teacher design teams for blended learning in higher education

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Bram PynooJo Tondeur Griet Lust eAPRIL Conference 2015

“Blended learning combines the best empowering ICT & human touch so we can help students learn more than ever before” – A. Hernandez

Via K_Triquet


“formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace, and at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home. The modalities along each students’ learning path within the course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience” (Innosight Institute & INACOL 2015 – initially from Chirstensen, Horn & Staker 2013 )

How do you incorporate blended learning in your course?

Traditional training arragements may not be not enough to prepare teachers to successfully

integrate blended learning

How to bridge the gap?

From TK to TPACK

Teacher design teams as a strategy for integrating BL

‘A group of at least two teachers, from the same or related subjects,

working together on a regular basis, with the goal to (re)design

and enact (a part of) their common curriculum’

(Handelzalts, 2009, p. 7)

Goals •  Improve practice (and hence student learning) •  Facilitate teacher learning •  Share / generate knowledge about practice

“Ongoing collaboration among educators produces

teacher learning, and this ultimately improves teaching and learning”

(Levin, 2010, p. 110)

Generic activities of TDTs




Ermeling,  B.  (2010).  Tracing  the  effects  of  teacher  inquiry  on  classroom  prac?ce.  Teaching  and  Teacher  Educa?on,  26,  377-­‐388  

Characteristics of TDTs

•  Own practice as a starting point (authentic problems)

•  Design as a core activity

•  Collaboration

•  Reflection (design process and products)

•  Individual and group learning

Project ICT competences of teacher trainers!

❖  ENW = ExpertiseNetwork of teacher training institutes associated to a Flemish University

❖  interENW/RP project with ENW AUGent as responsible institution. Other ENWs engage as part of the Sounding Board (& ICT design teams)

❖  Phase 1 (2012-13): development of the Flemish ICT development profile for teacher educators

❖  Phase 2 (2014-15): ICT design teams => putting the ICT development profile into action

ICT Design Teams!

ICT Design Teams: teams of teacher trainers/experts who go collectively through a design process in order to deliver a

qualitative product. The design teams aim (1) to contribute to the further professionalization of teacher trainers and (2) to

stimulate the cooperation between different actors in the field of education with regard to ICT competences

❖  From at least three different institutions

❖  Limited funding: 10000€ per team

❖  Team members participate on a voluntary basis!

Characteristics of TDTs

•  Own practice as a starting point (authentic problems)

•  Design as a core activity

•  Collaboration

•  Reflection (design process and products)

•  Individual and group learning

Call issued to teacher training institutions: problem setting, focus of the design team, how do you plan

to reach your goal, expected outcome?

Process & product: curriculum materials, roadmap, manuals,…

4 to 6 meetings per year, informal contacts Several central meetings with the design team


Exchange of practices and expertise during team meetings, workshops,…

Four design teams, four approaches Design team Angle Expected outcome Method

Smart Science Can mobile devices engage

Different types of video, applicable in

a FTC context Workshops towards

creating video's

Modern Foreign Languages

Is FTC applicable in a context of

language didactics Video's(?), guidelines

Preliminary workshops; goal will be set in december 2014

Arts & Culture

A need expressed to professionalize

on certain ICT competences

A Street Art in Ghent Route

Workshops towards the goal

Blended Learning

TT: need to update course material but

how to start? A roadmap, prototypes

Community of Practice; topics set in first

meeting of the CoP

TDTs for online & Blended Learning (OBL)

Roadmap Step  1:  Why  

ü  I/we have to ü  I want to ü  In the (near) future, my institute will encourage/enforce me to…

Two main questions: ü  What’s in it for me? What is/would be the added value of"

blended learning for my practice, my students,… ü  Who am I when it comes to blended learning and the "

integration of ICT

Who am I? Step  1:  Why  

When it comes to the integration of ICT in my practice: Interested ó Wait and see

When it comes to the use of ICT in general: Daredevil ó Computer illiterate

Compose a design team Step  1:  Why  

Form ICT design teams with (about) 4 members ideally consisting"of four members with a different profile

Write down one example: •  Daredevils: what do you do now when it comes to BL? •  Computer illiterates: what would you like to do when it comes to BL?

Present your case to the other team members

WHY do you meet F2F?Step  2:  De)ine  

your  blend  

What type of blend? Step  3:  How  to  digitize  

ICT Design team - Evaluation Design team Angle Expected outcome Method

Smart Science Can mobile devices engage

Different types of video, applicable in

a FTC context Workshops towards

creating video's

Modern Foreign Languages

Is FTC applicable in a context of

language didactics Video's(?), guidelines

Preliminary workshops; goal will be set in december 2014

Arts & Culture

A need expressed to professionalize

on certain ICT competences

A Street Art in Ghent Route

Workshops towards the goal

Blended Learning

TT: need to update course material but

how to start? A roadmap, prototypes

Community of Practice; topics set in first

meeting of the CoP

One workshop, one ‘plenary’ session, after this phase only informal contacts took place

3 workshops, different curriculum materials "have been developed, DT stopped due to illness expert

Four workshops, different manuals designed by the team leaders, low commitment and dropout by team members of "

the other institutions

Step by step towards roadmap; some dropout, "most members were not teacher educators

Four issues: your opinion?

•  Go to the padlet via www.ictdesignteams.be > eapril2015

How to implement TDTs in Higher Education

A  Delphi  study  

Genera2ng  consensus  and  developing  a  framework  of  important  condi2ons  for  the  implementa2on  of  TDTs

BramPynoo@gmail.comJo.Tondeur@Ugent.be Griet.Lust@HoWest.be

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