t biomimetic dentistry from a to z: a unique journey on ... brochure 2017.pdf · centers (adc) for...

Post on 13-Mar-2018






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Alleman-Deliperi CentersBiomimetic Dent ist ryf or

Air travel and accommodations are the responsibility of each participant.

Recommended Hotels: Hotel Nautilus,

THotel, Hotel Regina Margherita

Recommended B&Bs: “La locanda dei buoni e dei cattivi"


Transportation will be provided for participants to and from their hotels to the Sardinia Dental

Training Center

Tuition in U. S. Dollars:Utah Course $1,500

Sardinia Course $6,000

** Course Specials! **I: Register by March 1st: 10% discount

II: Utah + Sardinia: 20% discount(Specials cannot be combined.)

Salt Lake City, Utah

Cagliari, Sardinia


or call 801-231-9433 to reserve your seat or for more information.

For questions on traveling to both Sardinia and Utah, please, contact Cindy @ 360-377-4700

Dr. David S. Alleman

Has been practicing dentistry for 32 years since his

last 29 in Utah. In 1995 he started studying adhesive dentistry with Dr. Ray Bertolotti. In 1999 he started

guided him through a 10 year/10,000 hour review of the literature on which advanced adhesive (Biomimetic) dentistry is based. Other mentors and collaborators are Dr. Gary Unterbrink, Dr. Didier

He is currently partnering with Dr. Simone Deliperi from Sardinia, Italy to teach these techniques to practicing dentists at his educational facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is a member of the Academy of

-tion for Dental Research. He has published articles on advanced adhesive techniques that focus on redu-cing stress, increasing long-term bond durability and tooth conservation. He currently mentors over 250 dentists nationwide in his practice based research group.

Health" S. Deliperi, 2001“Get Bonded, Stay Bonded” D. Alleman, 2003

Dr. Simone Deliperi

Is a national and international lecturer; he has been providing continuing education and hands-on courses on aesthetic and biomimetic dentistry both in Europe and the USA for the last 12 years; he has been publishing in peer-reviewed journals since 2002. He is an adjunct assistant professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. He maintains a private practice and operates a teaching center (Sardinia Dental Teaching Center - SDTC) in Cagliari, Sardinia - Italy which is part of an interna-

Centers (ADC) for Biomimetic Dentistry South

ADC are considered the milestone for the founda-tion of the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry (ABD).


“Biomimetic Dentistry is not just using a biomime-tic material, but using that material according to a validated biomimetic protocol” S. Deliperi, 2013

September 11-14, 2017:live patient demo and hands-on courses

Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy

May 12-13, 2017:conference and workshop

Salt Lake City, UtahLittle America Hotel

Piazza Unione Sarda 39


been published in peer-reviewed journals since 2002.

patients’ dental health by preserving the remaining sound tooth structure and avoiding either root canal

or tooth capping with conventional crowns.

Biomimetic Dentistry from A to Z:A Unique Journey on Two Continents

3) y experience attending the seminar conducted by Dr.Deliperi in Sardinia was career changing. I feel that the hands on, the lectures and patient demonstrations were all superlative. literature review by Dr. Alleman was also very informative.I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their patient skills and develop a greater understanding of the ratio-nale of Biomimetic treatment based upon the latest science. It is the best ce seminar I have ever attended in my careerDr. Saul Pressner, Manhattan, NY

4) course will give you a great under-standing of what biomimetic dentistry is all about. excellent live patient demonstra-tions by Dr Simone shows you what is possible in the world of dentistry todayreinforces the knowledge and gives you the

to be able to replicate what is being taught. An excellent and intense course"Dr. Edwin Tng, Singapore

Testimonials:1) Dr. Deliperi’s course really “upped my game” in biomimetic dentistry. is lectures

in some gaps and helped me to better understand the profound value patients get when biomimetic protocols are properly used to restore their teeth. Dr. Deliperi is an excel-lent host and teacher and his passion comes through in all his lectures, hands-on and his over-the-shoulder teaching. big screen over-the-shoulder is even better than viewing with Studying with like-minded den-tists from around the world re-invigorated my

Dr. Peggy A sland, NY

"E your passion for dentistry from a world class mentor, you owe it to yourself and patients to practice renewed

Dr. Jim E TN A unique experience which pushes you to the next level. You will never

forget it.

Accreditation course onBiomimetic Dentistry

Day I

Day II

Fundamentals of Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry1. Structural Analysis2. Increasing Bond strength3. Decreasing Polymerization and Functional Stres-ses4. iomimetic Restorative Dental Paradigm.By decreasing stresses of polymerization and occlu-sion, dental bonds are maximized and preserved. By maintaining peripheral seals, recurrent caries and fractures are eliminated.

We will review each area and present 27 key facts that have been established from the

facts are the foundation of the Alleman-Deliperi protocols which biomimetic resto-rative dentistry is founded on.

Posterior Devital TeethDay III


Stress-reduced semidirect composite (SRSC) restorations for structurally compromised discolo-red teeth

Day IV

Morning:TMJ, TMD and Full-Mouth Rehabilitation via SRDC and SRSD restorations

Bonus: hands-on course and workshop on dental photography

Stress-Reduced Direct Composite (SRDC)

Stress-reduced direct composite wn protocols

for structurally compromised teeth

Biomimetic Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

September 11-14, 2017:May 12-13, 2017:conference and workshop

Salt Lake City

Anterior TeethDay IMonday

Posterior Vital TeethDay IITuesday

From science to clinical practice: clinical protocols

1. Stress-reduced direct composite (SRDC) restora-tions2. Fiber lay down protocols3.4.Stress-reduced semi-direct composite (SRSC) restorations5.6. Full-mouth rehabilitation

live patient demo and hands-on coursesCagliari, Sardinia Italy

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