teach english in china next program intake: 1 st september, 2014 china is a country on the move and...

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Teach English in ChinaNext Program Intake: 1st September, 2014

China is a country on the move and its vibrant culture will leave you breathless! Teach English in China and immerse yourself in one of the most fascinating and fast changing countries on the planet, while at the same time making a positive difference to the lives of thousands of students. Teach English in China and begin an immensely enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Teach in China Program Itinerary1st – 6th September, 2014

Arrive in Beijing, China. 2 Day Meet & Greet. 1st & 2nd September. Airport transfer to your hotel on 1st September at 2 p.m. Please note that if you are not already TEFL/TESOL qualified, you must complete your complimentary 120 hour online TEFL certification course that is offered as part of this program, before 1st September, 2014

Full Day China Cultural Immersion trip Hotel pick up and return on 2nd September for your full day China cultural excursion.

4 Day Orientation Program 3rd – 6th September, 2014. Beijing, China. Chinese cultural immersion and enhanced TEFL/TESOL teaching models and methodologies that are specific to schools in China.

Transfer to Placement Schools Commencing from 7th September onwards

School Introduction Day at Placement School Commencing from 7th September onwards

Island TEFL & ChinaJobs

Island TEFL is partnered with ChinaJobs. We have many years of experience in the Chinese ESL education sector and have close ties with a large number of language schools and public schools across China. We understand fully what teachers value when looking to teach English in China and the importance of securing an ESL teaching job with a professional and trustworthy company. We can offer 6 or 12 months renewable contracts.

Rent-Free accommodation, complimentary TEFL training, return air fare reimbursement and high level salaries and bonuses are features of our comprehensive Teach in China Program.

Some of our major clients include English First, First Leap, Best Learning and Shane English Schools in China. We also offer English teaching jobs with lots of other language schools as well as public schools and universities all across China which have been screened in depth to ensure high academic and professional standards.

12 Reasons to Join Island TEFL, ChinaJobs

• Supportive Western style management• Opportunity for Small Class sizes with highly motivated students• Clearly defined employment contract & a legal ‘Z’ Work Visa• Premium Salary, bonus and remuneration packages • flight reimbursement, rent-free accommodation or housing allowance, insurance,

paid holidays and much more• A social circle and support group of other western & foreign teachers• Island TEFL EFL/ESL teaching materials and resources• Latest educational technology such as interactive white boards• Excellent promotion opportunities • Complimentary 120/150 hour TEFL/TESOL Certification course• 2 Day Meet and Greet & ensuing 4 Day Comprehensive Orientation Program• 24/7 Support before, during and after your China odyssey.

#1 Reason to join Island TEFL, ChinaJobs

Comparison of Competing China ProgramsCompany Program Cost

With TEFL CourseSalary & Prorated Bonus & Stipend

Air Fare Reimbursement

i-to-i (www.i-to-i.com)

$1,695 Up to $403Per Month



$3,150 $564 - $1,288Per Month

YES (1 yr. Program)


$1,750 Up to $375Per Month


Island TEFL, Chinawww.islandtefl.com

Only $995 $1,125 - $1,600K Per Month

YES (1 yr. Program)

Savings with Island TEFL, China

increase in Salary & Bonus with Island TEFL, China

$700 - $2,155

Up to $1,125 + Per Month

Teaching Placement Locations

• While everyone has heard of Beijing and Shanghai, China has many other exciting cities each with its own unique character and experiences. We have job openings to teach in China at major cities across the country. The capital cities of most provinces in China have large populations, decent sized expat communities and plenty going on in terms of entertainment, food from around the world and modern amenities. Suzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan, Chongqing and Guangzhou for example, all have a population of over 4 million and are exciting destinations for ESL jobs in China. So while teaching in Beijing and Shanghai remains popular, there are plenty more options for you to choose from.

• Our schools are located all over China so whether you prefer to teach English in the hustle and bustle of a modern city along the east coast, a warmer climate further south or something a bit more off the beaten track, you will be able to teach in China at a location and school that is best tailored to your needs and preferences.

TEFL/TESOL Remuneration NEXT INTAKE: 1 - 6

September, 2014

•The reality that English teachers are remunerated very highly in China, when compared to the salaries of local educators and other professionals, combined with the fact that the cost of living is much lower in China than in western countries, allows English teachers (TEFL/TESOL) to live a very comfortable lifestyle in China

•Island TEFL’s teachers are amongst the highest compensated in the industry, receiving rent-free housing and earning between 7,000 – 10,000 RMB (approx. $1,125 - $1,600 USD) per month. Your salary will be determined by factors such as, which school and city you work in and whether you have prior teaching experience. •To put your salary into perspective you are likely to earn 2 - 2.5x what a local high school Principal or Head Master earns. A local Chinese University Professor earns around 5,000 RMB/month (approx. $800) while a high school Principal or Head Master earns around 4,000 RMB/month (approx. $640 )

Teacher Salary & BenefitsNEXT INTAKE: 1 - 6 September, 2014

Island TEFL/ChinaJobs Program Benefits:• 2 main program intakes: mid-August to mid-January & mid-February – mid- June. (Year round intake available) • 6 or 12 month renewable employment contract• Monthly salary of between $1,125 - $1,600 USD (3-4x what a local teacher earns)• Flight reimbursement upon completion of 12 month contract• Rent-free furnished apartment or monthly housing allowance• Paid holiday• Legal ‘Z’ work visa & residence permit• Health insurance • Performance related bonuses• Professional teacher development & support• Complementary 120/150 hour TEFL/TESOL Course. 120 hours online before arriving in China. 30 hours in Class in China (This course is provided for free to those who are not TEFL qualified)• Mandarin Chinese lessons• 2 day Meet and Greet with airport pick up included.• Comprehensive 4 day Professional Teacher Development and China Culture Immersion Orientation in Beijing,

China. • 6 Nights share accommodation (During Meet & Greet & Orientation)• Opportunity for career advancement and promotion



Whilst you are teaching for us, your accommodation is provided in the form of a private, modern, furnished apartment. The rent is included in our package, and we handle everything for you. The accommodation includes all the comforts you would expect, so you can really feel at home, from the very beginning. N.B. You are welcome to opt for an accommodation allowance rather than the accommodation package that we provide

Cost of Living

The cost of living is significantly lower in China than in the Western world. Most of our teachers find that they can easily live on 100 RMB ($16 USD) per day. This works out to be less than $500 USD per month which represents only about a third of the teachers salary. With your accommodation already paid for, this enables you to easily save around two thirds of your salary, which translates into monthly savings of over $1,000 USD for many of our teachers. This will allow you the freedom to travel comfortably during the holidays and live it up in style within China or further afield in exotic countries such as Thailand for example.

While the cost of living is slightly higher in larger cities, such as Beijing or Shanghai, than in smaller cities, you will find that your money will still stretch a very long way. For example, eating dinner at a local restaurant will typically cost between 35 – 65 RMB (approx. $2 - $4USD) So if you chose to eat out every night at a local restaurant you could expect to budget between only $60 -$120 USD for the whole month.

Testimonials• China is amazing. I'm having a wonderful time here. Teaching children - has turned out to be much better than I imagined

it would be. Teaching itself is so much fun because I can see them improving and that’s very rewarding. I like my neighborhood, and I love the food. I still love going into a new restaurant and pointing at something on the menu that I can now read (or rather, pronounce, but not understand), and ending up with something absurdly oversized, absurdly delicious, and absurdly cheap. I'm thrilled I signed up with Island TEFL/ChinaJobs- your assistance resulted in my teaching in an awesome city that I would never have found on my own. I love it here"! – Pauline Wallis, Australia

• "Life in China is great. Every day I spend hours teaching young students how to speak English, share, sing, laugh and grow. I came here to teach and I love it. Seriously, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the help and guidance of the staff from Island TEFL/ChinaJobs. They helped me each step of the way. I couldn't have done it alone. This has been the experience of a lifetime. I love China. I really love the culture here. I have made many friends from around the world. I have been able to experience the life and culture here too. It's going by fast. It's been amazing so far"! - Charles White, USA

Requirements and Application Process

• Programme Requirements:

• Native English Speaker and passport holder from U.S.A, Canada, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland or South Africa

• Bachelors degree or higher (Teaching degrees and experience preferred)• 120 hours, Internationally accredited, TEFL or TESOL or CELTA

• Application Procedure: Please send your resume or c.v., recent photo and your date of birth to Philip@islandtefl.com. Alternatively, please visit www.islandtefl.com and apply. Here is the link to

apply http://www.islandtefl.com/apply/

Contact Details• Contact Island TEFL today for the experience of a lifetime!• Website: www.islandtefl.com• Email: Philip@islandtefl.com • Skype: islandtefl

• Working with schools all over China, we help place native English TEFL teachers in cities that fit their needs best! We provide the knowledge and support to help you make the best decision.

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