table mountain shadowkite

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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A new entrant in the world of semi-precious gemstones, Table Mountain Shadowkite enchants everyone new person who comes across it. Taking you on a journey to get you familiarize with where Shadowkite comes from and which stone family it belongs to along with a few curious facts of this exotic and rare gemstone


A brief Introduction

Table Mountain Shadowkite is part of the Chrysocollastone family.

It is a blend of four different minerals: Chrysocollabeing its primary component, Cuprite, Malachite and Azurite.

Hardness 3.0 to 3.5 on Mohs scale

Found in Color - light powder blue, baby blue, royal blue, light emerald green and pine green.

Its color is caused from presence of the mineral Chrysocolla .

But the color of Shadowkite that puts this gemstone on the map is the baby blue color .

Table Mountain Shadowkite is sourced from a mine in South Africa, near Cape Town.

This mine is currently the only known source of this incredibly beautiful gemstone.

Shadowkite is an excellent gemstone for jewelry.

Shadowkite is faceted into gemstone cuts mainly for rings, earrings and pendants.

It is generally not suitable for bracelet due to its low hardness.

Perfect for solitaire pattern jewellery

100% natural stone

Shadowkite is usually faceted with modern-cut and brilliant-cut in a variety of shapes.

Pear-cuts are most common; Other shapes sometimes incur a premium.

Shadowkite is moderately soft and collectors of this gem should be mindful of scratching.

Avoid abrasives and solvents when cleaning these beauties.

Chrysocolla, the primary component of shadowkite is known as a stone of communication and favored for its ability to allow truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard.

Azurite, another component of shadowkite is known as the stone of heaven. It is said to have a transformative quality that stimulates an increase in communication skills, intuition, creativity and inspiration.

Malachite is said to increase one’s concentration and psychic vision. It is also considered a powerful emotional healer and may be used as a protection stone

Thank You

Explorer – Shadowkite Jewelry

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