team give new consultant training

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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New Consultant Training

Getting Off to a Great Start!

The BasicsOrganization- Purse, Car, Planner, Computer

Professional Image- Signature Block, Phone Message, Biz Cards (RF Mall), Professional Head Shot

FaceBook Announcement!

Take a Before Picture

Download Pulse Mobile App from ITunes

Begin by watching New Consultant Training Webinar on the PBR PowerStation (see TG handbook on FB in files)

Getting Started Preferred Customer


On .com site, go to bottom left to order 4 Things to remember

10% Off/Free Shipping$19.95 one-time fee$80 every 60 daysCan

cancel/modify/delay any time

Walk PC through 1st time Password= firstlast1

New Biz Partners

On .biz site/Join my team

Remember Pulse = “yes”

CRP = “yes,” but defer until “next month”

Pulse + CRP enrollment = bonus!

The Comprehensive Solution

Acronym Mania?PSL1V = Personally Sponsored Level I Volume

PSL1V = PC + Biz Kits + Team CRP

CRP = Consultant Replenishment Program$80 Operating/Marketing Cost for Consultant


SV = Sales VolumeSV = Retail Orders + Your Own CRP

CV = Consultant VolumeConsultant Price, ex: $160 Retail = 120 CV

The Power of “Why”

What is your purpose? Your Why?Your WHY should:

- Make you cry- Keep you enthusiastic- A lifestyle goal to run towards- Isn’t always monetary!

Helps you develop your STORY & your GOALS!!

**Make your sponsor aware of your why so they understand what you’re running for!

What’s In Your Story1) Where you have been?

2) How R + F came into your lifeProduct or Business Angle

3) What have you achieved? Or hope to?Pay the mortgage?Car payment?Learn more about business?Give Back?Save People from Skin Illnesses?

GoalsBe Clear

How much do you want to make?TimelineReverse Engineer to find monthly activity

Short TermQuarterly Monthly

Long TermAnnually3-5 years

When When will you find time for this?

10-15 hours per week

Work with purpose and intent (no filing!)

Volume-producing activity (VPA)

We make $ sharing product & business

Consistent, income-producing activity is key - over time you will see results!

TAKE ACTION: Set your hours of operation and share them with your sponsor….don’t forget time for training calls!

Hours of Operation

Big Business LaunchYour Ribbon Cutting

2 or 3?Virtual using skype or gotomeeting

InvitationsPeople LOVE paper invites! Tell everyone!Make them feel important with a phone call

“I’d love for you to be there”

The Big NightUpline or Not?Presentation….B-P-P-OFollow Up Phone Calls

What will you say to them?

Positioning of calls – Direct or Referral?

Create intrigue with short conversations Check out Facebook Teasers on Team GiVe FB


BBL invites– NO Evites! Follow up with a call!

What about a mass email?

Inviting Language

Three Way Calls…Why?

Bring 3rd party legitimacy Allow for on-the-job training when you’re newTo close a prospect

How?Upline can initiate until you’re comfortableSponsor introducesEach tells about one another to get acquaintedB- P- P- OSponsor closes

Is there any reason why I can’t show you how to earn a free iPad before the holidays?

I’m so busy, I just started a side business…

I’m a teacher, but my passion is my business

I respect your opinion, and I’d love to share what I’m doing…

You have done an amazing job in your business, I appreciate what you’ve done…

Do you keep your options open to supplemental income

She’s never been happier…

What do you do?

We just opened your market and can’t keep up with demand

** Watch Lifestyle Prospecting Webinar

Lifestyle MarketingConversation Starters

Who will you share this with?

Your warm market

Do not pre-judge!

Use Social Media Join: Team Give FB Page Powered by Romi Team Dreamatology Team Elite Befriend Team GiVers!

TAKE ACTION: Those who get early sales and business partners tend to be the most successful!

Who You Gonna Call?

How will you do all of this?

Stay plugged in! Team Give Calls (Sun) Powered By Romi Calls (Sun) Leaders don’t miss!

Focus on your 30 day training with your upline!

SET GOALS: MINIMUM of two new consultants

who sponsor 2 every month 4 preferred customers RECRUIT AS MANY AS YOU CAN



Training and support

Just keep pouring the coffee

Do The Math:

•Reach out to 3-5 new people a day•Follow up with 3• Check in with 2 team mbrs•Close 2-3 new business partners per month

Personal Enterprise IgniterGet Started! To Do

BUILD- Import RF Contacts

PREP- 1 min Short Story

CONNECT- Call, Email, Text Keeps record of your

touches– shoot for 7!

PLAN- Calendar

Note: Keep it income producing!

BIG VOLUME HABITS Always lead with the


“Our most successful consultants start on the RFx Express Kit. It is over $2,300 in value and you only pay $1,300 split up into two installments over your first two months. It includes everything you need to demo/display the products and it comes with 2 Macro-Es AND the prospecting on the go kit. It’s the best value we’ve ever seen!”


looking for either Macro-E or Redefine

PC saves $112 on package worth $472!

C gets 300 in PSL1V

Two Redefine Specials = 600 PSL1V = PROMOTION!

Show me the Money!


Executive Consultant – maintain 600 PSL1V

Level 1 (1)

Level 2 (2)- $250 bonus for both you and your sponsor

Level 3 (4)

Level 4 (6)

Level 5 (8)

Fast Start Program

Product sales + recruiting = right now money

Team building and duplication + wealth

Now Extended!

Monthly Qualifying Criteria


…MUST Be Maintained Every Month

$100 Sales Volume (SV) – commissionable

CRP- Personal Product + Pulse

$600 PSL1V to be an Executive Consultant

1)SV on kits of those you recruit

2)PREFERRED customers (retail doesn’t count!)

3)Your personal team sales volume

(their CRP, and retail customers!)

Take Action: 1200 PSLIV is the Team Standard of Excellence (you want to be here ASAP!)

Launch Events & Local Meetings

Big Picture: 3-5 year business plan

“I’m not saying it will be easy… I’m saying it will be worth it!”

Your Rodan + Fields Business is…

Personal development

with a paycheck!

“If you treat it like a business.. It will

pay you like a business!”

iStart Program Get a FREE iPadHD for a quick start!!

Did you know iPad earners earn 10 times more than others?

1) Practice Makes Perfect2) Personal Development3) Professional Development

Start Today…

Go GiVe…

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