse grapes, another popular itemon the European market, while his wife Tobi, amedical technologist, runs the local laboratory. Forthe past five years she has been making bloodtests, cultures, pap smears, etc., for all the

    settlements in the Pithat Shalom and EshkolRegion areas, saving them numerous man-hoursthat would otherwise have been wasted in thejourneys to and from Beer Sheba to do the tests.Always on the look-out for better equipment andfacilities, she told us the story of the ZeissMicroscope they had received as a gift for the useof the Ear, Nose and Throat visiting specialist,which turned out to be a dual-purpose donationonce it was also discovered by the visitinggyneacologist.

    There are about 200 children on Sde Nitzantoday and the average age of their parents is early-to-mid thirties. There is a clinic, junior high school,well-stocked library, a hall for functions andfestivals (and when it comes to family celebrationseveryone gives a hand and helps) clean air, room tomove and no traffic. Added all together it comes tothe quality of life that many people dream of, andthe members of Sde Nitzan want to share it withother young families like themselves.

    "We've been through the hard years", says Les,"Now each year is better than the one before, andhaving been through the absorption experienceourselves we can help newcomers settle in muchmore easily. Now is also a good time to buy aMeshek while the prices, between $30,000 and$40,000, are still low." "All newcomers arewelcome", adds Merle with a smile, "especially aD o c t o r. . . "


    * W E S H A L L B E H A P P Y T O S E R V E V O i ) ATA N Y O F O U R 1 4 L O C AT I O N S

  • N E W A R R I V A L SF R O M J A N U A R Y 1

    TO FEBRUARY 28. 1983

    J O H A N N E S B U R G

    ADKINS, Jeffrey (Sales Manager).BLASS, Harris (B.C. Commerce)BLOOM, Be rn i ce (Ha i rd resse r ).BROOK, Bertha (born Aires) (businesswoman)BROOK, Nadine (Dancer)COHEN, Dan ie lCOHEN, Maur ice (Ret i red)DONENBERG, Robin (Youth Director)EMANUEL, Eva (Insurance Agent)ESRECHOWITZ, Yae lGAVSHON, Daniel (Bricklayer)G O L D B L AT T, C a t h e r i n eGOODMAN, Ashney (Student)J A C H E S , L a u r e nJAC08SON, Jeremy (Student)JOFFEE, Dan (Tennis Coach)KATZ, Aaron (Clerk) Wife Ruby (born Klevansky)

    (Secretary)KATZ, Les ley (Pharmacis t )KATZEW, Steven (Ar t i c led C lerk )KAYE, L isa (Student)KORB, IanLITS, Steven (Dentist)MART, Marilyn (Student)MERBER, Kenneth (Salesman) wife Felicia (born

    Goldberg) (Beautician) and 2 childrenM Y M I N , C a r m e l l aNORWICH, Lorraine (Dietician)PIHA, Issac (Accountant) wife Melani (born Levitt)

    (Secretary) and 2 childrenPOLONETSKY, Todres (Retired)ROSENGARTEN. Leo raSASSU, Marlain (Dental Nurse)SASSU, Sandra (Dental Nurse)SHER, Sandra (Fashion Designer)SILVERMAN, David (Student)SKOLL, Rosmarie (Secretary)TAITZ. Shar leneZ A D U K . P e t r i n aZIMAN, Malcolm (Accountant)ZIMMERMAN, Barry

    C A P E T O W N

    AMATO, Jacqueline (Student)BARNETT, Lauren (Student)BRODIE, Michael (Electrician)DIAMANT, Naomi (BA English)FISH, Gi l l ian (Student )F L E I S H M A N . M a r k


    FRANCO, RubenF R A N K E N T H A L , A m i rGAMAROFF, TirzahGEFFEN, Rina (Hairdresser)GERO, G i l l i anGOLDMAN, Gavin (Salesman)HERMAN, Caron (Student)HOROWITZ, Toni (Psychologist)JACOBSON, Stephen (Mech. Engineer)JUNOWICZ, Max (Director) wife Gillian (born Gild)

    (Nurse) and 4 ch i ld renKAPLAN, Desmond (Doctor)KRUGER, Pam (Speech Therapist)KRUSS, David (Student)LEVIN, Belynda (Student)MARCUS, Michael (Salesman)MEYERSON, Fiona (Student)MILLNER, Simon (Salesman)POSEL, Colin (Articled Clerk)SHER, Jan ice

    D U R B A N

    D I A M O N D , A n d r e aEDELSON, Sonja (Travel Agent)FRIEDMAN, Robert (Personnel Manager)

    wife Barbara (born Jacobs) (secretary)a n d 1 c h i l d

    HACKNER, Allan (Academic)RANKIN, BeverleySANDELOWSKY. Eric

    B A R B E R T O N

    SAMUELS, Philllpa

    B E D F O R D V I E W

    JACOBSON, Howard (Nature Conservator)

    B E N O N I

    BLETCHER, Natanya (Student)

    B R O N K H O R S T P R U I T

    MARCUS, Fiona (Speech Therapist)

    E D E N V A L E

    MELITZKY, Belinda (Student)

    G E R M I S T O N

    KURT, L isa (Student)

    K L E R K S D O R P

    SAFFER, Selwyn (Catering)

    K R U G E R S D O R P

    BADLER, Erwin (Retired) wife Hannah(bo rn Tre i sman) (Housew i fe )

    LANGE, Hy l t on

    (continued on p 13)

    P O I 1 3

    p i c a n

  • P R O G R A M M ET E L F E D S O C I A L C E N T R E31, Amishav Street. Tel-Aviv

    Wed. May 11. at 8.30 p.m.YOM YERUSHALAIM. Film and discussion byRabby Selwyn Franklin.Sun. May 15. at 8.30 a.m.TIYUL to Tiberias and crossing the Kineret by boatto Bin Gev. Thereafter to the Crocodile Farm andHot Spr ings .

    Thur. May 19. at 8.30 p.m.Dr Gerald Shapiro will answer your questions onH O M E O PAT H Y.

    Sat. May 28. at 8.30 p.m.Young Peoples "Get-Together" — details fromI v a n .

    T h u r s . J u n e 9 , a t 8 . 3 0 p . m .KENNY GREENBLO will introduce you to "KILL-A-GRAM" and he lp you to ach ieve your newd i m e n s i o n f o r S u m m e r.

    Sun. June 12. at 8.00 a.m.TIYUL to the South: to LAKHISH, ASHDOD,ASHKELON, YAD MORDECHAl. SDE NIZZAN ANDTA L M E l J O S E F.

    T h u r s . J u n e 2 3 . a t 8 . 3 0 p . m .BINGO. Cash pizes. Proceeds to Soldiers WelfareC o m m i t t e e .

    T h u r s . J u n e 3 0 , a t 8 . 3 0 p . m .Young People's DISCO I.S 100.— Refreshmentsi n c l u d e d .

    SINGLES; Shelley Kopman is arranging regularget-togethers in Tel-Aviv, Tel. 04-517673 ext. 618f o r d e t a i l s

    LIBRARY: Our Library is open. Contributions ofbooks/paperbacks will be gratefully accepted.You are invited to join us at our SHU L SERVICES onFriday Evenings. Registration now accepted forIsraeli Folk Dancing, Aerobic Dancing. Scrabble,Chess and Bridge. Full details from Ivan Israel. Tel.3 2 0 1 2 7 .

    JERUSALEM REPORTA n n u a l G e n e r a l M e e t i n g

    Beulah Goodman reports a good turnout for theAGM in Jerusalem on 16th March. Guest Speakerwas Dr. Ron Netle who gave an interesting lectureon "Israel and its Neighbours" Dr. Harvey Cohenwas elected New Chairman. Many thanks to pastChairman Mr. Dov Sender and Vice-Chair man Mr.Cyril Swiel

    Congratulations to Carole and Neil Sher, the firstS.A. Family to move to Efrat.H a ' E m t s a i m G r o u p —A c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e o v e r - 4 0 ' s

    English speaking singles and couples m their40 s and SO's are invited to join HaEmtsaim whichhas a full time-table for the coming months.

    Cal l Anne Drecksler, HaEmstaim Chairperson orIra Cohen, Assistant Director, at the AACI Office, 9,A lka la i S t ree t , Je rusa lem.

    O F E V E N T S

    \ i k g k i kwill take place at the


    {Anti Patras near Rosh HaAyin)on Friday 20th May 1983

    from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.No admission charge - no kiosk

    a v a i l a b l e

    Bring your own food — BRAAINGpermit ted

    SEMINAR — "OUR HERITAGE"5 - 8 J u n e 1 9 8 3 . i n c l u s i v e

    A 4-OAY SEMINAR for Glim up to 50 years ofage who have not participated previously in such

    a Seminar, will take place at the lovelyHOLIDAY CENTRE In th# JERUSALEM

    F O R E S Twith its excellent facilities.

    Lectures In Englishonlsraei Past and Presentand the Political-Economic-Social Scene.Guided tours, in English, of Jerusalem and surrounding areas. Participation includes full board

    and lodging, lectures and guided tours.Cost: I.S. 100 per person payable on

    registration.For Registration and full information, please

    phone JENNY - 03-290131.

    GILBERT & SULLIVAN TOUR ISRAELFollowing their fantastic success in Beer Sheba.

    the Light Opera Group of the Negev is presenting^in English, Gilbert & Sullivan's "Ruddigore" or"The Witch's Curse " 1st& 2nd June.ZOAHouse,Tei-Aviv; 5th June. Matnas, Arad; 7th June. BetHa'am, Jerusalem (Benefit performance forScholarship Fund). Made up of English speakingamateurs, the Negev Light Opera Group welcomesto its ranks all music lovers in the area who wouldlike to take part m their next production, Gilbert &Sullivan's "iOLANTHE ". Contact ProducerSharona Tei -Oren, Erez 12. Omer 84965, tel. 057-7 3 3 7 1 o r H e l e n a t 0 5 7 - 6 0 8 1 5 .



    P O I 1 3


  • I

    S O U T H A F R I C A N S I N G L E S S E E K VTo spend two days in the company of an

    intelligent group of young, committed Zionists is aheartwarming experience in these days of materialcynicism. The opportunity came when the SAZFheld their second Seminar for Singles called"Finding a Way to Stay" at the end of March. It wasa good way to follow one of the projects of theAliyah and Klitah Department and to meet a bunchof boys and girls from South Africa who have comeh e r e t o l e a r n H e b r e w a n d i n v e s t i g a t e t h epossibilities of Aliyah.

    Mostly in their late teens and early twenties, justover half of the participants in the Seminar came toIsrael as individuals (some together with one ortwo friends) to work and study on Kibbutz Ulpan forsix months — while the other half was a highlymotivated homogeneous Habonim Kvutzat Alryahgroup who are doing their Ulpan at KibbutzMetzubah. Their goal is for as many as possible toeventually join Kibbutz Tuval.

    As the SAZF policy is to strengthen Jewishs e t t l e m e n t i n t h e G a l i l e e , t h e t o u r w h i c hproceeded the Seminar was planned to show thepotential Olim the western Galilee and to offerthem various programmes in which they canexperience other aspects of life in Israel once theyhave completed their Kibbutz Ulpan studies.

    First stop was Ma'Atot. Once a typical, backwarddevelopment town — Ma'alot today is a dynamic,developing town whose challenges are what manyyoung, unattached newcomers are seeking.Running the Ma'Alot programme, which she callsa "Trial Living Experience", is Elaine Kopp, aformer Hadassah Lady from New York who tookw i t h h e r t o M a ' A l o t s e v e n y e a r s a g o t h eenthusiasm, dynamism and dedication that haveattracted a healthy nucleus of English speakingOlim to make their homes there too. Many of themare graduates of the Ma'Alot programme, a primeexample being Jeffrey Sapire who took part in thefirst Singles' Seminar last autumn and went on tojoin the Ma'Alot programme. A psychologist, he

    T O S T A Y

    worked as a volunteer kindergarten teacher's aid,fell in love with the community and the town andhas just returned from his native Johannesburg asa new Oleh to Ma'Alot with a job as IndustrialPsychologist as the Elscint factory there.

    The trip continued with a tour around theattractive and well-planned rapidly growing towno f C a r m i e l a n d t h e n o n t o l u n c h a t t h e S o u t hAfrican settlement, Moshav Manof. A completecontrast was given in the programme outlined atMarvah, an army outpost on top of a windy hilloverlooking the Western Galilee. This offers youngpeople who are not yet new immigrants a chanceto prepare themselves physically and mentally forarmy service and life in Israel with a para-militaryprogramme that also includes lectures and toursgiving a broad, basic insight into The Land of Israel.

    The second day o f t he semina r i nc ludedworkshops, lectures and most important,a chancefor the participants to evaluate what they had seen,a i r t h e i r p a r t i c u l a r p r o b l e m s a n d m a k econstructive suggestions. What particularly struckthe Telfed reporter was their committment toIsrael, and their strong desire to become involved.

    I N C R E A S E Y O U R N E T T W O R T H T O D A Y

    By $ 100,000for only $266 p.a. if you are 30($423 — age 40; $831 — age 50;$ 1705 — age 60)

    By $ 250,000$ 597 p a. if you are 35

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    By investing in an INTEhNATlQNAL LIFE ASSURANCEP L \ N

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    O T H E R E L E C T R O N I C E Q U I P M E N T

    expertly repaired and serviced by-experienced,qualified South African technician

    R E U B E N W I D E S

    8 Rehov Eisenberg, RehovotPhone054-74732from any part of the country

    J U L I U S R O B I N S O NM E M O R I A L F U N D

    A number of scholarships are available from theabove Fund for Zimbabwean (Rhodesian) Jewishstudents who wish to pursue a course of studies atthe Hebrew University of Jerusalem.(1) The above scholarships are available to Zim

    babwean Jewish students who are either livingin Zimbabwe, or olim from Zimbabwe, as well asto ch i l d ren bo rn in I s rae l t o ex -Z imbabwean(Rhodeslans) — at least one parent.

    (2) Applicants must submit details of proposedcourse of studies to be followed, accompaniedby proof of acceptance by the Hebrew IJniver-sity of Jerusalem. All students are eligiblewhether in the Mechina Course or studying forBachelor degree. Masters or Doctorate,

    (3) Applicants must state whether parents are livingin israel or abroad and whether they are inreceipt of any other scholarships or grants, including grants from the Minhal Hastudentim.

    (4) Application Forms are available at Telfed, 5thfloor, Clal House, 5 Druyanov Street, Tel Aviv.0^ phone 03-290131, and must be returned tothe GAZO Israel Committee, care of Telfed Office, P.O.B. 11556, 61114 Tel Aviv, by not laterthan 31 st July, 1 983.

    1 2

  • S P O R T(Continued from p. 8)


    In spite of strong windsand a strong field. SouthAfrican Oleh Ron Sender (29) took 3rd place forIsrael in the 3rd Tel AvivM a r a t h o n R a c e o n 1 s tM a r c h . S e n d e r, w h o d irects the Haifa TennisCent re and acts as special adviser and coach tothe Kiryat Shmonah Tennis Centre, came in thirdfollowing Allan McGee of England and JohnSkokie of U.S.A. in 2 hours and 30 rnn. He notedthat all the times were slow in the difficult race.


    Adt Gornic, aged V/iwas one the Syoung tennis players from Jaffa.Katamon and Ramat Ha-sharon who recently tookpart in a fund raising tripto the U.S.A. led by Tennis Centre Execut ive Dir e c t o r D r . I a n F r o m a n .The kids took part in over .20 exhibition games, including one at the privatehome of Kirk Douglas in Palm Springs.

    N E W A R R I V A L S

    M I L N E R T O N

    G O L E M B O . G a r y ( S t u d e n t )

    P A A R L

    M A R O N . M i c h e l l e


    LAZARUS, Sharyn (Secretary)MEYER, Mandy (Student)

    P R E T O R I A

    B E H R , A n t o i n e t t eBERNSTEIN. Joy (Student)FRIEDMAN, Ariel (Academic)FRIEDMAN, Yael (Student)IMMERMAN, Errol (Fridge Mechanic)RUTOWITZ, Sandra (Academic)WEINER, Mark (Academic)

    V E R E E N I G I N G

    K A H N , D a v i d

    S A F A R ISTEAKHOUSES★ Open 7 days a week lunch & dinner★ WEDNESDAY NITES SEAFOOD DINNERS all

    you can eat and live music★ FRIDAY NITES SPARE RIBS DINNERS all you

    can eat and l ive music


    SAFARI STEAKHOUSE. Herzlia Pituach, KerenHayesod St., 052-77404.SAFARI STEAKHOUSE, Atarim Square. Tel-Aviv(next to Plaza Hotel), t6l. 03-283125.

  • B E T H T R A U B — A M E M O R A B L ED O N A T I O N

    B E T H P R O T E AF I R S T M O V E S O N R E T I R E M E N T H O M E

    "THE TRAUBS OF ZICHRON" — Rhoda and Isy— a re gifted, modest and quiet living, an immigrantcouple from South Africa whose good works, in amost l i teral sense, have made them known to twogenerations of Israelis and South Africans. Theyhave now agreed to revea l the dona t ion o f the i rhome to the Technion, arranged with the help ofJudge Joseph Herbstein and Alec Pincus of SAZF'sBursary & Scholarship Committee. This action willenable their contribution to higher learning inIsrael to remain in perpituity, to be used by theTe c h n i o n a s a r e s t h o m e f o r s t a f f m e m b e r s , aresidence for staff and visiting scientists and auniquely beautiful site for seminars and studyc o u r s e s .

    The story of Beth Traub, tucked away on a slopeof Zichron Yaakov, began when Isy, then a self-confessed "non-Zionist", visited Palestine duringhis serv ice wi th the South Afr ican Force in Egyptduring the second World War. He was a Cape Townlawyer with a passion for painting when the metRhoda Lazarus, an artist trained in sculpture andceramics. They married and decided to go to Israel,at the time in the thickof the War of Independence,scarcely promising two artists an idyllic life. Onarrival in September 1948 they immediatelyvolunteered to serve in Mahal, and were postedfirst to Mayan Baruch and then to Kfar Monash.Af ter the war they rented a smal l house inJerusalem, the border with Jordan crossing fromtheir street, and their home became a landmark forvisiting South Africans, with its sign on the gate"Maak die hek toe, a.u.b.". This sign is now inZichron Yaakov. Then Rhoda was commissioned byarchitect Otto Schiller who planned and executed

    A professional survey to establish the needs andpreferences of S. African "Golden Agers" living inIsrael has been approved by the SAZF in Tel-Aviv.

    That an urgent need exists for the establishmento f a s u i t a b l e R e t i r e m e n t H o m e f o r O l i m f r o mSouthern Africa was clearly demonstrated by thelarge and interested gathering of former SouthAfricans and Zimbabweans who packed the hall ofthe Telfed Social Centre in Givatayim recently. Themeeting had been called by an ad-hoc committeewhich for some time has been energeticallyworking on a project of this nature which it hascal led BETH PROTEA.

    The Chairman of the ad hoc committee, Mr.W a l t e r R o b i n s o n , d e s c r i b e d t h e i d e a s a n dobjectives which had been formulated by thec o m m i t t e e . H e e m p h a s i s e d t h e b a s i c a i m o fproviding an attractive setting in which Olim fromSouthern Africa can continue to enjoy ar e a s o n a b l y c o m f o r t a b l e a n d a c t i v e s t a n d a r d o fliving after retirement, with the security ofk n o w i n g t h a t s h o u l d i l l - h e a l t h o v e r t a k e t h e m i nlater years, provision for care will be available.

    The meeting unanimously passed a resolutionexpressing its complete confidence in the ad hoccommittee authorising it to act on behalf of thepersons present and recommending that it makerepresentations at the highest level to the S.A.Z i o n i s t F e d e r a t i o n f o r fi n a n c i a l a n d m o r a lassistance with the project.

    As a resu l t o f th i s reso lu t ion , the Federa t ion 'sIsrae l Execut ive appointed a sub-commit tee to s i tjointly with the Beth Protea Committee. At theirfirst meeting it was decided to make a definitivesurvey on which future action can be based.

    the magnificent Ramat Hanadiv Memorial andGardens for Baron de Rothschild, to sculpture fourmajor pieces, including one in the Mausoleum. Isy& Rhoda fell in love with Zichron, reminiscent ofthe Cape, bought land and built a house designedby Schiller. They surrounded their home and studioby an orchard of almonds, olives, oranges, lemons,plums and flovvering shrubs, and filled it withwarmth and a love for Israel, that has foundexpression in their gift to the Technion.

    C O N T I N E N T A LAuto-Body Repairs & SpraypaintingManager BEROLD AR0N0WIT2Industrial Area, Ort Str., Netanya, Tel. 053-23894

    We specialize in accident damage repair.Undersealing against rust.

    Workmanship to South African standard plus courtesya n d s e r v i c e . A l l w o r k g u a r a n t e e d .

    CONTINENTAL is one of the largest panel-beating andspray workshops in Israel today.

    1 4

  • ClassifiedP E R S O N A L

    CONGRATULATIONS TO ETHEL SCHWARTZ onthe marriage of her son Jonathan (Ariel) to BruriaS i n o w i t z o f R e h o v o t .

    O B I T U A R Y

    OUR BELOVED DR. SAM AXELROD passed awaypeacefully in Johannesburg on 29th March 1983,at the age of 57. Mourned by his wife Eve, daughterNicky. In Israel brother Avi Axelrod and family —brother, sister, families and friends in Israel andaboad. May his dear soul rest in peace.

    g e n e r a l

    HAVING A BABY? Courses in preparation forchildbirth in Raanana.Call 052-25693 052-22540.

    MUSACH ALEPH BET for all your CAR REPAIRS.Brian, Maurice and Harold at your service. 03-9226060. Rehov Gissin. Petach Tikvah.

    BEROLD ARONOWITZ — CONTINENTAL GARAGEis looking for Panel Beater. Spray Painter, or MotorM e c h a n i c . P h o n e ; 0 5 3 - 2 3 8 9 4 .

    M U S T S E L L H O U S E H O L D e f f e c t s a n d 1 9 7 9Escort, Phone: 052-551301. Mornings until 10.30a.m. or after 8.00 p.m.

    S Y D N E Y W O L M A N f r o m C a p e To w n , f o rREFRIGERATION SERVICE AND REPAIRS in theRehovot-Rishon-le-Zion area. COMMERCIAL ANDDOMESTIC units repaired. Also gas stoves as wellas other appliances. For prompt attention pleasephone 054-74452 all hours.CAROL NAIM (PINCUS). It is in times like these thatit is of the utmost importance for travellers to be assured of efficient and specialised service. Carol offers and provides both of these. Ask for CAROL atGama Tours Phone 02-222313/4 or home 02-814275.JONATHAN HARRIS: FAINTING AND WALLPAPERING. Highest standards. Reasonable prices.Also hire of ladders and scaffold. Please phone 02-690122 (24 hours).painting of HIGH STANDARD! Need your wholeflat or house or part of them painted? Ex-SouthAfrican RUBY will try to beat any genuine quoteand will provide S.A. standards workmanship andgood service. For greater Tel Aviv, area and Neta-nya please phone 052-23239."WALL TILING (CERAMIC): Specialist from S.A.Contracts and repairs. Netanya & vicinity. Pleasephone Samuetson 053-96922 daily from 4 pm.o n w a r d .

    TRAVELLING? Whether on business or holiday,courteous, efficient & personal countrywide serviceoffered to all travellers whether singles, g^roups orcharters. Call Audrey Shimron (Alhadeff), NamirTours, 11 Shiomzion HamalkaSt., Jerusalem Phoneoffice 8.30 am — 1 pm: 02-231261. Home afternoons/evenings 02-538281.MAGI-CLEAN LTD. Cleaning of carpets and upholstery. Stainguard service protects new andcleaned fabrics against stairs and dust. S.A.S.(South African Service). Trilingual. CommercialCentre. Kfar Shmaryahu, phone 052-70645.





    R A M A T H A S H A R O N

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    18 years of technical experience.Repairs to Refrigerators Regular & f^o Frost

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    T E L E P H O N E 0 5 2 - 2 6 8 3 7


    C o m e fi e n j o y t h e m o u n t a i n s , f o r e s t s a i ro f t h e G a l i l 6 m a k e u s y o u r b a s e f o r t h eGa l l l 6 su r round ing a reas . We are on ly 25m i n u t e s f r o m A c r e .

    The programme includes walking tours,talkson moshav life, movies, folk dancing, etc.

    Comfortable, well-furnished units (some withk i t chen fac i l i t i es ) . Fu l l e r ha l f hoa rd o ra l a c a r t e m e a l s f r o m o u r r e s t a u r a n t .Reasonable prices. Large groups welcome.F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e w r i t e t o :

    RFCRFATION VILLAGE-M05HAV MANOFD/N B ika t Be i t Kerem 20117, o r phone —04-914592/04-914583 or pub l i c ph .04-915009

    1 5

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