symbols reflecting the development of the main · terhempas gelombang raksasa dan jatuh ke laut....

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 134214048











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 134214048













with God all things are possible -Matthew 19-26-

And know that every struggle in life is there to teach you a lesson, it’t times like this that make you.

-Macklemore- The ones who push the limits discover sometimes the limits push

back -Love Like Jay-

You never stop until you stop trying

Don’t give up because of what people said, use that as your

motivation to push harder.



I dedicate this thesis to


My parents

My brother

My sister

My partner

And those who believed me




In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. I am so

blessed that finally, I can finish my undergraduate thesis in Sanata Dharma

University Yogyakarta. First, I want to present my infinite gratitude to my Jesus

Christ and Holy Mary, Mother of God. They make me trust that God will always help

me in my journey and enable me to finish this thesis.

I would also thank my family. My father, Triwiyono Gunawan. My sweet

mother, Maria Yohana Belang, that always prays for me and supports me with her

love. My funniest brothers, Love you so much! my both beloved sister, Paulina Dewi

and Heni Winarsih, that know me so well and know how to treat me in order give the

support and love in a different way. My three dear nieces, Tita, Sekar, and Ajeng for

giving me joy. Last, but not least, to my lover Andika Restu Kinanto with his

faithfully gave me support all time. I’m lucky to have him in my live.

I also want to show my gratitude to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum for

the guidance, patience, and help in terms of handling my thesis. For my co-advisor

Adventina Putranti M.Hum and my examiner Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M.Hum. I

thank for their guidance and support.

I would like to thank many people who have been with me during the process.

My deepest gratitude for Ababil’s group Danny, Utik, Alfin, and Obbie. My other

beloved friends, Galuh, Monic, Lia, Palupi, Sindhy, Farrel, Laksa, Neira, Putri and

the others that I cannot mention. I would also like to express my great gratitude to all

the lectures who taught and given me useful knowledge during my study in English

Letters Department. Keep being excellent and humanist Sanata Dharma.

Theresia Catur Pustakareti.




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... … iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE………………………………………………………… iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY... ................................................................. v


MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vii

DEDICATION PAGE ....................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... .. 1

A. Background of the Study ........................................................................... .. 1

B. Problem Formulation ................................................................................. .. 5

C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................ … 5

D. Definition of Terms ................................................................................... .. 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................... 7

A. Review of Related Studies ............................................................................ 7

B. Review of Related Theories ....................................................................... 8

1. Theory of Symbol ................................................................................... 8

2. Theory of Character, Characterization, and Character Development ... 12

C. Theoretical Framework .............................................................................. 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 17

A. Object of the Study .................................................................................... 17

B. Approach of the Study ............................................................................... 18

C. Method of the Study .................................................................................. 19

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS .............................................................................. 20

A. The Development of Jay Moriarty as a Character ..................................... 21

1. The Description of Jay Moriarity before Facing his fear ...................... 21

a. Afraid ................................................................................................ 21

b. Caring for his mother ......................................................................... 24

c. Enthusiastic .......................................................................................... 2



2. The Description of Jay Moriarity before Facing his fear ...................... 29

a. Brave .................................................................................................. 30

b. Caring his mentor .............................................................................. 31

B. The Symbols as Reflection on The Character Development of Jay…...33

1. The Letter ............................................................................................... 34

2. The Surfboard .......................................................................................... 36

3. The Tittle Chasing Mavericks ................................................................. 39

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 42

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 45




PUSTAKARETI. THERESIA CATUR, Symbols Reflecting the Development of

the Main Character in Jim Meenaghan’s Chasing Mavericks. Yogyakarta;

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

This thesis discusses a novel entitled Chasing Maverick written by Jim

Meenaghan published in 2012. This novel is about a boy named of Jay Moriarty from

Cruz, California. Jay loves to count the waves. One day, when Jay stands on a rock,

he is tossed away by a huge wave and falls into the sea. He is saved by Frosty

Hesson, a local surfer. In that moment he became certain that surfing was his destiny.

There are questions that are analyzed in this thesis. First is the description of what the

developments which occurred in the character of Jay Moriarty in Jim Meenaghan’s

Chasing Mavericks and second is the description what of the symbols of the letter,

the surfboard, and the title of the novel symbolizes and reflect Jay’s development.

Library research is the method used to answer the questions in the problem

formulation. The theories used in this thesis are theories of character,

characterization, and symbol. The approach used in this study is New Criticism. This

approach is an approach emphasizing on close reading as a way to engage with a text,

and paid close attention to the interactions between form and meaning.

The answer to the first problem is the description of Jay’s characterization and

his character development; from scared to brave, from only caring about his mother

to eventually it develops into his mentor, Frosty. Jay is portrayed to be always

enthusiastic to learn surfing in this novel. In the process of Jay Moriarty character

development; there are some symbols that reflect the development of the character

that discussed in the second problem. The answer to the second problem presents the

letter, the surfboard, and the title of the novel as the symbols that reflect the

development of the lead character. The letter symbolizes Jay’s character from afraid

of reading the content of the letter. Surfing board symbolizes two things. First, it is

the first sign when surfing becomes his main drive and becomes his vision of what he

wants to do. Second, surfing board reflects the tool that Jay uses to help him achieve

his vision. The surfing board also symbolizes the beginning of Jay’s relationship with

Frosty and it shows the changing in Jay’s character. The relationship that before just a

child and a man, then to teacher and student, and finally like a father and a son. The

title Chasing Maverick itself reflects two meanings. First, Maverick is a huge wave

that can reach the height of 80 feet. This is related to the wave condition that Jay

faces where the title is also reflecting Jay as a character. Second, Chasing Mavericks

possess the meaning of catching the dream. The title Mavericks presents Jay’s dream

to ride the wave and in the end, he succeeded in achieving that dream.




PUSTAKARETI.THERESIA CATUR, Symbols Reflecting the Development of the

Main Character in Jim Meenaghan’s Chasing Mavericks. Yogyakarta: Program

Studi, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

Skripsi ini mengenai novel yang berjudul Chasing Mavericks yang ditulis oleh

Jim Meenaghan yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2012. Novel ini mengisahkan seorang

anak laki-laki yang bernama Jay Moriarty. Jay berasal dari Santa Cruz, California.

Jay suka menghitung gelombang. Suatu hari, ketika Jay berdiri di atas batu, ia

terhempas gelombang raksasa dan jatuh ke laut. Jay diselamatkan oleh Frosty

Hesson, seorang peselancar lokal. Pada saat itu ia yakin bahwa berselancar adalah

takdirnya. Ada dua permasalahan yang dirumuskan dan dianalisis dalam studi ini.

Pertama adalah deskripsi mengenai perkembangan apa yang terjadi pada karakter Jay

Moriarty di dalam buku Chasing Mavericks dan kedua adalah apa arti dari simbol

surat, papan selancar, dan judul novel yang melambangkan dan juga merefleksikan

perkembangan Jay.

Studi pustaka adalah metode yang digunakan penulis untuk menjawab

pertanyaan dalam perumusan masalah. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian

ini adalah teori karakter, karakterisasi, dan simbol. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam

studi ini adalah pendekatan New Criticism (Kritik Sastra Baru). Pendekatan ini adalah

pendekatan yang menekankan pada pembacaan yang mendalam sebagai cara untuk

memahami pada sebuah karya, dan memperhatikan interaksi antara bentuk dan

makna. Hasil analisis pertama adalah deskripsi karakter Jay dan perkembangannya

dari takut menjadi berani, dari yang semula peduli kepada ibunya saja akhirnya juga

peduli kepada mentornya yang bernama Frosty. Karakter Jay yang digambarkan

selalu antusias untuk belajar berselancar juga digambarkan di dalam novel ini. Hasil

analisis kedua mempresentasikan simbol seperti surat, papan selancar, dan judul

novel yang merefleksikan perkembangan tokoh utama. Simbol surat di dalam novel

menggambarkan perubahan karakter Jay yang semula takut untuk membuka isi surat

menjadi berani untuk membuka dan membaca isi surat tersebut. Simbol papan

seluncur mengambarkan dua hal. Pertama, papan seluncur merupakan tanda pertama

kalinya berselancar menjadi hasratnya dan menjadi visi yang akan dia lakukan.

Kedua, mengambarkan alat yang digunakan Jay untuk membantu dia mencapai

visinya. Simbol papan seluncur menjadi titik awal hubungan Jay yang meluas kepada

Frosty dan juga menunjukkan perubahan karakteristik Jay. Judul Chasing Mavericks

sendiri juga mengambarkan dua makna. Pertama, Mavericks adalah ombak besar

yang tinggi ombaknya bisa mencapai 80 kaki. Ini terkait dengan kondisi ombak yang

akan Jay hadapi dimana judul novel ini pula mengambarkan karakter Jay yang ingin

menangkap ombak Mavericks itu. Kedua, Chasing Mavericks mempunyai makna

menangkap mimpi. Judul novel ini mempresentasikan mimpi Jay untuk mengendarai

ombak Mavericks dan pada akhirnya dia sukses meraih mimpinya tersebut.





A. Background of the Study

In literature, a symbol is a thing that suggests more than its literal

meaning. The language of literature is far from merely referential and does not

simply state and express what it says. Mary Rohrberger sees symbols as an item

that stands for something beyond itself and often for many things (1971: 16).

Symbols stand for a significant idea or concept.

Perrine state symbol may be an object, a person, a situation, or an action.

These elements have a literal meaning that suggests other meanings (2010: 223).

It is highly “connotative” something like the usual qualitative value. (Wellek and

Warren, 1956: 8-9). New signification opens the new way to a new qualitative

value and giving communicative value with emotional, cultural and imaginative


According to the scholar Lous Teeter, the expression “vegetable love” at

the time was “life-giving principle” (Magliola, 2000: 75) but the significations

open the way to a new qualitative value in the twentieth century. “Vegetable love”

connotates “torpidity” love as an “erotic cabbage,” as Teeter says (Magliola,

2000:76). In general, the word “vegetable” has taken on a new signification and a

new verbal sign. Moreover, a symbol is a “specific literary movement” which

brings different contexts and purposes (Wellek and Warren, 1956: 188).



It means different authors share the similar ideas about content, thought,

form, style share that can bring different context. Symbols are an ideas that

depend on every single word that carries meaning and related unit within the

context and the function of the text. The symbols come out in various

circumstances and target like an image.

William Harmon says “a symbol combines a literal and sensuous quality

with an abstract or suggestive aspect” (2009: 539). In a literary sense, the symbols

represent two forms of meanings that have the literal meaning of words and used

the meanings of the words itself in other non-literal meaning words.

The term symbol is applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an

object or event which in its turn signifies something or suggests a range of

reference, beyond itself (Abrams, 2009: 358).

In daily life, symbols can be found in signs, numbers, or letters that have a

fixed meaning. Numbers and letters, for example, are a symbol that carries

meaning depending on contexts; it can be a mathematic symbol, a science symbol,

or a music symbol. Wiliam Harmon argues that all language is symbolic in this

sense, and many of the objects that we use in daily life are also (2009: 539).

A symbol is something that is itself and also stands for something else, as

a flag is a piece of colored cloth that stands for a country (Harmon: 2009 -539).

In Valentine‟s Day, the color of red and the red rose is the symbol of romance or

love. Another example according to Sylvan Barnet, “A forest often stands for

some sort of mental darkness, or chaos, a mountain for stability and a valley for a

place of security” (1994: 694).



Warren & Wallek argues that writers such as Shakespeare, Emily Bronte,

and Poe have different ways to tell the reader the meaning of the text. It can be

seen from the system of properties that they were used such as the metaphor or

symbol (1956: 201). For example, in Edgar Allan Poe‟s “The Tale-Tell Heart” a

part of the character‟s body may convey symbolic meaning: a baleful eye

(Kennedy and Gioia, 2010: 224). A penetrating “vulture eye” where it drives a

hysterical narrator to murder.

Furthermore, in Moby Dick, Herman Melville‟s most famous book, the

great white whale of the book‟s title apparently means more than a literal meaning

for an aquatic mammal. The white whale, as the story unfolds, comes to imply an

amplitude of meanings: among them the forces of nature and the whole created

universe. Therefore, the author used symbols as an instrument to deliver ideas or

messages (Kennedy and Gioia, 2010: 223). In literature, symbols are generally

characters, settings, images, or motives that stands in for important ideas.

According to Perinne, in the story, the development of a character changes

the personality, behavior, and minds of the character itself. The development of

this character could be irrecoverable, reversible, or no changes at all from the

beginning until the end of the story.

Madonna Gauding explains the example of the symbols related to the

character‟s development. The image of winding stairs represents the winding

stairs of life that a Mason climbs steadily, from birth to his final resting place. “It

is a symbol of the Masonic process of inner growth and the building of character

and the symbol of the Masonic labor of personal self-improvement and character



development”(2009: 91). The researcher chooses the novel entitled Chasing

Mavericks by Jim Meenaghan to be discussed in this thesis.

The story is about a young boy‟s life named Jay Moriarty from Santa

Cruz, California. He was born with a talent for surf and loves surfing. He is

thrilled for surfing. One day, he was knocked out by a giant wave and drowned.

Frosty Hesson, a local surfer, saved him from drowning. At one morning, Jay is

startled by the whine of an engine outside and peered out the window. He sees

Frosty down the street, loading the red gun into his van. Frosty used the board to

surf “monsters” waves. He needs to see this so he ran outside and climbed into

Frosty‟s van without him noticing it.

The waves and the surfers are the most amazing thing he has ever seen.

Mavericks is the biggest waves in the world. “Mavericks is a winter destination

for some of the world‟s best big wave surfers. Willing to risk the hazardous

condition at Mavericks” (Post Modern web. 05 June 2017.

After seeing Mavericks, Jay is looking for a trainer to surf it. Jay begs to

Frosty Hesson, as a local surfer, to train him to ride the big wave. Frosty agrees

after his wife told him. Jay only has twelve weeks to prepare himself to ride


The researcher attempts to find the symbol in Chasing Mavericks and to

discuss the symbols that play significant roles in the novel. The letter, the

surfboard, and the title Chasing Mavericks are the symbols in the story. Jay

received a letter from his father, but he did not want to open it. The symbol of the

letter represents his bravery to face his fear.



Another symbol is the surfboard that describes a relationship of having a

father figure and his destiny to surf. The title Chasing Mavericks itself portrays

Jay Moriarty in terms of chasing his dreams. These symbols display the character

of Jay Moriarty that changes over time. The researcher is interested in analyzing

the way the author portrays the characters through characterization and how the

author describes the main character‟s development before and after he faces his

fear as well as the relation between the symbol and character‟s development in

Chasing Mavericks.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What the developments which occurred in the character of Jay Moriarty

in Jim Meenaghan‟s Chasing Mavericks?

2. What of the symbols of the letter, the surfboard, and the title of the

novel symbolizes and reflects Jay‟s development?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the question stated in the problem formulation, this study has

two objectives. The first objective is to define the character and the

characterization of Jay Moriarty as the main character of the novel before and

after he faces his fear. The second objective is to observe how the symbols of the

letter, the surfboard, and the title of the novel are represented in Chasing




D. Definition of Terms

This part includes some definitions of key terms related to this study. The

first term used in this research is a symbol. In literature, a symbol may be an

object, a person, a situation, an action, or some other element that has a literal

meaning in the story but that suggest or represent other meaning as well (Perrine,

2006: 284).

Symbolism is the use of one object to represent or suggest another or in

literature the serious and extensive use of the symbols (Holman and Harmon

2009: 540).

The second term is character development. Perrine states that the

character‟s development is divided into two types; the static character remains

essentially the same person from the beginning of the story to the end while

developing or dynamic character undergoes some distinct change of character,

personality, or outlook. (Perrine, 2006: 164-165).

Characters are important in the story as Henkle states that the story is

divided into two parts as a minor character and major character. The major

character or the central character dominates from the beginning to the ending of a

story. However, in the story, the minor character is only shown once or few times

(1977: 86-87).





A. Review of Related Studies

In this review of related studies, the writer has found the related studies from

Andrew Nantio and Silvia Galuh Oktaviani that relate to this research.

First is taken from an undergraduate thesis of an English Letter Department

student named Andrew Nantio. Nantio finds out Jonas‟s personality development

and the influence of his community towards his personality development in the

novel The Giver by Lois Lowry. The thesis says that,

In the novel, Jonas is characterized as a good boy. He is clever, obedient,

curious, friendly, and love to learn something new. The writer finds out

that the personality of the main character develops since he is selected to

become the new Receiver of Memory” (Nantio, 2016: 49).

Nantio used personalities development theories and psychological approach

in his undergraduate thesis while the researcher used new criticism approach to

analyze the character development.

Society can shape someone‟s personality since they interact one to

another. The society certainly has an effect toward someone‟s life. It is

reflected in Jonas life. The personality of Jonas develops since he began

his training and know the truth about what really happens in the society

(Nantio, 2016: 51).

This present thesis has similarity in theories in order to understand the character

and the characterization of the major character in Chasing Mavericks. The second

thesis is entitled “The Symbols as the Reflection of the Major Character‟s Life in

John Steinbeck‟s The Chrysanthemums” that focuses on the symbols used by the

author to give reflections about the major character‟s life.



This story has some very powerful contextual symbols. Reflective of the

title, the most important symbol are chrysanthemums, representative of

Elisa‟s story personality (Oktaviani, 2013: 45)

In this thesis, Silvia Galuh Oktaviani states that the symbols in The

Chrysanthemums represent Elisa‟s true personality. The Chrysanthemums

symbolize Elisa‟s role as a woman. The way she cares for her flowers, is the way

she would take care of her children. Elisa‟s character reflects symbols of “The

Chrysanthemums”. The way the author gives the impression to the readers are by

characters and characterization. It can be considered as references to this research.

This present thesis has similarity in analyzing the symbols as the reflection of the

main character in the novel.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the researcher discusses some theories that support the

analysis later. The theories discussed are theory of symbol, character

development, and character and characterization.

1. Theory of Symbol

M.H Abrams defined symbol as anything which signifies something else,

in this sense, all words are symbols. In discussing literature, the term symbol is

applied only to a word or phrase that signifies an object or an event that in turn

signifies something, or has a range of reference (2009: 392). A symbol has more

than one meaning. A word or a phrase are the items that supports or represents

something. X.J. Kennedy says that in literature, symbol is a person, a place, or a

thing that suggests meaning more than its literal meaning. A symbol often

contains multiple meanings and associations.



Symbols generally do not “stand for” any one meaning, nor for anything

absolutely definite, they point and hint (1999: 217). Having a double meaning and

a connection are unique characteristics of a symbol. A symbol has certain power

to portray something and it depends on different contexts such as a person, a

location, or a thing.

The things that we see everyday such as colors, shapes, or objects can be

symbols and it suggests another meaning. The symbols may be anything from an

egg to the story‟s setting: a single object, a repeated type of object, a physical

substance, a shape, a gesture, a color, a sound, a fragrance. They may represent a

fact of a human personality (Robert Stanton, 1965: 31).

A symbol may be roughly defined as something what it suggest on the

surface that means more than what it is. The symbol is the richest and at the same

time the most difficult of the poetic figures. Symbol vary from the degree of

identification and definition given to them by their authors (Perrine, 2006: 284-

285). This means the symbol‟s variation which is given by the author identifies

something that means more than what it is and requires a comprehension to the

statement in the work.

Furthermore, Robert Stanton states that symbolism has three usual effects

depending on how it is used. First, a symbol appears during an important moment

of the story and underlines the significance of that moment. Second, a repeated

symbolism reminds us of some constant element in the story. The third type of

evidence is provided by the other character in a story, even the minor ones (1965:

31). Coming up in a significant moment, frequent in several times, and delivered



by other characters are the kinds of symbolism‟s effect. Robert Stanton reminds

that it may be a symbol as the author make a detail conspicuous by describing it

more fully than its actual importance deserves, by making it unusual for no

apparent reason, by mentioning it in the title, or by some other means (1965: 31-

32). It possibly for the author making a catchy detail to be a symbol.

Discovering the symbols can be done with comparing the detail to its

context. These methods of interpreting symbols like noting the symbols'

connotations, comparing it to its context, comparing its contexts to one another

can be useful (Robert Stanton, 1965: 33). There are methods to identify the

symbols. First, the symbol that appears in the work is written. Second, the symbol

is compared with the context from the text.

The climax and symbolic moment can be distinguished because a

symbolic moment often misinterpreted in short stories.

In short stories, a single symbolic moment sums up the story‟s meaning –

or to speak more technically, it represents the resolution of the main

conflict. It is often simultaneous with the climax, but the two can be

distinguished. The climax is when a moment at which something happens

decides the fate of the characters. The symbolic moment visibly represents

what has happened (Robert Stanton 1965: 34).

The next thing is how symbol works. The ability to interpret symbol is

nevertheless essential to fully understand the meaning of it. Readers should

always be alert for symbolic meanings and also should observe.

We should be reluctant to identify an item as symbolic. The symbol has its

meaning within the story, not outside of it. A symbol may have more than one

meaning. A statement by Perrine below describes how to improve the knowledge

about symbol especially on how the symbols work in a text.



Perrine defines how the symbols work as follows: (1) The story itself must

furnish a clue that a detail is to be taken symbolically. Symbols nearly always

signal their existence by emphasis, repetition, and position.

The function of this one can be the signals to identify and interpret an

item. (2) The meaning of a symbol in literature must be established and supported

by the entire context of the story. The symbol has its meaning in the story, not

outside. The relation to other references within the story establishing the

correlations as the function how the symbols work. (3) To be called a symbol, an

item must suggest a meaning different in kind from its literal meaning. A symbol

is more than the representative of class or type. An item as the function of symbol

to be something more than an example of any classor type. (4) A symbol may

have more than one meaning. And all it most effective, a symbol like a manifected

jewel, it flashes different colors when turned in the light. It may suggest a cluster

meaning (2006: 289-290).

According to Laurence Perrine, their definitions about the functions of the

symbol are presented as symbol, that is, functions literally and figuratively at the

same time. The symbol is meaningless except as it stands for something else, and

the connection between the sign and what it stands for is purely arbitrary.

Accurate interpretation of the symbol requires delicacy, tact, and good sense

(2006: 733-735). Based on the quotation above, the functions of symbols are

actual and figurative. It means symbols have two functions that are based on the

basic meaning and on the non-literal meaning. The function of the symbol is to

express an idea in an interesting and different language.



2. Theory of Character, Characterization and Character Development

Robert Stanton suggests that most stories contain a central character who

is relevant to every event in the story, the author‟s explicit description of and

comment upon the character, and the most important evidence of all is the

character‟s own dialogue and behavior (1965: 17-18). The dialogue and the action

are the particular things which represented the characters in the work.

Characters are the person represented in a dramatical or narrative work

who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral,

intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons

say and their distinctive ways of saying it, the dialogue and from what they

do the action (M.H Abrams, 2012 : 46).

Based on the importance characters are divided into “major” and “minor”

characters. The major character takes an important part and is presented

continuously in the story. He or she always relates in relation to other characters.

The central character dominates from the beginning to the end. However, in the

story, minor characters are shown only once or twice. His/her role in the story is

to support the development of the major character (Roger B. Henkle 1977: 86-90).

Perrine defines the author presents their characters either directly or

indirectly. In the direct presentation, they tell us straight out, by exposition or

analysis, what the characters are like, or they have another character in the story

that describe them. In an indirect presentation, the author shows us the character

through their actions and we determine what they are like by what they say or do.

The differences are in direct presentation the author describe the characters

directly in the story while indirect presentation the author does not describe the



character directly and we must find out the character through their action in the


Murphy (1972: 161) states that there are nine ways in which an author

accomplish to make his character understandable, namely:

a. Personal description

The author describes the character through appearance and clothes.

b. Character as seen by another

The author draws the character through the eyes and opinions of


c. Speech

The author presents the reader about the character through what the

person says or the way the person give the opinion.

d. Past life

The author tells about the person‟s past life to the reader through the

conversation, through the persons‟ thought or by using a direct

comment from the author in order to give the readers clue.

e. Conversation of others

The reader knew the character among the conversation of other


f. Reactions

The reader is shown by the author how the character reacts to various

events or situation.



g. Direct comment

The author gives a comment or description about a person‟s character


h. Thoughts

The author delivers the reader a direct knowledge of what the

characters are thinking about.

i. Mannerism

The author tells the reader about the person‟s characters with

portraying the habit and the manner.

Character development appears in two types. They are a static character

and dynamic character. “Static character is the type of character that does not

change from the beginning until the end of the story while the type of character

who can change in the story is called a dynamic character” (Perrine, 2009: 164).

The developing or dynamic character is opposite to the static character. A

dynamic character is more complex and many-sided. It displays significant

differences of behaviors in some events.

Perrine stated that the static character is the same sort of a person at the

end of the story as at the beginning and developing (or dynamic) character

undergoes a permanent change in some aspect of character, personality, or outlook

(2009: 165).

A change in the character meet three conditions: (1) it must be consistent

with the individual‟s characterization as dramatized in the story; (2) it must be

sufficiently motivated by the circumstances in which the character is placed; and



(3) the story must offer sufficient time for the change to take place and still be

believable (2006: 165). Character in a novel should not be static. There must

development. Action and incident spring out of character and, having occurred,

they change it, so that at the end of a novel character should have changed, have

developed (Laar, 1969: 171).

C. Theoretical Framework

Jim Meenaghan‟s Chasing Mavericks contains symbols that represents the

character development of Jay Moriarty. There are some theories that are needed to

find the significance of symbols to the characterization, such as a theory of

symbols, theory of character development, and theory of character and


The theories on character and characterization are needed to understand

and to answer the first question of the characterization which closely related to the

main character through personal description, character as seen by another, speech,

past life, a conversation of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and

mannerism. To analyze Jay Moriarty‟s character development, static characters

and dynamic characters, as well as the theory of character development, are


Theory of symbol is needed to identify and to understand the meaning of

symbols that exist in Chasing Mavericks. The symbols such as the letter, the

surfboard, and the title of the novel are the data needed to find the meaning and its

representation in the work.



By using character theory, characterization and character development are

important to identify the character of Jay Moriarity represented in narrative work.

Based on importance characters divided into two major and minor.

The major character is dominant in the story. Character development

which divided into static character and dynamic character is important to analyze

the character is change or not. If the character changed in the story, it means they

are developing.

From the first question that discusses the character development relates to

the second question, appears the symbols such as the letter, the surfboard, and the

title of the novel which also reflects Jay Moriarty development. The theory of

symbols is applied to the second question and is useful for discussing the symbols

in the novel as well as reflect Jay‟s development.





A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel written by Jim Meenaghan entitled

Chasing Mavericks. Chasing Mavericks is a novel that was first published on

September 18, 2012 by Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Chasing Mavericks is

based on the inspiring journey of a young boy named Jay Moriarty. The novel

consists of 133 pages and is divided into 21 chapters.

Jim Meenaghan, in the story, display emotions and feeling in the character.

Jay Moriarty is the main character of the novel. He is a boy from Santa Cruz,

California. He likes to count the time the waves crashes the rocks. One day, Jay

and Kim play on the beach. While Jay is standing on a rock, unexpected he incurs

by a giant wave and drowned. Fortunately, Jay is saved by Frosty Hesson, a local

surfer. Since then, he became interested in surfing. After seven years, Jay is

addicted with surfing.

One morning, Jay climbs on top of Frosty‟s car. Frosty did not know that

Jay followed him. Then Frosty drive his car to the local beach to surf. In there, Jay

watches Frosty rides a wave that is known as Mavericks. The wave is the biggest

wave in the world. As Frosty plays, he hears a shout and it comes from Jay. Frosty

realized that Jay followed him. Jay begs Frosty to teach him how to surf and ride

Mavericks. At first, Frosty did not want to teach him. But after his wife talked him

out, Frosty finally agrees to train Jay to ride the wave.



Frosty warns Jay of the risks and the fact that he only has twelve weeks to

get Jay prepared to ride Mavericks. He spent his whole life surfing. Jay passed

away on June 15, 2001, a day before his twenty-third birthday. The epilog of this

novel explained why he passed away.

It was a free-diving accident in the India Ocean off the coast of the island

Lohifushi. He had been down forty-five feet, meditating on the ocean‟s

floor, the last time anyone saw him (Jim Meenaghan, 2012: 114).

Jim Meenaghan, as the author, is enthusiast with the idea of making a film

inspired from Jay‟s life. The novelist adapted and filmed it on 26 October 2012

with Jim Meenaghan as the producer in Chasing Mavericks. A review from NY

Times mentioned that,

Brandon Hooper and Jim Meenaghan (who both happen to be surfers),

have achieved something as rare as Moriarty‟s wipeout: an accurate

.Hollywood portrayal of surfers and surfing ( 03 Oct


B. Approach of the Study

In this thesis, New Criticism approach is applied to analyze in Jim

Meenaghan‟s Chasing Mavericks. Wilfred Guenrin states in A Handbook of

Critical Approaches to Literature that New Criticism is invented on the

impression of the author (2005: 78-79). This means that New Criticism is

demanded to have close attention to words, images, and symbols because it is

related to life and ideas. It is appropriate with M.H Abrams‟s statement that New

Criticism is an explication in order to make understandable or a close reading to

analyze the meanings and the interactions of words, figures of speech, and

symbols. The principle of New Criticism is basically verbal.



Bressler mentions that the purpose of New Criticism is to reveal the

structure of the work of art and its interrelationship and to find out the idea

developed from the work itself (1999: 43). The process of New Criticism analysis

begins with studying the words in the text that may have denotative or connotative

meanings (1999: 45). Analysing the words is the first process to begin with in

New Criticism.

Based on these statements, it can be concluded that New Criticism is the

approach to analyze the literary text in Chasing Mavericks and to identify the

relation between the symbols and the main character‟s development.

C. Method of the Study

As the method of the study, the researcher applied library research and

internet sources to support this study. The primary data and the secondary data are

the main sources for composing this study. The novel Chasing Mavericks by Jim

Meenaghan are taken as the primary data. The secondary data are taken from

books and the internet that consist of theories and criticism to support the analysis.

First, the writer read Chasing Mavericks with a close reading technique.

This step ensures the researcher to have comprehension to the context of the story.

Next, the researcher writes some notes that are related with the character

development and symbolism used in the novel.

To support the analysis, the researcher collected the secondary sources, the

references books, and internet sources which are related to the study. The data

which collected are used to analyze the objects and to discover how the author

shows the characterization and articulates the symbols in Chasing Mavericks.





A. The Development of Jay Moriarty

The character development of Jay Moriarty is discussed in this part.

Henkle‟s theories on major and minor characters are used in this section. In

Chasing Mavericks, Jay Moriarty is categorized as the major character. Jay

Moriarty is dominant from the beginning until the end of the story. The character

of Jay Moriarty takes an important part and is presented continuously in the story.

The researcher identified the characteristic of the Jay Moriarty‟s character

and then find out how Jay is developed. In order to classify the characteristics of

Jay Moriarty, the researcher divides it into two sections. The first is the

description of Jay Moriarty before he faces his fear and the second is the

description of Jay Moriarty after he faces his fear. The author divides it into two

parts to be seen in both directions that there are two characters of Jay who look

dominant before and after he can face his fears. To comprehend a character‟s

characterization, the writer must follow certain rules regarding what it means to

analyse a character. It can be from the charater‟s description, character as seen by

another, speech, past life, conversation of other, reactions, direct comment,

thoughts, and mannerism.



1. The Description of Jay Moriarty Before Facing His Fear

a. Afraid

Afraid is one of Jay Moriarty‟s characteristics. In Chasing Mavericks, Jay

Moriarty received a letter from his father. A letter is already lying on his air

mattress. He noticed that the letter is addressed to him. He knows it because the

envelope is printed “From Sergeant D. Moriarty.” In every situation when Jay

doing something in his room, he usually looking on his father‟s letter. He did not

want to see or even opened it.

Finally, he found a cigarette box to keep the letter that has been bothering

him. The letter is perceived as a thing that frightens Jay Moriarty. At one time, he

wants to destroy the letter by burning it, but he cannot. He was not ready to

destroy just yet. “He just could not do it. Even if he never read it and he was

pretty sure he never wanted to he had to know that it was there.” (Meenaghan,

2012: 13).

One day, Frosty asked about Jay's father out of curiosity. Jay told him that

his father gave him a letter two years ago but he did not know what it was because

he never opened it. Frosty knew that Jay received a letter from his father, but Jay

did not want to open.

“And your father?” Frosty sounded reluctant like he knew the answer

would give him more information than he really wanted. “He sent me a

letter a couple years back.” Jay shrugged as they headed toward the surf

shed, trying to say as little as possible. “From his base in Panama.” “So

what'd he say? In the letter.” “Don't know. Never opened it.” (Meenaghan,

2012: 28).



Jay's anger culminated when he received a reply of his essay from Frosty

that he had to repeat it again. Jay asked about the essay on the fear he was

working on. Frosty replied that he just wanted Jay to leave what he hid or what he


“Jay received the resulting essay on the fear he had written for Frosty, with

the words, “DO OVER!” scribbled across the top. Something snapped

inside him when he saw those words. After all the work he had put into it,

after everything he had given up for just a shot at riding Mavericks.”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 89).

Jay anger to Frosty peaks is shown here. When he could not accept the fact

that he had to repeat the essay assignment given by Frosty. Jay is angry that after

all the sweat he has done to ride the Mavericks is only problematic in an essay on

the fear. Jay also has written it twice but still rejected by Frosty. Seems like

everything he did is nothing. Therefore Jay asked why he did that to him. And

Frosty replied, “Cuz I want the truth. For you, not me” (Meenaghan, 2012: 90).

“And ask yourself: What am I gonna leave behind? The truth of who I

really was? Or just a bunch of words on a page. All that stuff burning deep

down in you, stuff you can't even look at 'cuz it scares you so much. What

is that, huh? Is it the same thing that's in that letter you can't open but

never throw away?” (Meenaghan, 2012: 90)

There was an argument between Jay and Frosty in their conversations. The

dialogue above shows that Frosty wanted the truth for Jay. Jay must overcome his

fear before he surfs Mavericks. Frosty is certain that if Jay could not open the

letter and face his fear then he cannot surf Mavericks. Frosty wanted Jay to reflect

his true self about what he fears. That is the reason given by Frosty to Jay, why he

wanted Jay to rewrite that essay.



Frosty reminded Jay about the letter that Jay would never open and ever

able to discard. Something that made Jay could never read because he is scared.

“Do what? 'Cuz if you don't wanna go there, if you don't have the courage to open

that letter, then how can you possibly take on that wave?” (Meenaghan, 2012: 93).

One day Frosty and Jay went diving. Suddenly, a large shadow eclipsed

the sunlight and Jay gazes skyward to see a great white shark winding slowly

through the water. Jay is frozen as his eyes became wild. Frosty dragged him to

the surface, swimming quickly to the boat‟s swim step (Meenaghan, 2012: 76).

“I saw a fifteen-foot shark-what do you mean, what happened?” Jay threw

up his hands in disbelief ”. Frosty shrugged. “Fear, I guess”. “I mean, if

you‟re scared to death, how do you not panic?” (Meenaghan, 2012: 77).

The dialogues shows one of Jay‟s fears when he saw a shark and becomes

scared to death. His other fear is the fear of death. This is started when Jay and

Frosty was diving. Suddenly, black shadow loomed the water. Jay is frightened

with the appearance of huge white whale directly above them. Jay that panic made

Frosty pulled Jay to the surface after the whale is gone. Jay still in frightened state

repeat Frosty question as if that scene before is just as usual. .” Jay blasted Frosty

with his feeling about how he could not panic when he knew that he would die

any moment now.

“Cuz when this place is firing- and I mean, thirty-, forty-foot waves- it‟s

all about fear. But you panic out there, like you just did ? You die. (Meenaghan,

2012: 77). However, Frosty tells Jay that fear and panic are two separate

emotions; fear is healthy while panic is deadly. This explains why some people

are afraid of it and some are not - like Frosty.



Because this depends on how the attitude when facing it. Because people

can die if panicked down there when facing white shark. When Jay looks at the

photo of surfing legends that decorated his wall, he felt the fear when he read the

quote. The quote at the bottom is read: “If you want to ride the ultimate wave, you

have to be willing to pay the ultimate price.” Realizing the truth of those words,

he felt the fear building inside him (Meenaghan, 2012: 102).

When Jay started to prepare surfing, his fear aroused after learning about

the truth of a sentence in a poster hung in his room wall. In Chasing Mavericks,

Jay is afraid with three things. First, he is afraid to open a letter given by his

father. It had something to do with his suppressed memory about his father and he

did not want to expose that memory by opening the letter, and it left him scarred.

Second, he is afraid to die when he saw a great white shark, and the third he felt

fear when he read and realize the truth of the quotes on the poster while he

prepared to surf the Mavericks. The quotes are that he must pay a high price if

you want to ride the ultimate wave.

b. Caring to his mother

Jay is described as loving person. His father worked in the military,

specifically on Airborne Ranger. He was worried about his mother after he saw a

letter addressed to his mother. “He read it quickly, face twitching to hold back the

tears as waves of hurt, anger, and confusion swept over him. But he fought off his

feelings, refusing to cry, and headed down the short hallway to find his mother”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 12). Jay‟s feeling is in a mess after reading the letter given

from his father to his mother, Jay immediately looks for his mother.



He tried to cheer his mother because he knew that his mother is in blue. He

then rushed to find his mom. Jay tried to calm his mother even though he knew

that his mother is still sad.

“Don‟t worry,” he said, trying to be strong for her. “Dad‟ll change his

mind” (Meenaghan, 2012 :13). He tried to convince his mom even though he is

not sure about his own feeling.

“After staring at her for a long moment, Jay snatched the spoiled orange

juice off her nightstand and took it to the kitchen. This, at least, he could

do for her. He poured it into the sink watching it swirl down the drain,

trying not to think of anything” (Meenaghan, 2012:13).

Jay took and dumped an orange juice into the sink. He does it for the sake of his

mother‟s health. After all this is at least what he could do for his mom, taking care

of her health for she always thought about dad. In reality, Jay also always thought

about his dad, but he tried not to and did what he could do for his mom. This is

the least he can do for his mother and Jay tried not to think about anything. One

day, Jay came home from surfing with Sonny and he heard shouting from his


They were almost to his house when a scream pierced the air. Jay broke

into a run, barely registering the neighbors emerging from their houses as

the screams continued (Meenaghan, 2012: 23).

Jay heard the shouting that came from his house. He thought there must be

someone else who disturbed his mother, because there was only his mother at

home, so he immediately ran to his house.

Jay immediately ran and saw the tenant Eli, standing on her mother. “He

burst through the screen door to find his mom huddled on the kitchen

floor. Their current tenant, Eli, stood over her (Meenaghan, 2012: 23).



Eli tries to explain what happened to Jay, but Jay does not listen and beat

Eli to a pulp. He saw the renter, Eli, stood upon his mother that laid helplessly

down. Eli saw the incoming Jay tried to explain the situation. But, enraged with

that he saw, Jay hit Eli.

He launched himself at Eli, sending them both hurtling over the

countertop, knocking beer cans and a small surfing trophy to the floor

(Meenaghan, 2012: 23).

He struck out Eli without caring about his trophies being destroyed. Even

the proud winning surfing trophy that he won is broken because of the fight, Jay

didn‟t care, and he only wanted to protect his mother.

“The plastic trophy broke in pieces, and even though it was one of his

most treasured possessions, Jay was too furious to care. After all, Jay was the only

one she had left to protect her” (Meenaghan, 2012: 23). Eli had hurt his mom,

and he had to pay for that. He cares about her mother so much that he attends all

her needs. He wakes her up in the morning and opened the door and flipped on the

light whenever her mother is still huddled under the covers. “Mom, what‟re you

doing? You have a six o‟clock shift. You wanna lose another job?” (Meenaghan,

2012: 23).

He also helped his mother by lending money, which he actually saved to

buy shortwave radio.Jay couldn't say no to her, not when she needed his

help. “Sure,” he agreed (Meenaghan, 2012: 79).

He cannot say no to what his mom need. When his mom need money, Jay

without second thought lend her his saving. Jay's routine for his mother is a

concern because her work as a shift manager. “They made me shift manager.

Because I‟m so „punctual. They shared a laugh at that, both aware that without



Jay‟s help, she was anything but” (Meenaghan, 2012: 97). He also realized that

her mother needed Jay.

“Just promise me you‟ll be careful. You‟re my whole world, you know.

Honestly, he hadn‟t thought of that. He knew she needed him, but he

hadn‟t realized how much she cared. His arms wrapped tight around her,

he felt like he finally had a mother again” (Meenaghan, 2012: 98).

Jay realized that his mom always loves and need him. The truthfulness

about his mom love to Jay is revealed when Jay had his birthday. Jay at that time,

didn‟t realize his mom love, he jumped to his mom and hug him tightly.

c. Enthusiastic

Jay‟s another characteristic is enthusiasm. In the first chapter of the story,it

is shown that Jay likes to count the time the waves crashes the rocks.

One thousand one, one thousand two ...” Jay chanted to himself, not

flinching at the thunderous crash of the wave against the cliff, or the chill

of the water against his cheeks (Meenaghan, 2012: 7).

When Jay is rescued by Frosty Hesson, he felt that surfing is his destiny.This

becomes a moment where surfing is something that is not only what Jay wants to

do but has become something he has to do.

Jay clutched the board, his eyes wide, feeling the rush as the board rose

with the surge of water. He knew it wasn‟t just something he wanted to do;

it was something he had to do. In that moment, he became certain that

surfing was his destiny (Meenaghan, 2012: 9).

Frosty advises Jay and Kim not to go to places that can get them killed. Kim tells

Frosty that Jay likes to count the waves. “Because he likes to time the waves,” she

announced. Jay elbowed her, trying toshush her, but she didn‟t care. “What? You

do” (Meenaghan, 2012: 9). Frosty was surprised by what Kim said.

“Who taught you that?” Frosty demanded, and Jay dropped his eyes

again. Somehowhe just kept getting on this man‟s nerves. Jay looked from



Kim to Frosty before admitting, “Nobody, sir. Just figured it out.” “That‟s

the Boussinesq approximation. You just figured that out on your

own?”Frosty didn‟t sound annoyed anymore. He sounded impressed

(Meenaghan, 2012: 11).

He began to ask some questions to Jay; what is meant with timing the waves and

who taught him that. After Frosty heard the answers from Jay, he was impressed

and did not say anything else.

“He figured that in a surfing town like Santa Cruz, every garage had at least one

old surfboard stashed away in it. He was glad to see he had been right”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 17). Jay became interested in learning surfing and decided to

fix his old surfboard that he found in his garage.

Jay wants to learn how to surf but he is missing some parts from the

bottom board. So, he took a trip to Frosty‟s house to complete the part of his

board andmeet Brenda, Frosty‟s wife. “I was hoping to learn the sport of kings

today, but I seem to be missing parts from the bottom of my board” (Meenaghan,

2012: 18). After Brenda helped him, Jay headed down East Cliff Drive to learn

surfing. He feels enthusiast about surfing. In his first try, Jay wants to be able to

surf, no matter how cold the water is or until his lips are turning purple later, Jay

still wants to try it. Although surfers around him see it strange with his oversized

shirt, Jay still wanted to get up on his board. “He knew instantly he wanted to do

that, exactly that he wouldn‟t stop until he at least got the chance to try”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 18).

“By the time he reached the line of young surfers, Jay‟s lips were purple

with cold,and he shivered in his oversize shirt. The surfers glared at him,

and although he felt their contempt radiating toward him, his smile never

faltered. All he wanted was to be out here, to try” (Meenaghan, 2012: 19).



Although one of the young surfers shouted to Jay that nobody gets up in

their first time, Jay believes in himself that he can do this by answering “Can‟t.

Not until I get up” (Meenaghan, 2012: 20). No matter how much blood and

wounds on his lips are shown, he keeps expressing his determination. “Despite the

blood gushing from his lip, Jay mustered an expression of pure determination “I

will” (Meenaghan, 2012: 20).

As he crested and began the two-foot drop, he thought that this had to be

the best feeling in the world. He never wanted it to end (Meenaghan, 2012: 20).

And finally, Jay managed to get up on his board for the first time and he did not

want to end what he felt at the time. Jay is getting a higher intention to learn to

ride the waves. He wants to pursue his hopes and dreams. These were the waves

he had dreamed of, and he knew that he had to find a way to ride them himself

(Meenaghan, 2012: 26).

Once in a while, Jay stalked Frosty and his friends riding the waves. As

they suited up and waxed their spear-like boards, they looked like warriors to Jay

– their frames are powerful, their eyes cool and calculating (Meenaghan, 2012:

26). The waves and the surfers were the most amazing thing he had ever seen, and

he wouldn‟t have traded that experience for anything (Meenaghan, 2012: 27).

Jay was very impressed with the surfers and the incredible waves. Jay

tried various ways to make Frosty wanted to teach him. “But Jay wasn‟t going to

let him get away again. “I wanna take that drop, Frosty ride that wave”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 28). He gathered his determination that has been buried for

seven years and asked Frosty to teach him.



“For the past seven years, he‟d been trying to find a way to ask Frosty to

teach him, to surf monsters, but he had never mustered the courage to try”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 28). Maybe this isn‟t the perfect time, but he had to take this

chance. “He might not get another one” (Meenaghan, 2012: 28). He just did not

want to miss an opportunity he might not get again.

He liked school fine, and he wanted to do well, but this training with

Frosty was his life (Meenaghan, 2012: 50). Jay felt that training with Frosty had

become his life rather than his school.

2. The Description of Jay Moriarty after Facing his Fear

a. Brave

Jay started to face his fear. For Jay‟s birthday, Frosty give him a beautiful

surfboard. It was the absolute perfect gift for Jay. Jay realized that by having a

surfboard given by Frosty, he did not need to be afraid of sharks or afraid to ride

the waves. “After all, what did he have to fear?” (Meenaghan, 2012: 100). Jay

realizes that he must do it because it was something he felt he had to do.

Other than that, Jay was also aware with Frosty‟s word about the letter

from his father. Finally, Jay gather up his courage to open the letter that was not

opened for eight years.

Pacing again, he caught sight of the cigar box sitting on his headboard. He

knew Frosty was right that if he was ever going to master his fears, he had

to start with that letter. Every fear he had of not being good enough, of

being rejected and left alone - all of it stemmed from the day his father had

left. He knew that now. Removing the eight-year-old unopened letter, he

stared at it for a long moment. Sinking into his chair, he drew in a deep

breath and finally ripped into the envelope. He slid out a one-page note,

eyes narrowing as he tried to gain some understanding of the few words on

the sheet (Meenaghan, 2012: 101).



Jay Moriarty fetched a piece of paper and wrote an essay that he had not

been able to handle to write before. After reading the letter from his father, Jay

realizes what he found is that, in fact, he was afraid of losing the people he loved.

He wrote the letter as follow:

Dear Frosty, the truth is, I am afraid. I‟m afraid I‟ll never see my dad again

that my mom will never find happiness. I‟m afraid of losing Kim, as she‟s

the love of my life. And of course, I‟m afraid of losing you (Meenaghan,

2012: 111).

I finally read my dad‟s letter, which was like my last essay to you - just a

bunch of words on a page. And it made me realize, that's not what I want

to leave behind. I know this sounds strange, but I've always felt I wouldn‟t

be around very long. Like I was just passing through. Which is why I want

to take that drop, why I have to make it. Because once I look down over

the edge, and I catch it, I‟ll become part of it. And in that moment, I‟ll

know that I‟m alive (Meenaghan, 2012: 111).

In Jay's letter, he says that after he read the letter from his father he

realizes that he does not want to leave like his father had done. Jay also said that

his real fear is that he is afraid of losing the people he loves. Jay is afraid that her

mother will not see happiness anymore, he is afraid of losing his love Kim, and he

is also afraid of losing Frosty. But Jay believes that what he has begun must surely

also be able to end. Because Jay believes in himself realize his dream. Jay‟s letter

shows that the words of the letter carries a meaning as well as a clear evidence

that he faces his fear and gains bravery.

b. Caring for his mentor

Jay showed his care for his mentor by helping him fixing his home

kitchen. Jay helped Frosty by remodeling Brenda‟s kitchen to make up for surfing

Mavericks when he had sworn he would not. “Looking at the kid helping him, it

all clicked” (Meenaghan, 2012: 61).



The most memorable thing is when Frosty is depressed about Brenda's

death. In one morning, Jay knocked on Frosty‟s front door, bringing breakfast for

Frosty. As Jay looked around for Frosty, he noticed the man‟s water bottle lying

on the floor. “Glancing up, he saw that the red paddleboard was missing from the

rafters overhead. He knew immediately where Frosty had gone” (Meenaghan,

2012: 95). Jay followed Frosty with his board with a disturb feeling when he had

gone out on the bay. “When his shouts faded almost immediately into silence, he

felt his panic building.

Jay summoned his inner calm, trying to remember what Frosty had to told

him about the times when he had gone out on the bay” (Meenaghan, 2012: 95). At

the bay, he looked around and found Frosty. As he saw Frosty, the situation

became ugly. As he drew closer, he made out the older surfer lying supine on his

board. Finally he reached Frosty, his eyes half open, arms trailing in the water. Jay

made a beeline for him, his anger welling up, edging out the fear. “Frosty!”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 95).

Jay accepts Frosty's anger and looks at his depressed and downfall

condition. Jay awakens Frosty. Jay wouldn‟t stop, relentlessly shoving him in the

chest, each blow fueled by years of pent-up rage. “You can‟t do this and walk

away from everything!” (Meenaghan, 2012: 95). Jay tries to strengthen his mentor

but he does not know what to say. At first Jay didn‟t know what to say, but then

the words came to him - Frosty‟s words.“Like you said, if you look hard enough,

there‟s always a way through it” (Meenaghan, 2012: 96). Overflowing with anger,

Frosty told Jay that he did not have the strength anymore.



Jay felt the deepest sympathies to his mentor. “And what if I don‟t have

the strength?” Frosty looked so lost, like a little boy, that Jay suddenly found

strength that he hadn‟t known he had. As the two locked eyes, Jay wiped the tears

from his face (Meenaghan, 2012: 96). As before, Frosty tells Jay about the four

pillars of a human foundation. They are the physical, the mental, the emotional,

and the spiritual. In this case, Jay tells that he is the fifth pillar for Frosty. Jay

thinks that is why Brenda brought them together because they needed each other.

Jay realizes that he had to help his mentor.

“Then lean on the fifth pillar.” “Which is what?” “Me.” He no longer felt

like an indebted child. Sure, Frosty had helped him, but he knew now that

he could help Frosty, too. Maybe that was why Brenda had brought them

together - maybe she had known, somehow, that they were going to need

each other (Meenaghan, 2012: 96).

From this moment, Jay feels they are team now. They will face everything

together. Jay had a strong feeling of confidence with his mentor.

For the first time, he felt that they were equals, a team. “C‟mon, enough of

this. Time to go.” He spoke with a self-assurance he had never felt with his

mentor before (Meenaghan, 2012: 96).

Perrine states that the dynamic character is the character changes of

character personality or outlook (1985: 69). Jay Moriarty is described as the major

character that has a dynamic character. It can be seen from his development.

Previously, the character Jay Moriarty is afraid and then became brave. At

first, he cares only for his mother, now his respect is extent to his mentor. His

responsibility is to keep the two people he loves. The conclusion is that the

character development of Jay Moriarty is changed because his personality also




B. The Symbols Reflecting Character Development of Jay Moriarty

The letter which was given from Doug Moriarty, Jay‟s father, and the

surfboard which was given from Frosty Hesson are the symbols in Chasing

Mavericks. As stated in the theory of symbol by X.J. Kennedy in An Introduction

to Fiction, in literature symbol is a person, place, or thing that suggest meaning

more than its literal meaning. A symbol often contains multiple meanings and

associations (1999: 217). Two functions of symbols are actual and figurative.

Actual is the basic meaning of things and figurative is not literal in meaning. The

function of symbol is to express an idea in different language. Therefore, they can

be as symbols.

1. The Letter

The letter perceive as a symbol because the letter be the signal to identify.

The author gives a clue with that detail of the letter. The letter itself appears

during an important moment in the main character of the story. The letter suggests

a meaning different from literal meaning and has a connection with the context of

the story. A symbol may have more than one meaning as well as the letter in.

The letter in Chasing Mavericks tells about two things. First, the letter

tells about a letter which was given by Jay‟s father. In actual function, the letter is

a message that is written down on paper and usually put in an envelope and is sent

to someone. In the other hand, the letter is one of the symbols that represent about

Jay Moriarty‟s character. In the beginning, Jay Moriarty,in his routine, kept his

eyes on his father‟s letter.



He wants to destroy the letter but he could not because because he

remembered his father but he also did not want to lose the memory of his father.

“He slowly lowered it toward the envelope, but stopped before the fire

touched the paper. He just could not do it. He later found a cigar box and shoved

the letter inside, where he would not have to look at it every second” (Meenaghan,

2012: 13).

The actions of Jay Moriarty to treat the letter from his father represent his

care for the letter but also afraid of something inside the letter. Every time Jay

sees the letter from his father, he always thought of him. He did not want to let the

letter out of his sight, as thought it might disappear like his father had. But he

didn't want to open it, either (Meenaghan, 2012: 13).

He tried to never think about his dad, but when he did, he mostly just felt

angry at him for leaving (Meenaghan, 2012: 81). As Jay sees the letter he reminds

about his father and when he recalls his father he generally felt irritated for his

departure. The letter reveals a clue of Jay‟s feeling; he does not accept his father‟s

leaving. It means Jay did not want to misshis father. The letter in Chasing

Mavericks represents Jay‟s development. The symbols of the letter draw the

character of Jay as the resultof facing his fear. At the beginning, he did not want

to open the letter. He is afraid to open the letter. When Jay saw the letter from his

father, he always thought of his father.

Before he could surf Mavericks, Jay encourages his heart to open the letter

he kept in his cigar box. He was aware with Frosty's words that if he wanted to

overcome his fears he would have to start from the letter.



“He knew Frosty was right that if he was ever going to master his fears, he

had to start with that letter” (Meenaghan, 2012: 102).

He started to face his fear by ripping the envelope. Finally, Jay opened the

letter he had not hid for eight years. “Removing the eight-year-old unopened

letter, he stared at it for a long moment” (Meenaghan, 2012: 102).

“Every fear he had of not being good enough, of being rejected and left

alone - all of it stemmed from the day his father had left. He knew that now”

(Meenaghan, 2012: 102). Finally, after eight years, Jay now knows and realizes

that every fear he has had all this time stems from the letter. With the unopened

letter being a sign that he still cannot accept his father for leaving him.“He tried to

never think about his dad, but when he did, he mostly just felt angry at him for

leaving (Meenaghan, 2012: 81)”. Jay‟s development changes from afraid into

bravery. Jay have the courage to face the things that frightens him.

The letter Jay received from his father punctuates the first event of Jay‟s

personality and action. At first, he did not take it well and decided to hide it for

years. Then finally, after many lessons Jay received, he finally opened the letter

and read it. The years Jay took to finally read the letter shows that it takes time to

build up courage from within. The letter is just a tool for him to “man up” against

everything. His father left the building sooner than he thought, but by sending him

the letter, Jay has gone through phases that enables him to open the letter and

faces the world in this case, the Maverick.



2. The Surfboard

The surfboard is the next symbol. The surfboard itself perceive as the

symbol because the surfboard underlines the significance of the moment. In the

beginning, after Jay is rescued by Frosty that is the first time he clutched Frosty‟s

surfboard and felt the sensation that makes surfing his destiny. The surfboard also

repeated and appears constant in the element of the story. The surfboard also

provided by the other character in the story. In the story, Frosty be the other

character. A symbol of the surfboard supports the context of the story. In the

novel the author show a clue of the symbol with a detail description that has

connection with the context of the story.

The surfboard is gift from Frosty so that Jay could own his very own

surfboard. The surfboard‟s purpose is to help surfers channel their talent on the

wave. The surfboard acts as Jay‟s inner strength and courage. Jay felt freedom and

he released it through his surfboard. It helps him regarding building up his

courage to open the letter and riding the Maverick.

“Jay clutched the board, his eyes wide, feeling the rush as the board rose

with the surge of water. He knew it wasn‟t just something he wanted to do;

it was something he had to do. In that moment, he became certain that

surfing was his destiny.”( Meenaghan, 2012: 9).

The surfboard is the symbol of Jay Moriarty‟s vision. At first, Jay felt the

sensation of paddling into the waves and he knew that surfing is something he had

to do. After that, he decided to look for a surfboard in his garage and fixed it. “He

had figured that in surfing town like Santa Cruz, every garage had at least one old

surfboard stashed away in it.



He was glad to see he had been right” (Meenaghan, 2012: 17). When Jay

visits Frosty's house to fix his surfboard, he looks at the various surfboards and

photos of Frosty riding the waves.

“She gestured to a photo of Frosty shooting down a thirty-foot wall of

ominous black water. Jay stared at the picture in amazement. He knew

instantly he wanted to do that, exactly that - that he wouldn‟t stop until he

at least got the chance to try.” (Meenaghan, 2012: 18).

From this moment, Jay immediately felt that riding a wave with a

surfboard was something that he sought or dream for. The surfboard also

represents the devices for Jay to achieve his vision.

When Jay had a conversation with Brenda, Brenda tells Jay that a certain

surfboard in Frosty‟s house is called a special weapon for riding Mavericks.“They

call that a gun, don‟t ask me why. It‟s for riding the really big ones. Monsters, like

that” (Meenaghan, 2012: 18). After that, Frosty gave a long surfboard for Jay‟s

birthday. Jay was surprised and very fond with the surfboard. To him,the

surfboard is the most beautiful board he had ever seen.

When they reached Bob‟s private shaping room, the man said, “You

wanna slay a giant, you‟re gonna need a sacred spear.” Flipping on the

light, he revealed a gleaming, multicolored gun sitting on a sawhorse.

“Happy birthday, chief,” Frosty said. Jay‟s jaw dropped. Speechless, he

approached the board, running his fingers alongthe polished rails as he

slowly circled it.It shone in shades of red, orange, yellow, and green. It

was, without a doubt, the most beautiful board he had ever seen.

(Meenaghan, 2012: 100).

The surfboard as gift for Jay is the tool to achieve his dream of riding

Mavericks.“And that‟s gonna help you get into the wave,” Frosty chimed in

(Meenaghan, 2012: 100).



In addition to show the symbol as a device to achieve Jay‟s dream riding the

Mavericks, the surfboard is also as a symbol of Jay's vision to be able to ride and

conquer Mavericks.

The surfboard in here serves as a relation for Jay in his destiny and his

relationship. His destiny is first shown when Jay is rescued by Frosty and felt the

waves in Frosty‟s surfboard. “He knew it wasn‟t just something he wanted to do,

it was something he had to do. In that moment, he became certain that surfing was

his destiny” (Meenaghan, 2012: 9). As the time gets closer for surfing Mavericks,

Frosty give Jay a long beautiful surfboard as his birthday present. Because Jay

needs a “gun” to surf Mavericks. “He was doing it because it was something he

felt he had to do but Frosty‟s warning almost made him wish he could be happy

conquering fifteen-footers like he used to do” (Meenaghan, 2012: 99). Not only

becoming his true destiny, the surfboard also indicates a father-and-son

relationship. During the process of learning, Frosty and Jay get to know each

other and this developed into a relationship. Jay is a fatherless child but when he

learns to surf Mavericks with Frosty, he gets a father figure from Frosty. After

teaching Jay for so long, Frosty feels that he has become a father for Jay.

“It had finally hit him if he could feel like a father to Jay” (Meenaghan, 2012: 85).

This signifies the development of Jay in relationship relations, especially in the

father figure.

The surfboard became the starting point of this relationship. Since Jay

discovered his true destiny when boarding Frosty‟s surfboard for the first time. It

can be seen that the relationship is growing.



At the beginning of the story, when Jay was a kid and saw Frosty as a

surfer legend; this represents a man and a boy. In the middle of the story, Frosty

became his mentors, like teacher and student. Finally, their relationship turns

intofather-and-son kind of relationship.

In that moment, the rest of the world ceased to exist. The strongest

relationship is reinforced by the statement written at the end of the story. It was

just the two of them: Man and Boy. Teacher and Student. Father and Son.

(Meenaghan, 2012: 112).

The surfboard is a gift from Frosty so that Jay could own his very own

surfboard. The surfboard‟s purpose is to help surfers channel their talent on the

wave. “And that‟s gonna help you get into the wave,” Frosty chimed in

(Meenaghan, 2012: 100). The surfboard acts as Jay‟s inner strength and courage.

Jay felt freedom and he released it through his surfboard. It helps him regarding

building up his courage to open the letter and riding the Maverick.

3. The title “Chasing Mavericks”

The title Chasing Mavericks has two meanings. First, Mavericks is a big

waves that occurs after a strong winter storm. “After a strong winter storm, waves

can routinely crest at over 25 feet (8 m) and top out an over 80 feet (24,4m)

(Pomer, The surfing location is in Nothern

California, USA. It is located approximately 2 miles (3,2km) from shore in Pillar

Point Harbor (Pomer, This information is related

with the wave‟s conditions that Jay will faced.



According to the title and story of this novel, the title describes the

character Jay who wants to catch Mavericks. Second, the title of Chasing

Mavericks is depicted as a dream.

Chasing Mavericks in here means chasing dreams. The title represents

Jay‟s dream to ride the deadly wave and finally reach his dream.The title

illustrates two meanings. First, it is described as surfing Mavericks. Second, it

portraits Jay‟s dream that he must achieved successfully.

It was the wave of his dreams (Meenaghan, 2012: 111). The sentence

states that Mavericks is Jay‟s dreams where he wants to conquer it. But, facing

Mavericks is a terrible idea. However, nothing can stop Jay's desire to achieve his

dreams because he has been a partin his passion and went in for it. Trying to

suppress the pride that swelled within him, bigger than any wave, Frosty said

simply, “He came to surf Mavericks” (Meenaghan, 2012: 109). The title Chasing

Mavericks represents Jay Moriarty‟s achievement. At the beginning of the story,

Jay likes to time the waves and he just figured it out orthodoxically.

He was curious about surfing until he stalked Frosty and see the waves

that are expected to be ridden. After seeing Frosty ride the waves, he must

practice riding it. These were the waves he had dreamed of, and he knew that he

had to find away to ride them himself (Meenaghan, 2012: 26). Until finally after

so long Frosty agreed to train him.

Jay couldn‟t believe his training might be almost over, that the day when

he would take on his own giant wave was now looming on the horizon. It

felt like he had been dreaming of Mavericks forever, and yet he wasn‟t

sure he was ready. He guessed he would never know till he tried

(Meenaghan, 2012: 85).



The time to surf Mavericks is getting closer and far from realization. He

was going to ride the great waves he was dreaming about. “Staring over his

shoulder at the dark tower of pure perfection, his face lit with utter joy. It was the

wave of his dreams” (Meenaghan, 2012: 111). At the end of the story, he makes

his dream come true. Jay is adequate enough to make up his mind that he can

chase Mavericks as he can chase his dreams. His enthusiasm came to results. His

enthusiasm for learning to ride Mavericks eventually brought results and his

dreams were achieved. Surfing was Jay‟s passion for life.

The Mavericks wave represents just how big and massive Jay‟s overall

fear before and courage afterward. It is like a double edged sword, it can kill you

and it can make you a legend. The connection between the other symbols is that

the wave sums up everything in Jay‟s life. His fear has come to an end and it is

symbolized by the Maverick.





Jay Moriarty is characterized as a loving person. He cares for his mother

and his mentor. Jay is also described as an enthusiastic person. He is interested in

surfing. He directly wants to learn how to ride the wave. Jay is never tired to learn

how to surf because what he want is more than that, so surfing for him has

become his destiny. He wouldn‟t stop until he at least got the chance to try. From

someone who is constantly afraid of something now turned into a daredevil that

faces his fears.

The researcher classifies the symbols as the reflection of the character

development of Jay Moriarty to answer question number two. The symbols found

are the letter, the surfboard, and the title Chasing Mavericks. The letter portrays

two meanings. The first one signifies a message which is given from his father.

The second one stands for Jay‟s feeling that he has not accepted his father‟s

leaving. The letter is described as Jay's fear.

The next symbol is the surfboard. The surfboard represents two things in the

story. The surfboard stands for Jay‟s destiny which is surfing and also portrays a

devices for Jay to achieve his vision. The last symbol is the title Chasing

Mavericks. The title illustrates two things. First, the title describes Jay as someone

who wants to catch Mavericks, the deadly wave. Second, the title of Chasing

Mavericks represents a dream. It is Jay‟s dream to ride Mavericks and this

symbolized his way of chasing his dream.



The relation between the symbols and the character development will be

explained to answer the problem formulation number two. Character development

divided into two types, static character, and dynamic character. Jay Moriarty is

categorized as a dynamic character because of Jay changes overtime in Chasing


The relation between the symbols of the letter and development of Jay

Moriarty indicates his bravery. The letter signifies a sign that Jay is an adult. Jay

was young, afraid, and anger eventually developed into became brave. He began

to realize his fear and decided to face it. The letter is just a tool for Jay to againts

everythings. The father left the bulding sooner than he thought, but by sending

him the letter, Jay has gone through phases that enables him to open the letter and

faces the world.

The relation between the symbols of the surfboard and development of Jay

Moriarty are about his destiny and relationship. First, the surfboard became a sign

that Jay found his passion for the first time after being rescued by Frosty. When

he boarded Frosty's surfboard he immediately felt he had to surf.

The surfboard also became the starting point of this relationship. From here their

relationship is developed. Man and boy became a teacher and student where

Frosty becoming his mentor, and from the learning process, they became father

and son. From the description of the main character, the author has found the

description changed before and after he facing his fear. The surfboard act as Jay

inner strenght and courage. It helps him regarding building up his courage to open

the letter and riding the Mavericks.



The researcher concludes that the symbols indicate Jay development. Connecting

all the symbols of the letter, the surfboard, and the Mavericks with the major

character development. Jay Moriarty courage himself to open the letter and he can

surf and finally after that he is ready to take the Mavericks. The symbols itself to

portray the relation with Jay Moriarty‟s character development.




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