table of contents -€¦ · 1. on the main discussion board page, on the action bar,...

Post on 03-Aug-2020






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Training Instructions ............................................................................................. 5

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6

Collaboration Tools in Blackboard ........................................................................ 7

1. Discussion Board ........................................................................................... 7

A. Access the Discussion Board Tool. ............................................................ 8

B. Creating Forums ....................................................................................... 9

C. Creating Threads .................................................................................... 14

D. Reply To Discussion Posts....................................................................... 17

E. Grade Discussion .................................................................................... 20

2. Blogs ......................................................................................................... 27

A. Create Blogs ........................................................................................... 28

B. Create Blog Entries ................................................................................. 31

C. Comment on Blog Entry ........................................................................ 33

D. Grade Blog Entries .................................................................................. 35

E. Edit and manage Blogs ........................................................................... 37

3. Wiki ........................................................................................................... 39

A. Create Wiki ............................................................................................ 40

B. Comment on Wiki Pages ........................................................................ 44

C. Grade Wiki ............................................................................................. 45

D. Edit and manage Wiki ............................................................................ 47

Add Tools link to Course Menu ........................................................................... 48

Add Tools link to Content Area ........................................................................... 48

Table of Contents


Figure 1: Access discussion board tool from “Tools” link ...................................... 8

Figure 2: Access discussion board tool from "Control Panel" ............................... 8

Figure 3: Create forum ......................................................................................... 9

Figure 4: Forum Information ................................................................................ 9

Figure 5: Forum Availability ................................................................................ 10

Figure 6: Forum Settings ..................................................................................... 10

Figure 7: Forum Grading ..................................................................................... 11

Figure 8: Forum grading due date ...................................................................... 11

Figure 9: Forum subscribe .................................................................................. 12

Figure 10: Forum create and edit options........................................................... 13

Figure 11: Forum additional options................................................................... 13

Figure 12: Forum after creation .......................................................................... 13

Figure 13: Create thread ..................................................................................... 14

Figure 14: Create thread message ...................................................................... 14

Figure 15: Attach file in a thread ........................................................................ 15

Figure 16: Thread grading ................................................................................... 15

Figure 17: Thread after creation ......................................................................... 16

Figure 18: Reply to a thread (Step 1) .................................................................. 17

Figure 19: Reply to a thread (Step 2) .................................................................. 18

Figure 20: Reply to a thread (Step 3) .................................................................. 19

Figure 21: Forum grading ................................................................................... 20

Figure 22: Thread grading (Step 1) ..................................................................... 21

Figure 23: Thread grading (Step 2) ..................................................................... 21

Figure 24: Thread grading (Step 3) ..................................................................... 22

Figure 25: Thread grading (Step 4) ..................................................................... 23

Figure 26: Thread grading (Step 5) ..................................................................... 24

Figure 27: Forum grading (Step 1) ...................................................................... 24

Figure 28: Forum grading (Step 2) ...................................................................... 25

Figure 29: Forum grading (Step 3) ...................................................................... 26

Figure 30: Forum grading (Step 4) ...................................................................... 26

Figure 31: Access Blogs tool from "Control Panel".............................................. 28

Figure 32: Create blog ........................................................................................ 28

Figure 33: Blog Information ................................................................................ 28

Table of Figures


Figure 34: Blog date and time restrictions .......................................................... 29

Figure 35: Blog participation .............................................................................. 29

Figure 36: Blog settings ...................................................................................... 30

Figure 37: Blog grade settings ............................................................................ 30

Figure 38: Create blog entry (Step 1) .................................................................. 31

Figure 39: Create blog entry (Step 2) .................................................................. 31

Figure 40: Create blog entry (Step 3) .................................................................. 32

Figure 41: Comment on a blog entry (Step 1) ..................................................... 33

Figure 42: Comment on a blog entry (Step 2) ..................................................... 33

Figure 43: Comment on a blog entry (Step 3) ..................................................... 34

Figure 44: Grade blog entry (Step 1) ................................................................... 36

Figure 45: Grade blog entry (Step 2) ................................................................... 36

Figure 46: Edit a blog .......................................................................................... 37

Figure 47: Delete a blog ...................................................................................... 38

Figure 48: Access Wikis tool from "Control Panel" ............................................. 40

Figure 49: Create a Wiki ..................................................................................... 40

Figure 50: Wiki Information ................................................................................ 41

Figure 51: Wiki participation and settings .......................................................... 42

Figure 52: Create wiki page (Step 1) ................................................................... 43

Figure 53: Create wiki page (Step 2) ................................................................... 43

Figure 54: Create wiki page (Step 3) ................................................................... 43

Figure 55: Comment on a wiki page ................................................................... 44

Figure 56: Grade a wiki (Step 1) .......................................................................... 45

Figure 57: Grade a wiki (Step 2) .......................................................................... 45

Figure 58: Grade a wiki (Step 3) .......................................................................... 46

Figure 59: Edit wiki content ................................................................................ 47

Figure 60: Delete a wiki ...................................................................................... 48

Figure 61: Add a tool link to the course menu .................................................... 48

Figure 62: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 1) ............................. 48

Figure 63: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 2) ............................. 48

Figure 64: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 3) ............................. 48

Figure 65: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 4) ............................. 48


1. You have to attend before the beginning of the training course in

sufficient time.

2. Do not hesitate to request for help from the trainer during training.

3. Write your notes after each activity.

4. Participate actively during the training discussions and respect others


5. You have to practice and follow-up with the trainer.

6. If you practice what you have learned in the training course immediately

that will enhance your skills in using the system.

7. The evaluation at the end of the training course helps us to improve the

training in the future.


Training Instructions


Engagement is a key step to achieve the goal that instructors and students share

education. Blackboard has integrated a number of tools in Learn to help you

communicate with your students, both in person and online.

Engagement tools used for self-reflection, collaboration, and communication

with the instructor and classmates. Discussion Board, Journals, Blogs, and Wikis

give students the opportunity to share and construct knowledge. Students can

benefit from comments from peers and the instructor as they interact,

collaborate, and share information, resources, opinions, and ideas.




1. Discussion Board

Online discussions provide some unique benefits. Because students can take

time to ponder before posting ideas, you may see more thoughtful

conversations play out. You can observe as students demonstrate their grasp of

the material and correct misconceptions. You can extend your office hours by

reaching students more often during the week so learning is continuous.

Building a sense of community among students is crucial for a successful online

experience. With the discussion board tool, course members can replicate the

robust discussions that take place in the traditional classroom.

Discussions can be used for many purposes such as:

•An online place for sharing ideas about lessons and projects.

•A place to post questions about homework assignments, readings and course


•A graded activity to demonstrate the students understanding of the course


•Discussions are available for students so that they can review them anytime


Engagement Tools in Blackboard



A. Access the Discussion Board Tool.

1. On the course menu, click the Tools link. On the Tools page, click

Discussion Board, or You can add a customized link to the course menu

for Discussion tool.

2. OR, On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and click Discussion Board.





Figure 1: Access discussion board tool from “Tools” link

Figure 2: Access discussion board tool from "Control Panel"


B. Creating Forums

QUICK STEPS: Creating forums

1. On the main Discussion Board page, on the Action Bar, click Create Forum.

2. On the Create Forum page, type a Name. Users click this name to access the forum.

3. Optionally, type instructions or a description in the Description text box. Format the text using the Text Editor functions, if you want. The Description will appear below the forum name.





Figure 3: Create forum

Figure 4: Forum Information


4. Under Forum Availability, select the Yes option.

5. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Display restrictions do not affect the forum availability, only when it appears

Forum Settings:

Select the Forum Settings based on your specific needs. Forum settings allow you to use the Discussion Board in different ways. For example, to control the forum, the instructor creates all threads, and moderates and grades the posts. For a student-led discussion, allow students to create new threads with the option of posting anonymously.

6. Viewing Threads/Replies Settings:

To promote originality, creativity, and a variety of responses, you can

choose Participants must create a thread to view other threads in this

forum, which is the post first setting. Students must respond before

they can read their classmates' posts.

In Standard View, users can see all previously created threads in the






Figure 5: Forum Availability

Figure 6: Forum Settings


7. Grade Settings:

You can create a graded forum or thread and a column is created automatically in the Grade Center.

Click Grade Discussion Forum and type a point value to evaluate participants on performance throughout a forum.

OR, Click Grade Threads to evaluate participants on performance in each thread.

If you are grading posts and want to retain the posts as they were at the time of grading, clear the check box for Allow Author to Edit Own Published Posts.

If you enable grading for the forum, select the check box for Show participants in needs grading status and select the number of posts from the drop-down list.

8. Due Date: When you enable grading, you can provide a Due Date. Due dates are used to organize and assign gradable items to grading periods in the Grade Center. Graded posts made after the due date are marked LATE on the Grade Details page in the Grade Center and on the Needs Grading page.




Figure 7: Forum Grading

Figure 8: Forum grading due date


9. Subscribe: When you enable email subscription, students can receive email alerts for new posts or replies. You can allow students to subscribe to an entire forum or to specific threads within a forum.

Allow members to subscribe to threads: Users can select specific threads within the forum.

Allow members to subscribe to forum: Users can subscribe to all threads within the forum.

Include body of post in the email: Displays the message text and a link to reply to the message in the email notification.

Include link to post: Displays a link to the message in the email notification.

10. Create and Edit:

Choose whether to allow anonymous posts or not allow from student.

Choose whether to Allow Author (student who create post) to Delete Own Posts or not.

Choose whether to Allow Author(student who create post) to Edit Own Published Posts

Choose whether to Allow student to Create New Threads or not.

Allow students to make file attachment within their post.

Choose allow the instructor to moderate student thread before publish with other post on Forum. This option is useful if you select allow student to create new thread.



Figure 9: Forum subscribe


11. Additional Options:

Choose whether to allow the student to rate other students posts.

12. Click Submit.

After you create new Forum you can see the forum in the Discussion

Board page:




Figure 10: Forum create and edit options

Figure 11: Forum additional options

Figure 12: Forum after creation


C. Creating Threads

In a discussion board forum, you can start new threads to begin a conversation.

A thread includes the initial post and all replies to it. When you create a forum,

you can allow or not allow members to start threads.

QUICK STEPS: Creating threads

1. Access a discussion board forum.

2. On the action bar, click Create Thread.

3. On the Create Thread page, type a subject and instructions, a

description or a question.




Figure 13: Create thread

Figure 14: Create thread message


4. Alternatively, in the Attachments section, attach a file. Click Browse

My Computer to upload a file from your computer.

5. If you chose to grade threads when you created the forum, you decide on a thread-by-thread basis whether to grade a thread. In the Grading section, select the check box for Grade Thread and type Points possible. Select the check box for Show participants in needs grading status and select the number of posts from the drop-down list. Applying this setting displays the needs grading icon in the Grade Center and places the posts in the queue on the Needs Grading page after users make the specified number of posts. If you select a grading option and do NOT select the check box, the needs grading icon does not appear in the Grade Center and posts do not appear on the Needs Grading page.

6. Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit to create the thread.

The newly created thread appears in the forum.





Figure 15: Attach file in a thread

Figure 16: Thread grading


In the Grade column:

A. Grade Thread allows you to evaluate the posts

B.Grade allows you to enable grading for a thread

and enter a value


Figure 17: Thread after creation


D. Reply to Discussion Posts

In the discussion board, threads grow as users respond to the initial and

subsequent posts. Replies build on one another to construct a

conversation. As the number of posts grows, users can filter, sort, collect,

and tag posts, if tagging is enabled.

For graded forums and threads, tell students specifically what you expect

both in terms of quantity and quality of posts, and consider sharing some

exemplary posts.

QUICK STEPS: How to Reply to a Thread

1. Access a forum and select a thread.

2. On the thread's page, you can view the text of the post and

information, such as the author and posted date. All replies appear on

the same page with the parent post.

3. For the first post, click Reply. Point to the post to see other functions

such as Quote, Edit and Delete. The Quote function includes the post's

text as part of your reply. For other posts on the page, point to the

message and Reply and the other functions appear.



Figure 18: Reply to a thread (Step 1)


4. Click on reply button. The page expands below the post you are

responding to, allowing you to view the post and access the content


5. Type your reply in the Message box.

6. Attach a file. Click Browse My Computer to upload a file from your


7. Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit to publish

your reply.




Figure 19: Reply to a thread (Step 2)



Users can reply to published threads, but cannot

reply to locked or hidden threads.





Figure 20: Reply to a thread (Step 3)


E. Grade Discussion

When you create or edit a forum, you can enable grading options. When you

enable grading, a Grade Center column is created automatically.

The grade settings appear on the Create Forum page and the Edit Forum page:

•Click Grade Discussion Forum and type a point value to evaluate

participants on performance throughout a forum.

•Click Grade Threads to evaluate participants on performance in each



Figure 21: Forum grading


A. Enable Thread Grading

If you chose to grade threads when you created a forum, you decide on a

thread-by-thread basis whether to grade a thread.

QUICK STEPS: How to Access Threads for Grading

1. Access the forum, then click create thread.

2. On the Create Thread page, select the” Grade Thread” check box and

type the Points possible. You decide when posts go into needs grading

status by selecting the check box for Show participants in needs grading

status and selecting the number of posts from the drop-down list.

3. Click Submit.





Figure 22: Thread grading (Step 1)

Figure 23: Thread grading (Step 2)


4. In the forum page, the “Grade Thread” function appears in the thread's

Grade column, click on “Grade Thread” to evaluate student posts.

You can also enable thread grading directly from the

thread list in a forum page.

1. Click the” Grade” function in a thread's Grade


2. Type the Points possible.

3. Click Submit. The” Grade Thread “function appears

in a thread's Grade column.



Figure 24: Thread grading (Step 3)


5. On the Grade Discussion Thread Users page, click “Grade” in a user's row

with a number in the Posts column.

6. On the Grade Discussion Thread page, a collection of the student's posts

made to the graded thread appears. Since you can assign a thread grade based

on multiple messages, all messages posted by a student are included for


7. On the action bar, click Print Preview to open the page in a new window in a

printer-friendly format. Posts print in the order they appear on the page. To

select which posts appear and in which order, you can filter and sort posts

using the Filter function and the Sort By and Order drop-down lists on the

action bar. 8. Provide a grade for student.

9. Provide feedback.

10. Write grading notes, it is private for instructor.

11. After clicking Submit, the information is added to the Grade Center. The

grade appears on the Grade Discussion Thread Users page.



Figure 25: Thread grading (Step 4)


B. Grade Forum Participation

You can assign discussion grades to evaluate participants on performance

throughout a forum. When you create or edit a forum, you can enable forum

grading options and a Grade Center column is created automatically.

QUICK STEPS: How to Grade Forum Participation

1. Access the gradable discussion forum and click Grade Discussion Forum

on the action bar.





10 11



Figure 26: Thread grading (Step 5)

Figure 27: Forum grading (Step 1)


2. On the Grade Discussion Forum Users page, click Grade in a user's row

with a number in the Posts column.

3. On the Grade Discussion Forum page, a collection of the student's posts

made to the graded forum appears. Because you can assign a forum grade

based on multiple threads, all messages posted by a student are included

for review.

4. On the action bar, click Print Preview to open the page in a new window

in a printer-friendly format. Posts print in the order they appear on the

page. To select which posts appear and in which order, you can filter and

sort posts using the Filter function and the Sort By and Order drop-down

lists on the action bar.

5. Forum Statistics: Click to access the drop-down area that includes

information about a user's posts, such as Total Posts, Date of Last Post,

Average Post Length, and Average Post Position.

6. In the content frame, evaluate the currently selected user's posts. In the

grading sidebar, type a grade. To edit an existing grade, click in the Grade

box and change the grade.



Figure 28: Forum grading (Step 2)


7. Optionally, type Feedback for the user. In the Add Notes section, make

notes that appear only to you (forum manager) and the grader role. You can

use the spell check function in the bottom of each text box. The icon for

Click to open full content editor gives you access to all the content editor


8. Click Submit to add the grade, feedback, and grading notes to the Grade

Center. The grade appears on the Grade Discussion Forum Users page.


5 4





Figure 29: Forum grading (Step 3)

Figure 30: Forum grading (Step 4)


2. Blogs

A blog—a shorthand term that means web log—is a personal online journal that

is frequently updated and intended for general public access and use. Most

blogs also have some kind of commenting system, so that people can respond to

and interact with one another. Blogs encourage students to clearly express their

ideas and addresses the need to expand various aspects of social learning.

Moreover, they are an effective means of gaining insight into students' activities

and provide a way to share the knowledge and materials collected.

In Blackboard Learn, instructors create and manage blogs, and only enrolled

users can view and create entries and comments in them.

Students can interpret what they learned, showcase their grasp of the material,

and present information to their classmates.

Students often incorporate rich media into their posts to entice and inform



Interpret a case study.

Submit the final draft of a written, graded assignment.

Analyze a topic, adding information over several weeks or the entire term.

Deliver arguments and supporting evidence.

Provide commentary on a subject.



A. Create Blogs

QUICK STEPS: How to Create a Blog Topic

1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and click Blogs.

2. On the Blogs listing page, click Create Blog on the action bar.

3. On the Create Blog page, type a name and optional instructions. Make

the blog available.





Figure 31: Access Blogs tool from "Control Panel"

Figure 32: Create blog

Figure 33: Blog Information


4. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the

date and time selections. Display restrictions do not affect the blog

availability, only when it appears.

5. In the Blog Participation section, decide if the blog is for individuals or

the course. You may allow some anonymous posting.

Course Blogs: You can create a course blog and determine the topic

you want addressed. All course members can add blog entries and

comment on blog entries.

Individual Blogs: Each person can add entries only to their own blog.

All other course members can view and add comments to it.

6 .Select Allow Anonymous Comments for Individual Blogs or Allow Anonymous Entries and Comments for Course and Group Blogs, if you want.

7. In the Blog Settings section, select Monthly or Weekly Index Entries, so

you can view a list of entry titles posted during the index span—by

month or by week.





Figure 34: Blog date and time restrictions

Figure 35: Blog participation


8. Allow Users to Edit and Delete Entries: If selected, users can edit and

delete entries after they are posted. Users can only edit and delete the

entries they have created.

9. Allow Users to Delete Comments: If selected, users can delete comments

they added to a Blog.

10. In the Grade Settings section, select No grading or the Grade option and

type the number of Points possible. Points possible will apply to one or

more entries made by a user to the blog topic. After you enable grading, a

column is created automatically in the Grade Center. It is permanently

gradable, and you cannot change the setting to No grading.

11. Optionally, select the check box for Show participants in "needs

grading" status and from the drop-down list, select the number of entries

required. Applying this setting will show the needs grading icon in the

Grade Center and place the entries in the queue on the Needs Grading page

after the specified number of entries are made.

12. Click Submit.








Figure 36: Blog settings

Figure 37: Blog grade settings


B. Create Blog Entries

You and your students create blog entries and other course members can

make comments on the entries. As the instructor, you can use blog entries

to provide structure for discussions on class topics and other issues.

On the Blogs listing page, following each blog title, students can see if the

blog belongs to a group, the course, or to individual students. All course

members can read group blogs, but to make an entry, a user must be a

group member.

QUICK STEPS: How To Create Blogs Entries

1. On the Blogs listing page, click a blog title.

2. On the blog's topic page, click Create Blog Entry on the action bar.




Figure 38: Create blog entry (Step 1)

Figure 39: Create blog entry (Step 2)


3. On the Create Blog Entry page, type a title and entry.

4. If enabled and appropriate, select the check box for Post Entry as


5. Optionally, browse for a file to attach.

6. Click Post Entry to submit the blog entry or click Save Entry as Draft to

add the entry later.





Figure 40: Create blog entry (Step 3)


C. Comment on Blog Entry

Because blogs are meant to be read by others, students can comment on

one another’s blog entries in individual, course, and group blogs.

You decide if users may make anonymous comments and delete them. As

the instructor, you can delete any user’s comment by clicking the X. After

they are posted, users cannot edit their comments.

QUICK STEPS: How To comment on a Blog Entry

1. On the Blogs listing page, click a blog title.

2. On the blog’s topic page, select a blog to view by clicking the user’s

name in the sidebar in the All Course Members drop-down list. The

user’s blog entries open in the content frame.




Figure 41: Comment on a blog entry (Step 1)

Figure 42: Comment on a blog entry (Step 2)


3. Click Comment following the user’s entry and type a comment.

4. If enabled and appropriate, select the check box for Comment on Entry

as Anonymous.

5. Click Add. Click the numbered Comments link to view all comments.

Instructors are able to edit and delete any user’s Blog

entries, and comment without enabling this option.




Figure 43: Comment on a blog entry (Step 3)


D. Grade Blog Entries

You can grade participation in blogs for individuals and groups. You can grade the quality of the discussion, as well as the number of entries and comments that are made by an individual or a course group. When you enable grading, a column is created automatically in the Grade Center. You grade students’ blog entries from the blog topic page. All of an individual student's entries—and comments made by others—appear as you determine the grade. The grades show immediately in the Grade Center.

QUICK STEPS: How To grade blog entries

1. Access the blog topic page and select the blog entry or entries to grade.

The user’s blog entry or entries open in the content frame.

2. Type a point total in the Grade box. If you associated a rubric for this

graded blog, expand and complete the rubric. To edit an existing grade,

click in the Grade box and change the grade.

3. Optionally, type Feedback for the student.

4. In the Add Notes section, make notes that appear only to you and the

grader role.

5. You can also use the spell check function in the bottom of each text


6. Click Submit to add the grade, feedback, and grading notes to the Grade







3 5

6 4

Figure 44: Grade blog entry (Step 1)

Figure 45: Grade blog entry (Step 2)


E. Edit and manage Blogs

QUICK STEPS: How To Edit a Blog

1. On the Blogs listing page, access a blog's contextual menu and click Edit.

2. On the Edit Blog page, make changes.

3. Click Submit.

QUICK STEPS: How To Delete a Blog

1. On the Blogs listing page, access a blog's contextual menu and click Delete.

2. Click OK in the pop-up warning. If the blog is gradable, the Delete Confirmation page appears. You have two options:

Do not select check boxes: The blog is deleted, but the Grade Center column and scores you have assigned are retained. For example, all student entries are graded and you want to keep the Grade Center column for the final grade calculations. If you delete a blog, yet retain the Grade Center column, you can delete that column from the Grade Center at any time.

Select the check boxes: The grade column in the Grade Center and the blog are deleted. For example, if you do not want to include the grade column for the blog entries in the final grade, you can safely delete all.



Figure 46: Edit a blog





Figure 47: Delete a blog


3. Wiki

Wikis allow course members to contribute and modify one or more pages of

course related materials, providing a means of sharing and collaboration. Users

can create and edit pages quickly, while tracking changes and additions, allowing

for effective collaboration between multiple writers. You can create one or more

wikis for all course members to contribute to and wikis for specific groups to use

to collaborate.

All course members can use the wikis tool to record information and serve as a

repository for course information and knowledge. A course wiki is a vast source

of information compiled by course members. Wikis can help build a community

of collaboration and learning by increasing social interaction during the

exchange of information.

Students use a wiki to collaborate on shared content from different times and

locations. They can view previous changes, comment on content or changes,

include new content, and revise existing content. Similar to the discussion

board, you act as a facilitator instead of the provider of all course content.

Unlike a blog, which can be quite personal, wikis require intense collaboration,

where information is linked to and built upon.



A. Create Wiki

QUICK STEPS: How To Create Wiki

1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and click Wikis.

2. On the Wikis listing page, click Create Wiki on the action bar.




Figure 48: Access Wikis tool from "Control Panel"

Figure 49: Create a Wiki


3. On the Create Wiki page, type a name and optional instructions. Make the wiki available.

4. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Display restrictions do not affect the wiki availability, only when it appears.

5. Choose the Student Access option. You can change the student access at any time.

Closed to Editing: Select this option when you are the only one contributing pages or to disallow further page editing by users when you are ready to start grading the wikis contributions. All course members are allowed to view wikis that are closed to editing.

Open to Editing: Allows users to modify any wiki page. In a group wiki, a user must be a member of the group to edit a wiki page.

6. Student Comment access: Choose if allow to all course member to

comment on wiki page or not.



Figure 50: Wiki Information


7. In the Wiki Settings section, make a grading selection. If you select Grade: Points possible, type a grade to make the wiki a graded item. After you enable grading, a column is created automatically in the Grade Center. It is permanently gradable, and you cannot change it to No grading.

8. Optionally, select the check box and the number of page saves required to show participants in needs grading status. Applying this setting will show the needs grading icon—the exclamation mark—in the Grade Center and place the entries in the queue on the Needs Grading page after the specified number of page saves have been made.

9. Optionally, associate a rubric by pointing to Add Rubric. To learn more, see Rubrics.

10. Click Submit

A. Create Wiki pages







Figure 51: Wiki participation and settings


QUICK STEPS: How To Create Wiki pages

1. On the Wikis listing page, click a wiki title.

2. On the wiki’s topic page, click Create Wiki Page on the action bar.

3. On the Create Wiki Page, type a name and a description or

instructions. 4. Click Submit.






Figure 52: Create wiki page (Step 1)

Figure 53: Create wiki page (Step 2)

Figure 54: Create wiki page (Step 3)


B. Comment on Wiki Pages

Course members can comment on wiki pages rather than contribute to or edit a page. Commenting provides a way for you and your students to offer feedback and suggestions. Comments are visible to all course members. All comments for all wiki pages are counted in the About This Wiki section in the sidebar.

No one can edit comments after they are posted. Users can delete the comments they authored.

QUICK STEPS: How to Comment on Wiki Pages

1. Access a wiki and click the page to view in the sidebar. The wiki page opens in the content frame.

2. Click Comment following the user’s contribution and type a comment. You can use the spell check function at the bottom of the box as needed.

3. Click Add. Click the Comments link below the contribution to view the comment.

Comments have a 2,000-character limit. A pop-up message

advises that a comment over 2,000 characters must be

edited and resubmitted





Figure 55: Comment on a wiki page


C. Grade Wiki

When you enable grading, a column is created automatically in the Grade Center. You can view all the pages a student authored and edited as you determine the grade on the Participant’s Contribution page. The grade applies to the wiki, not an individual wiki page.

QUICK STEPS: How to Grade Wiki Contributions

1. Access a wiki.

2. On the wiki topic page, click Participation and Grading on the action bar.

3. On the Participation Summary page, click a student's name in the content frame or in the All drop-down list in the sidebar. In the drop-down list, students with contributions ready for grading appear with exclamation marks, the needs grading icon. Use the left- and right-pointing arrows to navigate to the previous or next student.





Figure 56: Grade a wiki (Step 1)

Figure 57: Grade a wiki (Step 2)


4. On the Participant’s Contribution page, a list of the student’s pages and page versions open in the content frame. You can also view information about the contributions. In the Page Version column, click a page’s title to review it.

5. In the grading sidebar, type a numeric grade in the Grade box. If you associated a rubric with this graded wiki, expand and complete the rubric. To learn more, see Rubrics. To edit an existing grade, click in the Grade box and change the grade.

6. Optionally, type Feedback for the student. In the Add Notes section, make notes that appear only to you and the grader role. You can use the spell check function in the bottom of each box

7. Click Submit to add the grade, feedback, and grading notes to the Grade Center.






Figure 58: Grade a wiki (Step 3)


D. Edit and manage Wiki

QUICK STEPS: How to Edit Wiki Content

1. Access the wiki. The wiki topic page appears.

2. Select the page to review and edit. The wiki page opens in the content frame.

3. In the sidebar, access the page’s contextual menu and click Edit Properties.

-OR- Click Edit Wiki Content next to the page’s title in the content frame.

4. On the Edit Wiki Page, you can make changes to the name and content of the page.

5. Click Submit.





Figure 59: Edit wiki content


QUICK STEPS: How to Delete a Wiki

If you no longer need a wiki, you can delete it. Deleting a wiki is permanent.

1. On the Wikis listing page, access a wiki's contextual menu and click Delete.

2. Click OK in the pop-up warning. If the wiki is gradable, the Delete Confirmation page appears. You have two options:

Do not select check boxes: The wiki is deleted, but the Grade Center column and scores you have assigned are retained. For example, all student contributions are graded and you want to keep the Grade Center column for the final grade calculations.

Select the check boxes: The grade column in the Grade Center and the wiki are deleted. For example, if you do not want to include the grade column for the wiki contributions in the final grade, you can safely delete all.




Figure 60: Delete a wiki


If you want students to access the course tools from your course menu, you can

add a link to the course menu for one-click access to the tool. You can also

customize the name of the link.

Links to frequently used tools can be added to the Course Menu. Consider the

course content and the needs of the students when adding tools.

QUICK STEPS: Adding tools to the Course Menu

1. In Edit Mode, point to the plus sign above the Course Menu. The Add

Menu Item drop-down list appears.

2. Select Tool Link.

3. Type a Name for the link.

4. From the Type drop-down list, select the tool to add.

5. Select the Available to Users check box.

6. Click Submit.

If you need to add tools area links to course menu,

select from type drop-down list (Tool Area)

Add Tools link to Course Menu



2 4


5 6

Figure 61: Add a tool link to the course menu


You learned earlier how to add tools directly to the Course Menu. A tool can also

be added to a Content Area for students to use in conjunction with the content

contained there.

QUICK STEPS: Adding tools to Content Areas

1. In Edit Mode, access the Content Area (Ex: Content).

2. On the Action Bar, point to Tools to access the drop-down list.

3. Select any Tools from the list (EX: blogs).

4. On the Create Link page, choose link to the blogs pages or select

specific blog from the blog.

Add Tools link to Content Area




Figure 62: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 1)


5. On the Create Link page, type a Link Name or leave the default name.

6. In the Text box, type the text to appear under the link name in the

Content Area. Format the text using the Text Editor functions, if you






Figure 63: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 2)

Figure 64: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 3)


7. Under Options, select Yes for Available to make the tool available to

students. Select other options as needed.

8. Click Submit.




Figure 65: Add a tool to the content area - Ex. Blog. (Step 4)



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