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Post on 21-May-2020






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Table of ContentsAdventure Background .......................................................... 1Adventure Setting ...................................................................2Adventure Hooks ....................................................................3DM Quick Reference Sheet .....................................................4Timeline, In Case of Retreat, Loose Ends ...............................5Location Keys .........................................................................6Bestiary ..................................................................................14NPC Stats ................................................................................16Incidental NPCs .....................................................................16Random Book Titles ............................................................... 17Magic Item Table ....................................................................18

Author’s NoteThis is a short adventure adapted from my ongoing home campaign in which its purpose was to introduce noteworthy aspects of the setting to new players through role-playing interactions rather than information dumps. My intention in publishing it is two-fold: to ascertain whether I have any talent for DIY RPG publishing and gauge interest in my work. To that end, this module is being released at no charge (i.e., PWYW) with the sincere hope of receiving feedback from the wider DIY RPG community. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy this slight diversion!Contact: or*If you are inspired to critique this work, please bring your comments to my attention either via email or Google+. You can also find my (intermittently updated) blog at

Special ThanksI would like to thank the past and current players in my weekly AD&D campaign on Roll20, the first to face the dangers of rampaging automata in Talessin’s tower. Their engagement with and enjoyment of the setting has been humbling. Also deserving thanks are the many students who have tackled this adventure as part of the Walton Middle School after-school role-playing club. There is nothing like having dozens of middle schoolers play-test your work, especially if you want to know every unintended consequence of your design choices. Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wonderful wife and children for both their love and their encouragement of my hobby.



Adventure BackgroundOut-Of-COntrOl autOmata have driven a wizard frOm his shOp. he wOuld like the pCs tO sOlve the prOblem (withOut

damaging his CreatiOns) while his rival will pay fOr evidenCe Of the wizard’s dabbling in fOrbidden knOwledge.

The CityMidmark, City of Gulls, is the largest city-state on the free islands of Curabel. Ever sinc e Admiral Baldric Evenkeel led his fleet in rebellion against the empire, it has been home of the tropical archipelago’s finest navy and center of its commercial network. While ruled by an aristocracy descended from Baldric’s officers, various guilds hold great power in modern Midmark. This adventure is about one of those guilds, its internal conflicts, and the intersection of those mundanities with weird science, ancient civiliza-tions, and magic …

The City at a GlanceThink a tropical Venice or Amsterdam: barge-clogged canals, ornate bridges, and bustling harbor with extra high docks to accommodate tides caused by the twin moons.Future publications, if warranted, will expand upon the City of Gulls. For now, here are four useful facts to flesh out the location:1. Ships entering the harbor have come under attack by

so-called “Devil Fish” in recent months. Bounties are available from the navy for the tails of these evil and intelligent manta rays.

2. Tensions are high between ghettoized native island-ers and the descendants of colonial invaders who rule the city. Illegal underground presses churn out libelous broadsheets, dockworkers strike, and a se-cret police force works to identify dissidents.

3. One street gang, Cutter’s Mad Dogs, has done well for itself selling a new drug called “Dog Froth” made from unknown ingredients. No one cared much when it was native islanders dying, but now rumors claim that members of the young aristocracy are addicted.

4. Anyone handy with spell or weapon can make good money joining Midmark’s expeditionary force in nearby Balinwode to keep the merchant road open and outlying villages safe. Rumors claim that more money can be made by those with lax scruples and a company leader who works with slavers.

The GuildThe Tinkerers Guild is neither influential nor respected by its mercantile brethren, being a gentleman’s club for those interested in understanding and restoring the strange contraptions left behind by the islands’ ancient dwarven civilization. As a society full of crackpot inventors, self-styled archaeologists, and haughty scholar-mages, though, the guild has no shortage of vicious rivalries and semi-legal work for foolhardy souls willing to loot techno-magical wonders from jungle ruins.

The RivalsThe Dilettante Mage: Talessin is a mid-level human mage recently elected secretary of the Tinkerers Guild. He owns a shop in Low Market where he trains three young ap-prentices. When not selling minor charms or teaching the arcane arts, Talessin collects and experiments with ancient dwarven technology. Mindful of appearances, he acts the part of the mysterious wizard from his well-groomed beard to robes embroidered with elemental symbols – he has his eyes firmly on the guild master’s position. In negotiations with PCs, Talessin will appeal to their greed, ambition, and desire for power (the things he best understands).The Jealous Tinkerer: Desric Threehorn is proprietor of a shop specializing in the salvage of ancient technology. This brilliant but scatter-brained dwarf is often found unkempt with wild hair and grease-stained clothes. Desric resents losing the secretary’s position to Talessin and suspects his rival is less than careful handling dangerous artifacts. He pays street urchins to keep an eye out for any embarrassing activities at his rival’s shop. When not rambling about his projects, Desric will appeal to the PCs by dangling the promise of future jobs hunting powerful artifacts.

The Jealous Tinkerer: Desric Threehorn


Adventure Setting

Adventure Setting

d4 Random Tavern RumorsHere are some rumors, unrelated to Talessin’s automata woes, that patrons of the Lucky Gam (or other taverns) might share with inquisitive visitors. While these may be treated in future publications, DMs should feel free to decide on the import and veracity of the tales as necessary for their games.


Chief Magistrate Arden Grell’s home is haunted! He is seeking adventurers (discreetly) to banish the spirit of a maid who murdered his wife. Is-landers, though, will whisper that there is more to the tragedy than the judge is willing to admit.


Impoverished citizens from New Town, the ghet-to for islanders, have banded together to hire someone to find loved ones who disappeared near the local canal. The watch hasn’t helped, even though one witness saw his wife dragged away by green-skinned humanoids with bul-bous eyes.


An odd fellow passed through recently asking about giant lizards in the island interior. He wanted to hunt them! Some will opine that his accent was suspect and he was just an imperial spy. Regardless, he’s disappeared into the jungle after speaking with local hunters and guides.


Some brave homesteaders who claimed plots near the Magwater swamp have come under at-tack from native tribes. This is odd since natives were never encountered there previously. Some will add that the raiders only seem interested in foodstuff and avoid killing. Perhaps they’re fleeing something deeper in the jungles?

d6 Random Street IncidentsThe DM should roll on the following table whenever the PCs move between locations within the City of Midmark. As entries are used, replenish with appropriate content (perhaps incorporating the impact of player decisions).


As the PCs make their way down a main thor-oughfare, they come across two gangs of chil-dren engaged in a bloody battle from opposite sides of the road using rocks as ammunition. One group is made up of colonials, the other islanders; the PCs are caught in the crossfire!


A bedraggled caravan sits at a standstill, one of its oxen having collapsed. The PCs overhear a teamster explaining that they just braved the Old Merchant Road and were chased by dog people! The Special Expeditionary Force will have its hands full this year, in his opinion.


The PCs are accosted by a shady-looking fellow asking if they need medicine for their dog. He will produce a small package of Dog Froth if they are interested; if not, he scurries away hastily.


The PCs notice a street urchin zipping past down the road; suddenly, he is grabbed by a large man and dragged into an alley. The boy carries a note from the harbor with sensitive information on the lumber trade; the man works for a rival of the urchin’s current employer.


A loud man in colorful garments pulls a cart along the road, advertising his discounted al-chemical concoctions. They are cheap, but there is also a 30% chance of a random side-effect.


The party observes a sizable gang of young dandies from the university surrounding a frightened-looking native girl; the students are armed and everyone is avoiding them (the leader is Alaine Grell, nephew of the city’s chief magistrate).

d4 Random Buildings and LocationsIf the PCs wish to wander the City of Midmark before or during their adventure at Talessin’s shop, the DM should roll on the following table to generate noteworthy locales for the group to explore.


Situated on a spit of land between two canals is a huge open air market specializing in books, maps, and similar goods: The Paper Bazaar. The PCs can see stalls hawking all kinds of exotic parchment and inks.


The road ends at a sizable gatehouse; a line of tired-looking workers wait on either side to be let through by bored guardsmen. Beyond the gate is the native ghetto of New Town.


As the PCs cross a canal bridge, they see ware-houses built so that the ubiquitous barges can be moored inside; this provides cover from weather and unwanted attention.


Outside an Ark Sanctuary bearing the symbol of Baldric Evenkeel, an elderly colonial cleric draws in the dirt to teach children reading and writing. Occasionally he stops to reprimand harshly a student using native idioms.


Adventure Hooks

Adventure HooksNew ArrivalsWould-be adventurers like the PCs flock to Midmark like gulls to Tarwater harbor, often forming alliances with like-minded souls en route. As these new groups step off the gangplank, overwhelmed by the hustle of the islands’ busiest docks, their first thought will likely be looking to join a salvage expedition into the jungle interior. Mortimer Fennic, a friendly old dwarven warrior wearing a metallic skull-cap with attached eye-patch to cover an old wound, sets up his desk at the docks daily to recruit for just such expeditions; his beefy islander bodyguard, Alma, wanders the docks scanning arrivals for likely prospects. She will approach the PCs and direct them to Mortimer, but he is not one to send untested adventurers to their deaths and will recommend the group seek out Desric Threehorn in the Outlander District since he is rumored to have a job better-suited to new arrivals. [See “Help Wanted at the Junkyard” below for this hook’s bait]. Also watching the arrivals will be Boscelin Boscastle, a mage of questionable morals and associate of Talessin. He will try to intercept the group after overhearing Mortimer and warn them that Desric is a crank, questioning Mortimer’s appraisal of their skill and directing them to the Lucky Gam Tavern where his friend has work more befitting real adventurers [See “Public House Prestidigitator” below].

Help Wanted at the JunkyardIf the party follows the main road from Midmark harbor to the Outlander district, they will eventually pass a dilap-idated house and yard filled with rusting gears and other mechanical debris. There is no sign identifying the loca-tion, but a street urchin sitting on the low wall around the property will approach the PCs. This boy will tell them that the owner, Desric the Tinkerer, is looking for adventurers and pays well. If they heed his persistent pleas and knock at the door, Desric will open it – disturbing a chime made from machine parts – and look over the PCs before handing a few coppers to the boy. Once inside his cluttered shop, he aimlessly rummages through junk and piles of books while relating his offer: he suspects that Talessin is conducting dangerous experiments and will pay money for proof in the form of research notes or schematics. Desric also knows that something drove the wizard from his shop and led him to rent rooms at the Lucky Gam tavern. Talessin is looking discretely for adventurers and Desric thinks it would be in both his and the PCs’ interests if they had a chat with the mage. Perhaps, if this assignment goes well and Desric gets back his rightful position as secretary, there might be more lucrative work for the group in the future … [Skip to “Public House Prestidigitator”]

Public House PrestidigitatorSometimes adventure comes from a hooded stranger hud-dled in the inn’s corner, other times it’s the mage sitting in an ale house’s common room with two young apprentices and a pile of books on ancient mechanisms. If the players stumble into the Lucky Gam tavern, Talessin will be eager to make their acquaintance. After some preamble about discretion and generous monetary reward, he will admit that he was driven from his shop by out-of-control autom-ata. The problem started when he placed an ancient circlet on a restored machine – just like his manuscript described! – and Talessin now believes removing that circlet will sort the issue. Unfortunately, the malfunctioning automaton is on the second story of the tower attached to his shop, past the other mechanical creatures now running rampant. Handing over the keys to the shop, he will reiterate the need for discretion and add that managing the task without damaging his creations will mean a bonus reward. Since it slipped Talessin’s mind, an apprentice (either Theon or Flynn) will reveal that a fellow student, Osric, is missing and likely trapped in the tower’s basement.

The Observant BeggarPCs who ignore both Desric and Talessin’s offers may still wander past the wizard’s shop. If so, a lame beggar – who has connections with Cutter’s Mad Dogs – will tell the PCs that the shop’s well-heeled owner abandoned it in a hurry. For a share of the loot, he would be willing to keep watch for guards if the group wants to take a look inside.

The Dilettante Mage: Talessin


DM Quick Reference Sheet

DM Quick Reference SheetIsometric Map of Talessin’s Shop and Tower

Abbreviated Monster Stats & Tracker (Mark [D]estroyed or [I]ncapacitated) Monkey Automata; AC: 6; HD: 1+1; MV: 18”; #ATT: 2; DAM: d6; Small

• Special: Climb walls or ceiling at normal speed; Leaps 15’

Dwarven Warrior Automaton; AC: 5; HD: 2; MV: 12”; #ATT: 1; DAM: d8; Medium• Special: Physical Damage reduced 1; 1/turn +2 to hit and damage

Undying (Flesh Automaton); AC: 9; HD: 1; MV: 6”; #ATT: 1; DAM: d6; Medium• Special: Acts last in combat

Overseer Automaton; AC: 8; HD: 3; Medium• Special: 2d4 electric damage when touched on failed save vs. spell; 1 round to regenerate field


DM Quick Reference Sheet

Day Zero• Overseer automaton wakes and subverts the other

machines in Talessin’s shop• Talessin driven from shop by machines; Desric hears

this from his street urchin spies• Osric, the unfortunate apprentice, is trapped in the tow-

er basement and killed. The overseer quickly recycles him into a zombie automaton (Undying).

Day One• Monkey automaton creates three more of his kind as

instructed by the Overseer before dawn• The party arrives in the city and first hears about the

adventure opportunity

Day Two• A band of 5 0-level robbers (AC10, 2HP) forces the front

door to the shop and begins looting the main gallery• Monkeys leave the tower and move into the shop’s main

gallery in the afternoon (attacking the robbers)• A warrior automaton follows the monkeys in the eve-


Day Three• Monkey automata begin scouting the neighborhood in

the morning to find Talessin (20% of being spotted and generating rumors among the common folk)

• Warrior automaton comes crashing through the shop front around dusk on a mission to kill Talessin (guards alerted and the adventure opportunity comes to an end)

• Injured automata recover at a rate of 1HP every 2 hours as the monkeys repair the damage (assuming any func-tioning monkey automata remain)

• Destroyed automata cannot be fixed since Talessin’s shop lacks spares for key components

• Each foray by party into the shop delays the timeline detailed above by one day

• If the party enters Talessin’s shop without speaking to Desric, they will be approached upon leaving by a street urchin who tells them that someone has important information and a lucrative proposal if they will take a moment to visit his shop before reporting to Talessin.

Timeline Tracker (Mark each day)

In Case of Party Retreat

Loose Ends and Future OpportunitiesThere are several possible conclusions to this adventure depending on the party’s success and how they negotiate the rivalry between Talessin and Desric. Here are some thoughts about how these loose ends can lead to further adventure:• If the party succeeds and sides with Talessin (or pretends

to do so), the mage will offer them another job: he’s heard that Desric Threehorn has discovered the location of some kind of ancient relic in a tomb underneath the city. If the party steals Desric’s notes and recovers this item, Talessin would pay handsomely both for it and any other artifacts found.

* As the imperial platinum pieces hidden in his nightstand suggest, Talessin is spying for the em-pire and passing along his technological findings to its agents. Whether the party discovers this – or cares – can have long-reaching consequences.

* In his role as imperial spy, Talessin volunteers at the nearest city watch’s morgue. This was the source of the overseer’s brain (although its racist and homicidal personality came from the circlet) and a connection that may involve the party in the city’s social unrest.

• If the party succeeds and sides with Desric (or pretends to do so), the tinkerer will offer them another job: a

previous adventuring party has gone missing with a key to a hidden area of the dwarven ruins of Xen’Khel. Desric thinks another copy of this key can be found in a crypt below the city, though, and has some ideas about where to start looking in the sewers.

* As a somewhat influential resident of the Outlander district and friend to many native islanders, Desric is sympathetic to efforts by dissidents to reform the city’s inequalities; he is also loyal to Midmark and takes commissions from its colonial-dominated government. Aligning with Desric might involve the party in this long-simmering political conflict.

* Desric will also put in a good word with Elspeth, proprietor of the Cock & Bull tavern across the street from his shop. She is looking for someone to rent the small townhouse behind the bar.

• If the party fails to stop the rampaging automata, the city guard and secret police (the Grey Cloaks) will even-tually resolve the issue in a very public way. Whether Talessin dies or not, this will mean the end of his guild career. Desric will be satisfied, even if he would have rather been the one to denounce his rival, so the party could continue working with him (see above). If Talessin survives the automata attack, though, the party may have gained a nemesis with a seething grudge.


Maps & Keys: Talessin's Magic Emporium

1. Main Gallery of Shop (20’x30’x10’)Shelves of arcana, from crystals to pungent herbsOccupants:• Unoccupied unless automata have moved here from the tower or robbers

are looting the shelves (see timeline above)Exits:• Door (Outside): Thick wooden door with keyhole; pull ring, locked (Talessin’s

keyring; lock broken if robbers are looting – see timeline above)• Door (Closet): Flimsy wooden door; pull ring, not locked• Door (Cabinet, #2) : Thick wooden door with keyhole; locked (Talessin’s

keyring; lock broken if monkeys advanced to gallery – see timeline above)• Window (Outside): Several opaque uncolored glass squares in lead framing;

it does not openShelves:• Merchandise artfully arranged to look cluttered; no labeling• “Obvious” valuables, like the crystals are cheap tchotchkes• Magic users can differentiate junk from valuables; 1 turn searching:

* Crystal worth 40GP

* Components (under 5GP each in value) to cast their spell(s) 5 times* 2 pearls worth 100GP (for Identify)* On each of the first three turns spent searching the shelves, have the

player in question roll on the Magic Item table (page 18)* N.B.: After returning, Talessin will discover the theft of the crystal or

pearls (but not other items); reaction dependent on relationship with party

Counter:• Shelf underneath counter top

* Small wooden money-box (locked; key with Talessin; contains 65GP 40SP)

* Flynn’s Spell book (Read Magic only); unflattering caricature of Talessin hidden between pages

• Small backless stool, tipped over on sideCloset (5’x5’x10’):• Unremarkable closet with mundane cleaning supplies (duster, broom, etc.)2.The Collector’s Cabinet, Lower (25’x25’x20’)A museum displaying Talessin’s private collection of Dwarven artifacts and taxidermyOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of warrior automaton (AC:5; HD:2; #ATT:1; DAM:d8; Bestiary

2) on day two if monkeys have moved to main gallery (see timeline above); overseer will try to trick party into thinking warrior is inert like the others here (see below) to gain surprise.

Exits:• Door (Shop Gallery, #1): Thick wooden door with keyhole; locked (Talessin’s

keyring; lock broken if monkeys advanced to gallery – see timeline above)• Door (Showroom Study, #3): Thick wooden door; pull ring, no lock• Stairs (Upper Cabinet, #12): Dark wood stairs; handrail with ornamented

balustradeInert Automata:• Four incomplete dwarven warrior automata stand facing the room’s center;

they are hollow shells, missing significant portions of their inner workings.Display Cases:• Four wooden cases with windowed doors (locked; key with Talessin)• Each case contains Ancient Dwarven artifacts (labeled):


Maps & Keys: Talessin's Magic Emporium

* Fragment of a mosaic depicting Xen’Teler (the dwarven deity)* Ornamented sword sheath and fine blade (a Khel Marshal’s blade)* Steam engine part (pressure gauge on round chamber with broken-off

tubing); several metal pieces that may (or may not) be from same device* Information Reliquary (Cube, 6” to a side) of dense, stone-like material

on small pedestal (very similar to the cube in the Undying Automaton’s skull, see Bestiary 3)

Trophies and Mounted Specimens:• The spaces between the display cases and around this room’s upper story

are covered in more of Talessin’s collection: ancient dwarven shields and banners, taxidermies of beasts (ogre head, black bear, etc.)

3. Showroom Study (15’x10’x10’; short hallway)Expertly staged salon for impressing clients with plentiful money but little senseExits:• Door (Cabinet, #2): Thick wooden door; push, no lock• Door (Kitchen, #4): Thin wooden door; push, no lockBookshelves (North & East Walls):• Stuffed with a mix of arcane volumes and occult knickknacks (skulls, mineral

stones)• On the first turn spent searching the shelves, have the player in question

roll on the Magic Item table (page 18)• Books: Pompously titled (e.g., Elzar’s Tome of Forbidden Hexcraft); a magic

user will recognize them as drivel – the Time Life Books of magic, intended for laymen. Use random table (page 17) to generate titles.

Fireplace:• Imposing stone fireplace occupying the entirety of the study’s western wall• Stocked with Birtmin logs, which release a heady scent and blue flame when

burnedHigh-Backed Chair:• Cushioned chair with claw feet and armrest details; situated to cast occupant

in semi-shadow from fireplace and face entrance hallway4. Tidy Kitchen (15’x10’x10’)A small kitchen, well-used but kept remarkably cleanExits:• Door (Outside): Thick wooden door; pull ring, barred from inside (leads

to alleyway)

• Door (Showroom Study, #3): Thin wooden door; pull ring, no lock• Door (Apprentices, #5): Thin wooden door; push, no lock

Pantry:• Free-standing pantry with four shelves; pots & utensils at bottom, foodstuff

above• Clearing out the foodstuff will provide one day’s rations (will spoil in three

days)Fireplace:• Small fireplace with iron pot hanging from hook; the fire has burnt out• Pot contains a thick stew that has gone cold5. Apprentices’ Bedchamber (15’x10’x10’ at widest; L-shaped)Cramped chamber with three small beds, only one of which is neatly madeExits:• Door (Kitchen, Area #4): Thin wooden door; pull ring, no lockBeds:• Osric: Neatly made; bin underneath has letters from mother and carefully

penned lesson notes• Flynn: Rumpled bedclothes; bin underneath has scribbled lesson notes

illustrated with unflattering caricatures of Talessin• Theon: Rumpled bedclothes; bin underneath has lesson notes and a packet

of powder (Dog’s Froth, see item four in Midmark at a Glance, page 1)

Note on Map Key EntriesEach Entry is structured to aide DM’s during play. For best results, please follow this process when PCs enter a new area:1. Provide the PC mapper with room dimensions (top-line parenthetical)2. Convey “feeling” of room as inspired by flavor text (second line; italic)3. Describe occupants and have them act (first subsection, if present)4. Provide PC mappers with list of exits (next subsection)5. List key features in room (titles of remaining subsections)6. Provide details on key features (and doors) only if PCs explicitly investigate

(bulleted lists under each subsection)Tracking Tool (Magic Emporium):Day #:______Automata in Main Gallery: Robbers in Main Gallery: Automata in Cabinet:

PC Light source: (___ feet)Notable items stolen: Party making loud noise: Overseer aware of intrusion:


Maps & Keys: Tower, Basement

6. Empty Storage Room (10’x15’x10’)Dusty and unused, there are cobwebs in the corners and a drain in the floor’s centerOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of monkey automaton (AC:6; HD:1+1; #ATT:2; DAM:d6; Bes-

tiary 1); if all other basement rooms checked without monkey being found, it’s in this chamber

Exits:• Door (Cellar Entry, #11): Thick wooden door with keyhole; push, not locked7. Emporium Storage (10’x12’x10’ at widest; diagonals)Small room with a few crates marked with various merchants’ sigilsOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of monkey automaton (Bestiary 1); if all other basement rooms

checked without monkey being found, it’s in this chamberExits:• Door (Cellar Entry, #11): Thick wooden door with keyhole; push, not locked

Crates:• These contain merchandise for the shop (i.e., more junk); a magic user

spending 1 turn searching will find:* Components (under 5GP each in value) to cast their spell(s) 5 times* 25 Sheets of fine parchment and two bottles of ink; 10 Glass vials with

stoppers* On each of the first two turns spent searching the crates, have the player

in question roll on the Magic Item table (page 18)* N.B.: Theft of items will not be noticed; roll again for encounter during

search if monkey has not yet been found in basement (2-in-6 chance)8. Empty Storage Room (20’x10’x10’)Dusty and unused chamber with rats nesting in the southwest cornerOccupants:• Normal rats (will flee any intruders); sound may be mistaken for monkey

squeak from cellar entry hall if party listens at doorExits:• Door (Cellar Entry, #11): Thick wooden door with keyhole; push, not locked9. Foodstuff Storage (10’x10’x10’)Small room suffused with earthy smells – fresh vegetables and bloodOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of monkey automaton (Bestiary 1); if all other basement rooms

checked without monkey being found, it’s in this chamberExits:• Door (Cellar Entry, #11): Thick wooden door with keyhole; push, not lockedTipped Pantry:• A four-shelf pantry has fallen onto its side just inside the door; it partly

rests in a puddle of dried blood and there are claw marks on it (this is where Osric died)

Barrels and Crates:• These are mostly filled with foodstuff (e.g., apples, melons, edible roots); 1

turn searching will net the party 5 days rations (spoil in 2 weeks; roll again for monkey if it hasn’t been encountered yet in basement)

• One barrel contains a fine wine worth 40GP; Talessin will note its theft (re-action dependent on relationship with party)


Maps & Keys: Tower, Basement

10. Mechanism Storage (15’x10’x10’ at widest; diagonals)Chamber stuffed with boxes, some sealed and others opened, all marked with the same sigilOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of monkey automaton (AC:6; HD:1+1; #ATT:2; DAM:d6; Bes-

tiary 1); if all other basement rooms checked without monkey being found, it’s in this chamber

Exits:• Door (Cellar Entry, #11): Thick wooden door with keyhole; push, not lockedCrates:• Sealed crates contain automata parts (e.g., monkey heads, warrior arms),

opened are empty except for packing straw. All crates are marked with a sigil composed of seven stars vaguely arranged to look like a throne (Silver Throne Company, shady dwarven merchants)

11. Cellar Entry Hall (20’x10’x10’ at widest; diagonal and hall)A small entry area and hallway filled with many doors and the echo of inter-mittent squeaksOccupants:• If party makes excessive noise here, there is a 2-in-6 chance a monkey au-

tomaton (Bestiary 1) will emerge from a random door to investigate (see sidebar note on behavior and tactics)

Exits:• Ladder (Workshop, #16): Iron rungs in north wall lead to trapdoor (opens

upwards; unbarred)• Five Doors (Storage, #6-10): Thick wooden door with keyhole; pull ring,

not lockedCrates:• Two opened crates, empty but for packing straw, sit on the ground near

the ladder. They are marked with a sigil composed of seven stars vaguely arranged to look like a throne (Silver Throne Company, shady dwarven merchants) Tracking Tool (Tower, Basement):

Day #:______Automaton Disabled: Automaton Damaged: All Automata Disabled:

PC Light source: (___ feet)Notable items stolen: Party making loud noise: Overseer aware of intrusion:

Tips, Complications, & Tactics1. Grappling: The bonus for not damaging Talessin’s machines makes non-le-

thal combat more likely. DMs should be prepared to adjudicate such actions.2. If the Monkey Automaton becomes aware of the party without being de-

tected, it will try one of the following strategies:* If the entire party enters one of the cellar rooms to investigate or loot,

the Monkey will slam the door and spike it with an unused automaton part before hiding again. PCs must make a successful Open Doors or Strength Check to escape. Clever PCs might use the same strategy if they approach the monkey’s hiding place undetected.

* If the party is more cautious or heads directly to the location of the Monkey, it will position itself above the door to leap down on or toss its weapon at the first PC to enter the room where it is hiding.]

* If the Monkey has a clear route to the ladder, it will climb upstairs and bar the trapdoor from above; the PCs must make a successful Open Doors or Strength Check to escape.


Maps & Keys: Tower, Main Floor

12. Collector’s Cabinet, Upper (25’x25’20’; balcony 5’x25’x10’)A museum displaying Talessin’s private collection of Dwarven artifacts and taxidermyOccupants:• 2-in-6 chance of warrior automaton (AC:5; HD:2; #ATT:1; DAM:d8; Bestiary

2) on day two if monkeys have moved to main gallery (see timeline above); automaton will be on lower level and overseer will try to trick party into thinking warrior is inert like the others here (see below) to gain surprise

Exits:• Stairs (Lower Cabinet, #2): Dark wood stairs; handrail with ornamented

balustrade• Door (Central Hallway, #13): Thick, dark wooden door with “wizard eye”

carving and keyhole; push, locked (Talessin’s keyring; if monkeys have ad-vanced to gallery, the lock is broken – see timeline above)

Trophies and Mounted Specimens:• This room’s upper story is covered in pieces of Talessin’s collection: ancient

dwarven shields and banners, taxidermies of beasts (ogre head, black bear, etc.)

13. Central Hallway (35’x20’x25’ at widest; int. walls 10’ high)The ceiling here is lost in darkness, while squeaks and hammering echo from the northOccupants:• Opening the door from the Collector’s Cabinet (#12) will cause the squeaks

to fall silent, although the metallic hammering continues from the northExits:• Door (Upper Cabinet, #12): Thick, dark wooden door with keyhole; pull ring,

locked (Talessin’s keyring; if monkeys have advanced to gallery, the lock is broken – see timeline above)

• 3 Doors to Workshop Rooms (#14-16): Thin wooden doors; pull rings, no locks

• Windows (Outside): Thick and opaque windows made of irregularly shaped and colorful glass pieces held together by a lead frame at the eastern and western ends of the hall; they do not open

Walls:• Interior walls on this level extend upwards only 10’, leaving another 15’ of

open space where a metal catwalk hangs. N.B.: In combat, monkeys will take advantage of this by climbing over the walls and leaping up to the catwalk. Of course, the party could also use this arrangement to skip the workshop (with its warrior automaton) if they have a way to climb directly up to the catwalk from below

Catwalk:• The metal catwalk is hung from the ceiling with thick braces and has a mesh

floor; there is a thin metal handrail. The party will be able to see the central ladder through it and a small pile of glassware at the ladder’s foot (five vials of acid); depending on light sources and vision, they might also see the top of stairs against the tower’s north wall leading up to the catwalk

14. Alchemy Chamber (15’x15’x25’; int. walls only 10’ high)A caustic smell hangs in the air here, causing a mild burning sensation to the eyesOccupants:• The first time the party enters the tower, a single monkey automaton (AC:6;

HD:1+1; #ATT:2; DAM:d6; Bestiary 1) is in this chamber collecting the last two acid vials (the remainder are already piled on the catwalk near the ladder). Hearing the group enter, it will climb the wall and perch above the door – making a last few squeaks in the process


Maps & Keys: Tower, Main Floor

• When the first party member enters the room, the monkey will attempt a surprise attack and toss one of its acid vials (2d4HP direct damage; 1HP splash within 1’). Any counterattack will cause it to scamper over to the other side of the wall and toss another vial; a successful counterattack will cause it to leap onto the catwalk (which provides 25% cover from missile attacks)

Exits:• Door (Central Hallway, #13): Thin wooden door; push, no lockCauldron:• A large black cauldron sits in the center of the room suspended from a tripod

over a burnt out fire pit. A thin layer of foul liquid sits in its bottom (enough acid to fill one glass vial from the shelf). There is a thick metal ladle lying on the floor beside it

Shelf:• A wooden shelf attached to the east wall; arranged haphazardly on it are 5

glass vials15. Scriptorium (15’x15’x25’; int. walls only 10’ high)The draft created opening the door rustles some parchment on the neatly ar-ranged desksExits:• Door (Central Hallway, #13): Thin wooden door; push, no lockDesks:• Each desk has a stack of ten parchment pages, an ink pot, and a quill. The

desk against the north wall also has a book titled “Islander Wisdom by Ara-bella Calcius” opened to a folk remedy for genital rashes. This cure has been partially copied out onto one of the parchment leaves, as if it were a spell scroll, although the work leaves off mid-sentence

16. Tinkerer’s Workshop (35’x15’x25’ Widest; int. walls 10’ high)The hammering falls silent as the door opens, replaced by the angry hiss of steamOccupants:• A monkey automaton (AC:6; HD:1+1; #ATT:2; DAM:d6; Bestiary 1) works

here to restore more of its kind (or repair those damaged by the party). It will leave off working if the door opens, leaping up to the catwalk if possible with a wrench in hand. From there, it will toss the wrench down (d2HP damage) and squeak threateningly, only approaching to attack if the warrior automaton is in trouble. If party members make it onto the catwalk, it will scurry towards the ladder

• A dwarven warrior automaton (AC:5; HD:2; #ATT:1; DAM:d8; Bestiary 2) stands in front of the metal stairs leading up to the catwalk. It will attack anyone approaching to keep them from climbing

Exits:• Door (Central Hallway, #13): Thin wooden door; push, no lock• Catwalk, #17): Metallic stairs set into the tower wall with a thin handrail;

the flooring of the steps is open mesh like the catwalk proper• Windows (Outside): Thick and opaque windows made of irregularly shaped

and colorful glass pieces held together by a lead frame on the northeast and northwest walls; they do not open

Workbenches:• Two small workbenches beneath the windows and a longer one against the

southern wall (beside the door) are covered in mechanic’s tools, pieces of automata, and schematics annotated with research notes

• The schematic for the Overseer automaton (on the large bench) has notes indicating both that the machine may be dangerous when combined with a control circlet and Talessin’s lack of concern. This will satisfy Desric Three-horn’s request for evidence of mage’s disregard for safety

• There are also schematics for monkey and warrior automata. Each party member that takes these diagrams and studies them for two hours will gain a +2 to hit and damage bonus in the future when fighting that particular type of machineTips, Complications, & Tactics

1. Restraints: Note that monkey automata can be grappled and then re-strained using rope, chains, and the like to earn Talessin’s bonus reward. The warrior automaton will not be as easy to hold captive.

2. Smart players may try to avoid the warrior automaton in the Tinkerer’s Workshop by using rope to climb up to the catwalk; this is a good strate-gy, although the DM should have the Monkey Automata do their best to prevent its success (e.g., cutting the rope, throwing items at climbing PCs).

3. If the PCs initiate combat with the automata in the Tinkerer’s Workshop, the Monkey Automaton hiding in the Alchemy Chamber will begin attacking the group’s flank after two rounds; the reverse is not true (guarding the stairs to the catwalk is prioritized by the Overseer).

Tracking Tool (Tower, Main Floor):Day #:______“Monkeys” Disabled: “Warrior” Disabled: Automata Damaged:

PC Light source: (___ feet)Notable items stolen: Party making loud noise: Overseer aware of intrusion:


Maps & Keys: Tower, Upper Floors

17. Tower Catwalk (5’ wide; 15’ above floor and 10’ below ceiling)The mesh floor and thin handrail concern even those not suffering from acro-phobiaOccupants:• It is likely that one or more monkey automata (AC:6; HD:1+1; #ATT:2;

DAM:d6; Bestiary 1) will be here when the party ascends (see #14 & 16 above). These creatures will retreat to the ladder in the center of the chamber and one will begin using the acid vials there (at least five) against the four catwalk supports nearby (Saving Throw: 7). If two supports fail, any medium creature will cause that 5’x10’ section of the catwalk to collapse (d6 falling damage)

• If there are two monkeys, the second will protect the one attempting to destroy the catwalk supports

Exits:• Stairs (Workshop, #16): Metallic stairs set into the tower wall with a thin

handrail; the flooring of the steps is open mesh like the catwalk proper• Ladder (Bedchamber, #18): A metal ladder attached to the ceiling but not

the catwalk proper (meaning it will stay even if the catwalk collapses); it leads up to a wooden trapdoor that opens upward. The overseer may command its Undying slave (see below) to stand on the trapdoor; a successful strength check will force it open

Catwalk:• The metal catwalk is hung from the ceiling with thick braces and has a mesh

floor; there is a thin metal handrail. It provides 25% cover from missile weapons fired from below

18. Talessin’s Bedchamber (25’x25’x10’; Diagonal corners)The lingering scent of old perfume and incense mixes with the sharper tang of decaying fleshOccupants:• Undying (AC:9; HD:1; #ATT:1; DAM:d6; Bestiary 3): This horrid fusion of

corpse and machine will attempt to protect the overseer from any harm, punching and clawing as it moans in what could be either anger, pain, or fear

• Overseer (AC:8; HD:3; #ATT:0; Bestiary 4): The overseer cannot move or attack, but will use its electrical defenses and control over the other automata in the tower to protect itself. A golden circlet sits on the clear dome under which its brain floats in some murky liquid

Exits:• Trapdoor (Catwalk, #17): A wooden trapdoor opening upwards; below is a

metal ladder bolted into the ceiling leading down to the catwalk above the tower’s ground floor

• Door (Balcony, #19): A thick wooden door with a keyhole; pull ring, barred from inside

Bookcases:• Filled with more serious tomes on magic than the showroom study in the

shop; searching for 1 turn will uncover three books on dwarven automata (worth 150GP to Desric or similar buyers), a theoretical text on magical energy (worth 75GP to magic users), and one of Talessin’s spell books con-taining Comprehend Languages, Identify, and Mending (he managed to grab his others on the way out). Use random table (page 17) to generate book titles as needed

• The theft of any of these books will be noted by Talessin, who will react badly regardless of his relationship to the party

Fireplace:• A well-sized fireplace stocked with regular wood. Behind a loose stone in the

flue is a cache of 1000GP, which Talessin will draw from to pay the party for their services. Obviously, theft of this money will be noted by Talessin and he will react badly unless the party managed the job without damaging any automata (in which case, he will mention the theft only as a justification for not paying the promised reward)


Maps & Keys: Tower, Upper Floors

Bed:• Opulent bed with four posts, thick curtains, and satiny bedclothesNightstand:• The single drawer contains a bag with 75PP (Imperial stamp).Theft of these

items will be noticed, although Talessin will likely not mention the platinum given their provenance (see Loose Ends, page 5)

• On each of the first two turns spent searching the crates, have the player in question roll on the Magic Item table (page 18)

Desk:• The desk against the southern wall has a partially burnt candle and another

book on dwarven automata; this book is open to a section on Overseers and their suspected role as long-term guardians and care-takers for ancient dwarven structures. It is also worth 150GP to Desric or similar buyers, al-though Talessin will react badly to its theft

19. Tower BalconyA refreshing breeze smelling of saltwater blows from the south, where ships’ masts are visibleOccupants• A monkey automata guards the balcony against anyone climbing the tower

(AC:6; HD:1+1; #ATT:2; DAM:d6; Bestiary 1). It will chew through ropes and dislodge grappling hooks; if confronted by a PC that can climb unaided, it has a pile of heavy books from Talessin’s bedroom to throw down (including a spell book with Sleep and Comprehend Languages). If that fails to dissuade intruders, the automata will retreat into the bedroom and bar the door

* Climbing the tower will take three rounds* Books cause d2 damage and necessitate either a DEX check or Save

vs. Paralysis to avoid fall. Fall damage is d6 for each round of climbing completed at time of fall

Exits:• Door (Talessin’s Bedchamber, #18): A thick wooden door with a keyhole;

push, barred from inside unless sentry prevented from doing soBalcony:• Once alerted to any climbers by the sentry monkey outside, the Overseer will

summon all the monkey automata from elsewhere in the tower to defend the bedchamber (area #18)

Tracking Tool (Tower, Upper Floors):Day #:______“Monkey” Disabled: Overseer Disabled: Automata Damaged:

PC Light source: (___ feet)Notable items stolen: Party making loud noise: Overseer aware of intrusion:

Tips, Complications, & Tactics1. PCs and Monkey Automata can leap down from the catwalk to tackle (i.e.,

grapple) opponents on the lower level. Treat these attacks as charges for the purposes of bonuses and only roll for falling damage (d6) on a miss.

2. If a PC starts to climb the ladder with a Monkey Automata still functioning, it will leap (up to 15’) to make a flying tackle; on a success, both opponents will fall to the lower level and take damage (d6).

3. If more than one round elapses between the PCs reaching the ladder and trying to open the trapdoor, the Undying (Flesh Automaton) will be in-structed by the Overseer to stand on top of the trapdoor. It can be dislodged with a successful Open Doors or Strength Check.



BestiaryMonkey Automaton• AC: 6; HD: 1+1; MV: 18”; #ATT: 2; DAM: d6; Small• Special: Can climb any wall or ceiling at normal speed;

Leaps 15’These agile automata can move equally fast both along walls and ceilings, punching small footholds into stone and wood as they travel. In desperate circumstances, they will fight with their claws but prefer to climb out of reach and attack with improvised missile weapons. Originally designed to crawl inside larger machines to make repairs, they are excellent mechanics. Roughly three feet high when sitting up, their length varies as their segmented bodies flex like accordions when moving. Such movement also makes a high-pitched squeaking noise like a swarm of rats.D6 Improvised Weapons1 Flask of grease (functions as spell)2 Bag of cogs (slows movement to 1/2)3 Pouch of three tools (d2 damage thrown)4 Five razor-sharp gears (d4 damage thrown)5 Forearm beaten flat and sharpened (d6 damage)6 Vial of acid from Alchemy Chamber

Dwarven Warrior Automaton • AC: 5; HD: 2; MV: 12”; #ATT: 1; DAM: d8; Medium• Special: Damage reduction of 1 on all physical attacks;

1/turn +2 to hit and damageThese automata are slightly taller than humans, around eight feet high, and resemble heavily armored dwarven warriors carrying traditional weapons (e.g., axes, ham-mers). Their heavy plating partially protects them from physical damage and, once per turn, they can expel their engine’s built-up steam reservoirs for an extra-powerful attack. D6 Unique Features1 Drags right leg (unearthly screeching sound)2 Stuttering movements, like wind-up doll3 Ominous rumbling from steam reservoir4 Ornately carved head (braided beard, etc.)5 Partially melted face6 Drags weapon and attacks using overhead swing



Overseer Automaton• AC: 8; HD: 3; MV: 0”; #ATT: 0; DAM: N/A; Medium• Special: Electrical field does 2d4 to any touching over-

seer on failed save vs. spell; 1 round to regenerate field after discharge

This particular overseer automaton is an immobile cylin-der with a clear glass dome in which a brain floats amidst murky liquid (something like a cross between a Dalek and DC Comics’ Brain). It wears a golden circlet that allows it to control and see through the eyes of all automata in the vicinity of Talessin’s shop; removing this will cause the other automata to deactivate. Although lacking any attack capability, the overseer is not defenseless: electricity courses through its shell and will zap anyone touching it. This electrical field takes a round to regenerate after discharging.

If communicated with via circlet or other means (ESP, etc.), the overseer will speak in Ancient Dwarven and seem unaware of the fall of his race’s ancient empire. It will believe that everyone it encounters is part of a slave revolt, including modern dwarves who it will term “degenerate race traitors.”

Undying (Flesh Automaton)• AC: 9; HD: 1; MV: 6”; #ATT: 1; DAM: d6; Medium• Special: Always acts last in combatThe body of Osric, Talessin’s unfortunate apprentice, has been converted into a flesh automaton. This was accom-plished by removing the top of his cranium, scooping out the majority of his brain, and fusing an ancient control cube made from an unidentifiable stone-like material to the top of his spinal column. Slow like a zombie, this abom-ination has a weak attack but will fight doggedly to protect the overseer, continuing to futilely grasp at enemies from the ground unless the cube is removed.D6 Pitiful Moans1 “Kill me, please ... kill me now!”2 “For the Glory of our Dwarven Overlords!”3 “The pain! Make it stop!”4 “I live to serve and must serve to live!”5 “Forgive Me! I MUST obey!”6 “The lesser races will pay for their betrayal!”


NPC Stats

Talessin (Magic User, Level 5)AKA, “The Dilettante Mage”: a moderately powerful wizard who could hold his own in battle, but whose first instinct will be to flee (using his Potion of Gaseous Form).• AC: 7; 20HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Dagger (d4)• Gear: Fancy Robes; Ring of Protection +1; Potion of

Gaseous Form; Travel Spell book• Memorized Spells: Charm Person x2, Sleep, Shield,

Mirror Image, Audible Glamer, Lightning Bolt Desric Threehorn (Commoner, Unleveled)AKA, “The Jealous Tinkerer”: while generally a kind soul, this tinkerer can be wily and has some refurbished technology to protect himself• AC: 9; 2HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Special• Gear: Stun Stick (d6 Dam.; Save vs. Paralysis or fall un-

conscious for 2 rounds - 2 charges; )• Special: The stairs up to Desric’s private rooms above

his shop are trapped (fifth step is pressure plate; razor disc launcher on upper landing; 2d6 damage, Save vs. Breath Weapon for half)

Mortimer Fennic (Fighter, Level 6)AKA, “The Friendly Old Fighter”: this former adventurer is rumored to have made his fortune exploring the ruins of Xen’Khel; his skills add credence to this tale.

• AC: 5; 42HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Axe +2 (d8+2)• Gear: Chain Mail, Gold Skull Cap, +2 Battle AxeTalessin’s Apprentices (Commoner, Unleveled)AKA, “The Gangly Teenagers”; while Flynn will have no qualms about abandoning Talessin to his fate, Theon will try to protect his master• AC: 10; 1HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Fists (d2)• Gear: Vial of Dog Froth (Theon)City Guardsmen (Man-at-Arms, Unleveled)AKA, “The Law”; many guardsmen are veterans of the Ex-peditionary Force and are unlikely to be intimidated by untested adventurers. They’re not heroes, though, and will only approach violent PCs with overwhelming numbers• AC: 7; 4HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Varied Weapons• Gear: Studded Leather Armor, bell (to summon help)Grey Cloaks (Fighter, Level 2)AKA, “Above the Law”; an elite secret police force dedicated to protecting the interests of the City Lords using any means available• AC: 4; 14HP; #ATT: 1; DAM: Various Weapons• Gear: Chain Mail; Vial of Poison (1 weapon application;

Save vs. Death)

NPC StatsParticularly mercenary PCs might be tempted to resolve the rivalry between Talessin and Desric in a more direct way, especially after seeing the potential loot throughout the former’s shop. To head off possible confusion over the consequences of such actions, DMs should make it clear that Midmark’s authorities frown upon unprovoked attacks and killing (i.e., assault and murder) and will investigate any such occurrences – perhaps leading to the party becoming outlaws with bounties on their heads. Of course, such warnings are no guarantee of civilized behavior, so here are some stats that may become useful in case of mayhem ...

Incidental NPCsWhile the DM should flesh-out the City of Midmark with appropriate NPCs as needed, here are a few personalities to enliven locations relevant to the adventure like the Lucky Gam tavern, the streets outside Talessin’s tower, Desric’s shop, and the harbor.

Effum: A young islander boy who haunts the harbor area offering his services as a guide/tout. Covered in dirt and tar (from mud-larking beneath the docks), he makes for a pathetic sight. When the PCs are swarmed with urchins offering to guide them, he will undercut any price and promise a shortcut. In reality, he will lead the party into an ambush led by his older brother (Gartrett), a member of Cutter’s Mad Dogs.Alairon Bartlin: Elderly islander clockmaker who lives be-hind Desric’s workshop and frequents the Cock & Bull. He often rails against the government and uses his mechanical skill to aide illicit nativist presses. He has already attracted the attention of the Grey Cloaks and is being watched.Olif Truro: Gaunt and surly colonial barkeep at the Lucky Gam; he is being paid well by Talessin, but still resents the

wizard commandeering the best common room table and driving off his usual patrons with loud complaints and requests for quiet. He might pay a bonus if the PCs rush their mission.Resse Penwortham: A fussy and dandy-ish colonial apoth-ecary with a shop near Talessin’s. He’s getting suspicious about the noises coming from his neighbor and will pester the PCs with questions if he sees them coming or going. He also sells herbal healing concoctions (350GP, heals d8).Tusco Arowome: Beefy weapon smith from Talessin’s neighborhood that frequented the Lucky Gam until re-cently. He’s too afraid to confront the wizard, but might pick a fight with a less imposing acquaintance of Talessin. If the PCs calm him, though, he will offer to join them as a temporary hireling while they solve the automata problem.


Random Book Titles

Random Book TitlesThere are two locations in Talessin’s shop that contain a number of books, the Showroom Study (Area #3) and Talessin’s Bedroom (Area #18). The first table below is for generating theoretical volumes on magic, which can appear in either location; the second table is for books on ancient dwarven automata, which will be found only in the wizard’s bedroom; the final table generates the physical appearance of either type of books. DMs may either roll once on the tables and read across or roll separately for each element.

Theoretical Volumes on Magicd10 Element 1 Element 2 Element 3

1 Practical Theories of Hexcraft2 Ancient Dwarven Philosophies regarding Pure Magical Energy3 Disputed Arguments on Summoning Circles4 Intriguing Myths about Draconic Spells5 Comprehensive Catalog of Enchantments and Charms6 Forbidden Mysteries of Alternate Dimensions7 Unfinished/Flawed Research on Necromancy and Death Magic8 Secret Notes on Conjuration and Spirit Binding9 Imperial Treatises regarding Divination and its Limitations10 Native Tales involving Transformation Magics

Books on Ancient Dwarven Automatad10 Element 1 Element 2 Element 3

1 Notes on So-called Steam Craft2 Treatises regarding Practical Water Engines3 Schematics of Miniature Hydronic Devices4 Blueprints for Modernized Articulated Manipulators5 Theories on Efficient Electric Dynamos6 Research on Weaponized Automata7 Theses regarding Stable Clockwork Mechanisms8 Limitations of Ancient Magnets9 Dangers Attendant to Advanced Autonomous Machines10 Observations regarding Approaches to Anti-Gravity

Book Material, Binding, and Special Featuresd6 Material Binding Special Feature

1 Parchment, Ink Stitched Skin, Multi-Hued Fire Damage (Edges Burnt/Cracking)2 Paper, Ink Leather Corrected Heavily in Margins

3 Skin, Tattooed Skin, Reptilian Excised Pages (Cleanly Removed)

4 Clay Tablets, Etched Tied with Twine Key Concept Incomplete (Cracked/Ripped)5 Metal Plates, Etched Loose Heavily Illustrated6 Papyrus, Ink Rolled, in Tube Weird Map Sketched in Blank Space/Page


Magic Item Table

Magic Item TableThe following random table lists enchanted items, some more useful than others, for stocking Talessin’s residence and providing adventuring parties with appropriate loot. Unlike items called out in the map keys, none of these are objects that Talessin particularly values – often because he has not identified their use yet -- and their disappearance will not be noted. DMs should have players roll on this table when searching locations as specified in the location key.

1d20 Description & Value


Silver Control Circlet (2500GP/100XP): This device works similar to the golden circlet that Talessin placed on the Overseer automaton’s dome, allowing the wearer to control these robotic creatures within 60’ and see using their eyes. One caveat, though: the circlets are hierar-chical in nature and anyone wearing this device can be read (as ESP) and mind-controlled by means of a golden circlet.


Ancient Battery with two charges (400GP): This battery is a rectangular block with no apparent use; there are four indicator lights on one long side, two of which are steadily illuminated. Many ancient dwarven devices can be powered by this kind of battery, although nothing in Talessin’s shop requires such a power source.


Mimic Paper (3000GP/1500XP): This is a single piece of parchment, rolled into a tube and tied with a silk string. When placed on any written document for one turn, the mimic paper will be covered in an exact duplicate of the origi-nal paper’s content. The duplicate will last for forty-eight hours before fading; a newly blank Mimic paper can be used again.


Khelstone Compass (600GP/300XP): This is a small, smooth stone disk engraved with the an-cient dwarven rune for the letter “K”. When the holder of the stone stands facing one of the orig-inal Khels (i.e., underground fortresses) of the ancient dwarves, there will be a slight tugging sensation. This works up to one mile from the Khel in question – and one of these fortresses is buried nearby beneath Midmark’s university (to be detailed in an upcoming module).


3 Ion Stones (300GP/150XP each): These three small globes, like glass marbles, have a distinctive ice-blue coloration. Despite their ap-pearance, they are warm to the touch. If thrown forcibly, they will shatter on impact sending out a shock wave of energy that disables automata (1 turn).


Wand of Razors (4000GP/2000XP): This is an iron wand engraved with interlocking gears that spiral from the base to the tip. Inside each circu-lar gear are dwarven runes that altogether spell the wand’s activation word, “Khelgrama’Jarthul.” Intoning these words while holding the wand will cause two serrated disks to appear from the ether just beyond the wand’s tip and unerringly target any foe. Damage for each razor is d4+1; there are 15 charges left in the wand.


2 Potions of Clairaudience (400GP/250XP): The imbiber of these potions can hear sounds within 60’ of any known location or 30 yards from pres-ent location. Caveat: using these potions any-where near Talessin’s tower while the Overseer wears the golden circlet will be dangerous. The drinker must make a save versus spells or fall unconscious for d6 rounds; success means that the thoughts of the Overseer being transmitted to its minions will be heard.


Pipe of Confusion (200GP/100XP): This is a smoking pipe carved from some unidentifiable bone. Smoking anything in the pipe will cause it to release a blue-tinged smoke that causes everyone within 10’ – including the user – to become Confused (check your rule system for an appropriate spell description).


Book of Secrets (2400GP/1200XP): The Book of Secrets is a beautifully bound tome with a title written in some forgotten language on its cover. Inside, the pages are blank and it is clear that a number of leaves have been torn out from the beginning. Anyone attempting to write in the book will be compelled to copy down those secrets they most want to keep hidden. After-wards, the writer will believe they wrote what they intended and remain oblivious to the truth until rereading the pages.


Broken Scarab Automaton (400GP/200XP): A small (pocket-size) mechanized scarab beetle that doesn’t seem to work anymore rests on a pewter tray. Close examination of its pincers will reveal a thin coating of some sticky substance that induces paralysis on touch (save to avoid). Someone with mechanical acumen could extract enough poison for two applications, although one could just stab enemies with the beetle itself.


Magic Item Table


Illuminable Globe (1500GP/750XP): This is a 1’ diameter globe, reminiscent of a fortune teller’s crystal ball, with a dusky gray tint to its surface. Anyone staring into that surface for 1 turn will perceive the ancient dwarven words for “light” and “darkness” floating in the crystal’s depths. Casting either of those types of spells on the globe will cause no outward effect on it until the matching ancient dwarven word is spoken aloud within 100 yards. At that point, the globe will either ignite with light or emanate darkness as appropriate. The globe can hold five instanc-es of the light and darkness spells at any time.


Subtle Knife (900GP/450XP): The Subtle Knife is a razor-sharp dagger with a blade so fine it can cut through reality. Someone wielding the dag-ger, whether missing or hitting their target, has a small chance of severing the fabric of space with every swing. If a critical hit (20) is rolled, the victim will take an additional 4d10 damage as their body begins to turn inside out through the rip in space; on a critical miss (1), the dagger creates a tear in thin air that sucks the wielder into a realm of shadow. Saving throws are pos-sible at the DM’s discretion; in both cases, the dagger shatters after its power is activated.


Deck of All Suits (500GP/250XP): This appears to be a normal deck of cards with the typical suits as known to whoever is flipping through the cards. When a card is chosen blindly from the deck, though, it will be in a suit that has nev-er appeared before no matter how many cards have been chosen at random previously. These cards originate from throughout history, space, and across various dimensions – where their disappearance can alter the outcome of games and lead to accusations of cheating.


Monocle of Shadows (1000GP/500XP): The monocle is a thin glass lens, notably scratched, set within a gold frame. Anyone wearing the lens will be able to see creatures and objects within 60’ currently residing in the shadow realm be-tween dimensions – which could be helpful after an accident with the Subtle Knife (see above).


Blinking Light (50GP): This is a small metallic cylinder, roughly three inches long, capped on one end with a glass bulb that blinks with white light. The pattern of the pulsing light is fifteen, ten, ten, and fifteen, with pauses between each series. There is no known meaning or purpose to this device even to sages specializing in such artifacts.


Goblin Tattoo Set (300GP): Inside a dingy-look-ing wooden box rests a set of traditional goblin tattooing needles and a vial of a reddish ink. Goblin shamans use sets like these to decorate their bodies with complex tattoos imbued with magical properties: specifically, these tattoos begin to glow as the shaman suffers injury be-fore exploding into a fireball upon his death. This practice is not generally known to surface dwellers, though, and there are no instructions regarding the designs needed to create this ef-fect. Still, goblins will become infuriated if they discover outsiders have one of their tattooing sets.


Chunk of Unbreakable Stone (150GP): This is a small shard, approximately fist-sized, of some unidentified stone. It is dark gray, slightly warm to the touch, and almost completely indestruc-tible by means of natural forces. Comparison to the information reliquary in the Collector’s Cabinet (see above) and the cube fused to Osric’s spinal column will suggest these are all shaped from the same material.


Indeterminate Polyhedron (100GP/50XP): The polyhedron is a twelve-sided metallic ob-ject that has a faint shimmer to it, as if it were vibrating ever so slightly at high speed. This apparent movement is only visual, though, and the object will feel completely inert. When thrown, the polyhedron disappears and re-in-stantiates at a random distance traveling in a random direction (d8 for compass direction of new path; d6 for point of reappearance from origin in feet). Unlucky individuals could find themselves struck by their own throw.


Two-Dimensional Gear (500GP): This gear from an ancient automaton can only be viewed from the side, since it has absolutely no depth what-soever. Existing in only two dimensions, the gear may be very hard to find inside a backpack or other container if not packed away carefully.


Sliced Elf Cranium (50GP): Missing its top half, this elf skull is very old and will be of interest to sages specializing in pre-historic elven culture. The removal of the skull’s peak was done with surgical precision and also quite some time ago.


Open Game LicenseOpen Game LicenseOpen Game Content may only be used under and in terms of the Open Game License (OGL.)This entire work is designated as Open Game Content under the OGL, with the exception of all artwork.OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0aThe following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trade-mark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Deriva-tive Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhance-ment over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, sym-bols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personali-ties, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Con-tributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NO-TICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT

NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or dis-tributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adapt-ability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforce-able, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.15. COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Module DA001: Automata Run AmokCopyright © 2016, John Ivor Carlson/Dwarven Automata Adventures

Note Regarding Maps:All maps in this module where created using the Dungeonogra-pherTM software created by Inkwell Ideas (

Note Regarding Images:All illustrations in this module are copyrighted works belonging to Luka Rejec ( and are used here with his permission under licensed terms.

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