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Tips toInspireYourLife

Tips toInspireYourLife

Spiritual Insights from Asheville

and Beyond


WelcomeFor many people, personal growth and transformationare an important part of life. Whether you are

beginning your spiritual journey or have been on this pathfor a while, our intention is that you find inspiration in the following pages that enhances the quality of your life.

This booklet brings you our practical and easy to understand spiritual insights. We are a group of metaphysical practitioners, who specialize in a varietyof proven, life changing modalities. These tips are thetreasured wisdom gleaned from our years of dedicatedresearch and personal life experiences. Each author hasa strong connection to Asheville, North Carolina, an areaknown for its abundance of exceptional metaphysicalresources.

We’d be delighted if you would like to purchase printedcopies of this booklet as a customized promotional toolfor marketing your own business. You can also talk withus about licensing the downloadable version for otherpromotional applications. Ask for a price quote if youare shopping for the products and services we provide.Multiple sources and bulleted content are all in oneplace right here for your article, radio or television interview, blog, or website.

This product is available in a variety of media formatsfor your enjoyment and convenience. Please contact theauthor of your choice or the publisher to explore whatserves you best. Like spiritual insights, the possibilitiesare endless.

Blessings to you of Divine Guidance and Assistance

— the AuthorsPublished by:

Tips Products InternationalPaulette Ensign, CEO and Chief Visionary

13146 Kellam Court, Suite 133San Diego, CA 92130

858-481-0890paulette@tipsbooklets.com www.tipsbooklets.com

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Tips toInspireYourLife

Tips toInspireYourLife

Spiritual Insights from Asheville

and Beyond

2 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Honor Your Life Purpose11 Liberate yourself from any belief that youneed to be perfect. A picture can be perfect,but for a human, making mistakes is a natural part of the process of growing andevolving. 12 Give yourself permission to fully exploreand express your unique gifts and abilities.Respecting your own strengths will offset theneed for outside validation. 13 Find a way to tithe to yourself. When youset aside a small amount just for you, it honors your sense of personal value andopens gateways for you to receive more. 04 Remember you’re here to overcome yourhuman limitations and live from yourhigher life purpose. Trying to conform toanyone else's concept of who you’re supposed to be can interfere with your abilityto accomplish that mission. 05 Use imagination as a key to unlock yourability to manifest what you want in life.Everything that comes into your environmentcomes from your ability to imagine it first. 06 Realize when you’re feeling like an uglyduckling that maybe you're just in thewrong pond. Finding your flock dissolvesyour loneliness when you learn you are actually an elegant swan. 07 Notice how a pendulum swings equallyfrom side to side. Your life has the same potential. However much struggle you’ve experienced is also the range of how muchsuccess you can achieve.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 3

08 Observe that asking questions like, ‘Whydid this happen?’ or ‘What do I need to doto heal this?’ only gives you more to figure out. Instead, consciously focus on theoutcome you desire. 09 Imagine finding your very own magicwand, one that manifests anything youreally want, just for you. Sometimes puttingattention on what you want can reveal theresistance that stands in the way of your actually receiving it.10 Laugh more. Enjoying what you do bringsyou and everyone around you countless rewards.

Lania Desmond’s numerous near-death experiencesled to her spiritual awakening. She discovered a 5-stepprocess she calls SoulPoint™ that makes old emotional baggage obsolete. Her approach works onthe deepest levels, clarifying and activating her clients’most significant reason for living.

Lania is also the originator of EssenceWork™ a powerful form of energy healing activated while theclient sleeps. Since 2006 she has facilitated monthlyGroup EssenceWork Events based on the synergy ofparticipants from all over the world. Contact Lania tofind out more about her private sessions (byphone/Skype), group events, and online courses.

~ Think Love, Then Speak ~

Lania DesmondSoulPoint LLC828-236-1230


Tips to lnspire Your Life 5

17 Create your life moment-to-moment fromthe choices you are continually making.You choose the thoughts you think, the actions you take, and how you feel about it all.18 Respect yourself by creating and imple-menting proper boundaries. When you arenot drained by the undesirable energetic demands of others, then you have the energyto share more of your unique gifts.19 Live your life in love. Your only other choiceis to live in fear. Letting go of fear opens youto re-approach any situation with love.10 Explore metaphysical topics that intrigueyou. You will learn more about yourself andhave more compassion for yourself and others. You can find your own truth.

Sandra Gelinas makes it easy for her clients and workshop participants to access and explore thethoughts, words, deeds, emotions, and intentions oftheir souls through their Akashic Records. Discover andrelease current or past life challenges, ancestral issues,detrimental stored emotions, and outdated beliefs, toenjoy greater clarity, grace, and ease in all areas of yourlife. During an Akashic session, by phone or in person,your thoughtfully prepared questions ensure we reachthe heart of what matters most to you.

Rev. Sandra GelinasSpirit Works

Hendersonville, NC828-272-6660


4 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Discover Who You Are11 Monitor your inner chatter. Encouragingyour inner narrator to promote forgiveness,compassion, non-judgment, and uncondi-tional love creates inner peace.12 Speak with care, especially frequently repeated phrases. Your words reflect thepatterns of your life including ailments or recurrent experiences. Saying the words andphrases that accurately reflect what you desire, energizes those desires.13 Express your emotions appropriately – allof them – even anger. Emotions are neithergood nor bad. Bottling up emotions in orderto be nice can result in trapped emotions thatare detrimental to your health.14 Let your mind rest a few minutes everyday with no expectations. Connecting withnature, meditating, or listening to relaxingmusic allows your mind to have a mini holiday so you come back refreshed. 15 Allow yourself whatever time it takes to have clarity of thought. It’s okay to letpeople know that you need some time to reflect about their request, instead of feelingpressured to respond immediately.16 Know you are always at an instant ofchoice. Making your own conscious choicesensures you are the one running your life.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 7

17 Do unto yourself as you would have oth-ers do unto you. When you consciously invoke the energy of loving self-care, themessage that you are loved and loveable resounds loudly out into the Universe!18 Own your buttons when they get pushed. Bytaking full responsibility for your reactions toeverything and everyone, you move away fromfeelings of victimization and into much greaterlevels of non-judgment and acceptance.19 Use your dreamtime to advance spiritually.By setting an intention before sleep, youallow your subconscious, your guides, andyour angels to work on your behalf to takeyou closer to that intent.10 Make big decisions from a place of calmclarity. Urgency is not of Spirit. If it’s right foryou today, it will still be right tomorrow, or whenyou attain a broader, unemotional perspective.

Have you ever wished you had been born with anOwner’s Manual? Having a Human Design session islike discovering your personal Manual. Blending ancient esoteric wisdoms and modern sciences,Human Design is an amazingly accurate map of yourconscious and unconscious traits, revealing yourunique strengths, challenges and potentials, and providing you with tools you can begin to use immedi-ately. Vicky has been actively embracing personal andspiritual growth for many years. She has a passion forsharing what works for her! Human Design has led herand many of her clients to significant transformation.

Vicky GoodridgeDiscover Your Human Design

Asheville, NC828-552-0243


6 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Love Your Uniqueness11 Be open to communication from Spirit.Taking time to breathe deeply, while relaxingyour mind and opening your heart can be allthat is needed for the Spiritual connectionthat you seek.12 Remember that you came here to beHuman. What if celebrating your own gorgeously flawed, uniquely fabulous humanself aligns you with your Soul and creates alife filled with magical wonder?13 Describe what spiritual growth means foryou. Knowing what you personally intend toexperience and/or gain on your journey canbe a great discernment tool when makingchoices along your path. 14 Feel your emotions. Allowing yourself tofollow along with a guided Emotional Free-dom Technique that you relate to (onYouTube) can be a giant step towards tappingin to the amazing internal guidance systemof your own emotions.15 Dissect your fears. First imagine your worstcase scenario happening. What would be theworst thing following that? After followingthis fear trail until you can no longer imagineworse, how do you feel?16 Choose Essence over Form. Creating yourday with the intention to feel Peace (for example), while practicing Enthusiastic Anticipation and letting go of any expectations,allows Peace to show up in amazing ways.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 9

17 Attend a spiritual unfoldment anddevelopment class. Sharing in a group atmosphere is a perfect opportunity to learnand grow from others experiences, lettingyour heart connect with others who are onthe same journey.18 0pen to artistic and creative expression.These are “gifts” from Spirit and a perfectopportunity for Soul Growth while having fun.19 Commit time and effort to motivate withdedication and discipline. Scheduling timein your daily life to practice one aspect ofspiritual living means that your practice willsoon become reality living the Spiritual life.10 Open to unconditional love. Living in aspace of unconditional love is not only forothers. It is also for yourself.

With a background of various healing modalities including the Barbara Brennan energy studies, RebeccaPfeffer takes her readings to a deeper level as she isalso able to access her client's chakra system. By usingher clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience sheis able to provide guidance and direction. She is a certified metaphysician practitioner with over 15 yearsof healing, reading, and teaching.

Mediumship/Intuitive Readings/Chakra Scans/Oracle CardReadings/Energy Healings/Classes in Spiritual, Psychic

and Mediumship Development. Readings done byphone or in person.

Rebecca PfefferSpiritual Medium/Psychic Counselor/Energy Intuitive/Spiritual Teacher


8 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Living a Spiritual Life11 Meditate and journal to first connect toyourself so you can then connect with theDivine. Self-discovery brings your awarenessto the Light within. Daily practice strengthensyour abilities to explore your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.12 Open and expand your senses. You aremore than the physical body. Your Spirit and Soul govern the physical. Becoming conscious of the unseen reality, you realizewe are all One, connected to the infinite Spiritual Universe.13 Choose to make decisions from yourHigher Self by elevating your state ofbeing from the Ego Self to Higher Self. Thiscomes by asking yourself if you are operatingfrom your Higher Self or Lower/Ego Self inyour everyday life decisions.14 Expand your mind beyond the ConsciousMind. That happens from shifting the mindfrom the mundane daily thoughts of the Conscious Mind to exploring the vastness ofthe Subconscious (Intuitive) Mind and the Superconscious (Higher Self and Divine) Mind.15 Practice spiritual qualities in your dailylife. Humility, integrity, wisdom, gratitude, intention, and service strengthen your connection to Spirit and provide Inner Peace.16 Incorporate prayer into your daily life,paying attention to the manner in whichyou pray. Bringing your awareness to yourheart and soul and asking “teach me how toserve” keeps your prayer from being rote.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 11

18 Allow everyone and everything to unfoldperfectly in its own time. Like a blossom,you cannot force anything before it’s time.19 Appreciate everything daily that is here for you to increase your sense ofabundance. This includes people, animals,food, places, communities, nature, infrastruc-ture, absolutely everything! 10 Love yourself completely, in every waypossible, every day. The secret to true healing comes from compassionately andlovingly taking exquisite care of your ownbody, mind, and Soul like nothing else matters.

Jane Smolnik is a Naturopathic Doctor, Holistic Iridol-ogist, Certified Intuitive and Spiritual Healer, Speaker,Trainer and teacher with over 30 years experience.She is the founder and director of the Wisdom Instituteof Self Evolvement, assisting people in expanding theirawareness further and empowering their lives throughdeepening insights, tools, skills, experiential exercisesand understanding of our “Higher” Self. Classes,courses, phone and personal consultations available.

Jane Smolnik, NDUltimate Healing / Wisdom Institute

of Self Evolvement12-A Cedarwood CourtAsheville, NC 28803


and www.ultimatehealing.com

10 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Awareness is Unlimited11 Feel into any situation from your gut, notfrom your brain! Most of your body’s innateintelligence lies beneath the conscious mindin our Super Conscious mind.12 See everything from multiple viewpointsto gain the best insights. Being aware of multiple perspectives gives you more information to make better decisions. 13 Expand your awareness beyond what yousee, hear, and feel from your limited physical senses. Your awareness extendsfar beyond what you see in front of you connecting you with an unlimited realm of information.14 Transcend the lower levels of the conscious mind by imagining somethingbetter. This helps leave the past behind andcreates something new and intentional.15 Observe yourself and everyone neutrally.When you create judgments it attaches youremotions to situations like glue, which creates re-actions and limits your power.16 Connect with your Highest Self anytime –the ‘Absolute Self’ that is your Divine Spirit.It never changes, is perfect, infinite, wise, andconnected to Divine Source at all times.17 Know beyond the shadow of a doubt, thateverything is in perfect and Divine order,always! Even when things don’t seem tomake sense, know that underneath our opinions everything happens for a reason.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 13

19 Discover your passion. It’s the reason forgetting up every morning, feeling productiveand alive. Notice what empowers you andyou will find your passion.10 Wake up each morning in gratitude. Yourbody will produce “feel good” chemicals.Your life will improve exponentially.

Cheryl Sullivan, developer of Inception Point Therapy®,is an experienced healer and intuitive who combines20 years of formal training with a natural intuitive skill.She is the founder and director of the Inception PointInstitute in Asheville, NC.

In a unique spiritual experience a new technique wasgiven to her. Her work with clients naturally evolved,and today she calls her technique Inception Point Ther-apy®. Inception Point is a breakthrough process toheal the body and the mind. Her intent in developingInception Point is to help people heal their emotionaland physical selves in a powerful, yet gentle manner.

With her years of experience, compassion, and directstyle, she has helped thousands of clients and studentsovercome their biggest challenges and obstacles.Today, Cheryl uses Inception Point in her sessions andteaches it in workshops around the country.

Cheryl Sullivan, C.Ht.Inception Point Institute

1293 Hendersonville Road, Suite 18CAsheville, NC 28803

828-333-5213 • 561-395-2727Cheryl@CherylSullivan.com


12 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Unleash Your True Self11 Know that every moment is a possibilityfor change. Every breath in ushers in newenergy. Every investment in you is one worthtaking.12 Forgive yourself and those that have hurtyou. Forgiveness unties the knots in the cordthat binds us to others and to our formerselves. It’s the best medicine for health andhappiness.13 Ask the Universe to download self-loveinto you. It’s impossible to have a good relationship with yourself and others without it. 14 Heed the words of Candace Pert, Ph.D, foroptimum health. “Every thought, emotion,idea, or belief has a neurochemical conse-quence on our physical body.”15 Clear destructive emotions and limitingbeliefs from your past, so that any presentor future decisions you make will bebased on truth and clarity. You’ll avoidmaking the same mistakes time and again.16 Give up worry. It only gets you what youdon’t want. Keeping a mantra handy suchas “Be still” or “Be still and know that I amGod” helps change your thoughts.17 Open your mind to something you thoughtimpossible. You may find the world is full ofpleasant surprises.18 Accept yourself as you are. It is challengingfor others to like you if you don’t like yourself.Listening to your self-talk makes letting goof self-judgment and self-criticism easier.

Tips to lnspire Your Life 15

17 Envision with clarity and purpose. Visual-izing the life you really want, in fantastic detail, lets you dream big without self-im-posed restrictions, excuses, or limitations.You can see yourself as a highly skilled “mastermanifester,” fully supported by the Universe.18 Align with your higher self. You are an outpost of the Divine. Your core Light, directlyconnected to Source Energy, remains untouched by circumstances or challengesas you believe in your sacred purpose, trusting your inner wisdom.19 Become a “curious observer.” This requiresgenuine acceptance of Self and others as youoperate from a neutral, balanced “zero point”perspective without judgment, fear, or expectation. You can listen with an open,compassionate heart without projecting.10 Claim and manage your personal power.What you release to the Universe is matchedand returned. Being authentic ensures yourtrue essence is reflected in your energy signature as you share your Light with the world.

Patti Wagner provides a unique coaching experiencehelping you connect with your own guidance and alignwith your higher purpose. Clients find her “intuitivereadings” and expanded coaching sessions invaluablein their personal evolution. Sessions provide key insights into issues that can hold you back from ignitingyour full potential. Patti is a Gendai Reiki MasterTeacher, certified in multiple healing modalities, and isaffiliated with The Coaching Institute.

Patti Wagner, Intuitive Coach828-395-8017


14 Tips to lnspire Your Life

Creating Your Ideal Life11 Be fully present. When overcome with dailystresses and responsibilities, “checking out”can become a habitual pattern to escapethese pressures. Choosing to be present hereand now encourages lasting positive changes. 12 Let the past go. Old pain or anger may staywith you for a lifetime. Preoccupation aroundpast experiences reinforces negative thoughtsthat create similar experiences today,stopping you from putting your full energiesinto current challenges.13 Open your mind and heart. Open, compas-sionate, intuitive hearts are the new operatingplatform for working with the powerful energies now available. Being closed blocksyour participation.14 Acknowledge what’s working. Selectivelyand deliberately focusing your energy on whatyou want helps you receive it. This means putting aside your “filters” to see your life fromthe highest level possible, listening to yourheart, and following what brings you joy.15 Recognize what’s not working. Honestlyassessing your life includes paying attentionto where you focus your energy and beingwilling to acknowledge true feelings. Thatmeans courageously seeking out root causesof unhappiness or imbalance.16 Clear out self-sabotage patterns. Changingnegative programs by examining underlyingfears, and recognizing unhealthy repeatingbehavior cycles prompts the willingness torelease or reframe self-limiting beliefs. Settingboundaries and making new choices can silence your inner critic.

Inside Back Cover

16 Tips to lnspire Your Life


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