telemarketing for independent reps

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Presented by Tiffany Johnson

Independent Sales Consultants

Rep Nexus telemarketing services are uniquely qualified to handle the large scale, long-running campaigns necessary for independent reps to compete in their marketplace.

Using our highly-trained sales specialists, Rep Nexus can support your sales cycle in any phase.

Rep Nexus service includes: Profile Ideal Customers Develop Lists and Databases Verify Databases Increase Awareness Identify and Qualify Prospects

Telemarketing Services

Sales and Sales Outsourcing

Support and Evolve Your Sales Model Support Post-marketing Efforts Turn Leads into Qualified Business Opportunities Close Sales

Customer Development

Develop Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction Programs Cross-sell/Up-sell Current Customers Identify Prospects for Further Development

Telemarketing Services

With its 950 million users,Facebook has becomethe world’s meeting place.Spend some time today exploring other Pages on Facebook. Do some searching to find complementary businesses and competitors that you can learn from. 1. Go to Select the 'Pages' option to filter your results

by pages.3. Enter direct competitors and industry

keywords to find pages in your niche.


You may notice some Facebook "rules of thumb." While you'll have to experiment to see what works for you or the shop, there are some general “best practices” you can start with as a base.

You'll notice that successful brands on Facebook don’t preach or sell to their fan base, they engage with them. Facebook post are meant to be fun and educational. Don’t sell; engage.


Post every day. That may seem excessive, but as people make more friends and Like more pages, your posts may be missed.

Focus on engagement. You're trying to connect with and get responses from your community. Ask questions, post helpful tips, and link to articles that your audience will Like and share. When you make the posts about your audience and what they need, rather than selling, you'll develop a deeper relationship with your community.

Have a call-to-action. Tell people exactly what to do, like click Like, comment on a post, or watch a video.

Don’t oversell, or undersell. No one likes a never-ending sales pitch, but do highlight your wares from time-to-time! Use the 80-20 rule for content/connection posts vs. sales messages.

Make it fun. Facebook is a social community. People are there to have fun. Stay true to your brand, but think of ways to entertain your audience and let your corporate hair down.

Fan – When you or your customers choose to Like a company's page, you become a Fan of that company on Facebook. Technically there hasn’t been an actual ‘Fan’ since mid 2010 when Facebook changed the vernacular from ‘Fan Pages’ to ‘Business Pages’ that users could ‘Like,’ but the term remains popular and is still commonly used.


You can do many things to make this cover photo creative and interactive:

Connect the profile picture to the cover photo. Highlight a product. Highlight a fan of the week. Give a creative use of the product. Show fans using the product or service.

Make it your business to spend some time planning your editorial calendar, deciding what content you will post, and when. A content calendar gives you an overview of what you’re posting so you can ensure that you cover all the topics and products you want covered. It ensures that you’re not repeating yourself. It forces you to think about what’s important and what’s not so you don’t fall into the trap of posting content just to fill a void.

Set Up your Facebook Page

Twitter is a tool for "micro-blogging" or posting very short updates, comments or thoughts.

In fact, since Twitter was designed to be very compatible with mobile phones through text messages, each update is limited to 140 characters.

Truly, a micro-blog. Another way to think of Twitter is like a cross between instant messaging (IM) and a chat room, because it is an open forum, but you restrict it to the people with which you connect.

Generate leads eventually after sharing friendly, easy-to-consume content not housed behind a form.

A good rule of thumb: let 80-90% of your Tweets offer up great content your audience will love, and the other 10-20% push a more direct sale.

Twitter 101

Shops can connect their Facebook and Twitter so they get twice the social media updates for the same cost.

When reviews are shared on Facebook they are also reposted to Twitter allowing search engines to pick up more links for their business.

Twitter is location based.Shops can invite their customers to follow

them on Twitter by exporting their email list from manager and inviting their customers.

Eight things you need to know about Twitter to sell SocialCRM

Use Twitter to drive traffic to landing pages where we can convert visitors into leads.

Twitter posts are the digital breadcrumbs that draw our audience down a trail toward a much more substantial piece of content they can download after filling out a form.

Generate leads by sharing content that links directly back to a landing page with a contact form on your website.

All Twitter posts are automatically indexed by search engines whether the web surfer is a follower or not.

Eight things you need to know about Twitter to sell SocialCRM continued

Offer something free for an email address.

Have a monthly, bi-weekly or weekly e-newsletter.

Offer a special for birthday clubmembers.

Have a fun, short themed emailfor entertainment.

Allow purchasing of special deals from your website. Run a questionnaire, survey or poll.

Help your shops collect moreemail addresses

DemandForce starts at $299 per month It is a third party system accessing your manager database that

includes your financial information Mitchell1 will send out a personal email blast at the shop’s

request Demandforce does not offer OwnerAutoSite DemandForce does not offer a video blog Shop Owners can’t opt review collections out with a simple

checkmark on the customer screen Using Social Engage, SureCritic helps convert your online

customers into advocates for your business. By presenting options to the consumer after they complete the SureCritic review your customers can also create a Google Places review and/or share their SureCritic review, with friends and family.

DemandForce applies the same marketing strategies and practices used for dentistry to the automotive industry.

Understanding DemandForce how to convert your customers

The goal of foundational SEO isn't to cheat or "game" the search engines. The purpose of SEO is to:

Create a great, seamless user experience.

Communicate to the search engines your intentions so they can recommend your website for relevant searches.

Search Engine Optimization Basics

Search engines want to do their jobs as best as possible by referring users to websites and content that is the most relevant to what the user is looking for. So how is relevancy determined? Content: Is determined by the theme that is being given, the text

on the page, and the titles and descriptions that are given. Performance: How fast is your site and does it work properly? Authority: Does your site have good enough content to link to or

do other authoritative sites use your website as a reference or cite the information that's available?

User Experience: How does the site look? Is it easy to navigate around? Does it look safe? Does it have a high bounce rate?

What Search Engines Are Looking For

Search engine spiders only have a certain amount of data storage, so if you're performing shady tactics or trying to trick them, chances are you're going to hurt yourself in the long run. Items the search engines don't want are: Keyword Stuffing: Overuse of keywords on your pages. Purchased Links: Buying links will get you nowhere

when it comes to SEO, so be warned. Poor User Experience: Make it easy for the user to get

around. Too many ads and making it too difficult for people to find content they're looking for will only increase your bounce rate. If you know your bounce rate it will help determine other information about your site. For example, if it's 80 percent or higher and you have content on your website, chances are something is wrong.

What Search Engines Are NOT Looking For

$90 month – no long term contracts

$0.75 per call for telemarketingservices

Purchase email addresses $1.00 each


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