tapping into the body's infinite wisdom (2) (2)

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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1Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Tapping into the Body’s In�inite Wisdom for True Healing

Co-Written by:Marina Poling and Katrina Pfannkuch

Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Tapping into the Body’s In�inite Wisdom for True Healing

Co-Written by:Marina Poling and Katrina Pfannkuch

Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Tapping into the Body’s In�inite Wisdom for True Healing

Co-Written by:Marina Poling and Katrina Pfannkuch

2 Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Table of Contents:Disclaimer: 6

Introduction 7

Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™: Tapping into the Body; Infinite Wisdom for True Healing 8

What Is Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™? 9

The Body Electric 10

The History of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ 12

How Does Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Work? 13

What Is an Energetic Disruption and Why Is It Important? 14

What Is Muscle Testing and Why Is It Important in QEST™? 16

Why Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Works When Other Alternative Methods Fail 17

How Is Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Done? 18

10 Reasons to See a Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Practitioner 19

3Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Overall Benefits of Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™ 23

As a New Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Client, What Do You Need to Know? 25

How Do We Work with a Specific Problem? 26

What Makes Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™ Different From Traditional Medicine or Other Alternative Health Treatments? 28

Treating Head and Neck Injuries with QEST™ 29

Other Conditions that Benefit from Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™ 30

QEST™ and Achieving Optimum Athlete Performance 31

Frequently Asked Questions about Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ 34

4 Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Copyright ©2011 Marina Poling

QEST™ and Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ are trademarked by the Association for the Advancement of Energy Medicine (formerly the International New Physiology Association).

5Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing


I would like to dedicate this eBook to the three special people, among many, who have helped to develop and protect Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ in the 30 plus years that it has been in existence. Each has had a special task in keeping the flame alive and nurturing Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ towards becoming the powerful modality it is today.


• Bernie Finch, D.C. (President of Association for the Advancement of Energy Medicine)• Raedene Vanden Heuvel, EMD• Judith Heath, EMD

6 Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

Disclaimer: This eBook about Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ should not be considered a replacement for medical treatment or consultation. Seasoned QEST™ Master practitioner Marina Poling is using this eBook to share the value of this technique, and how it may help others who are struggling with health problems and looking for safe, non-invasive alternatives.

7Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

IntroductionIntroduced in the 1970’s, Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ (QEST™) is an alternative healing therapy that is still growing in popularity. People drawn to QEST™ have often tried traditional medicine and a variety of other natural therapies with limited positive results.

The secret behind QEST™ is that it gets to the heart of what is causing pain or concern, by working with disruptions to optimal energy flow. It allows the body to move past those blocks and heal itself. It looks beyond a band-aid approach and truly taps into cellular memory to help heal pain and disease at its source.

This eBook will identify how QEST™ may help you with pain, motor skills, balance issues, head and neck injuries and how it can increase your overall energy level and quality of life. It will also address how QEST™ has helped people with digestive, urinary tract, respiratory, circulatory, autoimmune problems and even with learning issues.

As with all alternative therapies, QEST™ is not a replacement for medical treatment of serious or life-threatening illnesses. It can serve as a preventative or alternative therapy while working with a medical doctor as he or she provides traditional medical treatments.

We hope this introduction to QEST™ will get you thinking in a new way about your health, and offer some options for relief that may currently be missing in your life. For further information about Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™, please visit www.soleilqest.com.

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Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™: Tapping into the Body; Infinite Wisdom for True HealingThe human body is a complex organism. Injury, accidents, everyday living or aging can create imbalance in it. This imbalance can affect tissues such as organs, endocrine glands, muscles, ligaments, the spinal cord, nerves, tendons and bones. As a result, people may suffer from a variety of health issues, such as a poor sense of balance, weak motor skills and physical control, or chronic challenges such as headaches, neck pain, or back pain. The goal of QEST™ is to get to the heart of the cause, to discern and address the contributing factors.

Allopathic medicine is Western medicine. It tends to focus more on the treatment of symptoms than on the cause of the disease. Specialists can overlook the complex connections within the body that may underlie many conditions. QEST™ offers a different approach. It focuses on thorough diagnostics to create a unique plan for treating the whole individual and the root causes of the problems, not merely the symptoms.

9Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

What Is Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™?Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ (QEST™) is a natural, non-intrusive therapy that can be either an alternative or complement to traditional medicine, pain pills or surgery. It’s a gentle, overall body alignment technique that incorporates breathing and/or light touch done in specific sequences to help restore your body to optimum function.

QEST™ reawakens energetic and possibly neurological pathways that have been shut down or imbalanced due to injury, birth trauma or illness. It enables all parts of the body to begin communicating effectively again, from the largest organ to the smallest nerve. It also sends important healing signals to injured areas to get them back to peak performance.

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The Body ElectricAnother way to view the body and how it really works is to think of it as a series of semi-conductors that talk with each other and act as a single unit to manage the body and all functions. According to Dawson Church, PhD in his book The Genie in Your Genes:

“Tendons are composed of twisted collections of collagen bundles, each composed of collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are composed of collagen fibrils, assemblies of molecules secreted outside of specialized connective tissues cells, called fibroblasts. Taken as a whole, the connective tissues system is the largest organ of the body.”

Church describes how amazingly intricate and intelligent this system is, and how it both collects and shares information within the body to keep internal systems functioning effectively.

“The crystalline structure of the collagen molecules that make up your connective tissue has a remarkable property: It acts a semiconductor. Semiconductors conduct energy, similar to how the internal wiring system in your house conducts electricity and transfers it from one point to another very quickly. Semiconductors are also able to conduct information, similar to a high speed Internet connection, in addition to being able to store energy, amplify signals, filter information, and move information in one specific direction.”

In other words, the complex connective tissue system within your body can collect and also process information, like the semiconductor chips in your computer. This crystalline complex connects every part of your body to every other part.

11Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

And it’s fast! Energy conduction of information is faster than biochemical conduction of information via chemicals, such as hormones and neurotransmitters. “Energy signals are 100 times more efficient and infinitely faster than physical chemical signaling...The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than 1 cm per second,” according to Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, in his book The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles”.

QEST™ plugs into this unparalleled informational system.

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The History of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy (QEST™) was initially developed in the 1970s, evolving from a combination of chiropractic and applied kinesiology (muscle testing- http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-muscle-testing.htm). Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ indicates the methodical, sequential way practitioners work with the body to stimulate inner healing.

Dr. George Goodheart’s work with applied kinesiology was pivotal in the creation of QEST™. His research revealed the clear link between weak muscle strength and organic and physiological dysfunction.

According to applied kinesiology, muscles and organs are linked by the same invisible neuropathways and meridians used in the practice of acupuncture. By reactivating and opening these lines of communication within the body, it can begin to heal itself. The same is true with QEST™. From head injuries and accidents to chronic ailments, QEST™ can help restore healing energy to these areas by stimulating energetic pathways, jump-starting healing.

This reconnection helps to bring the body back into its natural, healthy alignment, enabling it to operate optimally.

13Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

How Does Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Work?During the initial appointment, there is a head-to-toe gentle, non-invasive evaluation. Using muscle testing (http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-muscle-testing.htm) combined with a very precise numerical diagnostic language, the practitioner identifies key energetic disconnects within the body.

Once energetic disruptions, blockages or imbalances are identified, the QEST™ practitioner can get started. Using a tested, documented universal treatment sequence, she can address specific sources of discomfort, pain and imbalance. She is able to apply the proper “patch” to re-open energetic pathways, relieve pain and discomfort and promote healing.

The main goal of QEST™ is to help maximize the body’s performance using a thorough, systematic approach. Work done by the practitioner assists the body in restoring life-flow or chi. When optimal energy distribution is restored to the body, health and function again become a natural state of being.

The most valuable aspect of QEST™ is its gentleness and simplicity. The light touch techniques have a huge impact and patients have no work to do, other than to relax and breathe.

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What Is an Energetic Disruption and Why Is It Important?The universal energy source drives all bodily functions, mostly without a second thought from us. This energy is laid out in our body as a series of energetic pathways which provide an energetic blueprint for our physical body.

Disruptions to these pathways can be caused by birth trauma, physical injuries, illness, toxicity, emotional trauma, and other stressors. Even minor head injuries, ones that do not cause unconsciousness, can significantly disrupt energy flow within the body. These disruptions can have negative effects in various parts of the body ‚ even years after the original trauma. If an energetic disruption is significant, it may ultimately manifest as disease or impaired body function.

Once disruptions are present, they are multiplied in cellular memory. Even though our cells are constantly being replaced, old problems persist. New cells begin to carry the same disorganized, broken information. This means injured areas are blocked off from the body’s natural healing efforts.

Maybe this explains why someone you know still has cells stuck with the wrong messages and they can’t seem to get better?

15Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

DID you Know?Stomach lining cells reproduce every 4-5 days

Skin cells replicate every 5 weeks

Liver is 6 weeks

Skeleton - every 3 months

Entire body 4-5 years


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What Is Muscle Testing and Why Is It Important in QEST™?Muscle testing is a non-invasive method of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing where there might be energy blocks or potential injury. It’s one of the key diagnostic tools used in QEST™ therapy.

This method of inquiry into the inner workings of the body gives the practitioner a view of the performance level and quality of all bodily functions. This is what makes muscle testing a great tool for assessment and diagnosis of an imbalance or blockage in the body’s energetic pathways.

The process involves testing how the body responds when applying slight pressure to a large muscle in response to a specific question. Practitioners most often use the arm of the patient to test for yes or no answers. Depending on the answers, the practitioner gets key information on energy flow and blockages, organ function, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities and more.

Once information is collected, the QEST™ practitioner can then create a strategy for prioritizing treatment. Muscle testing is an assessment technique used by holistic health care practitioners including chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists, dentists, doctors, and nutritionists. It has been developed out of the work of Dr. George Goodheart.

17Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Why Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Works When Other Alternative Methods Fail

One reason that Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ is so effective is that it has a unique method for “saving” a corrective procedure into cellular memory. That cellular memory perpetuates disease and injury, due to disorganized, broken information. Using QEST™, we direct the cells to replace the misinformation with the correct healing information. Then we save the procedure, in a way that can be compared to saving a file on your computer. As a result, typically, we do not have to re-do corrective procedures at subsequent visits.

Also, QEST™ is sequential. This sequence serves as a roadmap for each and every client. By starting at the foundational level and working methodically, we address core problems efficiently. As we work in order, we are awed by the shifts we observe in our clients’ health. We see not only primary, but secondary problems diminish or disappear. It reminds us that everything in the body is connected!

Although, most of our work is in sequence, corrective procedures can sometimes be completed out of sequence to provide relief from a particularly distressing disturbance or injury.

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How Is Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Done?Remember in QEST™, we are working with energetic disruptions. So how do we identify which energetic disruptions are present? Which circuits have shorts? Or where is breaker down?

The practitioner uses muscle testing in combination with a precise numerical language to determine exactly which energetic disruption needs to be addressed. These codes relate to a specific energetic disruption. Once identified, the practitioner refers to handbooks that indicate the exact sites to place the hands for each energetic disruption.

Healing energy within the body moves to areas of need in two main ways:

(a) The practitioner performs a corrective procedure directing energy with her hand placement and movement in conjunction with the client’s breathing

(b) The practitioner uses her hands to focus energy to a particular area of the body for a specific amount of time

Each procedure is tailored to the unique needs of the client’s body.

19Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

10 Reasons to See a Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ PractitionerDo you suffer from any of these 10 problems?• Chronic pain in head, neck, shoulders, hips, or lower back• Chronic headaches• Vision problems including trouble focusing or reading for long periods of time• Low energy• Difficulty focusing attention• Learning difficulties • Vertigo or balance issues• Digestive issues: bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort• Anxiety or panic• Fuzzy thinking or mental fogginessYou can join the thousands of other clients helped by QEST™. Know that others like you have experienced great results with QEST™.

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Have you experienced one or more of the following? Did you know that these events can be a key cause in all the above problems?

• Birthing Injuries• Major dental work• Surgery• Head or neck injuries These kinds of injuries impact the entire nervous and energetic system. They interrupt the natural energy flow and exchange of information between key parts of the body. QEST ™ has a strong track record of restoring crucial neurological and energetic flow. This can lead to resolution of acute and chronic health problems.

QEST helps “reset” your body memory to counteract these blockages so the body can heal and run at a more optimal level.

21Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

What Is the Dura Mater and Why Is It Important?Have you ever fallen on your tailbone? Maybe you started having headaches or neck problems after your fall? Could they be connected? Consider that your dura mater runs from your head bones and neck, to your tailbone.

The dura mater is a neurological network affecting the entire body. It is the outer, tough, non-elastic layer of three membranes (meninges) that cover the brain and the spinal cord. It forms a sac that contains the cerebral spinal fluid, which provides vital protection to the brain. From the spine, proceeding upward into the head, it forms connections to the outer (meningeal) layer of the cranial nerves. It lines the bones and sutures surrounding the brain. From the spinal cord downward, the dura mater becomes the outer layer (epineurium) of the spinal nerves that innervate the entire body.

There are critical connections of the dura mater to cranial sutures, cranial bones, the upper 3 neck vertebrae, segments of the sacrum, the coccyx, as well as to specific ligaments of the spine, such as the posterior Atlanto-occipital ligament.

Because this network is extensive, an injury anywhere along its path, can have far-reaching implications. For example, injuries to the upper neck and head may cause headaches, trigeminal neuralgia and other problems. Recent research has shown that the tiny rectus capitis

22 Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™

posterior minor (RCPm) muscle is connected to the dura mater via the posterior atlanto-occipital ligament (PAO). It may explain why a traumatic birth or whiplash incident that injures the PAO ligament or the RCPm muscle, can have a negative effect throughout the body.

Now reconsider the ramifications of falling on your tail bone! You can see how that fall may not only lead to a pain in your butt, but also a pain in your neck.

From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dura_mater

23Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Overall Benefits of Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™Now that you know about the history of QEST™, how it works, conditions it can help and how QEST™ is done. Let’s review the top benefits of QEST™ healing and how it can help YOU.

As a holistic healing therapy, QEST™ can:

• Bring healing to all parts of the body for recent injuries, old injuries and chronic problems• Lessen the severity and frequency of headaches, including migraines• Reduce and/or eliminate pain• Reduce and/or eliminate vertigo• Improve stability and motor function• Increase vitality• Enhance sports performance• Shorten recovery rate from injury• Improve mental clarity• Increase and improve circulation in the neck and head (critical for mental and organ function)• Heal cranial nerves and corresponding dysfunction• Boost overall immune system function

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How Do You Know if You Are a Good Candidate for Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™?People suffering from a myriad of health problems, with or without a known cause, have gotten positive and life-changing results from QEST™. We know that everything in the body is connected at some level. With QEST™, we can discover these hidden links.

Remarkably, we have observed from our clinical research of over 30 years, that many unresolved issues can be attributed to the following experiences or events:

• Birth - very fast, or really long delivery, forceps or vacuum delivery, the use of epidurals or pitocin, or caesarean birth

• Current or former sports activities - especially heavy contact sports such as football, soccer, or rugby

• Falls in or outside the home• Skiing or snowboarding falls• Farm, ranch or rodeo accidents or injuries• Automobile accidents (especially more than one) even with no apparent after effects• Head injuries from any time in one’s past, ranging from mild to severe • Extensive dental work including root canals or other dental surgeries

25Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

As a New Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ Client, What Do You Need to Know?With QEST™, it’s important to establish a baseline of health for each patient. That starts with a thorough history of the client. An initial scan of the body will determine where there is an energetic disruption in the brain’s connection to a specific part of the body. These fundamental disconnects can cause long-term problems or make that body part more susceptible to dysfunction.

The QEST™ practitioner will then do the necessary steps to heal the body’s foundation. When core, foundational systems are working well they create a solid base for long-term healing to take place. This is analogous to when your computer guy makes sure your operating systems are fully functional. It has an impact on every program your computer runs.

To accomplish this, the practitioner goes through a sequential series of gentle holds and movements on the head that facilitate and help the brain get better messages to the whole body. This enhances the flow of energy throughout the body. In a way, it helps ground the circuits so that healing can occur.

Once the body’s foundation energy system is clear, the brain communicates to the rest of the body more effectively. This generates lasting healing of acute or chronic health problems or illnesses. This is the number one benefit of QEST™ -- long-term healing that gets to the true source of a health problem.

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How Do We Work with a Specific Problem?

As an example, with pain in the shoulders, the QEST™ practitioner will take the following steps:

• Working with the foundation: The practitioner addresses injuries or dysfunction that affect the whole body. This will methodically address blockages that have both global and local effects in the body.

• Checking and working with bones in the shoulder girdle: This includes the humerus, vertebrae of neck and thoracic area, clavicle bone, scapula and even the ribs. Injury or inflammation of the bone can cause weakness to overlying muscles and ligaments as well as cause pain or tenderness. Identifying and addressing injuries to the spinal cord, ligaments and muscles (especially ones that lead to and from the neck, and muscles directly in the shoulder girdle): The vertebrae and spinal cord in the lower neck and upper thoracic area are important for the functioning of the nerves to the shoulder.

Key for each QE visit: Striking a balance between identifying and locating energy blocks within the body and doing corrective work. It’s important to know, for example, that a pain in the shoulder may not originate from an injury just in the shoulder. That means it’s important to evaluate and address both direct and indirect key factors that could cause pain or discomfort in the shoulder.

27Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

• Evaluating and correcting blockages to circulation in the neck and shoulder• Using functional muscle tests to check for muscle weakness: For example: the practitioner

will test the deltoid muscle strength. (This is different from muscle testing or monitoring to ascertain energetic blockages). Weak functional tests may be a result of many things: These include an injury to the muscle itself, an injury to another muscle, an energetic blockage to relevant bones, or even a dysfunctional organ. Any of these may cause a muscle to lose strength or be tight. After addressing what is weakening the muscle, a subsequent re-testing of the muscle will indicate whether or not that the muscle is working properly. Work is continued until a “strong” muscle response is found.

With some gentle adjustment to a few or all of these areas, the shoulder muscles start working at full strength again allowing for stability of the neck and shoulder. This helps to balance the body and take pressure off connected muscles, tissues or bones that were picking up the slack.

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What Makes Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™ Different From Traditional Medicine or Other Alternative Health Treatments?The QEST™ practitioner creates an individualized, corrective plan based on the specific needs of each client. The goal is to address the true source of the problem.

QEST™ has a unique and gentle way of working with the head bones. Disturbances to the bones of the head are a profound source of dysfunction, discomfort, and pain. QEST™ does not underestimate the global effects of even “mild” head injuries.

QEST™ offers a cumulative array of corrective procedures that help the body to heal from recent and past traumas. Surprisingly, the trauma could be from an event decades ago. QEST™ is a methodical and sequential approach to assessing and working with the body.

QEST™ uses applied kinesiology with a precise, sequential numerical language in order to identify and unblock specific energy disruptions to achieve lasting results. Each visit is dedicated to working with something new and building upon work from the previous sessions. The body is given instructions to save the new information in its memory. As a result, the practitioner does not have to do procedures over and over.

29Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Treating Head and Neck Injuries with QEST™Clients with head or neck injuries may experience symptoms long after the event occurred. Years later, a trigger may initiate symptoms. This trigger could be an infection, a whiplash incident, a fall, or cumulative stress to the head and spine.

Clients may suffer from the following conditions:

• Vertigo• Neck and/ or back pain• Headaches• Focus and learning issues• Difficulty sleeping and thinking• Depression• Anxiety• Fullness or ringing in the earsWith head injuries, it is essential to take a thorough medical history and work methodically with critical energy disruptions to the head, dura mater, and spine. Addressing these disruptions is an essential factor in improving these conditions.

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Other Conditions that Benefit from Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy™In addition to head and neck injuries, QEST™ can help with a variety of other common ailments that often cause prolonged discomfort. People are surprised to learn that these conditions have been treated and permanently healed.

• Learning disabilities• Structural or sports injuries• Whiplash• Lower back pain, disc protusions, herniation

and sciatica• Carpal tunnel syndrome• Knee pain• Low immune response• Colic and failure to thrive in babies• ADD or ADHD• Fatigue• Metabolic disorders and syndromes

• Circulatory problems• Lymphatic blockages• Respiratory problems• Digestive issues of all kinds• Endocrine and hormonal issues• Reproductive system dysfunction, such as

endometriosis• Inflammation or toxic reactions• Pain associated with injuries and cancer• Lack of well-being• Diminished clarity of thinking• Shoulder pain

31Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

QEST™ and Achieving Optimum Athlete PerformanceAthletes are tough on their bodies, especially when training and competing. They may sustain injuries during rigorous training or competition. Consistent physical stress on the body may lead to repetitive motion fatigue, which lessens the strength of an athlete’s overall performance. QEST™ can help improve overall athletic performance by healing these chronic injuries.

This is accomplished by pinpointing and addressing energy imbalances which directly and indirectly prevent the injury from healing.

When an athlete sustains a new injury, QEST™ has the tools to rapidly address the new energetic disruptions. QEST™ resolves pain and muscle weakness quickly. This is especially true for young athletes or those who have had regular care. For example, a young male soccer player came in with a twisted ankle. With QEST™ care, the swelling was reduced within days and he was able to return to playing soccer ahead of expectations. QEST™ has a long history of helping athletes recover in surprisingly short times.

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Athletes who participate in football, soccer, basketball, skiing, hockey, rugby or horseback riding may be more at risk for head injuries, especially mild ones, just due to the nature of those sports. Regular QEST™ visits can reduce the impact head injuries have on their overall health and condition.

How does QEST™ help athletes maintain their competitive edge? It can improve balance, hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Regular maintenance visits lead to better muscle and nerve function and therefore fewer injuries. It’s like doing a tune-up for your car -- it just runs smoother and faster with a little regular up keep.

Thanks to...Quantum Energetics for Such a Great Athletic Lifestyle!!

I ’m a serious athlete and believe that maintenance care for over 20 years with Quantum Energetics (Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy) has kept me from ever being “out” with an injury (other than once when my front bicycle tire blew out). I†was a competitive tennis player when I first went to see Judith Heath to get help with knee pain. I went through the series (of QEST) and had relief. Since, I seldom have pain. Now I am a more serious cyclist. I have done several week-long bike trips and the Triple ByPass (also the double Triple ByPass) here in the Colorado Rockies. Judith’s work has helped me with some pains that I have come up with in cycling-and has kept them from developing into injuries. I feel like this QE (QEST) has helped prevent serious athletic injuries and has helped me to be able to continue with both of these sports. Thanks to Judith and QE for such a great athletic lifestyle!!”

- Molly McNamara, Lakewood, CO From www.quantumenergeticshealing.com

33Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Didn’t Have to Miss My Backpack Trip with My Buddies

From a 38 year old man:

I ’ve been a habitual ankle sprainer since I was younger. I know what it takes to get back online after I ’ve hurt myself.

Last summer, I was scheduled for a 24 mile hike with a 70 pound backpack into a Rocky Mountain Wilderness area. A week before my planned trip, I hurt my ankle and was ready to cancel my trip with my buddies, when I went in for a session with Marina. It took one-third of the time that it took to heal, as when I was younger. Within three days, I was ready to climb mountains.

In spite of extreme gains of elevation, no stroll of a trek, I was able to backpack without any problems.

Shane Siegfried, Ft. Collins, CO

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Frequently Asked Questions about Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™Is Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ safe for children?Yes, QEST™ is a gentle, non-invasive healing treatment perfect for children. Their bodies respond to it quickly and results are often faster than with adults. QEST™ works really well for children suffering from challenges with:

• Attention span and learning• Hand-eye coordination• Vision and visual processing• Digestion• Allergies (food and environmental)• Headaches• Colic• Irritability, mood and anger issues Practitioners start by addressing birth trauma injuries and correcting the resulting energetic imbalances. As she proceeds, she identifies and works with other energetic disruptions unique to that child. Additionally, it is believed that QEST™ could help prevent future problems by addressing imbalances before they are even physically manifested in the body.

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Practitioners also address injuries that children incur during sports activity, playing with friends, or just running around being kids. QEST™ can quickly transition the body back into balance naturally.

Feedback from Thomas, a 13 year old in QEST™ learning study

• Improved spelling: “My spelling is awesome now!” Quote directly from ThomasFeedback from Thomas’s Mother:

• Less frustration with school work: Homework is less of a battle and he willingly does his homework and takes pride in his work.

• Improved grades: Thomas in all Pre-AP classes earning A’s and B’s.• Improved writing and fine motor skills.• Improved focus: Thomas can now focus while reading written math problems. He has been

able to demonstrate his superior math thinking. He’s been asked to skip a grade in math by his school. Ms. Conyers-Math teacher commented, “He is one of the best analytical thinkers I have right now.” (March, 2011)

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Feedback from 14 year-old male in the same learning study:

• Improved visual processing: “QEST™ helped me read longer and faster. It made reading more fun, but I’m still not sure how QEST™ works. I seem to get less headaches, especially during CSAP (annual testing) and I miss a lot less words. The words themselves aren’t visibly clearer, but when I read they’re clearer in my head.”

• Improved grades: “My grades really improved while I was doing it”.Is QEST™ only for people with injuries or chronic illness?

QEST™ is good for everyone, no matter what your current level of health. Practitioners can test for and find potential problems that haven’t physically manifested yet. This makes QEST™ a good preventative therapy. QEST™ works with all systems within the body. QEST™ maintenance care helps people stay healthy over the long-term. Think of it like brushing your teeth and flossing regularly.

How does the Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ practitioner know what to do?

Each session is different. QEST™ has a unique “language” used to get input from the body about the current state of health and treatment priorities. This gives the practitioner a set of specific steps and check points to create a treatment plan for that session.

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This language consists of thousands of numerical codes used in combination with muscle testing to get “yes” or “no” answers from the body. Codes are numbers which correspond with specific conditions that are present on a specific energy level in the body. These numbers are not arbitrary, but are found by actual research with clients.

QEST™ pinpoints disturbances in the energy flow to and from an area, organ, muscle, etc.. If normal energy flow is diminished and/or disrupted, it can cause physical symptoms such as discomfort, poor function and pain. QEST™ helps restore the natural flow of energy and promote healing

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How are practitioners trained?QEST™ is not learned quickly in a weekend seminar. It’s taught through extensive training programs. Students who successfully complete the training program and internship requirements (a two year program) are then certified as “Practitioners” through the Association for the Advancement of Energy Medicine. Certification is maintained after graduation through continuing education classes on an annual basis to ensure the latest corrective procedures are being shared and used with clients.

How long does it take? How often do clients need to schedule an appointment?

A QEST™ treatment plan is created for each individual after an initial appointment and assessment. Your practitioner will create a schedule that works for your unique health needs and financial situation.

Initially, it’s optimal to come in on a weekly basis to address long-standing or acute issues. After that, clients can come in according to their own health needs and goals. All work is recorded so that the client’s progress can be tracked.

What should I expect after a session?This will vary from client to client. The initial work on the head bones helps relieve pressure or stress on the cranial bones from birthing and/or head injuries. After this first session some people will feel tired, because the body is integrating the new instructions. Occasionally, some individuals will feel energized after their first session.

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After subsequent sessions (depending on the complexity of the person’s problems) results will vary from gentle improvements to dramatic shifts. For example, there may be a substantial reduction of pain symptoms. More often, it is a subtle process and little changes are noticed over the following weeks. The healing process is rarely linear. Often we gain several steps, with an occasional back step. This is a normal pattern in healing.

Is there anything I should be doing to support myself during healing?

It’s helpful to rest as much as you can after your first session. However, most individuals have no problem going about their usual tasks after their session. We advise the client to eat good quality food and water, deal with stress in a healthy way, get enough exercise and strive for a balanced life to help with healing. QEST™ enables the body to re-program itself to heal, but it does not replace lifestyle choices. Your QEST™ practitioner may suggest lifestyle choices that support your specific health challenges.

Will QEST™ hurt?QEST™ treatment itself is not painful; however, it may take a few days for pain or inflammation to diminish in targeted areas. Occasionally, sensitive individuals have an increase in pain especially when working with injury or inflammation of the bones. This pain will subside over the following days as the body works to heal itself.

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Will Quantum Energetic Structured Therapy interact with other treatments or medications I may be taking? QEST™ can be integrated with other therapies such as massage, physical therapy and nutritional supplementation. It may also be an adjunct therapy for those choosing allopathic treatment. Sometimes, clients taking a multitude of pharmaceutical medications may experience less dramatic results from QEST™. Nevertheless, we have helped many individuals using pharmaceutical medications.

ConclusionQEST™ is a holistic treatment option for anyone suffering from head injuries, acute pain, consistent and chronic pain, vertigo, fatigue or mental fogginess, or learning challenges. It is also for those who are looking to improve their overall health. Please contact me at www.soleilqest.com

41Tapping into the Body’s Infinite Wisdom for True Healing

Marina PolingMaster Practitioner, QEST™ Practitioner and Instructor

I first experienced Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy™ in 1993 when diagnosed with breast cancer at the early age of 37. I was a single woman with a seven year old daughter - much too young to be having cancer. I was comfortable with having surgery to deal with the cancer, but very reluctant to do the follow up chemotherapy.

I’ve always believed it’s important to go to the source of things. Cancer is a systemic problem, and I wanted to deal with it at its source. When a well-respected friend told me about QEST™, I was very interested in seeing how it could help. I had a mastectomy and proceeded to have weekly QEST™ sessions, as well as daily injections off Iscador, a homeopathic injection used widely in Europe for decades. Chemotherapy went along quite uneventfully, and I’ve been cancer-free for 18 years.

Thrilled with how QEST™ had helped me and searching for additional ways to maintain a healthy body, I enrolled in a QEST™ class and became a practitioner in 2002. I love helping people with their health problems by going to the source and in a non-invasive way. I also love the science

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background that is the crux of the work, and most of all, I love the results we get. When someone tells you this work has given them back their life, you can’t help but be passionate about sharing it with others. I love that QEST™ is noninvasive, portable, and helpful for so many problems and conditions.

Many of my patients have also suffered from long-term structural pain. QEST™ helps the body let go of the cell memory and triggers the body to send healing to these long neglected areas. With old cellular patterns erased, the body has room for improvement and healing.

Presently, my colleague, former teacher, Kathy Dickson and I will continue our work with learning challenged children in the Fort Collins, CO area. Our research is showing the impact that birthing injuries has on learning. Happily, QEST™ can help children recover from the birth injury stress! We are interviewing for candidates.

My goal is to help spread the word about QEST™ to those who could benefit from this work. I work out of my main office in sunny Fort Collins, Colorado, and travel occasionally to the island of Oahu, Hawaii to visit family and work with clients.

Please contact me if you are interested in hearing more about my work with QEST™ or if you would like to schedule a visit for me in your area.

Contact Marina Poling: +1( 970) 224-4145 marina.poling@gmail.com www.soleilqest.com / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Soleil-Wellness/167851043259548

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