task 3 iconography

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Task 3: Iconography in

subgenreGroup task

Work in these groups12A 12CMarcusPhilipAlexZirak




Tom BrownJoshOllie Harry

AidenLukeLaurieTom Baldwin

Tom LJordan LucaKim


What is iconography?• Images that ‘belong’ or are ‘associated’ with a subgenre• It is mainly connected to Mise-en-scene (and CAM SAMC)

• What makes up MES? (anything in the frame)• Lighting• Setting• Anything with character (acting – body lang./facial expression etc)• Costume/props• Colours

Example: what images are associated with gangster crime?----

Choose a horror subgenre in your group

Choose based on potential for future

Task 1: Iconography collage • Create a collage made up on images that are connected to your subgenre

• Remember:• MES• CAM SAMC

Due: Friday-3 people: get 7-10 images each -1 person: put together in word/ppt/online/photoshop then print in colour*if you can’t print, e-mail to me and I’ll have on ready on Fri

• Mafia• Police officers• Low key lighting • Smoke• Police office buildings• Coffee shops• Cities• Dull colours, nothing vibrant• 50’s/60’s nostalgia

ExampleFilm Noir

Part 2: Audience InterviewsFormat:• On prezi or video

• Each person in group should interview 2 people (diff ages)

Prezi Video

Name:Genre they identified:Correct/incorrect?What things are associated with the subgenre you chose:

Ask audience same questions in red.Film on phonesEdit on online editor or here if you want to try imovie/final cut

See next slide if doing this option.

Video options• https://www.youtube.com/editor• Apps:

Structure Options:• a) Divide by interviewees (person 1, 2, 3, 4……..8)• B) Divide by question (q1: person 1, 2, 3…….then Q2: person 1, 2, 3….

Part 3: What you learned from audience feedback• From conducting audience feedback we learned the following:----

Things to consider:

-did your images accurately represent your subgenre?

-Could your audience identify correctly?

-If not, why do you think that is?

-Did you ask audiences that are likely to know the subgenre? If not, do you think this affected their ability to identify it correctly?

-What would you have done differently?

Format• You need to use a range of ICT in your blogs• You must complete as a Prezi

TUTORIALS• https://prezi.com/support/article/steps/get-started-with-prezi/

• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL09A34EF19596B7BB (this one has EVERYHING)

Prezi checklist• Title page (Assign 3: Iconography……..and names)• What subgenre you’re doing• Your collage (part 1)• Records of 8 interviews OR the embedded video (part 2)• What you learned (bullet points) (part 3)

Success criteriaLevel 1Minimal/incomplete

Level 2Basic

Level 3Proficient

Level 4Excellent

Incomplete or parts incomplete

Poor presentation

No or very basic features in prezi

Serious inaccuracies with understanding of subgenre

Minor parts incomplete

Mostly clear presentation, text likely to be bulky and slides scattered

Some prezi features to aid presentation

Some understanding of subgenre with minor inaccuracies


Presentation is clear

Prezi features aid presentation and show good technical skill

Clear understanding

Evidence of learning from interviews (evaluative)

Complete with detail

Presentation is clear with carefully thought out layout that is engaging and skilled

Excellent and advanced features to show advances skills

Excellent understanding

Interviews and evaluation reveal connections to target audience

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