table of contents- all my ceramic pieces 2011-2014

Post on 10-Jan-2017






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Contents1. River Flows in You2. Tails Series3. Phoenix Nest4. Love Fox5. Swirl6. Bluebell7. Born in the Plant8. The Demon Approach9. The Green Blood that Fits the Hollow10. The Sea Witch11. “Will You Marry Me?”12. Little Vase13. Dragon Claw Cup14. First Ceramic Piece15. Tiger Face (No Overglaze)16. A Charming Two-tailed Fox17. Others (Designs & Pieces)

River Flows in You

It is a whistle. The name of this piece “River Flows in You” is from a piano song by Yirume (At first I heard it from the movie “Twilight”, yet I never see the

movies after the first one). Here is a link for the piano song:


Tails Series

Here is the tails family…

So you notice something? (DAAAT broken One-tail…FMI, dat is the internet slang for “that”)

Where are the other tails?Well… Here are the progresses of my tails: Nine first, following One, Two, Six, and Five-tails. And you can see for the following picture of the original nine-tails…

I know they are CUUUTEE! But, however, after finished the five-tailed, I gave up.

NOT because of I am lazy, well, some of bit. But when I start noticed that it is not necessary for me to make on, so I stop my tails project!

Too bad or lucky? Well, then I was able to made other ceramics!(BTW, you can see how I started with the easiest one… The hard one are HAARRD to make!!)

Phoenix Nest

Forget about those eggs… Anything was perfect! It was my first piece to make at the second year of my ceramic class. I got inspiration on the ceramic magazine, thus, the name was not hard to get! This piece was accepted by the 2014 AMOCA (American Museum of Ceramic Art) show, and of course, it (as a slice of news) was aboard on SGHS newspaper (yet they put my grade wrong).

Love Fox

It was made because of the damn Valentine Day! So love, heart anywhere! I failed at the first overglazed and re-overglazed again… Whatsoever, it came out good!


It is definite a cup… Well, I just wanted to try a way to carve the black layer out so that the inner multicolor will be seen. It was somehow successful expect the center are all white due to the brush.

Inside the cup is a swirl. You could say that the swirl represented the afterlife, 极乐, or a place where the souls goes and sent to the human world. In there, life and death operate together.

Kinda scary?


It was totally an accident!!! Due to my failure of color clay, I found out something interesting about this piece. Its glaze is called the Bluebell. Thanks to that help, my color clay doesn’t look so bad after all. So I named it due to the glaze.

Hey, want more accidents? Bluebell didn’t have the mat ( dat round circle at the bottom) before. Due to my over overglazing, they stick together unremovable. Thus, I glazed it again and fire it again. LOOKS GREAT!

Born in the Plant

I just wanted to make a human-form ceramic! Well this plant lady was the most successful one. However, when you look at her whole body… Long story short, too much overglaze I put on, makes her “melt” a little bit. Also, I didn’t pay much attention at her face, which caused her looks half –thin and half- round.

Here is her story: She was the queen of the deers, whose father was king of forest before. She loves plants, though they were herbivorous. When she grown up, her father told her that it was time, the time for her to in charge of his jobs, which was guarding the forest. She nodded. Therefore, for ages to ages, century to century, she never broke one’s promise, because she was happy, blessed, with the deers, and the plants.

The Demon Approach

(Use of white and black clay with black mattle underglazed, bisque fired.)

It was irony how I made it. I didn’t thought about making something like this at first; I wanted to make a fox that sit on a bench. I was depress during the middle of the work and thus got a different idea making this piece. I got inspired by the Japanese temples; they have a stick similar to the one I made in front of the temples (but later on as I searched, it was totally the inverse way…). However, I love this piece the most because it got the feels! It is a spirit from the Japanese Shrine who protecting the temple for thousands of years. It might look vicious, but it is friendly. It won’t show mercy to the people who damage his home.

The Green Blood that Fits the Hollow

Yup, I was thinking of another idea but not this freak! However, it reminds me of the comic named “Bleach”. I think I am in love with bisque pieces, so this is my second favorite ceramic piece! I love how white it is and the curve I made. Basically, the story was, it was a devil/demon from the inferno and was summoned by the heretics. It had no heart but the hollow on the center of its chest. It was going to destroy the world!!!! AWWWW!!!!

The Sea Witch

It was totally a chaos…

It was my first human-form piece. Of course there are lots of mistake, but what frustrated me was the overglaze part. I thought of it too easily, thus ignored lot of things and… It stills pretty good looking. I love the blue color; it was called the Royal Blue!

She was a sea witch from the very deep sea. She couldn’t see due to the environment she was living on; there are no lights in the deepest part of the sea. Thus, she had the eye mask wearing on. She depends on the sound of movement to make her way out and in. She couldn’t see, but her hearing was her “eyes”.

“Will You Marry Me?”

I doubt about it can contain a ring…

However, it just fit exactly in my palm and perfectly passes though my fingers. I would like to use it as my ring box.

And yes… totally different from the reality, right?

(BTW, among other nine-grade ceramic pieces I made, Mrs.B gave me the perfect score on this piece :/)

Little Vase

It was my friend’s little vase, but she move away to San Diego. When Mrs.B brought it out and called which it is belongs to, I decided to buy it and paint some.

However, I lost it when I moved to my new home.

Dragon Claw Cup

Among other nine-grade ceramic pieces, it is my favorite one.

Not really a reason for me to make it, just because I thought dragon’s leg was a cool thing. However, my original design was not like that…

This was my first design. Though I also wanted to build this way, yet my hands always out of my mind’s control…

Still better than other pieces!

First Ceramic Piece

I should say that it is well done… For a beginner. The glaze was perfect and the coloring part was cool. But my expectation was, it should be thinner.

Told you it should be thinner!!

Tiger Face (No Overglaze)

Actually, this was my favorite piece too.

But due to the one-color glazed, I totally put it into a chaos, though Mrs.B said it was nice and wanted me to buy it for two dollars, I just gave up.

I used red color for underglaze, and it turns out messy red color. Now I hope somebody would keep it as one of his or her collection >.<!

And yup I shouldn’t put my name infront!

A Charming Two-tailed Fox

It’s now in Mrs. Keller’s collection ~>.<~. I again got inspiration on the ceramic magazine, but I very unlike the color of the human-part body! I still needs to work on mixing colors!

This fox is totally a gentle lady fox! She likes everything the women love. She likes her tattoos! She just likes everything that is charming! Call her Ms. Charm.

Others (Designs & Pieces)

The little one are not made by me (plus the clock).

Playing Doctor Design. Too bad that the drama club changed the drama.

Another design of pot which I never make it.

This thing is still on my desk.

You could put a pen or pencil, well, doesn’t matter… It is a HUMAN FACE!

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