takapuna methodist church bulletin 10th july - pentecost 8

Post on 04-Aug-2016






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Northcote Takapuna

Methodist Parish

Welcome If you are a new comer, please make yourself known.

Morning tea will be served after worship and you are invited to share.

Parish Superintendent Rev Peter Norman Phone 442 1945 Email: pete.norman@xtra.co.nz Mobile 027 378 7042 *Please note the minister has Friday off*

Parish Office Phone/Fax 489 4590 Email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz

Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am – 12 noon

Takapuna Church Corner Lake Road & Tennyson Avenue

PO Box 331013, Takapuna, Auckland, 0740 Sunday Worship, 10am Parish Stewards Brian Peak Phone 489 4977 Email: b.c.peak@xtra.co.nz Lorraine Parker Phone 444 5576 Email: lkparker@ihug.co.nz Church Office Phone/Fax 489 4590 Email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz Angela Garrett Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am – 12 noon

St Lukes Church 16-20 Greenslade Crescent, Northcote, Auckland, 0627

Sunday Worship, 9.30am

Parish Stewards Etta Spence Phone 418 4288 Email: ettaspence@xtra.co.nz Pat Carroll Phone 480 8389 Email: Pheron@xtra.co.nz

Church Office/Room Bookings Phone 489 4590 Email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz

Pentecost 8 10 July 2016

Worship Leader: Rev Jeong Whan Lee Organist: Norman Firth

Church & Family Birthday Greetings: Adriel Javate for Thursday 14th July

Today Sun 10 July Sunday Worship - Rev Jeong Whan Lee 10.00am This Week Mon 11 July Parish Council - at TMC 7.30pm Sun 17 July Sunday Worship - Rev Peter Norman 10.00am Baptism Service for Stephanie Ruby-Ann & Sienna Veikune Coming Events Tue 19 July Nancys Afternoon - at TMC 2.00pm Wed 20 July CommunityMatters Meeting - at TMC see notice below 7.30pm Sun 24 July Sunday Worship - Rev Mervyn Dine 10.00am Soul on Sunday: What a Wonderful World! at TMC 6.30pm Tue 26 July Evening Fellowship - at TMC 7.30pm Sat 30 July Repair Café - at Bayswater Primary School - see back page notices

Sun 31 July Sunday @ 4 TMC Lounge 4.00pm Speaker: Aarif Rasheed will speak on the situation in the

Middle East, Islam and interfaith dialogue. See back page notices Notices CommunityMatters is based on the need to have an appropriate place for reflection on, and encouragement and oversight of, the current community facing and community led work in which TMC is involved. It will be a group which in its membership and way of working seeks to reflect the nature of community based and led work, rather than a committee of the Leaders’ Meeting. It will sit alongside and complement the work of existing committees, act for, and report to, the Leaders’ Meeting. Its convenor will be a member of, and report to, the Leaders' Meeting. Anyone interested in CommunityMatters is welcome to attend the meeting at TMC on Wednesday 20th July at 7.30pm. Committee Convenors: A reminder the Annual Reports are due at the TMC Office by 31st July. Many thanks to those who have already sent in reports.

Jean Burton’s video of her funeral is now available. If you would like to view this please contact the TMC office,

call in, phone 489 4590, or email: takapunamethodist@xtra.co.nz

You will find the TMC Roster after the sermon

Pentecost 8 Sunday, 10th July 2016

Worship Leader: Rev Jeong Whan Lee

Organist: Norman Firth Sentences

Defend the rights of the poor and the orphans; Be fair to the needy and the helpless. Rescue them from the power of evil people. (Psalm 82:3-4)

Hymn Guide me O thou great Jehovah 1. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand: bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore, 2. Open now the crystal fountain whence the living waters flow; let the fiery, cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through: strong deliverer, be thou still my strength and shield. 3. When I tread the verge of Jordan bid my anxious fears subside; death of death, and hell’s destruction, land me safe on Canaan’s side: songs of praises, I will ever give to thee. William Williams Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Hymn Come to our land (AA 26) (Please see ‘Alleluia Aotearoa’ book located in each pew) Today’s Story

Hymn Tell out my soul 1. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice; tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. 2. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his name! Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done; his mercy sure, from age to age the same; his holy name - the Lord, the Mighty One. 3. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might! Powers and dominions lay their glory by. Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight, the hungry fed, the humble lifted high. 4. Tell out, my soul, the glories of his word! Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord to children's children and for evermore! Timothy Dudley-Smith

Bible Reading Luke 10:25-37 Page 844 Richard Biddle Sermon Can I understand others? Hymn Lift high the cross (AA 87) (Please see ‘Alleluia Aotearoa’ book located in each pew) Offering Prayers of Intercession Church Family in Action Hymn Now as we go (AA 99) (Please see ‘Alleluia Aotearoa’ book located in each pew) Blessings

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen

Acknowledgements: Hymns printed by permission from CCL – Copyright Number 110126

Sermon: Can I understand others? Can I understand the Samaritan? I want to talk about the three stages of Christian life by reading Today’s Bible Reading again. Let us meet the law teacher in the Bible Reading and meditate how the law teacher changed his whole life after meeting Jesus. The first stage of the law teacher’s life One day, the law teacher asked Jesus a question. Asking questions are good attitudes of teachers, because it can improve their knowledge and expertise by solving the problems. At this stage, we can imagine that the law teacher was a well-trained expert as a teacher. In those days, Rabbi Akiba described an ordinary teacher’s condition of expert like this; “The teacher should strive to make the lesson agreeable to the pupils by clear reasons, as well as frequent repetitions, until they thoroughly understand the matter, and are able to recite it with great fluency.” This statement gives us a clue that the law teacher might memorise the whole law book in his days and understand all of the complicated laws as a teacher. Secondly, the law teacher discussed the matter of eternal life with Jesus. He started the discussion by questioning Jesus. Then, he could summarise the core point of the whole laws. He clearly explained it without any hesitation to Jesus. His understanding and explaining the knowledge of the law was excellent and outstanding. Even Jesus said to him, “You are right. Do this and you will live.” The second stage of the law teacher’s life At the second stage of the discussion between the law teacher and Jesus, the teacher’s question was changed dramatically. It changed to the teacher’s view toward life. It shows us that the teacher’s attitude was changed completely while he was talking with Jesus. Let us check his first question again to find the difference between the first and the second question. In the first question, the law teacher asked Jesus, “What must I do to receive eternal life?” We can see that his question was an “I” question. His ego was in the core of the question. “What can I do?” or “What should I do?” was his question. But, after he met Jesus, he asked about the neighbour in his question. “Who is my neighbour?” or “Who are my neighbours?”

Meeting Jesus was the turning point in his life. He started to think about his neighbours. He started to think of others carefully. Before he contacted Jesus, the core of his question was his ego, but after meeting Jesus his question core changed to his neighbours. One day, Jesus taught his disciples the meaning of the Law of Moses. It is well-known as the Golden Rule; “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.” We know that the message was related to the view of thinking of others. In this stage, the law teacher started to think and have concern for others. It was an amazing turning point in his life. The third stage of the law teacher’s life For the next third stage, it is not clear that the law teacher stepped on the third stage of his life, because the episode of his story stopped without a conclusion. I hope that the law teacher could get into the third stage of his life. Jesus wanted the law teacher to know how to live in the mature life. Jesus strongly and intensively told him, “Go and do likewise.” Jesus’ words surprises us because of the word “likewise”. It is surprising because Jesus introduced a Samaritan. But, Jesus intentionally pushed the law teacher to think of the Samaritan. The Samaritan means enemy to the law teacher. The Samaritans were not important to him in his life. The teacher might ignore Samaritans. In the view of the teacher, the Samaritans were not valued people. According to Jesus’ talking, when we look at the dying person on the road through the view of a priest, we have to pass the person who fell into the hands of robbers. And again, if we look at the half dead through the view of a Levite, we must pass by on the other side of the road likewise. There are several reasons to pass by on the other side of the road. There are tons of reasons not to help the dying person on the road. However, Jesus introduced the Samaritan. Through the view of the Samaritan, we can give no excuses and help the dying person on the road. We can come over to the needy attacked by the robbers, pour oil and wine on the wounds and bandage the wound. Then, we can take him to a shelter, where he will be safe, and find a helper to take care of him. The Samaritan was a symbol of the marginalised and outcasts of society or communities in those days. The Samaritans were enemies to the view of the law teacher. The Samaritan could easily be ignored almost everywhere by the ordinary people of society. However, Jesus pushed the law teacher to think of the Samaritan, and said to him, “Go and do likewise.” Could the law teacher see the world through the Samaritan?

TMC Roster for Next Sunday 17 July Worship Leader: Rev Peter Norman Organist: Barbara Olds Reader: Fatani Veikune Door Stewards: Biddle Family

Conclusion and Blessings Through Today’s Bible Reading, Jesus is asking us to help the world through the Samaritan. Can we have a view of the marginalised and outcast of our society? Can we stand by their side to grant them as our neighbours? This is a hard question to us even though we are Christians. But, I can summarise Today’s message by the three views. At the first stage, the law teacher was an expert of the law, but caged in his ego. He only saw the world through his expertise. At the second stage after meeting Jesus, he started to think about his neighbours. He could open his mind and have a chance to put himself in his neighbour’s shoes. Then, on the third stage of discussion with Jesus, the law teacher was required to have the view of the marginalised neighbour’s side. I do not know whether the teacher accepted Jesus’ offer. However, if we can listen and understand deeply in our hearts the minority’s voice of our society, we will do the same as Jesus asked. May God bless us to have a good neighbour as the Samaritan. May God bless all of us to listen and understand deeply the poor in our communities.

* * * * *


New Mother Mentors are needed in Takapuna for Stronger Mothers/Stronger Communities

Are you interested in helping your community by mentoring new mothers? Attend a ½ day leadership programme (4 hours) 5 x 1.5 hours one to one mentoring sessions with your mentee Mother (1 session per week over 5 weeks) Please take a flyer from the round table if you are interested




For the inaugural concert

Georgia Duder-Wood & the Conscious Music Collective

a jazz and soul programme of songs celebrating nature and her gifts.

6.30pm 24th July 2016

Takapuna Methodist Church 427-429 Lake Road, Takapuna

Phone 09 489 4590

Proceeds go towards The Forest & Bird Society (Suggested donation $10-$20)

NOTICES Takapuna Methodist Church Presents

Saturday 30th July Bayswater Primary School Hall

In partnership with the Devonport Community Recycling Centre, Stephen McLuckie is going to coordinate a Repair café. A Repair Café is a pop up event where local people can bring broken and damaged items and get them repaired for free while learning how they can fix them again in the future. http://repaircafe.org/en/about/

It’s about saving money, bringing people together, learning new skills and reducing waste.

In order to succeed we’ll need skilled local volunteers to be the experts in a variety of fields. Can you mend clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, etc? Email: stephen@ancad.org.nz or call 022 390 7199 if you’re interested in being involved. Stephen is our TMC Community Development Worker.

Public Issues Methodist hosted ecumenical Climate Justice workshop for churches 20th August, Auckland. Science, theology, policy and politics will guide options for practical action in this ecumenical event. Measures for NZ children in poverty only minimally mitigate the long term adversity of poverty for children. See Public Issues Facebook page for a video of the last speech of Children’s Commissioner Dr Russell Wills.

Sunday 31st July @ 4pm Venue: TMC

Aarif Rasheed will speak on the situation in the Middle East, Islam and

interfaith dialogue. Public Defence Service lawyer Aarif Rasheed, has gained high-level support for a planned $3 million "Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and Education" in his father's memory, with a library, seminar rooms and space for youth activities and community events. His father said, His whole philosophy as a Muslim leader was to say, 'Here in this country are many religions and it behoves us to (a) be good citizens, and (b) lead our religious lives in such a way that we can be good neighbours and live in dialogue.' His son Aarif is carrying this on.

Readings for 17 July - Pentecost 9

Amos 8: 1-12 Psalm 52 Colossians 1: 15-28 Luke 10: 38-42

If you would like to attend please phone the TMC Office on 489 4590 by 24 July.

We will car pool as parking is expensive.

St Luke’s Methodist Church

Worship Leader: Rev Peter Norman

Today Sun 10 July Holy Communion - Rev Peter Norman 9.30am This Week Mon 11 July Parish Council at TMC 7.30pm Sun 17 July Sunday Worship - Rev Jeong Whan Lee 9.30am Coming Events Sun 24 July Sunday Worship - Rev Peter Norman 9.30am Soul on Sunday: What a Wonderful World! at TMC 6.30pm Sat 30 July Repair Café at Bayswater Primary School - see notices Sun 31 July Sunday Worship - Rev Graeme White 9.30am Sunday @ 4 TMC Lounge 4.00pm Speaker: Aarif Rasheed will speak on the situation in the Middle

East, Islam and interfaith dialogue. See back page notices

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ROSTERS TODAY, SUNDAY NEXT SUNDAY 10 July 2016 17 July 2016 Worship Leader: Rev Peter Norman Rev Jeong Whan Lee Organist: Nan Hee Kim Nan Hee Kim Musical Director: Gwynneth Marquand Gwynneth Marquand Welcomers/Offertory: Tang Family Pat Carroll Morning Tea: Shona Michie Tang Family Readers: Gi & Ki Lee Margaret Harvey Flowers: Korean Church Korean Church _______________________________________________________________

Please note the TMC Office will be on shortened hours during the

School Holidays : 8th-22nd July


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