
Post on 24-Jul-2015






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Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Before making my magazine I had to know a lot about the genre of my magazine, the target audience, the forms/conventions used on magazines and the methods of distribution. Therefore researching was an essential part of my project.

Research sources:- The internet (Google)- Mobile phones (text/email)- Word

Technologies used inResearch


I used the internet to research some of these things so I had a better understanding of what is best for these things my product. I used the search engine ‘Google’ to find out about jazz music in general. And then applied this information to my magazine. For example, I learned that this genre is male dominant so I decided to use a male for my main image.

Using the internet worked well because its a fast and easy way to access information. However sometimes when using the internet you can come across information which isn’t reliable. Next time when researching on the internet I will evaluate the reliability of the sources I use so that the information I use is more accurate.

- DLSR camera - Photoshop- Photography lighting

Technologies used when creating my magazine

DLSR CAMERAIt was important to make sure that my product looked professional. in order to increase the quality of my magazine the main image had to be very clear and taking in high definition.

Using a phone camera wouldn’t be clear enough so I used a DLSR camera to take the photos for my magazine. This piece of equipment worked well as it delivered professional images. the camera also allowed me to use flash which bettered my lighting. I could also zoom in and out if necessary. All of these qualities in the camera helped me to get an accurate image of what I had planned, and allowed me to develop the plans of my images further. For example when shooting my main image I had to stand behind the photography light meaning that the models whole body would be in the shot because he was so far away from me. Fortunately the camera allowed me to zoom in, so I could then take the head shot I had planned, even from a distance.

although the camera was very useful in more ways than one, the DLSR only has a certain amount of memory and can therefore only take a certain amount of images. This is a limitation that comes with this camera and in order to avoid it interfering with my work I had to make sure that the memory was clear before using it.

- Go animate - Prezi- Powtoon- Weebly - SlideShare

Technologies when presenting information

Powtoon is an online software which creates animated presentations and animated explainer videos. I used this software to present my coursework. For example, I created an animated presentation on who my target audience where and why.

I found that the software was very good to use because it allowed me to be creative when presenting my work i.e. I could use different effects and technique to portray different themes and ideas. It was also very quick and easy to use, which was beneficial when managing my time.

However one thing that restricted my use of the software was the limited duration time on each slide I could create. Some of my presentation had a lot of information which could not be read in time by the audience because the duration of the slides were not long enough. This meant I would either have to cut down on my information or create extra slides which was not ideal.

To avoid this, Next time I will decide which presentations are appropriate and short enough to be created on Powtoon. This way It will allow my work to be at its best quality.

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