tapping into wealth coach training program transcriptcoach... · then under that is “story...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Tapping Into Wealth Coach Training Program Transcript

Module 12: Margaret’s Amazing Press Kit

The first piece is a Word document called “Tapping Into Wealth Coaching Program PR Materials.” The top says “The Expert’s Biography.” My PR person gives some advice: it’s important to have multiple versions of the biography depending on what it’s being used for, what the media figure may request. It’s helpful to have at least three different length versions. The longer-story version of my biography is used far less frequently than the other two, but it’s helpful to have it. Some people might want a short bio but others are going to literally read my long form and pull something out of there and say, “Oh, I see here you have seven brothers and sisters and you love roses.” And that information is from these older, longer versions that we send out to people and they’ll pull out whatever they find interesting.

Other advice is that it should always be written in third person and that you should keep facts and statistics updated. In my case, for instance, I have in here somewhere the number of my YouTube subscribers and views. We have got to keep these numbers updated, because they’re always changing and the higher they go, the better I look. We also use my story on the website. So on your website, you want to have, of course, a professional bio that people can download. In addition, you definitely want to have a personal bio, and your story that is more personable. My advisers, copywriters, and brand people have told me this. Looking at this sheet you can see the difference between the short bio and the long bio, right? When you get to the part where it says, “Margaret’s Story,” it says, “Growing up along side seven siblings, Margaret always had standing out on her mind, which is completely actually not true. I just wanted to be part of the crowd. “As college approached…” So it reads like a story about me and my life and this is more personable for your website. It allows people to really feel like they get to know you versus the professional bio. This wouldn’t be appropriate for me to give to somebody for an interview. They’ll wonder, “What is this, a book? The two shorter ones are what they want.

I typically, unless they specifically say we need a short bio, give them the whole bio and I let them pick and choose from it. A lot of interviewers will read the whole thing and that is not the problem for me because then they make me sound awesome. Take a look at this. It’s so much easier to model something that’s already written, isn’t it? I know that you might not all have something from the Wall Street Journal. I didn’t have that when I first started either, and it might not have the number of subscribers, but you can use this as a model. You can use the middle paragraph in the long bio. Every one of you could use and should use the first line that says, “After so many years of doing this…” Whatever you did before becoming a coach or what you’re doing now gives huge credibility and you want it to be in there.


As a matter of fact, one of the amazing breakout speakers at the event is Bethaney Long. She’s my director of coaching. You’ve heard me talk about Bethaney. She is teaching a whole presentation as one of the three breakout speakers. At the event, you have to choose whichone you’re going to attend. Her presentation is on your rockstar credibility and how to seed, because so many people forget that what they’ve done their whole life gives them huge credibility when they come in to any field. For instance, I never thought I would talk ever again about being an engineer when I became a coach. But I found out years ago that when I mentioned my background in engineering, my credibility went sky high and different people are attracted to work with me because of that background, even though it has nothing to do with what I do now.

So the first couple of paragraphs are really key for you. Every one of you could insert your name because you now all have, and I’m going to read it: “Margaret has X-ray vision for seeing the fears and limiting beliefs that keep success-minded people limited in their money and personal power. She delivers high-impact transformation that clears the inner blocks to wealth and success and creates the on-fire enthusiasm and charisma that’s key to sky-rocketing wealth.”

Every one of you, stick your name in there! That sounds awesome! Right? It sounds awesome! Take what I’ve worked on, hone and craft it and plug it in to your own bio. I do not mind, people! I do not mind! My thing is, as I create a format, I want everyone to benefit from it. Again, it’s always so much easier to start with that. The other pieces that are in there, one of them, is the whole press kit, which is a PDF. For years, I was asking, “What’s a press kit? What’s in a press kit? Can I see somebody else’s?” We know that you don’t have a million products and all that kind of stuff, but I’m giving you my whole press kit so that you can look at it, use it and model what’s in there and model the pieces that are important for you. I’m not going to go through it step-by-step.

The other thing that’s included in these two things is called a “one sheet.” I mentioned before about attending an event called The National Publicity Summit that takes place in a spring and the fall. It’s in New York City and is run by a guy named Steve Harrison. It costs five or six thousand dollars to attend the summit but you get to pitch to TV shows. All the media is there and you get to walk up to them and make a 2-minute pitch. For this, you need to have a beautiful one-sheet. I had my graphic designer and my PR person create this one-sheet. The whole idea of pitching to media is using story ideas that grab them.

Here are two things I want to say about this. To me, the most important thing is that you see how it’s laid out on a page. Then you can hand it to a graphic designer and say, “I want something that looks like this and this is my personalized copy that’s going to replace the content. Here are my words.” Now it’s a PDF because of course it’s graphically laid out, so I can’t give it to you in a Word document version.


The reason why I want you to have it and why I model it is because when I sent in my one sheet, then arrived with it in-hand, the people who organize the event said this was the most beautiful one sheet they’d ever seen, and I know they’re right because they sent us a whole bunch of samples that looked horrible. The organizers said that I just set awhole new standard and some of them said to me, “You’re really going to stand out with the media because of the way this one sheet looks. The people there are great, and like I said, it’s expensive, but it’s usually a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You don’t need to go often. I had a book coming out with a major publisher, so I needed to go pitch to the media. It can set up your media, the buzz around you, for six months, which it really did for me. I’m still doing interviews from that and it was in October. They have coaches that help you get ready so you don’t walk in there blind. You were actually being coached in advance by The National Publicity Summit coaches, who are awesome. I was feeling pretty good about myself, people!

What I want to point out here is there are two different one sheets. One is focused on women. They’re both about the book so all the story ideas that you see are in here. Last week people were asking, “How do I name my workshops so I can get people to come?” Well, between these two one sheets, there are really fabulous story ideas. They did stand out for people, particularly the women topics. People would be drawn towards women topics. One is towards “Women entrepreneurs are wired to charge and earn less than men.” How’s that for headline? “Women entrepreneurs are wired to charge and earn less than men.”I’d walk up and I’d say,“There’s a reason that women don’t charge their worth.” And every woman would like, “Hell, yeah!” Most of the men were like, “Oh, my God, I know women in my life like that. They don’t charge for their worth.”

Under that, it says “Women entrepreneurs are just as talented but consistently fall behind in their earnings and growth.” And “Women are wired by the secrets of inner rules that stop them from being seen, valued and paid what they want and deserve.” Then under that is “story ideas” and then you’ll see a picture of the book. There’s a big picture of me across the top. The story ideas listed are: “Are women refusing to be rich? The three mind-body blocks stopping women from earning their earth worth, The three key blocks to doubling your wealth and success, andOutrageous goals.” I was trying to jam as much stuff in there as I could.

Then there is “credentials,” which is a bulleted list. And then there’s an “About Margaret,” an even shorter version of my bio that you see in there, “She delivers high-impact transformation that clears inner blocks,” etc.Then some great stuff: “Margaret reaches her raving fans on YouTube.”Every one of you should say that. “Mary reaches her raving fans all over the globe through Facebook, YouTube and her newsletter.” You don’t even have to say how many people. Just mentioning that you “reach your fans all over the globe” should be in there. Now the important thing that I also want to point out here, are these two pictures of me on the bottom. There are two pictures of me on stage and one’s a picture where I’m pointing and one’s kind of a goofy personality picture. These are really, really critical to have.


Listen, when you’re at Ignite, you need a photographer taking pictures or your friends taking pictures. There’s always time at the end when people are up on stage at the event and then everybody is sort of swarming me. We call it the “after glow” at an event and I can’t wait till each one of you gets to experience this at your own events. I don’t care if it’s only a ten-personevent. It’s an incredible experience at the end. The event is over and now I’m coming down off the stage and there are lots of people waiting in line to hug me, to take a picture, to just chat with me –it’s total bedlam.

Meanwhile, somewhere, sometimes it’s up on the stage, sometimes it’s somewhere else, the film crew is asking people to film testimonials at the event. Of course, I love to get testimonials from people at my event. But my point is that I want each of you to sneak up on the stage and have someone take pictures of you standing in front of the backdrop. Make sure you look fabulous which you should because you’re at the event anyway, you should be dressed in fab. Have someone take pictures of you so that people can tell that you’re up on a stage and be dynamic; do things with your hands, point, put your hands out in front of you, you could duplicate the poses on these two pictures, but you need to have pictures of you looking like you’re a speaker. A picture is worth a million words. That’s why we put them because instead of saying, “I’m a speaker, I’m a speaker, I’m a speaker,” you can show “I’m a speaker” right there in the pictures on this one sheet. So, don’t just look at mine and go, “Oh, that’s great for Margaret.” You need to have those pictures and you need to move heaven and earth to make sure you have one.

Now if you were doing a little talk somewhere, as long as it’s clear that you are speaking in front of a group and there’s a good background that looks like a wall in a room or at a hotel, take pictures, so that you have them to use later. Some of my Rockstars, for instance, do radio programs and they need to have a staged picture that is them in their studio. So instead of them just saying, “I’m a radio show host, I’m a radio show host,” they demonstrate it with picture of themselves with headphones on and sitting in front of a mic. That photo says, “Look, I’m a radio show host.”

A picture is worth a thousand bazillion words and we don’t think of these things because you might be thinking, “Well, I’m never on a big stage. I haven’t been on one.” Get up on my stage and take a picture. I’m never going to call anybody up and say, “Hey, she didn’t actually speak at my event. That’s a picture she took on my stage.” No, I’m not going to say anything. It’s the image of you speaking, standing up on a stage and speaking. The reason why that is in black and white is because the background is red and she was really worried about the aesthetics of the picture. So she put me in black and white so you don’t see red on the page, which is predominantly blue and gray themes to match my book and the purple.

This is a really important to look at. Once I have created that, now anytime I want to get an interview, even if it’s just on a blogtalk radio show, I send this and I look way cooler, right? I might send the normal stuff I would ordinarily send anyway and the press kit or


the bio and a headshot of me. And we always include this because the reality is it’s a one pager and you’ve seen it all there and for you guys it’s also got the story ideas.

Here’s my question. What would you guess I would say in answer to this question, “Hey Margaret, can I literally cut and paste these story ideas onto my one sheet? Hey Margaret, can I cut and paste these story ideas and send them to people to try to get interviews or talks?” What would you guess my answer would be? Yes! One hundred percent. I’ve done the work; you guys are Tapping Into Wealth Coaches. Use it. Totally, totally, totally. I really love that. And I’m happy to give it to all of you and I don’t even plan these things. Later, we realize, “Oh, my God.” I’ve done all this work and it’s focused on the book. We can give this to you guys. It’s very exciting to be able to leverage all the money that I’ve spent in the training and hiring a PR manager and going to this event and getting more training and figuring it all out and pitching to people for years so I know the right topics and I know what people get interested in. And I get to hand it to you guys to make your life easier. I love it. And guess what, people helped me along the way. As I said, I have stood on the shoulders of giants and they have given me a hand up, and that’s of course what I want to do for you guys, my Tapping Into Wealth Coaches. It’s all about that today.

Changing gears. Next, I’m going to pull up my presentation for the event and look at it. So at the event, “Ignite your Power: Day One” which is a Thursday, what’s going to happen is in the afternoon, I’m going to be coming back on stage. I’m going to do a short intro to one of my speakers because she’s a money-focused speaker called “The Three Levels of Money,” income, savings and true wealth. This speaker talks about how to create true wealth, totally different type of teacher than me. Then, in the afternoon, right after lunch, I have a presentation called “Pathway to Rockstar Paychecks” and we’re going to talk about the wealth programming. I’m going to show a slide that has a picture of the book and then talk about the book and about the Tapping Into Wealth Coaches. I’ll talk about the power of the Money Map and refer to it in handout section of their event book and it will be the branded copy of the Money Map.

I’ll walk through some of it but what I’m going to do is have people go to it and look at it and refer to it and recommend that they do the process, that it’s one of the key tools for the Tapping Into Wealth Coaches, that it’s powerful, etc. I’ll also talk about the personal stories that we heard in the book. It’s got the branding on it: “Tapping Into Wealth Expert Coaching.” So I think it’s really going to be cool for you guys to be positioned that way in a room of three hundred people. The first half is about clearing your programming and the money map really polarizes how people deal with money and all the different places. And then the second half of the book is about going big, clearing the path to stepping up and out and earning more money and keeping more money and then I’m really going to switch gears and talk about their paradigm, their set point, and have them do the Earliest Money Paradigm.


We’re going to go through that exercise, then I have a slide about clarify the beliefs in their house, in their Earliest Money Paradigm, talk about the first chakra vow and then sort of do the second part of that process without any Tapping where now they come back and they’re rich and they were right on Oprah and then, and then really getting the clarity about the rules and the vows and fitting in the family. Then we’ll probably do a little bit of Tapping there anddo the moment of consciousness, “I have been wired,” but it’s kind of a shorter version of that. There’s a moment of consciousness, “I’ve been wired to think and feel this about money,” moment of consciousness and then we get really clear about the money goals. Then I really switch gears and talk about how your goals affect your strategy and the smart woman strategy map that I will have shown earlier in the day. I just wanted you to be aware of that. It’s right after lunch. There’s going to be a lot of focus on looking at this branded piece “Tapping Into Wealth Expert Coaches.” I’m going to be talking about you guys. I’ll be talking about the power, the book, I’ll be talking about the impact that it’s made and coming in to that session, one of the Tapping Into Wealth Coaches is going to be getting up and introducing me to the stage in as we call it a moment of inspiration and telling their inspirational story about, about being a Tapping Into Wealth Coach and what that’s been like.

It’s a nice way for me to be introduced to the stage by somebody who’s actually in the Tapping Into Wealth coaching program. The first day in this whole presentation is really where you guys are going to get highlighted and get the most focus at the event.I wanted you to be aware of that because it’s really cool, and to recognize that we have Sue Webb, who’s really stepped up and she’s an official sponsor at the event. So Sue will actually be there, getting clientsto sign up, offering packages, because she’s a true sponsor. She really gets to do that and, in a major overt way, she gets to have strategy sessions, discussion at our booth. She gets to close people into packages. She gets to do all the fabulous things that sponsors get to do. Handing out her marketing materials and everything like that. Next year I really would expect to see a couple more Tapping Into Wealth Coaches because you’re getting positioned so well. I’d like to see a couple more sponsors and give people options of sponsors who are there the whole time, really to help them and work with them and close them into a session and things like that. It’s really cool to see because Sue is really using everything that she just learned and createdthe packages and put it all together for the event. One of the powerful things about being a sponsor at an event is, boy, do you get your stuff together fast, right, Sue Web? You have to crank to get everything ready and it makes people take a quantum leap in their action and in their business. So I love it for that.

That’s really what I wanted to review for today. Make sure that you guys all have your energy aligned and are feeling super good and super proud for that particular presentation because it’s really what we’re going to highlight. I’m going to have books at the event that people can buy, and I definitely want to encourage people to get a book. Now of course if you guys have brought a couple of books on your own and you talk to somebody and say, “I have an extra book for you and I’ll sign it for you.” I really want you to think about this idea that is “you” signing the Tapping Into Wealth book. As a


Tapping Into Wealth coach, you can say, “I will dedicate it to you.” I know that might sound funny because it’s my book, but I want you guys to think “No, I’m the Tapping Into Wealth coach so I’m going to reserve a note in this book and I’m going to sign it.” I can still sign it too on a different page if they bring it up to me after.


What I’d love to do is take about half an hour to hear from you guys. I’d love to hear both some things that are working, things that you’ve done and some things that may inspire your colleagues in this program and of course any questions that you have. I’m going to come to my friend Natalie Hill.

Question from Natalie: Hi Margaret! I just want to thank you, first of all. I feel like you’ve actually given me a whole new career.

Margaret: Yay, that was my goal!

Natalie: I’m a little torn because I am a transformational business coach, but I tell you this money stuff is so fun and so exciting. It almost makes me want to just do money.

Margaret: I think that this was going to really allow you to move people from one piece to the next and give you enough content to really work with people in a one-year program. When you start to blend those two things, Natalie, oh, my God! That’s how I do a one-year program. We do both pieces; so think about how much it really adds in the value of somebody working with you in a one-year program. Because that’s where I think you’re going. Yeah! Awesome!

Natalie: So I want your advice on something because I’m doing a pretty ambitious tele-summit for May and I‘m hoping that you’ll say “yes” when I speak to you about being a part of it. It’s going to be called “Tap Into Money: 30-Day Challenge.” I’m just so looking forward to it. I’m in a process right now of getting the header created by an artist and inviting the speakers and creating the plan for it and everything. But here’s what I’m wondering about. Do you think I should just do it on money or should it be on business and money?

Margaret: It’s a good question. You have both. So in general, it’s sort of the reflective of you and I would rather have you attracting people that understand that they have to make money through a business and not magically manifest it from doing personal development work. So I’d rather see it have a slant that is more towards earning more money. You can do that in a tagline, have that clarification, such as, “The pathway to earning bigger money.” Yeah, have a balance and then when you can position it that way and, just like in the book, half of it is clearing theprogramming and half of it is what you’re actually doing. The clearing part of the program is clearing what actually stops you from doing something. Clearing work only gets you so far,then you actually get to


make more money. You’ve got to take action in a business to make money, right? So I love it. I love it and it’s very straightforward, too.

Natalie: So, Margaret, when I’m making videos and print materials and tapping scripts, I’m always crediting you. But what kind of credit do you want when we’re making a video and it’s your whole idea, do you know what I’m saying?

Margaret: Well, the thing is that as soon as you say Tapping Into Wealth Coach, you’re done, you have credited it. Maybe every couple of videos or maybe three or four, you might mention me or something only because sometimes you might get one of my fans who will say, “You’re stealing Margaret’s work,” kind of funny. And you’ll say, “Six other videos I credited her!” This is the same thing with AbrahamHicks, “I say that in the video. I got this from Abraham-Hicks!”

I think that the fact that it’s a Tapping Into Wealth approach, which is branded by me, it is part of your Tapping Into Wealth training or being a Tapping Into the Wealth Expert or the Tapping Into Wealth process – you’re good. You’re authorized to talk about this and to make this stuff because you became a TIW coach, right? And that’s part of what you get. All right, great! Does that help?

Natalie: Yeah! And I just want to add for anybody that’s scared to get this stuff out there – I’ve given I think five talks now in two local workshops using this material and it is totally awesome and people respond to it extremely well and it’s just what you’ve given us. It’s so incredibly valuable. I feel very grateful to you.

Margaret: Yeah, thank you! What I’m also looking for is and I’m going to ask people now while everyone’s feeling good and still in the program, is if anyone wants to give a testimonial specifically about this, because I don’t know what people teach in other coaching programs. I know people have taken a lot of coaching programs, and I’m trying to benchmark. If you want to write the testimonial that even maybe includes that I deliver more because I don’t really have a sense of that. Am I giving more? That would be great to have a testimonial for me so people really know when they sign up that they’re getting a lot. I mean I think I’m giving a lot, but I don’t really know. So a really wonderful gift for me would be to write something up like that or to do a video on it for when I launch the program, the next coachinground. It would be if you feel like I’ve given a lot and you want to give back to me – that would be amazing. So you put me on the spot and I’ll put you on the spot, Natalie.

Natalie: I would be delighted to do that, would be so easy. You are extremely generous!Thank you! Consider it done.

Margaret: But congratulations! I don’t want to let it go – she’s done five talks and two workshops, guys, and she just set the mark pretty high for all of you! Five talks and two workshops, that’s pretty amazing Natalie, pretty amazing!


Natalie: Well, people respond so well to any of these topics, even though I feel awkward coming up with a name.Very positive response.I was in somebody’s tele-summit and I did something like, “What’s the real reason you aren’t earning more?” I call it something like that. I had seventeen requests for discovery session out of that talk.

Margaret: Wow, and so that’s a great title, right? People are going to listen to that. They’re going to wonder what it is. It grabbed attention. So the real reason you’re not earning more, that’s awesome! That’s an awesome title! Everybody write that down.Very cool, and so seventeen requests? That’s a pretty good tele-summit! Do you remember whose tele-summit it was?

Natalie: It was actually for yoga entrepreneurs.

Margaret: Holy mackerel!

Natalie: Yeah! She just asked me to be on it. I’m using that talk again because it was such a winner!And I just didyour Tapping script. I renamed it, but I called it “How to feel good about your earnings” or “Tapping to feeling good about your earnings” and I did the one where I say, “There it is, my earnings, I feel like crap, it’s not enough.” That whole one, and they loved it.

Margaret: I know, it’s amazing. It’s not rocket science. It works and it works over and over and over. I mean, The Tapping World Summit people respond this way. And that’s why I got to the point where I started to really think I could teach this. It’s so repeatable. I can teach people how to do this and it will work and so it’s really good. I assume it will. And it’s so great to hear you say that it does work, that people are responding.

So everybody, also write down“tele-summits.”Look for tele-summits. Be open to tele-summits. I’ll ask the universe to send you a tele-summit. If you get a note about a tele-summit, email them and say, “Hey, I’m an incredible, dynamic, energized speaker and I’m going to bring you an amazing topic.” Then you can say, “Have you heard of Margaret Lynch?” And if they say “No,” don’t go there, but if they say “yes,” tell them, “Well, I speak for her. I’m one of her Tapping Into Wealth Coaches.”

Natalie: So Margaret, I think that the interview you did for the Tapping World Summit, it was so perfect for us because like you said before, you have told us, you have given us couple of scripts and say, “Here’s what you do.” Then in the Tapping World Summit, you did it and so I say for anybody who’s in this coaching group, if you didn’t hear Margaret’s interview, it is worth buying, the Tapping World Summit. Just to get your talk.

Margaret: Thank you. I wish I could give you guys a copy but I don’t get one. They don’t give anything to us. I really wish I could give it to you. That’s why I, at least, gave you the outline. I really wish I could give you the audio but I don’t own it, they do. So, yeah,


you’d have to have bought it then because now it’s too late. It’s not playing anymore. Again, that’s a great point. I know I said this to you guys before about the classes that we’ve done. You’re not going to have to study it this much forever. But if you’re going to give a talk, it’s worth it to listen to it again, to practice it, to review it and know that it‘s going to be so internalized. You won’t have to keep reviewing it that much in the future,but a little more time spent re-listening to it, getting a feel for it, practicing it will make you a star, a stand-out from day one, and it’s way funner to be the stand-out, isn’t it, Natalie?

Natalie: Totally!

Margaret: It’s fun when you’re on a tele-summit because I used to be on tons of them and they come back and they go “Yours was the favorite.” And I’d say, “Yes, I was pretty sure I was going to blow those other people away.” Then I’d tap and say, “That wasn’t very charitable, Margaret.”

The other thing I want you to think about iswhen you use a technique of Tapping and you get out of your own way – and thank you Natalie, I’ll mute you so you don’t have to be quiet over there, you can make noise if you want – thank you for that. One of the big comments that I get on tele-summits and in the Tapping World Summit is the amount of energy that I bring on the phone. That’s from using the Tapping to get out of my own way and get out of my own fear, and it’s also the ease that I have with the material that will come in time for all of you. So you’ll know exactly where you’re going to go and you have the scripts. It sounds like that’s how Natalie was when she was on this tele-summit. She was very well prepared, she knew the script, she knew exactly where she was leading to the whole time. It gives you much more ease and you can bring more energy and if there is one thing that I think beyond the power of the content, because I think the content’s really powerful, it’s the energy and the enthusiasm that I bring to the call. And that’s simply because I am clear from using the Tapping – clear away my fear of judgment, and fear of criticism and fear of this and fear of that. It just lets me be more open and natural and I’ve gotten better over time. I was probably way too serious in the beginning.

Question from Monica: Hi Margaret! I just want to give you some of my experience. I have done a few coaching sessions with people and I started charging right after making the outrageous goals speech and people think I’m a genius.

Margaret: Isn’t that the funniest thing ever?

Monica: The first one that I trained with, she was like, “Stop, stop. What did you just say? Stop. I have to write that down.” And she’s a personal trainer and I said, “Do you see you can use the same technique, you can give the same thing with your people, with your time? And she’s like, “Yeah, wow!” So it’s really fun and I’m getting so much


positive response. Enough from the speech that I made, and I had about less than I think thirty people in the room. And I got ten strategy sessions from that.

Margaret: That’s amazing!

Monica: And today I started with the first clients from that speech in Stockholm, and she’s a journalist. I had four strategies sessions Monday and two of them gave me sales. One of them is coming back to me on Thursday, she needed some time to decide. And one of the strategy sessions I self-sabotaged.

Margaret: That’s interesting. How do you think you self-sabotage? If you want to share that, it'll probably be great for everyone to hear.

Monica: I don’t know what happened. I just got so nervous. And I was Tapping and I felt sick in my stomach. I just felt I’ll never get it; it was not going so well, but I used my energy to self-sabotage strategy sessions.

Margaret: Was that the first one you did or…?

Monica: It was the third that day. Or the fourth.

Margaret: So you’re kind of cranking through and everything was going so well that you had a little backward spiral. Remember the backward spiral happens when you make forward progress, right? Feels like your clients. Really cool that you noticed that.

Monica: Yeah. Because while it was happening, I was thinking, “Oh, she’s not interested. I cannot make her buy anything. It’s all going wrong.” Then afterward I could see how I sabotaged the session. Really interesting.

Margaret: Yet you went on to do a fourth one?

Monica: Yeah. And that went very well.

Margaret: So interesting!Here’s what I’d do about that one. I’m sure you did some Tapping about it, but I would say this to myself after. “I’ve learned some lessons for that, but I’m going to be open to this idea that maybe it wasn’t a fit anyway and my guidance was trying to give me that message. And I over-reacted to it a little bit. But maybe that was my guidance saying this probably isn’t a good fit and that made me panic and go to my place about being rejected or whatever.” Look at it as probably it wasn’t a good fit and you probably could tell something was telling you, your intuition, be open to the idea that your intuition might say this isn’t going well and it doesn’t have to throw you into a panic. It just might not be a good fit.


Monica: Yes. And I also think that doing the strategy session is a skill and you have to train. You have to rehearse it. You have to do it again and again and again.

Margaret:Yeah, you do and it becomes easier and easier, your energy shifts. It is a skill, one hundred percent. When Bethaney Long, two years ago, really stepped up as one of my coaches, she had done a ton of training with Lisa’s program and my program on how to do strategy sessions. She did more training than the world on strategy session selling. And when we were signing people up into different programs, now, she was in a position of talking to thirty, forty people and doing strategy sessions with them. And so holy mackerel talk about applying everything you’ve learned and doing it over and over and over. That turned her into a completely different person because she actually did thirty or forty strategy session discussions with people. You’re right – after the first few, you’ll find that it gets easier and you start closing with people.

Again, I want to highlight the facts that Monica just gave us, which is amazing. And Bethaney told me this about you already so I already knew. I didn’t know you’re going to be on the call. She told me at the event. I was like holy cow! Monica did a talk. She had thirty people in the room and she closed a third of the room into strategy sessions! And already did the first four of them. Two of them already converted into sales so they converted into clients. One did not go so well, and one is coming back with her final decision. I think that’s pretty amazing. That’s pretty amazing. Do you have anything that you could share that’s maybe in written form or anything like that with the group on how you made the offer for the strategy sessions? Was there anything special that you did? Or did you have a little script you rehearsed the way you said it?

Monica: I just made a one-pager with, “My money goal” number one, and then the sentences, “It will be really hard” and the four sentences, then I copied that for money goal number two. Then I had, “Write your feelings down below.”That’s the one pager. I had a little extra piece of paper attached to that one with two lines:“Yes, I want the video. I don’t know how yet”and “Yes, I want an Insight,Strategy, Action Session.”

Margaret: Oh, nice! That was right on the handout, on the second page.

Monica: Yeah, so they just had to put an X on that paper if they wanted either the video or the strategy session or both. And they could hand it to me afterwards.

Margaret: And how did you position it when you spoke at the end? Did you tell every one to turn to that page?

Monica: Yeah, you can see the paper that I have on the backside of your one-pager. You can just tear that from your one-pager and give it to me and I’ll give my best advice to you. We may not be a good match, and maybe you end up working with some other expert, but, I’ll give you my best advice. And I use the exact lines that you gave us.


Margaret: Nice! Very cool! Yeah, and it works! It’s amazing!Yeah!I want to applaud you too, you’ve done so many amazing things in the course of the Rockstar program and now stepping in to this program as well and your background is just incredible too. But it does take that little bit of faith and like when I first started doing workshops, I just kept saying to myself,“I just need to have faith that when people tap, something’s going to happen.” If the Tapping actually works.One time I did a favor for a weight-loss coach, a friend, and it was Tapping for cravings and I was like, “Oh, my God! I hope it works,” and it does. So just having that first time where you really go on faith like,“It’s going to work. People are going to like it.” And now you heard two of your colleagues who were saying, “Man, this works. People love it.” So, awesome! Thank you so much for that feedback Monica! I so appreciate it. Good job, lady! Good job!

Question from The Other Margaret: Hi! This is the other Margaret. I’ve been part of a lot of different coaching programs like yours, but yours is absolute gold because you have actually over-delivered what you’ve said. You’ve given us all the scripts and everything and it wasn’t about promoting you. Most of the other ones promote the other person, so you’d always be talkingabout the other person while you’re doing the program. Where you’re really basically gearing towards helping our clients. That’s what I’ve found. This is absolute gold where it’s like here it is. Here’s the script. Just do this. And that you’re letting us use all the material and there’s the book attached and the scripts and everything. So, I’m really I’m jazzed about this. And also I’m really looking forward to seeing Loral Langemeier because I was one of her wealth acceleration coaches back in the day.

Margaret: Wow! Yeah, that will be fun!

The Other Margaret: And I’ll give you a testimonial, I’ll write something up.

Margaret: Thank you, Margaret!

The Other Margaret: Yeah and then the other thing is, since we’re going to be sneaking up on stage, what color is the backdrop so I can pick my dress out?

Margaret: Good question! The backdrop is red. Let me think, because we switched it one day but I still think it’s red. Yeah, it’s like orange red. It’s not the best red for me. I’m more of a blue red. But yeah, it’s an orange-red backdrop.That’s why we ended up, like I said, with black and white because I’m looking at all my dresses here and I’m like, “Ohhhh...”

The Other Margaret:Yeah, I know these things, the charismatic leader must really look up good on stage, right? One hundred percent. We need to shine with that charismatic leader energy. And then the other thing too is one of the things I’ve noticed with the clients before this program is we’d work on theirwealth strategies and there’d be a wall.


And so I went back to some of them, to practice on and they just made breakthroughs and started taking actions. Their lives have totally changed.

Margaret: Good! So you went back to clients who weren’t taking actions on creating their wealth goals and you are able to breakthrough what was keeping them stuck?

The Other Margaret: Correct.

Margaret: That really shouldn’t be a surprise, right? But it’s still earth shattering and it’s earth shattering for those people. I’m sure they look at you like some kind of a genius.

The Other Margaret: I am, I am.

Margaret: And when you can help somebody make an internal shift like that, it always affects more than their money, but it’s really fun to see them actually taking action on their money. So, oh, that’s really, really great to hear! And that’s what I love about coaches is that for some people, this is a whole new career. And for some of you, you’ve been coaching and now adding this piece in. I love seeing what changes and how you can use it with your existing clients and past clients because I’m hearing a lot of those stories, with taking clients who’ve just been sort of working with forever and now it’s reinvigorated the work.

The Other Margaret: Exactly because there always seem to be this wall and this “just do it” approach doesn’t work because it’s like they knew exactly what they needed to do and they would sit down and go, “Yeah, I know what I need to do,” but they wouldn’t do anything.I was Tapping on all of the blocks and all of the sudden they started doing the work and it was like, “I don’t know what happened, but I’m doing the work now.”Myself included! You see, I put myself in that camp, too.

Margaret:I’m looking forward to seeing you. That’s so exciting! Yeah! Make sure you get up there and get a picture on stage. Thank you for that Margaret! If you make me testimony, you can say, “This is the other Margaret.” They’ll think that we’re like friends or you’re my cousin or something.

The other fun thing that you can do is if you do a testimonial video for me at the event, get a friend to take a picture of you so that in the picture they can see that you’re beingfilmed. You’re talking on camera with the mic. That’s another awesome, awesome money shot. Even if there’s no one at the camera, but they have the testimonial camera set up, have a friend take a picture of you holding the mic at an angle that it is clear that you are speaking on camera. How cool would that picture be, right? How cool? You want to put that one right on your website because there is you with the mic obviously being filmed speaking on camera, looking like rockstars. That’s a great reminder when I pictured you guys at the event and I’m like, “Oh, yeah, the other picture.”


Comment from Peggy: I don’t have a question. So briefly, I wanted to say how absolutely fantastic this program is. I’d be happy and will write a testimonial and it’s just amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. How fantastic it is! That’s all!

Margaret: Thank you! You’re welcome, Peggy! Thank you so much. I love you! She’s so wonderful and this is a good Tapping reminder for me. It’s very hard for me to ask for testimonials. What comes up in me is that everyone’s going to start thinking, “Oh, this is all about you now, Margaret, and now you’re asking for testimonials,” and it’s really hard for me to ask for them.

I so appreciate your willingness to do it because my marketing team yells at me like, “You did this amazing program and you have no testimonials! How are we going to show people that it was great?” And I’m like, “I feel bad asking.” So really, I need to get over that. Another wonderful friend, Cindy!

Question from Cindy: Hi Margaret! Well, you rock my world!

Margaret: Can I say that you’re an amazing radio host?

Cindy: Yes, thank you!

Margaret: Cindy’s amazing!

Cindy: I appreciate that. So two things. First, I want to tell you how incredible this program is on so many levels, and I’ve taken a lot of trainings because I’m just one of those people who loves to take these trainings and you have been the most generous. Let’s just say this: I’ve got more concrete strategies and literal words to use with clients and marketing. I’ve never received any marketing like this and a coach-training program and I haven’t gotten the content that I’ve gotten here so, thank you so much for your incredible generosity! And then, of course, I’ll be happy to write your testimonial.

Margaret: Yeah, I appreciate it because I’ve never trained coaches before and I don’t really know what the benchmark is. I’m always going to give a lot, but it’s good for me when I’m talking about the program to people for me to understand so they can understand what’s different and what they’re going to get and is that a big deal or not? I don’t know. So I appreciate your feedback.

Cindy: Oh yeah, I mean this is a big deal. I mean it’s in terms of the literal word-for-word scenarios that you’ve given us when working with people. I’ve never got that from anyone. And all of this marketing, I’ve never got that from anyone. And by the way, I do tell my clients I got these all from Margaret Lynch. Margaret Lynch is a genius – this is what I tell people straight out, “This is Margaret Lynch. She’s a genius!” So I’m preaching the gospel for you, Margaret!


Margaret: Thank you and please say,“My friend Margaret Lynch, my friend Margaret Lynch,” because you guys, when you guys refer to me, when you say wonderful things about me, they need to know that you work with me, all of you. You guys have worked with me personally now, basically, and so you want to say it that way because it puts you in the club. It means that by you saying great things about me, it also selfishly kind of works to elevate you as well and I want you to get that little bump with it, right? Take every bump you can get.

Cindy: It’s another example of your incredible generosity, really. I wanted to talk about the depth of this work because I’m an avid fan and I know that that this money stuff goes so deep. I just see this over and over and over again, but specifically one client that I worked with this week, we were doing the Financial Trauma piece and she’s younger, in her twenties, and she was sexually abused and she has never spoken of that to anyone in her life. She attempted suicide three times because of this and she has never spoken of this. Here we were during Financial Trauma and this is where it goes. I mean it gives me chills and I feel so honored and humbled. I’ve done a lot of trauma work with people, so I’m kind of game for this kind of stuff. But I even said to her, I said, “How amazing is this? Here we are. We think we’re getting together to talk about money, and here we are going to thisdeep, deep, deep wound in your life that really needed to come to light and be healed.” How beautiful is that? So it’s just,Oh, my God Margaret, this work, I don’t have words. So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Margaret: Yeah, thank you and for her to see too how the two are connected, like how that thing is like literally is still affecting her and her finances. In that way, when you look at the divinity and the divine intelligence, it’s like if her finances were perfect, she never would have dealt with it. You know what I mean? It’s weird. Like there has to be a symptom somewhere. Sometimes people put their symptoms in their finances and then when the healing happens, the symptoms, just like if it was back pain, the symptoms no longer need to be there. So, good for you, having the courage and the experience to do such deep, deep work with people. It does make me very happy that I can help with that.

Cindy: Yeah, so incredible! And she’s moving forward too, which is nice because she has been kind of unmotivated to do anything. She’s back out there, started to looking for work so it really works practically too. It’s just so beautiful. Thank you so much.

Margaret: You’re welcome and awesome talking to you, Cindy. When I was doing lots and lots of interviews you guys interviewed me several years ago. I know you have tons of amazing guests, but both of you really impressed upon me, they were saying this is different. Like what you’re doing isn’t a regular Law of Attraction. This is like, oh, you just went deep, fast, and so you guys were instrumental and I want everyone to get that, that as a radio host, being exposed, not really knowing what I was going to say. It could have been like an abundance and money vibe and magnetism and all that kind of stuff. Then letting me go where I went so specifically with money, hearing the response


from you and I want everyone to get that that’s what they have coming as they start to get more enthusiasts. In general, people are going to say, like you guys keep saying to me, that this is different. This is amazing! This is wow, and that really it made it clear to me that I’m saying and doing things differently than other people. Just in the general personal development and Law ofAttraction movement, and I want everyone of you guys to know to have the confidence when they go into an interview with someone like Cindy on blogtalk radio shows. Coming into an interview that what you’re going to be saying is literally going to be awesome and sound like rocket science and sound so different and fresh.

I appreciate the ooo’s and the aah’s that you guys gave me back. I thought I’m sure they’re lovely host to everybody, but you guys called me after and they were like, “This is unbelievable and I really think that it really did feel different and unique and powerful.” Otherwise these two are just incredibly nice and generous to their guest.

Cindy: We love you. Of course we do love our guests, but we love you in particular and it’s the truth. You rock my world!

Margaret: Awesome! Awesome! Thank you so much, Cindy!Oh, my goodness! See you can do two things, radio show host and amazing, amazing coach! I’m coming to, I think it’s Laura, one of my Massachusetts friends!

Laura: Hello! Saturday I’ll be there, at your book signing!

Margaret: Oh, great! A little book signing here in Massachusetts that Beverly set up. I haven’t done a book signing so we’re doing one because it’s my favorite place to hang out. So listen everybody! This is, Laura, you’re going to see her up on stage at one point at the event doing some amazing things.

Laura: I already have my dress as well. Of course, it’s red. And I’m sorry to say, but it is a good red for me, the orange one. I love it.

I wanted to say with you that, just like anybody else, but that this year has been incredible for me. I have gone from total hiding and having a huge vow to be completely invisible to really coming out and I’ve been doing the workshop, I took supervision and now I actually started that circle with therapists who are starting their own businesses. And so I’m going to run them through the program, basically it’s the Tapping Into Wealth.

I’m really excited and have three talks that are planned: Tapping Into Wealth for the National Institution of Professional Women and a couple of networking events. I’ll be doing their Money Map and Outrageous Goal Setting. I will have another workshop coming up with Stephen in May and I’m hoping to do my own launch. So it’s really amazing! The one story that I want to share and I think I had this one with the group.


This woman was under the poverty level and I’m working with her because she’s not even paying taxes because she didn’t make enough money. Her outrageous goal was to earn ten thousand Euros a month. She got invited to run an investigation or research, making ten thousand Euros a month.

Margaret: Oh, my God. That’s so incredible!

Laura: I know. So that’s what I have to get her out of because she’s really, really freaking out and negotiating because it’s amazing how we work, right? Because now the people are saying “Well there may not be as much money,” and she’s feeling more comfortable with it.

Margaret: Yeah, it’s funny when you become jealous of your clients. You’re like what am I manifesting then? Oh, my Goodness, I can’t tell you how many times clients have been like wow, that’s bigger than I have ever manifested. What you said is so important and I want everyone to hear it is that you really like when a client comes such a far way and they start manifesting a new level of receiving reward and receiving, and people are honoring them and paying them. You want to stick with them to watch for a backlash because it’s usually going to come and this is how people take themselves out. They’ll have something amazing and then years later, they’re telling the story “I had all this stuff and then I wrecked it all.”It’s important to stick with your client and make sure that they know that they really still do need your support, because it’s one thing if they’ve been pretty successful their whole life and they’ve stepped up to one level up, but when someone is had a kind of dramatic like really, really hidingto really, really stepping out, which is really your story too, Laura. I mean you weren’t at a poverty levelbut you are really, really hiding into really, really stepping out with such an extreme that that’s when we see these little backward spirals.

Hopefully with enough tapping, all it turns into is hiding a little bit, right? Not showing up at work and ripping someone’s head off and then getting fired, because that happens with people. We’ve seen it happen with employees we work with or a company. I’m sure all of us have been at companies where we saw somebody and we were like, “They just completely sabotage their career.” So it’s really key what you just said there – awesome!

Laura: Yeah and I would like, if you don’t mind, people to use that, exactly what you just said. I find that it’s absolutely huge – that’s exactly what happened for her. She felt like she did it, so she took a break from our sessions and that’s when it came to get her. I think it’s so huge that anybody can use the story and say, “Hey, don’t disappear!” Just because you made it, because, the actual stuff is going to come up.

Margaret: Yeah, one of the ways you can add a bonus into something like an inner-circle program or a coaching package that you’re doing is you can do it as a bonus or it can be included as part of the packagein that way you can speak to it directly, which is two


months after we work together or any point after we work together, you get one bonus follow-up call. That’s really to support where you are at that point, right, to see if there’s anything new that’s come up. You’re really stepping up and I find people sometimes need to come back after a month or two and they’re so happy that they have that support call right there. They can call on me without a moment hesitation and be back with me on the phone. It can be a bonus that becomes like an irresistible bonus as part of the program, but that way you’ve spoken to it in advance and they’re more likely then to book more sessions with you because they’re not going to hesitate to call you, because it was included in what they already paid for. Now you get them back on the phone and you can really say it looks like you’ve kind of spiraled a little bit. I think we should do a few sessions together andit will help them to re-up with you. If they need to, right?

It’s a good way to position it upfront. And really, you don’t have to say, “You’re probably going to spiral.” “What we have planned to accomplish, you’re going to be taking huge steps up, so I find it really helps when anytime after we’re done this term of working together, that you’ve got one extra call in your pocket. That if stepping up triggers you or something big comes up and you need to prepare for it – that’s another thing that will happen. They’ll be, “Oh, my God! Now, this happened to me, and I’ve never been on anyone’s stage ever.” Not even at my own event yet, my very fist opportunity to speak on the stage was with T.Harv Ecker and was with a thousand people.I sort of needed support, right? I didn’t, that came out of the blue. I know that I manifested it, but all of the sudden it was like,“Holy God, I need a coach to help me! I don’t even know how to do that kind of a talk with the pitch at the end!” This is a couple years ago. I was like, “Dear Lord.”

So sometimes really big things manifest – I’m going to be on cable TV or they’re going to interview me on the radio – and you might need a coach too. You have that call, without a moment of hesitation, you can schedule, pick up the phone, reach out to me and I’ll be there to support you for something big that unfolds. It's a great idea to position it upfront, or it can be used as a special bonus – instead of having ten calls, you have nine calls and then this is bonus call. And worst-case scenario, they don’t take it, they paid for it but they don’t take it. Or they don’t need you, right, because they’re so good. And then you still have a feather in your cap. Awesome! Awesome! Thank you lady. See you soon! We’re all going to be watching to see your outfit.

Oh, the outfit ritual is a funny one for us because the theme of the event is really like stepping up and being a rockstar and all that stuff and so we kind of put a little more pressure on ourselves to dress like rockstars.

Question from Erika: It’s Erika in California. Hi Margaret! Two things: One I just wanted to say that I, too, have been a coach and trained by many, many in terms of benchmarks, like the other Margaret, also a, wealth acceleration coach. I’ve been around the block like everybody else did out here. I just want to say you are so generous


and what you’ve given us is so incredible. And it’s not only the content of what you’ve done and how you supported us with the marketing, Margaret,it’s who you are and what you bring to the table. In other places I’ve always felt like I work for them as a coach. In this case, I actually feel like in some ways that you work, you supported us that much and it just takes my breath away and I really want to thank you.

Margaret: Oh, thank you so much, Erika!

Erika: You’re welcome and I just another idea that really worked for me. I’ve got like four or five clients at the moment, all Tapping Into Wealth clients and they need me more, I can’t spread myself that thin. But they wanted support, so I pulled them together and gave them a bridgeline number and they now have their own mastermind call and they meet on the call once a week and I just type out a Tapping script for them. They share what they’ve done, what they’ve Tapped on and they Tapped together. They are happy as clams and it’sa bonus in our program. I just wanted to throw that out as anybody else wants to do that, clients really appreciate it.

Margaret: Wow! And you’re not even there!

Erika:I wondered what can I give them, and I wouldn’t have thought of that if it hadn’t been for you, honest. It just was just coming from the spirit of,“What can I give them?”and also, “How can I free myself up?”

Margaret: Awesome! Yeah! And so, that’s, that’s fabulous! Thank you so much for that comment. That means a lot to me, both personally and for that great little tip. Thank you, Erika! Awesome and one thing that I want to just add on to what she said is when you offer something like that to clients, it’s really important how you offer it, right? It doesn’t matter what it’s going to be. What it matters is how you set their expectations. So if they were thinking that she was going to do the call or she started out doing the call, I’m going to do this call with you and then she changed it and she’s not on it, and said, oh you guys can figure it out. People would be disappointed. But she didn’t position it that way. It was like, I really want to support you guys, so here’s what I’m going to give you. I’m going to give you access to this bridge line and you can be on this call.

Think about how you position things very carefully so that they can receive it as the gift it is and not have any confusion or have something that ends up getting taken away and this wasn’t what I thought. Because even when it’s free, people tend to get like freaked out. It’s like, “Well, I’m doing this for you. I’ve already done so much.” Your clients can sort of get in that zone of feeling like, “Oh, I thought it was going to be this and then you changed it to this.”

The positioning is really, really important. People can be in gratitude of what you’re giving them. And then the other idea that you can sort of wrap around this one is you


can empower somebody that’s been coaching with you for a while, if they want to and they’re hungry for it to say, “Do you want to step up and run the call?” You don’t have to or people could rotate or you could say, “Hey if you, want to step up and actually run the call. And that’s how I got my best coaches, right? That’s how I got Bethaney. That’s how I got Fiona way back when. It was like, “Do you want to step up and try running the call and being like a mentor? And she was all over it. She was on fire and on top of it, same thing with Cathy Hamilton and Kimberly Francano, as well. This is how I found, over the years, my best, best people is by allowing different people to have the opportunity, especially if they ask or I thought they were ready to step up. Then you position it as, “This is the call for you. It’s a colleague call. It’s a mastermind for you.” I have Mary Jones who actually offered to step up and really run the call for everybody and really and even do the Tappingthat’s coming up for people. Make sure that you, when you give a bonus like that, that you’re not very involved in it. You really position it perfectly and it sounds like that’s exactly what Erika did and everyone is totally happy with it.

Awesome guys! Great ideas! Great feedback! Again, this is not our last call. So we are going to come back again. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the week after “Ignite Your Power.” I just need to think about that more and how tired I am and how much my family hasn’t seen me for these two weeks, the time before the event and then after the event. I’m usually pretty tired. And what, there’s a lot actually going on that week. So I might push it out three weeks. But it might be two weeks out and that’s where I’m really going to talk about the video and the video scripting and the videos that you should make and all that good stuff.

I love you guys! This is just been an incredible series and the one thing that I was missing was hearing from you guys more. I really appreciate everyone giving me the feedback and talking to me today because I am teaching so much. I don’t get to talk and interact and hear from you and I need that. It feeds my soul to hear that it’s working. It feeds my soul to hear that it’s making a difference for you and that what I hope is true is true as I’m teaching it, like I think this is going to be awesome and people are going to love it. And you tell me that it is awesome and that people are loving it, so you’ve fed my soul for this week and for today and going into the event, it’s really important to me. I feel very emotional now. I might start crying again.

But I love you guys and I can’t wait to see so many of you at the event with me and just hearing your feedback, it also reminds me of especially having you there at the event with me, as Tapping Into Wealth Coaches. How proud I am. You guys are a stellar, stellar group. How proud I am to have you associated with the brand Tapping Into Wealth and to be my first round of Tapping Into Wealth Coaches! And all the things that we have to do next, because we have a lot more things to do for you guys – to get the coach directory up and to get your exams and all of that stuff going that’s still on the lists of things for Fiona and I to work on, and we have the event in the middle of it. We have more to do and more things that we’ll be reaching out for you for. We’ll definitely let


you know and we’ll put it up on both your Tapping Into Wealth area and on MeWe. We’ll see you on the next class. Love you guys. Bye everybody!

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