t he commercial leader - digifind-it.com · two weeks aa a aits iaet off deleft*1 *1 a venae, cam e...

Post on 11-Jul-2018






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iiiirrM uar « « r

« w . ' ï a r * ~ F■ '.sorial e» r lo c . Yg* „ „ „ , l o u n * ,

,.,..i*nI up, * * • « »I in tit» aktti

Jam«« Guather a p p rtm l before th« Board o f Commissioners Thursday night and asked wh*n th» board plans to replace thr tablet bearing th« nam«s of Lyndhurst’s r fp m e n u tiv « « ia the last war.

Mr. Gunther's appearance was not dramatic It was th« epitome of sameneea. It made It d«ar th« world was revolving around its axis as usual. th« sun woald cotne up and th« sun woald go down

For Mr. Gantrter has been a steady visitor to Board of Commissioner m eetings for th« last five year*. A l­ways he has asked when th* tablet would he replaced

Mayor Bogie said the hoard bow is seeking to secure a Wl'A grant with which to go forward with th« work. He said th« hoard has alw ays want­ed to replace the tablet, bat has lack-

**** b®*’n * comroonThe tablet «are stood at Valley

Brook avenue aad Ridge road a her« it was erected by citiaens of the township. When Public Service want­ed the com er widened so its c a n could be turned th« tablet was torn down— with the promise of rebirth

So far it has aot been replaced. Mr Gunther, active in the citizens'

committee which erected the tablet, wants to know Um reason for the inactivity

The argument ha voiced Thursday r ight has been heard before.

“We dua*t want anything elabor­ata". Mr Gunther said. "Just put that tablet back »■here it belongs.”

T h e commissioners nodded.Notice that the recent refusal o f

the Board af Commissioners to ap ­plica ttoos far liquor licenses would or appealed by l^ouu J. Gain, who seeks a license for 600 Ridge Road, snd Patrick Mulligan, who want* a tictnse for TM Ridge road* waa given the board.

taentbers of the board showed In­terest. Commissione! J . A . B rea m g residents and the Board o f Com-

The H ap p y N e a r C 'aaip, sponsored b y the Lyn d hu rs t G ir l Scoot ton arli, w hich w aa la pr agm as for the ¡ a n two weeks aa a aits iae t o ff Deleft* 1*1 a venae, cam e to a d e e s w ith ' f itting cerem onies oa F r id a y a fto rao ea

M rs . H . R M yeto . a G ir l Sc>ut C a p ta la , e f U p p e r M o n tc la ir , was d ire c to r a f the cam p aad had geaera i cha rg e a I the rtaalag p ra e m m There w a s a laa a a eafcfcitiea e f hand cra ft w o rk done by the g irla .

C omm issioner Jamas A- Breslin. who te la charg e o f local parks and p layg rounds, joined with the girls In «gpraaa iag g ra titude to the comm ittee ia charge of ths cam # for the fine piece of work accomplished through tha sam p aettetUee * f la > is an im p ortan t p art o f Ufa“, «aid the Cam m laaioaer. "T h ro u g h It we learn la p ractice honesty, sincerity, truthful a sea. and goad sportsm anship Pi«> w ill he evea mere important .a the new order «rf thing*. * ftrt » . havt passed through present changes in the social life of America. Toe »hoahl be proud of the fec i lh«l % « ir G ir l Brouta," Com misai ««et B reel in ateo Invited all the girls to share ths activ it iee la the several p is^ruu nd«


Split Started After Con­vention A Week

A r o

Two a f three local !*»-• rompanlee I will break an ay -from th« New York ; snd New Jersey V o l p l e r f u omen'a ! Association, it wsa Ipdbetod Friday

night at a m eeting hf the townaMp department I ailed td P»M action an a move of Cornsutestenr George H. Holden tn promota Fourth uf J a il safety in l.yndhurat, the msetlag teak s surprising tern when representa­tives of the I yndhur*’ Track Co. snd I ompany No. S Ôm s and Laddër > umpany voiced oppos turn to the manner in which the sseociaUua te lietng conducted.

No action could he taken Friday night twiwuse It was s de par talentai m eeting Compuni«e dWl not have a I hence to meet.

However, in the healed discussion

K s igh t. IQ I tab s th l ia d a a y . aad Ft« reace Sy lve s te r

O th e r gasata af the afternoon ia rladed M ias Elsie Hufcorrtovk. dtmw to r uf dramatics for Bergen Copntt under the W PA. Mias Elisabeth M uch more, a district supervtsor a f the W PA; Mayor Horace K Bogie William J Coaaolly, local sapervi out o f public works, and a number ef m others and friends e f the Girl

Bergen tW a ty tV » rsosre e f the Poor sad Rail«/ » dm ia let raters Aa seeabwn was effected Friday sight at ths Tewa Mall where represent« Uvea af th irl) . -m m u a ilie . appeared

William J C o a a e lb . deputy dime tar af relief la Urndnaret. the gatd mg sa in t bshlnd the ermaalsatton. was sl artod temporary chairsaaa Mr Caaaolly oatHaed roaeuas fer the or- « ■ W h

Asset ling that stare th s Stste has tam ed I t e relief ^eeetiun hack to mum« i pelame it mWht be w læ te

Is lyndhurst the aa«ohe > h*»h4lnf WPA >wha is Ihtt This agurs «a he lieved t* he s agh M i s s i s

The total root mt votwf la Lgad haret andee state relief during the amath of Jans, IBM. w a s |I I J B *

Ths total «mt a f valtnf la I m d hurst, d.*«**« th« asoath a f la n e . |»M , whoa 1 yndhurst had — Ars i.Bek, and Patricia 11 usiate U tlv .ii

ah o took part wars Terry Mullin. Elaine Lehnes. Anna Lynch, Oorts Gayhwd. Pearl I shaoo, Clara Utota ham , Marilyn Karp. Catherine Cloagkley. Joan Wisler, A gnes Mel

William T ste received a license for 411» Ksdge Road

Coanmaetonet l-ouis M. Favier. an­nounced the appointment o f Peter Kpiacbpia to the ¿Unking Fund Com- susama fee two years a ml John 9. Kirby for thr»-e year*

Tne Moaquitt» Extermination Com m tltee notihed the board ten men are being M et to Lyndhurat for three

to seek oat W atdiag places in the township and to correct them

Bh tg fn g o f cam p song« « as an «th efeature o f ths program , under dire» tion o f M isses Isabel K n ig h t snd K lissbe th L n d s a i W o rd s »7 a aa re n a tio n were spesei. foc Mra. Ma» w all R W r ig h t, cam p rhait man, and h e r rw sm H tse e f the Girt Ikoal


Bergen Coaaty prosecutor's office todey started an investigation into the death ef Miss Florence Miller. 22. of 7 » Newark avenae, Lyndhurst. after receiving a report from I»r Raphael Gila4y. Coanty physicisn. that the girl had died o f a cHmla a l ahecttea.

Miss Milter was deed when th« Lyndhurst smhetence drew up before Hackensack Hoapital at t:M yester day afternoon. Heepitol physicians «unm onel Dr. Giladg, whoae sujopsy today showed that her death was due ■ p m a abortion.

National Grocery Company, for sup ptlss, l-ev> Drag Stare, fer a ir e i sid kit.

Awsrds were presented by Mr« l 'haile* K Bandy, chainaaa a f had gee snd swards e f the larwl i •■<*** aad Mrs. Myers. <emp director Ten derfuot s war da went to Anna Crane,I au ins Psve» J .«« V* , . \ t .Muilia. Florence Avere, Anna Biilend Hœoline Nei io, Rita l ‘rock nek. Mad «line hloetei, Buth MhaHon

hevond class soarda Clara Htolh bsarh. Catbenns t!lwaghtoy. U lllan KiM; Bird bada«. l ias*«theee «**•> rsmpl stsd work »otli»«d en the ambtuea tkmrx, which laried ed perfect s te n d a s i* , ware M sn ss i rossett. Ruth Andrews, (hsrwthy Itaalsr. ( la r e Bt«inba«'b, Pai n ria Keataee. l e th srias * i «agh t e f .Ihy H«awood, Itorts AanaLymh. (« is C h eu . Phyttis O a i k iJsne« I >s* idsen Mervel Karber.

S*d • S.*. ^f« i «ttm dsf» * «»* • ! * .«atherine Ho I « o ' , M erle')« llisà» Herts Gay toed. Bota Wh nsfrridgo,

Meeting CsllrdKorTennU tourl

The girl was drasssd ia a night gown « b ea received a i tha bospitsl It was bebeved she died shortly be fare the aaabaiame reached th« hos­pital. hat as there te a e physician on the l.yndherst sm halaare. tha eaact


a ** " e e » i-r~*h m .t ai: t*» mmm, lf IM M I « ¿ I I « « S » IW f*

' « U f l i i *18 . , r* S .t a r J .) at M .iu r . S ^ r r y hi t O D*- P u .p l» I» S ^ M U (

I U » ) » M u » l \ \ « - « r I h r i r

Athletic Shirt«Tells (»irla lo Remember


Opposition For IVesidency Add» Spice T* Pro­gram Scheduled For Thursday, Friday

and Saturdayi ltPM t I A L t •MRRwPONHRN4 K ) , h .gb b ga i w d l he a «wlapfai d ram aad 1 R A N I0 C K Ralph II RartUe. ..f <*og.e corps rwm petiUaa a f the toei

11«.*r..u n He,gnta. who served te 'UtliU o f w tg h h » n a g Blales sndef the N a v v ' te the W o rld War. and * '~ d ■ jW i at T«*a*^wh PMh lb George Amart, af Fair Law*, aa stad iaat Corps fn-m New Toth, Haw Army ré tam a . Will t | k l for the stthm \ Jersey. P s n n s r lv s r • • «aaa w a i ead a f Caaa'y etimmander of the A meri | l ie le o s r e «*4 pe«' paia. In the af ear. I r y w e* thr Berr* n f o o e ly j terw«*«. *h«re r.«>est»«*i to he baM here «a Thors 1 psAhmn Wag le r-n ila . F r id a y aad Saturday. { i e a

M r K n a t i l i so co wl a t h t ! t L< T W ca a v sa twm «Muffai» and Mr «m a rt wttb (« a » ] by R rw ia F»«rher

b todth In fa n try The A r ie y supported by <i-s- n and N a v y otea a i r seeà .a* the r..-o he M ■ N a r i«o e ~ L—Voo-JUees ■ru k, of H yehoff, srh» def«atod |h

f w 'm an P sel M fW tok at «e.<d K-dgo. nt bMrt y ea r 's room I k s la Rsaaeey

t » d r from the etortieSl of s Mn m am a le * tate y ea r 's cw aeaaUa

e ^ to aek W pr i a l . Urna Mark, Horry d J<daa A RM-«ti « e t B iro « . Park M Hrsda < > - c g e

T h e com m ercial l e a d e rE«Orw l u Second C U » Matter Au^mi 12, • t tMt P o r t

\ y o u n r tia o J<X

When 'th e y " w r r e done a d ifferent >uung miss baonaad e a t o f the ch a ir Kven John, who has seen h is ahart ot women w a lk ia and ou t o f the Parlo r, had to a d m it a swell lab had been don« oa th e young lady 's

T 5 A*, a f te r a period of se lf ailnuration, sudden ly reddened.

At John, who had whitened ia ,l I end anticipation, she akrugged.

“Call a cop**, aha n g g s e ls d “ 1 can’t pay. I W aume broke.'

John stood transfixed . People have ordered meals and had to wash their way out o f res tau ran ts in pay meat Similar incidents dot the history o f the world’s fanc ies t gyp artists. But this was the f ir s t Ume i t had ever been worked on him .

• Young lady", he gasped, “you’re n<>t giiing to jail and sit in a pleas ant little oUl and call m« a dope."

H r got a broom.Sweep!” he commanded.

John dug oat a dost cloth.Dust”, he entered.

Hr dragged out cutlery, dishe*. cup», even the old a

have their honored parlor. ^

And the g a l did.’'Wash", he said.

* a sAh, na Our s to ry te net yet ended. John became curious after a little

while.What w u the big .dea?" he de

manded.Thr girl broke down. Cried.

«ot myahe »aid, ’'and I wanted to took my i>est That's the whete story, honestly ."

By golly, soft hearted John be lie v «1 her aod carefully deprived her of her waSff w afd r d ad o u s f clothe.

“ Some of you damea talk too much others net enough,” he said gruffly ■(¡’wan home”.

To make the ending so-o-o sweet, i let it he hoted that youag lady jau"t>' ily walked in a few days later and ' paid the whole bilL

s e aThis te no prophet's column, but if

you don’t And In the new bakery opening in th« D«Pamphilis Building, some of the newest and daintieet look-

trw p w tJM T ,A c lQ M o d i X I I »


FORSEASONRemarkably Sacccaaful

niaas Held By lo ca l Camp

T o w bL In ReHel

a .

- League Asserts

you or you or yoi lisa our gueaa. Tne

| ju*i reeki«with clasa, from the nnwly installed front to the menu that te i<eing prepared. We didn't mean menu

• We meant repertoire What a repertoire, if you get what we mean Wr wish we were getting married so we could give some of thoee fancy rakes away.


I W l forget th« free roaat beef Sat- >. night at Farrell’s which

will I.-member, was Young’sValley Brook, near Stu;nue.

our ifenial variety H* I, I nines up Wit »aIf»«, th« guy, ers aAake piccingl.uyer,•>f St*sol i« rmitting him for you W« leave you to your sinfulfuture! *

e e eAnd ss a wind-up o f the day's

festivities, here's a self-explanatory etter sent to the local Board o f Com

'•loners hy the New Jersey Aseo- ation e l Retail Merchants:

"Mr. Dominick Livelli,Team Clerk, l yndhurat, N. J.

“I»ear Mr. Livelli:"We ere Informed from our active

and reapsctiv* member, Mr J Majus <-hsk, thst the CommissK>ners ol Lyndhargi arc douig a splendid >of

enforcing the provieion« o f the «iUor ordinance, and are particularly 'eem g to it that only stores who have liquor m enses can ssll this com mod Ity or taks orders for It.

“We understand that you have dls• ontinued the practice whereby oiM •tore held a license snd a number of "ther stores sold liquor in the form* f orders to be delivered by the store •»"idiag the lupior license. This ctear*y is ■ subterfugs, *«*d you sre U 1 ■■mmirndsd highly for elim inating th is practice.

W ith beet wishee, we are.“Very truly yours,


Lyndhurst Has Sfared Refief Load la Remarkable Fashion, According

To Local ReportLyndhur« u ( w o< thr ricmplarv mmmimiUfi m N o»

J«r«fy m the Butter ol rrliet wink, *m»vlinK t»> * rt|>»t mfck puhU. by thr L rifiir u< New )rtwy Muni. ifulitK. Cmmj twenty tive c<«nmuntt>es u typKiJ <• thr w « i hy <««>muiuty v tw m JW rrlirl a n .e the ««Jte » « h e J it» h jivb .4 the whole thine, Lymlhunt wsu uk ludevJ anxms the twenty live— — ...... - I. w

_ _ hew the rsHef q w at ioa haa toon

Poor Overseers Organixe Unit

Connolly Ia Temporary Chairman fnder Pres­

ent Plan

NOTICK DOG OWNERSO o f ow ner» a r t m é r i i Ê * m m I t M te e— i

he i M d k o B Ih e T a w m S i p C l e r t M y t n * . • A .* ■ i t ~ k mto 4 M P . M. . SaSarSiyi • A.


, - —1 ^ M - WS ii w w n g n r a n m t uFdlara S o M S i Sccm m al

OTTO SAVES. K . M e t CMri-

_ .tosai « f « * l t asaart

to ito (art Wwal . d'.»a»e k^*w tmkmt eead ltluae to i te r than ewtoidara, a*

■hen th e stato had «mH

suet e f B .T B a isaaar*aM >*erihe<e«a «*# • e ls »a r tool

ta* aeed> to*ng wa>i <ahea tmtme f B ea t . faad. «toShm g hit these •warn od i o f th a t H .F H T k a t e tee+M as w a ll, aa iSm sd t ia «e>fai*vo espsa- sds w M rh oe.e — htgh s t e a the « la to la id a— I n a i

T e sh»w a ..» M d t o t Ifs yw e B e gte aad h i* denwty. » ‘«Mato C ~ m sM y .

he ir ahMMy la m eat ths ile a a r a s as s i fee m I | et e a ttl I t o s a u , i l Im* a f «ha ahhle

Mew Je ree» ha* a a t ld lo * s i Ma a lad am en a i* eoedad as th a t the IW n a a w


H 'cup all bran 3 teaspoons baking powder

tly WtartMin* in

notsbV four No-

A rt Of.Pkktinff Attributed To American Women lemon extract

awe d Iasi flirtlsn » h u h l i l t exhibits which can j the visitor fundaimn

hibhion* ' I t outstanding

% cup chopped nut meat*Cream sugar and shortening to-

Chat, add one eg* a t a tim e, beat- w e ll after each addition. Add

fcananas which have been forced through a potato ricer. S ift together, flour, baking powder, sa lt and cloves; add aad mix well. Add lemon extra«», m olasses and chopped aut m eals and all bran. Bake in greaaed and flour' ed cake pan* hi a moderate oven sbout 1 hour. Cut in 2 inch by 1 inch pieces snd serve.

Mrs. F. S. Shumway o f Berlin, N. a • be erf her of the Chatham, N.

Y . Courier is th* -winner o f an apron snd a box o f Goxfc Gelatine.

A case o f Trommer’s W hite Label Beer has been awarded to Mrs. Louis Kotier o f Sea Chff, L. I., a reader of the Roslyn, L. I. N ew s.

Mrs. Annie Ptnrhm o f Southpor t, Conn., s subscriber of the FatTfleld, Conn. Newa, has been awarded s m etsl recipe container with recipes snd s csn o f Pompeian Olive Oil.

A riee ball aad a box o f All Comet Rice Products has been won by Mrs. Virginia Reeve o f Tom* River, N. J., a subscriber o f the Sum m it, N . J. Herald.

Mrs. Thom as Lang a f llaehroadk H sights, N . J., a reader o f th s Has brouck H eights Observer, Is the w in­ner of a cheese tsa y with an asso rt­ment o f seven kinds of Borden’* Cheeee.

Mr*. Geo Kraasas ick o f Laureltoa. L. I. is the winner a f a Seceni, Hand Made. Hand Pa t ted Salad Bowl.

One of the greatest contributions to home cooking which a n y be as- cribed to the Amsoissn M M P M W #the development of th e pMNe. Va>lMn other land ha* the Ifkas a*t e f M M pickling been brought to such -» high stste . It resched its -height ftfty-jreaas ago. Thea it begsn to fall back.

Sun., Mon., July 26-27



Its, novel, original recipe to Sidney Snow In care o f th is paper. It might be s prise winner. Many women have written that though they hoped, they were completely surprised s t being s winner.




The Greeks Had A Word For It But

W e Call It BaroTue*., Wed , Thurs. July 2* :»

"FUR rwith Spencer Tracy and Sylvia Sidney


— also —

“Three l i ve (¡hosts”with fIBRLE MBRCKR


Mrs. E. H Glaett If o f M ilterd, Conn., a reader of th s Milford Oorvn News, has sent hi m prise eriiuHng re-

that many women will enioyhaving sntcng their co llection, l i r e .(ilaettli will receivs a esse o f Rap- pert's Beer:

BANANA NUT M S A D1 cup < ^ r , _

WPA will fill s recreation need for such prop1«’ »n<i th* quality o f the entertainment is Mre to sttract c a p a ­city sudience* wber* ver tbe ten t ap-


Now there is a pickling. The eld Haw arebeing l.rooght eat mmtmi l o r da old family «crap and recipe books.

Right now is the tame to nu them up. Armed with m assortment

! i esh spices frtan »he p o c e r * spice dppsrtawnt, *rtth a ge<* pick- linjr kettle and w*th Mm tom atoes, cucumbers snd other vegetables and fruits—let’s make pickles. I t is-eaev and mtereeting aad lead« to tnurh fun in the eatfag. Hers aa» a few very old recipes, all vaaraifteed to put curls into your hair:

rn rn i TritflTfr1 peck _1 dozen large « r«*d pepper pods Vinegar •' _1 cup mixed whole spices Cot th ! tom stoss in slices one

fourth of sn inch m thiekoe**; dis­card the «mall s lices at dtoai aad other end. Cut the onions (peeled) in similar slices. Pack the vegetables in a jar in layers with aril between. Let them stand over night. Drain off the brine. Repark the vegetables,

• er with vinegar «raided w ith thr peppers and spires. Seal -aad store in s cool placs. The aniens aiay be omitted.


1 I N M B A VJBSgBSLo c a M e s V

Y, JULt îS,

m Mtoenm

tarrago radisn;vinegar, scaldtag hot, aad «toi« InJ * » . .........

Prize Winning Recipe*


Fri. .n d Sat., 1* y 2 4 « » '

"G ive U« This N ight”with GLABYS -SWARTHOI'T

m t tx n m r v t t— and —

Brown Eyes”with CARY GRANT


To The People of Lyndhurst and Surrounding TownsHtr* is good news for you. On Saturday, July 25th, we throw open the doors

ef oar new bakery to the p ublic.You and your family and your friends are cordially invited to come and help

as celebrate. - ~ ^We want you to see the up to date facilities and care with which alt our goads

are made. There will also be a free gift to all those who attend our Gala Opening. There also will be a *5.00 cake which will be given as a door prize.

Mazur's Bakery is the last word in spotlessness and up to date efficiency. We want you to see the shmy new fixtures and shiny new machinery. Everything i s spic and span.


1 DOZ. COOKIES 1 . 1 r 4% 1 COFFEE RING both for

To justify your confidence and patronage we use only the best of ingredients. We mixandaake under officially approved Conditions and offer a large variety af different kinds of cookies, cakes, pies, bread and rods.WE SPECIALIZE IN BIRTHDAY WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES.


S. J. MAZINt, fr opr 1.1m


Freeholders Win Praise Of Bergen

Taxpayers' Unit___

Pres. Stevens Warm In Praise Of Work Done

[ y tlM C olu ak w I. S. I f. A » , to be M d a t V tocittini’ Pork * Foir- lewn, N. J.

The object o f Um affair M a g for tho solo parpeoo rf i M l f tfc* ckU- dron o f L y a m r s t on op| l l*— tty of eajoyta« o 4 | * cotint. A ll cfcUdrea under twelve yeers or a g e w ill bo admitted fro* but moot bo escorted by on edelt. Bo;» and f is t s ever twelve will bo durged SOc eaoaa os adulta. AU ebttdwn will bo « m o d froo milk aod crackers all day long.

They will olao n m c ip o U in gamea wboro wmnara will awordod priaaa A boaohoU «oom will otoo «obo piece in the boll pork, tha winner being awarded a cop.

Bab Colo's bidcir review w ill ea- tertein. Deneiac e»U bogie ok A p m Music will be furniabod by tba Ball Harbor Orche»tm, clam chow- dar, hot roaat leef. hot dowa. all kinds of aaadwicfcrv baar. aodo ate. w ill be aold at o N-aaonoMo price

For tha coarenirnee o f tba lot« comers buses will leave tha Colombos Club at H a r r ie tt* »venue end Valiev it rook avenue iro n twelve now* untu

! six p. m. every hour on the boar.There will bo i*> uocnm ination as

to creed or nstiota* .y—everybody is welcome.

One ticket wi!! entitle a »oth er admission to tba park witb aa many children as she ’»a* providing they are her own aad will supervioo their behavior.

The following metatatg o f tba Co­lumbus Club with the aaoiatance of the l* d iee AuxUiary w ill OOpervise the affair: Andrew F. Frenwipane. chairman; Nwhela» A. Carella. vice chairman; Ralph I »¡abelta, treasurer; Peter Pignatore secretary; Jose oh Carocci. preoldent of Coluwhao Club; John R R uggier ,n charee o f ath letica and gomeo; 1 rank Moo oar». Are chief; Frank D*toy, peter .Corolla. Samuel Sangi. Char lee K. Corolla

la d ie s Aoxilia- > s Committee are as follows: Mra. \u n a Caretta, Mrs. Emily ('are!la. Mrs. Mary Rltlim a. Mra. Lena Monaco, Mra. Jaoophtna Ruggiero, Mrs. Lucy Do toy. M rs Sue Borbieri, Mra. Boae GuidatU.

J Mr and Mrs. Allan Fltsgorald of&2t* Kingsland ovcnua entertained at their homo for a few deyo Mra. Fltsgerald's sister and fam ily Mr. and Mrs Howard iXahrow of B elli more, Maryland.

Mr. and Mra. Thomas Bwootman and daughter Ann o f ITS Horn ave­nue end Joaaph (illloo o f BOB Page avenue have returned from a atay at Shadow Labe.


CARL STADT - LYNDHURST Mcmbei I'«foral Ifo|wul Inaurarne

Ihiplak Takes (m ldrrn To City

N .ll i . P t i u i . a«

The usual thunderous conclusion marked the Areworka display o f the Our Lady o f Mt. Carmel celebration Saturday night when 15,000 crowded * ¡-«land Avenue, the nearby atreete and neighboring hillsides to watch.

T V display was ïm | • <though the heavena gave a display of their own. Rain fell just as the rock­ets went up The com m itteee in charge said the celebration was more suc­cessful this year than in recent years.

Bayers K n U r t u i nFor Son, Richard

Polira O i . f and M r. Otta Barar o f TM K i t t . r .Ä I .S ö r W R -I I T their home yesterday a fte r » .-» m honor of the eUvvnUl birthday OOOl veraary o f their son Richard Qamoa «ero eajeyed. Refreshm ents were

and children Eleanor and Robert of MS Ridge Rood bove returned from o Aahing trip to Spring Labe.

Miaa Joaephlne DeDunoto o f SIS Milton avenue ta d Mlae R rtrk lo A l­bino of 460 Summit avenue are spend-

Louis Pun toi ill« i o f 250 Orient Wh; has returned from a v isit with friend at Asbury Park Mr. and Mrs I ou la Nodoau o f 440

Park placa are rntertainta* at their summer home at West Milford. Mr. and Mra. w T w Shu herí and daugh­ter ffloomir a f New York City.

Mr. Smith is a very thrifty and careful man.He is still running his car from nineteen ten.To do the family shopping he does not travel far,To get to Sam Brody's he doesn't even take hit car. Wheti he wants something in a hurry in the dry goods line, He just calls Rutherford 2-0749.

T H U R SD A Y , JULY a > I W

Whether it it the lotest Inci­dent in »he perilous life ol “The Timid Soul**, or o genial j*be of "The boy Who Mode G ood", "Bridge" o r life 's Darkest Moment**, you con count on H. T. W ebster for o •mile to stort the doy. The reoson why so many look for W ebster's morning chuckle is that you And yourself and mony of your friends in his universally ap p e a lin g c a r­toons. Every morning in the

Hcvnlò ¿TribuneThunderous End

To CelebrationI/*cal Folk Have Good

Time A t M t Car­mel Fete

Harry Schaeffer of 602 Ridge road is spending two weeks at Monticello,N. T.

~fku Q u a lity ofo a J i t id i \ S ’k (?!*"!

Su U/ko7oUouf ¿Jim

O ur leadership in the profession is the result of our untiring effort»

r/ to render a distinctive funeral service to all. regardless of th# expenditure involved.

CPl&rn RUTHCRFOKO t- lo o o

m e /a o r ia l f u n e r a l h o m e


One Of Lyndhurst's Good Stores

kA uM o st Fa vo rab le F I N A N C I A L B A C K G R O U N D


LEVY'S PHARMACYOver 100,000 Prescript Iona Filled In The Pas* 2*1 Tear»

♦ -----------

Snapshots . . . each *XcAny size op to and including No. 122

Yardley's Toiletries LYNDHURST BONUS MONEY

OF HIT I THEATRE May Be Had Hen - Th» " Money" B Vaiuabte

Muyvcsaal * Valley Brook Ave». Pbone MUi. i-l«3*





ç i a « u » s r o d m in o n ow . m ia u rrr REOKTER AT ONCI



opni i «w t r . »



Roasting and r r y i n g


19* ‘ 19* *29*

Chock ShooMor Pork

I C M f s

Fancy Shrimp . . . can IBsn i K i l M

Applssouce . . . 3 cans 2&snUJKRGrape Juice pt 14« qt 25«

Caiman coo 10f Juke . . cao IBs

’ 2 pt (or 12« - pt lor 21« Spry 1 1b cao 22c 3 lo esa 41s

288 Stuyvesant Ave.

I4 Now Potatoes B *. 25« roo* Is — ............ h k

Jersey Carrots . 3 - IBsJersey Boots . . . 1 IBsJersey Tomatoes . 2 Bm lid CoBforolo Poos . . 2 k s 19s l i a s i s oas . . . . 2 k s 19s Fresstooa Peaches 2 k s 19s

Lyndhurst, Ry tti 2-1648


l e r e a n d T h e r l



SOFTBALL LEAGUES.. . .Director of Parks and Playgrounds, James A. Breslin, an­

nounced this week the dose of the first half ot play in the Recreation Dept. Soft Ball Leagues. The second half got underway Monday evening.

The Dante DePamphilis Assn. won the Recreation “A " league with a record of seven victories and two losses, losing to the Athletics and Hilltops. ,

In the “B” division a play-off is necessary between the American Legion's veterans and the young Sigma Delta who are even with seven wins and two losses. The Legion lost their games to the Commercial Leader by a 16 to 15 score and to the Sigma Delta by a 22 to 17 score early in the season, but are undefeated in their last five games while the Deltas lost to the Commercial Leader by a 4 to 5 score and to the American Legion by a 10 to f »core which took ten full innings to de­cide the winner. League officials and the managers of the clubs agreed on a best two out of three series which will start this Monday night, July 27 at 6:4* o'clock at the new M ann Ave. oval being constructed fast by the W PA.

According to James A. Breslin this league is the best league the township of Lyndhurst has ever had despite other reports and speeches. But all leagues have handicap« and this loop’s holdback appears to be the Hebrew Assn. and the B P. O. E. 1101. Both these organisations, largest in the community, were granted franchises in the Recreation Dept, set-up, fcnt for the fint half of play have been a hinderance to the head of the league in more ways than one. The past five games the Hebrews had scheduled were all forfeited to the other teams because of the failure of the Hebrew management to get his player» out. One player CM the Elk's roster who is prominent in Hebrew affairs took it upon himself to play with both teams and stated at a meeting last Friday night thi* person was given permission to perform with both teams.

The Elks have picked up five to six players a night and for ten games in the first half have used 43 different players.

These things break up leagues. Will it break up the Re­creation Department's Soft Ball Leagues?

SECOND HALF OF PLAY. . . .W ith the all-star Soft BaH game out of the way, tonight,

second half schedule finds the Hilltops led by Ralph Albino, all'Star manager playing Milton Ripp * W est End Association at the new Marin Oval and the Commercial Leader and the Elks (still in the league) playing i t the Sport» Center on River Road

Tke Recreation Department Soft Bail League* held a m eeting laat Friday evening at tke Town Hall to decide on the second half of tbe sea ­son's play. The plan to drop the Hebrews and Elk* from the league for no cooperation w as defeated and the second half w ill be run with two leagues of s ix team s each. Games will be played every night a t the new Marion Oval ana on Friday evenings two gam es will he played at the Marion Oval and a t the Sports Cen­ter on River Road, the home of Marty Dolap'a Lyndhurst Club.

A new law w as a ft up in the by­laws o f the league when it was voted on that no new players, be added to the l is t and that no player can

change from one team to another.The Dante DePam philis Ass'n won

the first half of the Recreation “A ” League while a three gam e play-off is necessary in the “B” division with the American Legion and Sigma Delta startin g a three gam e, series to decide the winner. The dates of the play-offs are July 27 and August 3 and if the third gam e is neces­sary it will be played on Monday evening A ugust 9.

The schedule for the second half follows:

Monday—July 20— DePam philis vs. Tigers— Marion Oval.

Tuesday— July JPI— American Le­gion vs. H ebrews— Marion Oval.M W ed n esd a y -J u ly 22 — All-Star Came.

Thursday—July 23 — Commercial Leader vs. Elks— Sports Center, Hill­tops vs. W est End» Marion Oval.

Friday, July 24— Dykes ys. AthlH icH -Marion * Oval. Sigm a Delta vs. Phalanx Sports Center.

Monday, Ju ly 27—W est Ends vs. Dol’amphilis -Sports Center.

Tuesday, July 28--S ig m a Delta v a Hebrews— Marten Oval.

W ednesday—July 29— H illtops v a A th letics—Marion Oval.

Thursday, July 30 — Com mercial Leader vs. Phalanx— Marion Oval.

Friday, July 31— American Legion Elk*—-Marion Oval. Dykes v a

The averages:


ah. r. h. Avg. .17 5 11—641 29 12 18—62* 26 7 16—610

.33 13 20—606 14 3 8— »71

A. Stagm ier, Lea er J. McDede, Phala x J. Levy, H ebxfw e . .P. Ciccone, Lead« r M. Marino, Phall ix L. Polhemus, S ig na D. 7 3 4— 671 L. RLelly, Sigm a >e!ta 31 10 17— 646 F. Monaco, Am . 1 ¡gion 36 14 20— 655 W. U n d e lls , Lai ion 26 10 14—638 R. Robertson, Si| ma .33 14 17—616 S. Schweid, Hebf rws 20 7 10—600F. Corriden, Leg» n . . 18 6 9—600 S. Goldberg, Hettf :wa .12 3 6—600 W. Polhemus, 8i | na 36 14 17— 486 C. C astles, S igm a Del 17 3 8—470 M. Goldberg, Bab ews 15 3 7 - 4 6 0 R. DeRenais, S ig fia 22 9 10—466 E. Robertaon, S lim s 11 5 6— 466G. Berner, LeadeT 20 8 9—460 L. Polhemus, SigKa . 29 12 13—448 J. Gerstmaier, Elks . 23 3 10— 434 T. W alsh, Leader . . . . 30 8 18—433 R. Ohlson, S igm a Del 28 11 12— 429 J. Osborne, Phalanx 28 11 12— 429 W. Moloy, L egios 40 12 17—426 L. Dawson, LeH fE . . . 3 1 8 13— 419 J. Cornell, Legion . 24 11 10— 41«J. Boschen, Sigm a Del 39 16 16— 410 E. W hitehurst, Sigma 10 16— 410B. Berger. Hebrews . 2 2 8 9—409A. Kerr, L e a d e r 20 5 8—400(Rules Co mm »tie« .selected .400

a good ^verage)

OTHER AVERAGESC. Christ, Legion 17. - 31 8 12— 387 E. Bolander, Legfor . .1 6 3 6- -371 J. Prendergast, Leg.on 32 10 11—343 J. Houghton, Legion .37 10 13—361 A. Piratsky, Legion . 38 H. Summers, Legion 9 M. W aiters, le g io n . 24L. Rielly, L e g io n 7O. Bayers, l e g i o n 2llasbrock, Legion ......... 2E. Earp, Legion ..........3

K ist who i i i i M M a Are ball and M U l H I H T t B t W * “with tke B raSU jn P m tm m , Miasr L e ifu e r i si)4 a t Sim* was witk M d u a m d ia tk* P M m on t L c x i u and with ItachMtar in th* Interna- uonal League but business pressure forced nitn to r iv e op organised pro­fessional baU for sem i-pro pitching.

A t the Center th is season, Dolan u bad bard luck with old manweather and tke crowd« are still at­tending but flicker when lbs “ money bdx* comes around. (It take* money to put on a good ball game, Fans).

For this week’^ engagement, Wes-

over the loft Held fence. 'Running catches by Rosa ni— » s f Hialosers were f i e t d i j f / e k « ^ of tke game.PASSAIC Puaie, 3b

ley Woltman take t%e mound

L ip^k, c f ................... 6Retsig. s s .........Korch, - p ..............Gyorgydeak, 2b Moleson, lb . . . Krxanowski, If .Escott, rf .........Sudol, c ..............

ab. t . h. no. a. e. .2 1 0 *0 2 0í i

2S b 2 IX 1 1 2 2 I I

Totals .........LYNDHURSTRosa, cf ...........J. Russo, 2b . . Lilfey, 3b . . . . ■“ * ;hlin, ss . .

Ruggiero, lb . . ________ _ Larasso, If

hurst played ragged ball combining | Whelan, c .........to make ten errors. Jack Boschen I Sciepauski, p .

37 9 13 t i 14 2 >. £ echores with W hitev Thulin, Upsaia College veterans behind the plate.

Laat Sunday’s gam e with St. Bene­dict C . C. of Newark was a wild af- j C<fugh fa ir w ith the Lyndhurst Club snar-1 A. Rui ing a 17 to 8 v ictory.

The New arkers as well as Lynd-

ab. r. h. po. .3 2 ‘2 2 5 1 2 2

} 2 2

on the mound and if given sup port in the second inning when the visitors scored eigh t runs would have tossed a shut-out.Lyndhurst R. A rata, ssCandia, 2b ................6T. C-oomber, rf . . . . 5Muhieisen, 3b ......... 5McNinch, c f ........... 5C arters f ................1Borger, lb ................4Thulin, c ..................4Boschen. p ...............4

Reilly, p Muhlheisen, rf

1 40 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 2 I 0 0 0 0 0

ab. r. h. po. a. e. .6 2 3 3 0 2

2 0 2 2 2 2 3 2 0 0 2 11 2 7 1 0

Totals .42 17 18 27 9 4

T igers—Sports Center.7 ^ _ ■ ■

Dykes— aporta Center.Monday, August 3 — Hilltops va

9 13— 3421 3—333 5 7— 2912 2—286 0 0 -000 0 0-000 1 2—66V

F. Burk, Hdbrews . . . . 1 3 6 L. GiHanson, Hebrews 14 3G. Ritter, Hebrews 13 2 M. Schienberg, Het, 23 6 A. Friedman, Hebrew s 9 2 N. Berger. Hebrews 17 2 M. Katsman, Hebrews 14 2 G. Rosenberg, Hebrews 6 1 M. Mille», Hebrews 5 1

Tomorrow night, two games are acheiiled witTi the Ath- letics (Guidetti-less) playing the Dykes Assn. at the M ann Oval and the Sigma Delta and the Phalanx battling for the “Frat" championship at the Sports Center. ‘

Caines will be played Monday duough Fnday at the Marin Oval with an odd game being played Friday nightsat the Sports Center. . .. ,

Liical people are urged to attend these game* which start at seven oclock and this column guarantees an evening o* fun IS well as »eeing some real good hall pUytng.

D ,D AYS S s im o n e All-Stars traveling aB * * * ettstown to play last Sunday and after getting heat 2 to 1 by £ \ Z ' town Barons were offered a Jam supper ^ the split Which was a mere $1.10. On the game the player, were lost and the trip wa. made in IJO mile».

That Joey Eulo who is now on the Plyagr.jund Swrff wO open a t r a U g camp for young I x ^ who want Diamond Glove, at the present site of the Girl W ^ m p on Delafield Avenue. AU boy» interested are req^e register at any of the focal playgrounds open from until 12 and from 2 o’clock until VJU.

Simone AU-Stars

Tuesday, August 4 — Phslanx H ebrews--M arion Oval.

Wedneaday, August 6— W est Ends Tigers— Marion Oval.

Thursday, A ugust 6— American l e ­gion vs. Commercial lea d er— Marion Oval.

Friday, August 7— Athletics vs. DePam philis —* Marion Oval. Sigma DeKa vs. Elks— Sports Center.

Monday, August 10— Athletics vs. Tigers— (S ite Pending).

Tuesday, August 11 — Leader vs. Hebrews— Marion Oval.

Wednesday, August 12— Hilltops vs. DePamphilis— Marion Oval.

Thursday, August 13— Sigma Delta

Friday, August 14— Elks vs. Phal anx - Marion Oval. Dykes v a “ *

J. Breslin, E lks . . . S. Chiappone, ElksG. (¡razziano. Elks G. Holden, Elks . . F. Muhliesen, Elks A. McNinch, Elks W. Painter. Elks1’ringle. KlksW. Camelo t, Elks .

C. Pirovano, Leader . 26 E. Work wit*. Loader

Sigma 22

T w * , Z ^ . Í Í H B t a H* - 1 «i- **

Drop Second Of Season’s Gaines

The Simone A ll-S ta n of a fU r r m ,in ( up tw elve vlrtoriea in thirtet-it »larta encounter of t h e iW » » afternoon at Hark«ttetown when they lo st to the home town Barona by a 2 to 1 scor«*

The All-Stars found difficulty reaching the fteW and were late

m aking the game laat only seven In­nings. Going into the laat inntng the local boy. held a l » « lead but w e even 1 1 at the end of the f*»ulatwn ta m e but a play In the extra canto won the trame for the h o n e team when Candia waa cau*ht piaylnc a man at soeond. Guido delivered the pitch which the better hit ft rat and second scoring tbe winning run „ ,

It mas the first defeat for -“Soupy Guido this season and hia fourth in two seasons but he pitched a fine

(am e « « d i n , f t « b « k * th .vi» t h . Ä S * * * £ I F Ì Hw e n unable to mdeliveryol AT »y*oA 1

The bo* acore:

0*V i.ity , *b Mooney, lb ............

I k .........Hargerty, c ............Eaneosky, cf

* f .N. Patty, I f ............8ydrocb, p . . . . . . . .

Totals . . . . . . . . .All-M amMarrone, cf ............Stagm ier, asFusare, If ................I^iRusso, Sb . . . . . .P u r r e l l i , r f .................Candia, 2bCarucci, Mi ..............A se Ita, « . .M .M .r . puido, p .........

T o t a l s .Score by innings

Lyndhurst B a r o n s . ,

ab. «. k. . .^ 4 » t r . . . t I 2 0 . . . 3 0 0 0 . . . 3 0 0 0 . . . » i 1 . . . I 0 2*0 .*.8 0 0 0 . . . 8 0 0 0 . . .8 0 I •

aa t f Iab. r. k. o

. 4 0 1 0

&Ends- Marion Oval.

Monday, Auguat 17 Pamphilis— Marion Oval.

•sday, August 1 -Marion Oval.

Wednesday. Augu*t I t— Athletics vs. W est Emls— Marion Oval.

Thuraday, August 20--I^eader vs. Sigm s D elta— Marion Oval.

Fridav, Auguat 21—Tigers v a H ill­tops— Marion Oval. American Legion vs. Phalanx -Sports Center.

All postponed gsm es for “A” teams w ill be played on Tuesday nights at the Sports Center and the “BM League will play on Monday aights at the Sports Center.

B League Batting Scores Are Told

With the first half completed the lea d er this week announces ths bat t in g averages of players in the Rec­reation *BT League. N«xt week tbe complete averages o f the Recreation “ A" League will be orinted.

The leader in the battino orgy for th«- first half o f the achedUM Jim McDede who plays shortstop for the Phalanx. McDede will be unable to defend his average in the second hatf os he is loet to his team fee summer as he left recently as a n ciior in o boy’s camp. Coming up to tha plats 28 tim es the lanky short­stop rapped out 18 hits for a .621 a v e ia g a ,

Joe Levy of the Hebrews Assn, who plays anywhere on th* dismond comes in second best with a .610 average on 16 hita In 26 tripe to the plate.

Paul CWcone. the lead er's pitcher runs third high witk a .606 averags, twenty hits in thirty three tim es at bat.

11J. la k e s , 1-eader ........8W. Bello, Leader ........ 21R. We»tphal. Leader 20W. Adams, Leader .23W. Lindsay, Leader 17A. Scls»r«'kenm eti!7lidri!T-7

'wTat w Weber, Leader .1 0[E . Dabinette, ìjér . .1 0

Dykea vs. De-

3 -2 1 '4—307 4— 1733- 3336— 382 2— 160 2— 333 0-

7—3607 —2918—187 2 - 2 8 61— 8832—667 0—0061—8832-1000

9—3424—863 2 2606 —2387—360 6—217 6—362

St. Benedicts . . .Kaiser, c ................W eiss, lb . . . . . . .Nash, p ................Windy, p ..............Soldán, rf ...........Nem eth, 3b-sa-p Mentzel, .Nichola, sa-p . . . Di Martino, c f . . Janiaka, If

.ab. r. h. po. i

.38 8 10 24 8 eTotalsScore by inning*:St. Benedi eta ...........080 000 000— 8Lyndhurst C lu b 600 107 31x— 17

Runs betted in— R. Arata, T. Coom- ber, Burkhardt, M uhieisen, McNinch 4, Borger 2, Thulin, Nash, Soldan, M entsef. Two hose hits— R. Arata, McNinch, Thulin 2. Sacrifices— Weisa, Kaiser. Stolen liases — R. Arata, Burkhardt. Left on basea— Lyndhurst 10, St. Benedicts l-'l. Baxes on bulla

Totala .................36 6 10 27 14 2Score by inning*:Two baae hita— Roaa. Lilley, Deak;

sacrifice hits— Krxanowski, Remig; three base hits— J. Russo, Korch; doi^>ie play*— Moleson ( unassisted) Coughlin, Russo, Remig, Deak, Mole­son, Ruggiero; home runs— Moleson; strike outs, Korch 4, Reilly 2; stolen bases— Pusio, Coughlin; basea on bolls Korch 4, Sczepanaki 3, Reilly 2. Um­pire«— Karl and OX^onnol.

lajh a i m i m * o ii.hAmerican, of Kearny M a b u e tau p a . 1 the Sport-, Center th b Sat

ptay t h . SeT m M M w p o d . a t Belli- ville. Co t i Is to pitchth is (a im , while Dw m ia exp n t « I to hurl the h « M « « tea t.

the K w h A defeatH.,

^ * w l FWu.

Laat Sunday 1 th# d ttf- id e Citisen’fth i CMWde High Î

H. Robertaon, Sig H. I.agerenberg, S C. Monaco, Sigm a Del 18


7— 3188—847

Leader Loses To Legion In First Half Final Game

The Recreation “B” gam e between the American Legion and the Com- merial Leader last Friday night was played in record time. A ll tne time required to play seven innings o f ball was S 7 S minutes in whicli the Le­gion qualified for a firat place play­off by beating the Leader by a 4 to 1 score.

The pitching battle between Paul Ciccone of the Leader and JohnnyHoughton o f the V ets was a close one and if a fielder's error on the Leader did not occur tbe gam e would hev« gone extra innings. After Christ singled in the fourth inning, Tommy

Boschen 9; Nash 4; Nichols 1; Waiah dropped Houghton’s fly to Nem eth 2. Struck out by Boschen acore Christ and in the fifth inning

6; Nem eth, 2. Wmiung pitcher —Boa- the Leader infield collapsed after * having Jerry Cornell fii a fa

a a n |

REGENTKearny- 2? O :4 M >

Cool—SMter S o ta d

Tbura, Fri. July 23-21A t Both M atinees ,E. MAYNARD'S W ESTERN HIT

Carole FredLOMBARD M acM L n U m


— plus—Eleanore W hitney—Tom Keen. Dickie Moore— Virginia Wiedler


FRIDAY KVE ONLY Who is the m ale Mae W est?

Coase and CheerMENS BATHING


A Mist re as uf Ceremonies and

Benny Fairbanks Band Trio

_ ng p»ci chen. Umpires— Peter Karl and Vin­cent Hannon.

(R ed d itio n **B” Recordings) BATTING

A. Stagm ier, Leader .641J. McDede Phalafflt . . . .................621

Levy, Hebrews ................ . . . 6 1 0

e garr Tke I

American LegionMoloy, lb . . Cornell, s f •• Landells, If Christ. 3b .. Monaco, cf . Walter, as .. Houghton, p

Dawson. 2 b . . . Prende rgast, rf



. ..6

. . . 1..a

. . . »


KUVtlaj • . . . . . .k t n s

J. Boschen, Sigma D elta . . . .F. Monaco, Legion ..................R. Robertson, H gm a Delta W. Polhemua, Sij^na Delta

P. Ciccone, .Leader F. Monaco, Legion Timea at n at (official)W. Moloy, Legion ............................40

Big Game Looms Sun. At Sports Center Diamond

What promises to be the best *eml- pr * baaeb«ll game .*1 the season 1up ìor thia Sonda; -** “


BY PASSAICThe Memorial Post Juniors won

the Paaaaic-Bergen American Legion championahip and the right to play Irvington for the North Jeraey title Saturday by a 9-6 triumph over Bar­ringer Post Juniors of l^rndhurst.

The game, fifth and deciding match of th* inter-county series, waa play­ed at Diamond Park, Little Ferry.The Paasaic-lrvington series Wednesday at Irvington.

__________ the los- Schrockenstsin,era ten \ i t a , but tightened up ia the Adams, cf . . . pinches. We^pha!

Gyorgydeak led the winners at bat | la k e s , 2b with three out o f four, one a double, while Moleson contributed a homer Totals ...........

the second base line but a wild throw enabled the latter to score and cinch the game.

box acoreab. r. h. e.

2 0 i t. . „ . . I a 8 a.:....a?..... a 2

0 0 1 01 12 6 0 0 0 t 0 6 ~2—0.0 6 0 0

Tota;.-Commercial LeaderT. Walsh, lb ____ . . . . . . . ICiccone, p ..............................8

, Li ndssy, 3b ..................... 3opens ! Berner, rf ............................ .8

P irovan o , ¿a 8

.27 4 6 2 ab. r k. o.

ic uncorked a new pitcher I Tom Walah, I f ....................... 8P. Ciccone, L e a d e r , .................: : " : 5 3 | í i f Í L f c A ” “ * ‘° " "

Sat. to Tues. July 86-2»Musical Sm ash ¡fit

r r s LOVE AO AIN”


Msts. Sat. to Tue». BILL CODY



Sat. Nite Request Feature C L A R K G A B L E


—plus—Mon., Tues. — Free — Free




860— 850— 866— 860■ EMPLOYMENT NIOHTYou can get registration cards st

Regent Thestre — Plus on screen—



— Matinee Only — BOB STEELE


lay afternoon at the «hen Marty Dolan • >f loaing money in

Sports Center l a k u Ike risk . . bringing out the Old Colony Club of Jersey City for » game.

This Jersey City outfit is a cracker jack combination .ta their record will a how victoriea over the Jeraey City Minor Leaguers, J*raey City Marion*, Monmouth Club of Jeraey CUy, w ash ing ton Park and other Jersey City outfits. WhUe performing hi a Hud­son County l eague th is aeason the Old Colony Club Is undefeated.

In their line-up is the see twirler ia these parts. Tne pitcher is Johnny

.86 1 ' 6 8 |

000 100 00—1 6 3 ooo i l —a 7 1 1

FARRELL’S INN312-14 VaUey Brook Ave. lomdherst

Dancing ond Entei foimnent Try Our Gin Rickey Special • 15*


We Serve Only Th* Bert Quality ol Liquor


To introduce our new tobacco department we offer

SPECIALS THIS WEEK Camels, OM Golds, Chester-

fields, Raloighs, Luckies1 3 " 2 ,#r2 3 ‘

We carry a full line of Stationery, Toys and Novelties

Consult us for special prices on party mottos, Favors, etc.

Greeting Cards For AU Occasions

! ntcrucnr roo u tt mr

C N U K I n U T S

The Correct Dressing Table Has These Electric AppliancesF ir« in clcctric hair dryer, if your locks are stfll damp from the lake or ocean— then the electric curling iron to make stray ends conform —all the time the Magic make-up mirror » giving you a clear magnified view of younclf — and then a treatment with the electric vibrator lo bring a glow lo your checks.

Curling irons are priced from $1.00 cash up. hair dryen from $7.95. The Magic mirror, illuminated all around, is $1.95 in,I vibrators sell from $9.85 up. Small carrying charge if you buy any oi these appliances on terms.

P V B H C ^ S E W IC E

n k A D E K S iW P A A d W twaad Draw Crowd» Al

W M T ER S TewtaUp SpebA rthar.F, Line I — —H \ f \ i . . n tt C ^ m m io w r Jam#* A. H real in

—V * ! lu r m n of Um department >4 par ha

directed and »uperviaad by qualified instructor* T V Work* Prt>* re* a Ad mmitratmn Km mad* it p >aaft»la to open «everal auperviaed ala> gmuad* Tn*y are lorated at Ihr folk*wm* , point»: The Municipal Park, J offer •on School, Kv.aevelt Sch >.»!. tnde pendent Field tChaae an«: Vhomaa Avenue* and Marin Avenue i A* many u «00 boy» and girl» ha'e already regittered and are parti. pating in playground activitiee. ft ia expected that other play a r m will ba opened abort!) ib r voung man and «umcn in t* barge of tha p u y g r o r .1» »re do­ing a An« job Mr Muiray Kothan bar*, a f Teaneck. haa barn <te»ignated by the Work* Progreaa \lm im atra- tion an local aupervteae. Af e*tenatve pn k ■ . ha» ai ra- ■ 1 iudmg game«, intar playground touma

1 manta, craft work, ate. Moat rvery , ty j* of recreation work, activ* and

f*art ■ • 1 • (*-:!■■• -at gratify'ing to »kaarva th«* anthuaiaatic rea

1 ponae uf tka chttdraa. Every Friday


Remembet hack tu* three ritnrt y n n **<• when the «krht tn the teacher» and .«her etnpk*vee* wa» imxinnn* tu thouwnd* Now they ire heuig p iiJ ai 1. W 1

!>• yiiu think th» 1» because m »nae trnutkafir way Lyndhurst tapped new rax m i.*« — « r ♦wan* the New IV a l ame a> the rescue id rite hatteied. the wt«n ami the h * ir « '

Pur the fir* urne m hutrry we have *up«Tvwfd play* grounds Tu what t|rn> i art thaar Ju t '

for yeat» IjyndhatM a*kad I« pia ygt ootid» K<a until »he"New Ocal W IC Ih tr Ita k .--------------------------—-----

The high school Ik IJ, th, Mann Avanar M J, the 'ugh •chml tenni» marts nuw under craiatructaei — New Deal aH

kida oa tht cornar lot by compartaon. >t>ungater* will be taugV how lo Director of Parka and PlaygroaméaMr. Douglas taHa of »ut mg in a j pat tha ’ playtima U> creativa and Jatnaa A Braaim aan.ium ed »hai

Chicago night-cinti on July 1 , l tM , j conalrurtlve uiu- beautiful pnaaa witl.hr awarded Miawrth a la m M I " gunman. rt waa tha f In ho« davi, atraat ah«»wera a»r wI Ì mday aftar Hitler had alaughu-rrd par tip hi Uh* ,iiff creta »action• of Tha pr«j*rt ...u«t ba sa wK—la andaonal frienda and Nati party leadeal** IOWT* °* * or mof* ,,f t|u c*n ^ • Ncy«»«. carriag*. wagonwko. ha baliavad. hai! baan trrtekar- ! ►'-•und «tfpamaora ara in attandanra acoatar. «tr« a . 01 Hutar and H a cro»<i thè , «® »«•■' >K' '* ''* » « ,K* •’f f : „ , , - — » - ___gunman aaid **We'fa nikara comoarad dr*n A* «*ort ia mada to aaa that rfanry Ptvina of i t i hm gaiand a**to 'atn Who'd * 1» t.ut irnund Ivrr r«rataa «qua . <maida«w nua la spandmg a varatlon at Aahur>

r T ! I »ten. Each Wrdnaadajr, thr^agh tka l*Mk.

- M r a n d M ym Ç j a o r a » I l H t o r nf J J I4 Pt»at avariua anTrriaTtt^T ST'THrrr V w for aavaml day* Mr» Hiiiat'a motbai Mra H J Mtamhrrg and har aiatat M n Inrtag Rrnan a>id ava David afPortrhaatar, N Y

from that rtatameni Douitla« haa pra •*ntad tham all— Muaaolin<. Hitlar. Caro! Z«»g Kemal. Schuachmgg in thair troa light Thay ara a lot of vain, pa war-m ad irraaponaibtr» wko th raa tan rha paaca af Ike world. Hr picturea them aigning traatiaa which do not »rotact bat trick their co aignara. He akuwa coantrtea like Po land and Roumania building arnuaa

. . w t\ h < at !«• f.-i.l t.. ! > . htghrat bidder in the next war. like tke Heaaian* o f Other days. And take it from ft!r. Douglaa. tkat w ar i t ap proaching qakkly.

Naturally, in pagaa ba eganot daiVe too darply whan rovaring ao marh ground -<ierm*ny, Italy. Rua- aia, tha Batkana. Auatria. Tarkey and all tha otkar powder pot» ruled by ctmrk poU—but ha haa located tba troUbla in Europe and told it with a fin«*, intereaung atyle.

A .r i

æ MAYFLOWERNSW T w Im » «tap « rw a« M IB Qf f M T

L Û W r i t f l k M*H á*H*h»lul Im«*« aailtfi« im Lang labwd A-wa4 o*< a#a«»a, .al*»»»a a w%* ■-«

arCMH M T t , .* * —* * * Im Ptaaaaia Maaab K t« . é»4g«^o«i. Coma.$ i n o * « « 0m>tr' ta*"— , **<*T*' l i , >, ~* * ' »*i a f V ta t» Laave L*ckawar»»«a Termi. H - • «9 a a* Mam«*»• a a - - mg. arm a H*4**en. a IS f-m. (DarUgM •a*»ag T *^ k

l . i j 1 1 ** mérnm «A» MMÉakaiMMa

Ninety Uoya AreUueata Of Pttul

Arrhia Mc< a/far V f ai U f Lyndhurat MlMmming Peal waa h«»«t, ye.irrda) la pinaty ¡ < » ^ u » a at the Paal vW a Mr. Murra» Hath et» barg pf Teanaek ¿tractor « f WPA RarreatmaaJ wnrb rn Lyadbwret brougkt tka Jeffrra* • Pia>*"«n«i and Iné r pan dati t Play grdaaéa ta tka haauuful imv4 and U d ì aftuatad at River lUmd aad ( o a 'f a re nua

f ver, »adneadtey trmß 9W oVIark an til t «»'cl- k the poai M tamad aver ta the Harreatkunàl domga af Mr E*4hanbarg and by tka adraneemeai af Waya attaadtaf *oeal play araaa M ig geca aaary la aerk aa waakty arb

In Recorder’»

>g)THINC IS ÜÍAUriFVL B irr THt TRUTHH err ■ plain and M*npW tru th Y '»i wtD t«»J h o e a Mr»»« truly «nc*w, « » e ra n tb 'ae«*™ e d n a n i l , I r a the I I « * « < M a . Ike I «arieti il I a w June*.

$7. Permanent Wave»SSJ9 Caay hfa

D J * h r— « M a C m m M i M M Ém M« CaMwr

M I R A l E L L A

ThèM M W t m y H â t a i t ; b r

TH E C O k B d B tO A L LEA D ER CO., Inc. I « Vaaej- Brook A vaa *

T d c ÿ h a o c R u th e r f o r d 2 -« 2 tX > — « M l i*W l W i a . . . B ü tt,

Em e* J. Dahnwt . . . . Sect?, .m í T rau W d a ' k f c * a i p í .................... Adv. M fr.

LEADERETTESa l tke Marin avenue“A tow a-w ^a __ ______________

arili a tart m aarty Augaag. TW uaarga immediately v p a a ite tka Maiuctgal

. [ Eaüdiag are haft« w a d kg trom a**tyC .iumiaaionrr JainM A Hiwalt» 10 °* * • dag. A .* ! ■ » ■ »! Uh! átana»« ..f p . r t . i T r ibut tur the fund ol a a eternal » » j . I've p * J public piarer»«*. > m ^ r ^ ’S r ^ ^ u ^ l c c a u n a i ufl a a

r At *" vicinityn| , ( *"A bocci ioum aairnt will aborti y

j gat ancftar way. Tk*a form o f recrea

I Julike ptVitaca aad aH (he thing« that mtest theto (et thu

1 VNDHURST, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1 9 3 6 ........................................ ., -------------- - . T» ---- ------------------- ----------- I Umm, ¿ difWliev*d tW ertdnm öf

The FiranCÉ Rebel 1-—-.«.™-^»-.

I'm a sew dealer.I dank Renacvdl a the CfMome u f wh.it wr like to think

- . , . . joocrat a — a acmal. egaretunoking, wealthy. c\uia«c<«M.t K T S . m m . A a an. ol rii* a » « « p ^ a u i r .4 aB

our pmuüeno. not the great ax, perhaps. Kit .ertainly the n «

|t it with conodtrabfe interest the general puhbc b IgUow I %

r>r m aaw < M a , J ! I « w y Thwraday a vea mg pabUc A / A — .n* ^ ( Wock dancea a ie bald in the Municipal AænCâlI « them IB.¿*ïîîoü3 iT* ,u""* M ««. 1 thank the W P A u the

i ^ î C ï î r r ï T î r ? !» * • »artK-.pat«l . t. m H i .1 tW . . _ _______________ . c , j . k . . .

| w in be mad* pahlKCommajMoaer t o a l l a W b w . ae- io a ia a i~ M .

at E .r o * . H U d«v«l»|ia»M < »r f e w » - . TWraday1 5 ! « S a». m * . ----------

,ng the reactwos a i the local firemen to the spbt”Ip p i« ,^ T n j Z ^ •*ttemPttd m the haioey ol the, « v l J

irn'tt,on <rftSr »3rf*dh L ma> rsu * t ^ «»»»Palisade Park started the rumpus by assertmg it had been ' S i S S ^ a J o S S S it’S l 1 *■ " ; T ” ^ “

ft-»ya and gnla of afk*H,, age can „ t ie , la the lifb of a * r l »nWrvst

greatest »ingle cvpciiatent

things right n o w . T h e

huhr which th e y a re n o t giving out yet.That the re b e llio n h a s been in force before it. noted in

Lyndhurat b e ca u s e b o th c o m p a n ie s which threaten to quit have not paid their d u e s in so m e time They must have been dissafr isiied for a lo tig p e rio d t o have aUowed their dues to lap ac.

From th e o u tsid e , it is difficult to learn what the trouble is

iem abcal. It « m s _ c o m p o u n d e d o f jealousy a n d a f e w i* h e r

firemen have something against Hassel' ^ im a n y and Caechoatovakia have | H | h H '— their aay. ami g purful tala th. >

tell. Life! It ia aiorr like voice« from the dead, wraitklike whiapering their meaaaraa o f sorrow, pain and des per ate hunger It madr a a«*ar up»>it the inind of the author, for be writaa •K b g«a g b»< power of then aulfer ing It Ia a gripping atorv o f tha»

_ , . , . 1 r. . * . .. . ru,ed bX th« "Rachetaera of EaropeBut th is much is certain: th e firemen sluxild allow cool of whom w a s Lb.agiaa teiia inheads t o p r e v a il . hl* tiT“ 11 th“ ll>l* *^K> r*YWW“ 1

Felting H a s s e lh u h n with insults and unfounded charges * U" U' R v.M,5 not the w a y t o m a k e th e firemen s tro n g e r in th e ir v a r io u s ^ —

m i.ipabties. T h e V o l u n t e e r Firemen have many good reason* ■ R.ckri^nT^f *uro^, (T»i. rem alh o rg a n ix e d a n d t o re m ain as strongly organized as I *'»pb P r * » * _ * i ooi hj w a S

wiS held in riaibrouck Heights and Wood-Ridge The Park , th , — I , »"> "* *BWo»..««wt.Ha». tvu..,-men said another fire company was permitted m lend the » -ffwtr, m bidtn, th, Ii.^ t ", ,n\ention parade although they d e se r v e d th e honor '*■«< »n'y

T h is , d i coyine, 1 1 not the fu n d e m e n ta l re a so n t o r thcjaUe t o V T ’ f ^ ’tk r d«Ur .r lit T h a t will come out later. C o n s id e r a b le o p p o s itio n has * “ " " > » • » » • « • » « <** r»poru w *k h

. :med to Chris Hassdbuhn, pres,d e n t of th e h re m e n for « h e j X T l f t S W J t i ' M last l ig h t y e a r s . W h y t h e o p p o s tio n h a s co m e ahtH.it is p r o b ' i tn t th#,r preaented to1 I . _ 1_1 _/ . ! tham Now. Lbmuwb John ftmvak iha

. . , _ . How many k»»iu have heen tk-ated m l.y n A u ra by th.-i m A to r t is i l a i Hou«ng Adnunirfr*«*«, permitting the making 0# re

Th« I» « Wr.l. day Ot ib. iomI i pair» ■> bajly neednT»•*.«>...How many h.«ne» a«« bdng kept «iloat by the '■VI A

w n i n j . s i » : M n ' r l w l » f l o f t f c t M l* o f t K r K i l l , m i h * t o w n A m u I l l l n j l p t m w l l O t o t h e m . . (pi»»*r,.urau 1 » . * *m&" Mr«tu,i> >i t«M *u h»id for an» hoy« m jui> I How many <4 ouj Mutlrnt» are crnunumg thru high a :» *4

- ■*-* n — In , . - IK« M.j r*rk of iKo work «ill bul *•* twroly an oihtlaumi and , „ . » _ , . v- „ j.. i> _ .^.ssible They will be pulling the footholds from under their ^ " b " <K' »h.h ha. boon , £.oropl,.hod durtn, Mr a..iK .„i,r, ik- w i-a and colk«r K . anar «4 I hr Touth » I> .«ra«iI .. / „ , i - i .L ■ dictator« at eanemom wVo.e Kifanti, the work; Murom* are invttod to havr tion pmrram Haim* tht* one will bo • • • •OWB feet if they allow unwise advice to divide them. operation» — with thair im iot and thoir rhiidren n-f.ltor at the i>Ia> a tun a* it la be.n* ,-oMdwted tik. • i , v , j . | .

make o u r mobotem l o o k I r t te i t o q t k I n e a t e k t t h e n home* Th*ti a *.>op boa O e r t r , | L y n * J h u l * t I* a New IVal t i *WTWMp

Divorce Court . . .In a divorce case that came before the court of Adviairv I1***' *fi** h*J »i*u»htcrod par ’« up

Vi-»*or p nn m U rli l-l -L I l . • i . . i "'"liai fnanda and N ati party leader? lb,‘ town une nr iti 're .1M aster C a m p b e ll Ot H a c k e n s ic k th is w e e k a co m p la in in g h us- Who. he believed, had hern tre-i her ^ "d ■Wfwrvia»»ra >rr u. ahand told the advisory master his wife ran around with “another! "Uâ- w HiUer and hia crowd the ' ’ lo°* m'mr Î*1! ,f » ,man” , th a t sh e p e rs is te d in te le p h o n in g a n d r e c e iv in g tefcf>h an c Î T ^ Ü T Î r w d ^ ô ^ U ^ ï l ^ E î Î fM v T e .,u a i ° c J ! S d a r a

i a d thon down a whole mob at one ' t,i>n- E * fh WadhiigAlM, throagh tka y j ^ ^ r e y o f t ^ m y y o f th , Ly» ‘

. real rarkete.ru" And taking hi* cue . . . „ .? _ T T J 7 1 -

eatis ".iw th a other man a n d one night the \ rhi-t man- h:itl j »• d < Hop down a whole mob at the effrontery to call at his home

At this, the advisory master bridled."W hat did you do?" he asked.The husband ■shrugged. Reluctantly, he said:"Nothii "W h y didn’t you throw, him out?" demanded the ad-

usiiry master.A little later, the husband testified his wife ran amunt!

»nth th e "other man" often. He admitted he had never fol­lowed the couple.

"W hy didn't you,” asked the advisory master, "trapthem’ "

Now, we submit that the two questions were ill advised and offensive to the interests of the husband.

"Why, didn't you throw him out?” *•'"Why didn't you trap them?”As for the first: one might expect it in a har room in the

»ild , manly discussion* held over glasses, but not in a court ni la w . W hy was the husband obliged to throw the t*hernun o u t? '

Even though the other man was probably tome hard-headed, thick witted, heavily-muscled cluck, for that type usually •>W s in such amours and might have Pn.veJ t „ , much phv> ¡£ d .1..illy for the husband, none could excuse the husband if he , Mo*jv l t r l |> »«.101 I. d**e.tailed to defend his home . , 1L : ' . r ^

But trying to frustrate a nymph,.mama,al w„c and her coal heaving lover is not, we say, protecting a home rernaps. but thoiuand. will thankfallym * sense the husband should have tned by might to h a v e ,-« « kept the wife for himself. But in the brtef dqenpoon \in*, the stand the wife was m* worth it and eertamly the ■(mound's imly foolish act was remaining with t t a« 1 m t|>(> ^ , . tk iu , pp».ias he did ,U value toward de

•wrw . 1. ,r .n them1" asked the advisory master. velop«» a h.r*>e. «uiuue aadWhy didn t you trap tm.m as»cu _ , ' ■ . ^ «n**,,»« of the p..«!«« h.


farw n y UIUIII you t . . K .................. A . _ , t i k of the ,h f «>)'' .-,« af tV „ ..In , Hour.

Divorct courts appear to delignt in the reutwa hat for hitting upon the aimpie truthaKhm auon . of in h d eh t.es the ^ m tig s o v e r^ tra u m a , the

how was she dressed and did they seem a tfm J . e,„tn*M1,nt a an* woetT he husband had <sjtim ed a clear case o i m ism arruge In HV |(

such case* divorce is the only recourse. . , & .W h y the ad viso ry m aster had w anted the usual recita l

<if all the fla m in g d e t a ik 1» in e x p lic a b le . | . _ . — _—

John Warrich Pined J, .„d’eVa* a * i —> o* with a ItgW ftna

johi) Warrich of 139 D m rtraet. Mr*. M aone. Gl V-Jokly«, father of .eren children, tin« «»««»e h u ' d ^ ^ ^ ™ ^ »*» Sued IIS h> police court hy Re week *Uy al WtiiU la k a . K. » coHtr J .M^h a e llllo a on day ni«hl .. .— — : . .for .poodms oil Kidae Road Motor TV* fo lU w i»« l.yodbora^ >ir * »•a IM fier KmmM Ptnrkney .rro*t : .pent th , paat waek at

•d the nwn and *akod th . |ud*e to M M i i d r w d BrmSrr.«ab* * e g o l e n e a* li»*it aa p o » Hiwdle, Ann H aek.ll a™ » .* m W a View of the . 1* . of the man'* eram . N a ^ l l.« th»i * * > “ _* ' ,* ,0 ,. Bradley. i^rtrwde U n d e r * » ,

fUcoróm- Mollilo » .verely r*pn S a ii* . Dorothy HoldOTi. t » « « » *>«'- —*nd*d Warrich wko had p st UP a » » . Eleanor Martin. Sara* R..land Sail of U * and Ruth W i .iu a a a .______

R a th . I - M T S



2 2 1 S t v y v a M m t A v a , L y n d b a r a t

WttKLY sm iA L H '- TNl'Rf

Vary (toatf Uaailiy


Huck T o w a l i

H —■

N e c k t i e s.. Heg. 2V aaa IV


Ckarm S M p tMaaa fam y

a a s a e a o a r sleg » w f I k

2 4 «1 a4tr* ChaiJaaUa-JK a a a H a a a

Regal»' ¿tcm

Vaalaa l l l i t ir o w »airTsH o t* m »> «aMENS - rag Wt 44ta t m - n«. r?c a Me « n

AU STAM)/UB) TOUTT 0 0 0 0 5 *t »a

h • Isughahie to hear ottf fat« Repohh. haughtily trlhng ft*» New Jcmy can take can «4 Ma -mm itUa problem

Yta, New Jersey can Walk the laJknm »(sent heir by the New Deal guvtmnirtti we keep m l head» afluat partly — hut only partly-

But which at them haa yet odnputcd the miU»«>. té pounds uf flour, of praa, of beam, of »am, of carmad W *l that are being «hipped mu» New jenrv every «ley hy the lecirral gtn eminent ’

How many uf our kital ne«Jy at down e w y «lay lo table* ladened down with federal hawP

Lyadnir* anm< aHi«d aay part <4 the tehel bwiknBut where, il it we«« n o t fir the New IVal aulU»* «happedright int.> Lyndhurat - New IVal Mitli- «*, aund ytai — w-oihl we get even «he anaB aiwaaa |»>W naal for relief’• a a a

Yet. there air «|uawW and a^uawki h a un American Meaning, that « a Amervan hi let nrighKr» *arve It a tat- Amerkan hr. n w ■ «ir • »« <k*i l have a> waft *h«ig the rari ruad tia^k» Ita «he« cual ihia. lu budd if i!>rii Air«'i- u a a and their mtbaov«. tu make *4d, aWKiaaf. u|Mtanth<e «*’ nana ol the««'-------—— -——---* a a a__________________ _ '

The New IVal m «■» atcmlMe tu mak« »mat To heipi*tc‘i neighhni beton- he a acaiaBy at the g«*trr. hU.k «Mlhlue aarvmg, thmay ém iuuh h W I an A atftra he heyind ata anòweunthng

I cm» eee «4g * • hwaelaiird h e * a h a » mrik»«. an certain k> he t in r i hy the New Ila ri aa.iaae lasas «remei «* later an «hnuting - ie y n ribaain« lia ihea ariliri« Wvea

Bui why Ly^ A u m . lyodhu»* _e4 a l p ike*1 a Krik mg at the giiden a m a i dr*é(<ie<) tu he like lairaeivca. a hevatd th» wtiter » ut^lrr*ar>^a

C U Y lA V lN tl

Dead Full Float :rs i3 ¿ 15In Pusaic River«

Styi WaHngtonj tftPR dlA L *. it.

M 411 IH«.Tfrn N aM nk af «awt




ClassifiedAdvertisem ent

We cannot guarantee the insertion o f any ad­vert i>eina»l in these coiumna unless N m e .s paid far in advance. Rates for classified advertising are as follow»: one ine«irtion $.60, two con sec u live insertions $.76, three consecutive insertions

I Pro Kiddies To Hâve Revue At

Ritz Theatre. A Professional Kiddie Revue head ed by Hob Cole, foremost instructor of children will be presented at the Kits theatre every Wednesday and

—. a ^ g $.90; four consecutive insertions $1.00. Limit j !* rH S l (m atinee and lyw iin y) start- ftvt line., « v e r .f i .1« w ord, to > lin .. in« Wednaaday, July 28th.

A novel and extravagant revue is

PAINTING. OECORATINC aa« p a p e R h a n g in c ;

Khwr. actapai aa« rrfai»hW . Era-n t H nrfrnM . I l l faraat A aaat. I.>udi.ur.l. I'hon. Hath. 2 10-c-tf

I1 OR RENT— Furniahed room for two persons going to businesa, ladies nr men, m eats i f wanted, con­venient to bus and trains. «18 Rutherford Ave., Lyndhurat.

7 23-4ti-p

p a i n t e u ANU DECORATOR- alM RKPINISHING OP FURNI­TURE. Old Fum ltur* truuilit bark to it« ori«Ukal color. J. P. (iroanrndyk*. Ph >na .‘tilth. 1 -llM .

HXJR RENT— Lyndhurst, 6 rooms, 2 lamily house, central location, $23. to deairabie tenant. Phoiif Kutner- iord 2-2336. 7-23 4U-P

KUh RENT—Lyndhurat— top floor in 2 family house. Rent $2J. Phone Ruth. 2-2336. 7-2-4ti-cWM HELLMICH— W . carry a fuli

line of Paint*. Vainishra, Wall papers, houM unm hings, window shad.»—all reasonably priced.

22, STUYVESANT AVE.Until, i-0261


FOR RENT—4 rootna, heat and hot water aupplied. 447 Second avenue, Lyndhurat. Call evenings. Adulta only. E. Carstens. 7-16-4ti-p




and Cross Breed Puppiea $2. up. Tropical and Gold Fiah. Full line of cagea, bird, fiah and dog sup- pliea. Special 6 gal. Hah aquar. |1 . Let ua lake care o f your pets while you enjoy your vacation. Free de­livery. GEARY’S PET SHOP. 433Broad St., Newark. Near 1». L 4

FOR RENT—3 room apartments. W. Station.

tr»c, no bsth. Apply Samuel Glkk, 307 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, N. J.

STERLING CHAIR SH OP SPECIAL!Chalra recaned $1.60 ai d ruahed $2.26

Porch chaira $1.26 Sterling Chair


hut and cold running water in room, with or without board. 821 Foreat Avenue, Lyndhurat.

7 -l-4 ti-C




F< >U N f>—Ch«w. No Licenaa. Owner can have aame by paying for ad and expenaea. Call Lyndhurat Po­lice Dept. 7-0-16

FOR RENT—All improved bungalow 6 rooms, aun parlor, hardwood floors, garage $:td. All improved - . i *iii tic/im»-. iloulile garaK** *■*<» Apartment, five room», Uled bath, hardwood floors, garage Other S-4-i room apartmeni« $’¿5 and up. Nirholaon Co., 147 Stuyveaant ave­nue, Lyndhurst. Phone Ruth. 2- SBS6.

W ANTED - Experienced Finishers wantad on mens eoata. Homework also given. Lyndhurat Clothing Co. (Dam iani) 627 Fern avenue, L yn d -, hurat. Phone Ruth. 2-3819-W. *

>romised. The children appearing lave made many appearances s t van

Revolt Of Palisade Park Firemen Spreads To Cfiffñde Park tints


the Palisadea Park .Hook â Ladder Company from the New Jersey ft New York Volar:per Firem en’s As­sociation cana*! hold in thia Borough ast night « m d 'M M

John J.former

McGrath urgedFire Chief 1,600 £ a st

Bergen flremcn to *upport the to organise an Ea*t Bergen County lea g u e of Ftr«nen.McGr a t h ’S s t a t e m e n t

“East Bergen > ounty League ot Exempt and Volunteer Piremen are 100 per cant beh ml Palisadea Park, and other btMbyhn have met with•*}e 1 aliaada# Pa.k com m ittee,” Mr. McGrath aaid.

“1 would like Fairview, Ridgefield, Fort Lee, Engle*,*>d Clifra, Alpine. > eakill, Teaneck. Dumont, <'luster,

Demarest and any other East Bergen lepartment# int+renled in the move­ment to cooperate with the league.”

McGrath said that President Chrir

H. H assethdhfi haa eat tha death banMIt fund from «100 lo NOI and“stall w an ts to eut tha fund and in*

W ith McGrath’s remark^ came a joint statem ent from Fire Chief W il­liam K earney and Flrafef Assistant

Chief John J. Bryson, o f Palisades Park.

“A fter due consideratioa to news­paper accounts of the N «h Jeraey St New York Volunteer Ftredkn’a A sso­ciation convention last Saturday at

egarding Haaaelhuhn,ow1* sa lary " ’ Wood Ridge ______*Waka up to th e fa ct that Chris we do not like the attitude he

Pr***dei>t o f the as u k e n on the reaifcnatioi» that waa 5°*!! u removed from of- j *ent ia by the Hook ft Ladder Cem-r f i , y C i* w assarted. **l!a aaid that pony. A fter having the reaignation UiJTside Park does not want to be* , looked at by officials, a raeeas o f ten long to the aooociaUon and doea not j m inutes waa called to look it over want to be an aaaet to that organise tion, and that it is 100 per cent, be­hind Palisades Park in ita fifht against the association .”

The movem ent to organise the lea-

S S .

f / -

Mra. George Papendick, o f Lynd- hurat, Ruth Hoffman snd Msrie V. Mulgreen. o f Jersey C ity and Mae Jmiason, of Staten 1 aland, have been vtaittng arenic pointe o f interest in Niagara Falla, N. T., where they were gueata at t**e Cataract House on the famoua Rapids.

Robert Ohlson o f 279 Second ave nue snd Walter Cary o f 32$ Forest svenue have returned from a visit with friende at Lake Hopatcong.

„ auglIrene of 616 Page avenue are n* from s two week May at Spring la k e .

Miss Vivian Sutton, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Sutton of 160 Valley Brook avenue has return­ed from a visit with an aunt at Cleveland, Ohio.

Business Girls Club of Lyndhurst met Monday night at the Town Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Druhl of 20K Forest avenue are spending the summer s t Lake Hopatcong.

Frank Spillane and daughtere Vir­ginia and Dorothy of MO Park avt-

JOYC’E LEHMBECK ous thes I re» with tremendous suc­cess. Thia show will be a real pro feaaional revue and ia not to be con fused with the ususl juvenile ama teur showa. One of the many feature» are the two yvu i gent child perform era in the world (they are loca1 children, at that) The ainging and tap daiM'ing of Joyce l,ehi»bei-k, 3 .yearn of age, more than promisee a bright future in the entertainm ent world. The peraonality o f Joan Caputo, a- r,other local cnild, 3 years old ia nothing less than genius. Joan lead» a chorus o f youngsters thru s really »■Jever routine o f song snd dance. Another highlight is little Florence Hyland, one o f the clevereet ypi youngest of tce-tap dancers. Nanc> Candeleire, child radio star who haa been on the lw*t of rhildren’a pro gram s over WABC, W NEW , WHBI, e-c., will entertain you with heisi luring.

“ra e cloaing feature of the show will be the sensatim tsl acrofcatir rol­ler akale tap by Father Critelle snd the aerial acrobatic work o f Baby liait*ara Paecht, 4 yeara old

You can be aaaured o f a moft en­joyable half hour revue at the Kit* ever^ W ednesday and Friday, a.

T he raiF: PalrTcia" J o r n a o n ‘Ve?on- ica Sene>ca, Florence Hyland, Irene Pierce^ Helen Ventola, bunny Far- land, Phillis Viaconte, Marie Andriola, Barbara Paecht, Helen Plasso, Joyce Ljehmherk, Joyce Bellowa, Nancy Can- deleine, Shirley Berwick, Father Critelle, Ague* Todlowaki, Martha ■ “ Julia “

nue spent the Belmar.

past two weeks at

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Gallaway snd son Garland of 83M Rutherford avenue are spending the summer at Lake Hopateuag.



Forest snd Styveaant Avea.•lev. Franklin G. Faber,

Rectory Telephone$61 ingaton Ave. Ruth. 2-I40.M

Set vicea tl\c Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July 26, 1936.* 7:ii0 a.m. Holy Communion.' 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser-pnom

The church with a cordial welcome to all.


I men gather grapea o f thoroa?" Truth 1 cannot be contaminated by error" tpp. | 639, tSli.


Htuyvaaant Avanus »ear Y„ile> HroukRev. J««aaa n . Litsel., D. D..

Pastor9:46 A.M. 8unda> School.

(1:00 A M M omlog Wort.Up.7>0t P.M. Young lTeoplee Christian

UaioA.7:00 P.M. Interm ediate > oung

Peoples Society

Todlowaki, Julia Todlowski.

Employment Ni«rhtAt Regent Theatre i

Every Wedneadsy night at the Re gent Theatre Kearny patrona have ' an opportur.ity of winning $60. Al Zimbaliat, manager of the thaatre, who ia wall known in Lyndhurst, has inaugurated the novel « h em e which | ao far has attracted huge crowda at the theatfe.

Thia ia how the thing will be done: M r. Zimbaliat sa id :

" la order to give our patrons an opportunity to voire their »pinion» of tha pictures being pr> duced today, every Wednesday night »tarting Wedneadsy, July 22nd,' the Regent Theatre will aelect and employ seme person te aee snd review a picture to l>e ahown during the coming week The*:« reviews will be forwarded to the producers of the pictures.— ’T h e successful applicant, on g iv ­ing the manager ol tne Regent T urte tre his review the following Wednes dsy will heceive $60.

I he requirements ere few . The re­viewer must submit his nsme to Mr

id m eet be s t the theatre the award ia announced.

Rev Georg P . M ailer. » 6 Travara PI.N. J.

Ava. aad Tra vara PI.Valley Break

CHRISTIAN HCTKNt'K CIU RMI’■TtUTH" will be the aubject of the

Leaauft-Seitnon in all Churches uf Christ, flcieniist, on Sunday, July 26

The Golden Text is: '’God «hall aend forth hla mercy and hia truth" (Paalma 67.3).

Among the citations which com prise the LsudfenM4ennoii ia the fob lowing from the Bible: These are the thinge that ye sh sll do; Spesk ye ! every man th f'tru th to his neighbor: I execute the ÉMgment of truth and I pesce in y eu r g a t* 11- A‘*d let none of I you imagina evil in your heart* I mfHinat—M e.aatgbU ir , and love no false <*athi lar all tbeae are thinga that 4 hate, eaith the l^ord (Zechar ¡ iah 6 1 6 , 17).

The I ,eaeoa«lsrm on also Include« the following paaaage from the . Chrlstisn RrlJnre textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip i tares” b> M stv Raker Eddy “It >• I fslee to eay that Truth and error c »ninnrgls tn «creation In parable

and arguaient, th a falsity is exposed by our Metter as self evidently s i .iiw Disputing theae points with the Pha rtaesw and arguing for the Science of vreauon, Jeeus said: “Do


Caraer s*uy%eaant end Teatlne Area.Rev Done Id E. Williams. Pastor Parsonage, 307 ??'»lii.e Avsaue. Phene: Rutherford 2-7646-J


Haase Areas# Rut kerf ardREV. HUBERT A. WRIGHT

92 Orient Way. Rutherfeed Morning Worahlp II AM .


rijurr «'»j

In HytMrfeM. N. J.r. w n i i a w a MMCOtJI AVMaUtmrneh mt iS« JgerSer CSereS

TH» First Chore* «T Chrtst arise* "~ '^wEm

al • • • A. M.. . _ a s j® _ —W s»*l»r t:««snu Use«.** a t * p m.

a*e*4l»S M»*nt Ml llM 111*“ I Tlweli» •uiMm, Mr« tUHf frutti tl o'«hNh to • a 'r l . ^ l i tUtis.iny . » IK..I1.I«> * «1.1 n n.t.r. l»» erwonwn « * t ee u v-ae » sw a

nue, com er o f lo a ttn e avenue (far merly Elk’s home) a l 7:*U pm sharp. 1'tcketn are $1.00 rtiund trip. All memWi» ard frienda are invitod.

Tickets can be secured at the home of Mr*. George (Juinaer, 3*0 Page avriiue, chalrlady.

Am-.ng tbe many tourists who spent s day at Silver Springs recently, viewing the unparalleleil U-autias of The Nation’s Undorwatei Fairyland from electrically driven, glaaa pettnm boats wenp the follow mg reeidenta a f Lyndhurst; Mr. and Mrs H. Miller, 637 Poet avenue.

Mr. and Mrs A. l.sLusso and son »< 67 Summit aveaue are apending the weak at A m


II Rylvaa St. Rutherfard. M. J. Aotharlaed an / Approved LHaeatari

C N R I ffl iA ? RTIENCS May he Read, Borrowed or PetikM ed

la Ratherford. N. Jf i r s t c h i r c h OPCHRIST M ISNT1RT

PNme R U thcrlord I 7M U R U Ihcrlurd 2 .7 6 4 1

Qualify MeatsChas. LobmayerLyndhurst Market

&2 Stuyvenant Ave., Lyndhurst, N. J.

rsrsM m a k r i i m v P M * ( M m Promptly


ie movem ent to organise the lea- waa begun hy the Pali sadee Park k and Ladder Company aTler it

was refused first place in Ssturdsy'«* Parade, which is considered it should have because it w*a host with Leonia to last year's convention. Leonia waa given first and the Palisadee Park company objected, saying the honor should have gone to Pabaades Park “becauae it did all the work." HASSE LH U HN PU T ON PAN

■ - —

and take out small and big itema which were more essential to the de- legatea at the present time

“Furthermore, we did not ¡ike Haa- aelhuhn’a remarka in Stating that Palisades Park was no asset to the sssocistion . Eventustty, vre will prove to Haaselhuhn that he is a liability to the aseocistion,’* the statem ent dosed.

Miss Evelyn G rspstia o f 633 Free* man atreet haa returned from a stay at N iagara Falla.

Mrs. Adolph P rock nek of 714 Sixth

street entortom ed ai^h ar hom e last night at bridga. Guesto were: Mrs Fred Bayer, Mia. Charles Bayer, Mi . Otto B jrer «•< Mr*. M i Pkillip, all o f Lyndhurst.

“ r *** « « ‘TT l i in f . f 244Park avenue and Mra Simon J. Kine « / *00 Willow * f « i » h m from a visit With Mr. and Mrs. Gavlord King of

Mr. aad Mra. J. J. Wheeler an.i grand daughter Miaa Phyllis Broc, of 134 Poet avenue a re spending two weeks at laland H aights, N . J.

M in Mary E. R j d c n 53, Fmsvenue and her Piece M iss Ellen Breslin o f 40» Stuyveaant avenue have returned from a stay, a t Atlantu City.

Wm. A. HaywoodBeal Estate - Insurance

Ptione RUtherlbrd Í-75I6 411 Lake Avenue, Lvndfcurst. N.|


^ f t « » »UiUrferd 2^450 .'"SMILE and HUSTLE" FREE DELIVERY

o «0» m Individually Owned - Individually Operated'zZrzZLZr*-bui *" t",rLh,‘r

SERVICE Phon. o r d .r . deliv .r«! promptly. Q U A U T Y —Our P .r ^ in . 1 GuarmntM. PRK S - O u r rustom rr, for our aver increaaing business. come back. There's a reaaon

ta July 29th InclusiveMeat Department

Thwrs Fri. and Sat.lb 39*



LEGS OF LAMB.*..........»254Mll.K th:i>SHOULDER VEAL . . . . Mb 18«MILK PKp

BREAST OF VEAL . . . . lb 15*i mma «»■».. _____. n . — ............... , , , —i mu ■ ii

POT ROAST................. lb 25«S«« Our Diaolay ol Conwd Bed. Pick Your Favorite Cut. Very Delicious Cot

U p Cold lor Sandwiches.H.ATE OR NAVEL lb 12cBONELESS l b 21c

Fruits and VegetablesThurso Fri. and Sat.

r r h ;h t i . k k k n o c t s i d e

WATERMELONSb r h ;h t r k d i m Md k

Ig size 49*PRIME t i l ’ALITY



APPLES . r . . . .

5*. 2 h.w,liM 5*3 lbs 1 4 * 1


CANTELOPES . . . .2 for 15«IM iriou. Por LlMMrt or breakfast

Wines ¿liq u ors


G and W GIN

4-5 qt $|.39

Julius Marcus GIN

qtsp*London Lane SLOE GIN pt 98<


1007* Straight WHISKEY* 69*

KESSLERSp t 9 8 *

CALVERT Special . pt $1.14 Reserve . pt$1.42


pt $ .19



Three Feathers BLUE LABEL

q t $ 2 - 2 2

Popular Brands BEER



[TOILET TISSUE.............. 5ro«s21*


In Half Gal. Bottles With Stopper

40* plus depositLARUE BOTTLEM


3for25<PAMOI'H HINlTt I as«

Lioa Brewery Pilsner Style


S|.75Plus l>epoait _______


TOASTED FLAKES.............pkq 10«KELLOGG'S r •

CORNFLAKES......................pkai«ia« FT. TO A HOX r wWAX PAPER............... 2 boxes 25*WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE . . . pt 18* WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE . . . qt 33*CAM PFIRE ’ -MARSHMALLOWS .THE REST






. . 11bpkg 18«V2 lb pkgs 13*. . . . con 8*

f •• • . . con 9«. . . . pkg 14«

• . . . . lb 15« . no 1 canid«

Igbet 12« pkg 10«

BRILLO SOAP................... coke 4*TEAS and COFFEES

* T R ..m ; u ^ h m $ B L lN D O"» « W OOUR FAVORITE» ■ ■ M i l K l I I I I t \ , , K 1WONDERMILII aad MELLOW ' --------— — r ‘‘~TSP E C IA L BLEN D< f > l l . S IIIU M .K PHhllKT E A T , .

IN SANITARY P«G . I ' * B> P*1* 2!iCVI T E A B A G S

lb 23c lb 21clb 19c

FRIDAY ONLYFraah Cut Filet olHaddock orCod . . . b 17*

mm Me

SATURDAY ONLY Veal .Chops . . fc IS*

MONDAY ONLYFresh Chopped

. . h 17*A PI'LL LINE OP HOME» C E U E k J M A W « - - - - - - - M * n lt » * L A D g . M RATtt M I^ L IC A T E «8 P _ NSEVEN DAYS WITHOUT FOOD MAKES ONE WEAK"



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