syllabus bba(hons.) 2009=

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  • 8/3/2019 Syllabus BBA(Hons.) 2009=


    1 | P a g e

    Statement of Course Structure for BBA (Hons.) Programme

    First Semester



    Title Max.Marks

    Credit Distribution of Credit

    L T P C

    1. SCM-C-111 English and Managerial Communication 100 3 3 0 0 32. SCM-C-112 Principles of Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    3. SCM-C-113 Environmental Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    4. SCM-C-114 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 3 3 0 0 3

    5. SCM-C-115 Business Statistics 100 3 3 0 0 3

    6. SCM-C-116 Introduction to Computers 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Total 18 - - - 18

    Explanation of Paper Code of Core Course Explanation of Paper Code of Non MandatoryCourse

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. C stands for Core Course/Paper

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. S stands for Core Course/Paper

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    2 | P a g e

    First SemesterSCM-C-111

    Title: English and Managerial Communication

    Course : 1 SCM-C-111 English and Managerial Communication 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this course is to develop effective business communication skills among the students.

    UNIT I Meaning and Significance of Communication in Business, Process of Communication, Channels and Mediain Communication, Contents of Upward, Downward and Criss-Cross Communication.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks

    UNIT II External & Internal Communication, Communication Networks, Effective Communication, Barriers in theProcess of Communication.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Effective Listening, Public Speaking, Performance in Job Interview, Performance in Group Meeting.UNIT IV Committees, Conferences, Effectiveness of Written Communication, Business Letters and Report Writing.

    Grammar : Article, Preposition, Determinants & use of Tenses.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum MarksEntire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. F.T. Wood : A Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students.2. W.S. Allen : Living English Structure3. R.S. Sharma : Technical Writing.4. Krishna Mohan & R.C. Sharma, Business Correspondence and Report Writing, Tata McGraw Hill, New

    Delhi.5. Business Communication : Homai Pradhan, Vijya Thakur, D.S. Bhende.

    6. Effective Business Communication : M.V. Rodriques, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi 110 059.7. Communication Skills by Prof. Nageshwar Rao & P.R. Das.

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    First SemesterSCM-C-112

    Title: Principles of ManagementCourse : 2 SCM-C-112 Principles of Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :

    The course is meant to acquaint the student with the Principles of Management

    UNIT I An Introduction : Management defined, Functions of Management, Management as a profession,Managerial Levels and Roles, Managerial Responsibilities; Characteristics of a Good Manager.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks

    UNIT II Management Thought :(a) Early Contributions : Robert Owen (Classical Theories An overview of Scientific Management by

    Taylor, Management Process School by Henri Fayol (b) Neo-Classical Theories An overview,Behavioural approach and Hawthorne Experiments.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Overview of Management Functions :Planning Function Planning Defined, Advantages of Planning,Organising : Organising defined, process of Organising, Principles of organizing, Organisationalstructure, staffing.

    UNIT IV Key Managerial Activities :

    Decision making : Types of Managerial decisions, process of quantitative decision making,Management by objectives : Meaning, process, Advantages, Disadvantages.Directing Activities : Motivation, Definition, Types & Process, Leadership, Communication, Definition,Objectives of Communication, Communication process model, guidelines for effective communication,Functions of Controlling : Effective Control System, Control Process, Types of Managerial Control.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Principles of Management, J.S. Chadan

    2. Principles of Management, George R. Terry.3. Principles of Management, B.S. Mathur4. Principles of Management, J.K. Jain5. Fundamentals of Management, Stoner.

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    First SemesterSCM-C-113

    Title: Environmental ManagementCourse : 3 SCM-C-113 Environmental Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :

    The objective of course is awareness to the students with environment and climate.

    UNIT I Introduction : Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.

    Definition, scope, objectives and importance

    Need for public awareness for solving environmental problems, Environmental Engineering.

    Major Environmental Problems.

    Present Environmental Issues of Global Concern.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks


    II Components of Environment:Components of Environment and their interactions,

    Impacts of Development on Environment

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Natural Resources: Introduction, Renewable and non renewable resources, Natural resources andassociated problems.Renewable Resources.Forest Resources: Importance use and over exploitation, deforestation. dams and their effects on forestsand tribal people.

    UNIT IV Water Resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water, plods, drought, conflictsover water dams benefits and problems.

    Environmental Impacts of Urbanization.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Introduction to Environmental Science by Y. Anjaneyulu2. Environmental Studies by Benny Joseph3. Text Book of Environmental Studies, Erach Bharucha

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    First SemesterSCM-C-114

    Title: Fundamentals of Accounting

    Course : 4 SCM-C-114 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :To impart basic accounting knowledge as applicable to business.

    UNIT I Meaning and Scope of Accounting :Definition, Objectives, Functions, Book Keeping, Branches of Accounting, Principles of Accounting, JournalEntry, Ledger and Trial Balance.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks

    UNIT II Final Accounts :Trading Account / Manufacturing Account, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Bank reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange

    UNIT IV Depreciation Accountings, Receipt and Payment Account

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. S.N. Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy, Vol. I & II.2. S.K. Paul, Accountancy, Vol. I & II.

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    First SemesterSCM-C-115

    Title: Business Statistics

    Course : 5 SCM-C-115 Business Statistics 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :To impart basic statistical analysis of applicable to Business Management.

    UNIT I Introduction, Meaning and Scope of Statistics, Collection of data.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks

    UNIT II Classification and tabulation of data, Diagrammatic and Graphic presentation of data. Measurement ofCentre Values.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Correlation and regression analysis.UNIT IV Index Numbers, Analysis of Times Series.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Gupta, S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.2. Gupta, S.C., Practical Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

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    First SemesterSCM-C-116

    Title: Introduction to Computers

    Course : 6 SCM-C-116 Introduction to Computers 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objectives of this course includes developing an appreciation of different languages, programme, Software,Hardware, systems and computer awareness.

    UNIT I Fundamentals of Computer: An Introduction, Computer Generation, I/O devices, Memory,Central Processing Unit.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30 20 Marks

    UNIT II Number System : Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Applications and Inter-conversions, ComputerArithmetic, Computer Logic.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 3 to 5 20 Marks

    UNIT III Programming : Flow Charting, Algorithms, Looping, Branching, Programme structure, Softwares.

    UNIT IV Operating System : Fundamental and Role of O.S., Elements of DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS.Internet & Computers in Business: Computer in Business, Introduction to Internet.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 10 to 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. P.K. Sinha, Introduction to Computers2. Alexis Leon and Methew Leon Introduction to Computers, published by Leon Tech World.

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    8 | P a g e

    Statement of Course Structure for BBA (Hons.) Programme

    Second Semester



    Title Max.Marks

    Credit Distribution of Credit

    L T P C

    1. SCM-C-211 Higher Accounting (HAC) 100 3 3 0 0 32. SCM-C-212 Marketing Management (MAM) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    3. SCM-C-213 Marketing Research (MAR) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    4. SCM-C-214 Managerial Economics (MEC) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    5. SCM-C-215 Personnel Management (PEM) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    6. SCM-C-216 Seminar & Term Paper / Project Worketc. (STP)

    100 3 3 0 0 3

    Total 600 18 - - - 18

    Explanation of Paper Code of Core Course Explanation of Paper Code of Non MandatoryCourse

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. C stands for Core Course/Paper

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. S stands for Core Course/Paper

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    Second SemesterSCM-C-211

    Title : Higher Accounting (HAC)

    Course : 1 SCM-C-211 Higher Accounting (HAC) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :To impart basics of Higher Accounting and Company Accounts and its applications in Business Management.

    UNIT I Introduction: Partnership agreement, registration and its effects, Appropriation of profit.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 04 to 06, 2010 12 Marks

    Unit. II Admission of a new partner: Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities; Accumulated profits and losses;Goodwill, adjustment in capital.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 12 to 14 March 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Retirement Amount payable to retraining partner; treatment of goodwill. Disposal of discussed partners,share. Change in profit sharing ratio-introduction.

    UNIT IV Dissolution of firms (Garru Vs. Hurry) Ordinary and Insolvency. Company Accounts: Introduction; Issue ofshares: calls in arears; calls in advance.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10 to 25 April 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. S. K. Paul : Accounting Vol. I & II2. Shukla S.M. and Gupta S. P: Financial Accounting.

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    Second SemesterSCM-C-212

    Title: Marketing Management (MM)

    Course : 2 SCM-C-212 Marketing Management (MM) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objectives :To impart basics of Marketing Management, Marketing Environment, Marketing Segmentation, ProductPlanning and Development, Product pricing, and Channels of Distribution etc. in Notational and International Environment.

    UNIT I Introduction: Marketing-The components of marketing- Distinction between market and marketing Benefitsand costs of Marketing, The marketing concept-Evolution of marketing concept-Features of integratedmarketing concept, The new waves of thoughts in marketing- Marketing Management, Function ofmarketing management.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 04 to 06, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Marketing Segmentation: Market segmentation versus product differentiation, Benefits, Requisites, Marketsegments and marketing mix, Market integration and market orchestration.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 12 to 14 March 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Product Planning and Development: Product lnnovation Steps in New product development idea

    generation-screening, Product development, Test marketing, Organization for new, new productdevelopment.Product pricing: Role of Pricing, The methods of price determination, approach, policies and strategies,Price maintenance.

    UNIT IV Channels of Distribution: Role, Principles, Classification of channels, Types of Intermediaries, Factorsgoverning the choice of channels of distribution, Channel compensation, motivation, coordination, control.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10 to 25 April 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :

    1. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.2. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. Marketing: Planning Control, New Delhi, Macmillan, 1990.3. Stanton, William J. Fundamentals of Marketing, New York, McGraw Hill, 1994.4. Y.Anjaneyulu: Introduction to Environmental Science.

    Second SemesterSCM-C-213

    Title: Marketing Research (MAR)

    Course : 3 SCM-C-213 Marketing Research (MAR) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :

    To equip the students with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide an insight into theapplication of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of management decision making.

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    UNIT I Marketing Research an overview : Conceptual Framework, Historical Development, Scope and Importanceof Marketing Research, Organization of Marketing Research Department.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 04 to 06, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Research Design : Marketing Research Process, Problem Discovery and Formulation, Types of Research(Exploratory and Descriptive).Types of Research Design, Sample Design : Meaning and different types of sample designs.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 12 to 14 March 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Data Collection Methods and Techniques : Types and Sources of Data, Methods of Data Collection :Survey, Observation and interviews.

    Questionnaire Method and Questionnaire Design, Attitude Scales

    UNIT IV Marketing Research Report Preparation and Presentation : Presentation of Written Research Reports,Reading and Interpretation of Reports.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10 to 25 April 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Research Methodology : C.R. Kothari2. Research Methodology : S.P. Gupta

    3. Marketing Research : Green & Tull4. Marketing Research : Beri, G.C.5. Marketing Research : Sangeeta Agrawal6. Marketing Research :Principles, Applications & Cases : Sharma D.D., (Sultan Chand & Sons., New Delhi)7. Marketing Research (Methodology Foundations) : Churchill, J.R. Gilbert A.8. Marketing Research : Luck, D.J. Hugh G. Wales, D.A. Taylor & Rubin, R.S.9. Modern Marketing Research : Patil, S.G., P.V. Kulkarni & H. Pradhan.10. Marketing Research : Theory & Practice, : Bellur, V.V.

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    Second SemesterSCM-C-214

    Title: Managerial Economics (MEC)

    Course : 4 SCM-C-214 Managerial Economics (MEC) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objectives of this paper is acquaint the participants with concepts and techniques used in Economic Theory andto enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-making. Emphasis in given to changes in the nature ofbusiness firms in the context of globalization.

    UNIT I Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics; Managers need to know Economics- Business Decisions.Cost Concepts, Cost Analysis; break even analysis.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 04 to 06, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Profit and its measurement; maximization of profit; utility; consumers demand; law of Demand; MarketDeterminants of Demand; Demand Functions and Elasticities.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 12 to 14 March 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Theory of production and its functions ; Law of returns to scales; Economies of Scale; Least Cost Factor.UNIT IV Market Structure: Pricing Pricing in Pertect Competition; Monopolistic Competition Business Cycle.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum MarksEntire Syllabus 10 to 25 April 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :

    Dr. D.N. Diwevedi

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    Second SemesterSCM-C-215

    Title: Personnel Management (PEM)

    Course : 5 SCM-C-215 Personnel Management (PEM) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The Objectives of this course is to Sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create anunderstanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

    UNIT I Managerial Perspective, administrative Vs. Management Personnel Department Function, Objectives,HRD. Line-Staff Relationship, Authority, Responsibility and Accountability, Organization of PersonnelDepartment, Personnel Function in TELCO and TISCO.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 04 to 06, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Manpower Management Cycle; Manpower Planning, Planning Job requirements and descriptions; Skill Analysis; begin Vs. Pedigree, Pressure Candidates, Nepotism, Need for Adaption, Manager SelectionProcess. Sources of Recruitment, Interviewing, Qualities of an interviewer.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 12 to 14 March 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Employees Orientation and Training; Identifying training needs; Managerial Development, Train ingtechniques, Promotions, Transfer, Relocation and Job termination.

    UNIT IV Productivity of Workers; Motivation; Incentives; Morale, Performance appraisal Wage administration &Wage Policy, Fringe Benefits & Social Security.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10 to 25 April 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. R.S. Davar : Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, (Tenth Revised Edition), Vikas Publishing House Pvt.

    Ltd., New Delhi 14.2. Edwin B. Flippo : Personnel Management, (Sixth Edition) McGraw Hill International Ltd., New Delhi.

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    14 | P a g e

    Statement of Course Structure for BBA (Hons.) Programme

    14th Batch Third Semester



    Title Max.Marks

    Credit Distribution of Credit

    L T P C

    1. BUM-C-321 Government and Business 100 3 3 0 0 32. BUM-C-322 Business Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

    3. BUM-C-323 Cost Accounting 100 3 3 0 0 3

    4. BUM-C-324 Seminar and Term Paper 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Specialization Marketing Management

    1 BUM-E-325 Advertising Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. BUM-E-326 Sales Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Specialization Financial Management

    1. BUM-E-327 Fundamentals of FinancialManagement

    100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. BUM-E-328 Indian Financial Systems 100 3 3 0 0 3Specialization Human Resource Management

    1. BUM-E-329 Human Resource Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. BUM-E-330 Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Explanation of Paper Code of Core Course Explanation of Paper Code of Non MandatoryCourse

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. C stands for Core Course/Paper

    1. First one stands for Semester Number2. Second digit stand for course code (UG)3. Third digit stands for Paper Number.4. S stands for Core Course/Paper

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-C-321

    Title: Government and BusinessCourse : 1 BUM-C-321 Government and Business 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this course is to introduce the public control business as Indian perspective and worldperspective, the role of Government, its constitutional framework, new economic Policy, Structural reforms andprivatization.

    UNIT I The Public control of business: Historical perspectives, Constitutional Framework of Government, Control ofBusiness, Industrial Policy.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Import Control, Exports & Govt. Policy, Promotion & Performance, Foreign Disinvestment.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Govts. promotional role in Industrial Development, Public sector Development Banking, Govt. Policy &Small Scale Industry.

    UNIT IV Govt. & Planning, Indias Eight Five Year Plan & Structural Reforms, Privatization, New Economic PolicyEnvironment in India & early experiments with Privatization.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. N. K. San Gupta, Gout. And Business.2. P.K. Ghosh, Gout. And Business.3. Fransis, Cherunilam Business and Govt.

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-C- 322

    Title: Business Legislation

    Course : 1 BUM-C-322 Business Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human ResourceManagement .

    UNIT I Law of Contract, Nature & Kinds, offer & acceptance, Consideration, Capacity of parties, Consent, Legalityof object & Consideration, Void agreements, Voidable agreements.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Performance & discharge of Contracts, Remedies for breach of contract, Bailment & Pledge, Agency.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Law of Sale of Goods-conditions and warranties, transfer of properties, performance of contract of sale,Rights of unpaid seller.

    UNIT IV Law of Partnership: Defination and nature of Partnership; formation; rights, duties and liabilities of Partnersand dissolution.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum MarksEntire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. M.C. Kuchhal: Mercantile Law Fourth Revised Edition: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi2. S.K.Mishra Labour & Industrial Law of India; Allahbad Law Agency 2007

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    17 | P a g e

    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-C- 323

    Title: Cost AccountingCourse : 1 BUM-C-323 Cost Accounting 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :

    The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Cost Accounting.

    UNIT I An introduction of cost accountingCost: elements concepts & classification.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Unit or out-put costingContract, Job & batch costing.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Process CostingReconciliation of cost & financial accounts

    UNIT IV Budget & Budgetary controlStandard costing & variance analysis.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Jain Narng- Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publication. New Delhi.2. Khan & Jain- Theory & Problems of Mgt. & Cost Accounting Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.3. Agrawal M. L. Practical Problem in Cost Accounting, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra4. Arora: M. N.- Cost Accounting, Vikash Publishing House Pvt.

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E- 325

    Specialization Marketing Management

    Title: Advertising Management

    Course : 1 BUM-E-325 Advertising Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    UNIT I Introduction to Advertising : Advertising, Publicity propaganda and sales promoters, Role of Advertising inmodern business world.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Advertising goals & objectives, Advertising as a social and business process. Advertising and cultural valueof society Ethics and truth in advertising.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Essentials of advertising programme : Advertising Copy, Advertising Theme, Advertising Appeals,Advertising Response.Advertising Research : Methods & Techniques of Advertising Research, Advertising Media : Newspapers,Magazines, Poster Advertising, Sampling.

    UNIT IV Functions of Advertising Department, Advertising Organization, Advertising Agencies, Agency Relationship,Advertising Budget, Advertising Regulation.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Dr. C.N. Sontakki, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.2. Salesmanship and Publicity, Rustom S. Davar, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.3. Marketing Management (The Millennium Edition, Phillip Kotler).

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E- 326

    Specialization Marketing Management

    Title: Sales Management

    Course : 1 BUM-E- Financial Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The Purpose of this paper is to acquaint the Student with the concept which are helpful in developing a soundsales policy and in Organizing and managing sales farce.

    UNIT I Introduction, Objectives, Functions and Classification of Sales Management, Selling under the MarketingConcept, Interdependent of Salesmanship and advertising.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II The sales organization: Purpose, Principles and policies of sales organization setting up of the salesorganization, typical sales organization structure.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Sales forecasting and Sales Budget, Meaning of Sales Forecasting, importance of sales forecasting,limitation of sales forecasting, factor affecting sales forecasting in Indian context factors to consider whilepreparing sales budget..

    UNIT IV The Management of Sales Force: Personnel problems of Sales Management, recruiting and selection,Training and Development, motivating salesman, sales meeting and contest, compensating salespersonnel, evaluating and supervising salesmen.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Dr. C.N. Sontakki, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.2. Salesmanship and Publicity, Rustom S. Davar, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

    3. Marketing Management (The Millennium Edition, Phillip Kotler)

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    20 | P a g e

    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E-327

    Specialization Financial Management

    Title: Fundamentals of Financial Management

    Course : 1 BUM-E-327 Fundamentals of Financial Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of FinancialManagement.

    UNIT I Finance functions and goals, Long Term sources of finance. Capital Structure decisions.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Financial Leverages, Dividend Decisions, Ratio Analysis.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Working Capital Management, Cash Management.UNIT IV Receivable Management, Inventory Management.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Dr. I.M. Pandey : Essentials of Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.2. S.M. Shukla, Sahitya Bhawan Publication

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    21 | P a g e

    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E- 328

    Specialization Financial Management

    Title: Indian Financial Systems

    Course : 1 SCM-C-111 English and Managerial Communication 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Indian FinancialSystems.

    UNIT I Introduction, Functions, Importance, Concepts & Structure and assets of Financial System.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Financial Market: Money Market, Capital Market Gov. Securities Market & Foreign Exchange Market.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Financial Instruments Primary market- Instruments, Secondary market-Instruments, short- term, mediumterm and long term instruments.

    UNIT IV Fundamentals of Financial Institutions and Financial Services.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Gorden, & Natarajan- Financial Markets & Services, Himalaya Publishing House.2. Gorden, & Natarajan- Financial Markets & Institutions, Himalaya Publishing House.3. Clifford Gomez- Financial Markets, Institutions & Financial Services ,Prentice Hall of India Ltd.4. Tripathi Nalini Prava, Financial Services Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E-329

    Specialization Human Resource Management

    Title: Human Resource Management

    Course : 1 BUM-E-329 Human Resource Management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human ResourceManagement .

    UNIT I Nature & functions ofHuman Resource Management; Role of Human Resource Manager; HumanResource Planning: concept & process of Human Resource Planning; Recruitment & Selection: Test andInterviews.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II Strategic approach of HRM: Stability strategies, Growth strategies, Retrenchment strategies, CombinationStrategies. Job Analysis & job Evaluation: Methods & uses; Training & Development: Training Methods &Management Development.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III Performance Appraisal: Importance, & methods of Performance Appraisal, Self Appraisal, Assessment

    Centers, 360 performance appraisal; Leadership: need for leadership, Characteristics of effective leaders.Effective leadership styles; Motivation, Incentives & Morale.;UNIT IV Workers participation in Management: Forms of work participation, in India, Work committees Joint

    Management Council (JMC), Shop council, Unit council; Stress, Conflict Management and Counselling.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Personnel Human Resource Management by Mill Kovich & Boudreav.

    2. Human Resource Management & Development by H.C. Sainy & Saharad Kumar.

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    BBA (Hons.) Third SemesterBUM-E- 330

    Specialization Human Resource Management

    Title: Organizational Development

    Course : 1 BUM-E-330 Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human ResourceManagement .

    UNIT I 1. OD: Defination Operational Components and characteristics and foundation.2. Underlying Assumptions

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only August 28 to 30, 2010 12 Marks

    UNIT II 1. Action Research and O.D.2. Team Interventions

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only October 5 to 7, 2010 13 Marks

    UNIT III 1. Intergroup Interventions2. Personal Interpersonal and Group Process Interventions.

    UNIT IV 1. Comprehensive Interventions.2. Structural Interventions.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus November 14 to 30, 2010 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. French and Bell: Organizational Development ND: Prentice Hall of India 1991.2. Keith Davis: Human Behaviour at work , Tata Mc0Graw Hall, New Delhi.3. P.C. Tripathi (HRD) Published by Sultan Chand, New Delhi.

    4. Organisational Behaviour by F. Luthans, Tata Mc0Graw Hall, New Delhi.5. Organisational Behaviour & change by D. Thakur, Published by Deep & Deep Publication, Delhi.

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    Statement of Course Structure for BBA (Hons.) Programme

    14th Batch Fourth Semester 2010-2011





    Title Max.


    Credit Distribution of Credit

    L T P C1. SCM-C- 421 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. SCM-C- 422 Indian Ethos 100 3 3 0 0 3

    3. SCM-C-423 Income Tax 100 3 3 0 0 3

    4. SCM-C- 424 STP 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Specialization Marketing Management

    1 SCM-E-425 International Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. SCM-E- 426 Consumer Behaviour 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Specialization Financial Management

    1. SCM-E-427 Security Analysis and Portfolio


    100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. SCM-E-428 Management of Financial Institutionsand Financial Services

    100 3 3 0 0 3

    Specialization Human Resource Management

    1. SCM-E429 Industrial Relation 100 3 3 0 0 3

    2. SCM-E-430 Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Explanation of Paper Code of Core Course Explanation of Paper Code of Non MandatoryCourse

    5. First one stands for Semester Number6. Second digit stand for course code (UG)7. Third digit stands for Paper Number.8. C stands for Core Course/Paper

    5. First one stands for Semester Number6. Second digit stand for course code (UG)7. Third digit stands for Paper Number.8. S stands for Core Course/Paper

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    BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester



    Course : 1 SCM-C-421 Organizational Development 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of this paper is to develop conceptual as well as practical understanding of Human ResourceManagement .

    UNIT I Introduction to Organisational Behaviour: Nature and Significance: Perception, Attitudes

    and Values, Personality, Learning and Learning theories.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only 3-5 Feb.2011 12 Marks

    UNIT II Motivation: Basic concepts and Theories of Motivation; Basic Concepts and Theories of

    Leadership and their Application: Job Design

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 10-12 March 2011 13 Marks

    UNIT III Interpersonal Communication; Interpersonal Conflict, Coaching and Mentoring, Power

    and Politics in Organizations.UNIT IV Foundation of Group Behavior: Defining and Classifying Groups, Why do people join

    Groups, Stages of Group Development; Workshop Behavior. External Conditions

    imposed on Groups, Group member Sources, Group Processes, Group task, GroupCohesiveness, Group Decision Making, Group Think, Organization Culture, Work

    Stress, and Managing Change.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April 2011 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Organgational Behavioiur, Stepher P. Robbien

    2. Organgational Behavioiur, J. S. Chandar3.

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    4.BBA (Hons.) Fourth Semester


    Title: Indian Ethos and ValuesCourse : 4 BUM-C-422 Indian Ethos and Values (IE&V) 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The objective of the course is to develop a holistic approach in management students, through Indian perspectiveon values & Ethics in the pursuit of managerial effectiveness and creating ethical culture in organizations.

    UNIT I Model of Management in the Indian Socio-Political Environment; Work Ethos; Indian Heritage in Productionand Consumption; Indian Insight into TQM.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only 3-5 Feb. 2011 12 Marks


    II Problems Relating to Stress in Corporate Management - Indian Perspective; Teaching Ethics; Trans-cultural Human Values in Management Education;

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 10-12 March 13 Marks

    UNIT III Relevance of Values in Management; Need for Values in Global Change - Indian Perspective; Values forManagers; Holistic Approach for Managers in Decision Making;

    UNIT IV Secular Versus Spiritual Values in Management; Personal Growth and Lessons from Ancient IndianEducational System; Science and Human Values.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April 2011 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :Chakraborty, S.K.: Foundations of Managerial Work Contributions from Indian Thought, Himalaya Publishing

    House Delhi 1998 Management Effectiveness and Quality of Work -life - Indian Insights, Tata McGraw Hill

    Publishing Company, New Delhi 1987 Management by Values, Oxford University Press,1991

    4 Drucker. P: Managing in Turbulent Times, Pan Books London 19835 Kumar. Sand N K. Uberoj Managing Secularism in the New Millennium, Excel Books 20006 Griffiths, B. The Marriage of East and West, Colling, London 1985

    7 Gandhi, M.K: The Story of My Experiment with Truth, Nav Jivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1972

    Note : The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time oflaunching of the course.

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    BBA (Hons.) Fourth SemesterSCM-C-423

    Title: Income Tax

    Course : 1 SCM-C-423 Income Tax 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :

    The objectives of this paper is to enable the students to know the basics of Income Tax Act and itsimplications.

    UNIT I Basic Concepts: Income, agricultural income, casual income, assessment year, previous year,person, gross total income, total income. Basis of charge: Residence and tax liability, incomewhich does not form part of total income., Taxable income under the head of salary.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only February 3- 5 12 Marks

    UNIT II Taxable Income under the head of house property, Business or Profession, Capital gains.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only March 10 - 12 13 Marks

    UNIT III Income from other sources .,Set off &Carry forward of losses., Deductions from Gross totalincome, Computation of total income.

    UNIT IV Tax planning, Scope of tax management, Tax deducted at source, advance payment of

    tax, Income Tax Authorities.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus April 10 - 25 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Mehrotra H.C Income Tax Law & Accounts;Sahitya Bhawan Agra2. Singhania V.K Students guide to Income Tax Taxmann,Delhi.3. Shripal Sakhlecha,Income Tax Satish Printers,Indore.

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    Specialization Marketing ManagementTitle: International Marketing

    Course : SCM-E- 425 International Marketing 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Management of FinancialInstitutions and Financial Servicesand its applications.

    UNIT I International Marketing- Nature & Process of International Marketing, Domestic Marketing V/s. InternationalMarketing. Characteristics of MNCs. Process of Internationalization, Benefits of International Marketing.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only Feb. 3-5 12

    UNIT II Basis for International Trade, Principle of Absolute Advantage, Principle of Relative Advantage,International Product Life Cycle Theory, Overview of World Marketing Environment-Legal and Cultural.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only March 10-12 13

    UNIT III Planning for International Marketing. Overview of Marketing Research, Market Analysis & Market EntryStrategies.

    UNIT IV Product Strategies: Basis decisions, Product planning branding and packaging decisions. Direct andindirect distribution channels.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :

    1. International marketing: Varshney & Bhattacharya, Himalaya Publishing Delhi.2. International Marketing, Rathore & Rathore, Himalaya Publishing.3. International Marketing, P. Sarvanavel, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi.4.Note : The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at thetime of launching of the course.

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    Specialization Marketing Management

    Title: Consumer BehaviourCourse : SCM-E- 426 Consumer Behaviour 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer decision-making process andits applications in marketing practices of firms.

    UNIT I Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Consumer Bheaviour & Marketing Strategies. (Segmentationpromotion and Positioning Strategies) Consumer Decision Making: Simple Model of Consumerdecision making Models of Consumers.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only Feb. 3-5 12

    UNIT II Consumer Perception: Purchase search, information processing and Consumer Involvement theory;Evaluative criteria & Decision Rules; Consumer attitude & attitude Change.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only March 10-12 13

    UNIT III Influence of Personality: and self concept on Buying Behaviours; Psychographics & life style;Consumer Behaviour Audits & Consumer Behaviour Studies in India.

    UNIT IV Reference Groups & Family Influence: Selected groups and celebrities influence and family DecisionMaking; Diffusion of Innovation & Opinion leadership, Industrial Buying Behaviour.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum MarksEntire Syllabus 10-25 April 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Assael, H. Consumer Behaviour and marketing Action. Ohio, South Western, 1995.2. Engle, J. F. etc. Consumer Behaviour. Chicago, Dryden Press, 1993.3. Howard, John A. etc. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing. Englewood Chliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 19894. Hawkins, D. I. etc. Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy. Texas, Business 1995.5. Mowen, John C. Consumer Behaviour. New York, MacMillan, 1993.6. Schiffman, L G. and Kanuk, LL. Consumer Behaviour, New Delhi Prentice hall of India, 1994.

    Note : The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time oflaunching of the course.

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    Specialization Finance

    Title: Security Analysis and Portfolio ManagementCourse : SCM-E- 427 Security Analysis and Portfolio


    100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Security Analysis and PortfolioManagementand its applications in stock market.

    UNIT I Security Analysis: Introduction, Investment, Risk, Valuation of equity Shares and bond

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only Feb. 3-5 12


    II Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Efficient Market Theory.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only March 10-12 13

    UNIT III Portfolio Management: Introduction, Portfolio Models, Construction.UNIT IV Portfolio Analysis, Selection, Revision, Evaluation, Diversification.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. Kevin S (2009) Security Analysis Portfolio Management Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.2. Pandian Punithavathy (2009) Security Analysis Portfolio Management Vikash Pub. House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.3. Barua S., Varma J. R. & Ragunathan V. (1996) Portfolio Management Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi.4. Gangadhar V. & Babu G. Ramesh (2009) Investment Management Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

    Note : The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time oflaunching of the course.

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    Specialization Finance

    Title: Management of Financial Institutions and Financial ServicesCourse : SCM-E- 428 Management of Financial Institutions and

    Financial Services

    100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the Management of FinancialInstitutions and Financial Servicesand its applications.

    UNIT I Financial Institutions: Introduction, Classification, Scope, Role in economic growth, Risk faced byFinancial Institutions, Challenges.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only Feb. 3-5 12

    UNIT II Organisation and Functioning of : RBI, ICICI, IDBI, LIC, IFCI etc.

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only March 10-12 13

    UNIT III Financial Services: Introduction, Classification, Scope, Innovations, Challenges. Merchant banking,Mutual Funds, venture capital.

    UNIT IV Hire Purchase, Factoring, Securitization of debt, Credit rating, credit card.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1. E. Gordon & K. Natarajan (2009) Financial Market and Institutions Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.2. E. Gordon & K. Natarajan (2010) Financial Market and Services Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai3. Jain S., Rathi M., Thakur, R & Solanki S. (2010) Marketing of Financial Services Ramesh Book Depot. Jaipur

    and New Delhi4. Kulkarni P. V. (1987) Corporation Finance. Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai.

    Note : The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time oflaunching of the course.

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    BBA (Hons.) Fourth SemesterSCM-E-429

    Title: Industrial Relation and ManagementCourse : 1 SCM-E-429 Industrial relation & its management 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :Organisational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial relations. This

    course is an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the

    macro and micro levels.UNIT I Industrial Relations: Concepts, Perspective and Organisation, Evolution of Industrial

    Relations, Anatomy Industrial Conflicts.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only 5-3 Feb. 2011 12 Marks

    UNIT II Introduction to industry psychology: Nature, scope, modus operandi, industrial moral;Industrial relation perspective; industrial relation and the emerging socio economic


    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 10-12 March 2011 13 Marks

    UNIT III Accident, Accident Pronness and Safety: Definition, Causes, Situational factors.

    Individual factors, Adjective behaviour reduction of accidents.UNIT IV Personnel Evaluation & Assessment, Personnel Selection: Personality & Interest factors,

    Biographical data and interview. Case Studies.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April, 2011 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :Suggested Readings

    1. Mc cormic and ifgen: industrial psychology, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,1987.

    2. Blum and Naylor: Industrial Psychology, Delhi CBS publishers, 1984.

    3. N. D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons.4. S.K. Puri: Labour & Industrial Laws (Allahabad Law Agency)5. S.N. Mishra: Labour & Industrial Laws (Pioneer Books, N. Delhi)6. G.M. Kothari: A study of industrial Laws(N.M. Tripathi Bombay)7. N.D. Kapoor: Handbook of industrial Laws( Sultan Chand)8. Taxman.9. Ramaswamy E.A.the rayon Spinners the strategic management of industrial relation. New

    Delhi, oxford University Press1994.

    10.Kochan, T.A. & Katz Henry. Collective bargaining and industrial Relations. 2nd ed.Homewood, Illinois, Richard D Irish,1988

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    BBA (Hons.) Fourth SemesterSCM-E-430

    Title: Labour Legislation

    Course : 1 SCM-E-430 Labour Legislation 100 3 3 0 0 3

    Objective :Organisational efficiency and performance are intricately interlinked with industrial relations. This

    course is an attempt to appreciate the conceptual and practical aspects of industrial relations at the

    macro and micro levels.UNIT I Industrial Legislation: Objective, scope, need. The Factory act: Objective, Application

    of the Act, Definitions, Approval, Licensing and registration. The Inspecting Staff,

    Certifying surgeons. Health of workers, Safety of Workers, Welfare of workers, the

    working hours of adults, holidays, rules regarding employees of young persons, rules

    regarding employment of women.

    First Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit One Only 5-3 Feb. 2011 12 Marks

    UNIT II Workmen Compensation Act: Object, scope, definitions, rules regarding workmens

    compensation occupational diseases, other provisions regarding amount of

    compensation, Maternity Benefit Act: Scope and coverage, definitions, prohibition of

    employment, maternity benefit, leave and nursing breaks

    Second Mid Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Unit Two Only 10-12 March 2011 13 Marks

    UNIT III Trade Union Act: Objective, Scope, Definitions, Registration of trade unions, legal status

    of the registered unions, rights & privileges, duties & liabilities, amalgamation and

    dissolution of trade unions.

    UNIT IV Industrial Dispute Act: Objective & Scope, Definitions-Industry, industrial dispute,

    workmen, employer, wages, bonus, Difference between wage and bonus, gratuity,

    lockout & strike, Layoff & Retrenchment strike and lockout prohibition in public utility

    services. Transfer and closing down of undertakings.

    End Semester Examination Contents Date of Exams. Maximum Marks

    Entire Syllabus 10-25 April, 2011 60 Marks

    Books Recommended :1.S,K. Puri: Labour & Industrial Laws (Allahabad Law Agency.2. S. N. Mishr: Labour & Industrial Laws (Pioneer Books, New Delhi.3. G. M. Kothari: A Study of Industrial Laws (N. M. Tripathi Bombay)

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