teen smoking essay

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Education and media how it will stop teen smoking


  • 1. Well what is the really big problem? Teen smoking, so how do we stop it? This is a bad problem that effects the health of teens. As you know teens are smoking secretly, so you can't catch them doing it. Most people think teens are doing this to make them look cooler, or to be relaxed. This can kill them after awhile, so this is the reason we need to stop teens from smoking. I have two solutions to this very drastic problem. The first solution I have is education. The first thing that we can do is to put billboards up to show what cigarettes can do. This will scare teens from stopping,because they would not want this to happen to them. These billboards should be put along the roads to the schools. Next they should bring in people who smoked and quit. This way the speakers can tell the kids how hard it is to quit. The kids would not want to smoke seeing how hard it is to quit. This will stop potential teens from wanting to smoke. Lastly next they should teach parents what will happen if kids smoke. The parents will then smell their breath to smell the nicotine to see if their children had smokes, or if parents had bought their kids cigarettes they will stop. If this happens kids will stop knowing they will get punished. The schools should hold PTA meetings to get the word across. Here is my next solution to try and fix this problem. My next solution to help this fiendish problem. Have you seen movies where the actors smoke cigars? Teens are always looking up to their idols, so if they smoke teens smoke. I think we should pass a law on TV that says it can not show smoking. Once this happens and teens notice their idols stop they will stop. After this happens teens will start to think that teens are not cool. Secondly lets get rid of shirts that advertise smoking. We should try to get stores to stop selling shirts and other apparel. Teenagers will not see the ads, so they will not be tempted to smoke. Finally we should try to get magazines to stop having smoking ads. If we do this kids will not see the ads and be intimidated to smoke. Here are my opinions on which solutions to pick. First lets talk about the pros and cons for education. If a speaker comes some teens might be daydreaming and not listening, but most will get the message. Next if we put billboards up kids might be asleep in the car and not looking at the billboards. Next I will tell you the pros and cons of media. If we take cigarettes out of TV some kids might notice others would not notice and would not care. If we take away shirts from schools kids will still be wearing them at stores. People might not pay attention to their shirts. I think education would be best, because it would affect more people than everything else. It would effect tourists, because they would drive by and notice the billboards. Parents would also be recommended to smell their kids breath. They would smell the nicotine on the kids breath. The speaker would tell kids how long it takes the quit and how long it takes. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay. I hope you will try to use some of these ideas to stop teen smoking. Again thank you for your time and try to stop teen smoking!

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