symptoms (what gout looks like)€¦ · gout and arthritis gout may be your second arthritis. this...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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3 Overview

4 Symptoms (what Gout looks like)

4 Causes

5 Who is affected by Gout?

5 Risk factors for Gout

5 Gout Triggers

• Medicinal Triggers

• Lifestyle Triggers

6 Diagnosing Gout (gouty arthritis)

7 Gout Treatment – The Chemical way

7 Gout Self Care – The Natural way

– Supplementation

9 How to prevent Gout Attacks

10 Gout and Arthritis

10 Gout and Diabetes

11 Different Types of Acids in the human body



Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints.

Uric acid is a breakdown product of purines, which are found in many foods that we

eat. High levels of uric acid in the body can lead to crystallization of these compounds

in joints can cause:

• Attacks of painful arthritis

• Kidney stones

• Blockage of the kidney filtering tubules due to uric acid crystals

• The above mentioned can then lead to kidney failure.

Gout has the unique distinction of being one of the most frequently recorded medical

illnesses throughout history, often following a trauma, such as an illness or injury.

Gout usually affects one joint at a time, but if left untreated, it can affect many joints.

Joint pain that used to resolve in a week to 10 days could become a milder, but

constant pain. Eventually, untreated gout can cause other problems.


Tophi is the plural of Tophus, which means a deposit of uric acid crystals in the form of

monosodium urate crystals.

It can cause painless but disfiguring lumps of crystals formed from uric acid to develop

under the skin surrounding joints.

Gout is associated with other serious

health risks such as:

• high blood pressure

• diabetes

• chronic kidney disease

• cardiovascular disease


Symptoms: What Gout looks like

Acute gout attacks are characterized

by a rapid onset of pain in the affected

joint followed by:

• warmth

• swelling

• reddish discoloration

• marked tenderness

The small joint at the base of the big toe is the most common site for an attack.

Other joints that can be affected include the

• ankles

• knees

• wrists

• fingers

• elbows

In some people, the acute pain is so intense that even a bed sheet touching the toe

causes severe pain. These painful attacks usually subside in hours to days, with or

without medication. In rare instances, an attack can last for weeks. Most people with

gout will experience repeated episodes of gout over the years.


The underlying cause of gout is different from those things that trigger a gout attack.

Gout is the result of excess uric acid in the body, a condition called hyperuricemia.

• Uric acid is a substance that normally forms when the body breaks down purines,

which are found in human cells and in many foods.

• Uric acid is transported by the blood to the kidneys and eliminated in the urine.

However, some people either overproduce uric acid or they produce a normal amount,

but their kidneys can’t process it efficiently and an excess of uric acid builds up. Some,

but not all, of those people may develop gout.


Lifestyle factors, such as obesity, excessive alcohol use – especially heavy beer

consumption, and a diet high in certain high-purine foods also can contribute to

development of hyperuricemia and gout.

Who is affected by Gout?

The prevalence of gout in the western world has risen over the last twenty years and

now affects millions of people. Gout is more common in men than in women.

- The chances of having gout rises with age, with a peak age of 75.

- In women, gout attacks usually occur after menopause.

- In South Africa, about 20% of people have elevated blood uric acid levels, a

condition known as hyperuricemia. However, only a small portion of those

with hyperuricemia will actually develop gout.

- If your parents have gout, then you have a 20% chance of developing it.

However, regardless of the statistics, anybody can develop gout if they do not take

care of themselves and do the things that increase the chance of developing gout

which are discussed below.

Risk factors for Gout

- Lifestyle factors like obesity, excessive weight gain, especially in youth, moderate to

heavy alcohol intake, high blood pressure, and abnormal kidney function are among

the risk factors for developing gout.

- Certain medication and diseases can also cause elevated levels of uric acid.


- Also, there is an increased prevalence of abnormally low thyroid hormone levels

(hypothyroidism) in patients with gout.

Gout Triggers

Medicinal or Health Triggers of gout

• Joint injury

• Surgery or sudden, severe illness

• Infection

• Taking certain diuretic medications for high blood pressure, leg swelling (edema) or

heart failure

• Taking the drug cyclosporine

• Starting a uric acid-lowering treatment

• Chemotherapy

Lifestyle Triggers

• Crash diets and fasting

• Drinking too much alcohol

• Eating large portions of certain foods high in purines (red meats or shellfish)

• Dehydration (not getting enough fluids)

• Sweetened and sugary drinks, like sodas, sport drinks, fruit juices, etc.

Diagnosing Gout (gouty arthritis)

Gout is considered when a patient reports a history of repeated attacks of painful

arthritis, especially at the base of the toes or in the ankles and knees. The most

reliable test for gout is detecting uric acid crystals in the joint fluid obtained by joint

aspiration. This common procedure is performed with topical local anaesthesia. Using

sterile technique, fluid is withdrawn (aspirated) from the inflamed joint with a syringe

and needle.


Once joint fluid is obtained, it is analysed for uric acid crystals and infection. Your

doctor may also do a blood test to measure the amount of uric acid in your blood.

Gout Treatment – The Chemical way

Certain medications reduce the pain and inflammation of gout attacks, such as anti-

inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and naproxen), colchicine, and corticosteroids.

Other medications decrease the level of uric acid in the blood and prevent the deposit

of uric acid in joints (gouty arthritis), the kidneys (stones), and in tissue (tophi),

helping to prevent further attacks and complications.

Please be aware that almost all chemical medications have side effects which may

lead to other health problems. Always read the side effects on the product leaflet.

Gout Self Care – The Natural way

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is a key part of an effective gout treatment plan.

Eating a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity and losing weight if needed

can lower your risk of repeated gout attacks, as well as the chances of developing

heart disease, which is common in people with gout.

Diet –

Developing a lifelong eating strategy that focuses on following a heart-healthy

diet should be the goal for people with gout. This diet includes all the food

groups, especially vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins such as nuts and

legumes, and low-fat dairy.

Refined carbohydrates and processed foods should be kept to a minimum.

What you should eat:

The following foods either lower uric acid, levels or are good for the heart…

- Skim milk and other low-fat dairy products

- Whole grain foods

- Plant oils (olive, canola, sunflower)


- All vegetables

- Some fruits (those that are less sweet)

- Vitamin C supplements (500 to 1,000 milligrams daily)

- Coffee – if you already drink it

- Water

What you should not eat (or limit intake thereof)

The following foods are high in purines, or are known to trigger gout attacks…

- Red meat and organ mean (liver, tongue and sweetbreads)

- Shellfish such as shrimp and lobster

- Sugary beverages

- Excessive alcohol (more than one alcoholic drink for women and two

for men within 24 hours)

- Yeasts, and yeast extracts (such as beer, and alcoholic beverages)

- Asparagus, spinach, beans, peas, lentils, oatmeal, cauliflower and


Physical Activity and Weight Management –

Reaching and maintaining a proper weight is an important part of managing

gout. Not only does losing weight help reduce the uric acid in the blood, it can

lessen the risk of heart disease or stroke, both common in people who have


Being physically active is an important part of managing weight. But getting

started on losing weight or being active isn’t always easy.

Download the Free Manna Diet E-Book at, which can help

you set realistic goals and choose appropriate exercise.

Supplementation –

The Manna PH Balance is a highly effective natural supplement that can help

to excrete excess uric acid from the body without any side effects.


The active ingredients in the product are Eucalyptus Bark Extract and Papaya

Seed Extract which work in tandem to excrete the excess uric acid through the

kidneys. Lowering high uric acid levels helps to give fast effective relief of gout

pain and prevent future gout attacks and arthritis.

How to prevent Gout Attacks

- Always stay hydrated

Drinking enough pure, clean water helps prevent acute gout attacks and decreases

the risk of kidney stone formation in people with gout.

- Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol is known to have diuretic effects that can contribute to dehydration and

precipitate acute gout attacks. Alcohol can also affect uric acid metabolism and

cause hyperuricemia. It causes gout by slowing down the excretion of uric acid from

the kidneys as well as by causing dehydration, which precipitates the crystals in the


- Dietary changes

Healthy changes in the way we eat can help reduce uric acid levels in the blood.

Since purine chemicals are converted by the body into uric acid, purine-rich foods

should be avoided. Foods rich in purines include shellfish and organ meats, such as

liver, brains, and kidneys. Researchers have reported that meat or seafood


consumption increases the risk of gout attacks, while dairy consumption seemed to

reduce this risk. Weight reduction can be helpful in lowering the risk of recurrent

attacks of gout.

Gout and Arthritis

Gout May Be Your Second Arthritis. This inflammatory condition can occur with

osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

That pain in your knee might be from osteoarthritis (OA). Then again, it might be from

gout you didn’t realize you have. It is possible to have more than one type of arthritis

and knowing what you have can help in treating your symptoms.

Gout, which can occur with OA, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA),

results when uric acid crystals are deposited in joint tissue. It causes sudden, severe

pain, swelling and tenderness, usually in the big toe, but it also can occur in the feet,

ankles, hands, knees, wrists, elbows or other joints. It’s typically in only one joint, but

chronic gout can affect multiple joints.

Differentiating between gout and other forms of arthritis is critical because the

treatments are so different. Misdiagnosis could be a real disservice to the patient.

If you think you’ve got gout, the sooner it’s treated, the sooner you’ll get pain relief.

The best way to treat and prevent future uric acid related problems, is to take the

Manna PH Balance supplement on a regular basis.

Gout and Diabetes

People with gout are significantly more

likely to develop type 2 diabetes than

people without gout.

A number of research papers have


shown associations between gout and type 2 diabetes including a study from Harvard

Medical School, published in 2014, which showed gout to be associated with a 70

increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The Manna PH Balance is an excellent supplement to give effective relief from gout

pain. The product can also help to reduce the risk of diabetic nephropathy (kidney


Different types of Acids in the human body

When scientists work with acids, they wear gloves, laboratory coats, safety goggles

and other protective equipment, as these substances can cause significant harm if they

come into contact with the skin or eyes. The acids inside the human body, however,

are essential for human life. Acids are necessary for digestion, protein and hormone

production, genetic coding, and some forms of energy production.

Hydrochloric Acid

The stomach contains cells that produce hydrochloric acid, a component of the gastric

juice that helps humans digest food. This is one of the most important acids in the

human body, as it helps break food into smaller pieces that are easy to digest.

Hydrochloric acid also helps the stomach maintain its acidic environment.

Lactic Acid

During strenuous exercise, the amount of oxygen available to your muscles decreases.

This prompts the muscle cells to produce lactic acid as a source of fuel for the

mitochondria, which produce energy. As the mitochondria exhaust the available supply

of lactic acid, the muscles are able to work longer and harder.


Deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly called DNA, contains the genetic code that allows

living organisms to create new members of their species. Genes – the segments of


DNA that tell the body how to produce specific proteins – contain the genetic

information that is passed from parents to their offspring. These genes are found in

structures called chromosomes, which are passed to the embryo during conception.

Because the DNA passed from one human to another helps determine gender and

physical characteristics, this nucleic acid is necessary for the survival of the species.


The human body needs ribonucleic acid to produce proteins and transmit some types of

genetic information. RNA carries genetic information from the nucleus of the cell to the

site of protein production, making it essential for human life. RNA also plays an

important role in protecting DNA from harm, as it prevents the DNA from having to

leave the nucleus to carry genetic information to other parts of the cell.

Amino Acids

The human body uses amino acids to build proteins, which are used to control the

processes that take place in cells. Proteins also accelerate chemical reactions in the

body, making them necessary for survival. Although the body uses 20 amino acids, it

only produces some of them on its own. You must get 10 of them – called essential

amino acids – from food. The essential amino acids are isoleucine, methionine,

histidine, phenylalanine, lysine, leucine, tryptophan, threonine, arginine and valine.

Poultry, red meat, fish and dairy products are good sources of essential amino acids. If

you do not eat meat or other animal products, combine different grains and legumes to

get the amino acids you need. A dish made of rice and beans is just one option for

vegetarians and vegans.

Fatty Acids

Human cells have a thin membrane that separates cellular structures from the fluid

found outside of the cells. This membrane is made up of fatty acids, proteins and


cholesterol. Humans also need fatty acids to produce proteins and hormones. Although

fatty acids are important, you must get them from the right sources. A diet rich in

monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat can reduce your total cholesterol level and

may reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of

polyunsaturated fat, have also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Avoid trans-fat and saturated fat, as they can increase the amount of low-density

lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol, in your blood. Trans fat forms when manufacturers

add hydrogen to the vegetable oil used to produce cakes, fried foods, cookies,

doughnuts, crackers, shortening and some types of margarine.

Uric Acid

Uric acid is a waste by-product. It’s formed when your body breaks down purines,

which are found in some foods. Purines show up when cells die and get taken apart.

Most of the uric acid leaves your body through the intestines and kidneys.

High uric acid level occurs when your kidneys don't eliminate uric acid efficiently.

Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods,

being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water

pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Other less common causes are a diet high in

purine-containing items or your body producing too much uric acid.

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