systems and processes for knowledge translation

Post on 17-Jan-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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A n n e l i e s e P o e t z , P h D – M a n a g e r , K T C o r e N e u r o D e v N e t

D a v i d P h i p p s , P h D , M B A – L e a d , K T C o r e N e u r o D e v N e t

C a n a d i a n K n o w l e d g e M o b i l i z a ti o n F o r u m – C K F 1 6J u n e 2 9 , 2 0 1 6 – 1 1 : 0 0 a m – 1 2 : 0 0 p m ( G a l l e r y – 7 m i n u t e p r e s e n t a ti o n )T o r o n t o , O n t a r i o

Systems and Processes for Knowledge Translation


1) How does business analysis relate to KT?

2) Example of the application of BA concepts to KT work, in practice

3) Why is this important?

4) What’s next?

Business Analysis

Business Analysis


Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.

Business Analysis


Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.

Business Analysis

Core Concepts: 1. Need2. Change3. Stakeholder4. Solution5. Value6. Context

Principles of BA for KT• Identifying stakeholders (those directly/indirectly affected)

• Requirements gathering (needs)

• Incorporating requirements into design/improvement of processes/products – based on understanding of needs, and – feedback on solutions

Improving the Process for creating a KT Product

Problem/Challenge(s):• PIs dissatisfied with process – more work• Inability to get sign off on final copy

1. Stakeholder Identification


KT Coreincluding writers

NeuroDevNet Headquarters

KT Steering Cmte

2. Requirements Gathering

The root causes of the problem (the ResearchSnapshot processes) that prevented us from achieving our goal of providing excellent service included: 1) Researchers were expecting a draft that was close to final, that would require minimal editing. 2) Team of student writers trained in clear language writing, but lacked sufficient scientific background for adequate understanding of the material in the original scientific papers. 3) Previous process was new and developed without input from researchers/Principal Investigators (PIs)

2. Requirements Gathering

1) The process must allow for the PI to review a draft that only requires minor edits

2) The process must create maximum value for the Network

3. Requirements-based Design

Root Cause Identified:• Lack of content knowledge by student


Recommendation:• New process begins with PI choosing

paper, choose trainee writer (content expert)

• Provide CLW training to trainee writer

Ask PI to nominateResearch paper and trainee

Train in CLW, trainee workswith KT Core on draft

Close-to-final draft sentto PI for review & sign off

Result:We were able to deliver value:

“The research snapshot was a smooth process…with an efficient resident taking the lead on it and great support from NDN KT. ” NeuroDevNet Researcher

Business Analysis

Core Concepts: 1. Need = problem: PI dissatisfaction w process2. Change = improved process3. Stakeholder = helped inform the need/sol’n4. Solution = 3 root causes addressed5. Value = skill building, more efficient process6. Context = NeuroDevNet NCE

BA mapped onto KT- For any (NDN) Research Project -

Stakeholder Engagement Defining Needs

Deliver Value Impact of Research

Enabling Change New or Improved Diagnostic, Intervention, Service

BA Concept Application to KT

Why is this important?

Helps make KT Planning & Activities more effective

Why is this important?

Helps move the field of KT forward

Next steps

Environmental scan to learn stakeholder needs


David Phipps, PhD, MBALead, Knowledge Translation Core

Anneliese Poetz, PhDManager, Knowledge Translation Core


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