synergy ppt

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary



During the planning process, we placed a lot of emphasis on ensuring that we had some

obvious and consistent synergous links, that we would be able to easily incorporate into all the pieces we would produce. The most significant items of synergy that we had planned to utilise


The image of S.DOT’s rings.

S.DOT and J’s faces

The black and white colour scheme

What aspects of the video link with the Digipak?

The main link between the video and the Digipak is the visual style elements that we

chose to include.During the video moments of black and

white can be seen. Also, every base track contains shots where the artists

faces can be seen. We wanted to emphasise the importance of ensuring the artists faces were recognisable and to do this, we had to feature their faces as much as possible. These synergetic devices were maintained throughout the creation of both the music video and the Digipak, where the focus of both the album cover and the music

video is the artists.

What aspects of the video link with the website?

The main links between the video and the website are both the visual style,

the artists themselves and the use of the main

synergous link, S.DOT’s ring. The audience

subconsciously see all three of these elements and therefore are able to

recognise the artist, S.DOT simply by seeing any of

the three synergous links.

How can your audience recognise them as linked products?

These 3 clear visual links are shown non-stop throughout the video, on the digipak and are

feature on the website. The audience begin to identify the use of black and white, the 2 rings and the artists face with S.DOT and are then

drawn into the artist as a brand.

How successful do you think your main and ancillary texts are?

Theoretically and in terms of synergy, I feel that the main and ancillary texts that we have created are very effective. We tried to stick very closely

to the codes and conventions of music videos of the same genre, whilst challenging codes and conventions that we felt didn’t add anything to

enhance S.DOT’s character. Furthermore, I feel like the synergy between the main and ancillary texts was strong.

I feel as though the camera quality of the main text significantly effects how successful the product alone is, as well as weakening the link between

the video and ancillary texts. This is because there was emphasis on capturing high quality shots for our ancillary texts, and when put side by

side, the shots used in the music video are of a significantly lower quality. I feel that all the texts would have linked together more if everything we

created looked equally sharp and of a high quality.

Will they attract the target audience?

The ancillary texts will be attractive to the audience as they resemble existing products that have been successful. When

doing our audience research, we put a lot of effort into creating these social networking sites and apps that are popular among

members of our target audience. By doing this the target audience will be drawn into purchasing the album and visiting the

website. The music video may fail to attract a wider audience as we had

followed the codes and conventions very strictly. This meant that our video was very typical of a video of the UK Rap genre, and therefore probably will not appeal to the target audiences of

other genres.

How does my use of synergy compare with that of existing products?

Our use of synergy almost mirrors that of similar artists such as Wretch 32 and Krept and Konan.

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