teaching general to young learners

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Teaching general to Young learners.

Álvaro Rottenn

Mará Fernanda Castaño

Valentina Córdoba

Nowadays, young learners don´t have a great disposition when is time to learn something apart from their habits, such as: Maths, English, History and other subjects. The parents make them see it as an obligation when they should to motivate their children to love learning.

What Young learners want

Young learners are so confused or less interested about what they want to know because sometimes the topics are not suitable according with their tastes. So, a good learning could be provide by different dynamics and a better attitude of the teacher to them.

The children brain grow up during the exposition to the environment and the experiences acquired from it (The first six years of their life). This developing includes mental and physical factors.

Without an apropiated encouragement, children doesn’t have the right assimilation of the given information. However, they need different strategies to be in focus,

Is important to know what the children need to learn and the way to do nice their intellectual process.


-Tara Arntsen. (2007). How To Teach Young Learners. 01/11/2016, de Busy Teachers Sitio web: http://busyteacher.org/4261-how-to-teach-young-learners-one-step-at-a-time.html

-The Child’s Learning Process. 01/11/2016, de College Of Early Learning, Sitio web http://www.cel.edu/ChildsLearning/Childs.html

- Ginny Osewalt. (2014). Teaching Strategies: What Works Best. 01/11/2016, de Understood Sitio web: https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/partnering-with-childs-school/instructional-strategies/teaching-strategies-what-works-best

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