te certlfy ~1tten dissertation on ~.r.tlv. effects .f our...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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This 1s te certlfy that Shrl A.K.Uppal

has ~1tten Dissertation on ~.r.tlv. Effects

.f Two Our.tien Lead Methods and Interval Runnln,

Method en CarcU, .... plrawry Endurance and Selected

Physloleglcal Variables· under -V 4)Uidance and

8\1Pervisloftj lbe HtSeal'Ch work defte by h1JD 18 his

erltlnal wl'k«

"1.1 i. u certifY thd th. r_toUCh de". M the t.plc • c..p.u.Uv. I" ..... , I .. ~rdlon

LMd ~ •• MMI lntuwal ftJMlnt lI.tbed en c.....u.­",-Ud.rt ~r.nc • .ad Select.ed .... .,.i.l.t1ca1 yuabl.·u ., uitlnlll "I'll .nd thu ..... net

..... ~\'l4d te any Uftlv ... ."y ln Indu Mel.

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, A.UJpp.l)

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W--. .. 0'1 M1IItf:a a Ana _,e tbPel

J1,lC8 ~ alrtSa ao.b~. ~j-, Jaik.

~i\'!B CIF 14m".. .NIle 16. lM1.

1II)8RQIlADU~ All) GaADUAft ac:ROOI$ A11S!IDfU)a

t..ab'lldbal -.loeel COUeoe of 1h78iad 8 -___ 100.. ~1. •• \lU. CIraIJ._ • . JD4S;a.

OSQAltU All) n IM.O"4A ",,~aapal) •

..... loc' 01 ~ " ... 1_. ltM. __ .fi . Old_pity. ~t_. taSia.

_._~ . 01 ~J.ca1 MacaU.. 1"'. nvaJl oat .. n'q.. CW&11_. ledl ..

!)iplo.oaa I.a coeethlaq ,*111.-1ea. 19'71. 'O.~.f.1te t..el"io. ~.l'\ eR •

..... ~ of Ada (800101001'). 1976 • ..n. .... J1 UId ... nU::;y. Odll_. blab.

I\R'!/ti ar f>~tl\L nr."rats.,.

YoQUl welteN .as Social Se&Vl_ ~~ ......

_U"Cb ~k 18 i1byelea1 s.4acfltt_ aa4 aUs.4 -an ...

cun~,11WQ. ~~laD 1ft 'h"e1cal ~Joca'l ..

.. <»Esa t~n.L ~ ~'"t'!"1l:tt ~ t

~,1D'J o~tJ1s~aat. lAbh~ibd. t 100.1 co.l.leq. of ~YD1C&1 Bdlac41ca, oV'&ltor. lMla. l~q.

ReMucb AIhlln... LDkahtdbal. I1etlOGG1Coll.~ of ~y.lcal MQC~.lOD. G~l<W'. !D3'" 1969-1970.

l.ecftQP-I". lAkah:Utbal R~lOftal colle<~ of ~YSleal E ~\Se ~tlO1l, ~.;ali_. I~l •• 19'., to de_.


_AIDS .., "0ll00RS.

MId. gebo1.atttp. z. ......... tldlGft8l COlJ.4Jge o. Jlhplcal &~..u-. Gvulow. ta!la. IM).IS.

~ GOl4 .aal fO&' _189 tM • __ s~Gdeat •• f eM gn4lJaUDG 01_ ·at lMe.

~ G014 ~ few _..s'_ tint. &D .. IIMIbelu 01 IbplM1 .-~ ... -.1",_ of 0. AvaJt fIa1ftft£_. evaUoc. 1 ... .

~ CoJA !II4al f_ ..... 'D9 IPM ill .. . MIn ... 01· ~ ..... 1_ ......... ,_ 01 til. 31wejl _i~lty. 1918.

.1Werde4 aebo1~p dl!eC' ta5o-G.n.a. .C'l1~tanl Za:tbaDge lI1Coo-...... foe' bt~ ~ ... GU'ua C_ol1e;e 01 Jlbyaioal eGl~... ,-,paiv, o.o.ll.. 1.71.

fte04 'len CGnIe I wl0 4tethcUOD) 18 tbe Dlpl_ Covee at G •• a •• 1"1.

wt .... ~ of .,.,... AwU4 for beinq t:be ___ Gat-." ...... 'DOfGI'I.)MII 01 GwaUozo. 1979.

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