synthetic well log generation for complex well

Post on 26-Apr-2022






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The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering



A Thesis in

Energy and Mineral Engineering


Ibrahim Ozdemir

2015 Ibrahim Ozdemir

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Master of Science

August 2015

The thesis of Ibrahim Ozdemir was reviewed and approved* by the following:

Turgay Ertekin

Head, John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral


Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering;

George E. Trimble Chair in Earth and Mineral Sciences;

Undergraduate Program Chair of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Thesis Advisor

Luis F. Ayala

Associate Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering;

Associate Department Head for Graduate Education

Jeremy M. Gernand

Assistant Professor of Industrial Health and Safety

*Signatures are on file in the Graduate School



The need for energy has been increasing in the world. Among all, oil is the most

widely used primary energy source in the world. Oil reservoirs are characterized for field

development purposes. Conventional reservoir characterization methods require hard

computing techniques, which are time and labor intensive. This thesis aims at developing

artificial neural network based systems to characterize oil reservoirs to build powerful

field development strategies.

First set of tools developed in this study addresses the need for synthetic well

logs. This tool set is capable of generating 5 different types of synthetic well logs at any

location within the seismic boundaries. In addition, shale content tool is devised by using

the gamma ray tool. Furthermore, log surfaces and shale content surfaces are created at

desired depths for the entire reservoir. In the development stage of these expert systems;

seismic attributes extracted from 3D seismic data, 5 different types of well logs, and well

coordinates are utilized.

Second set of tools are devised in order to predict the oil flow rates, cumulative

oil productions at the end of each year, and perforation intervals at any desired well

location in the reservoir. Moreover, production surfaces are created at the end of each

year. The data utilized in these tools are seismic attributes, synthetic well logs,

perforation intervals, and well coordinates.

Finally, tools that are capable of predicting the well logs and shale content along

complex well architectures are developed. These tools can be used in any type of well


architecture including vertical, slanted and horizontal well structures. The resolutions of

these predictions can be set at the desired values.

The artificial expert systems devised in this study enable to make a fast evaluation

of the oil reservoir. These tools allow detection of sweet spots in the reservoir for infill

drilling strategies. They also predict the perforation intervals for desired well locations.

The results presented in this study show that neural network predictions and field data are

in good agreement.



List of Figures .............................................................................................................. v

List of Tables ............................................................................................................... vi

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... vii

Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 2 Literature Review .................................................................................................... 3

Reservoir Characterization ............................................................................................... 5 Seismic Surveys ....................................................................................................... 6 Core Analysis ........................................................................................................... 9 Well Logs ................................................................................................................. 9 Production Data ........................................................................................................ 11 Well Testing ............................................................................................................. 11 Well Completion Applications ................................................................................. 12

Artificial Neural Networks ............................................................................................... 12 Transfer Functions.................................................................................................... 14 Learning Rules ......................................................................................................... 15 Backpropagation Network ........................................................................................ 16 Network Architecture ............................................................................................... 17 Applications of ANNs .............................................................................................. 18

Chapter 3 Problem Statement and Outline of the Proposed Methodology .............................. 20

Chapter 4 Data Utilized and Methodology Developed ............................................................ 23

Data Utilized .................................................................................................................... 23 Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool ............................................................................... 25

Log Cubes and Surfaces ........................................................................................... 27 Shale Content Map of a Reservoir ........................................................................... 27

Production Performance Network .................................................................................... 28 Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Architectures .................................................... 31 Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures ............................................................... 33

Chapter 5 Case Study: ERZ-25 Reservoir ............................................................................... 34

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 34 Data Utilized .................................................................................................................... 34

Seismic Data ............................................................................................................. 34 Well Logs ................................................................................................................. 35 Completion Parameters ............................................................................................ 36 Production Data ........................................................................................................ 36

Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool ............................................................................... 36 Log Cubes and Surfaces ........................................................................................... 39 Shale Content Map of the Reservoir ........................................................................ 41


Production Performance Tools ......................................................................................... 41 Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Architectures .................................................... 44 Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures ............................................................... 45

Chapter 6 Results and Discussions .......................................................................................... 46

Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool ............................................................................... 46 Log Cubes and Surface Maps ................................................................................... 51 Shale Content Maps for ERZ-25 Field ..................................................................... 54

Production Performance Tools ......................................................................................... 56 Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Trajectories ....................................................... 63 Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures ............................................................... 72

Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................ 77

References ................................................................................................................................ 79

Appendix A Definitions of the Surface Attributes .................................................................. 83

Appendix B Production Performance Networks for Different Testing Cases ........................ 95

Appendix C Graphical User Interface ..................................................................................... 108



Figure 2-1 History of energy consumption in the US (1776-2012) (U.S. EIA, 2013) ............. 4

Figure 2-2 Principle of seismic reflection (Bacon, 2005) ........................................................ 8

Figure 2-3 Biological neuron diagram ..................................................................................... 14

Figure 2-4 Schematic of an artificial neuron with multiple inputs (Adopted and modified

from Sengel, 2013) ........................................................................................................... 14

Figure 2-5 Topology of a multilayer ANN .............................................................................. 17

Figure 3-1 World primary energy consumption between 1988-2013 (BP, 2014) ................... 20

Figure 3-2 Shares of primary energy sources by fuel type in 2013 (BP, 2014) ....................... 21

Figure 4-1: Reservoir data classification (Bansal, 2011) ......................................................... 25

Figure 4-2 Overall topology of a synthetic well log network .................................................. 27

Figure 4-3 Overall topology of a production network – Version-1 ......................................... 29

Figure 4-4 Overall topology of a production network – Version-2 ......................................... 29

Figure 4-5 Overall topology of a production network – Version-3 ......................................... 30

Figure 4-6 Overall topology of a production network – Version-4 ......................................... 30

Figure 4-7 Overall topology of a production network – Version-5 ......................................... 30

Figure 4-8 Overall topology of a production network – Version-6 ......................................... 31

Figure 5-1 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Gamma ray .......................... 37

Figure 5-2 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Induction conductivity ......... 37

Figure 5-3 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Induction resistivity ............. 38

Figure 5-4 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Short normal resistivity ....... 38

Figure 5-5 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Spontaneous potential .......... 39

Figure 5-6 Synthetic log cube illustration ................................................................................ 40

Figure 5-7 Sample log surface obtained at the depth of D ....................................................... 40

Figure 5-8 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-1 ................ 42

Figure 5-9 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-2 ................ 42


Figure 5-10 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-3 .............. 43

Figure 5-11 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-4 .............. 43

Figure 5-12 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-5 .............. 44

Figure 5-13 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-6 .............. 44

Figure 6-1 Average testing errors for the synthetic log tools................................................... 46

Figure 6-2 Testing case for gamma ray log ............................................................................. 47

Figure 6-3 Testing cases for induction conductivity log .......................................................... 48

Figure 6-4 Testing cases for induction resistivity log .............................................................. 49

Figure 6-5 Testing cases for short normal resistivity log ......................................................... 50

Figure 6-6 Testing cases for spontaneous potential log ........................................................... 51

Figure 6-7 Gamma ray log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft ................................................... 52

Figure 6-8 Induction conductivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft .................................. 52

Figure 6-9 Induction resistivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft ...................................... 53

Figure 6-10 Short normal resistivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft ............................. 53

Figure 6-11 Spontaneous potential log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft ................................ 54

Figure 6-12 Shale content map for ERZ-25 field at the depth of 13,500 ft ............................. 55

Figure 6-13 Shale content map for ERZ-25 field at the depth of 14,250 ft ............................. 55

Figure 6-14 Average testing errors for the production performance tools ............................... 57

Figure 6-15 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-1 ....................................................................................... 59

Figure 6-16 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-5 ....................................................................................... 60

Figure 6-17 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-10 ..................................................................................... 61

Figure 6-18 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-15 ..................................................................................... 62

Figure 6-19 Sample well 1 – Vertical ...................................................................................... 63


Figure 6-20 Well log predictions for the sample well 1 – Vertical .......................................... 64

Figure 6-21 Sample well 2 - Slanted ........................................................................................ 65

Figure 6-22 Well log predictions for the sample well 2 – Slanted ........................................... 66

Figure 6-23 Sample well 3 – Horizontal .................................................................................. 67

Figure 6-24 Well log predictions for the sample well 3 – Horizontal ..................................... 68

Figure 6-25 Sample well 4 ....................................................................................................... 69

Figure 6-26 Geological formation with a fault and a well completed horizontally at two

different depths ................................................................................................................ 70

Figure 6-27 Well log predictions for the sample well 4 – The well with multiple

horizontal part .................................................................................................................. 71

Figure 6-28 Shale index illustration of the sample well -1 when logging resolution is (a)

10ft and (b) 40ft ............................................................................................................... 73

Figure 6-29 Shale index illustration of the sample well -2 when logging resolution is (a)

10ft and (b) 40ft ............................................................................................................... 74

Figure 6-30 Shale index illustration of the sample well -3 when logging resolution is (a)

10ft and (b) 40ft ............................................................................................................... 75

Figure 6-31 Shale index illustration of the sample well -4 when logging resolution is (a)

10ft and (b) 40ft ............................................................................................................... 76



Table 2-1 Geophysical methods (Kearey et al., 2002) ............................................................. 8

Table 2-2 Well logs and their uses (Schlumberger, 1989) ....................................................... 10

Table 2-3 Some examples on artificial neural networks applications (Hagan et al., 1996) ..... 19

Table 4-1 Example for a dataset with missing well logs (Total number of wells: 50). ........... 26

Table 6-1 Average testing errors for each production expert system ...................................... 57



First and foremost I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr.

Turgay Ertekin for his guidance, support, and encouragement throughout my study at

Penn State. His expertise and patience paved the way for completion of my master’s

degree. Also, I would like to thank my committee members Dr. Luis F. Ayala and Dr.

Jeremy M. Gernand.

I would like to thank Sarath Ketineni and Qian Sun for their invaluable support

during my study.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Turkish Petroleum Corp. for

their financial support during my study at Penn State.

Finally, I’m extremely grateful to my parents, Rukiye and Fikret, for their endless

love, support, and encouragement throughout my life. I would also like to thank my

brothers, Enes and Talha, for their belief in me.


Chapter 1


The need for energy has been increasing continuously in the world. As being the

most widely used primary energy source, oil is at the heart of energy industry. Oil

companies are spending tens of billions of dollars each year to find new fields or to

develop already explored fields.

Conventional field development strategies entail reservoir characterization.

Reservoir characterization method is applied by integrating all the available field data,

which includes seismic survey, well logs, well tests, and core data. By the help of this,

infill well locations can be determined. However, despite its high accuracy, this

procedure is time and labor intensive. Therefore, due to its need for hard computing

techniques, an alternative way of field development protocols that will replace the

conventional reservoir characterization should be structured.

This study proposes a methodology that helps to characterize oil reservoirs with

artificial expert systems. These systems are able to predict oil flow rates, cumulative oil

productions, completion parameters, and synthetic well logs. Moreover, expert systems

that are capable of predicting the synthetic well logs and shale content for complex well

architectures such as slanted and horizontal wells are introduced. This study consists of 7


In Chapter 2, reservoir characterization techniques and artificial neural networks

are discussed.


In Chapter 3, the aim of the research program is stated.

In Chapter 4, the methodology developed and data utilized in this study are


In Chapter 5, an implementation of the methodology developed in Chapter 4 on a

case study is introduced.

In Chapter 6, the results obtained from artificial expert systems are provided.

In Chapter 7, a summary of the work performed, conclusions drawn from the

study and recommendations for future work are presented.


Chapter 2

Literature Review

The industrial revolution opened a new era in the world. Man-power was replaced

by machines in many areas. Therefore, commodities were started to be produced at lower

costs thanks to the mechanical devices. This affordability increased the demand for

goods. Businessmen made more investments in technology in order to manufacture new

machines. Consequently, these mechanical machines increased the demand for energy.

Before the revolution, people used coal, wood and other biomass energy sources mainly

for heating purposes. However, after the invention of steam-run devices, coal became the

most important energy source and it is still the second most widely used primary energy

source in the world (Miller, 2011; BP, 2014).

Starting from early 1900s, oil has become a popular energy source in the world

and around 1960s, oil consumption exceeded coal consumption similar to what happened

in the U.S. (Figure 2-1). Despite the recent dramatic decrease in oil prices, this valuable

energy commodity is still at the heart of world energy industry.

Oil companies are investing considerable amount of money in developing new

technologies to increase their oil production rates. In this aspect, field development

projects play a crucial role. For example, the number of crude oil development wells

drilled in the U.S. in 2010 was 15084 whereas the total crude oil exploratory and

development wells drilled was 15753 at the same year (EIA, 2015). This implies that

95.8% of the wells are drilled in already explored fields.


Figure 2-1 History of energy consumption in the US (1776-2012) (U.S. EIA,


The world average of oil recovery factor is approximately 35% (Babadagli, 2007).

In a giant reservoir, even 1% rise in the recovery factor may increase the profits by

billions of dollars. The critical question is how to increase the recovery. One of the

methods employed for this purpose is the operations such as stimulation and

recompletion (Babadagli, 2007). In this option, wells can be acidized in order to ease the

flow into the wellbore. Even though there is a risk that acid treatment may result in

killing the well in some cases, it is widely used in the world in order to stimulate the

flow. Another choice is to recomplete the well. This process is generally done when the

water cut reaches high levels or gas production increases in an oil well. As an example, if

there is an aquifer drive then it is generally expected to recomplete the well in a shallower

zone after the water production exceeds the acceptable limits.

Another method to increase the oil production rates would be the secondary and

tertiary recovery applications. Secondary oil recovery is mainly composed of gas and

water injection. The aim here is to increase the reservoir pressure and displace the


hydrocarbons into the production well, respectively and by means of this method, 15% to

40% of the original oil in place can be brought to the surface (Schlumberger, 2015).

Tertiary recovery, or more commonly used as enhanced oil recovery (EOR), represents

the methods that follow the secondary recovery applications. Thermal methods, gas

injection, and chemical flooding are the main EOR techniques that are used in the

industry (Schlumberger, 2015). EOR methods allow to produce up to 60% of the original

oil in place (OOIP) (U.S. DOE, 2015).

Infill drilling is another option to increase the volume of the oil extracted from

reservoirs. As an oil field gets matured, in order to recover oil reserves that are trapped

due to heterogeneity or in the unswept zones, drilling new wells becomes vital

(Babadagli, 2007). Hence, deciding where to drill the next well in a field is of paramount

importance. The importance of reservoir characterization comes to the picture at this


Reservoir Characterization

Mohaghegh et al. (1996) defines reservoir characterization as quantitatively

assigning reservoir rock and fluid properties such as permeability, porosity and fluid

saturations, while recognizing geological information and uncertainties, in spatial

variability. Reservoir characterization requires all the available data. This data source

includes seismic information, core analysis, well logs, production data, well testing

analysis, completion applications etc.


Seismic Surveys

Petroleum exploration makes use of numerous methods. Geophysical surveying is

one of these methods. Even though it is sometimes prone to major ambiguities and

uncertainties of interpretation, geophysical surveying is a relatively fast and less

expensive way of analyzing geological formations (Kearey et al., 2002). Table 2-1 shows

the geophysical surveys methods, the parameters measured and the operative physical

properties in each method. Seismic, gravity, magnetic and electromagnetic surveys are

the ones that can be employed in search of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal

(Kearey et al., 2002). Among all, seismic methods are the most widely used ones in oil

and gas exploration.

Seismic methods are employed to investigate the subsurface environment by

creating seismic waves and recording the way they travel through the underground

formations (Bacon, 2005). Bacon explains the principle behind the seismic reflection,

which is the most commonly used method as shown in Figure 2-2, as follows:

1. Seismic P waves are created by source (such as a small explosive charge)

at the ground surface.

2. They travel down through the earth

3. They are reflected at the boundaries between the rock layers.

4. They travel back to the surface where they are detected and recorded by

geophones (receivers) that are sensitive to low frequencies.

5. The time taken for the wave to travel from source to receiver gives the

depth of the reflecting rock layer.


6. By repeating this procedure at a series of points it is possible to map the

geological layers.

Two-dimensional seismic survey is one way of applying the procedure

summarized above. In this method, it is assumed that all the reflection points lie within

the vertical section containing the geophones, thus it gives a low resolution picture

(unlike well logs) of the cross-section of subsurface geological structures (Kearey et al.,

2002). Whereas in three-dimensional surveying; wave sources (shots) and geophones are

located in such a way that it obtains information from a volume of underground

formation rather than an area lying in a vertical plane, as in 2D surveying (Kearey et al.,



Table 2-1 Geophysical methods (Kearey et al., 2002)

Method Measured parameter Operative physical


Seismic Travel times of


seismic waves

Density and elastic moduli,

which determine the

propagation velocity of

seismic waves

Gravity Spatial variations in the

strength of the

gravitational field of

the Earth


Magnetic Spatial variations in the

strength of the

geomagnetic field

Magnetic suspectibility and





Resistivity Earth resistance Electrical conductivity



Polarization voltages or


ground resistance

Electrical capacitance

Self-potential Electrical potentials Electrical conductivity

Electromagnetic Response to



Electrical conductivity and


Radar Travel times of

reflected radar pulses

Dielectric constant

Figure 2-2 Principle of seismic reflection (Bacon, 2005)


Core Analysis

Core analysis, which requires the analysis of the rock samples obtained from the

reservoir, is the most direct method to measure the reservoir properties (Wang et al.,

2013). Core analysis offers the most reliable information. However, it has two main

disadvantages; first one is that the laboratory work is highly expensive and the second is

the fact that it gives information for certain discrete points in the reservoir (Mohaghegh et

al., 1996). This is primarily due to the heterogeneous and anisotropic nature of the

hydrocarbon reservoirs. For example, porosity may change drastically from one point to

another or permeability of a rock formation may differ remarkably in different directions.

Well Logs

Well logging is a crucial application in oil and gas industry. After drilling a well,

different well logs are run in order to better understand the petrophysical parameters in

the underground formations. Together with core and fluid data, they are used to predict

reservoir thickness and depth, lithology, porosity, permeability and hydrocarbon reserves

(Timur, 1982). There are various types of well logging and Table 2-2 shows a summary

of widely used well logs and their uses.


Table 2-2 Well logs and their uses (Schlumberger, 1989)

Log Type Use

Gamma Ray Log Detection and evaluation of deposits of radioactive minerals

Mineral identification

Giving a qualitative indication of bed shaliness.

Potassium, thorium and uranium concentrations

Differentiation of potentially porous and permeable reservoir rocks

(sandstone, limestone, dolomite) from nonpermeable clays and



Potential Log

Determination of formation water resistivity. Mineral identification

Giving a qualitative indication of bed shaliness

Differentiation of potentially porous and permeable reservoir rocks

(sandstone, limestone, dolomite) from nonpermeable clays and


Resistivity Logs Water saturation determination

Flushed zone resistivity measurement, Rxo

Uninvaded resistivity (true resistivity) measurement, Rt

Density Log Determination of rock porosity

Identification of minerals in evaporate deposits

Detection of gas

Determination of hydrocarbon density

Evaluation of shaly sands and complex lithologies determination of

oil-shale yield

Calculation of overburden pressure and rock mechanical properties

Measurement photoelectric absorption index of the formation

Neutron Log Determination of rock porosity

Delineation of porous formation and determination of their porosity

Gas zone identification

Lithology identification

Sonic Log Determination of rock porosity

Interpretation of seismic records


Propagation Logs

Water saturation determination in low salinity water


Magnetism Log

Irreducable water saturation determination of all formations, water

bearing as well as oil bearing, which helps to estimate permeability


Production Data

Production history provides valuable information about the reservoir productivity.

Yang et al. (1995) attempted to characterize reservoirs by using not only seismic,

geological, well logging and core data but they also incorporated well production data in

reservoir characterization. In the study, by using well production data, they derived

relative trends of reservoir property distributions instead of calculating the exact reservoir

parameters. They divided the reservoir into separate drainage areas for each well and

found average reservoir pressure for each area from production history. Production index

was calculated and mapped by the help of geostatistical techniques. Finally, Yang et al.

derived reservoir permeability trends from the field productivity index mapping.

Well Testing

When they are successfully analyzed, pressure transient tests give valuable

information such as effective permeability, average reservoir pressure, fluid mobility

profile in the fluid banks, which help to characterize the reservoir (Habte et al., 2015).

The longer the test takes, the more accurate the findings will be. In that sense, well

testing operation is not applied on each new well due to its duration. The costs can be

divided into two parts. The first source is the cost of the well testing service itself. It

includes the equipment and labor cost. Additionally, there is an economic cost due to

shut-in time period of the well. If it is a well with very high production rates then the

non-operation of the well may cost the owner millions of dollars. However, companies


have a tendency to run these tests if the field is considered to be very prolific in terms of

oil production.

Well Completion Applications

There are numerous well completion applications. If it is an unconventional

reservoir with small permeability, then hydraulic fracturing becomes an option for most

cases. After hydraulic fracturing, a well test can be applied to see how effective the

fracturing operation was. In addition, new permeability values can be determined, which

can be integrated into reservoir characterization.

Perforation is another application that is done right after deciding that the well is

capable of producing in economic terms. A well can be perforated at multiples depths.

Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks (ANN) method has been in use since McCullock and

Pitts proposed the first mathematical model of a biological neuron cell in 1943

(Mohaghegh, 2000). As Gharehlo (2012) states, “Artificial neural networks are parallel

computing algorithms that are designed to mimic the learning processes of human brain”.

The human brain is composed of nerve cells (neurons). Each neuron has three

distinct components; dendrite, soma and axon, as shown in Figure 2-3. Dendrites receive

signals from other neurons and then the signals are calculated and summed up in somas

and finally they are transmitted to other neurons via axons (Rolon et al., 2009).


Neural nets consist of neurons and the parameters that are related to the

interaction between these neurons. Figure 2-4 shows a neuron with multiple inputs. The

notation for the neuron is as follows:

p: Input

w: Weight

b: Bias

f: Transfer function

a: Output

The following equation is the mathematical representation of the neuron shown in

Figure 2-4.

𝒂 = 𝒇(𝒏) = 𝒇((∑ 𝑷𝒊 ∗ 𝒘𝒊𝒎𝒊=𝟏 ) + 𝒃) (2-1)

How an artificial neuron works is quite similar to the biological one. It is assumed

that information is processed at neurons and signals are transmitted from one neuron to

another through connection links (Rolon et al., 2009). A related weight in each link

multiplies the transmitted signal and each neuron has a transfer function that is applied to

its net input to find the output signal (Rolon et al., 2009).


Figure 2-3 Biological neuron diagram

Figure 2-4 Schematic of an artificial neuron with multiple inputs (Adopted

and modified from Sengel, 2013)

Transfer Functions

Transfer functions are the mathematical equations, which may be linear or

nonlinear, that are introduced to satisfy some specification of the problem that the neuron

tries to solve (Hagan et al., 1996). Transfer functions’ abilities to offer non-linearity into


to a network make multilayer networks powerful (Silpngarmlers, 2002). Hyperbolic

tangent sigmoid and log sigmoid transfer functions are two of the most popular transfer

functions. The following equations show the definitions of log sigmoid and hyperbolic

tangent sigmoid functions, respectively. The domains of these functions are all real

numbers and the ranges are [0,1] and [-1,1], respectively.

𝒇(𝒏) =𝟏

𝟏+𝒆−𝒏 (2.2)

𝒇(𝒏) =𝒆𝒏−𝒆−𝒏

𝒆𝒏+𝒆−𝒏 (2.3)

Learning Rules

Hagan et al. (1996) defines learning rule as the procedure for adapting the biases

and the weights of a network (This procedure can also be called as training algorithm).

Neural network learning algorithms can be classified as supervised and unsupervised

(Rolon et al., 2009).

Supervised learning

Supervised learning method entails inputs and target outputs in the network. After

feeding the input to the network, the outputs from the network are compared to the target

values and if the similarity degree is not in the specified range then the weights and the

biases are adjusted by the learning algorithm to make the network outputs closer the

target values (Hagan et al., 1996). Backpropagation network (BPN), which uses the


backpropagation-learning algorithm, is one of the most widely used supervised networks

(Rolon et al., 2009).

Unsupervised learning

In this rule, the target output is unknown (Hagan et al., 1996). In this rule, the

network tries to understand the distribution of patterns and classifies them, where similar

patterns are put in the same output class (Rolon et al., 2009). Vector quantization

application is a good example for this learning rule (Hagan et al., 1996).

Backpropagation Network

BPN is a multilayer feed-forward network through which information is

transmitted from input layer to output layer in a forward direction (Silpngarmlers, 2002).

Silpngarmlers’ research indicates that learning and operation modes are the two separate

modes of a BPN. The following part summarizes how these modes are described in her

work. It is stated in the study that there are both forward and backward passes through the

network in the learning mode. In the forward pass, data travels from input layer to hidden

layer(s) and then finally to output layer to generate output value(s). The next step is to

calculate the errors between the actual output and the output predicted by the network at

the end of that iteration. Calculated errors are then propagated backward through the

network. This backward flow is done sequentially in order to modify the weights to

improve the network prediction accuracy. This algorithmic procedure, in which a


generalized delta rule is used as a learning rule, continues to run until the error becomes

smaller than the specified criterion. After achieving that, it can be said that the network is

trained, in other words it satisfies the criteria. This stops the learning mode and starts the

prediction stage using the operation mode, in which only forward pass is implemented.

Network Architecture

Optimum network architecture that gives the minimum relative error is desired to

be found by changing (1) the number of hidden layers, (2) the number of the neurons at

each layer and (3) the transfer functions. This is a heuristic process. Therefore, for a

given problem there is no straightforward rule to construct the final/optimum/best

network architecture.

Figure 2-5 Topology of a multilayer ANN


Applications of ANNs

Numerous disciplines, such as computer science, medicine, economics, petroleum

and natural gas engineering and many others, have implemented this method in their

studies (Table 2-3). In petroleum and natural gas discipline, many studies have been

conducted using neural nets including permeability estimation (Malki et al., 1996), field

development strategies (Ayala et al., 2007), dual lateral well design (Enab et al., 2014),

history matching (Silva et al., 2006) and synthetic well log generation (Gharehlo, 2012).

Thararoop (2007) suggested that sweet production spots for infill drilling can be

determined by correlating seismic attributes and completion parameters with gas

production data by using artificial neural networks.

Bansal (2011) developed sequentially applicable ANN-based tools to predict oil,

gas, water flow rates and completion parameters in tight oil plays by using well log,

seismic, completion and production data.

Gharehlo (2012) proposed a methodology to develop artificial expert systems for

characterizing unconventional oil reservoirs. These artificial expert systems are able to

generate synthetic well logs, completion schemes, production performances and identify

hydrocarbon bearing zones.


Table 2-3 Some examples on artificial neural networks applications (Hagan et al.,


Field Application

Aerospace High performance aircraft autopilots

Flight path simulations

Aircraft control systems

Automotive Automobile automatic guidance systems

Banking Check and other document readers

Credit Application evaluators

Defense Weapon steering

Target tracking

Signal/image identification

Facial recognition

Electronics Code sequence prediction

Integrated circuit chip layout

Nonlinear modeling

Financial Real estate appraisal

Mortgage screening

Insurance Policy application evaluation

Manufacturing Manufacturing process control

Production design and analysis

Medical Breast cancer cell analysis

EEG and ECG analysis

Optimization of transplant times

Oil and Gas Exploration

Robotics Trajectory control

Vision systems

Speech Speech recognition

Securities Market analysis

Automatic bond rating

Telecommunications Image and data compression

Automated information services

Transportation Truck brake diagnosis systems

Routing systems


Chapter 3

Problem Statement and Outline of the Proposed Methodology

World primary energy consumption grew by 2.3% in 2013 (Figure 3-1). Even

though it has lost market share for 14 years in a row (between the years of 1999-2013) oil

is still the most widely used primary energy source in the world (BP, 2014). In 2013, its

share in the world primary energy consumption was 33%, followed by coal with 30%

(Figure 3-2). This makes oil a valuable source of energy. Energy companies invest

billions of dollars each year in new technologies to increase their reserves. They seek to

find new oil fields and to determine where to drill the next well in an explored field (infill


Figure 3-1 World primary energy consumption between 1988-2013 (BP,



Figure 3-2 Shares of primary energy sources by fuel type in 2013 (BP, 2014)

Field development planning entails hard computing techniques. Reservoir

characterization and reservoir simulations are labor and time intensive. Soft computing

techniques come to the picture at this stage. Among all, one of the most widely used

techniques is artificial neural networks. This artificial intelligence method offers faster

solutions for complex problems. In addition, it is significantly less expensive to

implement this method.

In petroleum engineering areas, many studies have been carried out using this

method since 1990’s. A number of examples would be permeability estimation (Malki et

al., 1996), field development strategies (Ayala et al., 2007), dual lateral well design

(Enab et al., 2014), history matching (Silva et al., 2006), and synthetic well log

generation for vertical wells (Gharehlo, 2012). Therefore, in this study, in order to

determine the locations of the infill wells it is suggested to develop the following expert

systems for the reservoir:


A synthetic well log generation tool for the entire reservoir is developed.

In this process, seismic data is correlated to well log data. By using this

tool, synthetic well logs for vertical wells at any location within the

reservoir boundaries are generated.

As a next step shale content maps at the desired depths of the reservoir are

created by making use of the synthetic gamma ray log generation tool.

In the next part; seismic data, synthetic logs and completion data

(separately and together) are used to predict oil production at desired

locations within the reservoir boundaries.

As a final step, synthetic well log and shale content illustration for any

type of complex well architectures are produced.


Chapter 4

Data Utilized and Methodology Developed

In this chapter, the data utilized and the methodology followed in this study are


Data Utilized

Knowing what kind of data is available is critically important for the studies of all

types of disciplines including oil and gas engineering. Data from a hydrocarbon field can

be obtained at different stages. First, geoscientists run seismic surveys and if they see

promising formations only then, is a well drilled. When drilling process is finished then it

is time to run well logs. If the potential field owner is a relatively large company and the

field is promising then it is very likely to run larger number of logs. If it is agreed that the

reserves are economical to produce then workover department completes the well and

leave it to the production department and the owner starts to generate revenues. The

information that can be obtained from the above process can be roughly classified into

geological information, drilling and completion information, production information and

well information (Figure 4-1).

After classifying data, next step is to choose parameters which will be used in

artificial neural network training. At this stage, it is essential to choose the relevant data

types that are considered to have strong effect on the desired outcome. For this reason, it


is highly useful to take advice from different disciplines including petrophysicists,

geoscientists and petroleum and natural gas engineers.

The next step is to put together a consistent set of data. For example, if a well is

out of the boundaries of seismic data coverage then that well should not be included in

the training process.

In development stage of the synthetic well log generation tool, 2 wells are used as

validation samples whereas 1 well is included in the validation set of production

performance tools. During the training stage, the weights are updated at each iteration. If

the average error in the validation set fails to improve many times in a row while the

average error in the training set decreases then this may cause overfitting. In other words,

this can be a sign of the memorization of the trends in the training set. Therefore, the

trained network may not be able to adapt to predict the new data samples. In order to

avoid this issue, network training should be stopped if the above case happens for a

number of times in a row during the development stage. Training process is stopped

when the validation error does not improve more than the threshold value (10-5), for six

successive iterations in a row. The threshold value and the number of iterations can be

adjusted depending on the nature of the problem.


Figure 4-1: Reservoir data classification (Bansal, 2011)

Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool

The first expert system developed in this study is synthetic well log generation

tool. One of the uses of synthetic well logs is that they can help to better understand the

reservoir properties such as porosity, reservoir fluid saturations, reservoir geometry and

lithology where real well logs do not exist or are incomplete (Rolon, et al., 2009).

Another advantage of using synthetic well logs is that they can be used together with

seismic data to train a production prediction tool (Bansal, 2011). In that process, synthetic

log generation tool can be used to complete the set of well logs with damaged parts or

missing ones. For example, assume that a production performance network is aimed to be


developed and that well information for 50 wells exists. However, some well log types do

not exist for each well. As can be seen in the example case on Table 4-1, spontaneous

potential log exists for 50 wells whereas there are only 35 wells that have density logs. In

order to develop a production prediction model, the missing density logs for 15 wells can

be generated by a synthetic well log tool. The same procedure can be implemented for

gamma ray log and induction resistivity log as well. Subsequently, the number of wells

with all four types of logs becomes 50 and this can allow to build a stronger model

(Table 4-1).

Seismic data is the crucial input for reservoir characterization. Even though it

provides a low resolution compared to well logs and core analysis data, which have very

high resolution, seismic data has the most useful information in terms of high 3D

coverage over a large area. In comparison with seismic data, logs and cores give

information from relatively closer surroundings (Artun and Mohaghegh, 2011). Thanks to

its large coverage, seismic data and X-Y coordinates are used to predict well logs at every

location in the reservoir. Figure 4-2 shows an overall topology of a synthetic well log

generation network.

Table 4-1 Example for a dataset with missing well logs (Total number of wells: 50).


Spontaneous Potential Log

Gamma Ray Log

Density Log Induction Resistivity Log



BE GENERATED 0 10 15 5

REAL + SYNTHETIC 50 50 50 50


Figure 4-2 Overall topology of a synthetic well log network

Log Cubes and Surfaces

One further step after developing the synthetic well log generation tool is creating

the log cubes. This method is employed to get well log surfaces at desired depths within

the reservoir boundaries. First job is to bring well logs for a specific log type at every

location within the seismic boundaries to the system by using the synthetic well log tool.

This step creates a log cube for a specific log type that covers the whole reservoir

between user-defined depths. The final job is to specify the depth at which the user wants

to have the log surface. This method is repeated for other log types as well.

Shale Content Map of a Reservoir

Gamma ray logs are run in order to measure the natural radioactivity of the

formations. When run in sedimentary formations, they give information about the shale

content of the reservoir because radioactive materials are more likely to accumulate in

clays and shales (Schlumberger, 1989). Following the development of the log cube for

gamma ray log as described in the previous part, one can calculate the shale content of


every point in the reservoir at a given depth by the following equation (Schlumberger,


𝑽𝒔𝒉 = 𝑰𝒈𝒓 =𝑹−𝑹𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅

𝑹𝒔𝒉−𝑹𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅 (4.1)


Vsh: Shale volume/bulk volume

Igr: Gamma ray index

R: Gamma ray reading in zone of interest

Rcleansand: Gamma ray reading of clean sand

Rsh: Gamma ray reading of shale zone

Since the synthetic log cube for gamma ray log is already created for every

location within the reservoir boundaries, one can bring a well log from the cube and find

the minimum and the maximum gamma ray readings and assign those values as 0% and

100% shale content, respectively. The shale contents for the gamma ray log values that

are in between the minimum and the maximum readings can be found by interpolation.

After this procedure is repeated for all locations the final job is to visualize the shale

content values as a map for the whole reservoir at a desired depth.

Production Performance Network

The second major expert system developed in this study is production

performance prediction tool. Many studies have shown that geological information

(seismic data and well logs), well information (coordinates, KB elevation etc) and well


completion information (perforation, casing size, stimulation data etc) are of paramount

importance in terms of production performance of a well (Bansal, 2011). Seismic

attributes that are extracted from seismic data, synthetic well logs, well head locations

and completion parameters are used to correlate with production data.

Figures 4-3 through 4-8 show the overall topologies of the networks that can be

trained to predict the production performances.

Figure 4-3 Overall topology of a production network – Version-1

Figure 4-4 Overall topology of a production network – Version-2


Figure 4-5 Overall topology of a production network – Version-3

Figure 4-6 Overall topology of a production network – Version-4

Figure 4-7 Overall topology of a production network – Version-5


Figure 4-8 Overall topology of a production network – Version-6

Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Architectures

After having ready the synthetic log tool, a new tool to obtain synthetic well logs

for user defined-complex well trajectories is developed. The user needs to provide the

desired well trajectory and resolution. Here are steps that show how this tool works:

1. Tool goes through ‘Zi’ values of all the points and finds the shallowest and the

deepest points

2. It brings the vertical synthetic well logs at every location (for the shallowest-

deepest depth interval) defined by the user. In other words, the vertical synthetic

logs that are brought to the system have the same start and end depths.

3. If the distance between two points, say Ai(Xi, Yi, Zi) and Ai+1(Xi+1, Yi+1, Zi+1), is

greater than the resolution defined by the user then new points, which are equally

spaced with a distance of r, are created by linear interpolation. As an example,


assume that the following are two of the points and the resolution defined by the


o Ai (90000, 9000, 13000)

o Ai+1(90000, 9000, 13040)

o Resolution, r= 10 units

The distance between Ai and Ai+1, |Ai Ai+1|, is 40 units. Therefore, the tool

calculates the following 3 additional points in between:

o Ai_1(90000, 9000, 13010)

o Ai_2(90000, 9000, 13020)

o Ai_3(90000, 9000, 13030)

Notice that each point is separated within a distance of 10 units.

4. Next step is to bring the vertical synthetic well logs at the newly interpolated


5. If it is assumed that the user defined “n” points and the tool created “m”

additional points by interpolation (based on the resolution), then tool goes to ‘Zi’

depth of each vertical well log and gets the log reading corresponding to each ‘Zi’

value. Finally, it gives the logging figure which has “n+m” log values on it.

A similar procedure can be followed to find different kind of reservoir properties along a

complex well trajectory. Some examples for these properties would be,

Shale content

Porosity distribution

Sw distribution


Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures

The procedure this tool follows is similar to the one for synthetic log generation

tool for complex well trajectories, with one difference. Here, only synthetic log

generation tool for gamma ray logging is used. First four steps are the same. For the step-

5, tool finds the minimum and the maximum gamma ray readings for each vertical

synthetic well that are brought to the system along the trajectory. After that, it assigns the

minimum and the maximum readings as 0% shale and 100% shale, respectively. In the

next step, the corresponding shale index for each gamma ray reading along the well

trajectory is calculated. The final step is the same with the synthetic log generation tool

for complex well architectures with one difference only. In this tool, the values that are

collected are the shale index values whereas the values for the other tool are the logging

values directly.


Chapter 5

Case Study: ERZ-25 Reservoir

In this chapter, a field case study is introduced and discussed. In the opening part,

a short summary of the reservoir is presented. Following the introduction of the reservoir,

the data utilized and how expert systems are developed are shown.


This study focuses on the characterization and development of the ERZ-25 oil

field located in the United States.

Data Utilized

There are 48 wells which are used in this study. These 48 wells are within the

seismic data coverage provided for the research. Seismic attributes are extracted between

the depths of 12,000 ft and 15,500 ft.

Seismic Data

Seismic attributes are the quantities that are extracted from the seismic data by

any type of equation (Farfour, et al., 2015). They are used to relate seismic data to

reservoir properties, but these relationships are not always straightforward (Hart et al.,


2000). However, a good seismic attribute at least gives the opportunity to define the

underground formations and thus allows one to have a better understanding of the

properties of interest (Chopra and Marfurt, 2007).

In this study 39 different seismic attributes are used. The attributes are extracted

by using 100 feet depth intervals between 12,000 ft and 15,500 ft. In other words, each

seismic attribute is extracted at 35 intervals. Definitions of the attributes that are used in

this study are given in Appendix A.

Well Logs

The following are the well logs that are available for the 48 wells.

Gamma ray log ( 18 samples are included in ANN process)

Induction resistivity log ( 35 samples are included in ANN process)

Induction conductivity log ( 29 samples are included in ANN process)

Short normal resistivity log ( 24 samples are included in ANN process)

Spontaneous potential log ( 27 samples are included in ANN process)

However, notice that not every log type is consistently available for each well.

Well logs are primarily used for developing the synthetic well log generation tool. In

addition, synthetic logs for existing wells are included in the production prediction

network development process.


Completion Parameters

The available completion data are the perforation intervals. Most of the wells are

completed at two different depths. Therefore, there are two different perforation intervals

for each well. However, if an actual well is perforated in only one interval then the same

interval is assigned as the second perforation zone in order to maintain the data


Production Data

Three-year-long production data for 25 wells are utilized in the development of

the production prediction expert systems.

Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool

In this tool, 39 different seismic attributes that are extracted at every 100 ft

interval between the depths of 12,000 ft and 15,500 ft are used together with well head

coordinates (X and Y) as input. They are correlated to each well log type separately. In

other words, synthetic well log generation tools are developed individually for each log

type. Therefore, the number of the actual logs used in the network training stage differs

from one neural network tool to another due to their availabilities. For gamma ray, 15

wells are used training, 2 wells are selected as validation samples and 1 well is chosen as

a testing sample. For the other synthetic log generation tools; 2 wells are allocated for


validation and 2 wells are utilized as testing cases. The rest of the wells are assigned as

training samples for each expert system.

In order to find the best architecture, which gives the minimum testing error,

different network architectures are trained and tested. Final versions of the network

designs for all log types can be seen in Figures 5-1 through 5-5.

Figure 5-1 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Gamma ray

Figure 5-2 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Induction



Figure 5-3 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Induction


Figure 5-4 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Short normal



Figure 5-5 Final architecture of synthetic log generation tool – Spontaneous


Log Cubes and Surfaces

After developing the synthetic well log generations tools, synthetic well logs

within the reservoir boundaries are generated for each log type (5 log types in total) and

saved in 3D matrices (in other words, 5 matrices in total). These matrices are created for

once only and after that one can easily bring a log surface for the entire reservoir at the

desired depth for a specific well log type. Figure 5-6 shows a sample synthetic log cube.

A sample log surface can be obtained at the slicing depth of D, as shown in Figure 5-6

and Figure 5-7


Figure 5-6 Synthetic log cube illustration

Figure 5-7 Sample log surface obtained at the depth of D


Shale Content Map of the Reservoir

Shale content of the reservoir is calculated by using the gamma ray log cube

described in the previous chapter.

Production Performance Tools

Six different expert systems are developed in order to predict the production

performance parameters for the reservoir. Structure of each version is shown in Figures

5-8 through 5-13.

The number of wells used in the development stage of each production expert

system is 25. The remaining 23 wells are excluded due to various reasons including

producing from other formations and several work-over situations. For each network; 23

wells are used for training, 1 well is chosen as validation well, and 1 well is included as

the testing well. After finding the best network architecture, each network is retrained 6

additional times by changing the testing well each time. If any of these new combinations

gives better prediction then that network is selected to be the best performing ANN (see

Appendix B).

Production performance parameters are determined for the existing wells and

these parameters are aimed to be predicted by each expert system. The parameters are

summarized as follows:

Plateau flow rate, STB/month: First, the time interval right before hyperbolic

decline curve is determined and then the average flow rate in this region is

assigned as plateau flow rate.


Plateau duration, month.

Coefficients a, b, and c: These are the coefficients for the hyperbolic decline

curve (Equation 5.1) that are fitted with the production data.

𝒒 =𝒂

(𝟏+𝒃𝒕)𝒄 (Eq. 5.1)

Figure 5-8 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-1

Figure 5-9 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-2


Figure 5-10 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-3

Figure 5-11 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-4


Figure 5-12 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-5

Figure 5-13 Final architecture of the production performance network – Version-6

Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Architectures

Since all the wells in the dataset given for this research are vertical wells there is

no chance to compare an actual well log of a complex well architecture (e.g. a well log


that belongs to a horizontal well) with a synthetic one generated along the same

trajectory. Therefore, a sample horizontal well trajectory within the seismic boundaries is

created and the methodology described in previous chapter is employed to get the well

logs along the wellbore.

Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures

The shale content along the same imaginary horizontal well is generated in a

similar way. The same method cannot be applied to the other reservoir properties because

of the absence of the data. For example, if the porosity distribution data existed for the

reservoir then the porosity distribution itself could be obtained along the well trajectory.

Furthermore, by using the porosity distribution, it would be possible to get the Sw

distribution for the whole reservoir and afterwards Sw values along the wellbore could be



Chapter 6

Results and Discussions

In this chapter, expert tools developed for ERZ-25 field are used. The results from

the application of the methodology introduced in Chapter 4 on this specific reservoir are


Synthetic Well Log Generation Tool

Synthetic well logs that are created by using the expert tools showed good match

with the actual logs. Average testing error for each log type ranges from 7.1% to 20.1%

as shown in Figure 6-1. The one with the lowest error level is found to be gamma ray log

tool, with an average testing error of 7.1%.

Figure 6-1 Average testing errors for the synthetic log tools


Figures 6-2 through 6-6 show the testing cases for each log type. Even though

average testing errors are acceptable, it can be observed that neural networks do not show

high level of accuracy in the parts where the actual log values change rapidly to extreme

values. This issue can be partially solved by increasing the number of wells that are used

in the ANN training process. In other words, limited data makes it harder to capture such


Figure 6-2 Testing case for gamma ray log


Figure 6-3 Testing cases for induction conductivity log


Figure 6-4 Testing cases for induction resistivity log


Figure 6-5 Testing cases for short normal resistivity log


Figure 6-6 Testing cases for spontaneous potential log

Log Cubes and Surface Maps

Log cubes for GR, IR, IC, SN and SP logs are created for the reservoir by using

synthetic well log generation tools. Figures 6-7 through 6-11 show the log surface maps


created at the slicing depth of 14,250 ft for each log type. As can be easily noticed,

permeability channels, especially the one in the upper part, are conspicuous.

Figure 6-7 Gamma ray log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft

Figure 6-8 Induction conductivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft


Figure 6-9 Induction resistivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft

Figure 6-10 Short normal resistivity log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft


Figure 6-11 Spontaneous potential log surface at the depth of 14,250 ft

Shale Content Maps for ERZ-25 Field

Shale content of the reservoir is calculated by using the gamma ray log cube as

described in Chapter 4. Figure 6-12 and Figure 6-13 show the shale content maps of the

reservoir at the depths of 13,500 ft and 14,250 ft, respectively. From these figures it can

be concluded that reservoir is more shaly at 14,250 ft than it is at 13,500 ft.


Figure 6-12 Shale content map for ERZ-25 field at the depth of 13,500 ft

Figure 6-13 Shale content map for ERZ-25 field at the depth of 14,250 ft


Production Performance Tools

Production network versions 1, 3, and 5 (the first set of production networks)

predict nine production performance parameters, whereas versions 2, 4, and 6 (the second

set of production networks) predict five parameters in total. The four different parameters

account for the perforation design factors. This second set of networks are designed in

such a way that there are two perforation intervals for each well. This is because most of

the wells that are provided for the study are completed at two different zones.

Figure 6-14 shows the average testing errors for each network. For each network,

three different kinds of average testing error are calculated:

First error calculation method compares the actual and the predicted

production performance parameters

o Nine parameters for the first set of production networks;

o Five parameters for the second set of networks

Second error calculation method compares the actual and the predicted

flow rates

Third method finds the average testing error for cumulative oil production

To be more elaborate, 3-year-long production performance curves are obtained by

using the parameters and these predicted curves are compared against the actual 3-year-

long production rates.

Since each network predicts the production performance parameters directly, the

best network structure for each version is selected based on the first error calculation

method. Table 6-1 shows the average testing errors for the selected networks. The


network with the lowest average testing errors in terms of production performance

parameters (4.19%), flow rate (4.22%), and cumulative production (0.85%) is found to be

version-2 (Table 6-1 and Figure 6-14).

It can be also noticed that the second set of networks (versions 2, 4, and 6) gives

lower average testing errors than the first set of networks (versions 1, 3, and 5) (Table

6-1). In other words, when the perforation scheme is included in the input layer then the

predictions become more accurate.

Table 6-1 Average testing errors for each production expert system

Production Network Types















Parameters Error, %

12.10 4.19 10.63 6.48 10.73 9.55

Flow Rate Error, % 20.02 4.22 12.49 10.63 9.14 9.32


Production Error, %

24.74 0.85 16.06 11.78 11.64 7.49

Figure 6-14 Average testing errors for the production performance tools


For the production performance predictions, six different networks are developed.

Figures 6-15 through 6-18 show the cumulative production and flow rate distribution

maps for the entire reservoir in different years by using version-1, version-3 and version-

5. It can be seen that permeability channels are easily noticed in all distribution maps.

Their ability to capture these channels show the strength of the expert systems.


Figure 6-15 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right

column) distribution at the end of year-1

Version-1 Version-1

Version-3 Version-3

Version-5 Version-5


Figure 6-16 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-5

Version-1 Version-1

Version-3 Version-3

Version-5 Version-5


Figure 6-17 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-10

Version-1 Version-1

Version-5 Version-5

Version-3 Version-3


Figure 6-18 Cumulative production (left column) and flow rate (right column)

distribution at the end of year-15

Version-1 Version-1

Version-3 Version-3

Version-5 Version-5


Synthetic Well Logs for Complex Well Trajectories

This tool is capable of creating synthetic well logs for any kind of well

architectures. Different well architectures are created to show the abilities of this expert

system. First, a vertical well is created between the depths of 12,000 ft-14,000 ft. The

total wellbore length for this vertical well is 14,000 ft. Figure 6-19 shows the trajectory

for this vertical well. Figure 6-20 shows the well log predictions generated for the well

discussed here.

Figure 6-19 Sample well 1 – Vertical


Figure 6-20 Well log predictions for the sample well 1 – Vertical


Second, a slanted well shown in Figure 6-21 is created. It starts to deviate from

the vertical axis at the depth of 12,500 ft and ends at 14,000 ft. The total wellbore length

is found be 14, 715 ft. Figure 6-22 presents the synthetic well logs generated for the

slanted well trajectory.

Figure 6-21 Sample well 2 - Slanted


Figure 6-22 Well log predictions for the sample well 2 – Slanted


Third, a horizontal well is created as shown in Figure 6-23. The kick-off point is

at 13,000 ft and ending depth is 14,000 ft. Figure 6-24 shows the well logs predictions

corresponding to this well trajectory. It can be easily noticed that the red parts of the well

log do not have ups and downs as big as blue and green parts. This is because the red part

represents values coming from the horizontal section of the wellbore. To be more

elaborate, it is expected that the formations at the same depths have similar petrophysical

properties due to the nature of the sedimentation process.

The first 500 feet of 3 wells (vertical, slanted, and horizontal) have the same

coordinates. Therefore, as demonstrated in Figure 6-20, Figure 6-22, and Figure 6-24,

log readings in the upper parts of the yellow lines are exactly the same for each well.

Figure 6-23 Sample well 3 – Horizontal


Figure 6-24 Well log predictions for the sample well 3 – Horizontal


Finally, a well trajectory with two horizontal sections is used (Figure 6-25) for

testing purposes. This well architecture is inspired by such formations as shown in

Figure 6-26. The fault structure urges the need to complete the well at two different

depths. In reality, however, the fault structure shown in Figure 6-26 does not exist in the

formation. Therefore, well logs in Figure 6-27 are created by hand in such a way that

they show a good match with the well trajectory and geological formations shown in

Figure 6-25 and Figure 6-26. The horizontal well sections can easily be noticed by the

relatively flat regions in the log curves.

Figure 6-25 Sample well 4


Figure 6-26 Geological formation with a fault and a well completed horizontally at

two different depths


Figure 6-27 Well log predictions for the sample well 4 – The well with multiple horizontal part


Shale Content for Complex Well Architectures

The sample wells shown in the previous part are used for shale content

calculations. Figures 6-28 through 6-31 show the shale index values along the well

trajectories. By comparing Figure 6-28(a) and Figure 6-28(b) it can be noticed that thin

layers in the formation start to disappear as the resolution decreases.

This powerful expert tool may help the reservoir engineer determine where to

perforate the well.


Figure 6-28 Shale index illustration of the sample well -1 when logging

resolution is (a) 10ft and (b) 40ft


Figure 6-29 Shale index illustration of the sample well -2 when logging

resolution is (a) 10ft and (b) 40ft


Figure 6-30 Shale index illustration of the sample well -3 when logging

resolution is (a) 10ft and (b) 40ft


Figure 6-31 Shale index illustration of the sample well -4 when logging

resolution is (a) 10ft and (b) 40ft


Chapter 7

Conclusions and Recommendations

This research offers a guideline to characterize oil reservoirs with the use of

artificial expert systems. The methodology developed in this work is applied to an oil

field located in North America.

Conclusions derived from this study can be summarized as follows:

All expert systems are able to capture the permeability channels in the


Neural networks identified the already explored prolific zone. Additionally, a

zone with a high production potential, where there are no existing wells, is

found by the expert systems.

Production prediction expert systems perform better when perforation

information is used as an input. In other words, feeding the perforation data as

an output decreases the production data prediction accuracy.

In terms of production performance parameters, flow rate, and cumulative oil

production; network version 2 gave the best results. Version 2 utilizes both

seismic data and perforation scheme as input.

Synthetic well log generation and shale content tools for complex well

trajectories are highly useful in identifying geological formations and

perforation intervals for any type of well architecture.


The number of data samples is one of the most critical factors that affects the

prediction accuracies.

Suggested future work can be summarized as follows:

Both synthetic well log generation tools and production prediction modules

can be retrained with new infill wells in order to improve prediction


The zone with a high production potential, which is found by the expert

systems, can be tested if infill wells are drilled in the future.

Similar to synthetic well log generation and shale content tools for complex

well trajectories; porosity and water saturation values can be obtained along a

complex well architecture if the porosity distribution for the reservoir

becomes available in the future. This can be accomplished by using resistivity

logs and porosity distribution data.

For production performance networks, different decline curves analysis methods can

be applied and compared against each other.



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Appendix A

Definitions of the Surface Attributes

The following are the definitions of the surface attributes used in this study. These

attributes are extracted using Petrel E&P 2014 software. Petrel is a software platform that

brings various disciplines together to find integrated solutions for geological structures.

The definitions are obtained from the Petrel 2014 library.

Arc length

Arc length measures reflection heterogeneity, and can be used to quantify lateral

changes in reflection patterns. It is calculated using the following formula:

Where Z is in milliseconds in time domain, or in feet or meters in depth domain.

Arc length is a stratigraphic sequence indicator.

Average duration of negative loops

Gives the average duration of all negative loops in a given interval. It is undefined

if there is no loop that requires two zero crossings.

where di represents loops with negative amplitude and K is the number of negative loops.


Average duration of positive loops

Gives the average duration of positive loops in a given interval. It is undefined if

there is no loop which requires two zero crossings with positive amplitudes.

where di represents loops with positive amplitude and K is the number of positive loops.

Average energy

This is the squared RMS Amplitude. This attribute is a measure of reflectivity

within a time or depth window and can be used to map direct hydrocarbon indicators in a


Average energy is computed using the following formula:

where k is the number of live samples.

Average loop duration

Average loop duration is defined as the average duration of all loops. It is

undefined if there is no loop (requires two zero crossings). Its reciprocal (e.g. 500/Dav if

the sample rate is 4 ms), gives an approximate average frequency of the seismic data

within the extraction window.


where di represents loops with positive and negative amplitude and m is the number of


Average magnitude

This operation measures the reflectivity within a time or depth window, but is less

sensitive to large numbers than RMS Amplitude.

Average Magnitude is computed using the following formula:

where k is the number of live samples.

This attribute can be used as a hydrocarbon indicator and well as isolated geologic

features which express themselves as anomalous amplitudes relative to background


Average negative amplitude

Gives the average of all negative amplitudes values within the analysis window.

The amplitude range to be included in the calculation can be controlled with the

parameter selector. The data range to be included can be within the defined interval or

outside the defined interval. By default, all data values will be used.


Average negative trough value

Measures the negative reflectivity within a time or depth window. Only trough

values which are negative are included in the average. This allows discrimination of local

minima in the positive lobes of the seismic waveform.

Average peak value

This is the average of all peak values in a window. These peak values can be local

maximums, in which case negative peaks are also averaged in. This attribute can be a

measure of the positive reflectivity within a time/depth window.

Large or small values can be used as a direct hydrocarbon indicator.

Average peak value between zero crossings

This operation is similar to the Average peak value, but instead of taking all peak

values, only the largest peak between each pair of zero crossings is taken.

The output can provide a better measure of reflectivity when tracking a single


Average positive amplitude

Gives the average of all positive amplitudes values within the analysis window.

The amplitude range to be included in the calculation can be controlled with the

parameter selector. The data range to be included can be within the defined interval or

outside the defined interval. By default, all data values will be used.

Average positive peak value

This operation is similar to Average peak value, but instead of taking all peak

values, only the peaks in the positive lobe of the seismic waveform are taken.


Average trough value

This operation measures the average of negative reflectivity within a time or

depth window. Its uses are similar to those of Average peak value.

Average trough value between zero crossings

This operation is similar to Average peak value, but instead of taking all peak

values, only the largest negative peak between each pair of zero crossings is taken.

This attribute can give a better measure of reflectivity when tracking a single event.

Extract value

Extract value is the utility to extract the input seismic value relative to a single

horizon or an existing interpretation.

This utility allows you to produce surface attribute maps from seismic volumes

created as volume attributes with methods not available directly as surface attributes or

from volumes created with Seismic calculator options.

Half energy

This operation computes the time or depth required for the energy within a

window to reach one-half of the total energy within the entire window. Half Energy is

computed using the following formula:

Half energy may indicate asymmetric changes in lithology or porosity within a

specified zone.


Interval average (Arithmetic)

Calculates the arithmetic average over an interval.

Maximum amplitude

Measures reflectivity within a time or depth window. Returns the maximum

positive number in the defined window.

It is used to detect positive direct hydrocarbon indicators such as bright spots.

Maximum loop duration

Defined as the maximum duration (longest half-cycle) of all loops, both positive

and negative in the extraction window. It is undefined if there is no loop (requires two

zero crossings).

Maximum magnitude

Measures reflectivity within a time or depth window. Returns the maximum

positive number in the defined window.

It is used to detect positive direct hydrocarbon indicators such as bright spots.

Mean amplitude

This is the arithmetic mean of the amplitude and is a measure of trace bias. If the

seismic trace has general bias, perhaps from the data processing, this can be removed

from the seismic volume using the Graphic equalizer attribute and removing the zero

hertz component. Mean Amplitude is computed using the following formula:.


where k is the number of live samples.

Positive or negative bias may indicate the presence of bright spots.


The Median of the analysis window can be found by arranging all the values from

lowest to highest value and picking the middle one (i.e. 50% of the values in the window

are below the median value). The Median is less sensitive to extreme values (outliers)

than the computation of the Mean.

Minimum amplitude

This operation measures the reflectivity within a time or depth window. This is

the maximum negative number in the defined window.

It is used to detect negative direct hydrocarbon indicators such as bright spots.

Minimum loop duration

It is defined as the minimum duration (shortest half-cycle) of all loops, both

positive and negative in the extraction window. It is undefined if there is no loop

(requires two zero crossings).


Most of

The Most of attribute captures the most commonly occurring data value within the

analysis window. A histogram is computed from the input window and the value from the

bin with the highest count is output for each trace location.

Number of negative zero crossings

This operation results in a value representing a counter for the number of zero

crossings encountered within the analysis window that match the criteria of the sample

values going from negative values to positive.

Changes in the number of zero crossings can be related to the complexity of the

stratigraphy. A high number of zero crossings generally indicates a greater degree of

vertical lithologic complexity.

Number of positive zero crossings

This operation results in a value representing a counter for the number of zero

crossings encountered within the analysis window that match the criteria of the sample

values going from positive values to negative.

Changes in the number of zero crossings can be related to the complexity of the

stratigraphy. A high number of zero crossings generally indicates a greater degree of

vertical lithologic complexity.

Number of zero crossings

This operation results in a value representing a counter for the number of zero

crossings encountered within the analysis window that match the criteria of the sample

values going both from positive values to negative ranges and from negative to positive



Positive to negative ratio

Ratio of positive to negative is the number of positive values in an interval,

divided by the number of negative values in the interval. If there are no negative values

found in the interval to be used as a divisor, the application returns a value of zero.

This operation can be used to look for lateral changes in thickness and also lithology,

such as a pinchout or a sand that is thickening within a shale sequence.

RMS Amplitude

RMS Amplitude is the square root of the sum of the squared amplitudes, divided

by the number of live samples as shown in the following formula:

where k is the number of live samples.

RMS can map directly to hydrocarbon indications in the data and other geologic

features which are isolated from background features by amplitude response.

Standard deviation of amplitude

Standard deviation of amplitude measures the variability of the seismic amplitude

values within the extraction window. It is undefined if n is less than 2.


Where n is the number of samples in the extraction window and Aav is the average

amplitude of the samples.

Standard deviation of loop durations

It is the Standard Deviation of all loops, both positive and negative durations. It is

undefined if there are not at least two loops (requires three zero crossings).

where Dav is the Average Duration and n is the number of loops.

Sum of amplitudes

This is the arithmetic mean of the amplitude, multiplied by the number of samples

in the window. This operation provides a measure of brightness multiplied by the

formation thickness (time or depth) and may be regarded as a measure of brightness

volume. The Sum of Amplitudes over the given window is calculated as follows:

A large value may indicate a high net sand ratio.

Sum of magnitudes

This operation measures the reflectivity within a time or depth window, but

multiplied by the number of samples in the window. The operation can be used in a


similar way to Sum of Amplitudes but is independent of amplitude sign. The Sum of

Magnitudes over a given window is calculated as follows:

Sum of negative amplitudes

This is the arithmetic mean of the negative amplitudes, multiplied by the number

of samples in the window. This operation provides a measure of brightness multiplied by

the formation thickness (time or depth) and can be regarded as a measure of brightness


A large value may indicate a high net sand ratio.

Sum of positive amplitudes

This is the arithmetic mean of the positive amplitudes, multiplied by the number

of samples in the window. This operation provides a measure of brightness multiplied by

the formation thickness (time or depth) and may be regarded as a measure of brightness


A large value may indicate a high net sand ratio.

Threshold value (>0)

The threshold value attribute computes the percentage of samples that satisfy the

Threshold value parameter. Threshold value parameter: The threshold value is controlled

by the data range selected with the value parameter. You can select the threshold as

greater than, less than, or equal to your defined data range value.

Amplitudes in the seismic data can be analyzed using the user-defined threshold

values that may infer porosity or fluid changes, when amplitude driven.


Time at maximum amplitude

This operation results in a z-value (time or depth) as the output attribute, where

the z-value corresponds to the vertical position of the maximum amplitude within the

analysis window.

Time at minimum amplitude

This operation results in a z-value (time or depth) as the output attribute, where

the z-value corresponds to the vertical position of the minimum amplitude within the

analysis window.


Appendix B

Production Performance Networks for Different Testing Cases

For each production network version, 7 different networks are trained by

changing the testing well each time. The procedure can be summarized as follows:

During the development stage of a production prediction network, one well is

kept as the testing well.

After finding the best network architecture that gives the lowest average testing

error, testing well is replaced with another well and the network is retrained by

using the same architecture (same number of neurons, hidden layers and transfer


In total, 7 different testing wells are used separately. Among these 7 ANNs, the

one with the lowest average testing error in terms of production performance

parameters is selected to be the best performing ANN for a specific production

ANN version.

This procedure is followed for all production ANN versions (6 in total).

The following figures show the predictions made by 7 different ANNs for each



Testing cases 1-3 for Version 1


Testing cases 4-7 for Version 1


Testing cases 1-4 for Version 2


Testing cases 5-7 for Version 2


Testing cases 1-4 for Version 3


Testing cases 5-7 for Version 3


Testing cases 1-4 for Version 4


Testing cases 5-7 for Version 4


Testing cases 1-4 for Version 5


Testing cases 5-7 for Version 5


Testing cases 1-4 for Version 6


Testing cases 5-7 for Version 6


Appendix C

Graphical User Interface

A graphical user interface (GUI) is created in order to in order to enhance the

utilization of the artificial expert systems developed in this study.

Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Vertical well (1): One can

select the location of the vertical well at which the synthetic well logs are desired to be

generated by simply clicking on the reservoir map (2) or entering the coordinates

manually (3). Next step is to enter the start-end depths (4) of the vertical well. After

running the program (5) synthetic well log curves are generated and shown in different

colors (6). One can also bring the log surface maps (7) at the desired depth (8) by clicking

on load well log cube button (9). Well log readings can also be exported to an Excel file

(10) and tabulated (11). In addition, the well trajectory can be visualized (12).

Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Slanted well (1): The start and

end points for the slanted well can determined by entering manually (2, 3) or by clicking

on the map (4-7). Resolution of the logs can be set at desired values (8). The rest of the

procedure is the same with the vertical well.

Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Horizontal well (1): The start

and end points for the slanted well can be determined by entering manually (2, 3) or by

clicking on the map (4-7). In addition, kickoff depth is entered by manually (8). The rest

is the same with other well architectures.


Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –User-defined well (1): The

coordinates of the desired trajectory can be directly imported in a text file format (2 and


Production performance predictions – Version 1 (1): After selecting the

network version, user can select the infill well location either by clicking on the map (2)

or manually entering the coordinates (3). After running the GUI (4), production rate

profiles are shown (5) and are also tabulated (6). Similarly, cumulative production profile

(7) and its corresponding numerical values (8) are displayed. Finally, these values can be

exported to an Excel file (9).

Production performance predictions – Version 2 (1): Following the network type

selection (1), one can enter the infill well location by clicking on the reservoir map (2) or

simply entering the coordinates directly (3). Next step is to enter the desired perforation

scheme (4). After running the program (5), production rate profile is shown as a curve (6)

and in the form of a table (7). Similarly, cumulative production curve (8) and the values

(9) are displayed. Finally, these values can be exported to an Excel file (10).

Production prediction networks versions 3 and 5 are similar to version 1.

Whereas, the network versions 4 and 6 are similar to version 2.


Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Vertical well


Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Slanted well


Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –Horizontal well


Synthetic well log generation tool user interface –User-defined well trajectory


Production performance prediction tool user interface – Network version 1


Production performance prediction tool user interface – Network version 2

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