task 1 work sheet 2 dan kennedy

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Shauna Leacy

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: Daniel Kennedy (High Street Photography)

Shauna Leacy

Shauna Leacy

Theme or focus of images

A. The photo has a women posing for a magazine it looks like it’s for a fashion magazine she is in a studio and has had hair and makeup done and it looks as though she’s been told to pose and jump to give the photo a effect so then they can later on edit it which is what the colourful tint around her is which has been put in after the photo was taken, she seems to be advertising a bag or summer clothing due to what she is wearing in the photos they are all summery colours and look like they have been purposely matched to make the bag look even better and look more appealing to the people looking at these images.

Shauna Leacy

B. this photo is of a women in two different pictures put together to creative one the mix of the two styles but both have the same theme, its been taken in a studio with the background and the way the lighting has been set up creates her shadow to show quiet clearly right behind her which isn’t normally the way they show it they don’t really bring much attention to it but this photographer used it also in his photo.

C. This again is two photos put together to create one whole one there’s a female model who has had her make up and hair styled along with her clothing to show off the clothes for a magazine, she has a fan blown at her to make her hair come away from her face and has been told to stand a certain way to give the photo more of an effect instead of having her stand doing nothing.

D. this is again two photos put together this one is different than the ones before this has been taken from outside put the camera only focusing on the model herself and blurring the background out its been taken in daylight because the lighting in this has been used to focus on her. The setting is out doors in a field area with a fence and trees and grass around her

E. this has been taken in a studio one of the pictures the man is sat down and is a coloured photo but the one next to it is the same man dressed differently this time he’s stood up and the photo has been put into black and white both have very similar styles but are at the same time very different.

F. This is of a female model posing in two different ways in two different places one looks like a studio type place and the other is her lay on the floor and has been taken on an angle so you see what clothes she has on again the model has two different outfits in both images, the lighting in this photo looks like its natural lighting. Composition

A. the photo on the left is zoomed out to fit the model in frame, the second photo is zoomed in and is from waist up, the camera is positioned eye level and it just straight. They include everything in the first photo but in the second photo he chooses to not include the bottom half it looks like he’s done this for the second one because it looks like his main focus is the bag and not the bottom half of the dress or shoes.

B. The photo on the left is zoomed in slightly to capture the model from knee upwards and in the second one its zoomed all the way out to get everything in shot from head to toe, the photo on the left doesn’t include the bottom half but the one on the right does I think he has chosen to do this because maybe the shoes are important to the rest of the outfit so he needs to include them.

C. Again the two photos one is zoomed in and the other is zoomed all the way out the first one she has accessories and a bag so this might be the reason he chose to shoot this one from far away to capture the whole outfit the other photo is more plain she has no jewellery on or anything in her hands so he has slightly zoomed in on this one the shoes are only slightly in shot they could have been the same ones as the ones in the first photo.

D. both of these photos seem to be slightly zoomed in you can see that the photographer has chosen to include only the model in both of the images he has made her surroundings/background out of focus and blurry this still gives the photo a summer and outdoors effect but still only makes you focus really on what shes wearing and her hair and the ways she’s styled.

Shauna Leacy

E. the two photos are different because the first one has been zoomed out fully to get everything in shot including the chair the second one is much plainer and doesn’t have much happening in it compared to the first which includes a prop being the chair which normally it would be just the man stood on his own this makes it different from the others.

F. these photos are both zoomed in and are at an angle they aren’t straight forward, the two images are more about the style and colours than just the outfit because instead of having the background separate in the second photo the background slightly blends in with her outfit he hasn’t chose to include all of the outfit I think he’s done this to give it a different style to a normal clothing photo shoot he’s made it more individual

Techniques used

A. The shutter speed on this image would have been quick because this photo is very light and you can see how much the room is lit up properly, the depth of field is there isn’t anything in the background but the model is the focus in this image like normal studio/fashion pictures. The main focus for the rule of three is the outfit in the photo on the left but in the photo on the right the main focus right in the centre Is the bag she is holding.

B. The shutter speed on this photo would have been fast because the image is very bright and lit up, the depth of field is that there is nothing in the back of the photo other than a shadow and a white wall but in the foreground is the model who is the main focus of the image. The rule of three is that the outfits in both images are centred which would be right because it’s for a fashion magazine which advertises clothes.

C. The shutter speed on this photo would have been average because there is much white for the light to reflect off so but it isn’t extremely dark all the light is focused upon the model, the depth of field is mostly the foreground because the model is the main feature in the photo, the rule of 3 is again like all fashion magazines is the clothing is right in the middle of the photo.

D. The shutter speed would have been fast because of how much light there is in the picture the background is very lit up from the natural lighting of being outside, the depth of field is the background is blurred and out of focus but the main thing in the photo is the model she is all in focus but in the photo on the left she is not the closes thing in the model the fence is which is also blurred out along with all of the background. Rule of three the outfit again is centred in this photo because it’s the main purpose of the photo.

E. the shutter speed is middle on the photo on the left but the photo on the right is a lot lighter with it having an all white background. The depth of field the background on the photo on the left is a dark red colour and in the middle is the model nothing is really close up to the camera but in the photo on the right hers stood much closer the background is plain white and the main purpose of the photo is up close, rule of three in the photo on the right is the centre is the outfit which Is most important for a fashion magazine.

F. the shutter speed is quick because both of the photos are very bright and a lot of natural lighting are in the photos, the depth of field in the photo on the left the background is blurred out it has some equipment more in the foreground and in focus is the model. The rule of three the centre of both photos is the outfit it’s the most important part of a photo that is seen in a fashion magazine.

Shauna Leacy

Strengths & WeaknessesA. The strengths are its bright and colourful very similar colours as if its got a theme running through it the grey background makes the colours stand out a lot more the editing around the model to give it like a shadowy tint makes it look futuristic and different, also the girl being in mid jump giving it an action shot and lastly the two shots placed next to each other giving you two different looks.The weaknesses are that the clothes or bag they are advertising aren’t really on show much because of the movement of the girl you cant really see detail on the clothing.

B. The strengths in this photo are that all the colours are really nice and cool and really match and go with one another they stand out due to the plain white background, the random poses make it look unique and spontaneous also the way she has been styled gives it a nice effect the weaknesses are that the way she has been positioned isn’t doing the clothes any favours if its advertising what she has on if she was stood in a more normal way you could she properly the way the clothes fit on her.

C. The strengths in this photo is that the clothing is all dark and have no colourful colours at all so instead of making it completely plain they have gone for the coloured purple background so then you focus on the main person in the photo and look at what she’s wearing.The weaknesses in this photo are again the way she’s stood you cant see the way the clothes fit on the person if its supposed to show off the clothing they focus more on the model wearing them because of the way she’s been told to stand

D. The strengths in this photo are that its in a different setting instead of the usual studio with the plain background this one is shot outdoors and goes really well with what she’s wearing it makes it look sunny and warm and nature like.The weaknesses in this photo are that the clothing they are wearing cant be seen properly at all items like the shorts or the shoes cant be seen properly and you can only see bits so you wouldn’t know what they’d look like with that outfit. E. the strengths in this photo is the two put together are two completely different styled ones but when put together goes really well one being in colour and the other being in black and white it gives it a really cool look with him being sat in a chair and the clothes matching really well with the colour of the chair and the background being red it gives him a look of being sophisticated and posh which if you were to look at this and like that image/look you would want to find out what hes wearing and want that ‘look’ also and the black and white again makes it look classy even giving him that hair style gives it a really old fashioned look.the weaknesses of this photo is that he has the same facial expressions in both pictures it would look a lot better if he’d change it in one of them so they don’t look so similar.

F. the strengths in this photo are again how well the colours match the colours are gold’s and silvers and greys which all look really classy and make it look edgy they way the model is lay in the right photo makes it look like the natural light is coming through the windows and it looks very calming the weaknesses are that there is a lot of distraction in both photos instead of focusing on the clothing its self.

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