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The ‘early bird’ booking facility for next year’s erpec event in Nice is now operational and on-line. Available places will again be restricted to 85 suppliers. The last event in Barcelona was oversubscribed to a reasonable level, with supplier registrations closed two months prior to the event, so to guarentee your participation, please do not wait too long before you register. The deadline for an ‘early bird’ discount is July 30th.The venue for 2013 is the prestigious Hotel Palais de la Méditerranée on the famous Nice promenade in Southern France. The location is centrally located within Europe and a popular destination for delegates, particulary those from the East European countries, who continue to be a primary focus for erpec. The airport, utilising two new terminals, is very well served by inter-national flights and is only five minutes away from the Palais de la Méditerranée hotel. Delegates from oil companies and major retailers wishing to attend should contact Nick Needs at nick@mcleanevents.com

Suppliers wanting to register should visit www.erpec.com

Issue No 17 | April 2012


erpecnews is published by McLean Communications Ltd. in conjunction with PetrolPlaza – www.erpecnews.com

an international retail petroleum news digest

AsiA, Middle eAst & AfricA edition

Tanzania Oil companies want fuel testingA number of oil companies operating in Zambia, including Gapco, Engen and Mogas, have sent oil samples for international testing. The companies have revealed their belief that petrol supplied by Swiss-based Augusta Energy between January and March was contaminated. Three separate samples of petrol have been sent to the chief government chemist for laboratory

testing following complaints by the Tanzania Association of Oil Marketing Companies. The companies involved claim the oil was blended with ethanol and has damaged equipment, leading to financial losses. Augusta Energy denied accusations of contamination stating that they only supply fuel which has been tested by responsible agencies.

Galp wants retailer with 5 million euros

Galp Energia is looking for a franchisee or retailer who will manage and operate two of its service stations in its Swaziland network. Galp, which is one of the most recognised filling station brands in Swaziland, is looking

for someone with an unencumbered cash of 5 million euros which will cover the right to trade and the first consignment of fuel stock to the required Galp outlets.Commercial Director Fannie Mthethwa was quoted in a statement saying that the successful candidate must be ready to commence operations 1st May. Galp Energia has invested about 210 million euros in its three-year operation in Swaziland. The company’s investment includes re-branding, opening new filling stations, constructing of a LPG depot and funding different charities.

Trafigura to invest $ 250 million in NagarjunaInternational commodity trader Trafigura is to invest $ 250 million in Nagarjuna Oil Corporation, with $130 million going into developing a new refinery storage facility in eastern India. Nagarjuna will also partner the state government of Tamil Nadu and Tata Petrodyne Ltd on the project. Work on the 121 000 barrel per day refinery will begin later

this year, with operations expected to begin in the first half of 2013. Located on the coast, the new refinery will be able to accommodate super tankers, which are typically able to carry up to 2 million barrels of oil each. At present, Trafigura holds storage facilities capable of holding more than 45 million barrels of oil and has been building its capacity steadily.

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PeF begins electronic tracking of fuel tankersAs part of the measures to check diversion of fuel tankers and fraudulent claims in the disbursement of bridging funds to transport-ers, Nigerias Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF) has commenced electronic tracking of the loading and movement of fuel tankers across the country. This development comes after the electronic tracking solution named

“Project Aquila” was subject to a nine-month

pilot testing, which commenced on 1st July 2011. The Petroleum Equalisation Fund (Management) Board was established by the PEFMB Act to equalise the cost of transport-ing petroleum products from depots to filling stations in order to ensure uniform price of fuel in all parts of the country. The agency derives its fund from the net surplus revenue recovered from marketers.

sinopec to cut deliveries to private fuel stationsState-owned China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp) is halting fuel sales to private gas stations in some parts of the country. By cutting deliveries to privately owned gas stations, their competitors in the downstream market, Sinopec aims to meet the expanding demands of its own growing network, while at the same time pushing up its sales revenues in a move to offset

losses from its refining business. The oil giant has been curtailing its fuel wholesale operations for the past year, a crude oil analyst for Shanghai Cifco Futures said. Last year, Sinopec reduced the wholesale deliveries of fuel to privately held stations by 13.53 percent, while revenues from its own gas stations grew by 14.39 percent during the same period.

Chevron Malaysia to expand its fuel retail networkChevron Malaysia Ltd, the operator of Caltex petrol stations, is looking to further expand its network in the country by establishing 100 new service stations in the Peninsular of Malaysia by 2015, Country Manager Jer-emy Oh has said. The new stations will be 100 percent owned and operated by franchised retailers, in line with Chevron’s aspiration

to allow greater business participation and dedication by retailers. “Currently, we have 422 petrol stations and out of the total, some 60 percent are owned by retailers and the rest by Chevron. We expect by 2015, 100 more service stations will be opened and out of the then total, 90 percent would be owned and operated by retailers”, said Oh.

Acquisition of Malaysian oil refinerAn affiliate of San Miguel Corp. has completed the acquisition of ExxonMobil Malaysia’s 65 percent stake in the Malaysian oil refiner Esso for $ 577.3 million. In a disclosure to the stock exchange, San Miguel said its af-filiate Petron Oil & Gas International Sdn. (POGI) has acquired 65 percent of Esso Malaysia Berhad and its other downstream oil subsidiaries in Malaysia – ExxonMobil Malaysia SdnBhd and ExxonMobil Borneo POGI also informed it would implement an

unconditional mandatory take-over offer by POGI to acquire the remaining 35 percent of Esso Malaysia shares at 3.59 malaysian ringgit each. San Miguel has diversified its portfolio in recent years, spinning off its traditional brewing business and moving into areas such as domestic power, telecom-munications, infrastructure and energy. The company owns the Philippines’ largest oil refiner, Petron Corp with a network of over 1 700 service stations nationwide.

IOC completes first phase of automation

State-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has completed the first phase of automation of its petrol pumps across the country and is “progressing very fast” in this regard, ac-cording to a top company official. Last year,

IOC embarked on a plan to automate all its petrol stations. In the first phase the oil major identified about 1 600 petrol stations. “That is progressing very fast, we have already upgraded 2 000 petrol pumps under this program”, IOC Chairman and Managing Director R S Butola said. “All petrol outlets selling more than 200 kilolitres per month have been covered in the first phase. In the second phase, all pumps retailing about 100 kilolitres will be put under automation”, Butola said. IOC has about 19 000 fuel stations across the country set for automation.



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erpecnews is published monthly by McLean Communications Ltd. in conjunction with PetrolPlaza.com and distributed to retail petroleum operations in Europe and the Middle East. McLean Communications Ltd. is the organiser of erpec, the leading business event, held every two years, for Europe’s retail petroleum market.

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should India regulate petrol prices again?In order to help the Oil Marketing Com-panies (OMCs) erase some of their losses, the Indian government deregulated petrol prices in June 2010. However the govern-ment still compensates the OMCs for selling diesel, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas at government-fixed prices. In-spite of deregulation, OMCs like Oil India, HPCL and BPCL still have to get the government’s approval to raise petrol prices. As a result

due to elections the OMCs have been unable to raise petrol prices for the past 4 months. OMCs last raised petrol prices in December 2011. Price of Brent crude has increased by 11.06 percent since 1st January, 2012 which has resulted in significant losses for the OMCs. According to the oil ministry, OMCs are losing around 4.86 billion rupee a day on account of selling petroleum products at government-mandated prices.

Petron acquires esso MalaysiaPetron Oil & Gas International Sdn Bhd (Petron International), an offshore affiliate of oil refiner Petron Corp., has offered to buy an additional 35 percent of Esso Malaysia Berhad for 3.50 malaysian ringgit a share. Petron International under a “mandatory takeover” offered to purchase 94.5 million shares held by other stockholders of Esso Malaysia. “The mandatory takeover offer was

triggered by Petron International’s acquisition of 175 500 000 Esso Malaysia Berhad (EMB) shares, representing 65 percent of the voting shares of EMB”, Petron said in a disclosure to the Philippine Stock Exchange. Petron said the tender offer marked its entry “into the highly-attractive and dynamic Malaysian market and is a strategic opportunity for the company to increase its presence in Asia”.

Leading downstream company by 2016ENGEN Ghana limited is targeting to become the leading downstream company in the sub-Saharan region by 2016. ENGEN is focusing on the downstream refined petroleum products market and related businesses. The company’s core functions are the refining of crude oil, the marketing of refined petroleum products and the provision of convenience services via an extensive retail network. ENGEN has pres-

ence in 18 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Managing Director, Engen Ghana, Henry Akoboah said “The vision of the company is to become the number one downstream company in sub-Saharan Africa. This means that we are going to increase our market share and our presence. That is the reason why we also acquired Chevron’s assets in seven countries to expand our operations in the sub-region”.

south Korea expands ‘bargain’ gas stationsSouth Korea plans to open more “bargain” gas stations throughout the country to help control inflationary pressure and lighten living costs for ordinary citizens. At an economic policy-makers meeting aimed at stabilizing consumer prices, the finance ministry said up to 433 bargain gas station will be set up increasing from 385 the number currently in operation.

The bargain gas stations sell fuel products at lower prices than their conventional rivals. These stations can undercut rivals because they receive their fuel directly from state-run agencies at cheaper prices. The government said the presence of such stations helps lower gasoline and diesel fuel prices across the board through open market competition.

zambia shortlists 14 fuel supply companiesFourteen foreign firms among them Dalbit Petroleum and Kuwait’s Independent Petroleum Group (IPG) have been shortlisted for the two-year supply of diesel and unleaded petrol to Zambia. And nine foreign firms have been shortlisted for the supply of 1.4 million tonnes of petroleum feedstock to Indeni Petroleum Refinery over two years. The country is cur-rently looking for firms to supply diesel and

unleaded petrol side by side with the firm to supply 1.4 million tonnes of petroleum feed-stock over two years. The tender constitutes for supply of finished petroleum comprising 15 to 20 percent of the diesel and petrol that the country consumes. Sources said prominent bidders included Dalbit Petroleum of Kenya, Agipol Africa, Addax Oryxl, Trafigula, IPG and Kenol Kobil.

sanctions boost business for Iranian tanker companyIranian oil stored at sea is building up due to sanc - tions which are proving a boon to its tanker oper-

ator. Half of the large crude carriers owned by NITC are now storing oil instead of exporting it.

Local fuel retailers in-terested in Caltex assetsLocal players are flexing their muscles to acquire downstream assets of Chevron Corp. as the American oil marketing company (OMC) is considering disinvesting from Egypt, Pakistan and Australia, industry officials and analysts said. Chevron (Caltex brand) has recently announced it wants to sell off its downstream assets consisting of refining, marketing and retail sales outlets. Chevron (Caltex) has an extensive presence in Pakistan with a nationwide retail network consisting of 538 fuel outlets. Industry officials say At-tock Petroleum (APL) and Byco appear to be the key contenders among existing players. Fauji Faoundation’s Fauji Fertilisers (FFC) is also considering acquiring Caltex opera-tions in Pakistan as the company is actively pursuing its business diversification plan and has already ventured in the energy sector.

essar Oil to produce euro-v grade dieselEssar Oil Ltd has commissioned a unit that will produce Euro-V grade diesel at its Vadinar refinery in Gujarat. The 4 million tons a year Diesel Hydrotreater Unit-I (DHDT-I) will upgrade diesel quality by treating the sour diesel streams, achieving reduction in sulphur as well as an improvement in the cetane in-dex. The project will enhance the refinery’s capacity to 18 million tons per annum from current 14 million. The new unit will ensure that the diesel produced will be capable of meeting Euro V specifications. Essar Oil has already commissioned the Isomerisation Unit, which was the first expansion unit to be commissioned, that gives the refinery the capability to produce gasoline of high octane rating and almost zero sulphur content.

Nigeria imports of 4.8 billion litres of fuelThe Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) has issued 42 petroleum product marketers, permits to import a total of 4.8 billion litres of petrol in the second quarter this year. This will be the first open tender announcement since the partial removal of subsidy in January. Ex-perts estimate that the country consumes between 20 and 25 million litres of petrol every day. Before the issuance of these permits, the country relied on exchanges of crude oil for petrol and other products. Oil majors like ExxonMobil and TOTAL as well as state-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) are among the companies approved to sell petrol in the country, the PPPRA said in a statement.

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China wants oil company rights protectedChina urged Sudan and South Sudan to protect the rights and interests of Chinese oil companies that have established projects in the two countries. “Their legitimate rights and interests deserve substantial protection”, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin has said. Liu said the oil industry is an economic lifeline for both Sudan and South Sudan, calling on the two nations to remain

rational and appropriately resolve oil disputes through negotiation. “China will work with the international community to make efforts to promote this process”, Liu said, also saying China hopes both sides will remain “calm and restrained”, respect each other’s sovereignty, increase mutual trust, actively cooperate with international mediation endeavours and resume negotiations at an early date.

Libyan interests in east Africa shrinkLibyan interests in East Africa continue to shrink as it emerges that Kenya is pressing for complete disengagement with Tamoil East Africa Ltd. This is so that they may review progress on the proposed Eldoret-Kampala pipeline. Energy officials in Nairobi have said that Kenya wants the multi-million dol-lar deal terminated and the project floated afresh to attract new partners. Recently Libya launched a major diplomatic offensive

hoping to persuade authorities in Nairobi to revive the deal claiming that Tamoil had already spent $15 million. Now doubts have emerged as to whether Tamoil still has the ability to undertake such a critical project especially after the Uganda government demanded that the scope of the project be altered to cater for an additional line to pump future refined Ugandan oil to export markets through Kenya.

Nigerian government fund maintenance of refineryIn an attempt to reduce reliance on imported petroleum products, the Nigerian Federal Government has provided 94.2 billion naira (US $ 600 million) for the Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) of Warri Refining and Petrochemicals Company (WRPC). Director of WRPC Samuel Babatunde announced the TAM, which will take between 2 to 3 years, to

the Senate Committee on Petroleum Resource (Downstream). Babatunde said the TAM will be vital due to the current condition of Nige-ria’s pipelines. “We are victims of continuous pipeline vandals and disruptions, it is a battle to keep our plants running at even 25 percent. The refineries are in a terrible state of disrepair but works are in progress.”

shell wait for government policy changeShell India has said that it will continue to operate its fuel retail stores as normal and that it is going to wait for government policy changes before expanding its operations. Shell operates between 70 and 80 fuel service stations in the country. “We are operating retail outlets and we have not shut them. We will continue operating these outlets and may not expand unless some policy changes are made”, said

Chairman Vikram Singh Mehta. “My hope is that the government will allow companies to raise prices. This is important because companies need to invest for expansion. Un-less they do that we are going to face a crisis.” Despite the abolition of direct price controls in mid-2010, companies that wish to deviate from set crude prices need the government’s approval to do so.

PsO win major con-tract for fuel farmPakistan State Oil (PSO) have announced that they have been awarded the contract for the establishment of a fuel farm, main-tenance of hydrant refuelling system and refuelling operations at the New Benazir Bhutto International Airport (Islamabad). The contract was awarded after a transpar-ent, competitive and open bidding process that took place at the Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) headquarters in Islamabad. The entire procedure was carried out under the supervision of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) representatives and was conducted between the three pre-qualified parties namely Shell Pakistan, Attock Petroleum and Pakistan State Oil. The IPDF had defined the criteria for the successful bidder as being pre-qualified in the initial stage and submitting the highest proposal amongst all bidding parties. In the process, PSO was declared as the highest bidder for the project.

Nagarjuna Oil in pact with IOCIndia’s Nagarjuna Oil Corp (NOCL) has signed a fuel sales deal with the country’s biggest refiner Indian Oil Corp, a move that is hoped will reduce import dependence. India has surplus refining capacity but its private refiners prefer to export or sell in local markets through state-run firms, which only get compensation from the government for sale of fuel at subsidised rates. The agreement would help cut the current deficit of about 3 million tonnes for supplies of gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the state, NOCL said in a statement. “The NOCL Refinery is designed to produce around 2.7 million tons of Diesel, 0.8 million tons of Petrol and 0.7 million tons of LPG, which would be sufficient to bridge this deficit”, it said.

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News – MIddLe eAsT, AFrICA & AsIA

CNPC pursue venezuelan joint venture The Chinese State Council has granted China National Petroleum Corporation approval to pursue a joint venture with Venezuela’s Petroleos deVenezuela. The venture will see CNPC and PDVSA work together on build-ing a $ 9.29 billion refinery in Guandong Province, capable of processing 20 million tonnes of crude oil annually. CNPC will hold a 60 percent stake in the new refinery, with PDVSA controlling the remaining 40 percent.

The refinery, which the companies hope will eventually produce 50 billion tonnes per year, will allow CNPC to increase its presence in the south of the country. CNPC and China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec, together control 80 percent of the country’s oil industry. The Chinese government is in the process of implementing an ambitious five-year plan that it hopes will lead to the country being capable of refining 650 million tonnes of oil per year.

samsung Total plan budget fuel stationsSamsung Total Petrochemicals Co. is set to break into the tightly controlled retail petrol market as part of the government’s across-the-board drive to rein in skyrocketing gas prices and revamp Korea’s fuel supply structure. A pan-governmental task force headed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy unveiled the proposal, which also envisages an upsurge in electronic transactions and tax cuts and other incentives for new operators of “discount”

fuel stations. The package is the latest in a string of the government’s measures to boost competition and pricing transparency in the local retail fuel industry as sky-high pump prices squeeze budgets of low-income earn-ers and everyday drivers. The announcement comes less than a week after President Lee Myung-bak ordered ministers at a meeting to look into “if constantly creeping fuel prices stem from an oligopolistic distribution system”.

Taiwan fuel price subsidy endsThe Taiwanese government has announced the end of fuel subsidies pushing up prices by around 10 percent and drawing condemnation from opposition parties. “This is a difficult decision, but we have to do this”, said Eco-nomic Affairs Minister Shih Yen-shiang. “As a minister, I have to take into consideration the country’s long-term development, which has been threatened by the subsidies.” Main

opposition group the Democratic Progressive Party demanded the government overhaul the state-run CPC Corp. Taiwan, the island’s main oil supplier, rather than hike prices. Minister Shih said that since the subsidy was introduced in late 2010, CPC Corp., which controls some 75 percent of the island’s petroleum market, had generated a loss of 48.6 taiwan dollar billion ($ 1.64 billion).

TOTAL Philippines plans expansion of networkFuel retailer TOTAL (Philippines), Inc. will open 20 new stations this year as part of its growth program. The company currently has 174 retail stations nationwide with majority of the stations located in Luzon. The estimated cost for one station is 30 million peso, according to earlier reports, an investment which partly goes into meeting safety standards. The company wants to

grow its market share in the country particularly in areas near its depots. TOTAL earlier said it wants to build more stations so it can eventually reach a critical mass of 300 to 350 stations. The company’s market share is about 4.3 percent ac-cording to data from the Department of Energy. If it meets the critical mass of stations, the company could grow its market share to about 10 percent.

Qatar Petroleum considers MacedoniaQatar Petroleum is considering opening fuel stations in Macedonia, a Macedonian newspaper has reported. The news broke after a recent visit of a Macedonian govern-ment delegation to Qatar headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. The company, which plans to open 20 fuel stations in

the territory of the Balkan country, says the location of the new fuel stations have already been chosen. Qatar is also interested in launching studies for possible oil and natural gas fields in Macedonia, but also in acquiring 49 percent shares in ELEM – Macedonian Power Plants.

essar Oil renews agreement with Bharat PetroleumEssar Energy plc, announced that its subsidiary Essar Oil Ltd has renewed a major product sale and purchase agreement with Bharat Petroleum

Corporation Limited (BPCL). The agreement gives the two companies the option of sharing each other's distribution infrastructure.

Public oil companies receive compensationSeveral public oil companies in India will receive compensation of 15 000 rupee from the government for having to sell fuel below market prices in the last fiscal quarter. Indian Oil Corporation, Bharat Petroleum Corporation and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation are obliged to sell domestic LPG, diesel and kerosene at a controlled price based on a government subsidy programme. Over the course of this year the three companies are estimated to lose 1.38 rupee lakh because of the subsidy, although the government has said that more compensation will be paid out over the course of 2012 – 2013 and that a budgetary provision has been made. The government has given no indication that the private sector-only subsidy will be removed, despite public companies like Oil India and ONGC having to shoulder some of the burden.

Korean government wants more discount fuel stationsThe Korean government is stepping up its push for discount fuel stations to help lighten household utility bills despite con-tinuing scepticism over its efficacy and state intervention in petrol prices. State-backed self-service stations are a showpiece of the government’s battle against skyrocketing oil costs and a supply oligopoly by major refiners. It aims to set up some 1 300 outlets by 2015, of which about 430 are in opera-tion now. However, a growing number of Koreans are casting doubt on the ambitious campaign’s effectiveness, calling instead for a fuel tax break.

Guyana takes a firm stand on health & safetyAs part of efforts to ensure that consumers receive value for their money and at the same time protect their health and safety, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) announced that it will continue its surveillance at fuel stations. This was disclosed by the head of the Legal Metrology and Standards Compliance Department, Shailendra Rai who also reported on an update on the bureau’s weights and measures activities for the first quarter of this year. He said that a total of 771 petrol pumps, 66 bulk metres, 25 storage tanks and 54 wagon compart-ments were verified of which 197 petrol pumps were calibrated.

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Fuel retailers must justify pricesThe Austrian Competition Authority (BWB) has asked the country’s leading oil companies and petrol station managers to comment on the current price developments. The BWB announced it had decided to take a closer look at recent pricing due to an increasing number of complaints. The authority is expected to await the reply of fuel retailers before deciding about a possible examination. If found guilty firms could face fines amounting to thousands of euros.

Irish fuel industry wants changeThe Irish Petroleum Industry Association (IPIA) has proposed a suite of measures aimed at tackling the problem of illegal diesel washing in Ireland. In a statement, the industry body for Ireland’s fuel indus-try says that the practice is costing the Exchequer as much as 155 million euros annually in lost fuel duty. “While other jurisdictions have to tackle this sort of fraud, the sheer scale of criminal washing of diesel is a particularly Irish disease”, it said. The IPIA’s recommendations include the introduction of “a strong regulatory regime” to control the sale of rebated fuel, a new marker for off-road diesel that is harder to disguise or remove, the closure of unlicensed filling stations and a

“radical overhaul” of the currently “absurd” penalties for offending retailers.

Gazprom pledges to boost gas output next winterGazprom’s Deputy Chief Executive Vitaly Markelov said the company planned to raise gas production after the launch of new fields. This year, Gazprom is set to commission the huge Bovanenkovo field, the biggest gas deposit in the Yamal Arctic region, with reserves of 4.9 tril-lion cubic metres of natural gas, enough to meet global demand for over a year. Severenergia, a joint venture between Gazprom’s oil arm Gazprom Neft and Russia’s top non-state gas producer Novatek as well as Italy’s Eni and Enel, are also set to launch Samburg field.

“Taking into account all these launches, we expect that Gazprom’s output during winter of 2012 / 2013 could reach around 1.644 billion cubic metres a day ... This is almost 2 percent higher than the last winter’s peak”, Markelov said.

statoil pilots new fuel station shop formatLeading Scandinavian forecourt retailer Statoil is piloting a new highway store format in Norway. Billed as a ‘test lab’, the site combines a modern interior design with an extensive food menu and contemporary seating area. Following a recent public of-fering, Statoil Fuel & Retail now operates as a standalone business concentrating on downstream operations. Statoil Fuel & Retail CEO Jacob Schram said that the ‘test lab’

site offers more seating, a children’s play area, better toilet facilities and a much broader menu, including sushi and breakfast prod-ucts. “It’s very different to what you usually see in a fuel station”, he says. Statoil Fuel & Retail operates 2 300 sites in eight European markets. It has benefited from economic stability in its Scandinavian heartland and has a foothold in larger markets in Central Eastern Europe.

Petrol’s 2011 net income rises to 48 percentPetrol Group d.d. said profit last year surged as Slovenia’s biggest energy company sold more oil products after it consolidated its units in the Balkans. Net income advanced 48 percent to 52.3 million euros (US $ 68 million) while revenue gained 17 percent to 3.3 billion euros. The main driver was the rise of sales of fuel”, said Aleksander Salkic, a Petrol (PETG) spokesman. “We have also

consolidated our units in Montenegro, Croa-tia and bought new companies in Slovenia.” Petrol, which plans to increase the number of fuel stations to 527 by 2016, is benefiting from the acquisitions in the Balkans, where it has been expanding in the last decade having signed an MOU with Russia’s OAO Gazprom Neft (SIBN) to cooperate in the supply and distribution of oil products in that region.

Chechnya woos Azerbaijan with oilRepublic of Chechnya has invited Azerbai-jan to tap its oil deposits. “Rosneft’s license to produce oil in Chechnya has expired. In this connection, we invite Azerbaijan to explore new deposits”, said Chechnya Finance Minister Ali Isayev. According to media reports, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has been annoyed by Rosneft’s slow response to a request to build a refinery with an annual capacity of 1 million tonnes, which would give him more independence

from Moscow. A Rosneft spokesman de-clined to comment. according to Russia’s Energy Ministry, Rosneft’s Chechnya subsidiary, Grozneftegaz, produced over 800 000 tonnes of oil last year, accounting for around 7 percent of the parent com-pany’s total output. Grozneftegaz’a proven reserves stand at 60 million tonnes of oil and 3 billion cubic metres of gas under Petroleum Resources Management System classification.

russia’s oil producers actively acquiringDuring 2011 many industry players faced difficulties in the domestic market, some produced less oil, some failed to upgrade refineries in time, others did not get the tax incentives for field development and last spring’s “gasoline crisis” has drawn sharp criticism from government officials. This year, both problems and priorities will largely remain the same. However Rosneft got top marks on production, processing and sales

according to the company’s head Edward Khudainatov referring to their 2011 results. In the Q4 2011 the company produced a record of 2 622 000 BOE / day and as a result has overtaken ExxonMobil as the world’s leading oil producer. Oil and gas condensate production for the year grew to 122.5 mil-lion tons (+2.5 percent on 2010), natural gas production – to 12.8 billion cubic metres (+3.6 percent).

LUKOIL secures loan for Uzbek gas projectRussia’s LUKOIL has signed a deal with a consortium of banks for a loan of up to US $ 500 million to develop the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad gas project in Uzbekistan. The loan will be used to finance development of the Kandym fields and to increase production in the Khauzak-Shady area. The banking consortium which will provide the financing includes the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Develop-

ment Bank, Credit Agricole, BNP Paribas and the Korean Development Bank. The company estimates the project’s recoverable reserves at 330 billion cubic metres of gas and is working with an expected production rate of 11 billion cubic metres per year of gas. LUKOIL holds a 90 percent stake in Khauzak-Shady-Kandym, with the remain-ing 10 percent controlled by state-owned Uzbekneftegaz.

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YPF expropriation is un-justified & damagingSpanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said that Argentina’s decision to nationalize Spanish-controlled oil company YPF SA has no economic justification and damages the understanding between the two countries.

“This regrettable decision has no economic justification or any reason”, Rajoy said at the World Economic Forum’s Latin America event in the Mexican Pacific resort of Pu-erto Vallarta. Argentine President Cristina Kirchner asked her country’s Congress to put 51 percent of YP, Argentina’s biggest oil company, in state hands, ousting flag-ship Spanish energy firm Repsol YPF SA as the majority shareholder. The Spanish prime minister said the decision by the Kirchner government, which accuses YPF of not producing enough from its concessions, sets a serious precedent and is negative for everyone. Rajoy said the “good understanding” with Argentina is broken following the expropriation.

OMv predicts energy price jumps in europeOMV AG Chief Gerhard Roiss has claimed that psychological aspects often matter more regarding the price of oil than fundamental grounds. Roiss called the increase of car fuel prices a “delicate topic”. He said the price for mineral oil might rather drop in the future than rise further. But Roiss also stressed that he was not aware of trustwor-thy indicators for the development of oil prices in the coming years. He said that the price for energy products and services like car petrol and household heating could be twice as high as these days. The former OMV deputy chief – who has headed the Viennese company since 2011 – identified renewable energy sources as key factor for spiralling expenses.

Hungarian govern-ment keeps excise taxHungarian Economy Minister György Matolcsy has said that the government does not intend to lower the excise tax on petrol. Opposition MPs have urged the cabinet on numerous occasions to reduce the tax on fuel, the highest in the region. Matolcsy argued that lower-ing the excise tax would not significantly reduce prices at petrol stations and would cost the budget tens of billions of forints. Matolcsy also cited an EU directive that sets a minimum level of excise tax on fuel. High fuel prices are not a specifically Hungarian phenomenon, he said.

INA sees Croatian investment improvingCroatian refiner INA-Indusrtija Nafte d.d. majority owned by MOL Nyrt. sees Croatia’ investment environment improving said INA Chairman Zoltan Aldott. The Croatian gov-ernment, which has a 44.84 percent stake in INA, is also interested in raising the company’s market share and strengthening its position in the south-eastern European region. The firm plans to re-invest all of its 2011 profits of

1.9 billion kuna (US $ 333 million) this year into developing its gas station network and its refineries in Sisak and Rijeka, as well as international and Croatian production. “INA is one of the few European companies that believes in the future of refineries”, Aldott said, adding the firm will start an invest-ment program of about US $ 450 million at the refineries.

Alimentation Couche-Tard bid for statoil

Statoil ASA’s Board of Directors has decided to pre-accept, subject to certain conditions, a cash offer from Alimentation Couche-Tard for the shares in the listed energy and retail company Statoil Fuel & Retail ASA at a con-

sideration of NOK 53 per share (adjusted for any dividends and other distributions after 31st December 2011). The proceeds for Statoil’s 54 percent stake in the company are estimated to NOK 8.6 billion (US $ 1.5 billion), assum-ing successful closing of the transaction. The offer delivers a premium of 53 percent to the current trading price. The parties expect to complete the transaction during the second quarter of 2012. As a result of the transac-tion, Statoil Fuel & Retail will no longer be consolidated in Statoil ASA’s accounts.

LUKOIL buys in Belgium & NetherlandsLUKOIL has signed a deal with Dutch Verolma Groep to acquire 59 gas stations in Belgium and the Netherlands, but did not disclose financial details. LUKOIL already has 168 gas stations in Belgium and in 2009 it bought a 45 percent stake in the Zeeland oil refinery in the Netherlands in which French oil major TOTAL holds the

other 55 percent. “Entering the Dutch market fits with LUKOIL’s gas station expansion strategy”, Bulat Subaev, Managing Director of LUKOIL Belgium, said in a statement. Els Ruysen, LU-KOIL Spokeswoman in Belgium, said the deal was due to be completed in the second quarter once cleared by the anti-competition authorities.

russia wastes enough energy to power BritainThe world’s top oil and gas producer may be watching its energy riches blow away in the wind. Russia, in 2008, was wasting enough energy to power Britain for a whole year. It was then that President Dmitry Medvedev set a target to reduce energy intensity by 40 percent before 2020. Russian companies were 10 to 20 times less energy efficient than their foreign rivals, he said. Not enough has changed since Soviet times, critics say and wide-open windows remain a typical way of cooling overheated housing blocks. Even today around one-fifth of Russian boilers date back to the era of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s space

flight in 1961, or earlier. “We are two and half times less energy efficient than other compara-tive modern countries in Europe”, said Vasily Belov, head of the energy efficiency cluster at the Skolkovo Foundation.

Friesacher builds budget station in sloveniaFree Energy Trading (FE) Boss Markus Frie-sacher has said his enterprise has started constructing new no-frill service stations in Slovenia. The company currently manages 30 low-cost petrol stations across Austria. Custom-ers pay by credit or bank card at the stations which do not offer any extra services like a shop, car wash facilities or toilets. “We invest

a third less in our stations than our rivals do”, said Friesacher. He said that regular petrol stations situated near FE service stations were usually lowering their prices. Asked for his secret of success, the businessman said he was trying to underbid them by 1.5 to 2.5 eurocents per litre regardless of the general price levels.

News – eUrOPe

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News – eUrOPe

rosneft borrows Us $1 bil-lion from GazprombankOAO Rosneft (ROSN), Russia’s biggest oil producer, agreed to borrow US $ 1 billion from OAO Gazprombank to fund operations. With interest, the deal totals US $ 1.19 billion, the state-controlled producer said. Tthe state-run natural-gas exporter and producers net debt climbed to US $ 15.9 billion at the end of last year, up 13 percent from the start of the fourth quarter and 16 percent from the start of the year, according to its website. Rosneft is boosting capital spending about 35 percent to a record 480 billion rubles this year to help counter slowing production growth. Vladimir Putin called for Russia, the world’s biggest oil producer last year, to maintain output at more than 500 mil-lion metric tons (10 million barrels a day) for at least a decade.

OMv Petrom expects record profitsThe leading Romanian oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO) has announced estimations for a new record high of its net profit, to reach 867.8 million euros in 2012, despite the slighter lower sales registered by the company and mirrored in a turnover estimated to decrease by 4.6 percent, at 3.6 billion euros in 2012. The company forecast that local natural gas production will reach 5067 billion cube metres, less by 3 percent compared with the 5.214 billion cube metres registered last year. Petrom OMV has a budget of 1.2 billion euros for this year, with 8.6 percent more compared with previous year. The largest investments will target operations and production, but the company also budgeted 777 million euros for refinery and marketing.

Gazprom Neft may buy Hellenic PetroleumGazprom Neft, is considering buying a stake in Greek oil refiner Hellenic Petro-leum CEO Alexander Dyukov has said. Greece’s top privatisation official said last month that refiner Hellenic Petroleum, would be put up for sale by May to boost a much-delayed privatisation plan. “We are looking into the possibility of acquiring this asset. There are two decent plants with comparatively high capacity and refin-ing depth”, Dyukov said. He added that Gazprom Neft’s investment programme for 2012 will be flat, comparing with 2011. The Greek state owns 35.5 percent of Hellenic Petroleum.

TNK-BP hydrotreater reconstructionTNK-BP’s Saratov oil refinery L-24-6 grade diesel capacity increased by almost 30 percent to 2.2Mta following reconstruction of its diesel fuel hydrotreater at the Saratov refinery, part of the large-scale upgrading programme of the company’s refining assets. The reconstruction of the two-train facility included the replace-ment of reactors, knockout drums, process equipment and heat exchangers. “With the

hydrotreater, Saratov oil refinery can now produce all types of diesel fuel with improved operating and environmental characteristics of Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards”, says Vitaly Zuber, Director of TNK-BP refining depart-ment. The company produces over 20 types of products, including unleaded gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil of all key grades, bitumen, vacuum gas oil, technical suphur and naphtha.

Keeping europe dependent on russian fuel

Western Europe, already dependent on Russia for 40 percent of its oil and natural gas, is about to make itself even more dependent. Russian oil companies are buying European oil refineries, prompted by Europe’s need for major infusions of cash to offset the major

economic downturn and to bring many in-solvent refineries back into production. The Russian oil companies leading this effort are Gunvor, Rosneft and LUKOIL. One such refinery marked for a Russian buy-in is in Antwerp, Belgium. By acquiring the Antwerp refinery, the Russians will be expanding oil refining in Europe with Oil coming from Russia for refining. Another refinery is the Ingolstadt refinery in Germany on which Rosneft is bidding. The key both for Belgium and Germany is that the investor must also be able to provide the oil for refining. Rosneft already has other refinery investments in the Ingolstadt region.

Fuel stations face forced closure in BulgariaSome 500 fuel stations are facing forced closure over their failure to install level gauges, according to Ivaylo Nikolov, Chair of the Association of Traders at Small and Medium Filling Stations. In an interview Nikolov explained that a number of rural areas would be left without fuel stations and people would lose their jobs as a result. The deadline for the installation of the level gauges

expired on 2nd April alongside the deadline for the mandatory electronic connection of all com-mercial sites to the information system of the National Revenue Agency (NRA). The revenue authority has not yet come up with summarized data on the number of electronic devices already mounted electronic but tax officials are adamant that the deadlines are realistic.

TOTAL extends ties with ChinaFrench energy giant TOTAL SA has reached an agreement with China’s Sinopec on a joint venture for shale gas and refining. The news also quoted TOTAL’s Chief Executive Christophe de Margerie as saying that Chinese authorities now own a stake of 2 percent in the French company. TOTAL is in talks for the right to market fuel

and petrochemicals in China produced by a planned refinery complex in the country’s South, de Margerie was quoted as saying. TOTAL reached a pact with China Petrochemical Corp., or Sinopec, to search for and produce shale gas, a potentially lucrative market tapping natural gas trapped in rock formations.

MOL not quitting gas transit pipelineHungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was quoted by international media as breaking the surprising news that MOL is quitting Nabucco. The Nabucco Pipeline project is based on a treaty that was signed and ratified by the transit countries, including Hungary. The Intergovernmental Treaty establishes a unique and strong legal framework for lenders, producers and transportation customers. The Nabucco shareholder in Hungary is FGSZ, a MOL subsidiary and they have not had any

indication that this will change. What is more, in addition to refuting the news about MOL’s quitting, the Consortium sought to make it clear that the project for the natural gas pipeline from Asia to Europe is making steady progress. “The project is seeing strong progress. The Project Support Agreements were signed by all transit countries in June 2011, thus finalizing the legal framework for the pipeline. In Hungary, three out of the four environmental permits have been granted”, the Vienna-based company said.

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News – MIddLe eAsT, AFrICA & AsIA

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News – eUrOPe

Austria plans regulation of fuel pricesPeople’s Party’s (ÖVP) Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner has called for the creation of a stricter fuel price monitoring programme. Mitterlehner explained that his ministry plans to set up a “price corridor” valid for periods such as heavy vehicle traffic like weekends or holidays. The system will mean

that Austria’s fuel stations must not charge more than the average price they are given for a seven to ten days period. Mitterlehner dismissed fears that fuel stations would jack up their prices disproportionally in the time span when prices were checked. He claimed that competition would avert such action.

Oil not for sale until 2018 says russiaExxonMobil and their Russian partners Ros-neft have a few billion barrels of oil waiting to come to market out of the Black Sea and deep Arctic. Rosneft shattered BP’s hopes of exploiting Russian Arctic oil last May by pulling out of a planned joint venture with the British giant after losing patience with protracted negotiations. ExxonMobil gladly

took their place. But the oil and gas won’t be coming to market anytime soon and not until 2018 at the earliest says Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin. According to Rosneft, the estimated oil in place is 35.8 billion barrels and the estimated natural gas in those fields is estimated to be close to 10 trillion cubic metres, or 364 trillion cubic feet.

sainsbury to buy 18 TOTAL filling stationsJ Sainsbury plc in the UK is set to buy 18 filling stations currently under the TOTAL brand from private equity firm Rontec Investments LLP, highlighting the continued importance of fuel to supermarkets as they try to attract cash-strapped customers. The retailer said the deal is subject to approval from the Office of Fair Trading, but didn’t say how much it

would be paying for the service stations “The acquisitions provide a unique opportunity to support our plans for growth and to extend the reach of the Sainsbury’s brand”, said Phillip Bell-Brown, Director of property development at the company. Currently Sainsbury has an 8.7 percent share of the U.K. fuel market, with 262 outlets.

Cartel to investigate oil companiesGermany’s competition authority has an-nounced it has opened an investigation into five main oil refiners suspected of hampering smaller filling-station competitors. The Cartel Office said the five multinational oil companies, which also own most German filling stations, constituted an oligopoly. Soaring fuel prices have triggered political friction in Germany with some politicians advocating a form of price control or additional tax rebates to ease

the strain on commuters. The Federal Cartel Office in Bonn said independent retailers which buy petrol and diesel fuel from the five big oil groups had complained they sometimes had to pay a higher wholesale price than the retail price at filling stations. Independents sell about 13 percent of German fuel and, retail fuel prices sometimes change two or three times a day with motorists cruise to find the cheapest.

exxonMobil continue sale of fuel stationsExxonMobil Corp has put 78 French gas stations up for sale, part of a wider effort to sell out of such activities in Europe. Esso France Chief Executive Francis Duseux has said there could be an agreement on the sale of the French service stations within weeks. ExxonMobil operates a total of 680 gas stations in France under the Esso brand name. Such

gasoline distribution activities are seen as too unprofitable to justify tying up ExxonMobil’s capital and the stations will likely be sold to operators who would continue to operate under the Esso brand and be supplied through long-term contracts. In addition to independents, potential buyers for the service stations include Russia’s LUKOIL and Israel’s Delek.

Timico expands Murco Petroleum networkUK managed services provider Timico has rolled out additional technology to Murco Petroleum service stations. Murco has added 3G capability to its existing Timico WAN. The new Timico Mobile Access Management (MAM) service will allow systems in all of Murco Petroleum’s network

of service stations across England, Scotland and Wales to automatically switch to the failsafe wireless back-up if connectivity is lost during business hours. Timico has provided Murco with a Private Wide Area Network (PWAN) to connect all of its retail sites to head office for seven years.

welcome Break signs IT services dealUK service station group Welcome Break has signed a three-year IT services contract with Phoenix to support its network of 27 motorway retail complexes. Contract covers maintenance, desktops and servers. The Welcome Break sites cover a total of 265 units, including Starbucks, KFC, Burger King and Eat In catering units, Waitrose and WHSmith retail units, Days Inn hotels and Shell and BP fuel forecourts. Phoenix has been providing IT support to Welcome Break since 2005. The value of the latest contract extension has not been disclosed. David Willock, director of IT at Welcome Break, said all the company’s site units use Welcome Break systems and processes, including electronic point of sale (EPOS), stock control and payroll.

First automated fuelling complex in UkraineSOCAR Energy Ukraine has opened the first automated filling complex in Ukraine – SOCAR Rapid. It will be run without operators and service station at-tendants, “It will feature consistently high quality fuel at a lower price”, a statement said. Customers can fill cars by brand fuel Nano 95, Nano diesel, A 95 and A 92 at prices lower than usual. One person will oversee the operation of the equipment, if necessary, explain the customer rules for using equipment and monitor the cleanliness of the area.The station will operate 24 hours a day all year.

Goodbye my friend

The funeral of Alex Galanis, who was killed tragically in a motorcycle accident last month, took place in his home town of Tonbridge, Kent, UK, on April 19th. At a special memorial service, held on the same afternoon, over 400 mourn-ers packed into the Tonbridge School chapel to hear readings and sing hymns to celebrate his life. His family have set up a website in his name to raise money for the many charities close to his heart www.alexgalanisfoundation.org He will be sadly missed by me a great many other people. Editor.

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PrOdUCT News All text on this page is submitted and written by suppliers. Please email product news to editor@erpecnews.com

The Co-operative se-lects Torex productsTorex, integrated technology solutions to the retail marketplace, has provided The Co-operative Group with an innovative, three tiered solution for their forecourt business. The Fuel Wrapper solution which features EFT Link, SMS Reporting and an IP-Connected Forecourt controller has been awarded the Retail Systems Award for best EPOS Innovation of the Year 2011. The Co-operative added 142 forecourt sites to its estate when it acquired the Somerfield business in 2009. There was the desire to integrate “Fuel” functionality into the Co-operative’s InControl EPOS system and Torex was chosen to collaborate in this endeavour. Torex Fuel Wrapper was designed specifically to meet the chal-lenges of a changing landscape as fuel and convenience retailing come together rapidly, creating the need to combine complex fuel POS with all its compliance requirements with normal convenience POS.

Tokheim relies on its Ford transit fleetTokheim a leading manufacturer and ser-vice provider of fuel dispensing equipment, has taken delivery of a new fleet of Transit commercial vehicles to help with their work in supplying and servicing installa-tions at fuel retailers across Ireland. The contract includes the supply of 15 Transit models and a total fleet management and maintenance package covering road tax, tyre replacement, servicing, vehicle re-placement and repairs. Casey King from Tokheim Ireland said: “The Transit is our favoured work vehicle which has proven to be dependable and fuel efficient, helping to keep our costs down.”

Tanknology names new vice PresidentTanknology Inc a leading Underground Storage Tank (UST) environmental com-pliance services company, has announced the promotion of Ignacio Allende as the company’s Vice President of International Operations and Intellectual Property. Ignacio previously held the position of Director of International Operations, where he has been responsible for all aspects of Tanknology’s international presence. Under his leader-ship Tanknology has gained licensees in countries including Turkey, Mexico, South Africa and Nigeria. As a direct result of Ignacio’s success Tanknology now has a presence in more than 25 countries, cover-ing 6 continents.

KPs launch Chinese production facilitySwedish Ambassador Lars Fredén and and oil company VIP guests from Sinopec, Petrochina and TOTAL attended this launch to celebrate the start of production of KPS plastic petrol pipes in Beijing. Also present were specialists from the Chinese petrochemical standard organization SEI, from the Chinese test in-stitute and from the Chinese environmental protection agency. The Chinese production facility will supply KPS piping to the Chinese

market and is prepared for production of both single and double wall piping. Improved logistics with production closer to the rapidly growing Chinese market is the main reason for establishing a new pipe production hub. The pipes produced at the Beijing factory are already approved to EN 14125 by ERA Technology Ltd, UK and are of the same high quality as KPS pipes produced in the Swedish factory.

New user interface improves customer serviceTokheim has an-nounced that its point of sale, Fuel POS™, comes with a brand new graph-ical user interface in its latest release. The new look is a

shift away from Fuel POS’s traditional blue screen to a more modern, sleek design. How-ever, Fuel POS still follows the same intuitive

layout of its predecessors to ensure existing users require no new training. Peter Van Nauw, System Product Marketing Director, says, “The new user interface is the result of more than a year of research with customers and design agencies”. Customers liked the ease of use of Fuel POS, but it was felt that we could improve its overall look and feel. The new design ensures a better. experience for staff through reduced eye fatigue, clearly marked icons and improved search options.

OPw announce AvANCe fuelling nozzles OPW Fueling Components EMEA is proud to announce that its next generation nozzle and system solution, AVANCE, is now available for sale across the EMEA region. AVANCE is a direct result of extensive consumer research as well as industry customer’s input on how a next generation nozzle should ideally perform and look. AVANCE’s technical innovations claim to be able to increase profitability, decrease service and maintenance costs for

operators and protect consumers and the envi-ronment during the filling process. AVANCE is available as a conventional nozzle, a vapor recovery nozzle and as a fully certified and complete system solution with AVANCE hose and AVANCE swivel. The multi-plane swivel breakaway rotates 360 degrees around its axis and 70 degrees from side to side. All components are of course fully backwards compatible with the installed base in the field.

PriceAdvantage partners with POs providerPriceAdvantage, a division of Skyline Prod-ucts, announced a partnership with AutoGas, the provider of Point of Sale solutions and dispenser control systems. A joint customer with over 100 fuel sites has already begun the implementation plan that will integrate PriceAdvantage with AutoGas POS and Auto-Gas Fuel Controller. The expected results are that they will cut down their pricing process

by 3 hours per day, allowing them to change prices 2 – 3 per day as opposed to currently changing prices once a day. PriceAdvantage receives daily surveys from store managers; then price proposals are sent for approval and upon approval PriceAdvantage synchronizes with the AutoGas POS system and AutoGas Fuel Controller to ensure that prices are updated from the store to the street.

Kss Fuels launch ‘Client success’ initiativeKSS Fuels have announced the launch of a new global initiative designed to help clients maximize the benefits of their relationship with KSS Fuels. Client Success is a dedicated department of industry, pricing and location intelligence gathering information system, available to all KSS Fuels clients to ensure they’re able to get the most value from their use of KSS Fuels’ products and services. With the ever-changing dynamics of today’s retail and

wholesale fuels markets, there are short-term challenges to address as well as opportunities to finesse fuels strategies and tactics to gain incremental litres or profit margin. Client Success is said to augment clients’ existing capabilities by offering insight, proactive recommendations or practical support to ensure they protect their existing business and capitalize on the opportunities while taking care of day-to-day operations.

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PrOdUCT NewsAll text on this page is submitted and written by suppliers. Please email product news to editor@erpecnews.com

Neotec launch new range of Fuel dispensersNeotec Ltd. Greece, has recently launched the new MPD 8000 Series of electronic retail fuel dispensers. MPD 8OOO Series is a Low Hose Multiproduct Fuel Dispenser offering advantages of the latest technol-ogy combined with innovative design. MPD 8000 Series complies fully with the highest safety standards and all products and production facilities have been certi-fied according EN ISO 9001:2008 ATEX 94/9/EC and MID 2004/22/EC directive.

wayne appointment in russia & CIsWayne, a GE Energy Business and a global innovator of fuel dispensers and technolo-gies, recently announced the appointment of Andrei Belomestnykh as Regional Manager, Russia & CIS. Belomestnykh is a proven leader in the industry and brings to Wayne extensive management experience – most recently with Shell, where he served nearly 12 years in a series of progressive roles in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe in both sales and business development. During his tenure there, Belomestnykh managed Shell’s retail petroleum portfolio for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In his new role, Belomestnykh will develop and expand Wayne business activity within the Russia / CIS region, focusing his organization on customer de-velopment, revenue growth and profitability.

“Andrei’s leadership and significant expertise provide him with a keen understanding of how to build business and innovate to reach key Wayne audiences”, said Damian Tracey, president, Wayne EMEA. “Andrei’s depth of experience will make an immedi-ate impact as we continue to establish and strengthen connections in Russia.”

revolutionary secondary containment systemFranklin Fueling Systems (FFS) has an-nounced the launch of ‘Gemini’ which they are calling “a true revolution in fittings de-sign for secondary contained pipe systems”. Gemini provides simpler and safer secondary containment installation as well as materials and installation cost savings. Gemini works by splitting the secondary fitting into two pieces, enabling the installer to slide the secondary fitting away so that the primary joint can be fully welded, pressure-tested and inspected

before welding secondary fittings. This pro-cess makes installing secondary containment more efficient and provides up to a 50 percent reduction in primary and secondary fittings, further reducing the number of parts, welds, time and overall cost. A dedicated website has been launched to support Gemini, featuring in-depth product information, multi-lingual literature downloads and videos introducing this innovative new product. Visit www.franklinfueling.com/gemini

Torex and Gilbarco veeder-root join forcesTorex has announced a new partnership with Gilbarco Vedeer-Root to offer customers the latest in integrated Outdoor Payment Terminal (OPT) technology. For the first time, Torex EPoS technology is being linked to Gilbarco Veeder-Root’s modern and flexible stand-alone FlexPay NP3 OPT. As rising fuel prices increase industry competition and the risk of drive-offs, FlexPay NP3 OPT technology provides a pre-

pay option. The OPT can also be used to cre-ate a “fast lane” on sites, that allows fuel-only customers to quickly re-fuel, pay and leave, thus increasing throughput. FlexPay NP3 can also be used in unmanned mode, allowing drivers to purchase fuel 24/7 when the forecourt shop might be closed. The technology can be installed in remote rural areas where staffed forecourt sites might not be an option.

Mepsan leading the way in GeorgiaMepsan say they are the leading petro-leum equipment supplier in the Georgian Petroleum marketplace having won fuel dispenser and automation system tenders for GULF Company. Gulf Company en-tered the Georgian market aggressively by purchasing Magnati, Senta and ECO Companies in 2011 and by the beginning of 2012 had grown into a chain of 130 fuel stations. Mepsan’s International Sales and Marketing Director Batuhan Kıroglu said

that their vision is to become a well-known, reliable and respected Turkish brand world-wide. Batuhan expressed that it is not easy to create a brand but Mepsan has a clear vision and determination to succeed. “Only regionally focused and flexible companies can grow in the geographical areas in which we operate” he said “the secret of Mepsan’s success is based on reliability and being a true partner, providing satisfaction, detecting customer needs and offering suggestions”.

Morrison new 10-gallon remote fill boxThe Morrison 715 Series is a 10 gallon capac-ity remote fill box that provides containment of small spills during tank filling operations. All models are supplied with a male threaded connection inside and outside. The 715 may be

ordered with a factory installed ball valve and a choice between a female quick disconnect check valve coupler with dust plug, or a dry disconnect adaptor and cap. Stainless steel models also available.

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From caves to canopies – LED lighting

Lighting applications for the retail petroleum industry have been revolutionised over the last few years, with the arrival of Led technology. In the process several new specialist suppliers have been pushed to the forefront of their marketplace, almost overnight. One such company is Bever Innovations from the Netherlands, working out of a back garden shed in 1996, but now dealing day to day with some of the largest oil companies in the business. Bever claims to be the only organisation working 100 percent in the petrol world, which they say is reflected in the unique features of their products, such as the Luci series Led under canopy Illumination and I-Catcher Led displays which are now used on petrol stations in over 40 countries. In 2009, the european Union recognised Bever as an official

‘Green Light endorser’ for their efforts in energy efficient lighting.

At the recent PetroForum in Singapore, CEO Remko Delfgaauw, spoke about the need for companies working in the energy market like his, to share the responsibility for producing more environmentally friendly products. As if he does not have enough to do at the mo-ment with the rapid growth of Bever, he is currently discussing the idea of dealers hav-ing leasing agreements with energy suppliers, where they pay nothing for the technology,

but what they save each month in energy, is what they would pay each month for the lease. The idea certainly has a great deal of merit and for any company wishing to discuss the matter further, I’m sure Remko will be happy to talk at length about this and the many other new concepts he has. For someone working in the energy market, Remko has his own self-generating energy source, which relentlessly drives the company

forward. I caught up with him for an hour in Singapore, to find out what makes him tick and to talk about the subject of his presentation at the event ‘Understanding the LED Revolution’. This certainly seemed to be a good place to start as to be honest I had no idea!

Remko explained. “LED is in fact the fourth generation of lighting technology. After the cave-man had pioneered fire, incandescent lighting

Remko Delfgaauw talking with Nick Needs at the recent Petroforum event in Singapore

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From caves to canopies – LED lightingfollowed in 1870, invented by Thomas Edison. Gas discharge arrived in 1920 i.e. fluorescent tubes and neon lighting and another 40 years later in 1960, General Electric discovered Light Emitting Diode technology, LED. An electrical reaction occurring when a negative electron particle enters a positive one. This releases a photon that in turn gives off instantaneous light. To be exact, the strict definition of LED is a diode/semi-conductor converting electrical current into light or sometimes more simply put, a digital light”.

I asked Remko why he opted for this ‘almost introductory’ approach. He countered “My presentation attempted to answer a few very simple questions which I think many customers still have. LED is taking over the world at a very rapid rate and its fairly difficult for people to get a grasp on what exactly the LED market is all about. So for my talk I first worked out five basic questions. What’s LED? How much light does an LED give? Where can the biggest savings be found? What makes or breaks an LED luminaire? What will the future bring?” For the uneducated amongst us I had to ask Remko what a luminaire was and he pointed out that it is a big flood light, like those used on forecourt canopies or for perimeter light-ing. The simplistic angle to his presentation surely paid off when several delegates I spoke to said that these questions were exactly the type they were becoming too embarrassed to ask, proving his point totally.

I asked Remko to talk freely about the benefits of LED from his perspective and to illustrate the varying factors applicable to LED in differ-ent parts of the world. Having travelled most of it during the last few years, he digressed

“The main quality of this lighting type is its durability. A diode or a semi-conductor is very small and light so when it gets shaken around, nothing happens. Because of this it is virtually shock proof. Semi-conductors also have a very long life span.

Being turned on and off very quickly is also a feature of LED, which does not harm it in any way, whereas a normal lamp would break much faster in these circumstances. In the life of a retail petroleum site, say in Asia where the power supply is unreliable, especially in the rainy season, surges of power are not conducive to a

continuous lighting solution. When I was in India recently I did not see one petrol station with all its lights in operation at any time. I believe that LED technology is a great fit for this part of the world, just because it is so robust”.

In Europe and the western world generally, where power grids are far more reliable, it is the cost of electricity that makes LED so at-tractive, particularly when prices are predicted to rise fast in the coming years. Remko told me that in Australia and South Africa, the dealers that he speaks to are coping with increased electricity costs of over 30 percent per year. I asked him how much of a saving a petrol station with LED lighting would make bearing in mind the initial investment required. He commented “The older metal halide lamps typically the 400 watt units used widely on petrol stations today, use 75 percent more electricity than LED lamps. On a site which has 18 – 20 such units, the energy sav-ings would be extremely impressive. There is also the life span of a bulb to consider with the normal metalhalide variety lasting typically only 20 000 hours. The LED equivalent will last up to 5 times longer.”

As mentioned earlier in this article, Bever operates only in the petrol station market. I asked Remko why this was so important to him. He says “It’s still the cornerstone of our company. You can’t compare us in size with the big lighting organisations which turn over billions of euros each year, but because we work only in the retail petroleum sector we know exactly what our customers want. For example our new remote control device like the one you might use with your television set, can manage and program our lamps individually just by pointing and clicking. The remote can even change the wattage of each lamp if there is a light imbalance of any sort to make sure that each part of the forecourt is illuminated evenly. This device has been developed purely with the petrol station in mind.

The focus we have in the retail petroleum busi-ness allows us to constantly look for specialised solutions, not standard ones”. After studying all the Bever product listings, the one product feature which caught my eye was the facil-ity with the Luci series for it to respond to traffic arriving on the forecourt. A sensor

automatically ‘sees’ customers at the pumps and then switches lights from dimmed to full power, making direct energy and cost savings. Simple but extremely effective.

Luci series intelligent lighting

A remote control to easily change light settings from ground level

I suggested to Remko that the colour of light produced by LED lamps has been an issue in the marketplace, being maybe too white and not yellow enough as supposedly wanted by some people. Is there any truth in this I asked? He said “These days, contrary to what people might think, we can produce LED light in any colour you want, whether it is for the shop, where a warmer yellow light might work better, or for outside on the forecourt, where a white bright LED lamp promotes a clean modern environment”.

Looking in the Bever corporate brochure, a photograph of a huge Shell site in Luxembourg showed clearly the light differences between the inside and the outside of a petrol station. Remko told me that this was an exceptional project for them on one of the largest petrol sites in Europe, selling over 300 million litres of tax advantaged fuel per annum. Over 180

An interview with Remko Delfgaauw, CEO Bever Innovations by Nick Needs

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luminaires were installed, which compares to a typical site usually requiring about 15 – 20. The saving on this one station alone, utilis-ing LED lighting, was recently calculated at 40 000 euros per year.

How will you cope with the LED explosion if it carries on, considering you work all hours of the day, travelling thousands of miles in the process, was a question I put to Remko. He replied “I need to take care of my customer base and the people in my company. I am aware that when you move too fast you grow around the edges, but you lose your core strength and that’s what I don’t want to do. Of course we want to expand, but we want to stay only in

this marketplace and develop steadily over the coming years with a specific focus”.

So what about other products, I asked, men-tioning to Remko that Bever also sells price change units quite successfully. He pointed out that it was price signs that caused him and his partner to enter the LED market back in 2004, carrying out maintenance programmes for another lighting company from Holland, LTI. Bever, once established, went on to develop units, which would show significant increases in the levels of quality being offered at the time. Starting off first in the Netherlands and then securing a contract in Norway with Kubald. They were then nominated as one of the ‘Evolution project’ suppliers to Shell in 2007. From this springboard; it seems they never looked back.

I suggested to Remko that when they received the Shell contract, it must have been a time for celebrating with a beer, or two that even-ing, but he pointed out that things just don’t happen in one day. “You cannot say that any specific point determined our success and like everyone else we have had contracts signed and sealed which did not deliver any business for a long time. It is just the way things are in this industry”, he told me.

Price change units are still very much part of the Bever company portfolio of products and Remko summed the immediate opportunities by saying. “The marketplace in price sign units is defined and constant but it does not change

so fast. It is just that at the moment the LED market is opening up far bigger opportunities”.

Do you still manufacture your own products, I asked? He replied, seemingly proud “We manufacture our price change units and our Luci lighting systems in our home market. We buy in the LEDs, but we develop and install the product intelligence. Every system has in fact programmable intelligence on board.

We have a very special production facility close to our offices in Zierikzee, which is a social factory, operated by workers who often may be overlooked for permanent positions in the work chain for a variety of different reasons. Supporting this initiative is very close to the ethos of the company and it is definitely a win-win situation for everyone. The products manufactured there are of the highest quality”.

It certainly seems that the LED technology has a bright future, forgive the pun. The ques-tion of how many more suppliers, specialised or non-specialised will come into the market to service this huge appetite for lighting supremacy, remains to be seen. I imagine though that in any occurrence, Bever will be there, ahead of the field for a good many years to come.

More details www.beverinnovations.com

Bever Innovations price change unit

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Boeing stage trans-Pacific biofuel flightBoeing and All Nippon Airways have declared their first ever trans-Pacific biofuel flight a suc-cess. In the inaugural crossing, a 787 Dreamliner aircraft flew from the Boeing Delivery Centre in Everett, Washington, to Tokyo Haneda Airport; fuelled by a mixture of biofuel derived from used cooking oil and conventional fuel. The flight cut about 30 percent off the standard carbon emissions for a trans-Pacific flight. 10 percent

of that reduction was credited to the biofuel used. While the remainder was attributed to the efficiency of the medium sized Dreamliner aircraft. Osamu Shinobe, ANA VP hailed the ‘historic flight’ stating that “using sustainable biofuels across the Pacific Ocean highlights how innovative technology can be used to support our industry’s goal of carbon-neutral growth beyond 2020”.

Germany’s green energy solutionsGermany’s solution to a large part of its energy dilemma may lie in a muddy field in desolate, windswept flatlands in the northeast. In an area 75 miles north of Berlin that until now has attracted more birdwatchers than cutting-edge industries. Start-up Enertrag AG, with the help of partners Vattenfall, TOTAL and Deutsche Bahn, is operating one of the first plants to generate wind power and convert it into hydrogen. Politicians are said to be very interested and Hydrogen, among its many advantages, is predictable. It can be contained and transported without any carbon emissions. It can be used to generate

power and heat, fuel cars or go into natural gas pipelines as an extra ingredient. Hy-drogen has been quoted as the only energy source that can safeguard energy supply over long periods.

solar powered hydrogen fuel cell busesSan Francisco Bay area transit agency, AC Transit, recently inaugurated on-site solar-powered hydrogen generation for fuelling for the agency’s fuel cell buses, using electrolysis equipment from Proton and a large 500 kilowatt solar power array. For years hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and the hydrogen economy were to be

the way to clean up the transportation system. A new project run by AC Transit, the transit agency covering the eastern half of the San Francisco Bay Area is implementing on-site hydrogen production using solar electricity and water to provide fuel for the agency’s twelve hydrogen fuel cell buses.

Hertz introduces CNG vehicle rentalsIf you’re traveling to Oklahoma City any time soon, Hertz will give you the option of renting a Honda Civic or GMC Yukon that runs on Compressed Natural Gas. The vehicles will have a Hertz Neverlost GPS System on-board that will assist with locating a CNG refuelling station. The state also has 70 CNG stations that are already in use or about to come

online. Hertz is, of course, playing up both the green angle and the fact that CNG is a domestically produced fuel. Hertz already rents CNG vehicles in Italy and the UK and CNG cars can be rented at a Hertz outlet at Oklahoma State University, but this marks the first time that the company has offered CNG cars at an airport location.

south American flight uses biofuelChile has taken a leading position in the race for more sustainable commercial aviation. Last week, a one-hour LAN Airlines flight from Santiago to Concepción used a biofuel that reduces carbon emissions. “The traditional aviation fuel comes from oil and it releases

CO2 when used in planes. When using bio-fuel, the CO2 released is almost the same as that captured by a plant during its growth, so there is no additional release of CO2 into the atmosphere”, explained Enrique Guzman, environmental manager of LAN.

Food waste to fuel Oslo’s city busesStale bread, banana peels, coffee grounds and other food waste will be transformed into green fuel for Oslo’s city buses starting next year. The Norwegian capital’s new biogas plant will supply the fuel and also provide nutrient-rich bio-fertilizer for agriculture. The plant will be able to process 50 000 tonnes of food waste annually, converting it to environment-friendly fuel for 135 municipal buses as well as enough bio-fertilizer for roughly 100 medium-sized local farms. Biogas is a carbon dioxide-neutral fuel produced from biomass such as food waste, sewage sludge and manure. Currently, 65 Oslo buses are powered by biogas produced from sludge from the city’s sewage treatment plant. When the new biogas plant reaches its full capacity in 2013, the local bus company will have enough biogas for at least 200 buses.

Fuel cell buses and cars begin operatingLinde’s newest hydrogen fuelling station has officially opened at AC Transit’s municipal bus operating division in Emeryville, CA in the US. It is fuelling twelve fuel cell buses and up to twenty passenger cars a day. This is the first public hydrogen station in the San Francisco Bay area. It offers fast fuelling at both 700 bar and 350 bar pressure with a delivered gas temperature of -40°C. Daimler tested fuel cell cars at the station on several occasions to show that it successfully meets all requirements; the station can fill four fuel cell vehicles back-to-back at a fill time of three to four minutes per car. The station is one of two being supplied by Linde North America, a member of the Linde Group, to AC Transit.

Athens converts to CNGThe city is studying the possibility of buying garbage trucks powered by compressed natural gas with the idea of changing the city’s fleet of vehicles to the alternative fuel source in the next few years. The City Council has approved a resolution to seek prices for compressed natural gas fuelling stations, equipment and vehicles. The city would like to reduce its dependence on foreign fuel sources and spend less money on fuel for city vehicles. The city’s fuel budget this year is based on a $ 3.50 per gallon price, but the price of compressed natural gas is about only $1.40 a gallon.

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Coles stops transmission of pump pricesRetail giant Coles is refusing to release its daily petrol prices to the RAA fuel-finder website. The company that supplies the data to RAA said ColesExpress had made a “strategic decision” not to release the information. RAA senior analyst Chris West said the group was disappointed.

“Transparency in fuel pricing is what motorists

need to identify where they can access the cheapest price”, he said. “They (ColesExpress) are major competitors and it would have made sense for them to continue to provide their prices as a point of comparison and try and attract potential customers, but they have chosen to do that and that is their prerogative.”

Gulf Oil expands partnership in TexasLess than a year since announcing its return to its Texas roots, Gulf Oil said that it is continuing its expansion in the Lone Star state through a partnership with Petroleum Wholesale LP. The agreement calls for an immediate re-branding of 50 service stations in the Houston area. Gulf ’s new partnership

with Petroleum Wholesale, a 41 year old, privately held, full service distributor offering branded and wholesale motor fuels to retail convenience stores and travel centres in ten states in the south western United States, also calls for adding 15 new Gulf locations each year for the next 10 years.

Outcast and Gilbarco display film ratingsOutcast, which provides television at the pump announced it will display film ratings from Flixster – a popular mobile movie application used by more than 29 million people every month. The information will be seen on over 13 000 screens nationwide, including top-of-the-line dispensers from their partner, Gilbarco Veeder-Root. Nathan Gill, Chief Revenue Officer from Outcast said: “With Flixster at

the pump, we can keep our active audience informed about the most talked about movies of the week.” “Gilbarco is pleased to offer our customers using Applause TV with Outcast yet another outstanding content offering”, said Chris Whitley, Vice President Marketing at Gilbarco. “Outcast Media continues to bring retailers the best content to build loyalty with fuelling customers.”

ePA approves e15 and 10 000 blender pumpsThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved the first applications for registration of ethanol for use in making gasoline that contains up to 15 percent ethanol known as E15. To enable widespread use of E15, the Obama Administration has set a goal to help fuelling station owners install 10 000 blender

pumps over the next 5 years. In addition, both through the Recovery Act and the 2008 Farm Bill, the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture have provided grants, loans and loan guarantees to spur American ingenuity on the next generation of bio-fuels.

ArCO installs inOvationTv at 138 sites

ARCO has signed to have inOvationTV installed at 138 of its stations immediately through a partnership with Gas Station TV (GSTV), a national away-from-home televi-

sion network at the pump and Wayne, a GE Energy Business and global innovator of fuel dispensers and technologies. The new stations will add more than three million monthly impressions to the GSTV Network. As part of this relationship, ARCO is also making inOvationTV available at no charge to any of its 1 400 retailers that qualify. inOvationTV is available as a retrofit to existing Wayne Ovation fuel dispensers, or can be included at no charge with new Ovation dispenser purchases.

Us looking to use its natural gas reservesThe price of natural gas in the US has slumped below US $ 2.00, reaching its lowest level in more than a decade. It has quickly turned into a favourite among consumers, companies and futures’ traders. The problem now is what to do with it? The country’s supply of natural gas is growing faster than demand with analysts worrying the country’s underground storage facilities could reach capacity by this autumn.

“The main problem the US is facing now is where to store all that gas, which is a lot less safe to store than oil, for example”, says Vladimir Rozhankovsky, Head of Research at Nord Capital in Moscow. U.S. possesses a 4.1 trillion cubic feet storage system.

ALAN Brands remove the FINA nameSeeking to signal a change physically, but to also dispel any sense of instability, ALON Brands Inc. officially unveiled its new fuel brand, ALON. At the same time, it is retir-ing the FINA name in favour of its corporate parent’s identity. ALON Brands began remov-ing the FINA name at its branded locations in eight states last month. In its place, the ALON brand has emerged, retaining the red-white-and-blue graphic imagery, but now more closely tied to its supply roots with its parent, Alon Israel Oil Co. Ltd.

Quantum receives over Us $ 700 000 in ordersQuantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc., a global leader in natural gas, hydrogen and hybrid electric vehicle technologies, an-nounced it has received additional purchase orders exceeding US $700 000 for its ultra light-weight composite high pressure com-pressed natural gas (CNG) storage tanks for applications in heavy duty and light duty fleet vehicles. Alan Niedzwiecki, President and CEO of Quantum, stated, “The low natural gas prices, combined with the availability of new EPA-compliant natural gas trucks from major OEMs is prompting many corporations to re-evaluate their fleet strategies to include clean natural gas trucks. Natural gas vehicles are an ideal solution to meet corporate ‘greening’ and sustainability goals, while also benefiting from tremendous savings in fuel costs.”

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