tasmanian devil by keiry rodriguez. general information tasmanian devils can be found in the...

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Tasmanian Devil

By Keiry Rodriguez

General Information

• Tasmanian devils can be found in the Australian island called Tasmania.

• Tasmanian devils shelter themselves in caves, burrows, or hollow logs during the day and come out at night.

• Tasmanian devils are known for being the largest carnivorous marsupial.

• Marsupials are mammals whose offspring are born not fully developed and usually have to be carried around.

• Tasmanian devils feed on snakes, birds, fish, insects, and on the decaying flesh of an animal.

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease

• It is cancers around the mouth and head of a Tasmanian devil.

• The disease is spread through biting one another.

• As far as scientists have seen this fatal disease has not spread to any other species.

Tasmanian Devil’s Affect on Their Environment

• If the Tasmanian devil were to become extinct tomorrow then the whole balance of its ecosystem would be shattered.

• Tasmanian devils reduce the amount of rodents that eat a farmer’s crops.

• Tasmanian devils are scavengers and they help reduce the amount of carcasses that exist throughout the island.

Protecting The Tasmanian Devil

• As of 2009 the Tasmanian devil has been added to the endangered animal list.

• To insure that the species does not die off, 500 disease free Tasmanian devils will be taken care of in an isolated area in hopes of creating a population that does not have the Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease.

Reasons For Endangerment

• Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor has killed thousands.

• Tasmanian Devils have been completely wiped out because people made them into road kill.

• Tasmanian devils are the prey of foxes and even some dogs.

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