tax filing

Post on 19-Nov-2015






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process of e-filing


AProject Report OnA Study on Tax E-Filing of ReturnsAtMoney Plant ConsultancySubmitted ByTeena R. Borole

Under The Guidance OfProf. Vidhya Hittalmani

In Partial Fulfillment of Master Degree of Business AdministrationAffiliated to University of PuneInstitute of Industrial Computer Management and ResearchPradhikaran, Nigdi, Pune

Batch 2013 2015


It is hereby declared that all the facts and figures included in the Summer Internship Project is a result of my own research and investigations including formal analysis of the entire project work and the same has not been previously submitted to any examination of this University or any other University.This declaration will hold good and in my wise belief with full Consciousness.

Date: Place: Nigdi, Pune.

Name & Signature of the Student

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my project guide (Prof.Vidhya Hittalmani) for his/her exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this summer internship project. The blessing, help and guidance given by her/him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Company project guide (Name, Designation, Company Name) for his/her cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task through various stages.I am obliged to staff members of (Money Plant Consultancy), for the valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my SIP.I would also like to thank our director Dr. Abhay Kulkarni and Head TLE Ms. Madhavi Deshpande whose wisdom & foresight, I continually benefit from.I also take immense pleasure to thank Mr. Arjun Kale, Placement Officer, for giving me an opportunity and placing me for the SIP. Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant encouragement without which this summer internship project would not be possible.Name & Signature of the Student

IndexSr. No.Content Page No.

1Executive Summary

2Organization Profile

3Outline of the Problem / Task undertaken

4Research Methodology and Data Analysis

5Relevant activity charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.

6Learning of the student through the project (Observation, Findings, Limitations)

7Contribution to the host organization

8References in appropriate referencing styles: APA style

9Annexure if any


EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTax filing:- E-Filing of IT Returns is the process of electronically submitting your Income Tax Return to the Income Tax Department.This electronic submission can be done in one of the following ways:A. Manually :Where you take the output of the software in XML or non-XML format , convert to XML in case of the latter and upload it to the Income Tax Website.B. Automatically:Providers that areAuthorized E-Return Intermediaries of ITD, are integrated with the Income Tax Department and authorized to E-File your Income Tax Return. Such providers allow you to E-File your return with a click of a button.XML uploadis tedious anduser may run into issuesfor incorrect format or validationerror.

Company:- Money Plant Consulting is Pune's largest and the most trusted Service provider which offers Preparation and filing of individual Income Tax Returns (ITR) & Comprehensive Tax Planning round the year. It has grown to build the largest customer base in this market segment by sticking to its main ethos of outsourcing all tax worries of taxpayers.


1. To understand e-filing tax returns procedure.

2. To understand documents required for e-filing.


1. The study is related to e-filing tax return process for salaried individuals.

Research Methodology:-

Para 1 tax filingPara 2 company Para3 tile objectives scope4 RM5 FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS6 CONCLUSIONS


3. To understand e-filing tax returns procedure.

4. To understand documents required for e-filing.


2. The study is related to e-filing tax return process for salaried individuals.

Vision and MissionWe aim to outsource all your Tax worries by providing timely tax advice & the way it's meant to be: i.e. Fast, secure & accurate and yet the most cost-effective. Our aim is to strive towardsmaking your dealing with Taxes a smooth and efficient experience.

Research Methodology / Study Method 1) Training provided related to Mutual fund by HDFC, ICICI Executives etc.2) Tax filling training by Money plant CAs.3) Online study related to E-filing.

Data analysis & interpretation1) Collected data about Customer profile and form 16/ 16A and other Income details.2) Categorize forms based on salaried employee or Business personal.3) Observations / Findings4) Suggestions 5) Conclusions


Company ProfileMoney plant Consulting Group facilitates outsourcing the non-core activities and provides knowledge-driven financial services. Money plant Consulting Group is a premier outsourcing & a financial services provider which aims to offer solutions for financial needs and queries of individuals. They are a leading wealth management, capital markets and advisory company with over 100 man years of consulting & investing experience.Money plant Consulting Group was promoted by Mr. Rishabh Parekh (Director). He holds a professional degree of CA from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He started Money Plant Consulting with an aim to outsource the non-core activities of corporate clients and to offer personal income tax/ financial market related services to individual clients.Since its Inception they have been successful in providing seamless service and significant advantage for clients with their extremely competent team of qualified professionals comprising CA's, MBA's & CFPs having in house Knowledge pool of financial markets, instruments and products. Their aim is to ensure that clients benefit from the professional expertise, technical knowledge and experience. They have been recognized for expertise in the financial arena by highly reputed institutions and clients. They strive to provide transparent, ethical and research-based investments and wealth management services.

Organization Hierarchy

The organization is headed by Rishabh Parekh who is the founder and director.

The organization has 3 departmental heads vis--vis HR & Admin

The Finance department is headed by the director himself.

The organization is 50 employee strong

Employees are from diverse backgrounds like CAs, MBAs and Software professionals


1. Fund management

1. Loan syndication & project Appraisal2. Deployment of surplus funds3. Decision on short/long term investment planning

2. Insurance:The firm has experience in Life & General Insurance advisory, which covers following types of risks:1. Online Health & Marine insurance2. Commercial & Liability insurance, etc3. Group gratuity & group term insurance

3. Taxation

1. Consultation on income tax & fringe benefit tax2. Assessment and Appellate proceedings3. Transfer pricing

4. Employees Taxation and Investments

1. Conducting seminar, orientation and induction program for the employees2. Preparation & Submission of income tax returns for corporate employees3. Tax & Financial planning


5. Investment Advisory services:

The firm has rich experience in advising clients in:-

1. Mutual fund investments / Financial planning2. Deployment of surplus funds3. Decision on short/long term investments

6. PAN Cards proceedings

7. Taxation

1 Expert advice on tax planning and salary structuring 2. Assessment and appellate cases 3. Preparation & submission of Tax returns

8. Loans

Home loans / Personal loans / Car loans / Credit cards

9. Insurance (Life & General)

1. Health, travel & Car insurance2. Term insurance / Traditional plans/ ULIP / Pension Plans

10. Share Trading & Portfolio Management Services

2) Some of the Corporate Clients with whom Moneyplant Shares Professional Relationships with!!!

Outline of the Problem / Task undertakenOBJECTIVE:-

1. To understand e-filing tax returns procedure.

2. To understand documents required for e-filing.

SCOPE:-1. The study is related to e-filing tax return process for salaried individuals.


The Income-Tax was introduced in India for the first time in 1860 by British rulers following the mutiny of 1857.The period between 1860-1886 was period of experiments in the context of Income-Tax. This period ended in 1886 when first income tax act came into existence. The pattern laid down in it for levying of tax continues to operate even to-day though in some changed form. In 1918 another Act-Income Tax act was, 1918 was passed but it was short lived and was replaced by income-tax Act, 1922 and remained in existence and operations till 31st March 1961.


On the recommendation of the law commission and direct tax enquiry committee and in consultation with Law Ministry a bill was framed. This bill was referred to a select committee and finally passed in sep. 1961. This act came into force from 1st April 1962 in whole of the country. Income tax Act 1961 is a comprehensive Act and consists of 298 section, sub-section running into thousands, schedules, rules, etc. and is supported by other acts and rules. This act has been amended acts since 1961. The annual finance bill represented to Parliament along with budget make far-reaching amendments in this acts every year.


The taxes levied by government from the pool of resources to be used for the collective benefit of the public. The Taxation is an exercise in the collective solution of individual problems. The state takes upon itself the duty of solving the problem of the underprivileged and needs finances for this purpose. The government can mobilize resources by imposing taxes on the privileged ones.The taxation structure of the country can play a very important role in the working of our economy. Some time back the emphasis was on higher rates of tax and more incentives. But recently the emphasis has shifted to the decrease in the rates of tax and withdrawal of incentives. While designing the taxation structure it has to be seen that it is in conformity with our economic and social objectives. it should not impair the incentives to personal savings and investment flow and on the other hand it should not result into decrease in revenue to states.

In our present day economic structure income tax plays a vital role as a source of Revenue and a measure of economic disparity. Our taxation structure provides for two types of taxes-direct and indirect: the income tax, wealth tax and gift tax are direct taxes whereas sales tax and excise tax are indirect taxes.

According to section 14 of Income-Tax Act 1961 provides for the computation of total income of an assessee which is divided into five heads of income. Each head of the income has its own method of computation. These five heads are:


Tax Slabs



Research:- The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Research Process:-

Type of research/ Study the SIP is related to.

Data collection :-

Primary data-- 1. Discussions done with staff members. 2. Discussions with clients.

Duration of the Research:- Duration of Research was two months.

Research /Study Process Type of research/ Study the SIP is related to. Sample design if used Sample size if used Data collection Duration of the Research /Study Process Data Analysis method used


Research can be defined as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge. A research is carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons. Research methodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along with logic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking about research methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods. We are in context of our research studies and explain why it is being used a particular method or technique and why the others are not used. So that research result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGYsResearch has its special significance in solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry. Research methodology is a way to systematically analyze the research problem.I have executed the project after prior discussion with our guide and structured in the following steps:a. Preparation of a questionnaireb. The focal point of the designing the questionnaire was to comprehend the current investment scenario with respect to tax planning part.c. This questionnaire was primarily aimed to respondents who belong to the service and business class peopleThe questionnaires were discussed through personal interface with the respondents.

ASSUMPTIONS:1. It has been assumed that sample of hundred represents the whole population.2. The information given by the customer is unbiased.

Development of Working Hypothesis

The hypothesis could be developed by discussing with the expert consultants in the organization and guides about this exploratory research and reach to the conclusion that the data is to be collected by personal interaction with the clients, asking them about their investment planning and their need for financial advisory service from Money plant consulting.First of all are they aware of tax and investment planning or not and then analyzing the findings to reach to the objectives of research.

Sources of Data:

PRIMARY DATAThis research is solely based on primary research done by means of questionnaires targeted to respondents who primarily belong to the business and service sector.It is very essential in the research process to know the accuracy of the findings which depends on how systematically the study has been carried out so that it can make sense.The data required for the project was about the customers and therefore this data was confidential for the company.


Secondary data is a data that has been collected earlier for some purpose other than the purpose of the present study. I have collected data by referring book and websites for carrying out my project.Also, secondary data can be a useful benchmark against which the findings of the study can be tested. This study is highly dependent on the secondary data for various facts and figures.

CHAPTER 5Relevant activity Charts, Tables, Graphs & diagrams

Part 1: Process for Filing Tax ReturnsWhether you wish to go in for the quick e-filing process or manually file your income tax returns, here is a helpful guide to assist you in completing and submitting this vital document by yourself.1) Go to the website

2) Click the link e-file Income Tax Return at the top left corner of the home page3) Select the Correct Form - There are two income tax forms for salaried individuals. ITR-1 is for those who derive their income from salary, pension or interest while ITR-2 is for income from capital gains, house property and other sources. Those who wish to submit their tax returns manually may download the PDF forms - External website that opens in a new window from here. These forms need to be printed, filled by hand and signed before submitting to your local income tax office.For Individuals, HUF (Hindu Undivided Families)

Select appropriate Income Tax Return (ITR) Preparation Software ITR-1 ITR-2 ITR-3 ITR-4

Individual Individual Individual Individual


1 Income from Salary/Pension

2 Income from Other Sources (only Interest income or Family Pension)

3 Income/Loss from Other Sources

4 Income/Loss from House Property

5 Capital Gains/Loss on sale of investments/property

6 Partner in a partnership Firm

7 Income from Proprietary Business/Profession

Select appropriate type of Return Form ITR 1 to ITR 8

For Association of Persons (AoP), Body of Individuals (BoI), Local Authority, Companies, Trusts, Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Return

Select appropriate Income Tax Return (ITR) Preparation Software ITR-5 ITR-6 ITR-7 ITR-8

Firms, AoP, BoI, LA Companies Trusts Only FBT

1 Income/Loss from Other Sources

2 Income/Loss from House Property

3 Capital Gains/Loss on sale of investments/property

4 Income/Loss from Business

5 Fringe Benefit Tax

ITR-7 will not be available for e-Filing

WHO CAN USE WHICH FORM ITR-1This Form can be used by an individual whose total income during the previous year i.e., financial year 2008-09 includes income chargeable to income-tax under the head salaries or income in the nature of family pension as defined in the Explanation to clause (ixia) of section 57 but does not include any other income except income by way of interest chargeable to income-tax under the head income from other sources. There should not be any exempt income other than agriculture income and interest income. It may please be noted that a person who is entitled to use this form shall not use Form ITR-2. Further, a person in whose income the income of other person like his/ her spouse, minor child, etc. is to be clubbed is also not entitled to use this form.

ITR-2This Form can be used by an individual or a Hindu Undivided family whose total income does not include any income chargeable to income-tax under he head Profits or gains of business or profession. It may please be noted that a person who is entitled to use Form ITR-1 shall not use this form. Further, a person who is partner in a firm is required to use Form ITR-3. In case a partner in the firm does not have any income from the firm by way of interest, salary, etc. and has only exempt income by way of share in the profit of the firm shall not use Form ITR-2.

ITR-3This Form can be used a person being an individual or a Hindu Undivided family who is a partner in a firm and where income chargeable to income-tax under the head Profits or gains of business or profession does not include any income except the income by way of any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, by whatever name called, due to, or received by him from such firm. In case a partner in the firm does not have any income from the firm by way of interest, salary, etc. and has only exempt income by way of share in the profit of the firm shall use this form only and not Form ITR-2.

ITR-4This Form can be used by a person being an individual or a Hindu Undivided family who is carrying out a proprietary business or profession.

ITR-5This Form can be used a person being a firm, AOP, BOI, artificial juridical person referred to in section 2(31) (vii), cooperative society and local authority. However, a person who is required to file the return of income under section 139(4) (a) or 139(4) (a) or 139(4) (b) or 139(4) (c) or 139(4) (d) shall not use this form.ITR-6This Form can be used by a company, other than a company claiming exemption under section 11

ITR-7This Form can be used by persons including companies who are required to furnish return under section 139(4A) or under section 139(4B) or under section 139(4C) or under section 139(4D).

ITR-8This Form is applicable in case of a person who is not required to furnish the return of income but is required to furnish the return of fringe benefits

4) Use of Return Preparation Software - Those citizens who wish to avail the e-filing system need to download the Return Preparation Software - External website that opens in a new window for each ITR form. This software is an excel file that requires one to type in personal details as well as financial information from TDS certificates, bank statements, deductions made and interest statements. 5) Generating an XML file - After keying in the details, check once for accuracy. After you are satisfied, click the 'Generate' button to create your tax return in XML format. This format helps in sharing of structured data across different information systems. Save this XML file on your computer. 6) Register - The next step requires you to register at the Income Tax website - External website that opens in a new window. Your registered Permanent Account Number (PAN card) has to be entered as your username.7) Login - After registering, enter your user id and password to login. Click on the relevant form on the left panel and select 'Submit Return'.

8) Upload XML - Browse to select the XML file, which you had generated and saved in Step 3. Click on the 'Upload' button to upload the file.9) Acknowledgement - After the file is successfully uploaded, acknowledgement details or the ITR-V Form will be displayed. Take a printout of this acknowledgement for your records.

10) Digital Signature - If your income tax return was digitally signed, then no further paperwork or visit to the income tax office is needed. Here is some information about how to get a digital signature - External website that opens in a new window.

Instructions for filling up FORM ITR-V1. Rule 12(3)(iii) of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 provides that any assessed can file a return of income electronically without the use of a digital signature. In such cases only an acknowledgement needs to be filed with the Department physically by the assessed.2. Once a return of income is filed electronically on successful transmission of the data, Form ITR-V duly filled shall be generated by the Income-tax Departments server to the assessed. This ITR-V will also contain the acknowledgement number of electronic transmission and the date of the transmission as an evidence of filing for the benefit of the assessed. Please down load a copy of such duly filled Form and verify under your signature in the space provided. In case the return was prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP), the particulars of TRP be also filled and this verification form be countersigned by the TRP.3. This acknowledgement in Form ITR-V duly signed by the assessed needs to be filed physically (in duplicate) with the concerned Assessing Officer. One copy of this acknowledgement would be returned back to the assessed for his record.4. The codes for the form number and the status of the assessed shall be generated electronically by the Departments server.11) Verification - If your return is not digitally signed, then you need to print and fill up the verification part of the acknowledgement cum verification form (ITR-V). This has to be signed and submitted to the local Income Tax Office within 15 days to complete the e-filing process.12) Additional Assistance - In case you require any more help in filing the paper copy of the return, please contact the Public Relations Officer at your local Income Tax Office. One may also phone the Aayakar Sam Park Kendra (ASK) call center at 124-2438000 or email at

Part2:Case AnalysisCase 1:

CHAPTER 6Learning of the project

LEARNING OF PROJECT1. Download the ITR-V Java Utility which pertains to your income Tax Form and furnish all details in the ITR Java Utility and also cross check the same with the figures as mentioned in your Form 16/Form 16A.2. After that you may create a xml file on the income tax return and then upload this file on the income tax website.3. After successful upload of your income tax return an Acknowledgement details would be displayed. 4. While e-filing income tax return you didnt use digital signature on successful uploading of e-return, the ITR-V Form would be generated and sent to your registered email id.5. This ITR-V Acknowledgement form should be signed by the tax payer and sent to the Income Tax Office by post which is in Bangalore.

Application on tools and techniques in the real worldSummer training provided me a good opportunity to apply the concepts, tools and techniques in the real business-life situations.


Preferred Investments


Most preferred:

Insurance Fixed deposit Mutual fund

Least preferred:

Shares. Govt. securities.




To Firm The firm needs to recruit more experts who can handle the preferred customers, because their client base is very huge & continuously increasing. Most of the clients are connected through dial and trade service due to which there is no direct connection i.e. seminars, get together etc. should be organized. Feedback should be taken by every customer regularly. Organize and make accessible database of customer information.


Every work has its own limitations. Limitations are extent to which the process should not exceed. The following limitations for the project are:

Investor ignorance was faced during discussions with respondents as the topic is related with their income part so respondents were a bit reluctant towards disclosing their true feelings, so I have to first built up the trust & then talk about the investments.

Time constraints have also become a major limitation as Portfolio Management is such a vast subject which involves in-depth study analysis.

Getting appointments with people was difficult as most of the people were busy and it was difficult to contact them again and again.

People provide false data as they were scared about providing actual data such as net income, premium paid etc.





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