teaching and learning

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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By:Dr.Abdulghni Saadon Al-Sa’adiMedical Educator

Objectives:To define teaching and learning

To distinguish teacher center from

learner center approaches

To differentiate between deep and

surface learning

To discuss learning and teaching styles

“Learning result from what the

student does and think and only from

what the student does and think. The

teacher can advance learning only by

influencing what the student does to


Herbert Simon


In most schools, memorization is mistaken for learning. Most of what is remembered is

remembered only for a short time, but then is quickly forgotten

Traditional education focuses on teaching, not

learning. It incorrectly assumes that for every

ounce of teaching there is an ounce of learning

by those who are taught.


learn is an irregular verb (learn / learnt /

learnt - learning), that means to gain

knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity

and make yourself remember it.

For example: "I learnt English at school."


Teach is an irregular verb (teach / taught /

taught - teaching), that means to give

someone knowledge or to train someone;

to instruct.

For example: "My teacher taught me not to

use slang."

There are many different ways of learning;

teaching is only one of them.

The objective of education is learning, not


Teaching center and Learning center

The experiential model is a powerful tool to reflect on and improve our own teaching

Adult Learners

Group Interaction

Key advantages of the group interaction include the following:

1.Students gain knowledge and experience from each other

2. A real-world working environment is simulated

3. Individual strengths and weaknesses are blended

4. A sharing of teaching and learning responsibilities is facilitated

Adult Learners

Group Interaction5. Self-confidence and self-esteem are increased

6. Leadership and participatory skills are developed

7. Interpersonal communication skills are strengthened

8. Achievement of a higher level of quality and performance in project assignments is possible; and

9. Decision-making skills are developed.

Adult Learners

Group Learning

Group Learning should be an integral part of the educational experience

• Group discussions

• Scenarios

• Problem solving

• Learning games

• Debates

Adult Learners

Group Interaction ContractGood teams possess:

• Excellent process skills

• Team dynamics

• Follow-through on commitments

• Open and honest communication among members

• Use of active listening skills

• Constructive resolution of conflicts and disagreements.

Marton and Saljo (1976) in their seminal work asked students to read extended passages from academic articles. The students were then asked about the content of what they had read and how they had read it. From this experiment Marton and Saljo distinguished between deep and surfaceapproaches to learning

Cognitively passive learning behaviors (surface learning approaches)

I came to class.

I reviewed my class notes.

I made index cards.

I highlighted the text.

Cognitively active learning behaviors (deep learning approaches)

I wrote my own study questions.

I tried to figure out the answer before looking it up.

I closed my notes and tested how much I


I broke down complex processes step-by-step.

The shift from the "teaching" environment to the

"learning" environment is more than just a change in

language, a change in systems operation, more than

an adoption of the latest educational fad. It is a

systemic change based on contemporary learning


Modern teaching methods, essentially unchanged in over

one hundred years, are based on imitation/repetition

modeling, where the "apprentice" or student imitates

behavior of the teacher or master. That model, existent since

medieval times, assumes that "learning" solely exists in

proximity to the "teacher." If the teacher does not teach, the

learner does not learn. Without the classroom setting, no

learning takes place.

A learning style is the method in which an

individual learns best. Fortunately there has been

a lot of research conducted on learning styles in

the last decade. Unfortunately so many learning

style combinations have been discovered that it’s

almost overwhelming to even think out

. For the sake of this post we’re going to deal

with the 3 “mother” styles, the 3 styles in

which all other styles fit.

Visual – learn by seeing

Auditory – learn by hearing

Kinesthetic – learn by doing

Teaching Types

5 Perspectives on Teaching (Pratt)Anthony Grasha’s Teaching StylesExpertFormal Authority• Personal Model• Facilitator• Delegator

• Expert – possess knowledge that

student needs

• Formal Authority- values


• Personal Model- teach by example

Facilitator- guides. A facilitator model teaching

style tend to focus on activities.

Delegator- allows student autonomy, teachers who

have a delegator teaching style tend to place much

control and responsibility for learning on individuals

or groups of students.

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