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Teacher Work Sample

Jasmyne Vargas

November 23, 2009

6th Grade, Physical Education, Volleyball

Mr. Peragallo, Mrs. Luby


Mrs. Bellaran, John Adams Middle School


Table of Contents

Section Pages

Introduction 2-3

Philosophy Statement 4-5

Contextual Factors 6-9

Learning Goals 10-13

Assessment Plan 14-30

Design for Instruction 31-34

Instructional Decision Making 35-37

Analysis of Student Learning 38-52

Reflection and Self-Evaluation 53-55



This work sample is intended for students at the seventh grade level and focuses on

volleyball, a sport which requires specific skills in order to play. These movements involve

passing, serving, and setting, to name a few. During the course of the unit I will concentrate on

techniques used to perform bump passes, an overhand serve, and the correct form and placement

for a set. As in any sport, the official ground rules must be taught and met. If successful, the

students will be able to demonstrate these skills proficiently and apply them within a game

setting. The elements of the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) are: Contextual Factors, Learning

Goals, Assessment Plan, Instruction Design, Instructional Decision-Making, Analysis of Student

Learning, and Reflection and Self-Evaluation.

In this unit I have outlined the learning goals that are articulated to correspond to the

tasks for the students during class. The primary goals align with the motor, cognitive, and

effective domains. Volleyball is a very physical sport which involves many skill components; I

have included two objectives relating to the motor domain for the students to accomplish. In

alliance to the cognitive and effective domains, they are expected to learn the rules and strategies

pertaining to competitive volleyball, while learning good sportsmanship.

As a potential educator, I have met the requirements of the SPECTRUM model under the

elements of Knowledge, Skills, and Disposition. In the category of Knowledge, I have met the

outcomes of A, D, E: Subject Matter, Classroom Management, and Assessment. It has made me

realize that to be an effective teacher you have to be efficient. To do so, one must stay up-to-

date with information, maintain class behavior, and focus on class development. Without these

factors, the greatest motivational teacher could try but not be successful. For the students to


learn, the teacher must facilitate correctly and clearly. This is crucial in the growth of both the

student and teacher.

For the category of Skills, I have met the outcomes of, A, C, E: Planning Instruction,

Learning Environment, and Assessment. It is vital to establish a learning environment that the

students are relaxed yet eager to work in. By doing this, I was able to motivate my students to

learn and have fun simultaneously, resulting in the students excelling in their work. With the

implementation of the unit plan, it also helped me recognize the importance of assessment and

the various types that are available.

In the category of Disposition, I have met the outcomes C, D, E: Positive Climate,

Positive Role Model, and Life-long Learner. With these elements, I have learned that it is my

responsibility to me and the students to be a light. A light that will cover not only my classroom

but the school itself and brighten the lives of the people I come in contact with. I need to be a

source of knowledge, encouragement, and improvement to not only the students but myself.

Professional development is an ongoing process; one should never place a peak on their career,

only space to grow.

Throughout the unit plan, I have described pre-assessment methods used to determine

prior knowledge, the formative tests used during the class to determine progress, and post-

assessments to evaluate the growth of the students. With the data collected, I was able to analyze

my classes and describe the modifications that I will implement in order to better accommodate

their specific needs in an effort to attain a higher success rate for my students.


Philosophy Statement

A sheepdog allows his “flock” to feed themselves by guiding them to “food”, and then

herds them to the next feeding ground once they have satisfied themselves. Parker Palmer’s

analogy of a sheepdog to a teacher is an accurate comparison between a teacher’s efforts to grow

his/her class intellectually and a sheepdog’s keen sense to guide his flock. As a teacher I try to

demonstrate the same idea by providing my students with the necessary tools for them to choose

to better themselves. I, as a good facilitator, must observe and keep them focused on my goal,

which is life enrichment.

Knowledge is power; a source of livelihood. At the same time, food is a source of

livelihood as well. We as teachers must feed our students’ hunger with knowledge. It is our

duty to provide the necessary attributes for each student to excel and keep growing intellectually.

When the students have devoured the given information and developed through the beginning

stages of the hidden groups in the classroom they will strive to learn what is next. At that point,

the teacher guides his/her class “flock” to the next stage or “feeding ground” for the students’

minds. All in all, I will be showing them the door, but allowing them to have the choice to walk

through it.

Students will only progress when they are ready. Until that time, one can be the most

motivating, energetic, and intellectual teacher, but if the student isn’t ready, than the shared

information will be lost. A wise man once said “When the student is ready, the teacher will

appear.” This wise man’s name was Buddha. When I first heard this statement I really didn’t

understand the concept behind it. My initial thought was when the student is ready to learn any

given topic then the teacher will teach. That isn’t the case. Most of us, if not all of us, hear what


we are ready to hear. If we are not ready to receive any new information, advice or sound

criticism, no matter how it can benefit us, it will not get into our head. It is ourselves who choose

to filter out information. The fact is, the teacher is always ready to teach but the student is not

always ready to listen. It is a cliché when someone might say “Why didn’t I know this earlier.” It

is because the student is not ready. The answer has been out there all the while but the student

did not receive it because he/she shut it out.

Now after looking back at my student teaching, I realized that I could’ve been doing the

best job humanly possible, but if my students were not receptive, then the information would be

useless. Words are powerful tools; how you communicate them determines how they are

interpreted. I remind myself that I have to be an effective teacher constantly so that when the

students are ready I will be there for them. Giving them the essential tools to build their own

future rather than have someone else build it for them or resorting to something that has already

been built.


Contextual Factors

For my professional internship in Physical and Health Education, I am situated in the

town of Edison in New Jersey. This town spanning over thirty square miles with a population of

almost 100,000 people consists of three high schools, four middle schools, and eleven

elementary schools. Currently, I am interning at John Adams middle school. The school is

surrounded by high income housing and quick access to shopping developments. Crime is

considerably low in this area, allowing the citizens to feel more relaxed and trustful. Generally,

the town is a democratic community which influences a lot of decisions on education. For

instance, Edison has a high rate of passing bills in favor of rebuilding/ additions to existing

schools, providing state of the art technology in schools, and donating money to better the

education of their children.

John Adams has a student population of seven hundred and seventy –three people. It

spends about $9,140 per student in the course of one year. About fifty nine percent of the

students recognize themselves as white, twenty five percent Asian, seven percent black, seven

percent Hispanic, and one percent for pacific islander and other. The school is very diverse

allowing students to interact and learn about issues and/or various cultures from their fellow

classmates. This is an opportunity for the students to learn how to appreciate and understand all

types of individuals, whatever their background maybe and succeed throughout life.

Extracurricular activities and intramural sports are available for students to participate either

before or after school hours. Enabling students to continue being physically active and instill the

idea of living a happy and healthy lifestyle.


To also help their children succeed, Edison’s PTO is extremely involved in every school.

Annually, the PTO will hold fundraisers, events, and contests to raise money for the

improvement of the students’ education. John Adam’s gymnasium was just redone four years

ago to enhance the environment of learning by brightening the gym, replacing the floor from

wood to rubber, and switching the doors from wood to aluminum. In doing so, the gymnasium is

more appealing to the eye and up lifting. In the entire school, there is one computer for every

four students. This enables students to have a higher percentage of access to a computer when

needed. There is also a smart board located in the library that is accessible to the students and


The average class size of the school differs from grade to grade. For the six grades, the

average size is twenty three students per class. Seventh grade is about twenty eight students, and

eighth grade is about twenty six students per class. However, in physical education due to

scheduling of academics, my morning classes of both sixth and eighth grade students consist of

fifty five to sixty students. In the afternoon I have a class of six graders that consists of thirty

two students. It’s evident that scheduling may be a problem in some subjects because of class

size, such as my morning classes, but one must propel through it and do their best. My only

concern is with large classes not being able to get the same attention and opportunities as smaller

classes do due to the teacher being more concerned of crowd control or distractions from a larger

number of classmates. Everyone is a different type of learner; some need more attention than

others or vice versa. The students that need that extra attention or more one on one commitment

is losing out with large classes.


My students range in age from ten to thirteen, which is a critical time in their lives when

they are trying to find who they are. Taking that idea into consideration, I find myself trying to

be a positive role model for each student I come in contact with. To some it might not matter but

the majority of students will appreciate an individual they can look up to and who cares about

them, when sometimes they have no one else who does. Besides their special needs emotionally,

academically students vary in skill levels. John Adams has a very low percentage of students

who are ELL, however, they do have seven percent of students who have IEP’s. These IEP’s

range from in depth scripts on students to simple management issues that are needed for certain

individuals. Whatever the case may be, each teacher of that student must read and sign their IEP

before the start of school. This is an efficient procedure because it informs the teachers of each

student’s needs before any misconceptions can be made; also the teachers are able to modify

their lessons to accommodate the child’s needs.

The teachers of John Adams have done an excellent job of assisting their students to

progress in their academics. According to the results of the standardized testing for the year of

2008, sixth grade had 65% score in the proficient and 17% in the advanced category in Language

arts and 44% in proficient and 39% in advanced in Math. Results had shown that seventh grade

students scored 51% in proficient and 36% in advanced for Language Arts and 29% in proficient

and 52% in advanced for Math. Lastly, the eighth grade class scored 57% in proficient and 38%

in advanced for Language Arts and 27% in proficient and 59% in advanced for Math. It is

obvious with the improvement of the scores through the latter years, the students are able to

learn, comprehend, and apply their knowledge. Moreover, with the progression of the scores, it

is evident that the students retain and relate prior knowledge.


It is important to take into consideration all of these factors that very well influence

students’ education. The supportive community behind public education is a huge benefit to the

students and teachers. It allows teachers to obtain a decent budget to order supplies, renovate

classrooms, and enhance the availability of technological equipment. While thinking about such

aspects during my unit, I will be able to supply the classes with recently new equipment.

Moreover, they will have the sources to gather information and make a powerpoint presentation

due to the low student to computer ratio. Furthermore, including the fact that the students are

eligible to join intramural activities before and/or after school allows me to recognize that the

students will have some type of background in team sports and specialized skills. When making

my unit, I expanded on that piece of information to make one of my goals state that the students

will be able to choose to participate in an extracurricular activity to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Although the majority of the students at John Adams do particularly well in academics,

there are some that are still special needs children. It is with these individuals that will be when

my true teaching skills come out and incorporate modifications for the diverse learners, ELL, and

IEP students. For example, creating pictures for visual, English, and/or handicapped learners

along with a written explanation of a skill, history, and/or rules of Volleyball during the unit. No

one can assume how students will react to information and grasp the idea or vice versa. This is

why when planning and implementing the unit I must leave room to modify my learning

activities to accommodate students of multiple intelligences. It is my goal as a teacher to

facilitate to all students for each to succeed and prosper. That is why it is important to take into

consideration of all the factors surrounding a school and a child. Each person is different and we

as teacher have to recognize that and teach to everyone.


Learning Goals

Students will be able to:

1. Motor Domain: (LG1) Demonstrate the two arm, hand, and wrist placements when executing a bump pass during a game setting using proper form 80 percent of the time.

2. Motor Domain: (LG2) Execute an overhand serve accurately over a net the height of 7 1/2 feet, using mature form from a distance of 12 feet.

3. Cognitive Domain: (LG3) Describe and apply knowledge of the rules pertaining to competitive volleyball play.

4. Affective Domain: (LG4) Choose to participate in a structured and purposeful activity to pursue the development of volleyball skills part of an extracurricular program.

The learning goals I have specified for this unit are aligned with 2.2 and 2.5 of the New

Jersey Core Curriculum Standards, and also the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd elements of the National

Standards. LG1 and LG2 are aligned with standard 2.5 of the NJCCCS and 1 and 3 of the

National Standards for Physical Education. LG3 is aligned with standard 2.5 of the NJCCCS

under strategy and sportsmanship, rules and safety; also standard 2 of the National Standards for

Physical Education. LG4 is aligned with standard 2.2 of the NJCCCS and standard 3 under the

National Standards for Physical Education.

According to the 2.2 standard of the NJCCCS, “All students will use health enhancing

personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.”(www.nj.gov) Under

the strand of Health Servies and Careers, for grades preceding eight, students should “Compare

and contrast health and fitness services available in the school and community, demonstrate how

to access them, and evaluate each comparing benefits and costs.” Incorporating my fourth lesson


goal, I expect students to be able to effectively evaluate opportunities available for them to

further their education and participate in a physical activity offered in the community.

In terms of standard 2.5, Motor Skill Development, the first, second, and third goals

relate to the ability of students to “utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and

maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.” By demonstrating understanding of motor skill movements

through proper execution and procedures, they are focused on the task of “demonstrating

developmentally appropriate form when using movement skills in applied settings.” Also they

are developing a keen sense of the rules and regulations of a competitive game of volleyball that

apply to the strategic aspects of the game as they play.

In accordance with the National Standards for Physical Education, Second Edition, unit

learning goals were associated with the first, second, and third standards. The first and second

goals focused on standard one, which requires that students “Demonstrate competency in motor

skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.” This is evident

through their comprehension of the proper technique needed to perform the skill and the ability

to use both bump passing and overhand serving. The third goal falls under standard two asking

them to “demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as

they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.” As students are able to

efficiently comprehend the rules of competitive volleyball, they will be able to apply them as

they play the game. Lastly, the fourth 0075nit goal coincides with standard three of the National

Standards for Physical Education. Under “participates regularly in physical activity,” having the

students choosing if they would like to pursue their experience on a regular and structured basis,

keeps them on an on going regimen of physical activity outside the classroom setting.


The learning goals are designed to encompass two motor, one cognitive, and one

affective domain. While practicing the bump pass the students will be on the process of a

utilization level that encompasses the overall control of the skill. Whereas for the overhand

serve, some students may vary in ability from fully controlling the overhand serve or to

somewhat controlling the skill in a pre-control level. With practice this will make as a stepping

stone for an overall awareness of what the game entails in the later higher levels of play.

Concerning the cognitive aspect of the lesson goals, pertaining to the student being able to

recognize and relay back to their classmates and teacher, the proper rules and regulations of

volleyball emphasizes the comprehensible level of Bloom’s taxonomy. Whereas the fourth

lesson goal incorporates a developmental level action for the student to advance his/her

knowledge of what has been already embedded in their intellect and further maintain a vigorous

and healthy lifestyle. This would be evident through their participation of a volleyball extra

curricular program over an extended period of time.

The learning goals are appropriate for this grade level because according to the NJCCCS,

pervious grade levels are subjected to incorporating their curriculum to focus more on the

fundamentals of this skill theme. However during the grades of 6th-8th students are focused more

onto the game type settings of sports activities while provided with the pervious fundamental

knowledge. As stated under 2.5 the students are demonstrating appropriate skills in applied

setting, identifying critical components of a task and giving positive feedback and discussing

how practice, regular participation, and appropriate feedback are beneficial. All of those aspects

will be incorporated in the overall unit to further educate the students’ knowledge in the wide

world of sports. Moreover, students’ will be shown the benefits of becoming involved in


community services available at their disposal such as a traveling volleyball team, so that they

can later on in life pursue a healthy lifestyle by being involved in physical activities.


Assessment Plan


Learning Goals Assessments Format of Assessment


Learning Goal 1

Demonstrates the two different proper arm, hand, and wrist placements when executing a bump pass during a game setting 80 percent of the time.


Formative Assessment


Checklist: List of task/cues referring to the two different hand positions and whether they can/or not yet, do it.

Peer observation: Using defined cues from the teacher, students will observe, comment, and record their peers demonstrating the two different bump passes.

Event tasks: Design and demonstrates a presentation on the critical components of the skill for class.

Identify the BICS and CALP language of the skill. Demonstrate both hand positions. Keep interaction of students high with max. participation.

Repeat and modify instructions, as needed. Clearly identify key aspects the peer should be observing and recording.

Create a graphic organizer. Delete unessential information. Give a reasonable time period for completion.

Learning Goal 2

Executes an overhand serve over a net the height of 7 1/2 feet using mature form at a distance of 12 feet.


Formative Assessment


Pre-Test: Students demonstrate their idea of an overhand serve.

Exit slips: List procedures in sequence needed to perform a mature overhand serve.

Teacher observation: Table of critical aspects of task and total number of students.

Provide multiple visual and/or verbal explanations.

Highlight essential vocabulary. Provide verbal cues.

Inform students of what elements they will be observed upon with documentation.


Each of the pre-and post-assessments that are aligned with the learning goals will be

scored and evaluated in different terms. For learning goal 1, the pre-assessment will measure the

students’ ability to perform the task with their own prior knowledge. I wll document my

evaluations by checking off each skill that they were able to properly demonstrate. As for the

post-assessment the students will be scored upon three criteria within their presentation to the

class: content matter, comprehension, and demonstration. The students will be able to receive

grades ranging from a 1-3 by following an outlined rubric in each category. Demonstration

category: 1. pertaining to presentations that did not cover any essential components to perform a

proper bump pass; 2. presentation listing some essential components of a proper bump pass; and

3. presentation listing every essential component of a proper bump pass. Comprehension: 1.

student was not able to efficiently answer any questions asked of him/her during the question and

answer portion of presentation; 2. student answered some questions efficiently during question

and answer portion; 3. student was able to answer all questions asked of him/her efficiently

during question and answer portion. Content Matter: 1. student had general information not

pertaining specifically to bump passing on his/her power point; 2. student had both general and


specific information about bump passing on his/her power point; 3. student had specific

information and examples on his/her power point concerning bump passing.

The pre-assessment of the second learning goal will be measured by having the students

demonstrate their personal knowledge of what an overhand serve entails. To evaluate the

students’ knowledge, the assessment will be marked right or wrong. Post-assessment will be

judged by the teacher through observation of a demonstration of the skill by the student. They

will be graded on degree of comprehension using symbol indicators (i.e., - = poor, = good, + =


Pertaining to the third lesson goal, the pre-assessment will be evaluated on the amount of

contextual knowledge known by students prior to teaching the rules and regulations of

volleyball. Results will be utilized to determine what level of comprehension the student body is

among and what aspects of the rules and regulations will have to be focused on, there will be no

scoring of right or wrong. The post-assessment will be measured with a short five question quiz

which will instruct the students to identify instances during a volleyball game setting and

describe their consequences. Each question is worth 2 points, which will make up 10 points out

of the 25 assigned points for each lesson goal. Lastly, the fourth learning goal will be pre-

assessed through a short 1-3 minute speech focusing on the present and/or future involvement of

each student’s extra curricular activities. Each student will get either a check or minus depending

if they participate or not. Students who do not participate in the speech will receive a minus for

day’s the class work, students who do participate will receive a check. The post-assessed quiz

will have four skills that the students must identify, list, and explain what they are used for. Each


question will be worth four points, giving the student the possibility of getting a total of 16 points

all together. It will be counted toward the overall 25 points for the learning goal.

To assess the students during the lesson unit, there will be formative assessments used to

determine where each student stands at that present time. Concerning the first lesson goal,

students will perform peer observations with a partner to ensure better comprehension of the

bump pass skill, by peers providing meaningful and relevant feedback to one another. For the

second lesson goal students will list in order the sequence of the proper form of delivering an

overhand serve. By doing so, the children can retain the information taught to them by both

physically demonstrating the skill then translating it onto paper to verbally communicate its

components. The third learning goal, formative assessment, focuses on incorporating the

affective domain in which the student must appropriately draw out an overhand serve in

sequential order. This will encourage the students to express themselves individually through art

and intellectually by accomplishing a task out of the norm. Finally, the fourth lesson goal,

students will be asked to keep journal writings that will be used to record their participation,

results, responses, questions, or concerns so that measures can be done to facilitate the children

on a more personal basis. Each journal entry will be read that day by me and will receive a check

if attempt is evident and no check if no attempt is evident.


Name _______________________________

Directions: Identify AND describe the consequences of 5 instances in/during a volleyball game setting.








Name ______________________________

Directions: List in sequence the proper way to execute an overhand serve.









Directions: Working in pairs- a feeder and doer. The feeder throws the ball to the doer using an underhand toss. Doer “bumps” the ball back using two different hand positions: (1.) Wrapped fist (2.) Cupped Palms. Record your results.

Yes No

1. (1)Makes fist with dominate handAnd wraps with non-dominate

2. Keeps wrist bent, hands down

3. Thumbs side to side across hand

4. (2)Lock fingers, thumbs side to side across top of hand.

5. Makes a flat surface with arms



Directions: Design and demonstrate a presentation on the critical components of the bump pass.

Demonstration Rubric:

1. Does not contain any essential components necessary to perform a proper bump pass. Does not comprehend nor able to demonstrate a bump pass.

2. List some essential components necessary to perform a proper bump pass. Has a grasp of what is expected for a bump pass but can not demonstrate it.

3. List every essential component necessary to perform a proper bump pass. Understands and demonstrates perfect mechanics of the bump pass.


Level 1: Backyard Volleyball Player: can not perform the skill correctly at all.

Level 2: Physical Education Class Player: Performs the skill inconsistently and awkwardly.

Level 3: Recreational League Player: performs the skill correctly most of the time, but has trouble under pressure.


Name ________________________

Directions: Explain what each of the skills is used in the game of volleyball.

1. Setting-

2. Overhand Serve-

3. Bump Pass-

4. Ace-


Name _______________________

Directions: Draw in sequential order the proper procedure of executing an overhand serve.

1 2 3


Name _______________________________

Directions: List 4 rules of a competitive game of volleyball.






Pre-Assessment Outcomes

Learning Goal 1

When gathering all the information together from the students, I found that everyone could not

do all the skills asked in the list when performing a bump pass. A large percentage of the sixth

graders could only do three or four of the tasks stated in the list. Due to these results I will have

to focus more into detail on the fundamentals of how to execute a bump pass so the students

could grasp onto a general understanding of what to do.


Learning Goal 2

As the results show, 95 percent of the class answered the pre-assessment correct on what an

overerhand serves looks like. To develop the instruction of learning, I will build upon their

general knowledge of what an overhand serve looks like to how to actually perform one with

correct technique. In doing so, practicing over and over again with a partner or against a wall to

gain repetition and then have the students try over a net.


Learning Goal 3

Through the information represented in the students’ responses of the pre-assessment it has come

to my attention that they do not know at least four real competitive volleyball rules. To modify

their learning so that they can understand the apparatus of the game, I will identify and define

rules and regulations of the game as the students are involved in a game so they can better



Learning Goal 4

Obviously shown through the outcome of the pre-assessments, the students were very much

involved in extracurricular activities. Due to this, an emphasis will be made to broaden the lives

of the few students who seem to have no extracurricular activities involvement. Also to

highlight the opportunities volleyball may have to offer to an individual involved in other

intramural sports. By the end of the unit I perceive to have every student involved in some type

of intramural or community activity.


Design for Instruction


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Topic/Purpose The students will be able to perform the two techniques of bump passing to a partner and an overhand serve over a net.

The students will be able to have a greater knowledge of at least two official rules for volleying.

The students will be able to have a greater awareness of three of the skills used to volley: passing, setting, and serving.

Goal Demonstrates the two different proper arm, hand, and wrist

placements when executing a bump

pass during a game setting. Executes an overhand serve over a net the height of 7

1/2 feet using mature form at a

distance of 12 feet.

Accurately recognizes the instances during a game setting when there is illegal volleying.

Chooses to participate in structured and purposeful activity to pursue education of volleyball that has been implemented to their person, as an extracurricular program.

Activities/Learning Experiences

1. Imitates proper arm, hand, and wrist positioning of the two bump passes in self space against a wall after visual demonstration by teacher.

2. Paired with a partner, one student will demonstrate using the two types of bump passes when tossed the

1. Teacher provides both visual and verbal rules of illegal volleying, and then has a group of students demonstrate when it may occur during a game setting.

2. Students will play 4 mini games consisting of 8 students to a game. The students are responsible for correctly identifying the illegal volleying

1. Student will pick their favorite skill: passing, serving, or setting.

2. They will then work individually on their desired skill until comfortable demonstrating it on videotape to the class.

3. Following they will then work in groups that include a passer, setter, and a server; each student will


volleyball from partner.

3. Students will find self space facing a wall and illustrate an overhand serve using four criteria; 1 hold ball in front of favorite shoulder, 2 step with opposite foot, 3 swing behind the body and toss the ball up, and 4 strike ball, then retrieve the rebound.

4. When consistency is seen, students will then try and serve the ball over a 7 1/2 foot net successfully as many times as possible.

and must briefly demonstrate what correct actions must be made.

(i.e.) Student hits the ball with hands apart and palms facing the ceiling: a lift is called and the other team gets a point and the ball.

demonstrate their particular designated skill as they work together to keep the ball in the air.

The pervious activities listed above, have been chosen for the purpose of proposing an

idea of a skill pertaining to volleying and instilling it into the students’ consciousness

understanding. In compliance with the first two learning goals that were centered on the motor

domain, I had the students physically demonstrate, individually and then with a partner, the

techniques of a bump pass and an overhand serve after being shown by the teacher. By doing so,

the students will be able to distinguish the proper method of executing both skills through

personal and peer criticism. From compiling the results of the pre-assessments which had shown

that the students could carry out some of the cues listed for them during a bump pass, will help


the class fulfill the requirements of the formative assessments. It will ask the students to observe

their peers during a bump pass and evaluate their effort, and also recognize the steps of carrying

out an overhand serve.

Pertaining to the third lesson goal, I had the task broken down into a mini game setting to

allow the students to pay close attention to any illegal volleying action that may occur. This

allows them to be physically active while simultaneously learning the official rules of a

competitive volleyball game. As they are playing it themselves, it permits them to help retain the

information longer due to the fact they are involved in the action rather than memorizing. Where

on the other hand if they are taking a test, will retain the information for a few minutes and forget

it once done writing down the answers. Lastly, as for the fourth learning goal I allowed the

students to choose freely what skill they would like to pursue to understand it’s essential

components. Following afterwards the class will divide up into a mixture of skills, such as a

passer, server, and setter, in one group to vary techniques, give peer involvement, and adjust to

what the person next to them is doing so they can perform their assigned skill efficiently. Once

personally mastered students will then demonstrate their skill to the class while being


Technology being used during this unit lesson is sourced from obtaining ideas for lesson

plans through using the internet on the computers. Various websites were used including the

main site called pecentral.org to gather information on lesson plan and assessment ideas.

Furthermore, a videotape will be taken of fifteen seconds of each student in the class

demonstrating the skill they would like to pursue learning. Using the footage taken I will be able

to assess what mechanics should be worked on if a large number of students are doing the same


thing wrong for future reference. Or on the other hand, focus on how students are progressing

with developing their skills, allowing them to see the comparison between their first trials of

performing the task up to their last.


Instructional Decision Making

My unit focused on the competitive sport of Volleyball. On the first day of the unit I was

directing my lesson towards executing an overhand serve. I noticed after two minutes of the first

exercise three young boys and one girl seemed to become bored. In turn, the four students

started to become impatient and began to hit the ball with excessive force toward the wall,

resulting in the balls bouncing all over the court. Once I saw what was going on, I quickly

stopped the exercise and had the class recite the rules of the classroom when participating in an

activity. They are as follows: watch where you are going and keep your body and equipment

you are working with under control. The four students seemed a little irritated, yet embarrassed

so I addressed them right away to tackle the problem but not reprimand them. I informed them

that allowing themselves to get out of control like that can not just hurt themselves but their


After the quick pause, I had the class return to practicing overhand serves, however

instead of just hitting it to the wall, they we’re now partnered up across the basketball sidelines

facing their partners. Every student started at the same distance of 8 feet, however they were

allowed to move further back if they personally felt they could keep their serves under control.

This helped maintain focus during the activity by keeping them task oriented through a personal

challenge. While during their challenge they worked on control, accuracy, and power to enable

them to reach their partners without hitting the floor or any bystanders. This also allowed me to

focus on each student’s individual skill level to assess whether they were ready to proceed to my

next activity of serving the ball over the net. However, if they weren’t able to control themselves


in the previous exercises, they wouldn’t be able to advance to the next activity. If I would have

progressed with the lesson without class management, the balls would’ve been all over the place

and would have made the classroom become unsafe and dangerous for everyone.

Another modification that had to be done during my lessons had occurred on the last day

of my unit while going over individual skills of volleying. My original plan was to have the

students pick out a skill pertaining to volleying and work on it individually and then with a group

until they felt they mastered it. However, as I was implementing my lesson, I noticed that the

majority of the students were practicing the same skill of bump passing. So to modify the lesson

off hand, I asked the students I felt that were a little more advance in volleying to try and do

another skill such as setting or overhand serving. In doing so, I made the class more diverse in

skills, while also challenging some students who may have been trying to take the easy way out

by practicing basic skills they have mastered. Furthermore, when it came time to get into groups

the students were able to complete a skill group using various types of volleying skills.

While observing the progress of the groups I again noticed that the students were getting

a little out of control with their passes. I quickly blew my whistle and directed their attention to

me. I addressed a group that I had previously seen becoming out of control, why their passes

were getting out of everyone’s reach. The group replied back “I can not angle my body in time

to pass the ball to the person I want.” Realizing the dilemma, I adjusted the task to help the

students gain more time to react to the ball. I instructed the students to decide if they feel they

can not pass the volleyball to the person they desire, communicate with your group. First hit the

ball up higher toward the center of the group and loudly say “Help” to indicate to group that

someone must move and help the ball stay in control.


Once the groups started communicating with one another it was evident by the balls

hitting the ground less that the modification worked. Due to time winding down I had a little

competition to shorten the class. I had the groups record how many times they dropped the ball

within the span of a minute. After time was up the groups reported their scores to me and the

group with the least drops was able to demonstrate their skills for the class while being



Analysis of Student

Learning Goal 1: Demonstrate the two different proper arm, hand, and wrist placements when

executing a bump pass during a game setting 80 percent of the time.

Pre-Assessment: List of task/cues referring to the two different hand positions and whether they can/or not yet, do it.

Students Can Students Can Not Yet

12 18

Formative Assessment: Using defined cues from the teacher, students will observe, comment,

and record their peers demonstrating the two different bump passes.

Cupped Hands Flat Hands

Student 1 Yes Yes

Student 2 Yes Yes

Student 3 Yes Yes

Student 4 Yes Yes

Student 5 Yes Yes

Student 6 Yes Yes

Student 7 Yes Yes

Student 8 Yes Yes

Student 9 Yes Yes


Student 10 Yes Yes

Student 11 Yes Yes

Student 12 Yes Yes

Student 13 Yes Yes

Student 14 Yes Yes

Student 15 Yes Yes

Student 16 Yes Yes

Student 17 Yes Yes

Student 18 Yes No

Student 19 Yes No

Student 20 Yes Yes

Student 21 Yes No

Student 22 Yes No

Student 23 Yes No

Student 24 Yes No

Student 25 Yes No

Student 26 Yes No

Student 27 Yes No

Student 28 Yes No

Student 29 Yes No

Student 30 Yes No

Post Assessment: Design and demonstrates a presentation on the critical components of the skill for class.

Student 1 3


Student 2 3

Student 3 3

Student 4 3

Student 5 3

Student 6 3

Student 7 3

Student 8 3

Student 9 3

Student 10 3

Student 11 3

Student 12 3

Student 13 3

Student 14 3

Student 15 3

Student 16 2

Student 17 2

Student 18 3

Student 19 3

Student 20 3

Student 21 3

Student 22 3

Student 23 3

Student 24 2

Student 25 1

Student 26 1


Student 27 2

Student 28 3

Student 29 3

Student 30 3

Summary: Among the various elements needed in a bump pass, each student surprised me with

their development. At the beginning of the lesson, many of the students could not get most/any

of the cues needed in performing a correct bump pass. Either students were leaving their hands

apart while hitting, which is illegal and called a lift, or the students were hitting the ball too hard

and out of control. However, as shown through their demonstrations for the post assessment,

many of the students received an overall grade of 3, which means they had a dominate grasp on

the subject matter pertaining to the essential components of a bump pass and could demonstrate

it properly as well.

Learning Goal 2: Executes an overhand serve over a net the height of 7 1/2 feet, using mature

form at a distance of 12 feet.

Pre-Assessment: Students demonstrate their idea of an overhand serve.

Right Wrong

20 10


Formative Assessment: List procedures in sequence needed to perform a mature overhand serve.

Right Wrong

15 15

Post Assessment: Teacher observation: Table of critical aspects of task and total number of students.

Toss ball over favorite shoulder

Impact with Dominate hand’s palm

Follow Through

Student 1 + - -

Student 2 + + -

Student 3 + - -

Student 4 + - -

Student 5 + - -

Student 6 + - -

Student 7 + + -

Student 8 + + -

Student 9 + - -

Student 10 + - -

Student 11 + - -

Student 12 - - -

Student 13 - + -


Student 14 + + -

Student 15 + + -

Student 16 + + -

Student 17 - + -

Student 18 - - -

Student 19 + - -

Student 20 - - -

Student 21 - - -

Student 22 + + -

Student 23 + + +

Student 24 + + +

Student 25 + + -

Student 26 - - -

Student 27 + + +

Student 28 + + -

Student 29 + + -

Student 30 + + +

Summary: From the initial pre-assessment the majority of the students had an idea of what an

overhand serve looked like however did not know the specific components essential to executing

it correctly. Through the daily lesson plan and practice, I was able to observe an improvement in

skills among every student. Although some students did not have all of the components down

packed, the students that had no idea of how to proper demonstrate an overhand serve now did.


Learning Goal 3: Obtains the knowledge of the game rules pertaining to competitive volleyball.

Pre-Assessment: List 4 rules of a competitive game of volleyball.

Students Right Answers Total Amount of Answers

Student 1 2 Out of 4

Student 2 2 Out of 4

Student 3 2 Out of 4

Student 4 3 Out of 4

Student 5 2 Out of 4

Student 6 3 Out of 4

Student 7 2 Out of 4

Student 8 0 Out of 4

Student 9 1 Out of 4

Student 10 1 Out of 4

Student 11 2 Out of 4

Student 12 1 Out of 4

Student 13 2 Out of 4

Student 14 2 Out of 4

Student 15 1 Out of 4

Student 16 2 Out of 4

Student 17 2 Out of 4

Student 18 3 Out of 4

Student 19 2 Out of 4

Student 20 4 Out of 4

Student 21 3 Out of 4


Student 22 0 Out of 4

Student 23 0 Out of 4

Student 24 1 Out of 4

Student 25 4 Out of 4

Student 26 0 Out of 4

Student 27 2 Out of 4

Student 28 0 Out of 4

Student 29 1 Out of 4

Student 30 2 Out of 4

Formative Assessment: Draw the sequence of a proper overhand serve.

Right Wrong

19 11

Post Assessment: Five question slip, asking students to identify specific instances that might

occur during a volleyball game setting and what are their consequences.

Students Right Answers Total Amount of Answers

Student 1 4 Out of 5

Student 2 4 Out of 5

Student 3 4 Out of 5

Student 4 4 Out of 5

Student 5 4 Out of 5

Student 6 4 Out of 5


Student 7 3 Out of 5

Student 8 3 Out of 5

Student 9 4 Out of 5

Student 10 4 Out of 5

Student 11 3 Out of 5

Student 12 4 Out of 5

Student 13 2 Out of 5

Student 14 2 Out of 5

Student 15 1 Out of 5

Student 16 2 Out of 5

Student 17 2 Out of 5

Student 18 4 Out of 5

Student 19 4 Out of 5

Student 20 4 Out of 5

Student 21 4 Out of 5

Student 22 4 Out of 5

Student 23 2 Out of 5

Student 24 1 Out of 5

Student 25 4 Out of 5

Student 26 2 Out of 5

Student 27 3 Out of 5

Student 28 3 Out of 5

Student 29 4 Out of 5

Student 30 4 Out of 5


Summary: Comparing results from the pre to post assessment, the percentage of students

receiving above 80% on the questionnaire increased. This is evidence that the students were able

to understand most if not all of the rules taught to them for a competitive game of volleyball.

Learning Goal 4: Chooses to participate in a structured and purposeful activity to pursue

education of volleyball as an extracurricular program.

Pre-Assessment: Students will prepare a speech ranging from 1-3 minutes. Identifying any

extracurricular activities, clubs, and/or community services they are/might be involved in.

Participated Did not Participate

30 0

Formative Assessment: A small writing booklet allowing students to write freely any questions,

responses, or self criticism.

Students Non-Satisfactory Satisfactory

Student 1 +

Student 2 +

Student 3 +


Student 4 +

Student 5 +

Student 6 +

Student 7 +

Student 8 +

Student 9 +

Student 10 +

Student 11 +

Student 12 +

Student 13 +

Student 14 +

Student 15 +

Student 16 +

Student 17 +

Student 18 +

Student 19 +

Student 20 +

Student 21 +

Student 22 +

Student 23 +

Student 24 +

Student 25 +

Student 26 +

Student 27 +

Student 28 +

Student 29 +


Student 30 +

Post Assessment: List consisting of various game skills, student explains what each is used for.

Students Right Answers Total Amount of Answers

Student 1 4 Out of 4

Student 2 4 Out of 4

Student 3 3 Out of 4

Student 4 4 Out of 4

Student 5 4 Out of 4

Student 6 3 Out of 4

Student 7 4 Out of 4

Student 8 4 Out of 4

Student 9 4 Out of 4

Student 10 2 Out of 4

Student 11 4 Out of 4

Student 12 4 Out of 4

Student 13 4 Out of 4

Student 14 4 Out of 4

Student 15 4 Out of 4

Student 16 4 Out of 4

Student 17 4 Out of 4

Student 18 4 Out of 4


Student 19 4 Out of 4

Student 20 4 Out of 4

Student 21 4 Out of 4

Student 22 4 Out of 4

Student 23 3 Out of 4

Student 24 3 Out of 4

Student 25 3 Out of 4

Student 26 4 Out of 4

Student 27 2 Out of 4

Student 28 4 Out of 4

Student 29 3 Out of 4

Student 30 2 Out of 4

Summary: Through the advancements of the assessments the overall student percentage of

comprehension raised from 40% to 80%. Within the increase in overall volleyball appreciation

and understanding, students have obtained a better basic knowledge of what Volleyball entails.

As I later on mention to students if they have sought out any traveling teams about 5%

responding with a yes within the first week after the unit and told me what team they were

playing on. For the remainder of the 95% of students, they randomly ask to play a real

competitive game of volleyball when ever possible because they like the competitive nature it



Girls vs. Boys

Learning Goal 2: Executes an overhand serve over a net the height of 7 1/2 feet, using mature

form at a distance of 12 feet.

Rationale/Summary: I picked gender characteristics to compare the groups for Learning Goal 2

because this is where I saw a big presence of gender discrepancy. While going through the unit I

observed that a larger of the students that were successful hitting the ball over the net as

prescribed in the Learning Goal was young male students. Whereas the young female students

were not as successful with the prescribed requirements, however, if modified a few feet closer

to the net the female students percentages raised in success.

Girls % Boys %

Successful Overhand Serve

45% 85%

Non-Successful Overhand Serve

55% 15%


Christina- A young female student, who was overweight, not very athletic, and sometimes very

talkative yet, was very active during physical education class. However, due to her lack of

athleticism she was very slow to pick up new skills when going over this volleyball unit.

Hailey- A young female student, very athletic, petite, and very disciplined. This student picked

up new skills right away with precision in technique.

It is important to understand the two different types of learning styles shown just within

these two young females. First rationale being that Christina is a little slower to catch onto new

skills whereas Hailey is quick, so accommodate the two, I would split up the class and allow the

students who feel they are proficient in the assigned skill to pair up and those who do not pair up

as partners. After observing if the pairing works, modifications will then be done if needed.

However, the best of the student is always of interest first. One does not want a beginner to feel

less confident if paired up with an expert at the skill, because in turn he/she will feel less


Hailey absorbed the new skills with ease as she was well above average in all areas of each skill

taught. On the other hand, Christina scored on the pre assessments badly because she did not

remember previous lessons from years before or does not understand the skill’s basic

components. However, as time progressed and with Christina’s enthusiasm to try, she became

efficient in handling the skills given to her. She increased her pre-assessment particularly in the

overhand serve from having no clue what it would look like to being able to hit the ball over the

net 1 out of 5 trials. It is evident every person learns at their own pace, it is important that


teacher’s realize the difference at the beginning of units to not overwork or bagger students who

may be slower to catch on.

Reflection and Self-Evaluation

The learning goal that was most successful in this unit was learning goal number one. It

focused on the students executing a bump pass with two different hand positions using correct

technique. This physical skill is simple to comprehend and demonstrate, if the individual has

prior knowledge of eye-hand coordination. Moreover, this learning goal did not discuss the

student to bump pass under certain circumstances, but to just be able to bump pass three-fourths

of the time. Due to the lack of criteria needed to be successful, a greater number of students

were able to demonstrate the skill when listening to instruction.

A learning goal that was not as successful was learning goal number four. It states that

students will choose to participate in a structured and purposeful activity to pursue the

development of volleyball. This goal was the least successful because it is hard to motivate the

students to want to join an extracurricular program that focuses on the same elements that they

are learning in physical education. Moreover, a lot of the students already are part of

extracurricular activities, so they weren’t able to add an extra sport due to lack of time. Since

this goal is more emotionally connected, it’s hard to really observe and determine if the goal is

being met. Reason being that, students can join an extracurricular activity to get a good grade

but not for the true meaning stated in the goal, chooses to join to pursue the development in


Volleyball. To better enhance the productivity of this goal, one can start going to the activities to

show support and effort to lead a healthy lifestyle.

There were many ideas, issues, and pieces of experience that I have come across while

working on this teacher work sample. Number one experience to work on is learning how to

modify the lessons on the fly when unexpected circumstances arrive. A good teacher plans, an

effective teacher teaches for the moment. In other words, providing myself with the teaching

experience that will come in time to read the learning environment and process what needs to be

done. Having the ability to recognize when something isn’t working as well as it should be and

being able to change the approach to better suit the students’ needs.

Classroom management skills are a crucial element that needs to be carried out from the

start to end of class. If you don’t have control you have nothing. I learned that the hard way.

Having control of your class helps with safety, process of learning, and respect from the students.

If one can control any size class of students and keep them active, then he/she is an effective

teacher. Only when one has the class’ attention can one really teach.

Some steps I will pursue in taking to reach my goals will be continuous self reflection

and micro management. I believe even as a veteran teacher one should always self-reflect on

their lesson. For that is the only way one can strive to be better, always. Never being content

with our selves and striving to be, do, and communicate better will only benefit you to be an

effective teacher to your students. Moreover, to practice control within ones classroom,

communication is key. Allowing students to know that you’re there for them and you care will

go a lot farther than thinking the students have to do what I say no matter what. Once a line of

communication is opened from me to the students and vice versa, then I will be able to gain their


trust and respect, and in turn gain control of my class. If I learned anything from this internship,

it would be, students care about how much you care.

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