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Akmal Akbarov




I had 90 % positive attitude and 10 % good English

I predicted the interview questions

I spoke non-stop

I was natural

I followed IELTS tips

I used the words I knew

I lied and I lied a lot

Author Akmal Akbarov Copyright © 2016 English Club Pro First published using Uberflip eBook Templates. Tool used for editing is & This book may be used for educational purposes only. For more information, contact Akmal at or Skype call him at akmal-akbar. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this eBook, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. The material in this guide may include information, products and services by Third Parties.


In this eBook I will help you understand how you can score band 8 from your IELTS speaking component.

IELTS is an International English Language Testing System, and it is recognized across the world today. It is valid for two years and you can take the examination at the British Council Centre in your home town.

In Uzbekistan the British Council can be reached at the following address:

13th Floor, Block A International Business Centre 107B, Amir Temur Street, Tashkent, 100084, Uzbekistan

Tel: (71) 205 0660


I took my very first IELTS exam on 30 May, 2015 and I got overall 7 without spending any hours and days for the exam preparation.

I know my results are not so fantastic. But I am not the biggest fan of IELTS. Believe me, I have more important things to work on than “spending” my time doing endless number of IELTS practice tests. Here is my IELTS score breakdown: Reading: 6

Listening: 6.5 Writing: 7 Speaking: 8.

Please, note that I don’t work at or for the British Council and everything that I am sharing here in this eBook is based on my personal experience.

If you wish to give any feedback, contact me directly at the below contact details:

Tel: (97) 744 2781, (90) 994 1285.

On the next page you can see the screenshot of my own IELTS certificate.

I had 90 % Attitude & 10 % English

On examination day I was not depressed or scared that

something big and bad was coming up to me. But rather I

was happy that finally I reached the day when I was

supposed to prove what I was capable of.

So I was a happy and very positive guy. Believe it or not

everything went as smoothly as I expected. Why?

…because I had a very positive attitude and mind set

regarding the examination. And I was really looking

forward to it.

I Predicted the Interview Questions

During the whole IELTS speaking interview I did all my

best to predict the questions that the examiner was

about to ask. You know it is just a speaking exam where

the questions can be more or less predictable. It is not a

rocket science.

For example, in part one of the speaking, the examiner

asked me what I did professionally. And with a little smile

I said that I was a teacher. So logically I predicted that she

would ask me one or two related questions about my

profession. And you know what? She did. She asked if I

enjoyed my job and if it was hard and challenging for

which I had already cooked ideas in my mind.

I Spoke Nonstop

Now once you start predicting questions you will start

speaking nonstop because you will have cooked almost all

your ideas in your mind before examiner asks you any

questions. And you should speak nonstop. But at the

same time you should make sure you speak at a natural

speed and you are natural.

Be sensitive towards the examiner. Don’t speak nonstop

for the sake of speaking nonstop. If you sense that the

examiner wants to ask you any additional questions, stop

and allow him/her to do so. Observe her body language.

In my case she just raised her palms slightly to say that I

should stop and that she had the next question.

I was Natural & I was Myself

Again be natural. Don’t speak too fast, otherwise you may

create an impression that you have learn everything by heart

and that will work against you. As a result, you will get a low

mark any way. Don’t speak too slowly as well because you will

have limited time and it is usually very short.

You will not be able to demonstrate your English speaking skills.

Be yourself and be professional. Show some energy, passion and

emotions when you are speaking. Don’t speak monotonously

like a robot. Stand out from the crowd and shine like a star.

Look… these people taking IELTS speaking exams have to sit and

listen to hundreds of individual students all day.

Most of them give answers that I like to call ‘Template Answers’

found from books and etc. Be different and unique.

I Followed IELTS Tips

Keeping most of the IELTS speaking tips in mind helped me a lot. As

a result, I kept an eye contact with the examiner and didn’t look at

the walls, curtains or other objects in the room. I listened to her

questions very carefully and gave relevant answers. If she asked

about my profession, I told her what my profession was.

When she asked me questions, I gave concrete answers to her

quickly and then provided details of my answer. Next, I used the

linking words such as ‘Firstly, Secondly, Finally’, conversation fillers

like “Mmmm… alright, let me think…’, Well, to be honest …” and so

on. There was one moment when I wondered away and missed the

beginning of her question.

So I asked her to repeat the question by saying “Excuse, could you

please repeat your question one more time? I missed the

beginning”. And she did and I was safe.

I Used those Words I Knew

I did not use fancy words which some IELTS specialist or guru teachers

like to teach their students. I used the words I knew exactly how to use

and I used the words that I could pronounce very well without any


And all the words I used were used in the right place and in the right


That’s it! There is no need to be fancy!

I Lied & I Lied a Lot

A lot of people get shocked when I tell them to lie as much as possible during

the IELTS interview. Remember, I said during the IELTS interview not during

the job, scholarship or other types of interviews. Now let me tell you why it is

absolutely OK to lie during IELTS interview. This is because IELTS speaking

exam is to check how well you speak in English and that’s it.

They don’t need to hear any true answers from you. For example, let’s

imagine there is a question like this “Describe the last family holiday you

had”. If you have never had a holiday with your family members but you

always had holidays with your friends, does it mean you must not or you

cannot answer this question? Of course, you can. How? By lying.

For example, I was asked what sports games I played. I could not remember

of anything and said “Basketball”. Do I play basketball these days? No, I don’t.

Good luck! :)

Thanks! I would like to thank you again for taking your time to read this eBook till the end. I hope you have found some value in it and can use it as a guide to help you score higher in your upcoming IELTS examination.

Cheers, best of luck and I look forward to serving you again soon.

Akmal Akbarov

Being miserable is a habit. Being happy is a habit.

The choice is yours. - Tom Hopkins -

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