team hgisf and chief secretary sindh paid surprised visits to sindh government hospitals in karachi

Post on 07-May-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Fida Karim-Acting Chairman Hunza Gilgit Ismaili Students Federation (HGISF) Pakistan


For immediate Release: Issued on June 9, 2014, Karachi by HGISF

Team HGISF and Chief Secretary Sindh Visited Government Hospitals in Karachi

By Fida Karim Karachi, June 8th, 2014: On the invitation of Mr.Sajjad Saleem Hottiyana-the Chief

Secretary to the Governmnet of Sindh, members of Hunza Gilgit Ismaili Students Federation (HGISF)

accompanied him to visit Liyari General hospital and Civel Hospital in Karachi. The objective of the said visit

was to facilitating honourable Chief Secretary in assessing current situation of patient care and service

delivery in these hospitals and distribute cash and food items amoung patients; thus try to mitigate the

sufferings arising out of illness and chronic disease.

Honourable Chief Secretary welcome HGISF Cabinet in his office and shared the aforementioned objective of

the said visit and formed three groups on the spot to lead the respective groups of volunteers. One group

was assigned to HGISF which was lead by Mr.Fida Karim-the Acting Chairman of HGISF. Each group was

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comprises of social activisit, students, government officials along with general members from wider civil

society institutions from different parts of Sindh.

Initially these teams in the leadership of Chief Secretary visited Liyari General hospital in the volatile Liyari

Town and inspected different wards of the said hospital. The team inquired after health of admitted patients

and quality of service delivry. Cash, water and food items were distributed among twelve needy patients.

The situation of wards and toilets were highly apathetic and smelly. Drinking water was not available in

scorching heat.The bedsheets were so filthy that no body could sit on them except poor patients. Therefore,

Chief Secretary directed concerned official to change filthy bedsheets on the spote and same was ensured

with help of volunteers. Chief Secretary himself along with volunteers spred out bedsheets and washed

toilets and directed the concerned official to ensure highl quality of service delivery to the poor and

vulnerable communities of Liyari. A team of volunteers with full support of Chief Secretary office were

assigned the task of follow-up to ensure proper patient care and service delivery. The objective of visiting

Liyari General Hospital in volatile Liyari town was also to boost-up the confidence level and morale of local

communities who are suffering due to notorious liyari-gand-war and skirmishes amoung non-state actors in


Than the team visisted Civil Hospital Karachi- the 1900-bed tertiary care and the largest largest teaching

hospital of Pakistan. Here the team inspected different wards, inquired after health of patients, quality and

nature of service delivery to patients and attendents.

Though the hospital was overcrowded and toilets were not properly mentained but poor patients who were

interviewed for their feedback were seems to satisfied with service delivery as they were stated to be

receiving proper care and medication. Food packets and cash were distributed among needy patients in two

wards each comprising fifty impatients. Chief Secretary appreciated team HGISF and requested them to visit

these and other hospitals in Karachi, adopt at least one patient till his/her discharge and directly report to

him and make accountable if something in doing wrong in these hospitals to ensure quality of patient care

and service delivery in Sindh Government hospitals in Karachi.

At the end of inspection Chief Secretary thanked HGISF and reiterated his commitment to support HGISF to

achieve our shared goals for community development in the days ahead. Team HGISF also reciprocated with

the same sentiments and assured the good office of Chief Secretary to work togather to promote our goals

and objectives in all targeted areas in Pakistan

It is befitting to note it here that this visit was in comensurate with new policy of HGISF wherein it is also

working on creating sound forward linkages with relevnt government and non-government organizations

throughout Pakistan.

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Team HGISF is having meeting with Chief SecretarySindh in his office Karachi

HGISF volunteers along with family of Chief Secretaryinquiring after health condition of a patient in Liyari general Hospital

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Chief Secretary along with his spouse are inquiring after health condition of a patient in Civil Hospital Karachi

Chief Secretary along with volunteers distributed cash and gifts amoung needy patients in Civil and Liyari General Hospital

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Chief Secretary Sindh and HGISF volunteers are changing filthy bedsheets of patients with new bedsheets in Liyari General

Hospital in Karachi

AMS Civil Hospital sweeping toilet floor while Chief Secretary Sajjad Saleem Hotiana pours water from a bucket at Civil Hospital

Karachi Female ward after patients complained

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Honourable Chief Secretary is talking with Acting Chairman of HGISF Mr. Fida Karim

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Team HGISF with their Team Leader Mr.Fida Karim-Acting Chairman HGISF Pakistan

The writer is an active social activist by passion and Monitoring, Evaluation & Research Specialist by profession.

Currently he is associated with the humanitarian wing of the Aga Khan Development Network in Pakistan. He can

be reached at

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