take care of our planet

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Take Care of Our Planet

"As inhabitants of the earth, we are nourished and sustained by Mother Earth who provides us our food and all the resources for life. If she is healthy and well, we will be healthy and well. Our fates are intertwined." —Dharma Master Cheng Yen 

SAVING WATER & ENERGYSwitch off and unplug. If you're not using it, why have it on? Switch off everything you don't need -- it saves power and it's a lower electricity bill for you! Leaving devices plugged in, such as laptop chargers or toasters, can eat up "phantom" energy. Even when an appliance is turned off, it may still use power.

Opt for renewable energy sources. 

Install solar panels or sky lights in your home. The power of the sun will light up your home.Innovative programs around the country now make it possible for all environmentally conscious energy consumers to support renewable energy directly by participating in the "green" power market. Contact your local power company to see if they participate in the program.

Change your light bulbs. Compact florescent or LED light bulbs may cost more initially, but they last much, much longer. Two decades could pass before you need to buy a new one.

With the damage done to the environment, Nature's capacity to retain water is becoming diminished. Water isn't going into rivers and many are drying up. When it doesn't rain, we may face a water crisis.

As there are so many people who need to use water in this world and water resources are limited, if every one of us can use less water, the limited water resources can last longer. 

Cut down on the air conditioning.  When you have windows and fans, why

use the air conditioner?

If you don't absolutely have to (and most times, you don't), skip the AC. It consumes a lot of unnecessary power.

Don't use disposable items.  Throughout your day, make an effort to only

use items you can use again. Switch to cloth paper towels and diapers. Use your own silverware, plates, and cups --

never go plastic to avoid washing. Don't buy bottled water. Carry around your

own water bottle to stay hydrated. Bring eco-friendly bags to the grocery store.


Get a hybrid or bicycle.

 Who wants to get stuck in traffic anyway? A bicycle is even better. You know why? You spend zero money on gas, you emit zero toxins into the environment, and you burn way more than zero calories while riding. Win. Win. Win.

Opt out of paper mail. 

Nowadays, everything is available online. Whether it's your bills, junk, or the newspaper, get out of it. For all your statements, go green. Get an online account for your bank, credit cards, and subscriptions. Emails don't hurt the environment.

Start reading online. Magazines and newspapers are slowly becoming a thing of the past.

Recycle. This is one of the most obvious and easiest ways

of helping the environment. Whether it's paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, or tin, recycle it.

Recycling doesn't stop there. Nowadays, you can even recycle your old electronics and even get paid to recycle your old phones and MP3 players.

Buy less.

 Less everything. The fewer things you buy, the smaller your footprint.

Get into DIY projects to turn your trash into treasure.

Donate your unwanted goods to a thrift shop.


 It's good for the environment and for your garden. Designate an area in your yard to put your yard waste, fruit peels, and uneaten food.

After a while, you'll be able to use it to fertilize

your lawn or garden.

It also is a cheaper alternative to reinvigorating soil. That means less methane in our air to boot!

Keep your neighborhood beautiful.  Setting a good example will encourage

others to follow suit.  Do your part to keep your area looking good.

Plant trees in your area or local park. Don't litter! Anywhere or anytime.


Join an organization. 

Most towns and cities have numerous organizations dedicated to beautifying and bettering the area.

Visit your local library, courthouse, tourist office, and city website for more information

Speak up. Making your voice heard is the first step to seeing progress. Write an article for your local newspaper.

Learn more.

 After all, knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you'll know what to do and how to do it more efficiently and effectively.

Chat up everyone you meet when on your quest to help our planet.

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