teaching with vision

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Socratic Teaching

The oldest, and still the most powerful, teaching tactic for fostering critical thinking is Socratic teaching. In Socratic teaching we focus on giving students questions, not answers

A Socratic Questioner should: Practice

a) keep the discussion focusedb) keep the discussion intellectually responsiblec) stimulate the discussion with probing questionsd) periodically summarize what has and what has not been dealt with and/or resolvede) draw as many students as possible into the discussion.

The Teaching Trends Have Changed

Times have changed since the early days of classroom education in every country. Classrooms look different and student learning styles are different—just think of the tools available to a teacher in the 19th Century compared to today.

Move From Traditional to Blended Teaching and


Blended learning Blended learning is a way of combining a variety of learning environments into one classroom—and even taking those teaching applications beyond the classroom

Many Ways are Integrated for Learning

Blending many methods

Blended learning There are a variety of ways to approach blended learning, but they all share an emphasis on allowing each student to learn in the way that suits him or her best.

Blended Learning offers Blended learning offers more choice in the best fit for your particular class. Teachers know every class is different. Some classrooms are filled with tactile learners, while others have a heavier representation of auditory learners.

Teach Students with Examples

Help students understand what good reading and good writing look like by providing them with examples, examining work, reviewing portfolios, and discussing criteria

Creating Opportunities for

PracticeMUST give your students the opportunity to practice whatever you will expect them to be able to do. It's possible to give them practice exclusively through homework assignments, but research demonstrates that practice with immediate feedback is most valuable


Build on Your Knowledge

Build on prior knowledge

Have students actively participating in the learning process

Use real-world data

Give students frequent practice and timely and constructive feedback

Teach with Multiple Styles Address

multiple learning styles (visual/verbal, active/reflective, global/sequential, sensory/intuitive)

Things you might do in class:

Remind students of the relevance of this exercise to their lives; give them reasons to care. These could include, but are certainly not limited to:

It will help you to understand any deformation in your home state

It will hone your problem-solving skills

It will enrich your life as you travel across the country

Understanding deformation helps us to predict where we'll find oil and gas

This is how geologists have figured out the history of the Earth

Be a Consistent Teacher

Good teachers should always consistent. They set up few yet attainable goals. Views the confusion well every time a class departs the room loudly and the teacher will always flash a pleasant smile.

Do not be Biased Good teachers are not bias, but always fair and square with every dealings he makes. All of the pupils/students are respected in spite of colour of skin, intellectual attainment, age, religion, wealth, or physical condition. without doubt sincerity and quality of contributions are acknowledged.

Be Cheerful to the Job

Good teachers always smile and laugh. So many young teachers become old before their time because, for making everything perfect causes them anxiety, enables them to shed off sense of humor. Plenty of apprehensive situations can be driven out by a placid remarks

Be Passionate to Students

Good teachers are passionate and enthusiastic at all times. They get eager at a ball game. They show great interest in creating the model for the social studies exhibit.

Be a Conservationist.

Good teachers are good conservationists. Their voices are affectionate, distinct, and well-modulated. Children are eager to partake, as teachers provide and trigger an invitation for a hearty discussion.

Learn to Cooperate with many

Good teachers encourage

cooperation in the class with saying

phrases like, “It is our class”, “We had a fine program” or

say with compassion the phrases,

Have Faith in the Students

Good teachers have faith on the capabilities of the children. They deem that all healthy pupils try their best in every task given to them

Good Teachers believe in High Standards

Good teachers set high standards to their students. Each pupil’s performance is appraised in terms of his individual capacity. The slow learner’s small improvement may embody more effort than that of the very fast learner’s great improvements.

Best way to Survive is Consult others

Good teachers consult others. They know that they do no have all the answers. When pupils fail to respond to corrective treatment, these teachers seek the help of parents, a counseling teacher, or principal

Some Teachers Rule the World without Sense

Today’s Problem in Learning and Teaching is …..



Todays Knowledge Sharing is based on

Socratic Method"Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have laboured hard for.

Steve Jobs a Great visionary as we all improved with Technology

"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates." ~

Todays Teachers Should be MultitalentedTo survive

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