teaser trailer analysis- romance genre

Post on 21-Dec-2014



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Romance Anaylsis


  • 1. ROMANCE GENRE ANALYSISByCharlotte Addison

2. THE VOWI believe this shot of the food is used right near the start of thetrailer as it allows the audience to know that this film is going tobe about a love/close relationship between two people;therefore justifying romance. I also believe that they havechosen to use a close up to emphasise that this is going to bebased on a love story as well as being able to see it clearlythrough the close up therefore as an audience member you areunable to miss it.This is the follow on shot from the move in close up, I feel they haveused a close up to highlight and again put the emphasis on the strongbond between these two people. It also again reiterates the fact that it is agenre romance due to the close up on the stereotypical looking in toeach others eyes close up which is also a typical convention of romancegenres. The setting of this is also placed within the home which is knownto be a calm and welcoming place therefore it expresses the passionbetween this couple as it shows how comfortable these two are with eachother.Fade/blackouts transitions are a typical convention of teasertrailers due to them being quick and therefore needing to get tothe point is really important. It is also used typically when tryingto portray the past or a flashback of something significant; inthis case a tragedy which is again another convention ofromance genres. 3. This shot is when the audience are first presented with thetragedy of this love story genre; it is also a common accidentthat often occurs during romances as the audience membersknow that car accidents can be fatal. I believe they havechosen to use a big lorry with snow as it excites the audienceand gets them interested for what is going to happen next dueto knowing that the impact could be massive. This shot ispresented within a flash back and therefore is telling the storyof this couple and how their life have been affected from it.This medium shot is set within the hospital after the accident where thegirl is unaware of what has happened and therefore expresses herconfusion when she actually says to her partner was anyone else hurtdoctor. As she is in a hospital bed with a pulse monitor on her fingerand an oxygen tube up her nose, it exposes to the audience to the factthat this accident was bad and therefore is going to put a strain on theperfect relationship she had with her boyfriend. This is also a slightlyhigher angle which I believe have been used to put emphasis on howsmall she is feeling right now due to not being aware of what hashappened.During this shot a voice over is used to express the guysthoughts by saying I need to make my wife fall in love withme again therefore showing the strain and frustration thatthe accident has put on the relationship that once was sopassionate before. This is a convention of a romance genreas it is highlighting the tragedy that is stereotypically usedwithin romances as well as showing how much he loves hiswife and how hard it is for them which also allows theaudience to empathise with him. 4. This over the shoulder shot is used purposely to make theaudience see what Paige, the lady is watching as it is herwedding video which therefore is allowing her to try andremember what her life was like and how important he is toher. I believe it is also shown to allow the audience to feelpart of her sadness as she is unable to understand what hashappened to her and therefore seeing what her life was likeallows the audience to engage and feel sympathy towardsher which is a strong convention of romance genres.The holding and the kiss of the hand is a very stereotypicalconvention of a romance genre as it reinforces theconnection between Paige and Leo even though she isunaware and cannot remember anything about him. Ibelieve that a close up has been chosen as it allows theaudience to really focus in on the characters and thereforefeel part of their romance which creates them to feelendearing towards to them.The title of the film is a convention of every teasertrailer that is often shown towards the end. I believethis is used as it allows the audience to clearly see thename of the film which therefore would hopefully stickin their head so when the film is released they willremember it which will lead to them wanting to go andsee it; as a result the company are able to make moremoney. 5. SOUND- THE VOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sazgoZaFUBgAt the start of the trailer the only sound that is shown is thespeaking of the wedding that took place in a museum that theybroke in to; I believe they have chosen to do this to highlight theimportance of that one key moment of the film. The sound playedis quite upbeat after the wedding to reinforce the new journeythat has begun. At the scene of the crash the sound focuses inon the horn of the lorry as it implies and puts an emphasis to theaudience about the negative impact that is about to happen.During the hospital scene the audience can only hear the soundof the actors dialogue, I feel the produces have chosen to do thisto again, highlight the importance of the scene as it has a greatimpact on the connection and future between the two characters.The sound in the following scenes is often quite dramatic andquicker paced, I feel this is to show the frustration and strain thatboth characters are feeling towards one another as Paige cannotremember or understand anything like before and therefore Leois finding it hard to cope. 6. SAFE HAVENA landscape long shot towards the start of theteaser trailer is a typical convention as it sets thescene and allows the audience to grasp a feel ofwhat the film is going to be like. The bus alsosymbolises that this film is going to be about aperson on a long journey that may impact on theirlife.This medium close up highlights the impact that leavinghas caused on this girl, I believe it has been used in thiswas to emphasis that she is in hiding and therefore themedium close up allows the audience to see theexpressions on her face. The fact that she is gazing out thewindow could engage that audience and make themwonder what she is thinking about and therefore makethem want to carry on watching the trailer, also known asan enigma.A flash back of the main characters past is atypical convention used within a romance as itallows the audience to understand and feelempathy towards the characters tragic past. 7. A meet cute- Showing when the two maincharacters meet is an important shot to have withina trailer as it highlights the romantic genre right fromthe start. It also sets the scene as within this trailera stereotypical boy meets girl unexpectedly scenewas used which is commonly used when telling aromantic story.During romantic films there is usually an object or a placethat connects two people together, in this case the guysstayed up all night making a bike for the girl he had onlymet yesterday. This engages the audience andencourages them to feel happiness towards the guy as heclearly feels something towards the lady. As he left it byhis door it therefore gets her to speak to him to say thankyou, as it only shows a shot clip of this in the trailer itwould make the audience want to know more andtherefore want to make them watch the whole film. Thesetting of this scene is also within his shed or garagewhich would indicate that he made it at home thereforetaking time out of his day; this again puts emphasis on theromantic genre trying to be shown. 8. Showing when the film is going to be released is animportant convention of trailers as it informs andencourages the audience to remember that date andtherefore will allow the company to make more moneythrough the film. In contrast teaser trailers usually use aComing Soon take on it as it interests the audience tofollow and look out for the full trailer so they can be madeaware of when the film is going to be released. This createsanticipation which is what a teaser trailer is there to do, as aresult I will ensure I use this within my teaser trailer.All of these shots used arevery stereotypical of romanticgenres. For example, the mid-shotof the rowing implies afirst date which is also set in aromantic settings.As well as the mid shot of the kiss putting emphasis on theromance and passion between these two characters.These shots were all shown over a matter of seconds toonly give some sighting to what the film is about; thereforeintriguing the audience members. As a result I am going totry and recreate these kind of shots within my romanticteaser trailers. 9. Within these four shots a typical convention of romantic genres is displayed due to itshowing the girl running away with her hood up to indicate danger to the over theshoulder bed shot showing and putting emphasis on the fact she was in danger andtherefore the guy had been keeping her safe. As a result, the guy ended up breakingin to a burning building just to save her even though he had only known her for ashot period of time the romance and passion between them was clearly indicated asit shows he was willing to go to extreme lengths to find her. The use of the fire alsoallows the audience to feel part of the film as they can empathise with the charactersemotions as well as being put on edge, the pacing of these edits is also quick tohighlight further than something big was about to happen but also that she needed toget away quickly. 10. Happy ever after is a typical story line used throughout romanticgenres where two people meet, they fall in love and then a tragedyhappens but they always work it out in the end. These two shotshighlight this as the location set is around where they first met whichmakes it more romantic and the mid-shot of them hugging highlightsthat she feels safe and secure now that she has him back again. Theclose up of them in the bed where they are both looking at theholding of the hands puts further emphasis on the love connectionbetween these two characters; this also highlights and allows theaudience to see that this is a romantic genre. I also feel that the closeup highlights and puts an emphasis on the emotions between thesetwo characters as if a wider shot were to be used then the audiencewould be loose and therefore be unable to see the full expression.The lighting used within this shot also portrays a dream like, fantasyfeel which I feel is used to show that these characters may feel that itis to good to be true therefore adding to the romantic feel of thetrailer.Again in the trailer the title of the film is displayed, this isan important convention that would be expected to beshown within the teaser trailer as it informs the audiencemembers about the name of the film therefore allowingthem to look out for it when it is released. The picture inthe background is also a key element of the film as it iswhere the main filming took place as well as where thefirst love connection between the two characters wasmade. 11. SOUND- SAFE HAVEN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3y8fFPPgdAThroughout the whole of this trailer a dramatic and romantic sound isplayed within the background with the dialogue of the characters put overthe top; I believe that because the story line is quite dramatic it was moreimportant to hear the dialogue of the characters over the sound playedhowever the sound adds further passion and romance of the overalltrailer. Again like other romance genres, the music stopped at keymoments of the film; for example when they first meet in the shop and heasks her to go canoeing, I feel this is to highlight that key moment andallow the audience to pay full attention to it as it is when the produceshave placed a meet cute within the film. Open up, everything's waitingfor you is one of the only lines of the sound played in the backgroundthat the audience can hear which is played when the girl is assessing hersituation and whether she wants to start letting the guy become closewith her. I believe the producer cleverly used this to emphasise herthoughts and what everyone is telling her to do therefore allowing theaudience to feel part of the film and allowing them to feel the desperationfor her to open up to the guy. 12. DEAR JOHNBoy notices girl is a very typical shot used within romanticfilms. Not only does it display who the main characters aregoing to be but it also displays how two people from differentlives and situations can become so close. The medium closeup of this shot also allows the audience to focus in on thecharacter whilst also doing an eye-line cut to show the longshot of the girl standing talking with her friends without evennoticing him.The fact that her bag fell off the pier in to the waterand he saved it is a strong convention of romancegenres as it allows the boy to first interact with the girlhe had noticed. The fact that this scene is set on thebeach is also a typical location due to it being thoughtof as a romantic place to be with an individual. 13. This long shot of the boy and the girl walkingalong the beach not only sets the scene but alsoallows the audience to engage in the romanticmood and atmosphere that is being put across.The sun setting the background also emphasisesthis.A Medium close up of the girl looking at this guythat she has just met portrays the romantic feel ofthe film really well. This is because the audience isable to see how love stuck she is gazing in to hereyes whilst also seeing the candle lights in thebackground which again, reiterates the romanticatmosphere within the film.The fact that the producers have included another wellknown romantic film within the opening scenes of thetrailers allows the audience to know that not only is it aromance genre but also the fact that the author had writtenanother famous romantic film before. The positive effect ofthis therefore allows the audience to be more eager to notonly carry on watching the trailer but also to see the film asthey are aware that the notebook is a well known andbrilliant film. 14. This is the first point in the trailer where the audience getan insight to what the guy does with his time. The armyuniform is a well known and recognizable symbol for thearmy therefore giving the audience a clue about the factthat this happy ever after relationship might not lastforever.The location within this scene is a typical romantic placeto be as they are looking up at the clear sky towards themoonlight. The fact that it is a medium long shot frombehind also allows the audience to see the setting fromthe characters perspective therefore adding to theromantic feel of the overall trailer.A medium close up of the two characters kissing isa strong and widely used shot within romantic filmsas it highlights the love connection andexaggerates the passion that the characters feelwithin that moment. The fact that the producershave also chosen to perform the shot whilst rainingagain, implies and reiterates the fact that it is aromance genre due to kissing in the rain beingassociated with love and passion. 15. The tragedy has stuck again within another romancegenre, therefore conveying the strong convention oftragedies occurring with romantic films. In this case itsthe fact the guy has to go back to the army, the mid shotallows the audience to see the shock and disappointmenton her face as well as the location emphasising this dueto it being a casual place to find out.This long shot reiterates the point that this guys dutiesare serious as it shows the landscape and the feel thatthese men are about to go and fight within the army. Italso highlights the sadness that the girl is going to feelwhen she has to say goodbye.The fact that the girl is clinging on to the guys armclearly shows the audience that she does not want tolet go and that she loves him to much. Also the fact youcan see him in his army gear also emphasizes that sheis not going to see him for quite some time andtherefore the love connection between them is going tohave to be strong in order for their relationship tosurvive. 16. Where they first met, where they say goodbye. This midshot of the couple is again set in the romantic beach locationwhere they first met, however this time its to say goodbye;the beach creates the audience to feel sympathy andsadness for the two characters as they are having to overcome this obstacle that is stopping them from being togetherfor the time being.The location of this mid shot allows the audience to see how eventhough he is doing something so great for his country he is stillmissing her so much and is clearly thinking about it whilst out onduty. The is a typical convention of love as quite often whenrelationships struggle it effects individuals day to day tasks.The letters written to one another is an iconic symbol usedthroughout the film as it is the only way this couple caninteract with one another. Therefore every time one anothergets a letter it allows the audience to become endearingtowards the characters as they know that it is going to makeboth the girl and both extremely happy. Within these twoshots you are also able to see that both the characters usetheir only free time to write/read these letters as well asbeing able to see how opposite the location settings are toone another which puts further emphasis on the fact they arein two completely different places far away from eachanother. 17. Within these scenes the romantic genre is strongly portrayed;this is due to the medium long shots of the girl jumping on himwhich highlights how much she has missed him. The fact thatthey passionately kiss also puts emphasis on the fact thatthese two character's have a strong connection and thereforedo not want the fact they dont see each other often to ruin it.The setting on this scene is also in the airport which is atypical convention used throughout romance genres, the busybackground with the random passengers looking at these twocharacters allows the audience to really focus on the mainpoint of the scene. Another example of a film that did this isLove Actually.The strain on the relationship begins to grow, the toppicture really shows this due to the over the shouldershot of the girl allowing the audience to see the guyfrom her perspective therefore being able to see thefrustration on his facial expressions. The bottom closeup of her face engages the audience as it makes themfeel sympathy for her because as an audience memberyou are able to clearly see the tears building up withinher eyes. The fact that she is also gazing out thewindow implies that she cannot stop thinking abouthim; a strong convention of romance genres. 18. This two shot of the guy and his dad is a common convention ofromances due to the fact that although him and his girlfriend arefeeling the strain, relationships that were rocky in the first place arenow becoming stronger. This allows the audience to see his dad inhospital where he is clearly very ill and although they did not alwaysget along; everything is put to the side which as an audience memberwould make me to feel empathy towards the two characters.A flashback, again used within another romance genre thereforebeing a common convention. Within this scene the audience areexposed to the true emotions that the guy is feeling as he driveshome. The close up allows the audience to see how upset he isbut also the fact that he is in a car driving is a typical location asdriving is often related to clearing your head and thinking aboutyour life problems. The bottom shot of the two kissing and beingintimate also adds further emphasis to the fact that he is sofrustrated about the strain and rocky relationship that hasprogressed between him and the girl as he cant stop thinkingabout the good memories they had already created.The title of the film has appeared in every teaser trailerthat I had watched therefore being a convention that I willmake sure I use within my teaser trailer. It also allows theaudience to be exposed to the name which therefore canallow them to remember and recognize it when it isreleased as a film. 19. SOUND- DEAR JOHN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLkTKkNXDp4The sound within this teaser trailer is light, airy and fast paced.I believe that the producers have chosen this type of sound toreiterate how fast the relationship progresses and how quicklythings change throughout the trailer. It also plays throughoutthe whole trailer whilst getting louder and quieter in specificareas; for example when the relationship begins to strain themusic goes quieter to allow the audience to engage fully withthe story line.The sound also turns silent on the kiss outside, I believe thisis used to emphasis the passion and allow the audience toreally focus on and feel part of that one romantic moment. Thevoice over of the characters gets louder and quicker as thetrailer progresses as I believe this highlights the desperationand stress that the characters feel from being so far apart.

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