t-time 1, 2013

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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NO. 1-2013A magazine from theTrelleborg Group. Solutionsthat seal, damp and protectcritical applications.

 Shake it offRubber bearingsprotect Dutchartifacts


Debut of acutting-edgeoffshore platform

Kun Fang, clinical engineer

“ Digital records and better-connected networks will reducehuman error” 



 TOMORROW of the

Tough times lie ahead for the

construction business. But

the unstoppable growth of the

world’s cities poses not only

challenges, but opportunities.

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untri nd iti r hnging ity dvlp.Cntrutin it r prhp mthing yu mightvid, ut it i finting t hw iti r ing uilt nd mpltd. With th hlp f dvndnginring, pilty mtril nd mhin, nw ttlmnt r hpd it y it, with th im f mting th nd f tdy nd tmrrw. I m prudtht rllrg i prt f thi dvlpmnt wrk.

I m qully prud f thr lmnt f rllrg’innvtiv pity. It tk knwldg nd xprin tdvlp prdut, uh l fr hrh nvirnmnt, whil rduing th wtg f rur in ity. Yun rd ut th l nd mr in thi iu f -ime.

Enjoy your reading! 

Ptr NilnPridnt nd ceo

 To build a city 

BUILDING THE FUTUREUrbanization is booming worldwide, making innovative solutions crucial to the constructionbusiness.

HOT SPOT: SINGAPORESingapore has developed from a rural fishing village to a world leader in finance and industry.

RUBBER COMFORTResting on rubber bearings, the RACM building stands steady despite heavy trains passing by.

THE RUBORE WAY Composite material technology is uniquely

combined with specialized design.


16 Case page 18

People & Trends page 19 News/Update page 22


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-im is published three times a year.he opinions expressed in this publica-tion are those of the author or people 

interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the views of relleborg.

If yu hv ny qutin ut Trelleborg r wih t nd u yur

mmnt ut T-Time , pl mil:karin.larsson@trelleborg.com


CONTENTS  1-2013


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Off the coast of Peru, the first of a new type of offshore platform for the offshore oil and gas

industry has begun operation, and its setup may  well revolutionize exploration and productionaround the world. Trelleborg’s role has been to

make sure all the pieces fit together.




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A NEW TYPE OF OIL PLATFORM that is making its debutin the Pacific Ocean offshore Peru is expected to cutthe cost and time involved in setting up new drilling prtin r th indutry.

“The Buoyant Tower was designed to reduce theoverall duration from offshore exploration to productiony friting nd intlling drilling nd prdutinplatform in a short timeframe with reduced costs,”xplin B Nguyn, Prjt Enginr t GMC In.,

one of the companies that developed the new designand managed the project. It could pave the way for a nw gnrtin f pltfrm tht r implr t mk,easier and cheaper to install and that can be movedeasily from location to location, anywhere in the world.

It took only 13 months to design, build and transportthe BPZ Energy’s CX-15 production platform, thefirst platform using the Buoyant Tower concept, to thePeruvian Corvina field, where it is expected to produce12,200 barrels of oil and 12.8 million standard cubicfeet of gas per day. The concept was developed by HrtnGMC, jint vntur twn Hrtn WinDpwtr nd GMC In.

The Buoyant Tower hull consists of four cylindricaltubes with one central suction pile. Each cell measures26 feet (8.4 meters) in diameter and 197 feet (60mtr) in lngth. h ntrl utin pil, intgrl tth hull trutur, tth th trutur t th d.On top of the 2,500-ton Buoyant Tower hull sits a 1,500-ton platform where the production drilling isrrid ut.

 A critical operation is the float-over, which involvesplacing the production platform over the tower andthn nnting th tw tgthr. rllrg upplid


the leg mating units (LMU)and deck support units (DSU) forthe project. An important aspect of Trelleborg’s design was to help dampen theloads while performing the float-over. “Thecompany’s customer service and track record wereky ntriutr t ing ltd,” Nguyn y.

JP CHIA, ENGINEERING MANAGERat Trelleborg Offshore& Construction in Singapore, explains: “The designturnaround time was critical in order to meet theinstallation schedule. Installation took place in theopen sea where there are rough sea conditions andhigh wll, nd th flt-vr windw prid w vry limited. With such critical factors, the LMU and DSUdesigns was modeled accurately with our in-house finitelmnt nlyi.”

“Trelleborg was able to fulfill the design anddelivery process within four months – a record,”

adds Vincent Tan, Sales and Marketing Manager within Trelleborg Offshore &

Cntrutin.Nguyen explains that a major

benefit and cost saving for theBuoyant Tower design was thatonly one major construction vessel

 was needed for the installationprocedure. “One vessel acts as boththe heavy transportation vessel andthe main construction vessel,” hesays. “Traditionally fixed structuresneed a transportation vessel and

 SUPPORTING OPERATIONS GLOBALLY Trelleborg is a major provider of polymer engineered solutions to the offshoreoil & gas industry. It has a unique breadth of service that combines globalmanufacturing and technology with local engineering and developmentsupport. With an unrivalled experience in the industry, Trelleborg works withinall key areas for oil and gas exploration worldwide and in partnership withleading operators and field developers. Solutions supplied include buoyancy,corrosion protection, passive fire protection systems, cable protection, floatingproduction storage, drilling components, float over installation, antivibration,thermal insulation, fenders, hoses and seals.

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an expensive derrick barge to perform heavy lifts forinstallation. This project was the first cantilevered float-over operation from a heavy transportation vessel. Themtin f th trnprttin vl nd th dign f the cantilever structure had to be thoroughly evaluated.

“The structure is suited for water depths between50 and 280 meters [165 to 920 feet] in any type of field with any type of reservoir characteristics – gas,oil or a combination,” he says. “The drilling and/orproduction equipment can be modularized to adapt toth nd f th prtin. h Buynt wr i wllsuited for regions of seismic activity, and in this caseth mplint hvir f th twr n rit imiloads better than a traditional fixed platform. Plus, theBuoyant Tower can be relocated to new fields, requiring less overall capital expenditure to bring a field online.”

The design of the tower is based on existing cellspar technology that has been proven in offshoreproductions worldwide. The simple structure translatesint ir fritin mly. Fllwing th uof the Peruvian project, the design is being evaluatedfr u in ll mjr rgin f th wrld.

The process of design-

ing, building and trans-

porting the platform

took 13 months.

The leg mating units

were supplied by


The hull consists of four

cylindrical tubes with

one central suction pile.

The float-over – a critical


The Buoyant Tower is in

place, offshore Peru.

HORTONGMCHortonGMC Inc. is a joint venture

company with equal ownership betweenGMC Ltd. and Horton Wison Deepwater. The

partnership offers a unique blend of innovativeengineering, project management and

installation solutions for all types of activities in the offshore oil and gas industry throughout the world. HortonGMC is headquartered inHouston, Texas, in the U.S., and has offices

in London, England, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, and Shanghai, China.



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6 T·TIME 1·2013

T untppl grwth f th wrld’iti rt pprtuniti nd hllngfr th ntrutin indutry.



What: Rail systems, above

and below ground

 Solutions: Trelleborg sup- 

 plies rail support systems,

mountings, bearings, control

links, drive couplings for all

types of rail systems.

Trelleborg supplies products and solutions for 

almost every part of the city and beyond;

from subways and tunnels to bridges and

facades. Here are a few examples. To learn

more, please visit www.trelleborg.com.

Omnipresent solutions What: Construction site

 Solutions: Trelleborg is a

leading supplier of seals,

antivibration systems and

tires for material handling 


What: Building 

 Solutions:  Structural anti- 

vibration bearings, engineered

from laminates of rubber with

 steel reinforcement, prevent 

 seismic vibration and provide

acoustic isolation.

he urbanization of the planet is continuing at a breakneck pace. The population of the

developing world’s cities grows by 5 millioneach month, and by 2050 it’s predicted thatmore than 70 percent of the world’s population

 will be city dwellers. Beyond the social andenvironmental implications, this trend iscreating opportunities and challenges for the

companies that build the roads, construct the high-risesnd dig th uwy f th ming mtrpli.

“In the world’s growing cities you see wonderful archi-ttur nd truturl nginring,” y Pul Ggulki,  U.S.-d intrntinl ntrutin nultnt. “hy are pushing the limits, with innovative designs and use of materials. But 50-story buildings are going up in China in

 just 12 weeks, and the windows leak and the elevators don’t


 work. They will be slums in a decade. These are interesting tim fr th indutry.”

Traffic congestion is a major issue in most cities, and thesituation will only worsen as cities grow. “The challenge isto move a lot of people in a congested space,” says BruceCage, Managing Director for engineered products inTrelleborg Offshore & Construction, Australia. “Withgrowing urbanization we are going to see more medium-and light-rail systems built in Asia and Australia. We arealready seeing an expansion of the rail systems in Kuala Lumpur nd Hng Kng.”

In Australia the number of urban light-rail projects hasgone from zero to five in just a few years. Recently Trelleborg 

 won the contract to supply rail support systems for the GoldCoast light-rail system. “One of the issues in urban light rail isnoise, and we provide noise-attenuating solutions,” says Cage.

T“In the world’sgrowing cities you

see wonderfularchitecture andstructural engi-neering.”Paul Gogulski,constructionconsultant


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7T·TIME 1·2013

What: Sea barrier 

 Solutions: Knowledge

about rubber and its behav- 

ior will be vital in creating 

barriers to protect coastal

cities from rising seawater 

levels and storms.

What: Bridge

 Solutions: Bridge expan- 

 sion joints for viaducts and

bridges absorb movement 

caused by high traffic vol- 

umes, high winds and tem- 

 perature variations.

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8 T·TIME 1·2013

 When it comes to the construction equipment that doesthe heavy work of building cities, the market has largely stagnated in Europe and the U.S. But manufacturers of this equipment are establishing production in India andChina, where urban populations are forecast to grow by 497 millin nd 341 millin rptivly y 2050.

“India and China have seen a slowdown, althoughfrom high levels, but there is still a positive trend inconstruction,” says Don Farbotnik, Global MarketManager for antivibration for specialist vehicles atTrelleborg Industrial Solutions. Trelleborg supplies a largeamount of products, from seals to cab mounts for the off-highway construction market. “They are building a lotof urban infrastructure there, and the big constructionquipmnt mnufturr hv turnd up.”

BRITAIN’S JCB AND SWEDEN’S VOLVO have establishedthemselves in India, as has Trelleborg, which recently pnd nw fility in Bngluru t rv th riginl

equipment manufacturers and others in the Indian market.“The future really does look good for the construction

market,” says Farbotnik. “People are cautious rightnow, especially in Europe, but you can only hold back development for so long. The projects for roads, buildings

and bridges that have been delayed will need to be donesometime, and we are well positioned with our productline and our customer base to take advantage when thetim m.”

Rising seawater levels and more frequent and morepowerful storms are creating a new set of challengesfor coastal cities – challenges that could be addressedby massive construction projects. To protect against

the vast destruction wreaked by “Superstorm” Sandy,some experts are proposing a sea barrier for New  Yrk hrr.

“This will definitely be an interesting business area because many cities are at risk,”says Ruud Bokhout, Sales and Marketing Director for infrastructure at Trelleborg Offshore & Construction. “There are nostandard solutions for these projects,so they will require the engineering competence and knowledge aboutrubber and its behaviour that wen prvid.”

Gogulski says thatalthough tough times lieahead for the constructionsector as a whole, somecompanies will thrive.“Companies that innovatecan still be very successful,”he says. “And while coun-tries’ economies fluctuate,intrntinl mpni willbe able to handle that, whilemny mllr firm wn’t.”


PLAY BALL!The Singapore Sports Hub in Kallang,

due to open in April 2014, is a 5,000-capacitynational stadium with a retractable roof. The

roof’s installation time is reduced by using an

extruded gasket solution supplied by Trelleborg

Industrial Solutions. Also, fewer workers are required

at roof-level, improving safety. Says Mark Gelok,

Project Manager at Trelleborg’s customer, CPI:

“Trelleborg has the design, support and ability to

produce the required gaskets. While it is always

hard to work with people on the other side of the

globe due to differences in time zones, the

contribution thus far has helped develop

what we believe will be the best

product for the job.”

“People arecautious rightnow... but you canonly hold backdevelopment forso long.”Don Farbotnik,






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9T·TIME 1·2013

SEALINGDRY Renewed focus on infrastructure projects in theU.S. is presenting new opportunities for engineers,contractors and suppliers. At a major tunnel under a river in Virginia, Trelleborg seals and gaskets arehelping to keep the water out.

“WE’RE SEEING AN INCREASE in infrastructure investments

in the U.S.,” says André de Graaf, a sales manager forinfrastructure at Trelleborg Offshore & Construction inthe Netherlands. “For the past 20 years there was minimalinterest from the U.S. government in infrastructure invest-ments, but with President Barack Obama, there’s been a lt f ttntin n thm.”

In the state of Virginia, the city of Portsmouth sitsacross the Elizabeth River from Norfolk, the site of thelargest U.S. Navy installation. The two cities are connectedby the heavily traveled Midtown Tunnel, which carriesa million vehicles per month – seven times as many as

 when it was built 50 years ago. An emergency defensealert could cause gridlock as federal workers scrambled to

reach the navy base, according to Craig Quigley, ExecutiveDirector of the Hampton Roads Military and FederalFiliti Allin.

To avoid this scenario, a new tunnel is now under construction next to the old one,

and the contractors are employing rllrg’ Gin gkt nd Omg 

l t kp th rivr ut.“In the U.S., the Virginia 

project is one of several projects we expect to be involved in,” deGrf y.

He acknowledges that get-

ting into the U.S. market can bechallenging. “Americans tend to

choose American suppliers for theirinfrtrutur prjt,” h y.rllrg’ tndrd Gin gkt

and Omega seals have previously beenused in Boston, but its new molded,

high-resilience Gina gaskets have never beenintlld in th U.S. h gll nginring firm PrnBrinckerhoff approved the new design proposal. Thenthe client, the Virginia Department of Transportation,and the contractor Skanska-Kiewit-Weeks Marine, visitedTrelleborg in the Netherlands, and they were convinced

tht rllrg ffrd th t lutin.“Our proposal has many benefits: high stability, low 

aging behavior, one seal fitting all depths, low initialmprin fr nd high llwl hr mvmnt,”d Grf y.

Deliveries will take place from 2013 through 2015, andthe tunnel is scheduled for completion in 2016. De Graaf sees a bright future for immersed tunnel projects in the Amri. “Ppl r flking t iti, nd th lutint mility iu i t uild tunnl,” h y.

Gina gaskets and Omega seals

are used between the sectionalelements of immersed tunnelsto keep external water pressurefrom flooding the tunnel. Thecombination of seals also allowsthe transfer of hydrostatic loadsand movement between theends of the tunnel due to soilsettlement, creep of concrete,temperature effects or earth-quakes. The designs are gener-ally based on an expected tun-nel life of 120 years.



New tunnel 

Old tunnel



A new tunnel is under construction next to the old Midtown

Tunnel that connects the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk.



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Shopping, eating, a pleasant climateand a spotlessly clean city: These aresome of the things that make Singaporeappealing to visitors.

 SINGAPORE HAS BEEN RANKEDas oneof the world’s safest and cleanest cities. Add th plnt limt thrughutthe year, plus great shopping anddining, and it’s not surprising thatmost visitors leave with a smile on

thir f. While Singapore enjoys summer

 weather all year round, it can gethumid at times. If you find it tooht, yu n lwy duk int n f the countless shopping malls along Orchard Road, which is virtually ynnymu with hpping.

The latest tourist hot spot isthe Marina Bay area, which sits onreclaimed land. There you can explorethe Marina Bay Sands integratedresort, which houses three 55-story 

hotel towers, a convention center, a museum, a casino, a musical theaterand a large shopping mall. The Sky Park, resembling a big surfboardperched on top of the three hoteltowers, has an observation deck thatoffers a panoramic view of the city skyline. Hotel guests can take a dip inth rftp infinity pl, th wrld’lngt lvtd pl. If yu’r frid




f hight, ttr nt wim t nrth dg!

Nearby is Gardens by the Bay,an award-winning horticulturalextravaganza that houses thousandsof plant species from around the

 world and includes the massive“Supertrees,” a series of treelikevertical gardens that dominate thelndp – mut- ttrtin.

 Another place well worth a visitis Sentosa Island, renowned for itsndy h nd muum wll Univrl Studi thm prk.

AS YOU WANDER AROUND you’llsee statues of Singapore’s Merlion,a mythical creature with the headof a lion and the body of a fish.

The name, modeled on the word“mermaid,” reflects Singapore’sttu th Lin City, whih i thEnglish translation of the Malay  wrd ingpur.

Singapore has made a remark-l trnitin frm fihing villglld mk (it mn “ twn”in Javanese) to a world leader inseveral areas of finance and industry.


Gardens by the Bay is part of a strategy

to transform Singapore from a “Garden

City” to a “City in a Garden”. The stated

aim is to raise the quality of life by

enhancing greenery and flora in the city.

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their taxis from taxi companies, andthey need a lot of fares each day justto cover the hire cost before they startrning ny mny fr thmlv.

For a great getaway, the BukitTimah Nature Reserve, about 30

minutes from the city by taxi, isan excellent choice. The reservecomprises more than 3,000 hectares(7,500 acres) of primary rainforest andis a rich source of biodiversity that hasbeen left mostly undisturbed. If youmake the sweaty hike up Singapore’shight hill (163 mtr r 535 ft),you’ll see a vast array of plants andniml. 

Thousands of multinational compa-nies have offices in the island city-tt.

Singapore may well be the cleanestcity in the world; wherever you goyou’ll see signs declaring the fine

for littering. Some witty people callSingapore “a fine city,” referring bothto its penchant for cleanliness and thecost of breaking the rules. Singaporei l n f th wrld’ ft iti.

 Walking home late at night should notbe a problem, but taxis are cheap, sothi might gd hi fr th with tired feet. The vast majority of the city’s thousands of taxi drivers hire

 Some witty people call Singapore

“a fine city”, referring both to its penchant for cleanliness and thecost of breaking the rules.

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Emily Lum, Executive Secretary,Trelleborg Singapore, has worked forthe company since 1981, when shestarted with a small local firm that

was acquired by Trelleborg Groupin 2001.

What is the best thing 

about Singapore? Singapore’s world-classinfrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities. Wemay be just a smallisland, often describedas “The Little Red Dot,” butSingapore has gone throughtremendous transformationsover the years. Our Changi Airport is constantly

ranked by travelers as the world’s best airport.The Singapore Flyer, sitting on reclaimed land,is currently the world’s tallest Ferris wheel.Getting around on the island is a breeze, with aclean, affordable and well-connected publictransportation system that includes the MassRapid Transit network.

A gateway between East and West,Singapore brims with unbridled energy. It’s adynamic city that possesses a harmoniousblend of ethnic cultures, cuisine, arts and

architecture. Most visitors find it easy to settlein quickly.

What’s your favorite thing to do in

Singapore? Being a typical Singaporean, I enjoydining out. With the incredible varietyof cuisines, dining options are almostendless. I also love to cycle with myfamily at East Coast Park, a popularurban getaway with a scenic coastlinethat stretches more than 15 kilometers

(nine miles) with a cycling and inlineskating track. The park is a popular place

for families and friends to relax and enjoythemselves. There are barbecue pits, enter-

tainment facilities, chalets, amenities forsports activities and food and beverage outlets.




Trelleborg in Singapore mainly serves theoffshore oil and gas, marine and offshore fab-

rication markets with a range of buoyancy, insu-lation and asset protection solutions. It focuses onpolymer solutions for the infrastructure construc-

 tion and the offshore oil and gas industries with amanufacturing facility located in Singapore.

Trelleborg also has sales and engineering officesfor precision seals, agricultural tires and tires

for material handling vehicles.



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IN THE U.K., tire and wheel service provider Interfit putsinnovation at the top of its agenda. “Innovation is a key part of our brand,” says Paul Morey of Interfit. “In theservice world we can’t assume that how we do things today  will be enough to service our customers tomorrow. Ourbiggest investments have been in technology, processesand systems, and we strive to provide solutions to our

utmr hd f thm tully rquting u t d .It kp u hd f ur mptitr.”

Interfit’s service system, i-Fit, makes it possible to track product performance for each forklift truck on which ith fittd tir. It tll utmr whih i th t tir frthem for a particular truck on a particular site. A new  Web portal will allow customers to order tires, schedule rplmnt fitting nd tir prfrmn nlin.This is unique in the industry and is expected to bring ffiiny nfit fr utmr nd fr Intrfit.

Interfit became part of Trelleborg when the Watts TyreGroup was acquired in 2011. Its customers are the globalforklift truck manufacturers, and Interfit acts as their

third-prty fitting rvi.Innovation at Interfit also extends to its processes.

The company is trialing tablet PCs for itsnetwork of mobile tire fitters, enabling them to receive work and complete jobs without relying on paper anddepots. “We spend more timeon the road between visitsthan we do actually fitting tires, so focusing on routeplanning and scheduling iskey to internal efficiency improvements,” says Morey.

Envirnmntlconsiderations are animportant part of company operations. “By fitting theright tir fr th pplitin

 we assist in maximizing thefuel economy of the forklifttruck,” says Morey. “Weare working closely with ourTrelleborg R&D colleagues toshare our experiences and data of tire performance in the aftermarket.











Paul Morey,Interfit

 A fu n xlln nd innvtin hlpdIntrfit m th U.K.’ lding frklift tirnd whl rvi prvidr. Nw th mpny i

tting it ight n xpnding it rvi-drivnffring thrughut Eurp – nd ynd.

Interfit’s leading

tire brands are

Trelleborg Elite XP

and Trelleborg Premia.

hi will llw u t dvlp th nxt gnrtin f tirfocused on tire life, fuel efficiency and reuse of materials.”

Headquartered in the U.K., Interfit also has operationsin France and Germany and recently acquired a serviceand distribution company in the Netherlands. “Ourcore customer base, the global leading forklift truck manufacturers, are becoming increasingly international

in utlk, nd w nd t rpnd t tht,” y Mry.“We are looking to take Interfit outside of its existing borders through a mixture of organic and inorganicgrowth strategies, including franchising, in order to meetthat requirement. There are many countries, both withinEurope and further afield, where franchising presents us with xiting grwth ptntil.”

Mry y tht ignifint rult f jining wrldleading industrial tire manufacturer with an ambitiousftrmrkt rvi prvidr i t mv rllrg up th

 value chain and closer to the end user. “We have already seenthe benefits this brings,” he says, “and we now have very exciting opportunities to grow the business together.”

Rolling into a new market In late 2012, Trelleborg aquired MaineIndustrial Tire, a leading U.S.-based producer of large solid and semi-solid tires. This acquisitionmakes Trelleborg able to satisfy both therequirements from existing OEM customers andnew market segments such as construction,underground mining and waste management,all of which use large solid off-the-road tires.



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*B l ue  D i me ns i o n r e f e r s  t o  p r o d uc t s  and  s o l ut i o ns  t hat  no t  o nl y  s at i s f y  t he  ne e d s  o f  t he  c us t o me r  b ut  al s o  b e ne f i t  p e o p l e  and  s o c i e t y . 

Housing a collection of fragile historical artifacts next toa busy railroad track calls for special protective measuresand vibrations must be kept to an absolute minimum. The

same technology that is used to protect buildings fromheavy earthquakes is used to achieve this.


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15T·TIME 1·2013

n the city of Amersfoort in the center of Holland, an outstanding new public building serves as the headquarters of the DutchGovernment Service for Archaeology, CulturalLndp nd Mnumnt (RACM).

h uilding i hw f innvtinand sustainability, but its technology goesbeyond what most visitors see. One of thebuilding’s groundbreaking features is its

 virtin iltin thnlgy – in th frmof 650 rubber vibration isolation bearingslocated in the garage beneath the building, in

the walls of the basement and on top of its many columns.The result is that the entire building is mounted on shock rr, prti tht i firly mmn in th wrld’rthquk-prn rgin ut nt in th Nthrlnd.

“It is rare indeed for Dutch buildings to be constructedon vibration bearings,” says Marcel de Vos, ManagerEngineering at Trelleborg Offshore& Construction’s Ridderkerk facility, which made and sup-plied the vibration isolation

bearings. “But since theRACM building is situ-ated right next to one of the busiest railroad con-nections in Holland, this was considered very desir-able. Damping the railroadvibrations not only makes fora comfortable working envi-rnmnt, ut it l prtt thmany priceless and very fragilertift in th uilding.”

 Al though rubber -m ountedbuildings are rare in the Netherlands,suppliers of rubber bearings are not,as the same technology is used forbridges and tunnels. A vibrationisola t ion bear ing looksdeceptively simple: a block md f rur lyr prtdby steel shim plates. After therubber compound and steel gradehv n ltd, th thr min

 variables to consider are the size andthe number of blocks. This is where

In Amersfoort, a quickly growingcity with a well-preserved and

protected medieval centre, the RACMbuilding rises as a futuristic, slightly leaning

piece of architectural art. The building, createdby Madrid-based architect and artist Juan

Navarro Baldeweg, houses the Dutch NationalService for Archaeology, Cultural Landscape and

Built Heritage as well as a library, museum,auditorium, art library and exhibition space. In

front of the RACM building is a beautifulpond; a sharp contrast to the busy railway

behind the building.


ITrelleborg’s technical and manufacturing expertise comesin, as vibrations are extremely complex mathematically.Enginr mut tk int unt nt nly th kind f 

 vibrations (frequency, magnitude and duration) but alsothe weight of the building at various points. This calls for

a number of different bearings under the same building.“This was an extraordinary job both in scale and in

complexity,” de Vos says. “The bearings’ performancerequirements were extremely tight, to the extent thatother companies proposing solutions admitted they could not comply.” Whereas a natural frequency of 8 to10 Hertz (oscillations per second) for isolation systems iscommon in the industry, this project called for less than4.5 Hertz. Most insiders considered this impossible, butafter many engineering calculations, Trelleborg deliveredn unprdntd 4.3 Hrtz.

The treasures of the RACM building, many of themthousands of years old, are now as safe as possible, andintrity trin n p y withut dituring thm.

How it works: The natural rubber bearings are placed

between the ground and the structure to be protected.

The bearings are flexible, thus greatly reducing the

transmission of vibration from any disturbances to the

 structure. The bearings do not absorb the energy of 

the vibrations from the ground, but prevent energy 

transfer by mismatching the frequencies between the

 ground borne vibration and the structure.



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he Rubore technology is unique. It offers an advancedtechnique to create a two-to-five layer, rubber-metalsandwich, which has already become world leading inbrake shim applications for the automotive industry. Thepotential benefits of the process have led Trelleborg Sealing Solutions to successfully expand Rubore applications toth wrld f ling in gnrl.

Every Rubore seal will be customized to the individualproject in order to achieve the optimum solution for theapplication. By combining unique composite material withspecialized designs and engineering expertise, Trelleborg i l t rt numr f dvntg fr th utmr.

“The unique vulcanization process used for Rubore sealsleads to seal designs which fill even the smallest of holes onth mtl utrt r untr urf, mpnting frany surface roughness,” says Björn Scherbaum, Teamleaderfr Rur Sl t rllrg.

This eliminates the need for surface finishing and post-treatment that can drive costs up and add extra stagesto production for customers. The lean manufacturing process leads to overall cost benefits and greatly reduces

 weight of the product, while still maintaining dimensionalstability allowing for the creation of complex and intricategmtri in th l prfil. “hi prmit nw dign

T utmtiv indutry i ntinuuly 

dmnding mr nmil lutinfrm it upplir. Sm rpnd y jututting t nd pri, ut rllrg’pprh i vry diffrnt, intd fuing n innvtiv lutin.

Uniquely layered




for groove areas, saving  wight n tl nd t prtin prtiulr,” ntinu Shrum.

The stiffness of Rubore products alsontriut t rdutin f hndling t. “hy reasier to assemble than their alternatives, saving time andreducing logistic requirements. Unlike other productsavailable on the market for similar applications, automatedsealing can be achieved, including full robotic assembly,a process which is nearly impossible and costly to use

 with normal elastomeric seals,” says Scherbaum. “Thisalso adds the benefit of removing human error that canpotentially create gaps through misalignment, resulting in unwntd lkg.”

One example of where a Rubore component hasalready yielded significant benefits is on the seal for a r’ ltrni ntrl unit (ECU).

By 2015, it i xptd tht ntrl n r will hvshifted to 40 percent electronic and 60 percent mechanical.This makes it all the more critical to achieve a secureseal on the ECU, especially as a failure could result in a riu fty iu. h rm vill within n nginmprtmnt r vhil intrir i limitd, mning thtcomplex designs which fit space requirements are essential.

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and fairies

In a harsh environment, like the engine compartment, theECU cover is constructed from metal and sealing wouldhave previously been done using a molded gasket, manually inrtd int th grv.

Trelleborg realized that the sealing technology toachieve the optimum solution lay within their innovativeRubore technology. A Rubore Cover Seal integrates the sealand ECU cover in a single integrated unit meaning costly mnul intlltin i n lngr ndd. hi rult in  perfect solution at a reduced cost. Moreover, integrating theECU cover and the seal in the Rubore Cover Seal reducesthe number of parts, minimizing logistics, assembly anddminitrtin t.

The Rubore® process involves twosteps. First a resin coating is applied to metal carriers and the rubber iscalendered. This is then followed byvulcanization of rubber to the metal,resulting in excellent bonding. Thecoating process and combination of raw materials with primers/bonding agents is one of the core competen-cies of Trelleborg’s manufacturing facility in Kalmar, Sweden, where theproducts are manufactured.

To promote the unique Rubore processTrelleborg has employed some ani-mated characters, a hero and a fairy, that enable the advantages of this technology to be easily understood in afun way. To view the Rubore animatedmovie, go to www.rubore-seals.com.






Layer by layer – it might

seem simple enough, but

the Rubore technology is

advanced and unique.

Vulcanization of rubber-to-

metal results in excellent


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WHEN THE GERMAN company Hänsch Groupbegan developing its new DBS 4000 LEDlightbar for police, fire and rescue vehicles,the company’s engineers needed seals they could trust. Three years ago, Trelleborg designers sat down with Hänschengineers to develop a gasket that could withtnd th nditin.

“The automotive sector is really very special,” says Markus Keller, ExportManager for the Hänsch Group, basedin Herzlake in northwest Germany. “If yu’r driving 200 kilmtr pr hur nth Authn, th l till h t hld, vnin the rain, which finds every little crack. It was ig hllng.”

In Grmny, mrgny light n plir nd t prt in diffiult nditin– driving rin, hvy nw nd th highpd f th Authn, highwy ytmmuh f whih h n pd limit t ll.

The Hänsch Group (officiallyFirmengruppe Hänsch Holding)

makes warning systems for police, fireand rescue vehicles; designing lights andsirens that save lives. The group has threebusiness divisions: warning systems, engi-

neering and signal technology. WhileGermany remains its primary market,

Hänsch is now expanding its salesinto the rest of Europe.


But it wasn’t the only challenge. At the same time,

Hänsch was looking to improve fuel economy by designing the DBS 4000 with an aerodynamic aluminum housing that reduces air resistance. “We needed our gaskets tou th lt mtril pil, t rdu wight nd vfuel, while also being weatherproof and UV resistant,”says Mike Kallaway, Business Unit President for sealing prfil in rllrg Indutril Slutin.

Noise was another factor. “On the Autobahn, highpressure from the wind can make the car very noisy,”

says Mike Kallaway. “Our gasket was designed tokp ni undr ntrl.”

Manufacturing proximity made a difference,too. “One big plus for Trelleborg was that itsfactory is very close to ours,” says Hänsch’sKeller, explaining that Trelleborg’s facility in Lthn i nly ut 25 kilmtr frmHänsch’s plant in Herzlake. He says Hänsch was lucky because Trelleborg worked withthe material they were looking for, a durable

EPDM ynthti rur.The first DBS 4000 lightbars came out in

2010, and the series has been highly successful,Keller says. “The functioning of seals is always

a big issue with lightbars, and these are working  vry wll.” 


TT sports cars or

Istanbul’s Trump

Tower, Trelleborg 

gaskets keep

out the elements

year after year.Trelleborg’s sealing 

profiles are ranked

No. 1 in Europe.

Trelleborg produces

sealing profiles in

facilities in the U.S.,

Sweden, Germany,

Poland and

Lithuania. The

products produced

include custom-

designed gaskets

to fit windows,

doors, vehicles,

solar panels and

other products that

need a tight seal.







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Monitoring the medical


Clinical engineer

Kun Fang, researching

innovations in patient

monitors, predicts

mobile medical devices

will continue to develop


 A Chinese-based medical devicemaker has become a world leader inits field in just two decades. But thecompany never stops trying to comeup with innovative new products and

improvements to existing ones.



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indray, a medical devicecompany founded twodd g in th Chinboomtown of Shenzhen,is continually making 

technological advances. But how does the company know whether a new feature truly improves a device’susefulness and helps doctors to saveliv?

That’s where Mindray clinicalengineer Kun Fang comes in. Fang researches innovations in patientmonitors, which display a patient’s

 vital signs and other data on a screen.The faster she can get feedback abouta device from doctors and hospitals,the faster Mindray can perfect it.“We work hard to get approval forour innovations as quickly as possiblefrom the Chinese State Food and

Drug Adminitrtin,” h y.Currently, Fang is gathering 

feedback on a new patient monitor-ing function designed for newborninfants with breathing problems.

 When babies are born and begin tobreathe air, their circulatory systemhuld trt pumping ld thrughthe lungs. But for this to happen, a fetal blood vessel to the heart – the

ductus arteriosus – must permanently close. In rare cases when this duct doesnot close, however, a newborn may uffr frm nditin lld pri-tent pulmonary hypertension of thenwrn (PPHN).

To check for this rare condition,doctors place a pulse oximeter on twoof the baby’s fingers. The oximeteruses a light sensor to measure the

MINDRAY Headquartered in Shenzhen, a Special Economic Zonewithin China, Mindray was founded in 1991. It is a worldleader in the development, manufacture and marketing of medical devices and has three business areas: PatientMonitoring and Life Support Products, In-Vitro DiagnosticProducts, and Medical Imaging Systems.

“Digital records andbetter-connectednetworks will reducehuman error”

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percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen. In a healthy person, thishuld pprh 100 prnt.

Fang is researching Mindray’s new feature, which adds oximeter readingsto the screen of its BeneView patientmonitor. “We will need to get feedback from doctors to see whether the new measurements and functions are helpfulin mking dign,” Fng y.

 IN ADDITION TO RESEARCHING thefftivn f th nw ftwr, Fng also helps evaluate new hardware. Sincethe end of 2011, Mindray has beenproducing the BeneView T1, a small,lightweight patient monitor with a handle, making it easy to transport

 when a patient needs to be moved. “Westarted developing this device using a simulation scenario, and then collected

feedback from hospitals,” Fang says.“Based on our findings, we suggestedcertain modifications. This processof getting feedback is often repeated

more than once during the designph.”

Fng h wrkd rrhr tMindray for two years. She cooperatesclosely with five other team membersdedicated to the same project. Outsidethe company, she communicatesmainly with doctors and medicalstaff at various hospitals, as well as

 with hospital administrators andgovernment regulators at the StateFd nd Drug Adminitrtin.

“My job requires good interper-sonal skills,” Fang says. “I’m dealing 

 with extremely busy hospital staff members, trying to get valuable,constructive feedback within a shorttimfrm.”

 Anthr hllng h f in hr job is learning about software froma technical perspective, right downto the algorithms. “For example,”she says, “how does an ECG [whichmonitors electrical activity in theheart] use conventional resistivity to

KUN FANG Education: Shanghai OceanUniversity, B.S. inlife sciences and technology;Zhejiang University,M.S. in biosystemsengineering.Study abroad:

Exchange student,

Kansas StateUniversity, U.S.Prior job: Createdquality-controlsystems in thechemical industry.Grew up in:

Hubei Province,central China.Lives in: Shenzhen, China.Favourite food:

Spicy fish head.Interests: Travel, music and

mountain climbing.

provide signal processing? If we candevelop a better understanding, thathlp u t fu n ritil pint.”

Looking to the future, Fang 

predicts that mobile medical devices wil l continue to develop rapidly,especially within China. Patients inChina generally do not have a regularfamily doctor they can see. Insteadpeople who become ill must head to a hospital emergency room – and wait.“Members of China’s fast-growing middle class do not want to line upfor hours in a crowded hospital to seea doctor,” Fang says. “They wouldrather register online through mobiledevices, to see whether a doctor’s visitis truly necessary.” She sees a growing demand for portable, compact andat-home medical monitoring devices.

Computerization of medicalrecords is only just beginning inChina, Fang explains, and mostpatient records are still written by hand. Looking ahead, she says,“digital records and better-connectednetworks will reduce human error,improve regulation and expand accesst mdil infrmtin.”


CRITICAL CAREPolymer-based solutions for medical

applications often require manufacturing in special cleanroom environments, wherecontamination is excluded with air qualitycontinuously controlled and monitored.

Trelleborg has a strategic aim to support the lifesciences, medical and pharmaceuticalindustries with its advanced processes.Building on its expertise, it is investing 

globally in market-leading facilities thatmeet current, and more importantly,

future demands for super clean,application-critical


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Trelleborg continues to broaden its global footprintin the North American life sciences industry with a 

$ 7.3 million expansion and relocation of its Hudson,Massachusetts, facility. Opening first quarter 2013, thenew facility will manufacture silicone products for originalequipment manufacturers and end users in the life sciencesindustry, which includes pharmaceutical, medical device,ithnlgy nd ptint r fild. It will l xpndprecision liquid injection molding (LIM) capabilitiesutilizing liquid silicone rubber (LSR) and cleanroomprdutin filiti.

“It will be one of our most technically advancedfiliti, with full utmtin. Hving trng prnin North America is critical. Much of the R&D within lifein i rught t mrkt vi Nrth Amri nd th

U.S.,” says James Hederman, a Trelleborg Sealing SolutionsPrdut Mngr fr lif in in Nrth Amri.

Trelleborg launches an interactive journey The multitude of Trelleborg’s products and solutions can soon bexprind in nw wy. h Wrld f rllrg i n intgrtdonline showroom, designed as an interactive journey, with a comprehensive gallery section. The showroom allows visitors toexplore Trelleborg’s engineered solutions in different real-lifenvirnmnt, frm p ll th wy dwn t th d.

“I believe that many people will be surprised to find that ourlutin r vitl in mny r,” y Stfn Svärdnrn, ViPridnt f Brnd nd Mrkting, rllrg.

Throughout the journey the visitor can click on hotspots to

explore more about various Trelleborg solutions and how they create value. In the gallery section, articles, films and in-depth informationut rllrg’ prdut nd lutin n fund.

“Digital communication is important and we are really excitedabout this way of presenting our products and solutions. Theinteractive design makes it really easy for visitors to interact withTrelleborg online and discover the full potential of our offerings,”y Svärdnrn.

The World of Trelleborg is scheduled to be launched in May 2013nd n thn d vi th rllrg wit.

Expansion of U.S.life sciences facility 

Opening in Cape

 TownTrelleborg Offshore & Constructionhas announced plans to opennew premises in Cape Town,South Africa; a region whichTrelleborg sees as a key growthmarket. Amit Madan will be thefirst of Trelleborg’s industryleading engineers to operate fromCape Town, providing a closerrelationship with customers in the area and the reassurance of a face-to-face presence. The newregional office will have in-houseengineering capability and provideinitial specification and front-endapplications engineering.


W her e do y ou tur n to hig hlig ht the str eng th and 

dur ability  of  y our  tir es? T o the 

w or ld’s str ong est, of  cour se. In September  2012, T r ellebor g  W heel Sy stems supplied tir es f or  the W or ld’s Str ong est Man competition in Los 

Ang eles, Calif or nia, in the U.S., w her e the competitor s car r ied tw o 520 /85R38 T M600 tir es on a y oke dow n a 30 y ar d tr ack. 

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WHEN WE TALK ABOUT accelerating, we usually think of 

going from zero to 60 in our cars, or for a Formula Onedriver, from zero to 185 mph. F1 gets the heart pounding and it was a very exciting season in 2012, with highprfrmr, Stin Vttl, ming th yungt vrthr-tim wrld hmpin.

 Acceleration is a balancing act and does not only apply t vhil nd F1; it’ ky mpnnt in uin t.

Successful buyer-seller partnerships are built around value creation and accelerating performance in a sustainable way. An integrated approach, with joint innovation efforts,as well as local technical and manufacturing presencefor example, can lead to new and better products andsolutions. This can accelerate a company’s growth and

ultimtly, vn n nmy.Vettel accelerated himself to glory and the number

one position on the F1 podium at the Autódromo JoséCarlos Pace, São Paulo, Brazil. As well as being the finalvenue for the race season, the country is one of the

 world’s investment hot spots. For instance, investments inmanufacturing have resulted in Brazil committing around$66 illin t rd nd ril imprvmnt.

Companies investing in manufacturing need a closerelationship with key supplier partners to manage thismmitmnt nd t lrt utinl prfrmn.

h 2012 r n h m t l nd n nknows what 2013 will hold. Partnering in technology 

 will however continue to be fundamental to race teamsfurthr lrting thir prfrmn nd rhing thtsought after number one position. The same will be true ascompanies work together to accelerate progress and achievea world-leading position, just like Vettel and Red Bull have.

 Accelerating performance in a sustainable way is a key element in Trelleborg’s value creation process. Find outmr t trllrg.m.

 Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered

polymer solutions that seal, dampand protect critical applicationsin demanding environments. Its

innovative engineered solutionsaccelerate performance for customersin a sustainable way. The Trelleborg Group has annual sales of about SEK 21 billion (EUR 2.33 billion, USD3.25 billion) in over 40 countries. TheGroup comprises five business areas:Trelleborg Coated Systems, Trelleborg Industrial Solutions, Trelleborg Offshore & 

Construction, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions and Trelleborg Wheel Systems .In dditin, rllrg wn 50 prntof TrelleborgVibracoustic, a globalleader within antivibration solutions for

light and heavy vehicles, with annualsales of approximately SEK 14 billion(EUR 1.57 illin, USD 2.19 illin) inabout 20 countries. The Trelleborg share

has been listed on the Stock Exchangesince 1964 and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Large Cap.www.trelleborg.com


Trelleborg is sponsoring the Omega Envoy, a University ofCentral Florida aerospace team competing in the GoogleLunar X PRIZE (GLXP). The team will compete by safelylanding a robot on the surface of the moon and respondingback with images and data. Trelleborg will provide sealingeducation, selection guidance and products for the team’suse. The mission is scheduled to launch in 2014.

Sponsored trip

to the moon

Patrik RombergHead of CorporateCommunications,


I  l  l   u s  t  r  a t  i   on: L i  n aE k  s  t  r  an d  / A  g  en t  M ol  l   y 

P h  o t   o:  O mi  k r  on / N A  S A  O m

i  k r  on / N A  S A  /  G  e t   t   y I  m a g  e s 

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At Trelleborg, we strive to make our customers successful by supplying smar t

and sustainable solutions that are cost-efficient and long-lasting. But there is

an additional benefit to what we do. Our solutions have a positive impact on

people, society and the world we live in. This is what we call Trelleborg’s Blue

Dimension™, and our ambition is to make the world as blue as possible.

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