syllabus financial anagement spring 2015_2016 last

Post on 22-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last




    Financial Management (0301230)

    Semester: Spring Academic Year: 2015/2016

    Course No. : 0301230

    Course Title: Financial Management

    Prerequisites:Accounting 1(No# 0301210)

    Instrutor: Mrs. Ray Saadaoui Mallek

    O!ie !"10$Tele"#one: 0%"0"3"&&

    E$%il rmallek'

    Class Hours

    D's Ti%e Lotion


    200 to 31" *M !"+,00$-

    Sun(')T#urs(' 200 to 31" *M M&00&

    Office hours

    Instrutor O!ie #ours Lotion

    R' S(ouiMlle+

    Monday rom 10"0 to 12"0 !omen/s amus !" 10$

    !ednesday rom 10"0 to12"0

    Men/s amus M" 11"

    Mon!ed rom 1"1" to1%1"

    !omen/s amus !" 10$

    Other ofce hours are available by appointment

    Course overview

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    About the Course
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    +is course is designed to roide students 4it a 5asic understanding o 6nancialdecisionmaking 4itin a 6rm. +e course discusses te goals and unctions o6nancial management7 6nancial analysis and lanning7 5ond and stock aluation7te caital 5udgeting rocess7 and cost o caital.

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    Learning Outcomes

    Students 4o successully comlete tis course 4ill 5e a5le to

    1) S#o,te a5ility to understand te 6nance 5asic teories and concets.

    2) A""l'te tecni8ues o cas 9o4s estimation7 6nancial lanning and

    6nancial statement analysis.

    3) E-"lino4 te time alue o money imacts on 6nancial decisions.

    &) De%onstrtea kno4ledge o arious security aluation tecni8ues.

    ") Anl'e te rocess o caital 5udgeting7 and te relationsi 5et4een risk

    and return in modern 6nance.

    %) Reo/nieetical and enironmental7 legal and glo5al issues tat students

    migt ace in real 4orld situations

    lignment of Course Learning Outcomes to !rogram Learning Outcomes


    Assess%enttools Pro/r% Lernin/ Outo%es

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    0. S#o,tea5ility tounderstandte 6nance


    Midterm: Final;>es



    1. -emonstrate understanding o teoreticalkno4ledge and an understanding o te5oundaries in te 6eld o Finance.

    1. A""l'tetecni8ueso cas9o4sestimation76nanciallanningand6nancial


    Midterm:Assignments: Finalee te 6nancial decision ?making rocess in cororations7inestment 6rms7 5anks and oter6nancial institutions.

    &. ;aluate and take te resonsi5ility or solingreal 4orld Finance ro5lems indiiduallyand as a team.

    2. E-"lino4te time

    alue omoneyimacts on6nancialdecisions.

    MidtermFinal e>esAssignments

    2. ritically analy>e te 6nancial decision ?making rocess in cororations7inestment 6rms7 5anks and oter6nancial institutions.

    3. -eelo innoatie and adanced aroacesto ealuate te oerations o 6nancialmarkets and institutions

    3. De%onstrteakno4ledgeo arious


    *roect: FinalAssignments:


    3. -eelo innoatie and adanced aroaces

    to ealuate te oerations o 6nancialmarkets and institutions

    4. Anl'eterocess ocaital5udgeting7and terelationsi5et4eenrisk andreturn inmodern


    Final e>es &. ;aluate and take te resonsi5ility or soling

    real 4orld Finance ro5lems indiiduallyand as a team.

    @. Aly inormation tecnology and 8uantitatiemetods in researc and ealuate teresults in te area o 6nance indiiduallyand in grous

    5. Reo/nieetical andenironmental7 legaland glo5al

    MidtermFinal ;

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    issues tatstudentsmigt acein real


    teories o 6nance relating to regulations7standards7 codes and cororate oliciestat need to 5e comlied 4it.

    $. Analy>e te eatures o te A;Bul 6nancial

    enironment in te conte

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    .eaching Metho$s

    Cectures and -iscussion


    ases and Selected Readings

    Field !ork (*roect)

    Skills to be developed:

    +is course els students in deeloing te ollo4ing skills ommunication (Iral E!ritten) +roug discussions and ;>es and ro5lems soling.

    /ra$ing cheme

    Ite% Perent Due Dte

    Mi($Ter% E-%2" Setion 0:


    Fiel( *or+ 7 Pro8et9 1"

    Setion 0:0)64)1605Setion 41:0;)64)1605

    Prtii"tion n(Atten(ne


  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    0.100 A @"@ GO@0@& G$"$ O$0$& %"% -O%0%& -Cess tan %0 F

    ;>es receie >ero credit7 and tere are no makeus or missed8ui>>esP

    = >o%e,or+ Assi/n%ents +ere are a total o " ome4ork assignments.,ome4ork assignments are due at te 5eginning o class.

    Assi/n%ent Su?%ission An( Mr+in/ Rules:

    0.Assignments must 5e su5mitted on time. No late su5mission is acceted unlessit 4as aroed in adance 5y te instructor.

    1.All su5mitted assignments are eedassignments 4ill 5e enali>ed. *lagiarism is te coying o anoter erson/sideas or e

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    course releance7 you need to o5tain my aroal on roect toics. ou sould4ork on tis assignment in grous o u to tree team mem5ers. ou may coose

    your o4n grous. All mem5ers o a grou 4ill receie te same grade or teircollectie 4ork unless J am made a4are o any serious reerider ro5lems.

    /,+L,5 FO" F,5L !"O6C.

    Len/t# : 1" ages or 37000 4ordsDte Due : In -ecem5er 1%t? Jn class (Cate su5missions 4ill 5e *;NACJS;-)

    Criteria Sub-Components Weight

    Intro(ution Iutline o te releanceimortance o te cosentoic.

    Announce 4at you 4ant to do and o4 you 4illmake it (structure o te reort)

    0 %r+s

    T#eoretilB+ /roun( +o reie4 some releant articles and 5ooks andsummaries te main ideas in your o4n 4ords. +eminimum reerences to 5e used is 6e reerences.

    3 %r+s


    +o e

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    are sy: and try not to dominate te grou i you are not so sy. Most imortantly7

    5e a resonsi5le grou mem5er. J mem5ers o your grou are sirking teir

    duties 5ring tat to my attention early. J 4ill try to 4ork 4it te grou to sole

    te ro5lem. Jn te eent tat ro5lems ersist and a grou mem5er isuncooeratie or unduly diQicult7 te grou may diorce tat mem5er7 roided

    tat te ro5lem 4as 5rougt to my attention early and tat real eQorts 4ere

    made to sole te ro5lem. +is 4ill cause te diorced grou mem5er to receie

    a >ero on all grou assignments

    ,nstructional !hiloso7h9

    As te student in tis course7 you ae ull resonsi5ility or your learning. As te

    instructor7 J am resonsi5le or leading you to and troug te inormation you are


  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    U Students are re8uired to do some urter readings rior to coming to class.

    U Cate su5mission o assignments 4ill 5e enali>ed.

    Pro"er Re@erenin/ n( Pl/iris%:All su5mitted assignments are e

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    Course utline

    *ee+ To"i Lernin/



    0Add and -ro *eriodGrie Jntroduction to te ourse


    An Ierie4 o Finance !at is Finance Cegal Forms o Gusiness

    Irgani>ation +e Boals and Functions o

    Managerial Finance Boernance and Agency


    areer Iortunities inFinance

    A7 F ater 1

    2Reie4 o Accounting and FinancialStatements

    Gater 3and &.1

    3$4Financial Ratios

    G ater 3

    5 Financial lanning G ater &

    +e +ime Xalue o Money ater "

    +ime alue o money )Mi($ter%E-%

    ;$06 Gond aluation - ater %

    00 Stock Xaluation - ater $

    01$02 aital Gudgeting ; ater 10

    03$04 ost o aital ; ater

    Finl E-% 7COMPRE>ENSIE9

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  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    Gr(in/ Ru?ri @or Course Pro8ets

    Sle( Sore: 0)6 1 2 3

    Criteri *ei/#t





    Intro(ution 06 No clearintroduction7a5sent7 or noeidence.

    +eintroductionstates temain toic 5utdoes notade8uatelyreie4 testructure ote reort.

    +eintroduction states temain toicandreie4stestructure ote reort.

    +e introductionis engaging7states te maintoic andreie4s testructure o tereort.

    Dt 16 -ata areinade8uate andselectedollo4ing4rongrocedure

    -ata areselected 5utrocedure odata selectionis not ollo4ed

    -ataselectedollo4ingstandardrocedure5ut notdescri5edin reort

    -ata are correctlselected ollo4instandardrocedure andade8uatelydescri5ed inreort

    Anl'sis n(Re"ortin/ o@Results 7i@""li?le9

    16 alculated4rongmeasures andanalysis not


    alculatedcorrectmeasures 5utanalyses are

    not correct


    analysesare notade8uate

    alculated correcmeasures andanalyses arecorrect and

    roide moreinsigts



    Some contentsareararased:lagiarism ismost likely

    Some contentisararased:lagiarism islikely

    Somecontent isararased and nosusicionolagiarism

    All contents areoriginal and 4ell4ritten

    *ritin/ 16$


    ;rrors in

    language tatcause tecontent to 5emostlyincomreensi5le

    Some errors

    in languagetat otenini5itcomreension


    errors inlanguagetat do nototenini5itcomreen

    Almost no error i

    language and 4e4ritten

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    Te% ,or+ 06 +eam did notcolla5orate or


    +eam did notcolla5orate or

    communicate4ell. A lack omutualresect 4asre8uentlynoted.

    +eam didcolla5orate

    orcommunicate 4ell.

    +eam didcolla5orate or

    communicate 4e4it ig leelmutual resect.

    * If a case of plagiarism is established, the Course Project will be given zero grade and other actions will be takenaccording to the universit blaws!

    $a7te$ from (slightl9 mo$ifie$)%

    ource is lost

    Gr(in/ Ru?ri @or Course Assi/n%ents

    Sle( Sore: 6)0 1 2 3

    Criteri *ei/#t

    &elow tan$ar$ 77roachingtan$ar$

    t tan$ar$ ;cee$s tan$ar$


    06 No a4areness So4s limiteda4areness ourose

    So4sa4areness ourose

    *urose is clear

    Min i(e 06 No main idea Xague sense oa main idea74eakly

    suortedtrougout teaer.

    +ere is amain ideasuorted

    trougoutmost o teaer.

    learly resents amain idea andsuorts it

    trougout teaer.


    4 No sense oorgani>ation

    +ere is asense oorgani>ation7altoug someo teorgani>ationaltools are used4eakly ormissing

    Bood oerallorgani>ation7includes temainorgani>ationaltools.

    !elllanned and4elltougt out.Jncludes title7introduction7statement o mainidea7 transitions7and conclusion.


    4 *aragraslack clear ideas

    Somearagrasae clearideas7 suortrom e

  • 7/24/2019 Syllabus Financial anagement Spring 2015_2016 Last


    and transitionsare 4eak.


    !ellresented andargued: ideasare detailed7deeloed andsuorted4it eidenceand details7mostlyseci6c.


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